USER MANUAL Micro Reach XtendTM (NN01-110) Micro Reach XtendTM (NN01-110) - Bluetooth(R), Zigbee(R), 802.11 b/g/n WLAN Fractus Antennas specializes in enabling effective mobile communications. Using Fractus Antennas technology, we design and manufacture optimized antennas to make your wireless devices more competitive. Our mission is to help our clients develop innovative products and accelerate their time to market through our expertise in antenna design, testing and manufacturing. Fractus Antennas products are protected by Fractus patents. All information contained within this document is property of Fractus Antennas and is subject to change without prior notice. Information is provided "as is" and without warranties. It is prohibited to copy or reproduce this information without prior approval. Micro Reach XtendTM NN01-110 Fractus Antennas is an ISO 9001:2008 certified company. All our antennas are lead-free and RoHS compliant. ISO 9001: 2015 Certified Last updated on October 2019 (c) 2019 FRACTUS ANTENNAS, S.L. - 1 USER MANUAL Micro Reach XtendTM (NN01-110) INDEX OF CHAPTERS 1. ANTENNA DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................. 4 2. QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE ............................................................................................. 4 3. ELECTRICAL PERFORMANCE ......................................................................................... 5 4. MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS .................................................................................. 9 5. ASSEMBLY PROCESS .................................................................................................... 10 6. PACKAGING .................................................................................................................... 13 7. PRODUCT CHANGE NOTIFICATION .............................................................................. 14 Last updated on October 2019 (c) 2019 FRACTUS ANTENNAS, S.L. - 2 USER MANUAL Micro Reach XtendTM (NN01-110) TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. ANTENNA DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................. 4 2. QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE ............................................................................................. 4 3. ELECTRICAL PERFORMANCE ......................................................................................... 5 4. 3.1. EVALUATION BOARD................................................................................................ 5 3.2. MATCHING NETWORK.............................................................................................. 5 3.3. VSWR AND EFFICIENCY .......................................................................................... 6 3.4. RADIATION PATTERNS, GAIN AND EFFICIENCY ................................................... 7 3.5. CAPABILITIES AND MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS ..................................................... 8 MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS .................................................................................. 9 4.1. DIMENSIONS AND TOLERANCES ............................................................................ 9 4.2. SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE INK ............................................................................... 9 4.3. ANTENNA FOOTPRINT ........................................................................................... 10 5. ASSEMBLY PROCESS .................................................................................................... 10 6. PACKAGING .................................................................................................................... 13 7. PRODUCT CHANGE NOTIFICATION .............................................................................. 14 Last updated on October 2019 (c) 2019 FRACTUS ANTENNAS, S.L. - 3 USER MANUAL Micro Reach XtendTM (NN01-110) 1. ANTENNA DESCRIPTION The Micro Reach XtendTM chip antenna is a very small size and low cost antenna that combines reduced clearance area required within the customer PCB with its high performance and integration flexibility. This makes it ideal for small consumer electronics devices such as small wireless headsets and highly integrated multifunction mobile handsets. TOP 4.1 mm BOTTOM 2.0 mm 1.0 mm Material: The Micro Reach XtendTM antenna is built on glass epoxy substrate. APPLICATIONS 2. BENEFITS Headsets Hearing-aids USB Dongles Medical devices Handsets Sensors (Proximity, etc.) Small form factor and footprint Reduced clearance area within PCB Cost-effective Easy to integrate (pick and place) QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE Technical Features 2.4 - 2.5 GHz > 55% 0.2 dBi < 2.5:1 Omnidirectional Linear 0.02 g -40 to +125 C 50 4.1 mm x 2.0 mm x 1.0 mm Frequency Range Average Efficiency Peak Gain VSWR Radiation Pattern Polarization Weight (approx.) Temperature Impedance Dimensions (L x W x H) Table 1 - Technical Features. Measures from the evaluation board. See Figure 1. Please contact if you require additional information on antenna integration or optimization on your PCB. Last updated on October 2019 (c) 2019 FRACTUS ANTENNAS, S.L. - 4 USER MANUAL Micro Reach XtendTM (NN01-110) 3. 3.1. ELECTRICAL PERFORMANCE EVALUATION BOARD The configuration used in testing the Micro Reach XtendTM chip antenna is displayed in Figure 1. H A D B G 50 Ohms transmission line F Measure A B C D E F G H mm 35.0 20.0 40.0 5.2 20.0 12.5 7.0 5.0 Tolerance: 0.2mm Material: The evaluation board is built on FR4 substrate. Thickness is 1.0mm. Clearance Area: 7.0 mm x 5.0 mm (GxH) C E Figure 1 - EB_NN01-110. Micro Reach XtendTM Evaluation Board providing operation from 2.4 GHz to 2.5GHz. This product and/or its use are protected by at least one or more of the following patents US 7,148,850 B2; US 7,202,822 B2. 3.2. MATCHING NETWORK The specs of a Fractus Antennas standard antenna are measured in their evaluation board, which is an ideal case. In a real design, components nearby the antenna, LCD's, batteries, covers, connectors, etc affect the antenna performance. This is the reason why it is highly recommended placing pads compatible with 0402 and 0603 SMD components for a PI matching network as close as possible to the antenna feeding point. Do it in the ground plane area, not in the clearance area. This is a degree of freedom to tune the antenna once the design is finished and taking into account all elements of the system (batteries, displays, covers, etc). Please notice that different devices with different ground planes and different components nearby the Micro Reach XtendTM chip antenna may need a different matching network. To ensure optimal results, the use of high Q and tight tolerance components is highly recommended (Murata components). If you need assistance to design your matching network beyond this application note, please contact, or try our free-of-charge NN Wireless FastTrack design service, you will get your chip antenna design including a custom matching network Last updated on October 2019 (c) 2019 FRACTUS ANTENNAS, S.L. - 5 USER MANUAL Micro Reach XtendTM (NN01-110) for your device in 24h1. Other related to NN's range of R&D services is available at: Matching Network for the Evaluation Board Value Part Number 6.8 nH LQW15AN6N8G80 1.5 pF GJM1555C1H1R5WB01 Figure 2 - Matching network implemented in the evaluation board (Figure 1). 3.3. VSWR AND EFFICIENCY VSWR (Voltage Standing Wave Ratio) and Total Efficiency versus Frequency (GHz). Figure 3 - VSWR and Total Efficiency (%) vs. Frequency (GHz) (from the evaluation board (Figure 1)). 1 See terms and conditions for a free NN Wireless Fast-Track service at: Last updated on October 2019 (c) 2019 FRACTUS ANTENNAS, S.L. - 6 USER MANUAL Micro Reach XtendTM (NN01-110) 3.4. RADIATION PATTERNS, GAIN AND EFFICIENCY Z X Z X Y Y Orientation: Antenna in Plane ZY Azimuth Cut = 90 Plane XY at 2.45 GHz Elevation Cut = 0 Plane XZ at 2.45 GHz Elevation Cut = 90 Plane YZ at 2.45 GHz Gain Peak Gain 0.1 dBi Average Gain across the band -0.2 dBi Gain Range across the band (min, max) Efficiency -0.6 <-> 0.1 dBi Peak Efficiency 56.7 % Average Efficiency across the band 55.2 % Efficiency Range across the band (min, max) 53.0 - 56.7 % Table 2 - Antenna Gain and Total Efficiency from the evaluation board (Figure 1) within the 2.4 - 2.5 GHz band. Measures made in the evaluation board and in the Satimo STARGATE 32 anechoic chamber. Last updated on October 2019 (c) 2019 FRACTUS ANTENNAS, S.L. - 7 USER MANUAL Micro Reach XtendTM (NN01-110) 3.5. CAPABILITIES AND MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS Fractus Antennas specializes in the design and manufacture of optimized antennas for wireless applications, and with the provision of RF expertise to a wide range of clients. We offer turn-key antenna products and antenna integration support to minimize your time requirements and maximize return on investment throughout the product development process. We also provide our clients with the opportunity to leverage our in-house testing and measurement facilities to obtain accurate results quickly and efficiently. 0 Le ft Ante nna Rig ht Ante nna Is o latio n -2 -4 -6 Re turn Lo s s (dB) VSWR & S Parameters -8 VSWR=2 -10 -12 -14 -16 -18 Agilent E5071B -20 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 Fre que nc y (GHz) 5 5.5 6 Radiation Pattern & Efficiency SATIMO STARGATE 32 Anechoic chambers and full equipped in-house lab Last updated on October 2019 (c) 2019 FRACTUS ANTENNAS, S.L. - 8 USER MANUAL Micro Reach XtendTM (NN01-110) 4. 4.1. MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS DIMENSIONS AND TOLERANCES TOP SIDE BOTTOM The white line located on the top side of the antenna indicates the feed pad. Measure A B C D mm 4.1 0.2 2.0 0.2 1.0 0.2 0.5 0.1 Figure 4 - Antenna Dimensions and Tolerances. The Micro Reach XtendTM chip antenna is compliant with the restriction of the use of hazardous substances (RoHS). The RoHS certificate can be downloaded from 4.2. SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE INK Next figure shows the correct colors of the antenna: Acceptable color range Last updated on October 2019 (c) 2019 FRACTUS ANTENNAS, S.L. - 9 USER MANUAL Micro Reach XtendTM (NN01-110) 4.3. ANTENNA FOOTPRINT This antenna footprint applies for the reference evaluation board described on page 5 of this User Manual. Feeding line dimensions over the clearance zone described in Figure 5 apply for a 0.8 mm thickness FR4 PCB. Measure A B C D E F G H I mm 4.2 2.4 0.8 0.5 1.7 0.5 3.7 5.0 7.5 Tolerance: 0.2mm Figure 5 - Antenna Footprint Details. Other PCB form factors and configurations may require a different feeding configuration, feeding line dimensions and clearance areas. If you require support for the integration of the antenna in your design, please contact 5. ASSEMBLY PROCESS Figure 6 shows the back and front view of the Micro Reach XtendTM chip antenna, and indicates the location of the feeding point and the mounting pads: Figure 6 - Pads of the Micro Reach XtendTM chip antenna. Last updated on October 2019 (c) 2019 FRACTUS ANTENNAS, S.L. - 10 USER MANUAL Micro Reach XtendTM (NN01-110) As a surface mount device (SMD), this antenna is compatible with industry standard soldering processes. The basic assembly procedure for this antenna is as follows: 1. Apply a solder paste to the pads of the PCB. Place the antenna on the board. 2. Perform a reflow process according to the temperature profile detailed in Table 3, Figure 8 on page 12. 3. After soldering the antenna to the circuit board, perform a cleaning process to remove any residual flux. Fractus Antennas recommends conducting a visual inspection after the cleaning process to verify that all reflux has been removed. The drawing below shows the soldering details obtained after a correct assembly process: Antenna Antenna Solder Paste ~ 0.1* mm PCB PCB Figure 7 - Soldering Details. NOTE(*): Solder paste thickness after the assembly process will depend on the thickness of the soldering stencil mask. A stencil thickness equal to or larger than 127 microns (5 mils) is required. Last updated on October 2019 (c) 2019 FRACTUS ANTENNAS, S.L. - 11 USER MANUAL Micro Reach XtendTM (NN01-110) The Micro Reach XtendTM antenna should be assembled following either Sn-Pb or Pb-free assembly processes. According to the Standard IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020C, the temperature profile suggested is as follows: Phase RAMP-UP PREHEAT REFLOW PEAK RAMP-DOWN Profile features Pb-Free Assembly (SnAgCu) Avg. Ramp-up Rate (Tsmax to Tp) 3 C / second (max.) - Temperature Min (Tsmin) 150 C - Temperature Max (Tsmax) 200 C - Time (tsmin to tsmax) 60-180 seconds - Temperature (TL) 217 C - Total Time above TL (tL) 60-150 seconds - Temperature (Tp) 260 C - Time (tp) 20-40 seconds Rate 6 C/second max Time from 25 C to Peak Temperature 8 minutes max Table 3 - Recommended soldering temperatures. Next graphic shows temperature profile (grey zone) for the antenna assembly process in reflow ovens. Figure 8 - Temperature profile. Last updated on October 2019 (c) 2019 FRACTUS ANTENNAS, S.L. - 12 USER MANUAL Micro Reach XtendTM (NN01-110) 6. PACKAGING The Micro Reach XtendTM chip antenna is available in tape and reel packaging. Measure W A0 B0 K0 B1 D D1 Wmax E F K P P0 P2 mm 12.0 0.3 2.5 0.1 4.9 0.1 1.3 0.1 5.3 0.1 1.55 0.05 1.55 0.05 12.3 1.5 0.1 5.5 0.1 1.5 0.1 4.5 0.1 4.5 0.1 1.5 0.1 Figure 9 - Tape Dimensions and Tolerances. Figure 10 - Images of the tape. Measure A max G t max mm 180.0 1.0 13.5 0.2 17.5 0.2 Reel Capacity: 2500 antennas Figure 11 - Reel Dimensions and Capacity. Last updated on October 2019 (c) 2019 FRACTUS ANTENNAS, S.L. - 13 USER MANUAL Micro Reach XtendTM (NN01-110) 7. PRODUCT CHANGE NOTIFICATION This document is property of FRACTUS ANTENNAS, Not to disclose or copy without prior written consent PCN Number: FA18060001 Notification Date: July 8th, 2019 Part Number identification: Part Number changes, it will be applied in all the document of the company (User Manual, Data Sheet, ...) Previous Part Number New Part Number FR05-S1-N-0-110 NN01-110 Reason for Change: Specs (electrical/mechanical) Manufacturing location User Manual/Data Sheet Quality/Reliability Material/Composition Logistics X Processing/Manufacturing X Other: Logo, product color and Part Number Change description 1.- Part Number: From FR05-S1-N-0-110 FRACTUS to NN01-110 FRACTUS ANTENNAS in the User Manual 2.- Pads-END: From circular to rectangular 3.- Color: From blue/white to white/black OLD NEW Comments: 1.- Foot print in the PCB to solder the chip antenna remains the same 2.- The matching network to properly tune the chip antenna has to be reviewed and validated. It could change Identification method 1.- The color and the logo are different 2.- The pads-end of the antenna from circular to rectangular User Manual X Available from: Samples X Available from: September 2019 September 2019 FRACTUS ANTENNAS Contact: Sales Supply Chain Name: Josep Portabella Albert Vidal Email: Last updated on October 2019 (c) 2019 FRACTUS ANTENNAS, S.L. - 14