Drive technology
1PH8 main motors explosion-proof
version for zone 2 and 22 (option
M03 and M39)
Operating Instructions
A5E44794151B AA
Fundamental safety
Preparations for use
Mechanical mounting
Spare parts
Decommissioning and
A5E44794151B AA
11/2018 Subject to change
Copyright © Siemens AG 2018.
All rights reserved
Legal information
Warning notice system
This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent
damage to property. The notices referring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by a safety alert
symbol, notices referring only to property damage have no safety alert symbol. These notices shown below are
graded according to the degree of danger.
indicates that death or severe personal injury will result if proper precautions are not taken.
indicates that death or severe personal injury may result if proper precautions are not taken.
indicates that minor personal injury can result if proper precautions are not taken.
indicates that property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken.
If more than one degree of danger is present, the warning notice representing the highest degree of danger will
be used. A notice warning of injury to persons with a safety alert symbol may also include a warning relating to
property damage.
Qualified Personnel
The product/system described in this documentation may be operated only by
personnel qualified
for the specific
task in accordance with the relevant documentation, in particular its warning notices and safety instructions.
Qualified personnel are those who, based on their training and experience, are capable of identifying risks and
avoiding potential hazards when working with these products/systems.
Proper use of Siemens products
Note the following:
Siemens products may only be used for the applications described in the catalog and in the relevant technical
documentation. If products and components from other manufacturers are used, these must be recommended
or approved by Siemens. Proper transport, storage, installation, assembly, commissioning, operation and
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1PH8 main motors explosion-proof version for zone 2 and 22 (option M03 and M39)
Operating Instructions, 11/2018, A5E44794151B AA 3
Keeping the documentation safe
This documentation should be kept in a location where it can be easily accessed and made
available to the personnel responsible.
Target group
These operating instructions are intended for electricians, fitters, service technicians and
warehouse personnel.
About these operating instructions
These operating instructions describe the motor and explain how to handle the motor from
delivery to disposal.
You must read these operating instructions before you start using the motor. This will
ensure safe, problem-free operation and maximize the service life of the motor.
These operating instructions are valid in conjunction with the relevant Siemens configuration
Siemens strives to continually improve the quality of information provided in these operating
If you find any mistakes or would like to offer suggestions about how this document could
be improved, contact the Siemens Service Center.
Always observe the safety instructions in these operating instructions, especially those
concerning explosion protection.
The warning notice system is explained on the rear of the inside front.
Text features
In addition to the notes that you must observe for your own personal safety as well as to
avoid material damage, in this document you will find the following text features:
Operating instructions
Operating instructions with the specified sequence indicates the start by the word
“Procedure”. The individual handling steps are numbered.
1. Execute the operating instructions in the specified sequence.
The square indicates the end of the operating instruction.
1PH8 main motors explosion-proof version for zone 2 and 22 (option M03 and M39)
4 Operating Instructions, 11/2018, A5E44794151B AA
Operating instructions without a specified sequence are identified using a bullet point:
Execute the operating instructions.
Enumerations are identified by a bullet point without any additional symbols.
Enumerations at the second level are hyphenated.
Notes are shown as follows:
A Note is an important item of information about the product, handling of the product or the
relevant section of the document. Notes provide yo
u with help or further suggestions/ideas.
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1PH8 main motors explosion-proof version for zone 2 and 22 (option M03 and M39)
Operating Instructions, 11/2018, A5E44794151B AA 5
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1PH8 main motors explosion-proof version for zone 2 and 22 (option M03 and M39)
6 Operating Instructions, 11/2018, A5E44794151B AA
1PH8 main motors explosion-proof version for zone 2 and 22 (option M03 and M39)
Operating Instructions, 11/2018, A5E44794151B AA 7
Table of contents
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 3
1 Fundamental safety instructions ............................................................................................................ 11
1.1 General safety instructions ..................................................................................................... 11
1.2 Equipment damage due to electric fields or electrostatic discharge ...................................... 15
1.3 Industrial security .................................................................................................................... 16
1.4 Residual risks of power drive systems .................................................................................... 17
2 Description ............................................................................................................................................ 19
2.1 Use for the intended purpose ................................................................................................. 19
2.1.1 Use for the intended purpose in general................................................................................. 19
2.1.2 Use in Ex-areas of zones 2 and 22 (option M03 and M39) .................................................... 20 Use in Ex-areas with combustible gases (zone 2 - option M03) ............................................ 22 Use in Ex-areas with combustible, non-conductive dust (zone 22 - option M39) ................... 23 Painting ................................................................................................................................... 23
2.2 Technical characteristics and ambient conditions .................................................................. 24
2.2.1 Directives and standards ........................................................................................................ 24
2.2.2 Technical characteristics......................................................................................................... 26
2.2.3 Ambient conditions .................................................................................................................. 28
2.2.4 Degree of protection ............................................................................................................... 28
2.2.5 Noise emission ........................................................................................................................ 28
2.3 Rating plate data ..................................................................................................................... 29
2.4 Structure ................................................................................................................................. 31
2.4.1 Types of construction .............................................................................................................. 31
2.4.2 Cooling .................................................................................................................................... 32 Forced ventilation .................................................................................................................... 32 Water cooling .......................................................................................................................... 34
3 Preparations for use .............................................................................................................................. 39
3.1 Shipment and packaging ........................................................................................................ 39
3.2 Transportation and storage ..................................................................................................... 40
3.2.1 Transporting ............................................................................................................................ 41
3.2.2 Storage ................................................................................................................................... 42
4 Mechanical mounting ............................................................................................................................ 45
4.1 Safety symbols on the motor .................................................................................................. 45
4.2 Installation ............................................................................................................................... 45
4.3 Mounting ................................................................................................................................. 47
4.4 Attaching the output elements ................................................................................................ 48
4.5 Vibration response .................................................................................................................. 49
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1PH8 main motors explosion-proof version for zone 2 and 22 (option M03 and M39)
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5 Connection ........................................................................................................................................... 51
5.1 Mechanical connection of water cooling system .................................................................... 51
5.2 Electrical connection .............................................................................................................. 51
5.2.1 Risk of electric shock if the insulating foil is removed ............................................................ 52
5.2.2 Safety note if directly connected to the line supply ................................................................ 52
5.2.3 Damage to components that are sensitive to electrostatic discharge ................................... 52
5.2.4 Note regarding the EMC directive .......................................................................................... 52
5.2.5 Cables, cable entry and cable routing ................................................................................... 53
5.2.6 Circuit diagram ....................................................................................................................... 54
5.2.7 Terminal box .......................................................................................................................... 55
5.2.8 Electrical connection data ...................................................................................................... 56
5.2.9 Motors without DRIVE-CLiQ interface ................................................................................... 56
5.2.10 Connecting the speed encoder .............................................................................................. 57
5.2.11 Fitting the disassembly protection tube for the signal plug .................................................... 58
5.2.12 Connecting the temperature sensor ...................................................................................... 59
5.2.13 Connecting a grounding conductor in the terminal box ......................................................... 59
5.2.14 Connecting the ground conductor to the housing .................................................................. 60
5.2.15 Connecting the external fan ................................................................................................... 61
5.2.16 Connecting-up an inverter ...................................................................................................... 62
6 Commissioning ..................................................................................................................................... 63
6.1 Safety instructions for commissioning ................................................................................... 63
6.2 Checklists for commissioning ................................................................................................. 65
6.3 Checking the insulation resistance ........................................................................................ 68
6.4 Switching on and switching off ............................................................................................... 69
6.5 Cooling ................................................................................................................................... 70
7 Operation .............................................................................................................................................. 71
7.1 Faults ..................................................................................................................................... 72
7.2 Non-operational periods ......................................................................................................... 74
8 Maintenance ......................................................................................................................................... 75
8.1 Inspection and maintenance .................................................................................................. 76
8.1.1 General inspection guidelines ................................................................................................ 76
8.1.2 Maintenance and inspection intervals .................................................................................... 76
8.1.3 Initial inspection...................................................................................................................... 77
8.1.4 General inspection ................................................................................................................. 78
8.1.5 Bearing change interval ......................................................................................................... 78
8.1.6 Cleaning the motor and fan (forced ventilation) ..................................................................... 81
8.1.7 Encoder replacement ............................................................................................................. 81
8.2 Repair ..................................................................................................................................... 81
8.2.1 Removing/installing the motor bearings ................................................................................. 82
8.2.2 Removing/installing the speed encoder ................................................................................. 83
8.2.3 Tightening torque for screwed connections ........................................................................... 85
8.2.4 Repairing paint damage ......................................................................................................... 86
9 Spare parts ........................................................................................................................................... 87
Table of contents
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10 Decommissioning and disposal ............................................................................................................. 89
10.1 Decommissioning .................................................................................................................... 89
10.2 Disposal .................................................................................................................................. 90
A Appendix............................................................................................................................................... 93
A.1 Declaration of Conformity ....................................................................................................... 93
A.2 Note on the explosion-protected external fan ......................................................................... 98
A.3 Operating instructions explosion-protected external fan ........................................................ 99
Index................................................................................................................................................... 103
Table of contents
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1PH8 main motors explosion-proof version for zone 2 and 22 (option M03 and M39)
Operating Instructions, 11/2018, A5E44794151B AA 11
Fundamental safety instructions
General safety instructions
Electric shock and danger to life due to other energy sources
Touching live components can result in death or severe injury.
Only work on electrical devices when you are qualified for this job.
Always observe the country-specific safety rules.
Generally, the following six steps apply when establishing safety:
1. Prepare for disconnection. Notify all those who will be affected by the procedure.
2. Isolate the drive system from the power supply and take measures to prevent it being
switched back on again.
3. Wait until the discharge time specified on the warning labels has elapsed.
4. Check that there is no voltage between any of the power connections, and between any
of the power connections and the protective conductor connection.
5. Check whether the existing auxiliary supply circuits are de-energized.
6. Ensure that the motors cannot move.
7. Identify all other dangerous energy sources, e.g. compressed air, hydraulic systems, or
water. Switch the energy sources to a safe state.
8. Check that the correct drive system is completely locked.
After you have completed the work, restore the operational readiness in the inverse
Electric shock due to connection to an unsuitable power supply
When equipment is connected to an unsuitable power supply, exposed components may
carry a hazardous voltage that might result in serious injury or death.
Only use power supplies that provide SELV (Safety Extra Low Voltage) or PELV-
(Protective Extra Low Voltage) output voltages for all connections and terminals of the
electronics modules.
Fundamental safety instructions
1.1 General safety instructions
1PH8 main motors explosion-proof version for zone 2 and 22 (option M03 and M39)
12 Operating Instructions, 11/2018, A5E44794151B AA
Electric shock due to damaged motors or devices
Improper handling of motors or devices can damage them.
Hazardous voltages can be present at the enclosure or at exposed components on
damaged motors or devices.
Ensure compliance with the limit values specified in the technical data during transport,
storage and operation.
Do not use any damaged motors or devices.
Electric shock due to unconnected cable shield
Hazardous touch voltages can occur through capacitive cross-coupling due to unconnected
cable shields.
As a minimum, connect cable shields and the conductors of power cables that are not
used (e.g. brake cores) at one end at the grounded housing potential.
Electric shock if there is no ground connection
For missing or incorrectly implemented protective conductor connection for devices with
protection class I, high voltages can be present at open, exposed parts, which when
touched, can result in death or severe injury.
Ground the device in compliance with the applicable regulations.
Arcing when a plug connection is opened during operation
Opening a plug connection when a system is operation can result in arcing that may cause
serious injury or death.
Only open plug connections when the equipment is in a voltage-free state, unless it has
been explicitly stated that they can be opened in operation.
Property damage due to loose power connections
Insufficient tightening torques or vibration can result in loose power connections. This can
result in damage due to fire, device defects or malfunctions.
Tighten all power connections to the prescribed torque.
Check all power connections at regular intervals, particularly after equipment has been
Fundamental safety instructions
1.1 General safety instructions
1PH8 main motors explosion-proof version for zone 2 and 22 (option M03 and M39)
Operating Instructions, 11/2018, A5E44794151B AA 13
Unexpected movement of machines caused by radio devices or mobile phones
When radio devices or mobile phones with a transmission power > 1 W are used in the
immediate vicinity of components, they may cause the equipment to malfunction.
Malfunctions may impair the functional safety of machines and can therefore put people in
danger or lead to property damage.
If you come closer than around 2 m to such components, switch off any radios or mobile
Use the "SIEMENS Industry Online Support app" only on equipment that has already
been switched off.
Unrecognized dangers due to missing or illegible warning labels
Dangers might not be recognized if warning labels are missing or illegible. Unrecognized
dangers may cause accidents resulting in serious injury or death.
Check that the warning labels are complete based on the documentation.
Attach any missing warning labels to the components, where necessary in the national
Replace illegible warning labels.
Unexpected movement of machines caused by inactive safety functions
Inactive or non-adapted safety functions can trigger unexpected machine movements that
may result in serious injury or death.
Observe the information in the appropriate product documentation before
Carry out a safety inspection for functions relevant to safety on the entire system,
including all safety-related components.
Ensure that the safety functions used in your drives and automation tasks are adjusted
and activated through appropriate parameterizing.
Perform a function test.
Only put your plant into live operation once you have guaranteed that the functions
relevant to safety are running correctly.
Important safety notices for Safety Integrated functions
If you want to use Safety Integrated functions, you must observe the safety notices in the
Safety Integrated manuals.
Fundamental safety instructions
1.1 General safety instructions
1PH8 main motors explosion-proof version for zone 2 and 22 (option M03 and M39)
14 Operating Instructions, 11/2018, A5E44794151B AA
Active implant malfunctions due to electromagnetic fields
Electromagnetic fields (EMF) are generated by the operation of electrical power equipment,
such as transformers, converters, or motors. People with pacemakers or implants are at
particular risk in the immediate vicinity of this equipment.
If you have a heart pacemaker or implant, maintain the minimum distance specified in
chapter "Correct usage" from such motors.
Active implant malfunctions due to permanent-magnet fields
Even when switched off, electric motors with permanent magnets represent a potential risk
for persons with heart pacemakers or implants if they are close to converters/motors.
If you have a heart pacemaker or implant, maintain the minimum distance specified in
chapter "Correct usage".
When transporting or storing permanent-magnet motors always use the original packing
materials with the warning labels attached.
Clearly mark the storage locations with the appropriate warning labels.
IATA regulations must be observed when transported by air.
Injury caused by moving or ejected parts
Contact with moving motor parts or drive output elements and the ejection of loose motor
parts (e.g. feather keys) out of the motor enclosure can result in severe injury or death.
Remove any loose parts or secure them so that they cannot be flung out.
Do not touch any moving parts.
Safeguard all moving parts using the appropriate safety guards.
Fire due to inadequate cooling
Inadequate cooling can cause the motor to overheat, resulting in death or severe injury as a
result of smoke and fire. This can also result in increased failures and reduced service lives
of motors.
Comply with the specified cooling requirements for the motor.
Fire due to incorrect operation of the motor
When incorrectly operated and in the case of a fault, the motor can overheat resulting in fire
and smoke. This can result in severe injury or death. Further, excessively high
temperatures destroy motor components and result in increased failures as well as shorter
service lives of motors.
Operate the motor according to the relevant specifications.
Only operate the motors in conjunction with effective temperature monitoring.
Immediately switch off the motor if excessively high temperatures occur.
Fundamental safety instructions
1.2 Equipment damage due to electric fields or electrostatic discharge
1PH8 main motors explosion-proof version for zone 2 and 22 (option M03 and M39)
Operating Instructions, 11/2018, A5E44794151B AA 15
Burn injuries caused by hot surfaces
In operation, the motor can reach high temperatures, which can cause burns if touched.
Mount the motor so that it is not accessible in operation.
Measures when maintenance is required:
Allow the motor to cool down before starting any work.
Use the appropriate personnel protection equipment, e.g. gloves.
Equipment damage due to electric fields or electrostatic discharge
Electrostatic sensitive devices (ESD) are individual components, integrated circuits, modules
or devices that may be damaged by either electric fields or electrostatic discharge.
Equipment damage due to electric fields or electrostatic discharge
Electric fields or electrostatic discharge can cause malfunctions through damaged
individual components, integrated circuits, modules or devices.
Only pack, store, transport and send electronic components, modules or devices in their
original packaging or in other suitable materials, e.g conductive foam rubber of
aluminum foil.
Only touch components, modules and devices when you are grounded by one of the
following methods:
Wearing an ESD wrist strap
Wearing ESD shoes or ESD grounding straps in ESD areas with conductive flooring
Only place electronic components, modules or devices on conductive surfaces (table
with ESD surface, conductive ESD foam, ESD packaging, ESD transport container).
Fundamental safety instructions
1.3 Industrial security
1PH8 main motors explosion-proof version for zone 2 and 22 (option M03 and M39)
16 Operating Instructions, 11/2018, A5E44794151B AA
Industrial security
Industrial security
Siemens provides products and solutions with industrial security functions that support the
secure operation of plants, systems, machines and networks.
In order to protect plants, systems, machines and networks against cyber th
reats, it is
necessary to implement
and continuously maintain a holistic, state-of-the-art industrial
security concept. Siemens’ products and solutions constitute one element of such a concept.
Customers are responsible for preventing unauthorized acce
ss to their plants, systems,
machines and networks. Such systems, machines and components should only be
connected to an enterprise network or the Internet if and to the extent such a connection is
necessary and only when appropriate security measures (e.g
. firewalls and/or network
segmentation) are in place.
For additional information on industrial security measures that may be implemented, please
Industrial security (
Siemens’ products and solutions undergo continuous development to make them more
secure. Siemens strongly recommends that product updates are applied as soon as they are
available and that the latest product versions are used. Use of
product versions that are no
longer supported, and failure to apply the latest updates may increase customer’s exposure
to cyber threats.
To stay informed about product updates, subscribe to the Siemens Industrial Security RSS
Feed at:
Industrial security (http://www.siemens.com/industrialsecurity)
Further information is provided on the Internet:
Industrial Security Configuration Manual
Unsafe operating states resulting from software manipulation
Software manipulations (e.g. viruses, trojans, malware or worms) can cause unsafe
operating states in your system that may lead to death, serious injury, and property
Keep the software up to date.
Incorporate the automation and drive components into a holistic, state-of-the-art
industrial security concept for the installation or machine.
Make sure that you include all installed products into the holistic industrial security
Protect files stored on exchangeable storage media from malicious software by with
suitable protection measures, e.g. virus scanners.
Protect the drive against unauthorized changes by activating the "know-how protection"
drive function.
Fundamental safety instructions
1.4 Residual risks of power drive systems
1PH8 main motors explosion-proof version for zone 2 and 22 (option M03 and M39)
Operating Instructions, 11/2018, A5E44794151B AA 17
Residual risks of power drive systems
When assessing the machine- or system-related risk in accordance with the respective local
regulations (e.g., EC Machinery Directive), the machine manufacturer or system installer
must take into account the following residual risks emanating from the control and drive
components of a drive system:
1. Unintentional movements of driven machine or system components during
commissioning, operation, maintenance, and repairs caused by, for example,
Hardware and/or software errors in the sensors, control system, actuators, and cables
and connections
Response times of the control system and of the drive
Operation and/or environmental conditions outside the specification
Condensation/conductive contamination
Parameterization, programming, cabling, and installation errors
Use of wireless devices/mobile phones in the immediate vicinity of electronic
External influences/damage
X-ray, ionizing radiation and cosmic radiation
2. Unusually high temperatures, including open flames, as well as emissions of light, noise,
particles, gases, etc., can occur inside and outside the components under fault conditions
caused by, for example:
Component failure
Software errors
Operation and/or environmental conditions outside the specification
External influences/damage
3. Hazardous shock voltages caused by, for example:
Component failure
Influence during electrostatic charging
Induction of voltages in moving motors
Operation and/or environmental conditions outside the specification
Condensation/conductive contamination
External influences/damage
4. Electrical, magnetic and electromagnetic fields generated in operation that can pose a
risk to people with a pacemaker, implants or metal replacement joints, etc., if they are too
5. Release of environmental pollutants or emissions as a result of improper operation of the
system and/or failure to dispose of components safely and correctly
6. Influence of network-connected communication systems, e.g. ripple-control transmitters
or data communication via the network
For more information about the residual risks of the drive system components, see the
relevant sections in the technical user documentation.
Fundamental safety instructions
1.4 Residual risks of power drive systems
1PH8 main motors explosion-proof version for zone 2 and 22 (option M03 and M39)
18 Operating Instructions, 11/2018, A5E44794151B AA
1PH8 main motors explosion-proof version for zone 2 and 22 (option M03 and M39)
Operating Instructions, 11/2018, A5E44794151B AA 19
Use for the intended purpose
Use for the intended purpose in general
Danger to life and material damage when incorrectly used
If you do not use the motors or their components correctly, there is a risk of death, severe
injury and/or material damage.
Only use the motors for industrial or commercial plants and systems.
If you use the motors in special cases anywhere else than in industrial or commercial
plants and systems, ensure that higher demands are met (e.g. with regard to touch
Pay particular attention to the safety instructions for using the motors in hazardous
areas (Ex-areas). Use of the motors in Ex zones 2 and 22 is only allowed under
appropriate conditions and restrictions.
Use the motors and their components only for the applications specified by Siemens.
Protect the motors against dirt and contact with aggressive substances.
Ensure that the site conditions comply with the rating plate data and the conditions
specified in this documentation. When necessary, take into account non-conformance
regarding approvals or country-specific regulations.
If you have any questions regarding the intended use, please contact your local
Siemens office.
If you wish to use special versions and design variants whose specifications vary from
the motors described in this document, then first contact your local Siemens office.
Danger to life for wearers of active implants due to magnetic and electrical fields
Electric motors pose a danger to people with active medical implants, e.g. cardiac
stimulators, who come close to the motors.
If you are affected, stay at a minimum distance of 500 mm from the motors (tripping
threshold for static magnetic fields of 0.5 mT according to the Directive 2013/35/EU).
The motors are designed for use in covered areas under normal climatic conditions, such as
those found in production areas.
2.1 Use for the intended purpose
1PH8 main motors explosion-proof version for zone 2 and 22 (option M03 and M39)
20 Operating Instructions, 11/2018, A5E44794151B AA
The 1PH8 three-phase motors are used as industrial drives for machine tools and production
machines. They are designed for use in a wide range of drive engineering applications. The
three-phase motors are fed speed-controlled by the SINAMICS S120 or G120 (PM 240
version) frequency inverters.
The following basic conditions must be met when operating the motors with third-party
frequency inverters:
Inverter with pulse width modulation (PWM)
Pulse clock frequency at least 4 kHz
Inverter output voltage according to the following table:
Table 2- 1 Permissible line supply voltages and inverter output voltages
Line supply
Line Module (line-side inverter infeed type)
Inverter output voltage 1)
3 AC 400 V
Smart Line Module (SLM) unregulated
380 V
Active Line Module (ALM) regulated 425 V
3 AC 480 V
Smart Line Module (SLM) unregulated
460 V
Active Line Module (ALM) regulated 500 V
Minimum output voltage required for motor operation in order to achieve data according to data
1PH8 motors are characterized by their power density, ruggedness, long service life and
high reliability.
Use in Ex-areas of zones 2 and 22 (option M03 and M39)
Electrical systems must be assembled, installed and operated in hazardous areas by the
persons responsible according to the applicable rules and regulations.
Basic requirements
Basic requirements for electrical systems and their operation in explosive areas can be
found, for example, in the
2014/34/EU and 1999/92/EC directives as well as in the IEC/EN
-14 standard.
2.1 Use for the intended purpose
1PH8 main motors explosion-proof version for zone 2 and 22 (option M03 and M39)
Operating Instructions, 11/2018, A5E44794151B AA 21
Ignition hazards
The evaluation of operational risks, the local operating conditions and the necessary
monitoring methods must be clarified in a binding manner by the owner in agreement with
the responsible supervisory authority. The required measures must be adhered to at all
times. The machine manufacturer cannot provide any generally applicable recommendations.
See the information in these operating instructions.
Basic information
Basic information relating to the evaluation of ignition haza
rds from electrical systems and
their operation in hazardous areas can be found, for example, in the 2014/34/EU and
1999/92/EC directives, as well as in the IEC/EN
60079 series of standards.
General requirements
Danger to life caused by fire if ventilation clearances are inadequate
Inadequate ventilation/cooling clearances can result in overheating and fire. Overheating
can cause failures and shorten the service life of devices/systems.
Ensure compliance with the specified minimum spacing requirements as
ventilation/cooling clearances for each particular motor.
Damage to the ventilation grille
Falling objects can damage the ventilation grille.
Protect the ventilation grille against falling objects with a suitable cover. The cover must
be able to withstand an impact energy of 7 joules.
The explosion-protected versions of the 1PH8 motors in shaft heights 100, 132 and 160 are
designed for use in the following hazardous areas:
Zone 2: combustible gas, temperature class T3, order option M03
Zone 22: combustible, non-conductive dust, max. surface temperature 160 °C, order
option M39
Electrical equipment for use in hazardous areas may only be used in accordance with
regulations laid down by the responsible authorities. The responsible authorities are
responsible for assessing the explosion risk (zone classification). Users must check and take
into account special country-specific requirements.
2.1 Use for the intended purpose
1PH8 main motors explosion-proof version for zone 2 and 22 (option M03 and M39)
22 Operating Instructions, 11/2018, A5E44794151B AA
Use in Ex-areas with combustible gases (zone 2 - option M03)
Taking into account these special conditions, the 1PH8 motors with shaft heights 100, 132
and 160 correspond to:
Device group II, category 3G, temperature class T3
Degree of protection IP55 in accordance with EN 60079-0: 2012 general requirements
EN 60079-15: 2010 ignition protection type "nA" (non-sparking)
Marking: II 3 G Ex nA IIB T3 Gc -15 °C Ta +40 °C
The forced ventilated motors fulfill the requirements of the low risk class with regard to
impact resistance testing on the fan enclosure.
Category 3G motors are intended for use in zone 2 hazardous areas. In zone 2 hazardous
areas, a potentially explosive atmosphere is unlikely to occur, or if it does occur, then only
infrequently and for a very short period during normal operation. A potentially explosive
atmosphere can consist, for example, of:
Air and combustible gases
Vapors or
According to standard EN 60079-14, the ignition temperature of the potentially explosive gas
atmosphere must be greater than 200 °C (temperature class T3).
Asynchronous motors may only be operated up to the following specified maximum speed
1PH810☐-1 (asynchronous): 4350 rpm
1PH813☐-1 (asynchronous): 3000 rpm
1PH816☐-1 (asynchronous): 2250 rpm
For synchronous motors there is no restriction of the maximum speed
max in relation to the
standard synchronous motors. Synchronous motors may only be operated up to the
following specified maximum speed
1PH813☐-2 (synchronous): 4500 rpm
1PH816☐-2 (synchronous): 4000 rpm
Maximum speeds
Because of the geometry of the motors, the maximum speeds for Ex
-protected synchronous
motors are higher than for Ex
-protected asynchronous motors, depending on shaft height.
Reduced rated powers
The rated power of Ex
-version motors is reduced both in S1 and S6 operation in relation to
the non
See the rating plate for the applicable information.
2.1 Use for the intended purpose
1PH8 main motors explosion-proof version for zone 2 and 22 (option M03 and M39)
Operating Instructions, 11/2018, A5E44794151B AA 23
Use in Ex-areas with combustible, non-conductive dust (zone 22 - option M39)
Taking into account these special conditions, the 1PH8 motors with shaft heights 100, 132
and 160 correspond to:
Device group II, category 3D
Protection by enclosure tc, degree of protection IP55
Maximum surface temperature 160 °C in accordance with EN 60079-0: 2012 general
EN 60079-31: 2014 protection by enclosure
Marking: II 3D Ex tc IIIB T160 °C Dc IP55 -15 °C Ta +40 °C
The forced ventilated motors fulfill the requirements of the low risk class with regard to
impact resistance testing on the fan enclosure.
Category 3D motors are intended for use in zone 22 hazardous areas (non-conductive dust).
In zone 22 hazardous areas, a potentially explosive atmosphere is unlikely to occur, or if it
does occur, then only infrequently and for a very short period during normal operation. The
potentially explosive atmosphere consists of a mixture of dust and air.
According to EN 60079-14, the ignition temperature of a dust cloud must be 50 % higher
than the maximum surface temperature of the device used. In this case the ignition
temperature of a dust cloud must be > 240 °C. The glow temperature of a dust layer with a
maximum thickness of 5 mm must be 75 Kelvin higher than the maximum surface
temperature of the motor. In this case the ignition temperature of a dust cloud must
be > 235 °C.
Reduced rated powers
The rated power of Ex
-version motors is reduced both in S1 and S6 operation in relation to
the non
See the rating plate for the applicable information.
When you repaint explosion-protected machines, you must read the Repairing paint
damage (Page 86) section.
2.2 Technical characteristics and ambient conditions
1PH8 main motors explosion-proof version for zone 2 and 22 (option M03 and M39)
24 Operating Instructions, 11/2018, A5E44794151B AA
Technical characteristics and ambient conditions
Directives and standards
Standards that are complied with
SIMOTICS A, called "SIMOTICS motor series" below, fulfill the requirements of the following
directives and standards:
EN 60034-1 - Rotating electrical machines Dimensioning and operating behavior
EN 60204-1 - Safety of machinery Electrical equipment of machines; general
Where applicable, the SIMOTICS motor series are in conformance with the following parts of
IEC / EN 60034:
Degree of protection
IEC / EN 60034-5
Cooling 1) IEC / EN 60034-6
Type of construction
IEC / EN 60034-7
Connection designations
IEC / EN 60034-8
Noise levels
IEC / EN 60034-9
Temperature monitoring
IEC / EN 60034-11
Vibration severity levels
IEC / EN 60034-14
1) Standard component, e.g. cannot be applied to built-in motors
Besides, the motors comply with the following regulations in accordance with
IEC / EN 60079:
General explosion protection
IEC / EN 60079-0: 2012
Electrical installations design, selection and erection
IEC / EN 60079-14: 2014
Explosion protection gas
IEC / EN 60079-15: 2010
Explosion protection dust
IEC / EN 60079-31: 2014
Relevant directives
The following directives are relevant for SIMOTICS motors.
European Low-Voltage Directive
SIMOTICS motors comply with the Low-Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU.
European Machinery Directive
SIMOTICS motors do not fall within the area of validity covered by the Machinery Directive.
2.2 Technical characteristics and ambient conditions
1PH8 main motors explosion-proof version for zone 2 and 22 (option M03 and M39)
Operating Instructions, 11/2018, A5E44794151B AA 25
However, the use of the products in a typical machine application has been fully assessed
for compliance with the main regulations in this directive concerning health and safety.
European EMC Directive
SIMOTICS motors do not fall within the area of validity covered by the EMC Directive. The
products are not considered as devices in the sense of the directive. Installed and operated
with a converter, the motor - together with the Power Drive System - must comply with the
requirements laid down in the applicable EMC Directive.
Eurasian conformity
SIMOTICS motors comply with the requirements of the customs union
Russia/Belarus/Kazakhstan (EAC).
China Compulsory Certification
SIMOTICS motors do not fall within the area of validity covered by the China Compulsory
Certification (CCC).
CCC negative certification:
CCC product certification (https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/view/93012735)
Underwriters Laboratories
SIMOTICS motors are generally in compliance with UL and cUL as components of motor
applications, and are appropriately listed.
Specifically developed motors and functions are the exceptions in this case. Here, it is
important that you carefully observe the contents of the quotation and that there is a cUL
mark on the rating plate!
Quality systems
Siemens AG employs a quality management system that meets the requirements of ISO
9001 and ISO 14001.
Certificates for SIMOTICS motors can be downloaded from the Internet at the following link:
Certificates for SIMOTICS motors
European RoHS Directive
The SIMOTICS motor series complies with the Directive 2011/65/EU regarding limiting the
use of certain hazardous substances.
WEEE Directive
The SIMOTICS motor series fulfil the EU Directive 2012/19/EU regarding the take-back and
recovery of waste electrical and electronic equipment.
2.2 Technical characteristics and ambient conditions
1PH8 main motors explosion-proof version for zone 2 and 22 (option M03 and M39)
26 Operating Instructions, 11/2018, A5E44794151B AA
Technical characteristics
The most important technical characteristics of the motors can be found on the rating plate.
You will find detailed overviews of the technical characteristics of the motors from the
following tables, which refer to the basic model of the 1PH8 motor and apply to the
asynchronous and synchronous variants.
Depending on the electrical and mechanical configuration, it is possible to add options to the
basic model in order to adapt it to a specific drive application. For more information, see the
relevant options and selection and ordering data in the Configuration Manual "SIMOTICS M-
1PH8 Main Motors for SINAMICS S120" (hereinafter referred to as Configuration Manual).
Table 2- 2 Forced ventilation
Insulation of the stator winding
in accordance with EN 600341 (IEC 600341)
For an ambient temperature of up to 40° C
SH 100 to SH 160 temperature class 180 (H)
in accordance with EN 60034-6 (IEC 60034-6)
Forced ventilation
SH 100 ... SH 160: Fan mounted axially at NDE
Temperature monitoring
Temperature sensor in the stator winding
Fan supply voltage
(see "Technical data" in the Configuration Manual)
SH 100 ... SH 160: 3-ph. 400 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 3-ph. 480
VAC, 60 Hz
in accordance with EN 60034-7 (IEC 60034-7)
SH 100 ... SH 160: IM B3, IM B5, IM B35
Degree of protection
in accordance with EN 60034-5 (IEC 60034-5)
SH 100 ... SH 160: IP55
Shaft extension at the drive
end (DE) in accordance with DIN 748-3 (IEC 60072-1)
Plain shaft or feather key,
full-key or half-key balancing for feather key
Shaft and flange accuracy
in accordance with DIN 42955 (IEC 60072-1)
SH 100 ... SH 160: Tolerance R (reduced)
Vibration magnitudes
in accordance with Siemens / EN 60034-14 (IEC
SH 100 ... SH 160: Level R/A, Level A
Sound pressure level
in accordance with DIN EN ISO 1680, max.
tolerance +3 dB, external fan 50 Hz
SH 100 ... SH 132: 70 dB at a rated pulse frequency of 4
kHz and a speed range up to 5000 rpm
SH 160: 73 dB at a rated pulse frequency of 4
kHz and a speed range up to 5000 rpm
Bearing versions and maximum speeds See Chapter "Mechanical properties of the motors" in the Config-
uration Manual.
Encoder systems, built-in
DRIVE-CLiQ interface
Absolute encoder EnDat 2048 S/R (AM2048 S/R encoder)
Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp 2048 S/R with C and D
tracks (IC2048 S/R encoder)
Incremental encoder HTL 1024 S/R (encoder HTL1024 S/R)
Incremental encoder HTL 2048 S/R (encoder HTL2048 S/R)
Connection Connector for signals or DRIVE-CLiQ interface
(mating connector not included in scope of supply)
SH 100 to SH 132: Terminal box NDE top / power connector
SH 160: Terminal box NDE top
Nameplate (adhesive label) 1 nameplate adhesively attached to motor
1 nameplate supplied loose in terminal box
Paint finish
Standard paint finish in anthracite RAL 7016
2.2 Technical characteristics and ambient conditions
1PH8 main motors explosion-proof version for zone 2 and 22 (option M03 and M39)
Operating Instructions, 11/2018, A5E44794151B AA 27
Options Refer to Options and Selection and Ordering data in the Configu-
ration Manual.
Approvals, in accordance with
1) Radial eccentricity of the shaft extension, concentricity of centering wheel and axial eccentricity of the mounting flange
with respect to the axis of the shaft extension.
SH = Shaft Height
S/R = Signal/Revolution
DE = Drive End (motor drive end)
NDE = Non-Drive End (motor fan end)
Table 2- 3 Water cooling
Insulation of the stator winding
in accordance with EN 60034–1 (IEC 600341)
For a coolant inlet temperature of up to +30° C
SH 100 ... SH 160: Temperature class 180 (H)
in accordance with EN 60034-6 (IEC 60034-6)
Water cooling
max. Cooling water pressure at inlet: 6 bar
connection thread at NDE
(For further data, see Chapter "Mechanical properties of the mo-
tors" in the Configuration Manual.)
Temperature monitoring
Temperature sensor in the stator winding
in accordance with EN 60034-7 (IEC 60034-7)
SH 100 ... SH 160: IM B3, IM B5, IM B35
Degree of protection
in accordance with EN 60034-5 (IEC 60034-5)
SH 100 ... SH 160: IP65
Shaft extension at the drive
end (DE) in accordance with DIN 748-3 (IEC 60072-1)
Plain shaft or feather key,
full-key or half-key balancing for feather key
Shaft and flange accuracy
in accordance with DIN 42955 (IEC 60072-1)
SH 100 ... SH 160: Tolerance R/A (reduced)
Vibration magnitudes
in accordance with Siemens / EN 60034-14 (IEC 60034-14)
SH 100 ... SH 160: Level R