Preliminary Data Sheet
Apri l 1999
980-Type Ultrahigh-
Reliability Pump Laser Module
The 980-Type Ultrahigh-Reliability Pump Laser Module is ide-
ally suited for fiber amplifier-based optical transmission sys-
tems that require a long-term li fe expectancy.
■Extremely high reliability
— Laser-welded packaging technology used to
attain ultrastable long-term operation
— 29-year life
■Planar InGaAs PIN photodiode monitor for laser
back-facet output
■Wide range of stable CW optical output power
■Individually certified for ultrahigh reliability
■InGaAs ridge waveguide 980 nm single-mode
laser diode
■Standard low-profile, laser-welded, metal, her-
metic, 14-pin butterfly package
■Single-mode fiber with Bragg Grating (FBG) for
stable operation
■Stable single spatial mode kink-free operation ov er
a wide range of temperatures and currents
■Undersea optical transmission systems
■Ultrahigh reliability optical communications for mili-
tary systems
The 980-Type Pump Laser Module is a precision,
high-performance, ultrahigh-reliability lightwave com-
ponent that provides high output power light, in the
980 nm range. The 980-Type Pump Laser Module is
comprised of a single-mode laser diode, PIN back-
facet monitor, microlensed single-mode fiber, and a
Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) for improved stability, all
encased in a specially designed 14-pin, oxygen free,
butterfly package.
The 980-Type Pump Laser Module is capable of
providing a wide range of output power in the
974 nm to 984 nm wavelength range for erbium-
doped amplifier (EDFA) system application. The
pump laser module is designed and individually certi-
fied for high-reliability operation and long-term life
expectancy. The 980 nm InGaAs laser chip utilizes a
ridge guide design for high performance and reliabil-
ity. Chip and f acet parameters are optimized for stabi-
lized optical coupling and efficient pumping of the
EDFA. The laser pack age design also includes a
microlensed single-mode fiber and a planar InGaAs
PIN back-f acet photomonitor assembled in a modular
organic-free hermetic package. Laser welding tech-
nology is used for critical joints to achieve long-term
stability. Data is archived for at least ten years. Each
module is fully characterized and traceable. Long-life
performance and reliability are ensured through
extensive steps of burn-in, overstress, and power
aging. The 980-Type Pump Laser Module is av ailable
with a typical power output range of 20 mW to
70 mW.