Rev. 18 Jan 2005 VTI Technologies reserves the right to modify this specifi cation without prior to notice.
Vout(@Vx) x
E = 100% xVout(@5V)
SCA1000 and SCA1020 Series
• 2-axis measurement: SCA1000 for X - Y measurement and
SCA1020 for Z - Y measurement
• Available range ±1.7 g
• Interchangeable with SCA610/SCA620 (see interchangeability
drawing below)
• Over damped sensing element to control frequency response
• SMD DIL-12 lead-free component
• Compatible with lead-free refl ow soldering process
• Advanced internal and external connection failure detection
• Digitally activated electrostatic self-test
• Continuous memory parity check
• Single +5 V supply; two ratiometric analog voltage outputs
• Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) compatible digital output (11 bits)
• Internal temperature sensor, accessible via SPI
• Excellent reliability and stability over time and
• High resolution and low noise
• Wide operating temperature range
• Outstanding overload and shock durability
• 2-axis acceleration measurements
• 2-axis platform leveling
• Inclination based position measurement
• 360 ° vertical orientation measurement
Note 1 100 nF supply by-pass capacitor is needed.
Note 2 Measuring directions in parallel to mounting plane, arrows showing positive acceleration
Note 3 Zero point specifi ed as Voffset = Vout(0 g) [ V ]. See note 12.
Note 4 Sensitivity specifi ed as Vsens = {Vout(+1 g) - Vout(-1 g)}/2 [ V/g ]. See note 12.
Note 5 Zero point error specifi ed as Zero point error = {Vout(0 g) – Vdd/2} / Vsens [ g ] VSens =
Nominal sensitivity Vdd/2 = Nominal offset.
Note 6 Sensitivity error specifi ed as Sensitivity error = { [Vout(+1 g)-Vout(-1 g)] / 2 - Vsens_nom} /
Vsens_nom x 100 % [% ] Vsens_nom = nominal sensitivity See note 12.
Note 7 From straight line through +1 g and -1 g points.
Note 8 The output has true DC (0 Hz) response.
Note 9 The ratiometric error is specifi ed as:
Note 10 The cross-axis sensitivity determines how much acceleration, perpendicular to the measuring
axis, couples to the output. The total crossaxis sensitivity is the geometric sum of the
sensitivities of the two axis which are perpendicular to the measuring axis. The angular
alignment error between channels 1 and 2 is included into the cross axis error.
Note 11 Typical fi gure. In addition, supply voltage noise couples to the output due to the
ratiometric nature of the accelerometer.
Note 12 Measuring directions.
For customized product, please contact VTI Technologies
Parameter Condition Min Typ. Max Units
Supply voltage Vdd (1 4.75 5.0 5.25 V
Current consumption Vdd = 5 V; No load 5 mA
Analog resistive output load Vout to Vdd or Vss 10 kOhm
Analog capacitive output load 20 nF
Digital output load @ 500 kHz 1 nF
SPI clock frequency 500 kHz
AD conversion time 150 µs
Data transfer time @500 kHz clock 38 µs
Parameter Condition SCA1000-D01 SCA1020-D02 Units
Measuring range (2 Nominal ±1.7 ±1.7 g
Measuring direction relative to
mounting plane (12 See note 12. “X”= parellel
“Y” =parallel
“Z”= perpendicular
“Y”= parallel
Zero point (3,12 Mounting position Vdd/2 Vdd/2 V
Sensitivity (4,12 @ room temperature 1.2 1.2 V/g
Zero point error over temperature (5 -25…85 °C typical ±70 ±70 mg
-40…125 °C ±100 ±100 mg
Sensitivity error over temperature (6 -25…85 °C typical ±3±3%
-40…125 °C ±4±4%
Typical non-linearity (7 Over measuring range ±20 ±20 mg
Cross-axis sensitivity (10 @ room temperature 3.5 3.5 %
Frequency response –3dB (8 @ -40…125 °C 50±30 Hz 50±30 Hz Hz
Ratiometric error (9 Vdd = 4.75...5.25 V 2 2 %
Output noise density (11 From DC...100 Hz 80 80 µg/ Hz
Digital output resolution FS 11 11 Bits