PAPER/FILM CAPACITORS FOR USE iN HIGH FREQUENCY e@Standard Ratings (D XL mm) (Paper Capacitors) DU-SERIES (Non-Inductive, Axial Lead Type) V 400 Vde 630 Vde 1,000 Vde 1,600 Vde uF Type Size Type Size Type Size Type Size 0.001 | 40DU102M) 8x16] 63DU102M | 8X16] 100DU102M|) 816] 160DU102M) 8x16 0.0015 |40DU152M| 8x16|63DU152M| 8X16} 100DU152M | 8x16] 160DU152M | 8x16 0.0022 | 40DU222M| 8x16] 63DU222M| 8x16} 100DU222M | 8x16] 160DU222M | 8x21 @ Specifications Operating temperature range: 25~ +85C 0.0033 | 40DU332M| 8x16] 63DU332M} 8x16) 100DU332M | 8x16] 160DU332M | 8x21 Capacitance tolerance: + 20% (M) 0.0047 | 4oDU472M| 8x16] 63DU472M] 8x16] 100DU472M | 8x 16| 1e9DU472M | 10% 21 tan: $1.0% (at 1kHz ( ) 0.0068 | 40DU682M| 8x16 |63DU682M| 8x16] 100DU682M | 8x16) 160DU682M | 10x 21 @ Features Small characteristic changes in long period of operation. 0.01 40DU103M | 8x 16|63DU103M| 8%16| 100DU103M | 8x 21 | 160DU103M | 10x 26 Recommended for high voltage DC circuits. 9.015 | 4oDU1s3M} 8x16) 63DU183M| 10x21 | ooDUIsaM | 10x21 | 160DUIS3M | 1326 i i i ower supplies. Available for noise suppression of AC power supplies 0.022 |4oDu223M| 8x21 | 63DU223M | 10% 21 | 1ooDU223M | 1021 | 16eDU222M | 1326 0.033 | 40DU333M| 8x21 | 63DU333M | 10x 26 | 100DU333M | 13x 26 | 160DU333M | 16 x 26 0.047 | 40DU473M | 10x21 | 63DU473M | 10 x 26 | 100DU473M | 13x26) 1eDU473M | 16 26 0.068 | 4oDU683M | 13x21 | 63DU683M | 13x21 | 1oDU683M | 16% 26 | 160DU689M | 18 x 36 AC use is available (at +40C or less) 0.1 | 4ODUL04M | 13x 21 | 63DUI04M | 16 26 | JOODUIOEM | 16x 26 | 160DU104M | 16 x 36 0.15 | 40DU154M | 13 26 | 63DU154M | 16 x36 | 1OODUIS4M | 16 36 0.22 | 4oDU224M | 16 26 | 63DUZ24M | 16x 36 | 1o0DUZ24M | 18 x 46 Vde 400 630 1,000 | 1,600 Vac 250 350 500 650 0.33 40DU334M | 16 36 | 63DU334M | 18x 46) LOODU334M | 20 x46 0.47 40DU474M | 18 x 36 | 63DU474M | 20 x 46 0.68 40DU684M | 20 x 46 | 63DU102M Part Numbering System: {Typel MDADA Standard Ratings (WxXHxT mm) Metalized Polyprepylena Film Capacitors | Kee Code] 16OVde 6Vac | 240Vde 126Vac ] MOVE 200V'ac | 630Vde 259Vac | BOVE 3OOVac ]1000V'de | 1250Vde 440Vac uF Code 2 2 G J 2K 3A 3B 6.0022(222) 20.0% 10.3% 5.5) DADA SnrIES rm ia (High Frequency Pulse Use, Resin Dipped Type) 0.0047 (4721 1e.5e 78x 47112 5x 8.7% 5.6 20.0x11.8% 7.1 0.0068(6a21 12.5% 8.2% ,0[12.5% 9.2x 6.1[20,0%10.2% 5.5]20,0%12.9% 8.2 0.01 1403) 12.5% 7.8% 47/1256 8.7% 5.5]14.5%10.2% 5.5/20. 0% 11.0% 6.3]20.0%14.5% 9.6] 0.015 1153) 12.3% 8.9% S.1]12.5% 9.3% 6.2]16,5%10.9% 6.1]%0,0% 12.1 7.4]25.0%13.% 8.5 0.022 (233) 12.5% 8.8% S716 $ 10.3% 5.5)18.0% 10.8% 6.1/20.0%13.6% $.8125.0% 15.0% 10.0} BSpecifications 0.033 (333) 12.5% 17x 46]2.5% 9.6% 6.5NC SM Ly 6. 4]8 OTT 70/80 0115.5 10,6)25.0% 1B B1L.3 0.047 1473) 12.5% B.2% 5.1]14.5% 10.6% 5.9718.0% 11.0% 6.3]18.0%12.8% 8.0125.0x14.9% .4]25.0% 20.5% 13.6 Operating temperature range : 25~+85'C Capacitance tolerance : J(+5%) K(+10%) tang > $0.1%(at 1kHz) 0.068 (683) 12.5% 7.5x 4.4]12.5x 8.9% 5.7/4.5 11.5% 6.8]18.0< 11.9% 7.2IB. OX 14.3% 9.4125.0% 16.7% 10.0190.0% 22. 2x 11.9) O.V 4104) [12.5% 8.6% 5.514.5%10.0% .3]18.0%11.6% 6.9]18.0% 13.9% 8.5120.0% 15. 1x 10.2125.0% 19.0% 12, 1]30.0% 25.5% 14.9 O15 (154) 14.5% 9.9% 5.1]14.5x10.9% 6.2]18.0% 12.9% 8.24200 16.2% 9.3)25.0%16. 2% 9.6)30.0% 19.0121 MFeatures 10.22 224) 4.5% 10,7 6.0)18.0%11.1% 6.4f18.0%14.6% 9. 7]25.0%15.2% 8.6]25,0% 18,4 11 6]39.0% 23.8% 13.5 Excellent durability against 0.334334; [4 51h. 8% 7.1]18.0% 12.4 7.6 [20.0% 15.8> 10. 8]25 0% 17,219 5]25.0% 21.2143 large current in small sizes. , 0.47 (474) |18.0%12.0% 7.2918.0% 19.8% 9.0/25.0% 16.7% 10. 1125.0 19.412, 6]90.0% 23.8% 13.4 0.68 (684 18.0 13.4% 8.5/20.0x 14.8% 9.9]25.0% 19.0% 12, 1130.0 22, 1x 1. 8]30.0% 27.5 x 16.7 (105% [20/0 14.4% 9.5]25.0%16.1 9.5[25.0 21.9% 15.0]30.0% 25.418 UGS } [20.0% 16.7 X11.6)25,0 x18. 5 11.6 ]30.0% 25.3% 146.7 2.2 (225) [25.0% 18.0%18.2]25.0% 21.2% 14.4 3.36395) [25.0% 20. 8x 14.0190.0%24. 2814.2 4.7 (475) [30.0% 23.7% 15.3]30.0% 28.5% 17.5 125C operation up to 1,000hrs. is available. 2 wn 38