Panasonic Corporation Automation Controls Business Unit
ASCTB233E 201209-T
1. Usage, transport and storage conditions
1) Temperature: –40 to +80°C –40 to +176°F
2) Humidity: 5 to 85% RH (Avoid freezing and condensation.)
The humidity range varies with the temperature. Use within the
range indicated in the graph below.
3) Atmospheric pressure: 86 to 106 kPa
Temperature and humidity range for usage, transport, and
4) Condensation
Condensation forms when there is a sudden change in
temperature under high temperature and high humidity
conditions. Condensation will cause deterioration of the relay
5) Low temperature, low humidity environments
The plastic becomes brittle if the relay is exposed to a low
temperature, low humidity environment for long periods of time.
2. When installing the relay, always use washers to prevent
the screws from loosening.
• Regarding the torque value for contact terminal, it is intended
that secure an electrical connection stability by getting enough
contact pressure (Axial force) of fixing part.
Therefore, please do not use the screw (a bolt and a nut)
preventing looseness needing running torque (Prevailing torque
type and Self lock type) because enough tightening force in axial
direction may not be secured.
In addition, there is high possibility that a case of a relay may be
broken if users use the nut for EV80A and EV120A.
Because excessive torque is applied to a case of a relay before
generation of contact pressure. (Axial force).
• Regarding the torque value for the main body of a relay, please
use suitable screw on own verification.
3. Condition of tightening screw
Tighten each screw within the rated range given below.
Exceeding the maximum torque may result in breakage.
Mounting is possible in either direction.
<Relay attaching portion>
• M4 screw (for 10A type): 1.8 to 2.7 N·m
• M5 screw (for 20A, 80A, 120A, 200A and 300A types): 3 to 4
<Main terminal attaching portion>
• M5 (for 80A type): 3 to 4 N·m
• M6 (for 120A and 200A types): 6 to 8 N·m
• M8 (for 300A type): 10 to 12 N·m
4. Electrical life
This relay is a high-voltage direct-current switch. In its final
breakdown mode, it may lose the ability to provide the proper
cut-off. Therefore, do not exceed the indicated switching
capacity and life. (Please treat the relay as a product with limited
life and replace it when necessary.)
In the event that the relay loses cut-off ability, there is a
possibility that burning may spread to surrounding parts, so
configure the layout so that the power is turned off within one
5. Permeation life of internal gas
This relay uses a hermetically encased contact (capsule
contact) with gas inside. The gas has a permeation life that is
affected by the temperature inside the capsule contact (ambient
temperature + temperature rise due to flow of electrical current).
For this reason, make sure the ambient operating temperature is
between –40 and 80°C –40 and +176°F (200A and 300A types:
Max. 85°C 185°F), and the ambient storage temperature is
between –40 and 85°C –40 and +185°F.
6. The coils (300 A type) and contacts (all type) of the relay
are polarized, so follow the connection schematic when
connecting the coils and contacts.
Type 300 A contains a reverse surge voltage absorption circuit;
therefore a surge protector is not needed.
7. For the 300 A type, drive the coil with a quick startup.
(Built-in one-shot pulse generator circuit)
8. After the ON signal enters the 300A type, automatic coil
current switching occurs after approximately 0.1 seconds.
Do not repeatedly turn it OFF within that 0.1 seconds
interval, as doing so may damage the relay.
9. Be careful that foreign matter and oils and fats kind don’t
stick to the main terminal parts because it is likely to cause
terminal parts to give off unusual heat.
Also, please use the following materials for connected
harnesses and bus bars.
10A type: Min. 2 mm2 nominal cross-sectional area
20A type: Min. 3 mm2 nominal cross-sectional area
80A type: Min. 15 mm2 nominal cross-sectional area
120A type: Min. 38 mm2 nominal cross-sectional area
200A type: Min. 60 mm2 nominal cross-sectional area
300A type: Min. 100 mm2 nominal cross-sectional area
10. As a guide, the insertion strength of the plug-in terminal
into the relay tab terminal should be 40 to 70N (10A type), 40
to 80N (20A type). Please select a plug-in terminal (flat
connection terminal) which comply with JIS C2809-1999.
10A type: for plate thickness 0.5mm and #187 tab terminal
20A type: for plate thickness 0.8mm and #250 tab terminal
11. Avoid excessive load applied to the terminal in case of
installing such as a bus bar etc., Because it might adversely
affect the opening and closing performance.
12. Use the specified connector for the connector terminal
connection (80A, 120A and 300A)
Yazaki Corporation 7283 – 1020 or equivalent
Humidity, %RH
Tolerance range
when used at
higher than
(Avoid freezing
when used at
lower than
800–40 +176+32–40
Temperature, °C°F