☎ Germany (0 91 87) 10-0 - USA (847) 827-7600 - UK (01296) 420336 - www.e-t-a.com Issue E
Voltage rating AC 240 V; DC 48 V
Current ratings 0.05...10 A
Auxiliary circuit 0.5 A, AC 240 V, DC 28 V
Typical life 0.05...5 A: 3,000 operations at 2 x IN
6 ...8 A: 500 operations at 2 x IN
10 A 50 operations at 2 x IN
Ambient temperature -20...+60 °C (T 60)
Insulation co-ordination Rated impulse Pollution
(IEC 664 and 664 A) withstand voltage degree
2.5 kV 2
reinforced insulation in operating area
Dielectric strength Test voltage
(IEC 664 and 664A)
operating area AC 3,000 V
Insulation resistance >100 MΩ (DC 500 V)
Interrupting capacity Icn 0.05 ... 2 A 6 x IN
2.5 ...10 A 5 x IN
Interrupting capacity INUN
(UL 1077) 0.05...4.5 A AC 250 V 200 A
5 A AC 250 V 1000 A
6...10 A AC 250 V 2000 A
0.05...10 A DC 48 V 200 A
Degree of protection operating area IP 40
(IEC 529/DIN 40050) terminal area IP 00
Vibration 10 g (57-500 Hz),±0.76 mm (10-57 Hz),
to IEC 68-2-6, test Fc,
10 frequency cycles/axis
Shock 25 g ( 11 ms)
to IEC 68-2-27, test Ea
Corrosion 96 hours at 5 % salt mist,
to IEC 68-2-11, test Ka
Humidity 240 hours at 95 % RH,
to IEC 68-2-3, test Ca
Mass approx. 10 g
Thermal Overcurrent Circuit Breakers 104/105/106-...
Miniaturised single pole thermal circuit breaker with push-to-reset
tease free, trip-free, snap action mechanism (R-type TO CBE to EN
60934). Available in versions for PCB or panel mounting, snap-in or
threadneck, or as an integral type. Approved to CBE standard EN
60934 (IEC 934). For higher current ratings see type 1140.
Technical data
Authority Voltage ratings Current ratings
VDE (EN 60934), SEV AC 240 V 0,05...8 A
DC 48 V 0.05...10 A
Demko AC 250 V, DC 28 V 0.05...10 A
CSA, UL AC 250 V, DC 48 V 0.05...10 A
Semko AC 250 V, DC 48 V 0.1...10 A
Kema (EN 60934) AC 240 V 0,05...8 A
DC 48 V 0.05...10 A
Circuit breakers with -Si51 not approved
104-... 105-... 106-...
Typical applications
Motors, transformers, solenoids, printed circuit boards, hand-held
machines and appliances.
Ordering information
Type No.
104 PCB mounting type (-PR), or integral type (-P30/P10)
105 snap-in panel mounting
106 threadneck panel mounting with hex and knurled nut *
106-M1 threadneck mounting for standard fuseholder cutout *
Terminal design
P10 blade terminals A6.3-0.8
P30 blade terminals A2.8-0.8
PR solder terminal pins for PCB mounting (type 104 only)
Shunt terminal (optional)
A3 same as main terminals (up to IN 6 A/3 A max. load)
Auxiliary contacts (optional)
Si51 type 104 only
Current ratings
0.05...10 A
106 - P30 - - - 5 A = ordering example
The exact part number required can be built up from the table of choices shown
above. Ordering references for optional features should be omitted if not required.
* mounting hardware bulk shipped
Please enquire for packaging quantities
Current Internal Current Internal
rating (A) resistance (Ω) rating (A) resistance (Ω)
0.05 285 1.8 0.28
0.08 134 2 0.25
0.1 81 2.5 0.18
0.2 22 3 0.11
0.3 8.7 3.5 0.076
0.4 5.5 4 0.067
0.5 3.3 4.5 0.051
0.6 2.45 5 ≤ 0.05
0.7 1.6 6 ≤ 0.05
0.8 1.45 7 ≤ 0.05
1 0.9 8 ≤ 0.05
1.2 0.6 10 ≤ 0.05
1.5 0.4
Standard current ratings and typical internal resistance values