Design and specifi cations are each subject to change without notice. Ask factory for the current technical specifi cations before purchase and/or use.
Should a safety concern arise regarding this product, please be sure to contact us immediately.
Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors/ FP
– EEE-48 –
■Standard Products
W.V. Cap.
(±20 %)
Case size Specifi cation
Part No.
(RoHS:compliant) Refl ow
Packaging Q'ty
Dia. Length ✽Size
(100 kHz)
(+105 °C)
(100 kHz)
(+20 °C)
tan δ
(120 Hz)
(+20 °C)
(V) (µF) (mm) (mm)
(mA r.m.s.)
22 4 5.8 B 160 0.85 0.26 EEEFP0J220AR (5) 2000
47 45.8(B)1600.85 0.26 EEEFPJ470UAR (5) 2000
55.8C2400.36 0.26 EEEFP0J470AR (5) 1000
100 55.8(C)2400.36 0.26 EEEFPJ101UAR (5) 1000
6.3 5.8 D 300 0.26 0.26 EEEFP0J101AP (5) 1000
220 6.3 5.8 D 300 0.26 0.26 EEEFP0J221AP (5) 1000
330 6.3 7.7 D8 600 0.16 0.26 EEEFPJ331XAP (5) 900
86.2E5000.18 0.26 EEEFP0J331AP (6) 1000
470 8 10.2 F 850 0.08 0.26 EEEFP0J471AP (6) 500
1000 8 10.2 F 850 0.08 0.26 EEEFP0J102AP (6) 500
1500 10 10.2 G 1190 0.06 0.26 EEEFP0J152AP (6) 500
1800 10 10.2 (G) 850 0.08 0.26 EEEFPJ182UAP (6) 500
22 4 5.8 B 160 0.85 0.19 EEEFP1A220AR (5) 2000
33 45.8(B)1600.85 0.19 EEEFPA330UAR (5) 2000
55.8C2400.36 0.19 EEEFP1A330AR (5) 1000
150 6.3 5.8 D 300 0.26 0.19 EEEFP1A151AP (5) 1000
220 6.3 7.7 D8 6000.160.19 EEEFPA221XAP (5) 900
86.2E5000.18 0.19 EEEFP1A221AP (6) 1000
330 8 10.2 F 850 0.08 0.19 EEEFP1A331AP (6) 500
470 8 10.2 F 850 0.08 0.19 EEEFP1A471AP (6) 500
680 8 10.2 F 850 0.08 0.19 EEEFP1A681AP (6) 500
1000 10 10.2 G 1190 0.06 0.19 EEEFP1A102AP (6) 500
1200 10 10.2 (G) 850 0.08 0.19 EEEFPA122UAP (6) 500
10 4 5.8 B 160 0.85 0.16 EEEFP1C100AR (5) 2000
22 45.8(B)1600.85 0.16 EEEFPC220UAR (5) 2000
55.8C2400.36 0.16 EEEFP1C220AR (5) 1000
47 55.8(C)2400.36 0.16 EEEFPC470UAR (5) 1000
6.3 5.8 D 300 0.26 0.16 EEEFP1C470AP (5) 1000
68 6.3 5.8 D 300 0.26 0.16 EEEFP1C680AP (5) 1000
100 6.3 5.8 D 300 0.26 0.16 EEEFP1C101AP (5) 1000
6.3 7.7 D8 6000.160.16 EEEFPC101XAP (5) 900
150 6.3 7.7 D8 600 0.160.16
EEEFPC151XAP (5) 900
220 6.3 7.7 D8 6000.160.16 EEEFPC221XAP (5) 900
86.2E5000.18 0.16 EEEFP1C221AP (6) 1000
330 8 10.2 F 850 0.08 0.16 EEEFP1C331AP (6) 500
470 8 10.2 F 850 0.08 0.16 EEEFP1C471AP (6) 500
680 10 10.2 G 1190 0.06 0.16 EEEFP1C681AP (6) 500
820 10 10.2 (G) 850 0.08 0.16 EEEFPC821UAP (6) 500
10 4 5.8 B 160 0.85 0.14 EEEFP1E100AR (5) 2000
22 5 5.8 C 240 0.36 0.14 EEEFP1E220AR (5) 1000
33 55.8(C)2400.36 0.14 EEEFPE330UAR (5) 1000
6.3 5.8 D 300 0.26 0.14 EEEFP1E330AP (5) 1000
47 6.3 5.8 D 300 0.26 0.14 EEEFP1E470AP (5) 1000
68 6.3 5.8 D 300 0.26 0.14 EEEFP1E680AP (5) 1000
100 6.3 7.7 D8 6000.160.14 EEEFPE101XAP (5) 900
86.2E5000.18 0.14 EEEFP1E101AP (6) 1000
150 8 10.2 F 850 0.08 0.14 EEEFP1E151AP (6) 500
220 8 10.2 F 850 0.08 0.14 EEEFP1E221AP (6) 500
330 8 10.2 F 850 0.08 0.14 EEEFP1E331AP (6) 500
470 10 10.2 G 1190 0.06 0.14 EEEFP1E471AP (6) 500
560 10 10.2 (G) 850 0.08 0.14 EEEFPE561UAP (6) 500
✽ Size code( ):Miniaturization product
If Part number exceeds 12 digits, voltage code is abbreviated as follows; 0J씮J, 1A씮A, 1C씮C, 1E씮E, 1V씮V
· Please refer to the page of “Refl ow Profi le” and “The Taping Dimensions”.
· When requesting vibration-proof product, please put the last “V” instead to “P”
Endurance : 105 °C 2000 h
00 Nov. 2012