Amphenol Socapex FIELD BUS solutions USB-A Field Amphenol Rugged USB-A plastic & neoprene solutions with Self Closing Cap / DESCRIPTION Amphenol USB-A Field - Plastic & Neoprene versions are rugged USB interconnect solutions fitted to be used in any industrial harsh environnment. The Self Closing Cap enclosure enables to protect the USB-A Field receptacle from dust and fluids when the plug or the USB Memory key are unmatted. Applications Main characteristics * Sealing Level : Matted condition with plug or Rugged USB Memory Key : IP67 Receptacle with Self Closing Cap alone : IP54 * Mating cycles: 500 * Push / Pull mating * Neoprene shells for plug & USB Keys * Data Transmission : USB Specification 2.0 * Data Rate: Up to 480 Mb/s for High Speed USB * Temperature Range: - 40C / +85C * RoHS compliant * Access point * Telecom Equipments * Video Control * Robotics * Industrial Process Control * CNC Machines * Special Machines Memory Key with soft neoprene shell ed matt th n e h w wi IP 67 ptacle or p ce ive ca t e c r e t n o pro rene p o e n REFERENCE CAPACITE (Mo) USBAPKEY 1024 1024 USBAPKEY 2048 2048 USBAPKEY 4096 4096 USBAPKEY 8192 8192 PART NUMBER CAPACITY (Mb) / OVERALL DIMENSIONS & P/N Plug with soft neoprene shell [1.102] [2.03] Part Number : USBAP 6 xxxA WITH USB-A PLUG [1.102] [2.03] Part Number : USBAP 6 xxx Open L +0.164ft 0 Metres Meters Pieds Feet OPEN 0.5 1.64 USBAP6 05A USB-A 0.5 1.64 USBAP6 10 OPEN OUVERTE PART NUMBER n o atted m n whe IP 67 eceptacle r TYPE D'EXTREMITE L +5cm 0 REFERENCE USBAP6 05 OPEN EXTREMITY TYPE Ouverte ou USB-A Open or USB-A OUVERTE OPEN 1.0 3.28 USBAP6 10A USB-A 1.0 3.28 USBAP6 15 OPEN OUVERTE OPEN 1.5 4.92 USBAP6 15A USB-A 1.5 4.92 USBAP6 20 OPEN OUVERTE OPEN 2.0 6.56 USBAP6 20A USB-A 2.0 6.56 Square Flange Receptacle - IP54 when alone Part Number : USBAPSCC 21 [0.66 ft.] [0.98 ft.] [1.65 ft.] [3.28 ft] Part Numbers : USBAPSCC 22 02A (0.2 m [0.66 ft.] cordset length) / USBAPSCC 22 03A (0.3 m [0.98 ft.] cordset length) USBAPSCC 22 05A (0.5 m [1.65 ft.] cordset length) / USBAPSCC 22 10A (1 m [3.28.ft] cordset length) / OVERALL DIMENSIONS & P/N Jam Nut Receptacle - IP54 when alone Part Number : USBAPSCC 71 [0.66 ft.] [0.98 ft.] [1.65 ft.] [3.28 ft] Part Numbers : USBAPSCC 72 02A (0.2 m [0.66 ft.] cordset length) / USBAPSCC 72 03A (0.3 m [0.98 ft.] cordset length) USBAPSCC 72 05A (0.5 m [1.65 ft.] cordset length) / USBAPSCC 72 10A (1 m [3.28.ft] cordset length) USB plastic - IP67 cap (for square flange receptacle only) How to unplug : Part Numbers : USBAP IP67 CAP Cap lanyard fixed by a screw (for square flange receptacle only) Locking Shape : Push-up the self-closing cap before removing the USBKey, Plug or IP67 protective cap from the receptacle Amphenol Socapex 948, Promenade de l'Arve - BP 29 74311 Thyez cedex - France Phone : +33 450 89 28 00 Fax : +33 450 96 29 75 /