Table 11. Example PLL Settings for 48 kHz and 44.1 kHz Sample Rates in DAC MODE 01
Fin (MHz) Fs(kHz) M N P PLL_M PLL_N PLL_N_MO PLL_P Fout (MHz)
12 48 12.5 64 5 24 64 0 9 12.288
13 48 26.5 112.71875 4.5 52 112 23 8 12.288
14.4 48 37.5 128 4 74 128 0 7 12.288
16.2 48 37.5 128 4.5 74 128 0 8 12.288
16.8 48 12.53 32 3.5 24 32 0 6 12.288
19.2 48 12.5 32 4 24 32 0 7 12.288
19.44 48 40.5 128 58 80 128 0 9 12.288
19.68 48 20.5 64 5 40 64 0 9 12.288
19.8 48 37.5 128 5.5 74 128 0 10 12.288
12 44.1 35.5 133.59375 4 70 133 19 7 11.2896
13 44.1 37 144.59375 4.5 73 144 19 8 11.2896
14.4 44.1 37.5 147 5 74 147 0 9 11.2896
16.2 44.1 47.5 182.0625 5.5 94 182 2 10 11.2896
16.8 44.1 12.5 42 5 24 42 0 9 11.2896
19.2 44.1 12.5 36.75 5 24 36 24 9 11.2896
19.44 44.1 37.5 98 4.5 74 98 0 9 11.2896
19.68 44.1 44.5 114.875 4.5 88 114 28 8 11.2896
19.8 44.1 48 136.84375 5 95 136 27 9 11.2896
These tables cover the most common applications, obtaining clocks for derivative sample rates such as 22.05
kHz should be done by increasing the P divider value or using the R/Q dividers.
An example of obtaining 12.000 MHz from 1.536 MHz is shown below (this is typical for deriving DAC clocks
from I2S datastreams).
Choose a small range of P so that the VCO frequency is swept between 40 MHz and 60 MHz (or 60–80 MHz if
VCOFAST is used). Remembering that the P divider can divide by half integers, for a 12 MHz output, this gives
possible P values of 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, or 5. The M divider should be set such that the comparison frequency
(Fcomp) is between 0.5 and 5 MHz. This gives possible M values of 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, or 3. The most accurate N and
N_MOD can be calculated by sweeping the P and M inputs of the following formulas:
N = FLOOR{[(Fout/Fin)*(P*M)],1}
N_MOD = ROUND{32*[((Fout)/Fin)*(P*M)-N],0}
This shows that setting M = 1, N = 39+1/16, P = 5 (i.e. PLL_M = 0, PLL_N = 39, PLL_N_MOD = 2, & PLL_P = 4)
gives a comparison frequency of 1.536MHz, a VCO frequency of 60 MHz and an output frequency of 12.000
MHz. The same settings can be used to get 11.025 from 1.4112 MHz for 44.1 kHz sample rates.
Care must be taken when synchronization of isochronous data is not possible, i.e. when the PLL has to be used
but an exact frequency match cannot be found. The I2S should be master on the LM49370 so that the data
source can support appropriate SRC as required. This method should only be used with data being read on
demand to eliminate sample rate mismatch problems.
Where a system clock exists at an integer multiple of the required ADC or DAC clock rate it is preferable to use
this rather than the PLL. The LM49370 is designed to work in 8, 12, 16, 24, 48 kHz modes from a 12 MHz clock
and 8 kHz modes from a 13 MHz clock without the use of the PLL. This saves power and reduces clock jitter
which can affect SNR.
PLL Loop Filter
LM49370 requires a second or third order loop filter on PLL_FILT pin. LM49370 demoboard schematic has the
recommended values to use for the second order filter. Please refer to the LM49370 demoboard schematic.
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