Numerical Index 2N3856-2N3961 ale MAXIMUM RATINGS ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS sie = a || REPLACE: | PAGE Py | El] | Vee | Vee | = lire @ Ie Vegan @ | Bl] y |= TYPE z 5 MENT _ | NUMBER USE = cB E 5 2 CEISAT) Cy n_ 18 2/5 =\a @25C | B| C | (alts) | (volts) |S | (min) (max) 5 (volts) 5 3 s/e 2N3856 | S| N] MPS6513 | 5-109] RFC} 0.2W/ AJ 150 18 18,0] 100] 200] 2.0M 140M | T 2N3856A4 | S| N | MPS6513 5-109] RFC 0.2W] A] 150 30 30] 07 100} 200 2,0M 140M | T 2N3857 | S| P AFA] 0.6W | A {| 200 45 45|0] 50] 200 1.0M O.1 10M 45/E |] 4,.0M}T 2N3858 S| N{ MPS6512 5-109| RFC O.2W| A | 125 30 3010 60 | 120 2.0M 90M | T 2N3858A | S| N | MPS6566 | 5-148] RFA} 200M] A | 100 60 60; 0] 45 1.0M 90M | T 2N3859 | S| N | MPS6513 5~109] RFC} O.2W] AJ 125 30 30} 01100} 200} 2.0M 90M | T 2N3859A | S| N| MPS6566 5~-148| AFA 200M | Aj 100 60 60] 0 75 1.0M 90M | T 2N3860 S] N| MPS6514 5-109] RFC 0O.2W] A] 125 30 30 | 0} 150] 300 2.0M 90M | T 2N3861 |S] N LPA} 2.0W|A]175| 530] 530)V] 30] 200 25M 1.5 25M 20] 50M | T 2N3862 | S| N HSS | 0,36W | A | 200 50 20; 0] 50] 150 1OM | 0.25 10M 600M | T 2N3863 | S| N |} 2N3715 7-125] PMS LL7W | C | 200 70 50/0] 30] 90} 3.0A 1.0] 3.0A 0.5M|T 2N3864 [| S{N | 2N3716 7-125] PMS 117W | c | 200 110 90} 0] 30] 90] 3.0A 1.0] 3.04 O.5MjT 2N3865 S|N PMS L17W | Cc } 200 160 150} 0 30 90 3.0A 1.0 3.0A O.5M/T 2N3866 | S| N 9-91 | HPA] 5.,0W] Cc } 200 55 30} Oj] 10} 200 50M 1.0] O.1A 250M | T 2N3867 | S| P HSS 1.0W | A } 200 40 40]0 7] 40] 200 1.5A | 0.75 1,54 60M | T 2N3868 |S] P HSS 1.0W | A | 200 60 60] 0} 30] 150 1.5A | 0.75 1.54 60M | T BN3869 SIN HPA] 2.5W]C } 175 40 20]0] 20] 150 30M 0.7] 0.454 0.4G]T N3870 thru Thyristors, see Table on Page 1-154 2N3873 2N3876 | SIN LPA| 150W {C1175 140 5070} 25 | 150 LOA 1.0 10A 86] E 50M | T 2N3877 S| N | 2N4410 5-45 | AFC) 0.2W] A | 150 70 70)}0] 20] 250] 2.0M 2N3877A | S| N { 2N4410 5-45 | AFC] 0.2W | A} 150 85 8510] 204250] 2.0M 2N3878 | S{[N HPA 35W | c {| 200 120 5010}; 40] 200] 0.54 2.04, 4.0A 40 |E 40M | T 2N3879 SyN PMS 35W | Cc | 200 120 7510 12 ] 100 4.0A 1.2 4.0A 40M | T 2N3880 A RFA 0.2W | A | 200 30 15} 0 30 | 200 3.0M 50 1E 1.26 |T 2N3881 {S| N RFA | 0.6W|A | 200 60 35 | 0 1.5] 0.154 S50 | E 70M | T 2N3882 Field Effect Transistor, see Table on Page 1-166 2N3883 | GP { | 8-282] Hss| 0.3w | A | 100 25 15] 0] 30 0.2A 0.5) 0.28 LOOM | T 2N3884 thru Thyristors, see Table on Page 1-154 2N3899 2N3900 S| N | 2N5088 5*59 AFC 0.2W | A] 125 18 18 | 0 | 250 | 500 2.0M 170 |E 2N3900A | S | N | 2N5088 5-59 | AFC| 0.2W)A | 125 18 18 }0 | 250} 500] 2.0M 170 | E 2N3901 | S| N | 2N5088 5-59 | AFC| O,.2W}A {125 18 18} 0 |350] 700} 2.0M 350] E 2N3902 S| N PMS LoOW | c | 150 400 400 | 0 20 | 100 LOA 2.5 2.5A 40K [ E 2N3903 | S|N 5-11 | HSS | 0.31W] A | 135 60 40]0] 507150 10M 0.2 1OM 50}E |} 250M/T 2N3904 S| N 5-11 HSS | 0.31W] A | 135 60 40 | 0 | 100 | 300 10M 0.2 10M 100, E 300M | T 2N3905 |S] P 5-16 | HSS |] 0.31W] A | 135 40 40}0] 50/150 10M | 0.25 10M 50{E } 200M/T 2N3906 s]|P 5-16 HSS | 0.31W] A | 135 40 40 | O | 100 | 300 LOM 0.25 10M LOO JE 250M | T 2N3907 | S| N | 2N2915 11-27] DFA} 0.3W] A | 200 60 45 |0] 60] 300 10* | 0.35 1.0M 60M | T 2N3908 S| Nj 2N2916 11-27 | DFA 0.3W | A | 200 60 60 | 0 | 100 | 500 10* 0.35 1.0M 60M | T 2N3909 | Field Effect Transistor, see Table on Page 1-166 2N3910 | S| P CHP {| 0.5W | A | 200 60 50}0 4 40] 160 1.0M 0.3 10M 4.0M | T 2N3911 Ss) P CHP 0.5W )A ) 200 60 40) 0 60 | 240 L.0M 0.3 LOM 8.0M)T 2N3912 |S] P CHP | O.5W | A | 200 60 30]; 0] 90 L.OM 0.3 10M 10M | T 2N3913 Ss] P CHP 0.4W | A | 200 60 501, 0 40 | 160 1.0M 0.3 10M 4.0M/T 2N3914 | S|P CHP | 0,4W 1} A | 200 60 40} 0 | 60 | 240 1.0M 0.3 10M 8.0M|T 2N3915 S| P CHP O.4W] A 00 60 30] 0 90 , OM 0.3 10M 10M | T 2N3916 STN LPA 5.0W | | 150 150 5 0 40 | 200] 0.154 5,0] 0,154 30 50M | T 2N3917 S| N LPA 20W | C | 150 80 4010 30 | 120 1.0A 1.2 0A 15] E 30M {T 2N3918 S| N A 20W |] Cc} 150 80 40 | 0 | LOO | 300 L.OA 1.2 1,0A 30 | E 50M | T 2N3919 S| N PMS 15w jC} 150 120 60/0 40] 120 2,0A 1.2 10A 80M | T 2N3920 S|] N PMS 15W}] Cc} 150 120 60} 0} 100) 300 2.04 1.2 10A 80M | T aaa Field Effect Transistors, see Table on Page 1-166 2N3923 S| N VID 0.8wW | A | 200 150 150] 0 30} 120 25M 1.0 25M 20) E 40M | T 2N3924 | SIN 9-96 | HPA| 7.0W | c | 200 36 18 | 0 250M | T 2N3925 |S|N 9-96 | HPA 10W | C | 200 36 18 | 0 250M 1T 2N3926 S|N 9-96 HPA | 11.6W | C | 200 36 18 | 0 250M | T 2N3927 | S|N 9-96 | HPA | 23.2wW] Cc | 200 36 1840 200M | T 2N3928 }S] N PHS) 7.5W|C]175 80 40)0) 20}300]) 1.54 5.0} 1.54 200M | T 2N3929 S|N PHS 30W }C 1175 80 40] 0 20 | 300 1L.5A 5.0 1L.5A 200M | T 2N3930 |S] P AFA] 0.4W {A | 200 180 180 | O | 80 | 300 10M | 0.25 LOM | 100 40M | T 2N3931 |S|P AFA] 0.7W {| A | 200 180 180 | 0 | 80 | 300 10M | 0.25 10M | 100 40M | T 2N3932 S| N RFA 0.2W | A | 200 30 20)0 40 | 150 2.0M 50 750M | T 2N3933 Sy N RFA 0.2wW | A | 200 40 30] 0 60 | 200 2.0M 60 750M | T 3N3334 Field Effect Transistors, see Table on Page 1-166 2N3936 thru Thyristors, see Table on Page 1-154 2N3940 2N3941L_ [| S|N DFA | 0.75W | G | 200 60 45 | 0 | 400 10* 300 | E | 200M/T 2N3942 S|N DFA j 0.75W | Cc j 200 60 45 | 0 {400 10% 300 | E | 200M] T 2N3943 S|N DFA O.5W | c | 200 60 45 | 0 {400 10* 300] E 200M; T 2N3944 S| N DFA O.5W fc 7 200 60 45 | 0 | 400 1o* 300] 5 200M { T 2N3945 S| N MNS] 5.0W}C {200 70 50 ]0O] 40 | 250 | 0.154 0.5] 0.15A 60M | T 2N3946 S\N 8-286 | HSA 360M | A | 200 60 40 |0 504,150 10M 0.3 50M 50 | E 250M | T 2N3947 S|] N 8-286] HSA 360M | A | 200 60 40 | 0 | 100 | 300 10M 0.3 50M 100] E 300M | T 2N3948 S| N 9-102 | HPA 1.0W | A | 200 36 207,0 15 50M 700M | T 2N3950 |S|N 9-106] HPA 70W | C | 200 65 35 | 0 150M | T 2N3953 S| N RFA 0.2W {A {200 15 12 10 30 | 360 2.0M 40] E 1,36, T 2N3954 thru Field Effect Transistors, see Table on Page 1-166 2N3958 2N3959 |S|N 8-292| HNS | 400M | A | 200 20 12} 01} 40 | 200 10M 0.3 30M 13; E 1.3G | T 2N3960 |) S)N 8-292} HNS |} 400M] A } 200 20 12} 0} 40 } 260 LOM 8.3 30M 16} E] 1.66)T 2N396L |S|N 9-74 | HPA 10W } c | 200 65 40,0 400M | T 1-144WN XK \N CW KX \\ we WN WN Switching and General Purpose Transistors QUICK SELECTION GUIDE GERMANIUM HIGH-SPEED SWITCHING TRANSISTORS The following tables list germanium transistors recommended for high- speed switching applications. All are PNP devices. Preselection of devices for this applications category can be made by first selecting those devices that fill the voltage and current requirements (from Table below), then comparing the dynamic characteristics of the devices select- ed by consulting the subsequent table for a further narrowing of the field. Final device selection can then be made by consulting the complete data sheets. CURRENT versus VOLTAGE (PNP Germanium High-Speed Switching Transistors) AQ Q AANNRAARERN WW ~~ LN ~ ~ ~ AAAS WW BVceo MINIMUM OPTIMUM COLLECTOR CURRENT RANGE VOLTS 1 mA - 50 mA 10 mA - 100 mA 100 mA - 500 mA 2N705 2N711A 2N710 2N711B 2N711 2N960 2N968 2N961 2N969 2N962 5-9 2N970 2N963 2N971 2N964 2N972 2N964A 2N973 2N965 2N974 2N966 2N975 2N967 2N985 2N559 2N2635 2N1204 2N1204A 2N1494 10 - 15 2N1494A 2N2096 2N2099 2N2381 2N3883 16 - 20 2N2956 2N2097 2N2957 2N2100 2N2382 __ 2N1495 more than 2N2955 2N1496 21 SN XX DsD~?A AN WN ~~ 8-6WN WN Switching and General Purpose Transistors GERMANIUM HIGH SPEED SWITCHING TRANSISTORS (continued) WN WN WN WN w XK KK BARRA HERR ~ AS X WK 3 V Switching Times Type Oo CE(sat) @L/ Number $ fp hop @ To (max) CB ton tore ton and tore (MHz)| (min/max) (mA) (Volts) (mA) | (ns) | (ns) Test Conditions 2N2096 cj} }15/ goo | 0.6 200/10] |130 | 1, = 200 ma, 2n2097 | c | | 20/ 0.5 |} 90 | tar = 20 mAs Tp = 20 mA 2N2099 c} )15/ 0.6 | 130 2N2100 c| | 20/ 0.5 | 90 2N2381 c } 300 | 40/ 200 | 0.4 200/20) 22 } 45 2N2382 c | 300 | 40/ | 0.4 22 | 45 2N2635 p | 300 | 45/300 50 | 0.4 50/2,5| 50 | 250 | In, =1 mA, In, = 0.25 mA 2N2955 p | 200 | 20/60 0.3 50/5 | 55 | 80 | I, =50 mA, 2n2956 | D | 250 | 40/120 0.25 45 | 90 | 'p1 = 5 4s Tyg = 5 mA 2N2957 p |} 300 | 100/ 0.2 40 | 95 | 2N3883 c | 300 | 30/ 200 | 0.35 200/40] 36 | 68 | I, = 200 mA, Tai = 40 mA, Ibe = 40 mA WW RA ARAARRARAARARS KX WANA WN WN \\ ~ BCWWWY WK WK WG AN \ The following graphs show typical variations of hre, Vce{sat) and toft as a function of collector current for each device in the above table. The applicable curves are referenced in the Curve Code column of the table. hee versus Ic Vce(sar) Versus Ic . 0.6f7 | ao | _ Yor . | TTT NORMALIZED DC CURRENT GAIN a 5 0.4 : Jif 0.5 = a B V noe y J of a A oO 0.2 Lo Zz > D La] 0.2 tet o.1 0 0.2 05 1 2 5 10 20 50 100 200 5001000 1 2 4 6 810 20 40 60100 200 400600 I. COLLECTOR CURRENT (mAdc) Io (mA) Cc tors Versus Ic 400 300 8, = 10 200 100 80 60 tore (nsec) 40 20 1 2 4 6 810 20 40 60 80100 200 300 I (mA) 8-8Switching and General Purpose Transistors 2N3724, 2N3725 2N4013, 2N4014 (continued) ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (1, = 25C unless otherwise noted) Characteristic Symbol | Min | Max | Unit ON CHARACTERISTICS (continued) Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage* Vor(sat)* Vdc a, = 10 mAdc, Ig = 1.0 mAdc) - 0, 25 I. = mAdc, I, = mAdc N 2N - . Cc 100 B 10 mA 2N3724, 2N4013 0.20 2N3725, 2N4014 - 0.26 Mp = 300 mAdc, I3e 30 mAdc) 2N3724, 2N4013 - 0.32 2N3725, 2N4014 - 0.40 (lg = 500 mAdc, I, = 50 mAdc) 2N3724, 2N4013 - 0. 42 2N3725, 2N4014 - 0. 52 de = 800 mAdc, I, = 80 mAdc) 2N3724, 2N4013 - 0. 65 2N3725, 2N4014 - 0. 80 (I, = 1.0 Ade, I,, = 100 mAde) 2N3724, 2N4013 - 0.75 2N3725, 2N4014 - 0.95 Base-Emitter Saturation Voltage* Vv * Vdc (I, = 10 mAde, Tg = 1.0 mAde) BE(sat) - 0.76 (a mAdc, I, = mAdc - . c 100 B 10 mA 0. 86 Co = 300 mAdc, I, = 30 mAdc) - 11 Gy = 500 mAdc, Ip 50 mAdc) 0.9 1.2 dg = 800 mAdc, Int 80 mAdc) - 1.5 My = 1,0 Ade, 1, = 100 mAdc) - 1.7 SMALL-SIGNAL CHARACTERISTICS Current-GainBandwidth Product fp MHz a, = 50 mAdc, Vor = 10 Vdc, f = 100 MHz) 300 - Output Capacitance Cob pF (Vop = 10 Vdc, Ip = 0, f = 140 kHz) 2N3724, 2N4013 - 12 2N3725, 2N4014 - 10 Input Capacitance Ciy pF (Var = 0.5 Vdc, Ine 0, f = 140 kHz) - 55 SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS Turn-On Time ton - 35 ns (Vaan = 30 Vde, Vip = 3,8 Vdc 5 cc > "BE (aff) ; _ Delay Time Ig = 500 mAde, I; = 50 mAdc) a *0 ns Rise Time (See Figure 1) t. - 30 ns Turn-Off Time tote - 60 ns (Vog = 30 Vde, I, = 500 mAdc, Storage Time ~ . t - 50 ns 31 =lp2 = 50 mAdc) s Fall Time (See Figure 1) 2N3724, 2N4013 te - 25 ns 2N3725, 2N4014 - 30 * Pulse Test: Pulse Width = 300 us, Duty Cycle = 1.0%. FIGURE 1 SWITCHING TIMES TEST CIRCUIT +30Vv < > 15 -3.8V > 1.0 PF ( (o TO SAMPLING OSCILLOSCOPE 1.0k e 4 7 | Zin & 100 k22 TL t< 1.0 ns Vin = 19-7 1.0 BF 100 PULSE GENERATOR . t,. tp < 1.0ns 62 PW. ~ 1.0 ps Zin = 80.Q + == D.C. < 2.0% - ~ 8-258 Switching and General Purpose Transistors f; = 300 MHz (typ) Ic = 300 mA Pp = 750 mW @ 25C Case 2N3883 (GERMANIUM) Medium-current, germanium PNPhigh-speed switch- ing transistor. CASE 31 (TO-5) Collector connected to case MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta = 25C unless otherwise noted) 0 10 18 20 Voce, COLLECTOR-EMITTER VOLTAGE (VOLTS) 25 30 8-282 ub Rating Symbol Value Units Collector-Base Voltage Voz 25 Vde Collector-Emitter Voltage Vor O 15 Vdc Emitter-Base Voltage VER 3 Vdc Collector Current (Continuous) In 300 mAdc Junction Temperature Ty 100 c Storage Temperature T, te -65 to +100 C Device Dissipation @ 25C Case Temperature Ph 750 mW (Derate 10 mW/C above 25C) Device Dissipation @ 25C Ambient Pp 300 mW (Derate 4 mW/C) COLLECTOR LATCH-UP VOLTAGE AND TEST CIRCUIT 250 ADJUST Vgg for +0.5 V at point A \ 4 ADJUST base pulse for 5 jxs width < 200 ADJUST collector pulse for duty cycle < 5% LS \ t, & < 20ns = 160 \ TO OSCILLOSCOPE 3 \ LATCH-UP TEST POWER SUPPLY s LOAD LINE HP721A 2 100 8 \ ~5V 5 tty < 20s 50 N 0 Switching and General Purpose Transistors 2N3883 (continued) ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (At 25C Ambient unless otherwise noted) Characteristic Symbol Min Typ Max | Unit Coliector-Base Breakdown Voltage BV CBO Vde (Ig = -100uAdc, I, = 0) -25 ~ Collector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage BVcEo Vde (Ig = -10mAdc, IB = 0) -15 _ _ Emitter-Base Breakdown Voitage BV 3 oO Vde (Ig = -100n Adc, I, = 0) -3 Latch-Up Voltage LVorx -20 _ _ Vdc Collector-Emitter Leakage Current lors pAdc (Von = -15 Vde, Vag = 0) -100 Base Cutoff Current Ib uAdc Vor = -15 Vdc, Ves = 0) _ _ -100 DC Current Gain hep Mg = -20C mAdc, Vor = -1,0 Vdc) 30 _ Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage Vor at) Vde (Ig = -200 mAde, I,, = -40 mAdc 5 -0.35 | -0.5 Base-Emitter Voltage VBE Vde (ig = -200 mAdc, Ib = -40 mAdc) -0.4 -0. 65 -0.9 Output Capacitance Cob pF (Vag, = -10 Vde, 1, = 0, = 100 kHz) 4.5 8 Input Capacitance Cy pF (Vag = 1 Vdc, 1, = 0, f = 100 kHz) 10 25 Current-Gain Bandwidth Product fp MHz (Veg = 710 Vde, I, = -40 mAde, f = 100 MHz) 100 300 Delay Time ty _ 8 15 ns Rise Time t. _ 28 40 ns Storage Time ts _ 40 70 ns Fall Time t _ 28 40 ns STORAGE TIME VARIATIONS 25 5 Ver = Jez lo! Bo << Iez 4 va ws uw Lo" = 20 = | 8 wy z N\ 3 > B NX & L a N a 7 3 aN Z = 15 Ne 2 La 1 10 [~~ 0 ~10 20 50 1 2 10 Ip, BASE CURRENT (mAdc) Ine/e2, CIRCUIT DRIVE RATIO 8-283 Switching and General Purpose Transistors 2N3883 (continued) SWITCHING TIME TEST CIRCUIT 30 10.4V nr 200 ns EL 0 GENERATOR Z,.4 = 502 INPUT PULSE ft, < Sans Scope t,'<= 5 ns Scope Rin == 100 KQ Scope Cin = 10 pF Ie = 200 mA Ip: = 40 mA Ig2 = 40 mA TYPICAL RISE AND FALL TIME BEHAVIOR TOTAL CONTROL CHARGE 60 3000 | | | Veo =10 Ty = 25C 2000 50 Bras 1000 700 40 \ x N 500 300 NI t, and Le "| t,, ty, RISE AND FALL TIME (ns) Qr, TOTAL CONTROL CHARGE (PICO-COULOMBS) 200 =10 ~20 30 50 70 100 200 =300 = ~ Ic, COLLECTOR CURRENT (mA) fy, BASE CURRENT {mAdc) BASE-EMITTER VOLTAGE versus COLLECTOR CURRENT COLLECTOR-EMITTER SATURATION VOLTAGES versus BASE CURRENT -10 0.8 _-08 B07 g Z = Ss vd x 206 5-06 5 Ss = & 5 E 2-04 S95 o Sa an aa a 02 ~04 Ic = 10mA 0 -03 -01 02 05-07 10-20 ~bo-70 -10 20 50 10 30 50 70 100 Ip, BASE CURRENT (mAdc) Ic, COLLECTOR CURRENT (mAdc) 8-284 300Switching and General Purpose Transistors 2N3883 (continued) +2.0 gto = = Bo 2 2 5 8 eg 2-10 a = t n o ~50 TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENTS 25C TO + ($5C TO +25C) (+25C T0 + Ova for Var (sat} {--55C TO +25C) 150 200 Ic, COLLECTOR CURRENT (mAdc) ~100 LEAKAGE CHARACTERISTICS COMMON EMITTER 300 TT i,! I { { F Ty = +85C PC 200 a _ Vor = 15V t 2 v ie 100 / a bef e Co wor y= +55C =) |. THRESHOLD: 1 po w B got. VOLTAGE _{ 7" pase Leakage Current. [p, is defined as base z 4 leakage current with both junctions reverse a biased, Ic is always less than Ip), for You > 2 30 t Vy. (Vos is off condition base bias, Vy is base voltage at of conduction.) 3 / | | 20 t i Ty = +25C iL f {ot 025 0 05 10 15 2.0 Vow, BASE-EMITTER REVERSE BIAS (VOLTS) hee NORMALIZED DC CURRENT GAIN JUNCTION CAPACITANCE (nF) 8-285 NORMALIZED CURRENT GAIN CHARACTERISTICS Ty = +85C Veg =: 1 VOLT Ty = +25C Ty = ~55C Ic, COLLECTOR CURRENT (mAdc} JUNCTION CAPACITANCE versus REVERSE VOLTAGE REVERSE BIAS (VOLTS)