Dual-Channel Digital Isolators
Data Sheet ADuM1200/ADuM1201
Rev. I
Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no
responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other
rights of third parties that may result from its use. Specifications subject to change without notice. No
license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices.
Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A.
Tel: 781.329.4700 www.analog.com
Fax: 781.461.3113 ©2004–2012 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.
Narrow body, RoHS-compliant, SOIC 8-lead package
Low power operation
5 V operation
1.1 mA per channel maximum @ 0 Mbps to 2 Mbps
3.7 mA per channel maximum @ 10 Mbps
8.2 mA per channel maximum @ 25 Mbps
3 V operation
0.8 mA per channel maximum @ 0 Mbps to 2 Mbps
2.2 mA per channel maximum @ 10 Mbps
4.8 mA per channel maximum @ 25 Mbps
Bidirectional communication
3 V/5 V level translation
High temperature operation: 125°C
High data rate: dc to 25 Mbps (NRZ)
Precise timing characteristics
3 ns maximum pulse width distortion
3 ns maximum channel-to-channel matching
High common-mode transient immunity: >25 kV/μs
Qualified for automotive applications
Safety and regulatory approvals
UL recognition
2500 V rms for 1 minute per UL 1577
CSA Component Acceptance Notice #5A
VDE Certificate of Conformity
DIN V VDE V 0884-10 (VDE V 0884-10): 2006-12
VIORM = 560 V peak
Size-critical multichannel isolation
SPI interface/data converter isolation
RS-232/RS-422/RS-485 transceiver isolation
Digital field bus isolation
Hybrid electric vehicles, battery monitor, and motor drive
The ADuM120x1 are dual-channel digital isolators based on
the Analog Devices, Inc., iCoupler® technology. Combining
high speed CMOS and monolithic transformer technologies,
these isolation components provide outstanding performance
characteristics superior to alternatives, such as optocouplers.
By avoiding the use of LEDs and photodiodes, iCoupler devices
remove the design difficulties commonly associated with opto-
couplers. The typical optocoupler concerns regarding uncertain
current transfer ratios, nonlinear transfer functions, and temper-
ature and lifetime effects are eliminated with the simple iCoupler
digital interfaces and stable performance characteristics. The need
for external drivers and other discrete components is eliminated
with these iCoupler products. Furthermore, iCoupler devices
consume one-tenth to one-sixth the power of optocouplers at
comparable signal data rates.
The ADuM120x isolators provide two independent isolation
channels in a variety of channel configurations and data rates
(see the Ordering Guide). Both parts operate with the supply
voltage on either side ranging from 2.7 V to 5.5 V, providing
compatibility with lower voltage systems as well as enabling a
voltage translation functionality across the isolation barrier.
In addition, the ADuM120x provide low pulse width distortion
(<3 ns for CR grade) and tight channel-to-channel matching
(<3 ns for CR grade). Unlike other optocoupler alternatives,
the ADuM120x isolators have a patented refresh feature that
ensures dc correctness in the absence of input logic transitions
and during power-up/power-down conditions.
The ADuM1200W and ADuM1201W are automotive grade
versions qualified for 125°C operation. See the Automotive
Products section for more information.
Figure 1. ADuM1200 Functional Block Diagram
Figure 2. ADuM1201 Functional Block Diagram
1 Protected by U.S. Patents 5,952,849; 6,873,065; 6,903,578; and 7,075,329.
ADuM1200/ADuM1201 Data Sheet
Rev. I | Page 2 of 28
Features .............................................................................................. 1
Applications....................................................................................... 1
General Description......................................................................... 1
Functional Block Diagrams............................................................. 1
Revision History ............................................................................... 3
Specifications..................................................................................... 4
Electrical Characteristics—5 V, 105°C Operation ................... 4
Electrical Characteristics—3 V, 105°C Operation ................... 6
Electrical Characteristics—Mixed 5 V/3 V or 3 V/5 V,
105°C Operation........................................................................... 8
Electrical Characteristics—5 V, 125°C Operation ................. 11
Electrical Characteristics—3 V, 125°C Operation ................. 13
Electrical Characteristics—Mixed 5 V/3 V, 125°C Operation 15
Electrical Characteristics—Mixed 3 V/5 V, 125°C Operation 17
Package Characteristics ............................................................. 19
Regulatory Information............................................................. 19
Insulation and Safety-Related Specifications.......................... 19
DIN V VDE V 0884-10 (VDE V 0884-10): 2006-12
Insulation Characteristics ......................................................... 20
Recommended Operating Conditions .................................... 20
Absolute Maximum Ratings ......................................................... 21
ESD Caution................................................................................ 21
Pin Configurations and Function Descriptions......................... 22
Typical Performance Characteristics ........................................... 23
Applications Information .............................................................. 24
PCB Layout ................................................................................. 24
Propagation Delay-Related Parameters................................... 24
DC Correctness and Magnetic Field Immunity........................... 24
Power Consumption .................................................................. 25
Insulation Lifetime..................................................................... 26
Outline Dimensions....................................................................... 27
Ordering Guide .......................................................................... 27
Automotive Products ................................................................. 28
Data Sheet ADuM1200/ADuM1201
Rev. I | Page 3 of 28
3/12—Rev. H to Rev. I
Created Hyperlink for Safety and Regulatory Approvals
Entry in Features Section .................................................................1
Change to General Description Section.........................................1
Change to PCB Layout Section .....................................................24
Moved Automotive Products Section...........................................28
1/09—Rev. G to Rev. H
Changes to Table 5, Switching Specifications Parameter...........13
Changes to Table 6, Switching Specifications Parameter...........15
Changes to Table 7, Switching Specifications Parameter...........17
9/08—Rev. F to Rev. G
Changes to Table 9 ..........................................................................19
Changes to Table 13 ........................................................................21
Changes to Ordering Guide...........................................................27
3/08—Rev. E to Rev. F
Changes to Features Section ............................................................1
Changes to Applications Section.....................................................1
Added Table 4 ..................................................................................11
Added Table 5 ..................................................................................13
Added Table 6 ..................................................................................15
Added Table 7 ..................................................................................17
Changes to Table 12 ........................................................................20
Changes to Table 13 ........................................................................21
Added Automotive Products Section ...........................................26
Changes to Ordering Guide...........................................................27
11/07—Rev. D to Rev. E
Changes to Note 1 .............................................................................1
Added ADuM120xAR Change vs. Temperature Parameter .......3
Added ADuM120xAR Change vs. Temperature Parameter .......5
Added ADuM120xAR Change vs. Temperature Parameter .......8
8/07—Rev. C to Rev. D
Updated VDE Certification Throughout.......................................1
Changes to Features, Note 1, Figure 1, and Figure 2....................1
Changes to Table 3 ............................................................................7
Changes to Regulatory Information Section...............................10
Added Table 10................................................................................12
Added Insulation Lifetime Section...............................................16
Updated Outline Dimensions........................................................18
Changes to Ordering Guide...........................................................18
2/06—Rev. B to Rev. C
Updated Format ................................................................. Universal
Added Note 1.....................................................................................1
Changes to Absolute Maximum Ratings......................................12
Changes to DC Correctness and Magnetic Field
Immunity Section............................................................................15
9/04—Rev. A to Rev. B
Changes to Table 5 ..........................................................................10
6/04—Rev. 0 to Rev. A
Changes to Format............................................................. Universal
Changes to General Description.....................................................1
Changes to Electrical Characteristics—5 V Operation................3
Changes to Electrical Characteristics—3 V Operation................5
Changes to Electrical Characteristics—Mixed 5 V/3 V or
3 V/5 V Operation ............................................................................7
4/04—Revision 0: Initial Version
ADuM1200/ADuM1201 Data Sheet
Rev. I | Page 4 of 28
All voltages are relative to their respective ground; 4.5 V ≤ VDD1 ≤ 5.5 V, 4.5 V ≤ VDD2 ≤ 5.5 V; all minimum/maximum specifications apply
over the entire recommended operating range, unless otherwise noted; all typical specifications are at TA = 25°C, VDD1 = VDD2 = 5 V; this
does not apply to the ADuM1200W and ADuM1201W automotive grade products.
Table 1.
Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Test Conditions
Input Supply Current per Channel, Quiescent IDDI (Q) 0.50 0.60 mA
Output Supply Current per Channel, Quiescent IDDO (Q) 0.19 0.25 mA
ADuM1200 Total Supply Current, Two Channels1
DC to 2 Mbps
VDD1 Supply Current IDD1 (Q) 1.1 1.4 mA DC to 1 MHz logic signal freq.
VDD2 Supply Current IDD2 (Q) 0.5 0.8 mA DC to 1 MHz logic signal freq.
10 Mbps (BR and CR Grades Only)
VDD1 Supply Current IDD1 (10) 4.3 5.5 mA 5 MHz logic signal freq.
VDD2 Supply Current IDD2 (10) 1.3 2.0 mA 5 MHz logic signal freq.
25 Mbps (CR Grade Only)
VDD1 Supply Current IDD1 (25) 10 13 mA 12.5 MHz logic signal freq.
VDD2 Supply Current IDD2 (25) 2.8 3.4 mA 12.5 MHz logic signal freq.
ADuM1201 Total Supply Current, Two Channels1
DC to 2 Mbps
VDD1 Supply Current IDD1 (Q) 0.8 1.1 mA DC to 1 MHz logic signal freq.
VDD2 Supply Current IDD2 (Q) 0.8 1.1 mA DC to 1 MHz logic signal freq.
10 Mbps (BR and CR Grades Only)
VDD1 Supply Current IDD1 (10) 2.8 3.5 mA 5 MHz logic signal freq.
VDD2 Supply Current IDD2 (10) 2.8 3.5 mA 5 MHz logic signal freq.
25 Mbps (CR Grade Only)
VDD1 Supply Current IDD1 (25) 6.3 8.0 mA 12.5 MHz logic signal freq.
VDD2 Supply Current IDD2 (25) 6.3 8.0 mA 12.5 MHz logic signal freq.
For All Models
Input Currents IIA, IIB −10 +0.01 +10 μA 0 V ≤ VIA, VIB ≤ (VDD1 or VDD2)
Logic High Input Threshold VIH 0.7 (VDD1 or VDD2) V
Logic Low Input Threshold VIL 0.3 (VDD1 or VDD2) V
Logic High Output Voltages VOAH, VOBH (VDD1 or VDD2) − 0.1 5.0 V IOx = −20 μA, VIx = VIxH
(VDD1 or VDD2)0.5 4.8 V IOx = −4 mA, VIx = VIxH
Logic Low Output Voltages VOAL, VOBL 0.0 0.1 V IOx = 20 μA, VIx = VIxL
0.04 0.1 V IOx = 400 μA, VIx = VIxL
0.2 0.4 V IOx = 4 mA, VIx = VIxL
ADuM120xAR CL = 15 pF, CMOS signal levels
Minimum Pulse Width2 PW 1000 ns
Maximum Data Rate3 1 Mbps
Propagation Delay4 t
PHL, tPLH 50 150 ns
Pulse Width Distortion, |tPLH − tPHL|4 PWD 40 ns
Change vs. Temperature 11 ps/°C
Propagation Delay Skew5 t
PSK 100 ns
Channel-to-Channel Matching6 t
Output Rise/Fall Time (10% to 90%) tR/tF 10 ns
Data Sheet ADuM1200/ADuM1201
Rev. I | Page 5 of 28
Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Test Conditions
Minimum Pulse Width2 PW 100 ns
Maximum Data Rate3 10 Mbps
Propagation Delay4 tPHL, tPLH 20 50 ns
Pulse Width Distortion, |tPLH − tPHL|4 PWD 3 ns
Change vs. Temperature 5 ps/°C
Propagation Delay Skew5 tPSK 15 ns
Channel-to-Channel Matching 3
Codirectional Channels6 tPSKCD ns
Opposing Directional Channels6 tPSKOD 15 ns
Output Rise/Fall Time (10% to 90%) tR/tF 2.5 ns
Minimum Pulse Width2 PW 20 40 ns
Maximum Data Rate3 25 50 Mbps
Propagation Delay4 tPHL, tPLH 20 45 ns
Pulse Width Distortion, |tPLH − tPHL|4 PWD 3 ns
Change vs. Temperature 5 ps/°C
Propagation Delay Skew5 tPSK 15 ns
Channel-to-Channel Matching 3 ns
Codirectional Channels6 tPSKCD
Opposing Directional Channels6 tPSKOD 15 ns
Output Rise/Fall Time (10% to 90%) tR/tF 2.5 ns
For All Models
Common-Mode Transient Immunity
Logic High Output7 |CMH| 25 35 kV/μs VIx = VDD1 or VDD2, VCM =
1000 V, transient
magnitude = 800 V
Logic Low Output7 |CML| 25 35 kV/μs VIx = 0 V, VCM = 1000 V,
transient magnitude = 800 V
Refresh Rate fr 1.2 Mbps
Dynamic Supply Current per Channel8
Input IDDI (D) 0.19 mA/
Output IDDO (D) 0.05 mA/
1 The supply current values are for both channels combined when running at identical data rates. Output supply current values are specified with no output load
present. The supply current associated with an individual channel operating at a given data rate can be calculated as described in the section. See
through for information on per-channel supply current as a function of data rate for unloaded and loaded conditions. See through
for total VDD1 and VDD2 supply currents as a function of data rate for ADuM1200 and ADuM1201 channel configurations.
Power Consumption
Power Consumption
Figure 6
Figure 6
Figure 8
Figure 8
Figure 9 Figure 11
2 The minimum pulse width is the shortest pulse width at which the specified pulse width distortion is guaranteed.
3 The maximum data rate is the fastest data rate at which the specified pulse width distortion is guaranteed.
4 tPHL propagation delay is measured from the 50% level of the falling edge of the VIx signal to the 50% level of the falling edge of the VOx signal. tPLH propagation delay is
measured from the 50% level of the rising edge of the VIx signal to the 50% level of the rising edge of the VOx signal.
5 tPSK is the magnitude of the worst-case difference in tPHL and/or tPLH that is measured between units at the same operating temperature, supply voltages, and output
load within the recommended operating conditions.
6 Codirectional channel-to-channel matching is the absolute value of the difference in propagation delays between any two channels with inputs on the same side of
the isolation barrier. Opposing directional channel-to-channel matching is the absolute value of the difference in propagation delays between any two channels with
inputs on opposing sides of the isolation barrier.
7 CMH is the maximum common-mode voltage slew rate that can be sustained while maintaining VO > 0.8 VDD2. CML is the maximum common-mode voltage slew rate
that can be sustained while maintaining VO < 0.8 V. The common-mode voltage slew rates apply to both rising and falling common-mode voltage edges. The transient
magnitude is the range over which the common mode is slewed.
8 Dynamic supply current is the incremental amount of supply current required for a 1 Mbps increase in the signal data rate. See through for
information on per-channel supply current as a function of data rate for unloaded and loaded conditions. See the section for guidance on
calculating per-channel supply current for a given data rate.
ADuM1200/ADuM1201 Data Sheet
Rev. I | Page 6 of 28
All voltages are relative to their respective ground; 2.7 V ≤ VDD1 ≤ 3.6 V, 2.7 V ≤ VDD2 ≤ 3.6 V; all minimum/maximum specifications apply
over the entire recommended operating range, unless otherwise noted; all typical specifications are at TA = 25°C, VDD1 = VDD2 = 3.0 V; this
does not apply to ADuM1200W and ADuM1201W automotive grade products.
Table 2.
Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Test Conditions
Input Supply Current per Channel, Quiescent IDDI (Q) 0.26 0.35 mA
Output Supply Current per Channel, Quiescent IDDO (Q) 0.11 0.20 mA
ADuM1200 Total Supply Current, Two Channels1
DC to 2 Mbps
VDD1 Supply Current IDD1 (Q) 0.6 1.0 mA DC to 1 MHz logic signal freq.
VDD2 Supply Current IDD2 (Q) 0.2 0.6 mA DC to 1 MHz logic signal freq.
10 Mbps (BR and CR Grades Only)
VDD1 Supply Current IDD1 (10) 2.2 3.4 mA 5 MHz logic signal freq.
VDD2 Supply Current IDD2 (10) 0.7 1.1 mA 5 MHz logic signal freq.
25 Mbps (CR Grade Only)
VDD1 Supply Current IDD1 (25) 5.2 7.7 mA 12.5 MHz logic signal freq.
VDD2 Supply Current IDD2 (25) 1.5 2.0 mA 12.5 MHz logic signal freq.
ADuM1201 Total Supply Current, Two Channels1
DC to 2 Mbps
VDD1 Supply Current IDD1 (Q) 0.4 0.8 mA DC to 1 MHz logic signal freq.
VDD2 Supply Current IDD2 (Q) 0.4 0.8 mA DC to 1 MHz logic signal freq.
10 Mbps (BR and CR Grades Only)
VDD1 Supply Current IDD1 (10) 1.5 2.2 mA 5 MHz logic signal freq.
VDD2 Supply Current IDD2 (10) 1.5 2.2 mA 5 MHz logic signal freq.
25 Mbps (CR Grade Only)
VDD1 Supply Current IDD1 (25) 3.4 4.8 mA 12.5 MHz logic signal freq.
VDD2 Supply Current IDD2 (25) 3.4 4.8 mA 12.5 MHz logic signal freq.
For All Models
Input Currents IIA, IIB −10 +0.01 +10 μA 0 V ≤ VIA, VIB ≤ (VDD1 or VDD2)
Logic High Input Threshold VIH 0.7 (VDD1 or VDD2) V
Logic Low Input Threshold VIL 0.3 (VDD1 or VDD2)
Logic High Output Voltages VOAH, VOBH (VDD1 or VDD2) − 0.1 3.0 V IOx = −20 μA, VIx = VIxH
(VDD1 or VDD2) − 0.5 2.8 V IOx = −4 mA, VIx = VIxH
Logic Low Output Voltages VOAL, VOBL 0.0 0.1 V IOx = 20 μA, VIx = VIxL
0.04 0.1 V IOx = 400 μA, VIx = VIxL
0.2 0.4 V IOx = 4 mA, VIx = VIxL
ADuM120xAR CL = 15 pF, CMOS signal levels
Minimum Pulse Width2 PW 1000 ns
Maximum Data Rate3 1 Mbps
Propagation Delay4 t
PHL, tPLH 50 150 ns
Pulse Width Distortion, |tPLH − tPHL|4 PWD 40 ns
Change vs. Temperature 11 ps/°C
Propagation Delay Skew5 t
PSK 100 ns
Channel-to-Channel Matching6 t
Output Rise/Fall Time (10% to 90%) tR/tF 10 ns
Data Sheet ADuM1200/ADuM1201
Rev. I | Page 7 of 28
Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Test Conditions
ADuM120xBR CL = 15 pF, CMOS signal levels
Minimum Pulse Width2 PW 100 ns
Maximum Data Rate3 10 Mbps
Propagation Delay4 tPHL, tPLH 20 60 ns
Pulse Width Distortion, |tPLH − tPHL|4 PWD 3 ns
Change vs. Temperature 5 ps/°C
Propagation Delay Skew5 tPSK 22 ns
Channel-to-Channel Matching
Codirectional Channels6 tPSKCD 3 ns
Opposing Directional Channels6 tPSKOD 22 ns
Output Rise/Fall Time (10% to 90%) tR/tF 3.0 ns
Minimum Pulse Width2 PW 20 40 ns
Maximum Data Rate3 25 50 Mbps
Propagation Delay4 tPHL, tPLH 20 55 ns
Pulse Width Distortion, |tPLH − tPHL|4 PWD 3 ns
Change vs. Temperature 5 ps/°C
Propagation Delay Skew5 tPSK 16 ns
Channel-to-Channel Matching
Codirectional Channels6 tPSKCD 3 ns
Opposing Directional Channels6 tPSKOD 16 ns
Output Rise/Fall Time (10% to 90%) tR/tF 3.0 ns
For All Models
Common-Mode Transient Immunity
Logic High Output7 |CMH| 25 35 kV/μs VIx = VDD1 or VDD2, VCM = 1000 V,
transient magnitude = 800 V
Logic Low Output7 |CML| 25 35 kV/μs VIx = 0 V, VCM = 1000 V,
transient magnitude = 800 V
Refresh Rate fr 1.1 Mbps
Dynamic Supply Current per Channel8
Input IDDI (D) 0.10 mA/
Output IDDO (D) 0.03 mA/
1 The supply current values are for both channels combined when running at identical data rates. Output supply current values are specified with no output load
present. The supply current associated with an individual channel operating at a given data rate can be calculated as described in the section. See
through for information on per-channel supply current as a function of data rate for unloaded and loaded conditions. See through Figure 11
for total VDD1 and VDD2 supply currents as a function of data rate for ADuM1200 and ADuM1201 channel configurations.
Power Consumption
Power Consumption
Figure 6
Figure 6
Figure 8
Figure 8
Figure 9
2 The minimum pulse width is the shortest pulse width at which the specified pulse width distortion is guaranteed.
3 The maximum data rate is the fastest data rate at which the specified pulse width distortion is guaranteed.
4 tPHL propagation delay is measured from the 50% level of the falling edge of the VIx signal to the 50% level of the falling edge of the VOx signal. tPLH propagation delay is
measured from the 50% level of the rising edge of the VIx signal to the 50% level of the rising edge of the VOx signal.
5 tPSK is the magnitude of the worst-case difference in tPHL and/or tPLH that is measured between units at the same operating temperature, supply voltages, and output
load within the recommended operating conditions.
6 Codirectional channel-to-channel matching is the absolute value of the difference in propagation delays between any two channels with inputs on the same side of
the isolation barrier. Opposing directional channel-to-channel matching is the absolute value of the difference in propagation delays between any two channels with
inputs on opposing sides of the isolation barrier.
7 CMH is the maximum common-mode voltage slew rate that can be sustained while maintaining VO > 0.8 VDD2. CML is the maximum common-mode voltage slew rate
that can be sustained while maintaining VO < 0.8 V. The common-mode voltage slew rates apply to both rising and falling common-mode voltage edges. The transient
magnitude is the range over which the common mode is slewed.
8 Dynamic supply current is the incremental amount of supply current required for a 1 Mbps increase in the signal data rate. See through for
information on per-channel supply current as a function of data rate for unloaded and loaded conditions. See the section for guidance on
calculating per-channel supply current for a given data rate.
ADuM1200/ADuM1201 Data Sheet
Rev. I | Page 8 of 28
All voltages are relative to their respective ground; 5 V/3 V operation: 4.5 V ≤ VDD1 ≤ 5.5 V, 2.7 V ≤ VDD2 ≤ 3.6 V. 3 V/5 V operation:
2.7 V ≤ VDD1 ≤ 3.6 V, 4.5 V ≤ VDD2 ≤ 5.5 V; all minimum/maximum specifications apply over the entire recommended operating range,
unless otherwise noted; all typical specifications are at TA = 25°C; VDD1 = 3.0 V, VDD2 = 5.0 V; or VDD1 = 5.0 V, VDD2 = 3.0 V; this does not
apply to ADuM1200W and ADuM1201W automotive grade products.
Table 3.
Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Test Conditions
Input Supply Current per Channel,
5 V/3 V Operation 0.50 0.6 mA
3 V/5 V Operation 0.26 0.35 mA
Output Supply Current per Channel,
5 V/3 V Operation 0.11 0.20 mA
3 V/5 V Operation 0.19 0.25 mA
ADuM1200 Total Supply Current,
Two Channels1
DC to 2 Mbps
VDD1 Supply Current IDD1 (Q)
5 V/3 V Operation 1.1 1.4 mA DC to 1 MHz logic signal freq.
3 V/5 V Operation 0.6 1.0 mA DC to 1 MHz logic signal freq.
VDD2 Supply Current IDD2 (Q)
5 V/3 V Operation 0.2 0.6 mA DC to 1 MHz logic signal freq.
3 V/5 V Operation 0.5 0.8 mA DC to 1 MHz logic signal freq.
10 Mbps (BR and CR Grades Only)
VDD1 Supply Current IDD1 (10)
5 V/3 V Operation 4.3 5.5 mA 5 MHz logic signal freq.
3 V/5 V Operation 2.2 3.4 mA 5 MHz logic signal freq.
VDD2 Supply Current IDD2 (10)
5 V/3 V Operation 0.7 1.1 mA 5 MHz logic signal freq.
3 V/5 V Operation 1.3 2.0 mA 5 MHz logic signal freq.
25 Mbps (CR Grade Only)
VDD1 Supply Current IDD1 (25)
5 V/3 V Operation 10 13 mA 12.5 MHz logic signal freq.
3 V/5 V Operation 5.2 7.7 mA 12.5 MHz logic signal freq.
VDD2 Supply Current IDD2 (25)
5 V/3 V Operation 1.5 2.0 mA 12.5 MHz logic signal freq.
3 V/5 V Operation 2.8 3.4 mA 12.5 MHz logic signal freq.
ADuM1201 Total Supply Current,
Two Channels1
DC to 2 Mbps
VDD1 Supply Current IDD1 (Q)
5 V/3 V Operation 0.8 1.1 mA DC to 1 MHz logic signal freq.
3 V/5 V Operation 0.4 0.8 mA DC to 1 MHz logic signal freq.
VDD2 Supply Current IDD2 (Q)
5 V/3 V Operation 0.4 0.8 mA DC to 1 MHz logic signal freq.
3 V/5 V Operation 0.8 1.1 mA DC to 1 MHz logic signal freq.
10 Mbps (BR and CR Grades Only)
VDD1 Supply Current IDD1 (10)
5 V/3 V Operation 2.8 3.5 mA 5 MHz logic signal freq.
3 V/5 V Operation 1.5 2.2 mA 5 MHz logic signal freq.
VDD2 Supply Current IDD2 (10)
5 V/3 V Operation 1.5 2.2 mA 5 MHz logic signal freq.
3 V/5 V Operation 2.8 3.5 mA 5 MHz logic signal freq.
Data Sheet ADuM1200/ADuM1201
Rev. I | Page 9 of 28
Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Test Conditions
25 Mbps (CR Grade Only)
VDD1 Supply Current IDD1 (25)
5 V/3 V Operation 6.3 8.0 mA 12.5 MHz logic signal freq.
3 V/5 V Operation 3.4 4.8 mA 12.5 MHz logic signal freq.
VDD2 Supply Current IDD2 (25)
5 V/3 V Operation 3.4 4.8 mA 12.5 MHz logic signal freq.
3 V/5 V Operation 6.3 8.0 mA 12.5 MHz logic signal freq.
For All Models
Input Currents IIA, IIB −10 +0.01 +10 μA 0 V ≤ VIA, VIB ≤ (VDD1 or VDD2)
Logic High Input Threshold VIH 0.7 (VDD1 or VDD2) V
Logic Low Input Threshold VIL 0.3 (VDD1 or VDD2) V
Logic High Output Voltages VOAH, VOBH (VDD1 or VDD2) − 0.1 VDD1 or VDD2 V IOx = −20 μA, VIx = VIxH
(VDD1 or VDD2) − 0.5 (VDD1 or VDD2) − 0.2 V IOx = −4 mA, VIx = VIxH
Logic Low Output Voltages VOAL, VOBL 0.0 0.1 V IOx = 20 μA, VIx = VIxL
0.04 0.1 V IOx = 400 μA, VIx = VIxL
0.2 0.4 V IOx = 4 mA, VIx = VIxL
ADuM120xAR CL = 15 pF, CMOS signal levels
Minimum Pulse Width2 PW 1000 ns
Maximum Data Rate3 1 Mbps
Propagation Delay4 t
PHL, tPLH 50 150 ns
Pulse Width Distortion, |tPLH − tPHL|4 PWD 40 ns
Change vs. Temperature 11 ps/°C
Propagation Delay Skew5 t
PSK 50 ns
Channel-to-Channel Matching6 t
Output Rise/Fall Time (10% to 90%) tR/tF 10 ns
ADuM120xBR CL = 15 pF, CMOS signal levels
Minimum Pulse Width2 PW 100 ns
Maximum Data Rate3 10 Mbps
Propagation Delay4 tPHL, tPLH 15 55 ns
Pulse Width Distortion, |tPLH − tPHL|4 PWD 3 ns
Change vs. Temperature 5 ps/°C
Propagation Delay Skew5 tPSK 22 ns
Channel-to-Channel Matching
Codirectional Channels6 tPSKCD 3 ns
Opposing Directional Channels6 tPSKOD 22 ns
Output Rise/Fall Time (10% to 90%) tR/tF
5 V/3 V Operation 3.0 ns
3 V/5 V Operation 2.5 ns
ADuM120xCR CL = 15 pF, CMOS signal levels
Minimum Pulse Width2 PW 20 40 ns
Maximum Data Rate3 25 50 Mbps
Propagation Delay4 tPHL, tPLH 20 50 ns
Pulse Width Distortion, |tPLH − tPHL|4 PWD 3 ns
Change vs. Temperature 5 ps/°C
Propagation Delay Skew5 tPSK 15 ns
Channel-to-Channel Matching
Codirectional Channels6 tPSKCD 3 ns
Opposing Directional Channels6 tPSKOD 15 ns
Output Rise/Fall Time (10% to 90%) tR/tF
5 V/3 V Operation 3.0 ns
3 V/5 V Operation 2.5 ns
ADuM1200/ADuM1201 Data Sheet
Rev. I | Page 10 of 28
Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Test Conditions
For All Models
Common-Mode Transient Immunity
Logic High Output7 |CMH| 25 35 kV/μs VIx = VDD1 or VDD2, VCM = 1000 V,
transient magnitude = 800 V
Logic Low Output7 |CML| 25 35 kV/μs VIx = 0 V, VCM = 1000 V,
transient magnitude = 800 V
Refresh Rate fr
5 V/3 V Operation 1.2 Mbps
3 V/5 V Operation 1.1 Mbps
Input Dynamic Supply Current
per Channel8
5 V/3 V Operation 0.19 mA/
3 V/5 V Operation 0.10 mA/
Output Dynamic Supply Current per
5 V/3 V Operation 0.03 mA/
3 V/5 V Operation 0.05 mA/
1 The supply current values are for both channels combined when running at identical data rates. Output supply current values are specified with no output load
present. The supply current associated with an individual channel operating at a given data rate can be calculated as described in the section. See
through for information on per-channel supply current as a function of data rate for unloaded and loaded conditions. See through
for total VDD1 and VDD2 supply currents as a function of data rate for ADuM1200 and ADuM1201 channel configurations.
Power Consumption
Power Consumption
Figure 6
Figure 6
Figure 8
Figure 8
Figure 9 Figure 11
2 The minimum pulse width is the shortest pulse width at which the specified pulse width distortion is guaranteed.
3 The maximum data rate is the fastest data rate at which the specified pulse width distortion is guaranteed.
4 tPHL propagation delay is measured from the 50% level of the falling edge of the VIx signal to the 50% level of the falling edge of the VOx signal. tPLH propagation delay is
measured from the 50% level of the rising edge of the VIx signal to the 50% level of the rising edge of the VOx signal.
5 tPSK is the magnitude of the worst-case difference in tPHL and/or tPLH that is measured between units at the same operating temperature, supply voltages, and output
load within the recommended operating conditions.
6 Codirectional channel-to-channel matching is the absolute value of the difference in propagation delays between any two channels with inputs on the same side of
the isolation barrier. Opposing directional channel-to-channel matching is the absolute value of the difference in propagation delays between any two channels with
inputs on opposing sides of the isolation barrier.
7 CMH is the maximum common-mode voltage slew rate that can be sustained while maintaining VO > 0.8 VDD2. CML is the maximum common-mode voltage slew rate
that can be sustained while maintaining VO < 0.8 V. The common-mode voltage slew rates apply to both rising and falling common-mode voltage edges. The transient
magnitude is the range over which the common mode is slewed.
8 Dynamic supply current is the incremental amount of supply current required for a 1 Mbps increase in the signal data rate. See through for
information on per-channel supply current as a function of data rate for unloaded and loaded conditions. See the section for guidance on
calculating per-channel supply current for a given data rate.
Data Sheet ADuM1200/ADuM1201
Rev. I | Page 11 of 28
All voltages are relative to their respective ground; 4.5 V ≤ VDD1 ≤ 5.5 V, 4.5 V ≤ VDD2 ≤ 5.5 V; all minimum/maximum specifications apply
over the entire recommended operating range, unless otherwise noted; all typical specifications are at TA = 25°C, VDD1 = VDD2 = 5 V; this
applies to ADuM1200W and ADuM1201W automotive grade products.
Table 4.
Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Test Conditions
Input Supply Current per Channel,
IDDI (Q) 0.50 0.60 mA
Output Supply Current per Channel,
IDDO (Q) 0.19 0.25 mA
ADVM1200W, Total Supply Current,
Two Channels1
DC to 2 Mbps
VDD1 Supply Current IDD1 (Q) 1.1 1.4 mA DC to 1 MHz logic signal freq.
VDD2 Supply Current IDD2 (Q) 0.5 0.8 mA DC to 1 MHz logic signal freq.
10 Mbps (TRZ and URZ Grades Only)
VDD1 Supply Current IDD1 (10) 4.3 5.5 mA 5 MHz logic signal freq.
VDD2 Supply Current IDD2 (10) 1.3 2.0 mA 5 MHz logic signal freq.
25 Mbps (URZ Grade Only)
VDD1 Supply Current IDD1 (25) 10 13 mA 12.5 MHz logic signal freq.
VDD2 Supply Current IDD2 (25) 2.8 3.4 mA 12.5 MHz logic signal freq.
ADVM1201W, Total Supply Current,
Two Channels1
DC to 2 Mbps
VDD1 Supply Current IDD1 (Q) 0.8 1.1 mA DC to 1 MHz logic signal freq.
VDD2 Supply Current IDD2 (Q) 0.8 1.1 mA DC to 1 MHz logic signal freq.
10 Mbps (TRZ and URZ Grades Only)
VDD1 Supply Current IDD1 (10) 2.8 3.5 mA 5 MHz logic signal freq.
VDD2 Supply Current IDD2 (10) 2.8 3.5 mA 5 MHz logic signal freq.
25 Mbps (URZ Grade Only)
VDD1 Supply Current IDD1 (25) 6.3 8.0 mA 12.5 MHz logic signal freq.
VDD2 Supply Current IDD2 (25) 6.3 8.0 mA 12.5 MHz logic signal freq.
For All Models
Input Currents IIA, IIB −10 +0.01 +10 μA 0 7≤ VIA, VIB ≤ (VDD1 or VDD2)
Logic High Input Threshold VIH 0.7 (VDD1 or VDD2) V
Logic Low Input Threshold VIL 0.3 (VDD1 or VDD2) V
Logic High Output Voltages VOAH, VOBH (VDD1 or VDD2) − 0.1 5.0 V IOx = −20 μA, VIx = VIxH
(VDD1 or VDD2) − 0.5 4.8 V IOx = −4 mA, VIx = VIxH
Logic Low Output Voltages VOAL, VOBL 0.0 0.1 V IOx = 20 μA, VIx = VIxL
0.04 0.1 V IOx = 400 μA, VIx = VIxL
0.2 0.4 V IOx = 4 mA, VIx = VIxL
ADuM120xWSRZ CL = 15 pF, CMOS signal levels
Minimum Pulse Width2 PW 1000 ns
Maximum Data Rate3 1 Mbps
Propagation Delay4 t
PHL, tPLH 20 150 ns
Pulse Width Distortion, |tPLH − tPHL|4 PWD 40 ns
Propagation Delay Skew5 t
PSK 100 ns
Channel-to-Channel Matching6 t
Output Rise/Fall Time (10% to 90%) tR/tF 2.5 ns
ADuM1200/ADuM1201 Data Sheet
Rev. I | Page 12 of 28
Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Test Conditions
ADuM120xWTRZ CL = 15 pF, CMOS signal levels
Minimum Pulse Width2 PW 100 ns
Maximum Data Rate3 10 Mbps
Propagation Delay4 tPHL, tPLH 20 50 ns
Pulse Width Distortion, |tPLH − tPHL|4 PWD 3 ns
Change vs. Temperature 5 ps/°C
Propagation Delay Skew5 tPSK 15 ns
Channel-to-Channel Matching
Codirectional Channels6 tPSKCD 3 ns
Opposing Directional Channels6 tPSKOD 15 ns
Output Rise/Fall Time (10% to 90%) tR/tF 2.5 ns
ADuM120xWURZ CL = 15 pF, CMOS signal levels
Minimum Pulse Width2 PW 20 40 ns
Maximum Data Rate3 25 50 Mbps
Propagation Delay4 tPHL, tPLH 20 45 ns
Pulse Width Distortion, |tPLH − tPHL|4 PWD 3 ns
Change vs. Temperature 5 ps/°C
Propagation Delay Skew5 tPSK 15 ns
Channel-to-Channel Matching
Codirectional Channels6 tPSKCD 3 ns
Opposing Directional Channels6 tPSKOD 15 ns
Output Rise/Fall Time (10% to 90%) tR/tF 2.5 ns
For All Models
Common-Mode Transient Immunity
Logic High Output7 |CMH| 25 35 kV/μs VIx = VDD1, VDD2, VCM = 1000 V,
transient magnitude = 800 V
Logic Low Output7 |CML| 25 35 kV/μs VIx = 0 V, VCM = 1000 V,
transient magnitude = 800 V
Refresh Rate fr 1.2 Mbps
Dynamic Supply Current per Channel8
Input IDDI (D) 0.19 mA/
Output IDDO (D) 0.05 mA/
1 The supply current values are for both channels combined when running at identical data rates. Output supply current values are specified with no output load
present. The supply current associated with an individual channel operating at a given data rate can be calculated as described in the Power Consumption section. See
Figure 6 through Figure 8 for information on per-channel supply current as a function of data rate for unloaded and loaded conditions. See Figure 9 through Figure 11
for total IDD1 and IDD2 supply currents as a function of data rate for ADuM1200W and ADuM1201W channel configurations.
2 The minimum pulse width is the shortest pulse width at which the specified pulse width distortion is guaranteed.
3 The maximum data rate is the fastest data rate at which the specified pulse width distortion is guaranteed.
4 tPHL propagation delay is measured from the 50% level of the falling edge of the VIx signal to the 50% level of the falling edge of the VOx signal. tPLH propagation delay is
measured from the 50% level of the rising edge of the VIx signal to the 50% level of the rising edge of the VOx signal.
5 tPSK is the magnitude of the worst-case difference in tPHL and/or tPLH that is measured between units at the same operating temperature, supply voltages, and output
load within the recommended operating conditions.
6 Codirectional channel-to-channel matching is the absolute value of the difference in propagation delays between any two channels with inputs on the same side of
the isolation barrier. Opposing directional channel-to-channel matching is the absolute value of the difference in propagation delays between any two channels with
inputs on opposing sides of the isolation barrier.
7 CMH is the maximum common-mode voltage slew rate that can be sustained while maintaining VO > 0.8 VDD2. CML is the maximum common-mode voltage slew rate
that can be sustained while maintaining VO < 0.8 V. The common-mode voltage slew rates apply to both rising and falling common-mode voltage edges. The transient
magnitude is the range over which the common mode is slewed.
8 Dynamic supply current is the incremental amount of supply current required for a 1 Mbps increase in the signal data rate. See Figure 6 through Figure 8 for
information on per-channel supply current as a function of data rate for unloaded and loaded conditions. See the Power Consumption section for guidance on
calculating per-channel supply current for a given data rate.
Data Sheet ADuM1200/ADuM1201
Rev. I | Page 13 of 28
All voltages are relative to their respective ground; 3.0 V ≤ VDD1 ≤ 3.6 V, 3.0 V ≤ VDD2 ≤ 3.6 V. All minimum/maximum specifications apply
over the entire recommended operating range, unless otherwise noted; all typical specifications are at TA = 25°C, VDD1 = VDD2 = 3.0 V;
this applies to ADuM1200W and ADuM1201W automotive grade products.
Table 5.
Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Test Conditions
Input Supply Current per Channel,
IDDI (Q) 0.26 0.35 mA
Output Supply Current per Channel, Quiescent IDDO (Q) 0.11 0.20 mA
ADVM1200W, Total Supply Current,
Two Channels1
DC to 2 Mbps
VDD1 Supply Current IDD1 (Q) 0.6 1.0 mA DC to 1 MHz logic signal freq.
VDD2 Supply Current IDD2 (Q) 0.2 0.6 mA DC to 1 MHz logic signal freq.
10 Mbps (TRZ and URZ Grades Only)
VDD1 Supply Current IDD1 (10) 2.2 3.4 mA 5 MHz logic signal freq.
VDD2 Supply Current IDD2 (10) 0.7 1.1 mA 5 MHz logic signal freq.
25 Mbps (URZ Grade Only)
VDD1 Supply Current IDD1 (25) 5.2 7.7 mA 12.5 MHz logic signal freq.
VDD2 Supply Current IDD2 (25) 1.5 2.0 mA 12.5 MHz logic signal freq.
ADVM1201W, Total Supply Current,
Two Channels1
DC to 2 Mbps
VDD1 Supply Current IDD1 (Q) 0.4 0.8 mA DC to 1 MHz logic signal freq.
VDD2 Supply Current IDD2 (Q) 0.4 0.8 mA DC to 1 MHz logic signal freq.
10 Mbps (TRZ and URZ Grades Only)
VDD1 Supply Current IDD1 (10) 1.5 2.2 mA 5 MHz logic signal freq.
VDD2 Supply Current IDD2 (10) 1.5 2.2 mA 5 MHz logic signal freq.
25 Mbps (URZ Grade Only)
VDD1 Supply Current IDD1 (25) 3.4 4.8 mA 12.5 MHz logic signal freq.
VDD2 Supply Current IDD2 (25) 3.4 4.8 mA 12.5 MHz logic signal freq.
For All Models
Input Currents IIA, IIB −10 +0.01 +10 μA 0 7≤ VIA, VIB ≤ (VDD1 or VDD2)
Logic High Input Threshold VIH 0.7 (VDD1 or VDD2) V
Logic Low Input Threshold VIL 0.3 (VDD1 or VDD2)
Logic High Output Voltages VOAH, VOBH (VDD1 or VDD2) − 0.1 3.0 V IOx = −20 μA, VIx = VIxH
(VDD1 or VDD2) − 0.5 2.8 V IOx = −4 mA, VIx = VIxH
Logic Low Output Voltages VOAL, VOBL 0.0 0.1 V IOx = 20 μA, VIx = VIxL
0.04 0.1 V IOx = 400 μA, VIx = VIxL
0.2 0.4 V IOx = 4 mA, VIx = VIxL
ADuM120xWSRZ CL = 15 pF, CMOS signal levels
Minimum Pulse Width2 PW 1000 ns
Maximum Data Rate3 1 Mbps
Propagation Delay4 t
PHL, tPLH 20 150 ns
Pulse Width Distortion, |tPLH − tPHL|4 PWD 40 ns
Propagation Delay Skew5 t
PSK 100 ns
Channel-to-Channel Matching6 t
Output Rise/Fall Time (10% to 90%) tR/tF 3 ns
ADuM1200/ADuM1201 Data Sheet
Rev. I | Page 14 of 28
Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Test Conditions
ADuM120xWTRZ CL = 15 pF, CMOS signal levels
Minimum Pulse Width2 PW 100 ns
Maximum Data Rate3 10 Mbps
Propagation Delay4 tPHL, tPLH 20 60 ns
Pulse Width Distortion, |tPLH − tPHL|4 PWD 3 ns
Change vs. Temperature 5 ps/°C
Propagation Delay Skew5 tPSK 22 ns
Channel-to-Channel Matching
Codirectional Channels6 tPSKCD 3 ns
Opposing Directional Channels6 tPSKOD 22 ns
Output Rise/Fall Time (10% to 90%) tR/tF 3.0 ns
ADuM120xWCR CL = 15 pF, CMOS signal levels
Minimum Pulse Width2 PW 20 40 ns
Maximum Data Rate3 25 50 Mbps
Propagation Delay4 tPHL, tPLH 20 55 ns
Pulse Width Distortion, |tPLH − tPHL|4 PWD 3 ns
Change vs. Temperature 5 ps/°C
Propagation Delay Skew5 tPSK 16 ns
Channel-to-Channel Matching
Codirectional Channels6 tPSKCD 3 ns
Opposing Directional Channels6 tPSKOD 16 ns
Output Rise/Fall Time (10% to 90%) tR/tF 3.0 ns
For All Models
Common-Mode Transient Immunity
Logic High Output7 |CMH| 25 35 kV/μs VIx = VDD1, VDD2, VCM = 1000 V,
transient magnitude = 800 V
Logic Low Output7 |CML| 25 35 kV/μs VIx = 0 V, VCM = 1000 V,
transient magnitude = 800 V
Refresh Rate fr 1.1 Mbps
Dynamic Supply Current per Channel8
Input IDDI (D) 0.10 mA/
Output IDDO (D) 0.03 mA/
1 The supply current values are for both channels combined when running at identical data rates. Output supply current values are specified with no output load
present. The supply current associated with an individual channel operating at a given data rate can be calculated as described in the Power Consumption section. See
Figure 6 through Figure 8 for information on per-channel supply current as a function of data rate for unloaded and loaded conditions. See Figure 9 through Figure 11
for total IDD1 and IDD2 supply currents as a function of data rate for ADuM1200W and ADuM1201W channel configurations.
2 The minimum pulse width is the shortest pulse width at which the specified pulsewidth distortion is guaranteed.
3 The maximum data rate is the fastest data rate at which the specified pulsewidth distortion is guaranteed.
4 tPHL propagation delay is measured from the 50% level of the falling edge of the VIx signal to the 50% level of the falling edge of the VOx signal. tPLH propagation delay is
measured from the 50% level of the rising edge of the VIx signal to the 50% level of the rising edge of the VOx signal.
5 tPSK is the magnitude of the worst-case difference in tPHL and/or tPLH that is measured between units at the same operating temperature, supply voltages, and output
load within the recommended operating conditions.
6 Codirectional channel-to-channel matching is the absolute value of the difference in propagation delays between any two channels with inputs on the same side of
the isolation barrier. Opposing directional channel-to-channel matching is the absolute value of the difference in propagation delays between any two channels with
inputs on opposing sides of the isolation barrier.
7 CMH is the maximum common-mode voltage slew rate that can be sustained while maintaining VO > 0.8 VDD2. CML is the maximum common-mode voltage slew rate
that can be sustained while maintaining VO < 0.8 V. The common-mode voltage slew rates apply to both rising and falling common-mode voltage edges. The transient
magnitude is the range over which the common mode is slewed.
8 Dynamic supply current is the incremental amount of supply current required for a 1 Mbps increase in the signal data rate. See Figure 6 through Figure 8 for
information on per-channel supply current as a function of data rate for unloaded and loaded conditions. See the Power Consumption section for guidance on
calculating per-channel supply current for a given data rate.
Data Sheet ADuM1200/ADuM1201
Rev. I | Page 15 of 28
All voltages are relative to their respective ground; 5 V/3 V operation: 4.5 V ≤ VDD1 ≤ 5.5 V, 3.0 V ≤ VDD2 ≤ 3.6 V. 3 V/5 V operation; all
minimum/maximum specifications apply over the entire recommended operating range, unless otherwise noted; all typical specifications
are at TA = 25°C; VDD1 = 5.0 V, VDD2 = 3.0 V; this applies to ADuM1200W and ADuM1201W automotive grade products.
Table 6.
Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Test Conditions
Input Supply Current per Channel,
IDDI (Q) 0.50 0.6 mA
Output Supply Current per Channel,
IDDO (Q) 0.11 0.20 mA
ADuM1200W, Total Supply Current,
Two Channels1
DC to 2 Mbps
VDD1 Supply Current IDD1 (Q) 1.1 1.4 mA DC to 1 MHz logic signal freq.
VDD2 Supply Current IDD2 (Q) 0.2 0.6 mA DC to 1 MHz logic signal freq.
10 Mbps (TRZ and URZ Grades Only)
VDD1 Supply Current IDD1 (10) 4.3 5.5 mA 5 MHz logic signal freq.
VDD2 Supply Current IDD2 (10) 0.7 1.1 mA 5 MHz logic signal freq.
25 Mbps (URZ Grade Only)
VDD1 Supply Current IDD1 (25) 10 13 mA 12.5 MHz logic signal freq.
VDD2 Supply Current IDD2 (25) 1.5 2.0 mA 12.5 MHz logic signal freq.
ADuM1201W, Total Supply Current,
Two Channels1
DC to 2 Mbps
VDD1 Supply Current IDD1 (Q) 0.8 1.1 mA DC to 1 MHz logic signal freq.
VDD2 Supply Current IDD2 (Q) 0.4 0.8 mA DC to 1 MHz logic signal freq.
10 Mbps (TRZ and URZ Grades Only)
VDD1 Supply Current IDD1 (10) 2.8 3.5 mA 5 MHz logic signal freq.
VDD2 Supply Current IDD2 (10) 1.5 2.2 mA 5 MHz logic signal freq.
25 Mbps (URZ Grade Only)
VDD1 Supply Current IDD1 (25) 6.3 8.0 mA 12.5 MHz logic signal freq.
VDD2 Supply Current IDD2 (25) 3.4 4.8 mA 12.5 MHz logic signal freq.
For All Models
Input Currents IIA, IIB −10 +0.01 +10 μA 0 V ≤ VIA, VIB ≤ (VDD1 or VDD2)
Logic High Input Threshold VIH 0.7 (VDD1 or VDD2) V
Logic Low Input Threshold VIL 0.3 (VDD1 or VDD2) V
Logic High Output Voltages VOAH, VOBH (VDD1 or VDD2) − 0.1 VDD1 or VDD2 V IOx = −20 μA, VIx = VIxH
(VDD1 or VDD2) − 0.5 (VDD1 or VDD2) − 0.2 V IOx = −4 mA, VIx = VIxH
Logic Low Output Voltages VOAL, VOBL 0.0 0.1 V IOx = 20 μA, VIx = VIxL
0.04 0.1 V IOx = 400 μA, VIx = VIxL
0.2 0.4 V IOx = 4 mA, VIx = VIxL
ADuM120xWSRZ CL = 15 pF, CMOS signal levels
Minimum Pulse Width2 PW 1000 ns
Maximum Data Rate3 1 Mbps
Propagation Delay4 t
PHL, tPLH 15 150 ns
Pulse Width Distortion, |tPLH − tPHL|4 PWD 40 ns
Propagation Delay Skew5 t
PSK 50 ns
Channel-to-Channel Matching6 t
Output Rise/Fall Time (10% to 90%) tR/tF 3 ns
ADuM1200/ADuM1201 Data Sheet
Rev. I | Page 16 of 28
Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Test Conditions
ADuM120xWTRZ CL = 15 pF, CMOS signal levels
Minimum Pulse Width2 PW 100 ns
Maximum Data Rate3 10 Mbps
Propagation Delay4 tPHL, tPLH 15 55 ns
Pulse Width Distortion, |tPLH − tPHL|4 PWD 3 ns
Change vs. Temperature 5 ps/°C
Propagation Delay Skew5 tPSK 22 ns
Channel-to-Channel Matching
Codirectional Channels6 tPSKCD 3 ns
Opposing Directional Channels6 tPSKOD 22 ns
Output Rise/Fall Time (10% to 90%) tR/tF 3.0 ns
ADuM120xWURZ CL = 15 pF, CMOS signal levels
Minimum Pulse Width2 PW 20 40 ns
Maximum Data Rate3 25 50 Mbps
Propagation Delay4 tPHL, tPLH 20 50 ns
Pulse Width Distortion, |tPLH − tPHL|4 PWD 3 ns
Change vs. Temperature 5 ps/°C
Propagation Delay Skew5 tPSK 15 ns
Channel-to-Channel Matching
Codirectional Channels6 tPSKCD 3 ns
Opposing Directional Channels6 tPSKOD 15 ns
Output Rise/Fall Time (10% to 90%) tR/tF 3.0 ns
For All Models
Common-Mode Transient Immunity
Logic High Output7 |CMH| 25 35 kV/μs VIx = VDD1, VDD2, VCM = 1000 V,
transient magnitude = 800 V
Logic Low Output7 |CML| 25 35 kV/μs VIx = VDD1, VDD2, VCM = 1000 V,
transient magnitude = 800 V
Refresh Rate fr 1.2 Mbps
Dynamic Supply Current per Channel8
Input IDDI (D) 0.19 mA/
Output IDDO (D) 0.03 mA/
1 The supply current values are for both channels combined when running at identical data rates. Output supply current values are specified with no output load
present. The supply current associated with an individual channel operating at a given data rate can be calculated as described in the Power Consumption section. See
Figure 6 through Figure 8 for information on per-channel supply current as a function of data rate for unloaded and loaded conditions. See Figure 9 through Figure 11
for total IDD1 and IDD2 supply currents as a function of data rate for ADuM1200W and ADuM1201W channel configurations.
2 The minimum pulse width is the shortest pulse width at which the specified pulse width distortion is guaranteed.
3 The maximum data rate is the fastest data rate at which the specified pulse width distortion is guaranteed.
4 tPHL propagation delay is measured from the 50% level of the falling edge of the VIx signal to the 50% level of the falling edge of the VOx signal. tPLH propagation delay is
measured from the 50% level of the rising edge of the VIx signal to the 50% level of the rising edge of the VOx signal.
5 tPSK is the magnitude of the worst-case difference in tPHL and/or tPLH that is measured between units at the same operating temperature, supply voltages, and output
load within the recommended operating conditions.
6 Codirectional channel-to-channel matching is the absolute value of the difference in propagation delays between any two channels with inputs on the same side of
the isolation barrier. Opposing directional channel-to-channel matching is the absolute value of the difference in propagation delays between any two channels with
inputs on opposing sides of the isolation barrier.
7 CMH is the maximum common-mode voltage slew rate that can be sustained while maintaining VO > 0.8 VDD2. CML is the maximum common-mode voltage slew rate
that can be sustained while maintaining VO < 0.8 V. The common-mode voltage slew rates apply to both rising and falling common-mode voltage edges. The transient
magnitude is the range over which the common mode is slewed.
8 Dynamic supply current is the incremental amount of supply current required for a 1 Mbps increase in the signal data rate. See Figure 6 through Figure 8 for
information on per-channel supply current as a function of data rate for unloaded and loaded conditions. See the Power Consumption section for guidance on
calculating per-channel supply current for a given data rate.
Data Sheet ADuM1200/ADuM1201
Rev. I | Page 17 of 28
All voltages are relative to their respective ground; 3.0 V ≤ VDD1 ≤ 3.6 V, 4.5 V ≤ VDD2 ≤ 5.5 V; all minimum/maximum specifications apply
over the entire recommended operating range, unless otherwise noted; all typical specifications are at TA = 25°C; VDD1 = 3.0 V, VDD2 = 5.0 V;
this applies to ADuM1200W and ADuM1201W automotive grade products.
Table 7.
Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Test Conditions
Input Supply Current per Channel,
IDDI (Q) 0.26 0.35 mA
Output Supply Current per Channel,
IDDO (Q) 0.19 0.25 mA
ADuM1200W, Total Supply Current,
Two Channels1
DC to 2 Mbps
VDD1 Supply Current IDD1 (Q) 0.6 1.0 mA DC to 1 MHz logic signal freq.
VDD2 Supply Current IDD2 (Q) 0.5 0.8 mA DC to 1 MHz logic signal freq.
10 Mbps (TRZ and URZ Grades Only)
VDD1 Supply Current IDD1 (10) 2.2 3.4 mA 5 MHz logic signal freq.
VDD2 Supply Current IDD2 (10) 1.3 2.0 mA 5 MHz logic signal freq.
25 Mbps (URZ Grade Only)
VDD1 Supply Current IDD1 (25) 5.2 7.7 mA 12.5 MHz logic signal freq.
VDD2 Supply Current IDD2 (25) 2.8 3.4 mA 12.5 MHz logic signal freq.
ADuM1201W, Total Supply Current,
Two Channels1
DC to 2 Mbps
VDD1 Supply Current IDD1 (Q) 0.4 0.8 mA DC to 1 MHz logic signal freq.
VDD2 Supply Current IDD2 (Q) 0.8 1.1 mA DC to 1 MHz logic signal freq.
10 Mbps (TRZ and URZ Grades Only)
VDD1 Supply Current IDD1 (10) 1.5 2.2 mA 5 MHz logic signal freq.
VDD2 Supply Current IDD2 (10) 2.8 3.5 mA 5 MHz logic signal freq.
25 Mbps (URZ Grade Only)
VDD1 Supply Current IDD1 (25) 3.4 4.8 mA 12.5 MHz logic signal freq.
VDD2 Supply Current IDD2 (25) 6.3 8.0 mA 12.5 MHz logic signal freq.
For All Models
Input Currents IIA, IIB −10 +0.01 +10 μA 0 V ≤ VIA, VIB ≤ (VDD1 or VDD2)
Logic High Input Threshold VIH 0.7 (VDD1 or VDD2) V
Logic Low Input Threshold VIL 0.3 (VDD1 or VDD2) V
Logic High Output Voltages VOAH, VOBH (VDD1 or VDD2) − 0.1 VDD1 or VDD2 V IOx = −20 μA, VIx = VIxH
(VDD1 or VDD2) − 0.5 (VDD1 or VDD2) − 0.2 V IOx = −4 mA, VIx = VIxH
Logic Low Output Voltages VOAL, VOBL 0.0 0.1 V IOx = 20 μA, VIx = VIxL
0.04 0.1 V IOx = 400 μA, VIx = VIxL
0.2 0.4 V IOx = 4 mA, VIx = VIxL
ADuM120xWSRZ CL = 15 pF, CMOS signal levels
Minimum Pulse Width2 PW 1000 ns
Maximum Data Rate3 1 Mbps
Propagation Delay4 t
PHL, tPLH 15 150 ns
Pulse Width Distortion, |tPLH − tPHL|4 PWD 40 ns
Propagation Delay Skew5 t
PSK 50 ns
Channel-to-Channel Matching6 t
50 ns
Output Rise/Fall Time (10% to 90%) tR/tF 3 ns
ADuM1200/ADuM1201 Data Sheet
Rev. I | Page 18 of 28
Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Test Conditions
ADuM120xWTRZ CL = 15 pF, CMOS signal levels
Minimum Pulse Width2 PW 100 ns
Maximum Data Rate3 10 Mbps
Propagation Delay4 tPHL, tPLH 15 55 ns
Pulse Width Distortion, |tPLH − tPHL|4 PWD 3 ns
Change vs. Temperature 5 ps/°C
Propagation Delay Skew5 tPSK 22 ns
Channel-to-Channel Matching
Codirectional Channels6 tPSKCD 3 ns
Opposing Directional Channels6 tPSKOD 22 ns
Output Rise/Fall Time (10% to 90%) tR/tF 2.5 ns
ADuM120xWURZ CL = 15 pF, CMOS signal levels
Minimum Pulse Width2 PW 20 40 ns
Maximum Data Rate3 25 50 Mbps
Propagation Delay4 tPHL, tPLH 20 50 ns
Pulse Width Distortion, |tPLH − tPHL|4 PWD 3 ns
Change vs. Temperature 5 ps/°C
Propagation Delay Skew5 tPSK 15 ns
Channel-to-Channel Matching
Codirectional Channels6 tPSKCD 3 ns
Opposing Directional Channels6 tPSKOD 15 ns
Output Rise/Fall Time (10% to 90%) tR/tF 2.5 ns
For All Models
Common-Mode Transient Immunity
Logic High Output7 |CMH| 25 35 kV/μs VIx = VDD1, VDD2, VCM = 1000 V,
transient magnitude = 800 V
Logic Low Output7 |CML| 25 35 kV/μs VIx = 0 V, VCM = 1000 V,
transient magnitude = 800 V
Refresh Rate fr 1.1 Mbps
Input Dynamic Supply Current
per Channel8
IDDI (D) 0.10 mA/
Output Dynamic Supply Current
per Channel8
IDDO (D) 0.05 mA/
1 The supply current values are for both channels combined when running at identical data rates. Output supply current values are specified with no output load
present. The supply current associated with an individual channel operating at a given data rate can be calculated as described in the Power Consumption section. See
Figure 6 through Figure 8 for information on per-channel supply current as a function of data rate for unloaded and loaded conditions. See Figure 9 through Figure 11
for total IDD1 and IDD2 supply currents as a function of data rate for ADuM1200W and ADuM1201W channel configurations.
2 The minimum pulse width is the shortest pulse width at which the specified pulse width distortion is guaranteed.
3 The maximum data rate is the fastest data rate at which the specified pulse width distortion is guaranteed.
4 tPHL propagation delay is measured from the 50% level of the falling edge of the VIx signal to the 50% level of the falling edge of the VOx signal. tPLH propagation delay is
measured from the 50% level of the rising edge of the VIx signal to the 50% level of the rising edge of the VOx signal.
5 tPSK is the magnitude of the worst-case difference in tPHL and/or tPLH that is measured between units at the same operating temperature, supply voltages, and output
load within the recommended operating conditions.
6 Codirectional channel-to-channel matching is the absolute value of the difference in propagation delays between any two channels with inputs on the same side of
the isolation barrier. Opposing directional channel-to-channel matching is the absolute value of the difference in propagation delays between any two channels with
inputs on opposing sides of the isolation barrier.
7 CMH is the maximum common-mode voltage slew rate that can be sustained while maintaining VO > 0.8 VDD2. CML is the maximum common-mode voltage slew rate
that can be sustained while maintaining VO < 0.8 V. The common-mode voltage slew rates apply to both rising and falling common-mode voltage edges. The transient
magnitude is the range over which the common mode is slewed.
8 Dynamic supply current is the incremental amount of supply current required for a 1 Mbps increase in the signal data rate. See Figure 6 through Figure 8 for
information on per-channel supply current as a function of data rate for unloaded and loaded conditions. See the Power Consumption section for guidance on
calculating per-channel supply current for a given data rate.
Data Sheet ADuM1200/ADuM1201
Rev. I | Page 19 of 28
Table 8.
Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Test Conditions
Resistance (Input-to-Output)1 R
I-O 1012 Ω
Capacitance (Input-to-Output)1 C
I-O 1.0 pF f = 1 MHz
Input Capacitance CI 4.0 pF
IC Junction-to-Case Thermal Resistance, Side 1 θJCI 46 °C/W Thermocouple located at
center of package underside
IC Junction-to-Case Thermal Resistance, Side 2 θJCO 41 °C/W
1 The device is considered a 2-terminal device; Pin 1, Pin, 2, Pin 3, and Pin 4 are shorted together, and Pin 5, Pin 6, Pin 7, and Pin 8 are shorted together.
The ADuM1200/ADuM1201 and ADuM1200W/ADuM1201W are approved by the organizations listed in Table 9; refer to Table 14 and
the Insulation Lifetime section for details regarding recommended maximum working voltages for specific cross-isolation waveforms and
insulation levels.
Table 9.
Recognized Under 1577 Component
Recognition Program1
Approved under CSA Component Acceptance
Notice #5A; approval pending for ADuM1200W/
ADuM1201W automotive 125°C temperature grade
Certified according to DIN V VDE V
0884-10 (VDE V 0884-10): 2006-122
Single/Basic 2500 V rms Isolation Voltage Basic insulation per CSA 60950-1-03 and
IEC 60950-1, 400 V rms (566 peak) maximum
working voltage
Functional insulation per CSA 60950-1-03 and
IEC 60950-1, 800 V rms (1131 V peak) maximum
working voltage
Reinforced insulation, 560 V peak
File E214100 File 205078 File 2471900-4880-0001
1 In accordance with UL 1577, each ADuM120x is proof tested by applying an insulation test voltage ≥ 3000 V rms for 1 second (current leakage detection limit = 5 μA).
2 In accordance with DIN V VDE V 0884-10, each ADuM120x is proof tested by applying an insulation test voltage ≥ 1050 V peak for 1 sec (partial discharge detection
limit = 5 pC). The * marking branded on the component designates DIN V VDE V 0884-10 approval.
Table 10.
Parameter Symbol Value Unit Conditions
Rated Dielectric Insulation Voltage 2500 V rms 1 minute duration
Minimum External Air Gap (Clearance) L(I01) 4.90 min mm Measured from input terminals to output terminals,
shortest distance through air
Minimum External Tracking (Creepage) L(I02) 4.01 min mm Measured from input terminals to output terminals,
shortest distance path along body
Minimum Internal Gap (Internal Clearance) 0.017 min mm Insulation distance through insulation
Tracking Resistance (Comparative Tracking Index) CTI >175 V DIN IEC 112/VDE 0303 Part 1
Isolation Group IIIa Material Group (DIN VDE 0110, 1/89, Table 1)
ADuM1200/ADuM1201 Data Sheet
Rev. I | Page 20 of 28
This isolator is suitable for reinforced isolation only within the safety limit data. Maintenance of the safety data is ensured by protective
circuits. Note that the asterisk (*) marking on the package denotes DIN V VDE V 0884-10 approval for a 560 V peak working voltage.
Table 11.
Description Conditions Symbol Characteristic Unit
Installation Classification per DIN VDE 0110
For Rated Mains Voltage ≤ 150 V rms I to IV
For Rated Mains Voltage ≤ 300 V rms I to III
For Rated Mains Voltage ≤ 400 V rms I to II
Climatic Classification 40/105/21
Pollution Degree per DIN VDE 0110, Table 1 2
Maximum Working Insulation Voltage VIORM 560 V peak
Input-to-Output Test Voltage, Method B1 VIORM × 1.875 = VPR, 100% production test,
tm = 1 second, partial discharge < 5 pC
VPR 1050 V peak
Input-to-Output Test Voltage, Method A VIORM × 1.6 = VPR, tm = 60 seconds,
partial discharge < 5 pC
After Environmental Tests Subgroup 1 896 V peak
After Input and/or Safety Test Subgroup 2
and Subgroup 3
VIORM × 1.2 = VPR, tm = 60 seconds,
partial discharge < 5 pC
672 V peak
Highest Allowable Overvoltage Transient overvoltage, tTR = 10 seconds VTR 4000 V peak
Safety-Limiting Values Maximum value allowed in the event of a failure
(see Figure 3)
Case Temperature TS 150 °C
Side 1 Current IS1 160 mA
Side 2 Current IS2 170 mA
Insulation Resistance at TS VIO = 500 V RS >109 Ω
50 100 150 200
Figure 3. Thermal Derating Curve, Dependence of Safety-Limiting Values
on Case Temperature per DIN V VDE V 0884-10
Table 12.
Parameter Rating
Operating Temperature (TA)1 −40°C to +105°C
Operating Temperature (TA)2 −40°C to +125°C
Supply Voltages (VDD1, VDD2)1, 3 2.7 V to 5.5 V
Supply Voltages (VDD1, VDD2)2 3, 3.0 V to 5.5 V
Input Signal Rise and Fall Times 1.0 ms
1 Does not apply to ADuM1200W and ADuM1201W automotive grade
2 Applies to ADuM1200W and ADuM1201W automotive grade products.
3 All voltages are relative to their respective ground. See the DC Correctness
unity to externa
magnetic fields.
and Magnetic Field Immunity section for information on imm l
Data Sheet ADuM1200/ADuM1201
Rev. I | Page 21 of 28
Ambient temperature = 25°C, unless otherwise noted.
Table 13.
Parameter Rating
Storage Temperature (TST) −55°C to +150°C
Ambient Operating Temperature (TA)1 −40°C to +105°C
Ambient Operating Temperature (TA)2 −40°C to +125°C
Supply Voltages (VDD1, VDD2)3 −0.5 V to +7.0 V
Input Voltages (VIA, VIB)3, 4 −0.5 V to VDDI + 0.5 V
Output Voltages (VOA, VOB)3, 4 −0.5 V to VDDO + 0.5 V
Average Output Current per Pin (IO)5 −11 mA to +11 mA
Common-Mode Transients (CML, CMH)6 −100 kV/μs to +100 kV/μs
1 Does not apply to ADuM1200W and ADuM1200W automotive grade
2 Applies to ADuM1200W and ADuM1201W automotive grade products.
3 All voltages are relative to their respective ground.
4 VDDI and VDDO refer to the supply voltages on the input and output sides of a
given channel, respectively.
5 See for maximum rated current values for various temperatures. Figure 3
6 Refers to common-mode transients across the insulation barrier.
Common-mode transients exceeding the absolute maximum ratings
can cause latch-up or permanent damage.
Stresses above those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings
may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress
rating only; functional operation of the device at these or any
other conditions above those indicated in the operational
section of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute
maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect
device reliability.
Table 14. Maximum Continuous Working Voltage1
Parameter Max Unit Constraint
AC Voltage, Bipolar Waveform 565 V peak 50-year minimum lifetime
AC Voltage, Unipolar Waveform
Functional Insulation 1131 V peak Maximum approved working voltage per IEC 60950-1
Basic Insulation 560 V peak Maximum approved working voltage per IEC 60950-1 and VDE V 0884-10
DC Voltage
Functional Insulation 1131 V peak Maximum approved working voltage per IEC 60950-1
Basic Insulation 560 V peak Maximum approved working voltage per IEC 60950-1 and VDE V 0884-10
1 Refers to continuous voltage magnitude imposed across the isolation barrier. See the Insulation Lifetime section for more details.
ADuM1200/ADuM1201 Data Sheet
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1 8
2 7
3 6
4 5
(No t t o S cale)
1 8
2 7
3 6
4 5
(Not to Scale)
Figure 4. ADuM1200 Pin Configuration Figure 5. ADuM1201 Pin Configuration
Table 15. ADuM1200 Pin Function Descriptions
No. Mnemonic Description
1 VDD1 Supply Voltage for Isolator Side 1.
2 VIA Logic Input A.
3 VIB Logic Input B.
4 GND1 Ground 1. Ground Reference for Isolator Side 1.
5 GND2 Ground 2. Ground Reference for Isolator Side 2.
6 VOB Logic Output B.
7 VOA Logic Output A.
8 VDD2 Supply Voltage for Isolator Side 2.
Table 16. ADuM1201 Pin Function Descriptions
No. Mnemonic Description
1 VDD1 Supply Voltage for Isolator Side 1.
2 VOA Logic Output A.
3 VIB Logic Input B.
4 GND1 Ground 1. Ground Reference for Isolator Side 1.
5 GND2 Ground 2. Ground Reference for Isolator Side 2.
6 VOB Logic Output B.
7 VIA Logic Input A.
8 VDD2 Supply Voltage for Isolator Side 2.
Table 17. ADuM1200 Truth Table (Positive Logic)
VIA Input VIB Input VDD1 State VDD2 State VOA Output VOB Output Notes
H H Powered Powered H H
L L Powered Powered L L
H L Powered Powered H L
L H Powered Powered L H
X X Unpowered Powered H H Outputs return to the input state within
1 μs of VDDI power restoration.
X X Powered Unpowered Indeterminate Indeterminate Outputs return to the input state within
1 μs of VDDO power restoration.
Table 18. ADuM1201 Truth Table (Positive Logic)
VIA Input VIB Input VDD1 State VDD2 State VOA Output VOB Output Notes
H H Powered Powered H H
L L Powered Powered L L
H L Powered Powered H L
L H Powered Powered L H
X X Unpowered Powered Indeterminate H Outputs return to the input state within
1 μs of VDDI power restoration.
X X Powered Unpowered H Indeterminate Outputs return to the input state within
1 μs of VDDO power restoration.
Data Sheet ADuM1200/ADuM1201
Rev. I | Page 23 of 28
DATA RAT E ( M bp s)
10 20 30
5V 3V
Figure 6. Typical Input Supply Current per Channel vs. Data Rate
for 5 V and 3 V Operation
DATA RAT E ( M bp s)
010 20 30
Figure 7. Typical Output Supply Current per Channel vs. Data Rate
for 5 V and 3 V Operation (No Output Load)
DATA RAT E ( M bp s)
010 20 30
Figure 8. Typical Output Supply Current per Channel vs. Data Rate
for 5 V and 3 V Operation (15 pF Output Load)
DATA RAT E ( M bp s)
10 20 30
Figure 9. Typical ADuM1200 VDD1 Supply Current vs. Data Rate
for 5 V and 3 V Operation
DATA RAT E ( M bp s)
10 20 30
5V 3V
Figure 10. Typical ADuM1200 VDD2 Supply Current vs. Data Rate
for 5 V and 3 V Operation
DATA RAT E ( M bp s)
10 20 30
Figure 11. Typical ADuM1201 VDD1 or VDD2 Supply Current vs. Data Rate
for 5 V and 3 V Operation
ADuM1200/ADuM1201 Data Sheet
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The ADuM120x digital isolators require no external interface
circuitry for the logic interfaces. Power supply bypassing is
strongly recommended at the input and output supply pins.
The capacitor value should be between 0.01 μF and 0.1 μF.
The total lead length between both ends of the capacitor and
the input power supply pin should not exceed 20 mm.
See the AN-1109 Application Note for board layout guidelines.
Propagation delay is a parameter that describes the time it takes
a logic signal to propagate through a component. The propagation
delay to a logic low output can differ from the propagation delay
to a logic high output.
Figure 12. Propagation Delay Parameters
Pulse width distortion is the maximum difference between
these two propagation delay values and is an indication of
how accurately the timing of the input signal is preserved.
Channel-to-channel matching refers to the maximum amount
that the propagation delay differs between channels within a
single ADuM120x component.
Propagation delay skew refers to the maximum amount that
the propagation delay differs between multiple ADuM120x
components operating under the same conditions.
Positive and negative logic transitions at the isolator input send
narrow (~1 ns) pulses to the decoder via the transformer. The
decoder is bistable and is therefore either set or reset by the pulses,
indicating input logic transitions. In the absence of logic transi-
tions of more than ~1 μs at the input, a periodic set of refresh
pulses indicative of the correct input state is sent to ensure dc
correctness at the output. If the decoder receives no internal
pulses for more than about 5 μs, the input side is assumed to be
unpowered or nonfunctional, in which case the isolator output
is forced to a default state (see Table 17 and Table 18) by the
watchdog timer circuit.
The ADuM120x are extremely immune to external magnetic
fields. The limitation on the magnetic field immunity of the
ADuM120x is set by the condition in which induced voltage in
the receiving coil of the transformer is sufficiently large enough
to either falsely set or reset the decoder. The following analysis
defines the conditions under which this can occur. The 3 V
operating condition of the ADuM120x is examined because
it represents the most susceptible mode of operation.
The pulses at the transformer output have an amplitude greater
than 1.0 V. The decoder has a sensing threshold at about 0.5 V,
therefore establishing a 0.5 V margin in which induced voltages
can be tolerated. The voltage induced across the receiving coil is
given by
V = (−dβ/dt)Σ∏rn2; n = 1, 2, … , N
β is the magnetic flux density (gauss).
N is the number of turns in the receiving coil.
rn is the radius of the nth turn in the receiving coil (cm).
Given the geometry of the receiving coil in the ADuM120x and
an imposed requirement that the induced voltage be 50% at
most of the 0.5 V margin at the decoder, a maximum allowable
magnetic field is calculated, as shown in Figure 13.
DENSI TY ( kgau ss)
0.001 1M
1k 10k 10M
Figure 13. Maximum Allowable External Magnetic Flux Density
Data Sheet ADuM1200/ADuM1201
Rev. I | Page 25 of 28
For example, at a magnetic field frequency of 1 MHz, the
maximum allowable magnetic field of 0.2 kgauss induces a
voltage of 0.25 V at the receiving coil. This is about 50% of the
sensing threshold and does not cause a faulty output transition.
Similarly, if such an event occurs during a transmitted pulse
(and has the worst-case polarity), it reduces the received pulse
from >1.0 V to 0.75 V—still well above the 0.5 V sensing
threshold of the decoder.
The preceding magnetic flux density values correspond to
specific current magnitudes at given distances away from the
ADuM120x transformers. Figure 14 expresses these allowable
current magnitudes as a function of frequency for selected
distances. As seen, the ADuM120x are extremely immune and
can be affected only by extremely large currents operating very
close to the component at a high frequency. For the 1 MHz
example, a 0.5 kA current would have to be placed 5 mm away
from the ADuM120x to affect the operation of the component.
0.011k 10k 100M100k 1M 10M
DISTANCE = 100mm
Figure 14. Maximum Allowable Current for Various
Current-to-ADuM120x Spacings
Note that, at combinations of strong magnetic fields and high
frequencies, any loops formed by PCB traces can induce suffi-
ciently large error voltages to trigger the threshold of succeeding
circuitry. Care should be taken in the layout of such traces to
avoid this possibility.
The supply current at a given channel of the ADuM120x
isolator is a function of the supply voltage, the data rate of the
channel, and the output load of the channel.
For each input channel, the supply current is given by
IDDI = IDDI (Q) f ≤ 0.5fr
IDDI = IDDI (D) × (2ffr) + IDDI (Q) f > 0.5fr
For each output channel, the supply current is given by
IDDO = IDDO (Q) f ≤ 0.5fr
IDDO = (IDDO (D) + (0.5 × 10−3) × CLVDDO) × (2f − fr) + IDDO (Q)
f > 0.5fr
IDDI (D), IDDO (D) are the input and output dynamic supply currents
per channel (mA/Mbps).
CL is the output load capacitance (pF).
VDDO is the output supply voltage (V).
f is the input logic signal frequency (MHz, half of the input data
rate, NRZ signaling).
fr is the input stage refresh rate (Mbps).
IDDI (Q), IDDO (Q) are the specified input and output quiescent
supply currents (mA).
To calculate the total IDD1 and IDD2 supply currents, the supply
currents for each input and output channel corresponding to
IDD1 and IDD2 are calculated and totaled. Figure 6 and Figure 7
provide per-channel supply currents as a function of data rate
for an unloaded output condition. Figure 8 provides per-
channel supply current as a function of data rate for a 15 pF
output condition. Figure 9 through Figure 11 provide total
VDD1 and VDD2 supply current as a function of data rate for
ADuM1200 and ADuM1201 channel configurations.
ADuM1200/ADuM1201 Data Sheet
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In the case of unipolar ac or dc voltage, the stress on the insu-
lation is significantly lower, which allows operation at higher
working voltages yet still achieves a 50-year service life. The
working voltages listed in Table 14 can be applied while main-
taining the 50-year minimum lifetime provided the voltage
conforms to either the unipolar ac or dc voltage cases. Any cross-
insulation voltage waveform that does not conform to Figure 16
or Figure 17 is to be treated as a bipolar ac waveform, and its
peak voltage is to be limited to the 50-year lifetime voltage value
listed in Table 14.
All insulation structures eventually break down when subjected
to voltage stress over a sufficiently long period. The rate of insu-
lation degradation is dependent on the characteristics of the
voltage waveform applied across the insulation. In addition
to the testing performed by the regulatory agencies, Analog
Devices carries out an extensive set of evaluations to determine
the lifetime of the insulation structure within the ADuM120x.
Analog Devices performs accelerated life testing using voltage
levels higher than the rated continuous working voltage. Accel-
eration factors for several operating conditions are determined.
These factors allow calculation of the time to failure at the actual
working voltage. The values shown in Table 14 summarize the
peak voltage for 50 years of service life for a bipolar ac operating
condition and the maximum CSA/VDE approved working volt-
ages. In many cases, the approved working voltage is higher than
the 50-year service life voltage. Operation at these high working
voltages can lead to shortened insulation life in some cases.
Note that the voltage presented in Figure 16 is shown as sinu-
soidal for illustration purposes only. It is meant to represent any
voltage waveform varying between 0 V and some limiting value.
The limiting value can be positive or negative, but the voltage
cannot cross 0 V.
Figure 15. Bipolar AC Waveform
The insulation lifetime of the ADuM120x depends on the
voltage waveform type imposed across the isolation barrier.
The iCoupler insulation structure degrades at different rates
depending on whether the waveform is bipolar ac, unipolar
ac, or dc. Figure 15, Figure 16, and Figure 17 illustrate these
different isolation voltage waveforms, respectively.
Figure 16. Unipolar AC Waveform
Bipolar ac voltage is the most stringent environment. The goal
of a 50-year operating lifetime under the ac bipolar condition
determines the Analog Devices recommended maximum
working voltage.
Figure 17. DC Waveform
Data Sheet ADuM1200/ADuM1201
Rev. I | Page 27 of 28
0.25 (0.0098)
0.17 (0.0067)
1.27 (0.0500)
0.40 (0.0157)
0.50 (0.0196)
0.25 (0.0099) 45°
1.75 (0.0688)
1.35 (0.0532)
0.25 (0.0098)
0.10 (0.0040)
4.00 (0.1574)
3.80 (0.1497)
1.27 (0.0500)
6.20 (0.2441)
5.80 (0.2284)
0.51 (0.0201)
0.31 (0.0122)
Figure 18. 8-Lead Standard Small Outline Package [SOIC_N]
Narrow Body (R-8)
Dimensions shown in millimeters and (inches)
Model1, 2
of Inputs,
VDD1 Side
of Inputs,
VDD2 Side
Data Rate
Delay, 5 V (ns)
Pulse Width
Distortion (ns)
ADuM1200AR 2 0 1 150 40 −40°C to +105°C R-8
ADuM1200ARZ 2 0 1 150 40 −40°C to +105°C R-8
ADuM1200ARZ-RL7 2 0 1 150 40 −40°C to +105°C R-8
ADuM1200BR 2 0 10 50 3 −40°C to +105°C R-8
ADuM1200BR-RL7 2 0 10 50 3 −40°C to +105°C R-8
ADuM1200BRZ 2 0 10 50 3 −40°C to +105°C R-8
ADuM1200BRZ-RL7 2 0 10 50 3 −40°C to +105°C R-8
ADuM1200CR 2 0 25 45 3 −40°C to +105°C R-8
ADuM1200CR-RL7 2 0 25 45 3 −40°C to +105°C R-8
ADuM1200CRZ 2 0 25 45 3 −40°C to +105°C R-8
ADuM1200CRZ-RL7 2 0 25 45 3 −40°C to +105°C R-8
ADuM1200WSRZ 2 0 1 150 40 −40°C to +125°C R-8
ADuM1200WSRZ-RL7 2 0 1 150 40 −40°C to +125°C R-8
ADuM1200WTRZ 2 0 10 50 3 −40°C to +125°C R-8
ADuM1200WTRZ-RL7 2 0 10 50 3 −40°C to +125°C R-8
ADuM1200WURZ 2 0 25 45 3 −40°C to +125°C R-8
ADuM1200WURZ-RL7 2 0 25 45 3 −40°C to +125°C R-8
ADuM1201AR 1 1 1 150 40 −40°C to +105°C R-8
ADuM1201AR-RL7 1 1 1 150 40 −40°C to +105°C R-8
ADuM1201ARZ 1 1 1 150 40 −40°C to +105°C R-8
ADuM1201ARZ-RL7 1 1 1 150 40 −40°C to +105°C R-8
ADuM1201BR 1 1 10 50 3 −40°C to +105°C R-8
ADuM1201BR-RL7 1 1 10 50 3 −40°C to +105°C R-8
ADuM1201BRZ 1 1 10 50 3 −40°C to +105°C R-8
ADuM1201BRZ-RL7 1 1 10 50 3 −40°C to +105°C R-8
ADuM1201CR 1 1 25 45 3 −40°C to +105°C R-8
ADuM1201CRZ 1 1 25 45 3 −40°C to +105°C R-8
ADuM1201CRZ-RL7 1 1 25 45 3 −40°C to +105°C R-8
ADuM1200/ADuM1201 Data Sheet
Rev. I | Page 28 of 28
Model1, 2
of Inputs,
VDD1 Side
of Inputs,
VDD2 Side
Data Rate
Delay, 5 V (ns)
Pulse Width
Distortion (ns)
ADuM1201WSRZ 1 1 1 150 40 −40°C to +125°C R-8
ADuM1201WSRZ-RL7 1 1 1 150 40 −40°C to +125°C R-8
ADuM1201WTRZ 1 1 10 50 3 −40°C to +125°C R-8
ADuM1201WTRZ-RL7 1 1 10 50 3 −40°C to +125°C R-8
ADuM1201WURZ 1 1 25 45 3 −40°C to +125°C R-8
ADuM1201WURZ-RL7 1 1 25 45 3 −40°C to +125°C R-8
1 Z = RoHS Compliant Part.
2 W = Qualified for Automotive Applications.
3 R-8 = 8-lead narrow-body SOIC_N.
The ADuM1200W/ADuM1201W models are available with controlled manufacturing to support the quality and reliability requirements
of automotive applications. Note that these automotive models may have specifications that differ from the commercial models; therefore,
designers should review the Specifications section of this data sheet carefully. Only the automotive grade products shown are available for
use in automotive applications. Contact your local Analog Devices account representative for specific product ordering information and
to obtain the specific Automotive Reliability reports for these models.
©2004–2012 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademarks and
registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.