me 4715291 o000001 4 mm IMs IMPERIAL STAR CORP 3bE D 1-41-33 Photocoupler e e Quick Reference Guide Mi (LTV4N Series)... General Purpose 4N Series Packa "1 Output | With [Isolation [Collector,[ Curent Transter T pessonse Time tr | Tumvon Time fon , - P Base | Voltage | emitter | ave CRT - Model No. | Features | 690 | cor | pp | Term | Viso | Voltage MIN. f | TYP. | | MAX] Fk DIP nal | (Vrms) |VCEO(V)| (%) | (mA) | (us) | (0) | (us) | (mA) | LTV4nN25 [gGegerst Purpesel GQ) | |2500| 30 | 20 | 10 3 | 10}; | LTV4N26 [typo PUrPS| OO | O OQ |1,600| 30 | 20 | 10 | 3 | 100 | | LTV4N27_ [ype PUrPPs#| | O OQ {1500} 30 | 10 | 10 | 3 | 100| | LTV4N28 |Gpo Pose] | OO O | 500| 30 | 10 | 10 | 8 | 100 | | LTV4N32__[Grficteney type | O O | {2500} 30 | so |} 1 | | | 5 | 50 LTV4N33_[Sittieney tyre | O O | |1,500} 30 | 500 | 10 | | | 5 | 50 LTV4N35_ [Reo PrPes| | O 13,5650] 30 | 100 | 10 | | | 3 2 LTV4N37__ |rypon PUPS} | OO {1,500} 30 | 100 | 10 | | 3 2 @ (LTVEN Series)... General Purpose 6N Series : Package 0 With] Isolation | Current Transfer] ~~ propacation Time 9 utput Base | Voltage RatlocrT | Qc _ ime Model No. Features B-pin | Phetasioce | Photosiode | Protodione | term | Viso MIN. PHL | PLH . DIP | tree | ownisen fenertoore | nat | (vems) | (96) | MA) | TYP. s)] PCK2D. LTV6N135 | nokevecuctiontype | O O O |2500|] 7 16 | 04 | o7 | 4.4 LTV6N136 | howe veductiontype | O O |2500] 19 | 16 | 03 | 05 | 1.9 LTV6N137 _ | Lowinpur corrent O O 2,500 | (vy | 5 | 45ns | 45ns | 3500 LTVEN138 |fighinecoypo "| O O OQ | 2500} 300 | 1.6 2 7 2.2 LTV6N139 Hon transfor eficiency, O oO O 2,500 | 400 0.5 5 5 4.7 - @ (LTV700 Series)... 6-pin DIP Viso: 5kVrms Type . Package * 4 Output With | Isolation | Collector-emitter | Current Transfer Ratlo CRT | Resoonse Time tr. Base | Voltage Voltage , Model No. Features -pin spt | DPT Termt | Veo Vaso MIN. |. & TYP. | R DIP nat (Vrms) a {%) | (mA) | (es) (0) LTV702V | enter voltage tye | O O | 5,000 70 40 10 2 75 LTV703V___| Erattcrvonage ype | O | O | 5,000 70 40 10 4 100 LTV713V _ | General Purpose type |G) O | 5,000 35 50 5 4 100 LTV725V |\oflage high tabsaer_ | O O | 5,000 300 1,000 | 1 100 | 100 @ (LTV800 Series)... 4-pin DIP or its Multi-channel Type y - Package = * 4 Output slat Curent Treaster Rato CRT | Response Time tr | Voila Model No. Features rin | pin | tein | oor | ppp | veo | MIN, [ [TYR | po DP | DP 6] 6oODP (Vrms) | (%) | (mA) | (us) 4 LTV814 | Aceelt? O O 5,000 | 20 | -+1 4 | 100 LTV817__| Ree'(rcharmety O O 5,000 | 50 5 4 100 LTV827 | (achannay "PF Oo O 6,000 | 50 | 5 4__|_ 100 LTV847 | Ganuan Sy"Pose "ype O O 5,000 | 50 5 4 100 LTV829 configuration type (2 channel) O O 5,000 50 5 4 100 LTV849 | be td channel Comauration, O 5,000 | 50 5 4 | 100 * 1 SPT: single transistor output DPT: Darlington transistor output