XPortTM Data Sheet General Description The XPortTM is the most compact, integrated solution available to web-enable any device with a serial interface. By simply adding XPortTM to a product design, device manufacturers cut their design cycle by as much as 80% and are able to offer Ethernet connectivity in record time. The XPort offers the highest level of integration available in a device server. Within a compact RJ45 package is a DSTni-EX 186 controller, memory, 10/100 Ethernet transceiver, high-speed serial port, status/diagnostic LEDs, and 3 programmable I/O pins. In the space that is normally consumed by a connector, the XPort provides a complete networking interface. To enable access to a local network or the Internet, the XPort integrates a fully developed TCP/IP network stack and OS. The XPort also includes an embedded web server used to remotely configure, monitor, or troubleshoot the attached device. XPort Data Sheet 910-815D Where there's a need for custom user interfaces and a desire to use common and familiar tools, the XPort can serve web pages to a web browser. The XPort becomes a conduit between you and your device over the network or Internet. The WindowsTM-based configuration software, DeviceInstaller, simplifies installation and setup. The XPort can also be set up locally through its serial port, or remotely over a network using Telnet or a web browser. Flash memory provides for maintenance-free nonvolatile storage of web pages, and allows future system software upgrades. Using our highly integrated hardware and software platform, you will add profit to your bottom line by significantly reducing product development time, risk, and cost. Key Features * The only complete, integrated solution in an RJ45 form factor * Complete integrated solution * Embedded web server * 10/100Mbit Ethernet - Auto-Sensing * Stable, field proven TCP/IP protocol suite and webbased application framework * Easy configuration through a web interface * Easy customization of HTML web pages and configuration screens * Interactive web pages through the use of Java applets * E-mail * 128-, 192-, or 256-bit AES Rijndael encryption (Optional) * EMI tested and compliant * Extended operating temperature: -40 to +85 C normal mode -40 to +75 C high-performance mode * High-performance processor (12 MIPS at 48 MHz, 22 MIPS at 88 MHz) * Network overhead handled by XPort * Password protection * Upgrade XPort's firmware over the network * 3.3V power * Serial-to-10/100 Ethernet conversion * 921,600 baud serial speed Copyright(c) 2004, Lantronix. All rights reserved. Hardware & Software Description The XPort is a complete solution (hardware and software) for web-enabling your edge devices. Packed into an RJ45 connector smaller than your thumb, this powerful device server comes with a 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX Ethernet connection, a reliable and proven operating system stored in flash memory, an embedded web server, a full TCP/IP protocol stack, and standards-based (AES) encryption. The XPort software runs on a DSTni-EX controller which has 256 KB of SRAM, 16 KB of boot ROM, and a MAC with integrated 10/100BASE-TX PHY. The XPort communicates to the edge device through a 3.3V serial interface and three generalpurpose programmable I/O pins. 512 KB of flash memory is included for storing firmware and web pages. The XPort runs on 3.3V, and has a built-in voltage supervisory circuit that will trigger a reset if the supply voltage drops to unreliable levels (2.7V). A built-in 1.8V regulator drives the processing core of the EX controller. Table 1 - PCB Interface Signals Signal Name Pin GND 1 Circuit Ground Vcc 2 +3.3V Power In Reset (In) 3 External Reset In Data OUT 4 Serial Data Out Data IN 5 FLASH Tx Rx LEDs CP1 6 CP2 can be configured as follows: CP2 7 CP3 can be configured as follows: * Flow control: CTS (Clear to Send) input read by DSTni's built-in UART for connection to RTS of attached device. CP3 8 * Modem control: DCD (Data Carrier Detect) input read by DSTni's built-in UART for connection to DTR of attached device. * Programmable input/output: CP3 can be driven or read through software control, independent of serial port activity. CMOS IO RESET +3.3VDC Ethernet Interface The 10/100 Ethernet magnetics, network status LEDs, and RJ45 connector are integrated into the XPort. Table 2 - Ethernet Interface Signals Signal Name TX+ DIR Out Contact 1 TX- Out 2 RX+ In 3 Receive Data + RX- In 6 Receive Data - Not Used 4 Terminated Not Used 5 Terminated Not Used 7 Terminated Not Used 8 Terminated SHIELD XPort Data Sheet 910-815D * Modem control: DTR (Data Terminal Ready) output driven by DSTni's builtin UART for connection to DCD of attached device. * Programmable input/output: CP2 can be driven or read through software control, independent of serial port activity. RJ45 PCB Interface The 8-pin PCB interface consists of 3.3V CMOS Serial In/Out, 3 Flow Control/Handshake/PIO pins, reset input, +3.3V power, and signal ground. All pins are 5V tolerant. * Flow control: RTS (Request to Send) output driven by DSTni's built-in UART for connection to CTS of attached device. * Programmable input/output: CP1 can be driven or read through software control, independent of serial port activity. 25MHz DSTni-EX Serial Data In CP1 can be configured as follows: An RJ45 Ethernet cable connects directly into an XPort. Ethernet magnetics, status LEDs, and shielding are built in. The XPort was designed to meet class B emissions levels, which makes the electromechanical integration very simple. MAGNETICS Function Primary Function Transmit Data + Transmit Data - Chassis Ground Page 2 of 5 Protocol Support The XPort uses Internet Protocol (IP) for network communications and Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) to assure that no data is lost or duplicated, and that everything sent arrives correctly at the target. Dimensions The XPort dimensions are shown in the following drawings: 18.25 [0.719] DIMS = mm (in) Other supported protocols are listed below: * * * * * FRONT VIEW 16.25 [0.640] 11.55 [0.455] ARP, UDP, TCP, ICMP, Telnet, TFTP, AutoIP, DHCP, HTTP, and SNMP for network communications. TCP, UDP, and Telnet for connections to the serial port. TFTP for firmware updates. IP for addressing, routing, and data block handling over the network. User Datagram Protocol (UDP) for typical datagram applications in which devices interact with other devices without maintaining a point-to-point connection. 7.15 [0.281] LEFT LED RIGHT LED CONTACT 8 CONTACT 1 14.50 [0.571] 4.03 [0.158] 5.85 [0.230] 13.50 [0.531] SHIELD TAB 1.27 [0.050] TOLERANCE 0.40 [0.016] .XX+/-0.20[0.008] SHIELD TAB 3.30 [0.130] 1.85 [0.073] 3.25 [0.128] * For a complete discussion of protocol support, see the XPort user manual. LEDs The device contains two bi-color LEDs built into the front of the XPort connector. (See dimension drawing for location.) BOTTOM VIEW 8 Link LED (Left Side) Activity LED (Right Side) Color Meaning Color Meaning Off No Link Off No Activity Amber 10 Mbps Amber Half-Duplex Green 100 Mbps Green Full-Duplex Recommended PC Board Layout The hole pattern and mounting dimensions for the XPort are shown in the following drawing: O 0.90 [O 0.035] O 3.25 [O 0.128] 16.05 [0.632] 12.30 [0.484] 7 1 1.00 [0.039] 33.90 [1.335] INTERFACE PINS FRONT SHIELD TAB O 1.60[ 0.063] SHIELD GROUND 1.27 [0.050] 8 FRONT 2 7 SHIELD TAB 2.54 [0.100] DIMS = mm (in) 0.60 [0.024] 3.58 [0.141] 2 0.35 [0.014] 10.84 [0.427] 2.54 [0.100] TOLERANCE .XX+/-0.20[0.008] 1 3.20 [0.126] 6.35 [0.250] 11.90 [0.468] DIMS = mm (in) 10.84 [0.427] 2.54 [0.100] TOLERANCE .XX+/-0.05[0.002] 6.35 [0.250] 11.90 [0.468] Note: PADS and PROTEL design files are included with the XPort development kit. For proper heat dissipation, the PCB should have approximately 1 square inch of copper attached to the shield tabs. The shield tabs are an important source of heat sinking for the device. XPort Data Sheet 910-815D 10/2004 Page 3 of 5 XPort Technical Data Category CPU, Memory Firmware Reset Circuit Serial Interface Serial Line Formats Modem Control Flow Control Programmable I/O Network Interface Compatibility Protocols Supported LEDs Management Security Internal Web Server Weight Material Temperature Relative Humidity Shock/Vibration Warranty Included Software EMI Compliance Description Lantronix DSTni-EX 186 CPU, 256 KB zero wait state SRAM 512 KB Flash, 16 KB Boot ROM Upgradeable via TFTP and serial port Internal 200ms power-up reset pulse. Power-drop reset triggered at 2.6V. External reset input causes an internal 200ms reset. CMOS (Asynchronous) 3.3V-level signals Rate is software selectable (300 bps to 921600 bps) 7 or 8 data bits, 1-2 Stop bits, Parity: odd, even, none DTR/DCD, CTS, RTS XON/XOFF (software), CTS/RTS (hardware), none 3 PIO pins (software selectable) sink or source 4mA max. RJ45 Ethernet 10BASE-T or 100BASE-TX (auto-sensing) Ethernet: Version 2.0/IEEE 802.3 ARP, UDP/IP, TCP/IP, Telnet, ICMP, SNMP, DHCP, BOOTP, TFTP, Auto IP, and HTTP 10BASE-T & 100BASE-TX Link Activity, Full/half duplex. Sofware generated status & diagnostic signals can optionally drive external LEDs through CP1 & CP3 (see Int. Guide). Internal web server, SNMP, Serial login, Telnet login Password protection, locking features, optional Rijndael 128-, 192-, or 256-bit encryption Serves web pages Storage capacity: 384 KB 9.6 grams (0.34 oz) Metal shell, thermoplastic case Operating range: -40C to +85C (-40F to 185F) normal mode -40C to +75C (-40F to 167F) high-performance mode Storage range: -40C to +85C (-40F to 185F) Operating: 5% to 95% non-condensing Non-operational shock: 500 g's, Non-operational vibration: 20 g's 2-year limited warranty WindowsTM 98/NT/2000/XP-based DeviceInstaller configuration software and WindowsTMbased Comm Port Redirector Radiated & conducted emissions - complies with Class B limits of EN 55022:1998 Direct & Indirect ESD - complies with EN55024:1998 RF Electromagnetic Field Immunity - complies with EN55024:1998 Electrical Fast Transient/Burst Immunity - complies with EN55024:1998 Power Frequency Magnetic Field Immunity - complies with EN55024:1998 RF Common Mode Conducted Susceptibility - complies with EN55024:1998 DC Characteristics for Serial, PIO, and Power Interface Symbol Vcc VIL VIH VOL VOH II ICC ICC ICC ICC lCC Parameter Supply voltage (typical 3.3) (+/-5%) Low Level Input Voltage High Level Input Voltage Low Level Output Voltage High Level Output Voltage Input Leakage Current Supply Current (idle)@ 48 MHz Supply Current (10BASE-T activity)@ 48 MHz Supply Current (10BASE-T activity)@ 88 MHz Supply Current (100BASE-T activity)@ 48 MHz Supply Current (100BASE-T activity)@ 88 MHz Min Nominal Max Units 3.14 0 2.0 3.3 3.46 0.8 5.5 0.4 V V V V V A mA mA mA mA mA 2.4 1 119 224 267 190 233 With the purchase of XPort, the OEM agrees to an OEM firmware license agreement that grants the OEM a non-exclusive, royalty-free firmware license to use and distribute the binary firmware image provided, only to the extent necessary to use the XPort hardware. XPort Data Sheet 910-815D 10/2004 Page 4 of 5 Development Kit Introduction An XPort development kit is available to provide a simple, quick, and cost-effective way to evaluate the XPort. Use the development kit to integrate the XPort to your product design, and give your newly networked product a test drive. Block Diagram * * * * * Complete, ready to use XPort and supporting evaluation board +5VDC Universal Power Supply RS-232 cable, DB9M/F CAT5e UTP RJ45M/M Ethernet cable Serial adapter, 25-pin to 9-pin XPort CD containing a configuration utility, DeviceInstaller, Comm Port Redirector, sample code and complete user manual in PDF TP8 TP9 3.3V +5 VDC IN J1 POWER RTS DTR CTS/DCD Features of the Development Kit * D2 PWR LED JP4 PIO LEDs TP13 TP11 SLOW TMR DB-9F RXD/TXD XPort RESET RESET SWITCH SW2 PLD DIP SWITCH RS232 DTR, CTS RTS, DCD PADS JP3 PLD HEADER SW1 Features of the Evaluation Board The XPort evaluation board includes an XPort integrated with the following features: * * * * * * * RS-232 (DCE) serial interface DIP switch configuration LED indication for power, RS-232 transmit / receive and PIO status Reset circuit with pushbutton Header connector for the PIO signals CP1, CP2, and CP3 Test points to monitor the XPort's serial interface signals Timer Ordering Information XPort-XE XP1001000-03 Standard XPort Min. order: 50 units XPort-SE XP1002000-03 Standard XPort with 256-bit AES encryption Min. order: 50 units XPort-SE SMPL XP100200S-03 XPort Sample with encryption One XPort enclosed Xport Dev. Kit XP100200K-03 XPort Development Kit with encryption For details contact your local Lantronix representative or Lantronix directly: Asia Pacific Region via e-mail at AsiaPacific_sales@lantronix.com Europe via e-mail at eu_sales@lantronix.com Japan via e-mail at japan_sales@lantronix.com United States via e-mail at sales@lantronix.com or call OEM sales support at 800-526-8764 (c)2004 Lantronix, Inc. All rights reserved. Lantronix, XPort, with its patent-pending technology, and DSTni are trademarks of Lantronix. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Specifications subject to change without notice. All rights reserved. XPort Data Sheet 910-815D 10/2004 Page 5 of 5