Bay Linear, Inc 2418 Armstrong Street, Livermore, CA 94550 Tel: (925) 606-5950, Fax: (925) 940-9556 www.baylinear.com
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS TA = 25°C VIN = 12V, ILOAD= 100mA unless otherwise specified.
Boldface type applies over full Operating Temperature Range.
Parameters Conditions
Max Units
Adjustable Regulator
Feedback Bias Current VOUT = 5V 50 100
500 nA
Fixed and Adjustable Regulators
Oscillator Frequency 52 47
63 kHz
Saturation Voltage IOUT = 0.5A, (Note 4) 1.4 1.8
2.0 V
Max Duty Cycle (Note 5) 98 93 %
Current Limit Peak Current, tON≤ 3µs, (Note 4) 5.8 4.2
7.5 A
Output Leakage Current VIN, (Note 6), Output = 0V
(Note 6 ), Output = -1V
7.5 2
30 mA
Quiescent Current (Note 6) 5 10 mA
Standby Quiescent Current ON/OFF Pin = 5V (OFF) 50 200 µA
Thermal Resistance
T,U package, Junction to Ambient,
(Note 7)
T,U package, Junction to case
ON/OFF Control, Fixed & Adjustable Regulators (Note 8) (Note9)
OFF Input Level VOUT = 0V 1.4 2.2
2.4 V
ON Input Level VOUT = 15V or 5V 1.2 1.0
0.8 V
OFF Logic Current ON/OFF Pin = 5V (OFF) 4 30 µA
ON Logic Current ON/OFF Pin = 0V (ON) 0.01 10 µA
Note 1: Absolute Maxium Ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. Operating Ratings indicate test conditions for which the device s
intended to be functional, but do not guarantee specific performance limits. For quaranteed specifications and test conditions see the Electrical Characteristics.
Note 2: All limits guaranteed at room temperature (standard type face) and at temperature extremes (bold type face). All room temperature limits are 100%
production tested. All limits at temperature extremes are guaranteed via testing.
Note 3: External components such as the diode, inductor and capacitor can affect the system performance.
Note 4: Output (pin 2) sourcing current. No diode, inductor, or capacitor connected to input.
Note 5: Feedback (pin 4) removed from output and connected to 0V.
Note 6: Feedback (pin 4) removed from output and connected to 12V to force the output transistor OFF.
Note 7: Junction to ambient thermal resistance with approximately 1 square inches of PC board cooper surrounding the leads.
Note 8: Test circuit refers to figure 2.
Note 9: Test circuit refers to figure 3.