Motor assy 9904 120 52401
75-05-23 01-02-19
Supers. Sheet. 190-1 15
Name. R.v. Zeelst Date. 98-06-02
File. 9904 120 52401 190.wpd Check.
MODEL: 4 Watt
TYPE: 9904 120 52401---9904 120 52711
1. Type indication
1.1 Spark suppression Varistor
1.2 Direction of rotation Reversible
1.3 Rotor Ironcore
1.4 Nominal data: See sheet 4&5
2. Electrical data of motor
2.1 Terminal resistance motor 9904 120 524.. 3.6 ± 8%
2.2 Terminal resistance motor 9904 120 526.. 15.0 ± 8%
2.3 Terminal resistance motor 9904 120 527.. 58.0 ± 8%
2.4 EMF at 3000 rpm of motor 9904 120 524.. 4.38 V ± 10%
2.5 EMF at 3000 rpm of motor 9904 120 526.. 9.40 V ± 10%
2.6 EMF at 3000 rpm of motor 9904 120 527.. 18.79 V ± 10%
3. Thermal data
3.1 Temperature coefficient of:
3.1.1 Motor EMF -0.2 %/K
3.1.2 Resistance +0.4 %/K
3.2 Thermal resistances:
3.2.1 From winding to housing (Rht1) 30 K/W
3.3 Thermal time constant of motor 30 min
without heatsing
4. Electromechanical data
4.1 No load See sheet 4&5
4.2 Starting torque 1 V (max.)
4.3 Loaded See sheet 4&5
4.4 Typical curves See sheet 6 to15
4.5 Insulation resistance between
winding and housing according
to IEC 335-1 (500 VDC) >2M