MOTOROLA SC (DIODES/0OPTO) SECTION 4.1.4 DATA SHEETS TRANSIENT VOLTAGE SUPPRESSORS continued BYE D MM 6367255 0085366 4ST MMOT? Section Surface Mounted continued SECTION 1500 WATT PEAK POWER MULTIPLE PACKAGE QUANTITY (MPQ) DATA SHEETS REQUIREMENTS Devices Page No. Package Option Type No. Suffix MPO (Units) General Data 1500 Watt 4-1-62 Tape and Reel T3(1) 2.5K 1SMCS5.OAT3 thru 1SMC78AT3 4-1-65 NOTE 1 The 3 on tha suffix designates reel size (13) and full ree! quantity of 2 5K 1.5SMC6.8ATS3 thru 1.5SMC91AT3 4-1-66 TRANSIENT VOLTAGE SUPPRESSORS AND ZENER DIODES 4-1-61BYE D WM 6367255 0085367 396 MENOT? MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR Samm HoTOROLA SC (DIODES/OPTO) 7 TECHNICAL DATA GENERAL GENERAL DATA APPLICABLE TO ALL SERIES IN DATA THIS GROUP 1500 WATT Zener Transient Voltage Suppressors PEAK POWER The SMC senes is designed to protect voltage sensitive components from high voltage, high energy transients. They have excellent clamping capability, high surge capability, low zener impedance and fast response time. The SMC series is supplied in Motorolas exclusive, cost-effective, highly reliable Surmetic package and 1s ideally suited for use in PLASTIC SURFACE MOUNT ZENER OVERVOLTAGE communication systems, numerical controls, process controls, medical equipment, busi- Teonessons ness machines, power supplies and many other industnal/consumer applications. s ee oun Specification Features: 1500 WATT PEAK POWER Standard Zener Breakdown Voltage Range 6.8 to 91 V * Stand-off Voltage Range 5 to 78 V Peak Power 1500 Watts @ 1 ms * Maximum Clamp Voltage @ Peak Pulse Current e Low Leakage < 5 pA Above 10 V Maximum Temperature Coefficient Specitied e Available in Tape and Reei Mechanica! Characteristics: CASE: Void-free, transfer-molded, thermosetting plastic FINISH: All external surfaces are corrosion resistant and leads are readily solderable CASE 403-03 POLARITY: Cathode indicated by molded polarity notch. When Operated in zener made, PLASTIC will be positive with respect to anode MOUNTING POSITION: Any LEADS: Modifted L-Bend providing more contact area to bond pads MAXIMUM CASE TEMPERATURE FOR SOLDERING PURPOSES: 230C for 10 seconds MAXIMUM RATINGS rn Rating Symbol Value Unit Peak Power Dissipation (1) Pex 1500 Watts @T_ s 25C Forward Surge Current (2) lFSM 200 Amps @ Ta = 25C Operating and Storage Temperature Range TJ. Tstg 65 to +175 C NOTES 1 Nonrepetitive current pulse per Figure 2 and derated above Tap = 25C per Figure 3 2 12 sine wave (or equivalent square wave) PW = 8 3 ms, duty cycle = 4 pulses per minule maximum TRANSIENT VOLTAGE SUPPRESSORS AND ZENER DIODES 4-1-62MOTOROLA SC CDIODES/OPTO) LYE D MM 6367255 00853b4 e222 MBNOT? GENERAL DATA 1500 WATT PEAK POWER 100 | PULSE WIDTH (tp) IS DEFINED AUISE WAVEFORM a AS THAT POINT WHERE THE PEAK = SHOWN IN FIGURE 2 OF incu DECAYS TO 50% = 100 + & _ PEAK VALUE ~IRs ~ <t0us & 10 w N rT 4 e z HALF VALUE - /RSM_ & 60 4 nN i<- tp ~~ 1 Dips ips 10Ms 100Ms ms 10ms 95 1 9 3 4 tp, PULSE WIDTH t, TIME (ms) Figure 1. Pulse Rating Curve Figure 2. Pulse Waveform 1000 & oq f TL= 28C (NOM) = 68 TO 13 wa tp=10 20V o x a Pas 246 V4 43 z = 200 75 Ob = 100 =a 5 120V e& @ 50 ao 180 V w & So 2 4s 5 ce 5 w 10 ; a = Lu 5 NS wi & N ax _ s 2 * 1 1 1501 03 05 07 1 2 39 #5 7 10 20 30 Ta, AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (C) AVz, INSTANTANEOUS INCREASE IN Vz ABOVE Vz (NOM) (VOLTS) Figure 3. Pulse Derating Curve Figure 4. Dynamic Impedance TRANSIENT VOLTAGE SUPPRESSORS AND ZENER DIODES 4-1-63MOTOROLA SC (DIODES/0OPTO) BYE D MM 63567255 0085365 169 MMOT? GENERAL DATA 1500 WATT PEAK POWER APPLICATION NOTES RESPONSE TIME In most applications, the transient suppressor device ts placed in parallel with the equipment or component to be pro- tected. In this situation, there ts a time delay associated with the capacitance of the device and an overshoot condition associated with the inductance of the device and the induc- tance of the connection method. The capacitive effect is of mi- nor importance in the parallel protection scheme because It only produces a time delay in the transition from the operating voltage to the clamp voltage as shown in Figure 5. The inductive effects in the device are due to actual turn-on time (time required for the device to go from zero current to full current) and lead inductance. This inductive effect produces an overshoot in the voltage across the equipment or compo- nent being protected as shown in Figure 6. Minimizing this overshoot is very important in the application, since the main purpose for adding a transient suppressor is to clamp voltage spikes. The SMC series have a very good response time, typi- cally < 1 ns and negligible inductance. However, externa! inductive effects could produce unacceptable overshoot. Proper circuit layout, minimum lead lengths and placing the suppressor device as close as possible to the equipment or components to be protected will minimize this overshoot. Some input impedance represented by Z;n is essential to prevent overstress of the protection device. This impedance should be as high as possible, without restricting the circuit operation. DUTY CYCLE DERATING The data of Figure 1 applies for non-repetitive conditions and at a lead temperature of 25C. If the duty cycle increases, the peak power must be reduced as indicated by the curves of Figure 7. Average power must be derated as the lead or ambi- ent temperature rises above 25C The average power derat- ing curve normally given on data sheets may be normalized and used for this purpose. At first glance the derating curves of Figure 7 appear to be in error as the 10 ms pulse has a higher derating factor than the 10 ys pulse. However, when the derating factor for a given puise of Figure 7 1s multiplied by the peak power value of Fig- ure 1 for the same pulse, the results follow the expected trend. TYPICAL PROTECTION CIRCUIT Zin Vin aA 3 LOAD VL ue Vin (TRANSIENT) VL Vin i tp = TIME DELAY DUE TO CAPACITIVE EFFECT t Figure 5. 07 05 03 02 01 007 005 003 002 DERATING FACTOR 0.01 01 02 05 1 Vin (TRANSIENT) OVERSHOOT DUE TO INDUCTIVE EFFECTS \ VE Figure 6. PULSE WIDTH 10 ms 400 10 Hs 5 MH 20 50 100 D, DUTY CYCLE (%) Figure 7. Typical Derating Factor for Duty Cycle TRANSIENT VOLTAGE SUPPRESSORS AND ZENER DIODES 4-1-64MOTOROLA SC CDIODES/OPTO) BYE D MM 6367255 0085370 980 MNOT? 1SMC5.0AT3 thru 1SMC78AT3 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Ta = 25C unless otherwise noted). Breakdown Voltage Peak Maximum Reverse Ver @ Ir Maximum Pulse Current | Reverse Leakage Stand-Off Voltage Clamping Voltage| (See Figure 2) @VR Ve Volts Vo @ Ipp Ippt tq Device Devicet t Volts (1) Min mA Volts Amps DA Marking 1SMCS5.OAT3 5.0 6.40 10 9.2 163.0 1000 GDE 1SMC6.0AT3 6.0 6 67 10 10.3 145.6 1000 GDG 1SMC6.5AT3 6.5 7.22 10 11.2 133.9 500 GDK 1SMC7.0AT3 70 7.78 10 12.0 125.0 200 GDM 1SMC7.5AT3 75 8.33 1.0 12.9 1163 100 GDP 1SMC8.0AT3 8.0 8 89 1.0 13.6 1103 50 GOR 1SMC8.5AT3 8.5 9.44 1.0 14.4 104.2 20 GDT 1SMC9.0AT3 9.0 10.0 1.0 1684 97.4 10 GDV 1SMC10AT3 10 11.1 1.0 17.0 88.2 5.0 GDX 1SMC11AT3 11 122 10 18.2 82.4 5.0 GDZ 1SMC12AT3 12 13.3 1.0 19.9 75.3 5.0 GEE 1SMC13AT3 13 14.4 1.0 215 69.7 5.0 GEG 1SMC14AT3 14 156 1.0 232 64.7 5.0 GEK 1SMC15AT3 15 16.7 1.0 24.4 61.5 5.0 GEM 1SMC16AT3 16 17.8 10 26.0 577 5.0 GEP 1SMC17AT3 17 18.9 1.0 27.6 53.3 5.0 GER 1SMC18AT3 18 20.0 1.0 29.2 51.4 5.0 GET 1SMC20AT3 20 22.2 1.0 32.4 46.3 5.0 GEV 1SMC22AT3 22 244 1.0 355 422 5.0 GEX 1SMC24AT3 24 26.7 10 38.9 38.6 5.0 GEZ 1SMC26AT3 26 28.9 1.0 42.1 35.6 5.0 GFE 1SMC28AT3 28 31.1 1.0 454 33.0 5.0 GFG 1SMC30AT3 30 33.3 10 48.4 31.0 5.0 GFK 1SMC33AT3 33 36.7 1.0 53.3 28.1 5.0 GFM 1SMC36AT3 36 40.0 1.0 58.1 25.8 5.0 GFP 1SMC40AT3 40 44.4 1.0 64.5 23.2 5.0 GFR 1SMC43AT3 43 47.8 1.0 69.4 21.6 5.0 GFT 1SMC45AT3 45 50.0 1.0 72.7 20.6 5.0 GFV 1SMC48AT3 48 53.3 1.0 774 19.4 5.0 GFX 1SMC51AT3 51 56.7 1.0 82.4 18.2 5.0 GFZ 1SMC54AT3 54 60.0 1.0 87.1 17.2 5.0 GGE 1SMC58AT3 58 64.4 1.0 93.6 16.0 5.0 GGG 1SMC60AT3 60 66.7 1.0 96.8 15.5 5.0 GGK 1SMC64AT3 64 7141 1.0 103 14.6 5.0 GGM 1SMC70AT3 70 77.8 1.0 113 13.3 5.0 GGP 1SMC75AT3 75 83.3 1.0 121 12.4 5.0 GGR 1SMC7BAT3 78 86.7 1.0 126 1.4 5.0 GGT Note 1 A transient suppressor is normally selected according to the reverse Stand Off Voltage (Vq) which should be equal to or greater than the DC or continuous peak operating voltage lavet * gR measured at pulse test current |7 at an ambient temperaure of 25C t Surge current waveform per Figure 2 and derate per Figure 3 of the General Data 1500 Watt at the beginning of this group + + 13 sutfx designates tape and reel of 2500 units. ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS VR Stand Off Voltage. Applied reverse voltage to assure a non-conductive condition (See Note 1). V(BR)min = Thisis the minimum breakdown voltage the device will exhibit and is used to assure that conduction does not occur prior to this voltage level at 25C. Vc Maximum Clamping Voltage. The maximum peak volt- age appearing across the transient suppressor when Ipp IR subjected to the peak pusle current in a one millisecond time interval. The peak pulse series resistance and ther- mal rise. Peak Pulse Current See Figure 2 Peak Pulse Power Reverse Leakage TRANSIENT VOLTAGE SUPPRESSORS AND ZENER DIODES 4-1-65MOTOROLA SC CDIODES/OPTO) GYHE D MM 6367255 00853971 617 MENOT? 1.5SMC6.8AT3 thru 1.5SMC91AT3 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Ta = 25C unless otherwise noted) VF = 3 5 V Max, le** = 100 A for all types Working | Maximum | Maximum Maximum . Breakdown Voltage" Peak Reverse | Reverse | Reverse Voltage Maximum Van @k Reverse | Leakage Surge @ IRsm tomreronure ar It T Voltage | @ Vawm | Current | (Clamping Voltage) coefficient a VawM IR Insut VRSM ofVBR | Device Device + + Min | Nom | Max | mA Volts pA Amps Volts PC Marking 1.5SMC6 8AT3 | 645 68 714 10 5.8 1000 143 10.5 0057 6V8A 1.5SMC7.5AT3 | 7.13 7.5 7.88 10 6.4 500 132 13 0 061 TV5A 1 5SMC8 2ATS | 7 79 82 8.61 10 702 200 124 121 0 065 8V2A 1 5SMC9 1AT3 | 865 91 9.55 1 778 50 112 134 0 068 OVIA 1 5SMC10AT3 95 10 105 1 855 10 403 14.5 0073 10A 1 5SMC11AT3 105 il 116 1 9.4 5 96 156 0075 1A 1.5SMC12AT3 114 12 12.6 1 102 5 90 167 0 078 12A 1 5SMC13AT3 124 13 13.7 1 11 5 82 18.2 0081 13A 1 5SMC15AT3 143 15 15.8 1 128 5 71 21.2 0.084 15A 1 5SMC16AT3 152 16 16.8 1 13.6 5 67 225 0 086 16A 1 5SMC18AT3 171 18 18.9 1 153 5 595 252 0 088 18A 1 5SMC20AT3 19 20 21 1 171 5 54 277 0.09 20A 1 5SMC22AT3 209 22 231 1 188 5 49 306 0.092 22A 1 5SMC24AT3 228 24 252 1 205 5 45 33 2 0.094 24A 15SMC27AT3 | 257 27 28.4 1 231 5 40 375 0 096 27A J.5SMC30AT3 | 28.5 30 315 1 256 5 36 414 0.097 30A 1 5SMC33AT3 | 314 33 34.7 1 282 5 33 457 0 098 33A = 1.5SMC36AT3 | 34.2 36 37.8 1 30.8 5 30 49.9 0.099 36A 1 5SMC39AT3 37.1 39 41 4 333 5 28 539 0.1 39A 1 5SMC43AT3 | 40.9 43 452 1 36 8 5 25.3 93 0101 43A 1 5SMC47AT3 44,7 47 494 1 40.2 5 23.2 648 0.101 47A 1.5SMC51AT3 48.5 51 53.6 1 43.6 5 214 701 0 102 51A = 1.5SMC56AT3 | 53.2 56 58.8 1 47.8 5 19.5 77 0.103 56A = 1.5SMC62AT3 | 58.9 62 65.1 1 53 5 17.7 85 0.104 624 1.5SMC68AT3 | 64.6 68 714 1 58.1 5 16.3 92 0 104 68A 1 SSMC75AT3 713 75 788 1 64.1 146 103 0 105 75A 1.5SMC82AT3 7739 82 861 1 70.1 5 133 13 0105 824 1.5SMC9IAT3 | 865 91 955 1 778 5 12 125 0 106 SIA => Preferred part * VaR measured at pulse test current ly at an ambient temperaure of 25C ** 1/2 sine wave (or equivalent square wave) PW = 8 3ms duty cycle = 4 pulses per minute maximum Surge current wavetorm per Figure 2 and derate per Figure 3 of General Data 1500 Watt at the beginning of this group tt T3 suffx designates tape and reel of 2500 units TRANSIENT VOLTAGE SUPPRESSORS AND ZENER DIODES 4-1-66