TS2~- Fed ro EMC LINE FILTERS os FSQ2 ~ B24 SUID SU Coils I; Classification st Features $U16V04300 L. Inductance (100uH;: ex. 300 stands for 30mH) Rated current (A) (100mA; 04 stands for 400mA or 0.4A) Type (V, H or U) Core size | 4 1 @VisHEo1 7. Hisar 7 Of - 278-2 - EBSRSOREIT VS, MERICE WAPRLET * V-vertical type; H-horizontal type; U-UPRIGHT type * Custom-made coils with different inductance and rated current available on request. : WV /SHIA47T SU9V, 9H Type tt #& Specifications Rated " Inductance DC Resistance Temp. : Model Current. (mH) min. ~ (Qfline) Rise D4 max. (K)/ max. SUSV/H-01100. 0.1 10 3.0 40 SUSV/H-02080. 0.2 8 6.0 40 SU9V/H-03050 0.3 5 3.0 40 SUSV/H-05020. 05 2 10 40 SUSV/H-07010. O7. 4 06 40 SUSW/H-10005 1.0 "05 03 40 Rated voitage: 250 V AC/DC *Test voltage: 2000 V AC, one minute between lines -Insulation resistance: at S500 V OC, more than 100 MQ (between lines) *Thermal class: E (120C) *Temperature range: -25C~80C *inductance measurement condition: 1 kHz, YHP-4261A at 20C 34 OAR COMER ENTS @)BCAT LY ATAYANESNS ORR CENLUBRENMAMH ER Excellent attenuation characteristics at low frequencies * Compact size, large inductance * Employs UL-recognized heat-resistant insulation material FAO Ort vy FU FTRRBONS ILI 4 Ne @ Sa Asai. FCC.CISPR. VDE. VCCINKE/ RM @TV.VTRAV OAHEEO BE J 1 ABR * Prevents noise emission, conforming to JTTC, FCC, CISPR, VDE and VCC! . * Protects AC side fram the effects of switching regulators * Provides noise elimination and immunity for TVs, VTRs/ VCRs, audio equipment, etc. Applications AGAR + ik Shape and Dimensions @ SU9V Type 17max. 1imax. 4 {mm] ro ~ (mm) {-e-X> AS Impedance vs. Frequency e Impedance (k) 3 a a 0.01 O.1 1 19 100 ~ Frequency (MHz)