LM48822 Ground-Referenced, Ultra High PSRR, Ultra Low Noise,
35mW/Channel Stereo Headphone Amplifier with Common Mode Sense, and I 2 C
Volume Control
Literature Number: SNAS456B
LM48822 March 9, 2011
Ground-Referenced, Ultra High PSRR, Ultra Low Noise,
35mW/Channel Stereo Headphone Amplifier with Common
Mode Sense, and I2C Volume Control
General Description
The LM48822 is a single supply, ground-referenced stereo
headphone amplifier designed for portable devices, such as
cell phones, where board space is at a premium. The
LM48822 features National’s ground-referenced architecture,
which eliminates the large DC blocking capacitor required by
traditional headphone amplifiers, saving board space and
minimizing system cost.
The LM48822 features common-mode sensing that corrects
for any differences between the amplifier ground and the po-
tential at the headphone return terminal, minimizing noise
created by any ground mismatches.
The LM48822 delivers 35mW/channel into a 16 load with
<1% THD+N with a 3.6V supply. High power supply rejection
ratio (PSRR), of 110dB at 217Hz, allows the device to operate
in noisy environments without additional power supply condi-
tioning. Flexible power supply requirements allow operation
from 2.4V to 5.5V. The LM48822 has a differential inputs for
improved noise rejection. High output impedance in Shut-
down mode, combined with a charge pump-only mode allows
the LM48822's outputs to be driven by an external source
without degrading the source signal. Additionally, the
LM48822 features a 64-step I2C volume control and mute
function. The low power Shutdown mode reduces supply cur-
rent consumption to 0.06µA.
Superior click and pop suppression eliminates audible tran-
sients on power-up/down and during shutdown. The
LM48822 is available in an ultra-small 16-bump micro SMD
package (2mmx2mm).
Key Specifications
Output Power/channel at VDD = 3.6V
RL = 16Ω, THD+N 1% 35mW (typ)
Output Power/channel at VDD = 3.6V
RL = 32Ω, THD+N 1% 40mW (typ)
■ Quiescent Power Supply Current
at 3.6V 3.5mA (typ)
■ PSRR at 217Hz 110dB (typ)
■ Shutdown current 0.06μA (typ)
Ground Referenced Outputs – Eliminates Output Coupling
Common-Mode Sense
Ultra-High PSRR
I2C Volume and Mode Control
High Output Impedance in Shutdown
Differential Inputs
Advanced Click-and-Pop Suppression
Low Supply Current
Minimum external components
Micro-power shutdown
Available in space-saving 16-bump µSMD package
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LM48822 Ground-Referenced, Ultra High PSRR, Ultra Low Noise, 35mW/Channel Stereo
Headphone Amplifier with Common Mode Sense, and I2C Volume Control
Typical Application
FIGURE 1. Typical Audio Amplifier Application Circuit
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Connection Diagrams
TL Package
2mm x 2mm x 0.8mm
Top View
Order Number LM48822TL
See NS Package Number TLA1611A
16–Bump micro SMD Marking
Top View
XY = Date code
TT = Die traceability
G = Boomer Family
K1 = LM48822TL
3 www.national.com
Absolute Maximum Ratings (Note 1, Note
If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required,
please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/
Distributors for availability and specifications.
Supply Voltage (Note 1) 6V
Storage Temperature −65°C to +150°C
Input Voltage -0.3V to VDD + 0.3V
Power Dissipation (Note 3) Internally Limited
ESD Rating(Note 4) 2000V
ESD Rating (Note 5) 150V
Junction Temperature 150°C
Thermal Resistance
 θJA TLA1611A 63°C/W
Soldering Information
See AN-1112 “Micro SMD Wafer Level Chip Scale package”
Operating Ratings
Temperature Range
Supply Voltage (VDD) 2.4V VDD 5.5V
Electrical Characteristics VDD = 3.6V (Note 1, Note 2)
The following specifications apply for AV = 0dB, RL = 16Ω, f = 1kHz, unless otherwise specified. Limits apply to TA = 25°C.
Symbol Parameter Conditions
LM48822 Units
(Note 6)
(Note 7)
IDD Quiescent Power Supply Current
VIN = 0V, both channels active
RL = 16Ω
RL =
mA (max)
mA (max)
ISD Shutdown Current Shutdown Enabled 0.06 1.2 µA (max)
VOS Differential Output Offset Voltage VIN = 0V, RL = 16Ω 1 5 mV (max)
TWU Wake Up Time 200 μs
AVVoltage Gain
Minimum Gain Setting –59.5 +0.5
dB (max)
dB (min)
Maximum Gain Setting 3.8 +0.5
dB (max)
dB (min)
RIN Input Resistance AV = 4dB
AV = –60dB
kΩ (max)
kΩ (max)
POOutput Power
RL= 16Ω, f = 1kHz, THD+N = 1%
Single channel
Two channels in phase
35 27
mW (min)
RL= 32Ω, f = 1kHz, THD+N = 1%
Single channel
Two channels in phase
THD+N Total Harmonic Distortion +
PO = 50mW, f = 1kHz, RL = 16Ω
single channel 0.04 %
PO = 40mW, f = 1kHz, RL = 32Ω
single channel 0.02 %
PSRR Power Supply Rejection Ratio
VRIPPLE = 200mVP-P, Inputs AC GND
CIN = 1μF, input referred, SD_BIAS = 0
fRIPPLE = 217Hz
fRIPPLE = 1kHz
dB (min)
CMRR Common Mode Rejection Ratio VRIPPLE = 1VP-P 95 dB
XTALK Crosstalk RL 16Ω, POUT = 1.6mW, f = 1kHz 80 70 dB (min)
RL 10k, VOUT = 1VRMS, f = 1kHz 95 85 dB (min)
SNR Signal-to-Noise Ratio RL = 16Ω, f = 1kHz 100 dB
OS Output Noise AV = 4dB, Input referred
A-Weighted Filter 7 μV
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Symbol Parameter Conditions
LM48822 Units
(Note 6)
(Note 7)
ROUT Output Impedance Charge pump-only mode enabled 40 25 kΩ (min)
VOUT Maximum Voltage Swing Voltage applied to amplifier outputs in
charge pump-only mode 2 VRMS (min)
I2C Interface Characteristics VDD = 3.6V (Note 1, Note 2)
The following specifications apply for AV = 0dB, RL = 16Ω, f = 1kHz, unless otherwise specified. Limits apply to TA = 25°C.
Symbol Parameter Conditions
LM48822 Units
(Note 6)
(Note 7)
t1SCL Period 2.5 μs (min)
t2SDA Setup Time 100 ns (min)
t3SDA Stable Time 0 ns (min)
t4Start Condition Time 100 ns (min)
t5Stop Condition Time 100 ns (min)
VIH Input High Voltage 1.3 V (min)
VIL Input Low Voltage 0.4 V (max)
Note 1: “Absolute Maximum Ratings” indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur, including inoperability and degradation of device reliability
and/or performance. Functional operation of the device and/or non-degradation at the Absolute Maximum RatingsRatings or other conditions beyond those
indicated in the Recommended Operating Conditions is not implied. The Recommended Operating Conditions indicate conditions at which the device is functional
and the device should not be operated beyond such conditions. All voltages are measured with respect to the ground pin, unless otherwise specified
Note 2: The Electrical Characteristics tables list guaranteed specifications under the listed Recommended Operating Conditions except as otherwise modified
or specified by the Electrical Characteristics Conditions and/or Notes. Typical specifications are estimations only and are not guaranteed.
Note 3: maximum allowable power dissipation is PDMAX = (TJMAX - TA) / θJA or the number given in Absolute Maximum Ratings, whichever is lower.
Note 4: Human body model, applicable std. JESD22-A114C.
Note 5: Machine model, applicable std. JESD22-A115-A.
Note 6: Typical values represent most likely parametric norms at TA = +25ºC, and at the Recommended Operation Conditions at the time of product
characterization and are not guaranteed.
Note 7: Datasheet min/max specification limits are guaranteed by test or statistical analysis.
Bump Descriptions
Pin Name Function
A1 C1N Charge Pump Flying Capacitor Negative Terminal
A2 C1P Charge Pump Flying Capacitor Positive Terminal
A3 CPGND Charge Pump Ground
A4 VDD Power Supply
B1 OUTL Left Channel Output
B2 CPVSS Charge Pump Output
B3 INL+ Left Channel Non-Inverting Input
B4 INL- Left Channel Inverting Input
C1 BIAS Bias Voltage Bypass
C2 GND Ground
C3 INR+ Right Channel Non-Inverting Input
C4 INR- Right Channel Inverting Input
D1 OUTR Right Channel Output
D2 SCL I2C Serial Clock Input
D3 SDA I2C Serial Data Input
D4 COM Common-Mode Sense Input
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Typical Performance Characteristics
THD+N vs Frequency
VDD = 2.5V, POUT = 10mW, RL = 32Ω
THD+N vs Frequency
VDD = 2.5V, POUT = 12mW, RL = 16Ω
THD+N vs Frequency
VDD = 3.6V, POUT = 20mW, RL = 16Ω
THD+N vs Frequency
VDD = 3.6V, POUT = 30mW, RL = 32Ω
THD+N vs Frequency
VDD = 5.0V, POUT = 20mW, RL = 16Ω
THD+N vs Frequency
VDD = 5.0V, POUT = 30mW, RL = 32Ω
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THD+N vs Output Power
AV = 0dB, RL = 16Ω, f = 1kHz
Both Outputs in Phase
THD+N vs Output Power
AV = 0dB, RL = 32Ω, f = 1kHz
Both Outputs in Phase
THD+N vs Output Power
AV = 9dB, RL = 16Ω, f = 1kHz
Both Outputs in Phase
Power Dissipation vs Output Power
RL = 16Ω, f = 1kHz
Power Dissipation vs Output Power
RL = 32Ω, f = 1kHz
Output Power vs Supply Voltage
RL = 16Ω, f = 1kHz
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Output Power vs Supply Voltage
RL = 32Ω, f = 1kHz
CMRR vs Frequency
VDD = 3.6V, VCM = 1VP-P, RL = 32Ω
PSRR vs Frequency
VDD = 3.6V, VRIPPLE = 20mVP-P, RL = 32Ω
Crosstalk vs Frequency
VDD = 3.6V, VRIPPLE = 1VP-P, RL = 32Ω
Ground Noise vs Frequency
VDD = 3.6V, VRIPPLE = 20mVP-P, RL = 32Ω
Supply Current vs Supply Voltage
No Load
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Application Information
The LM48822 is controlled through an I2C compatible serial
interface that consists of a serial data line (SDA) and a serial
clock (SCL). The clock line is uni-directional. The data line is
bi-directional (open collector). The LM48822 and the master
can communicate at clock rates up to 400kHz. Figure 2 shows
the I2C interface timing diagram. Data on the SDA line must
be stable during the HIGH period of SCL. The LM48822 is a
transmit/receive slave-only device, reliant upon the master to
generate the SCL signal. Each transmission sequence is
framed by a START condition and a STOP condition Figure
3. Each data word, device address and data, transmitted over
the bus is 8 bits long as is always followed by an acknowledge
pulse (Figure 4). The LM48822 device address is 1100000.
The I2C bus format is shown in Figure 4. The START signal,
the transition of SDA from HIGH to LOW while SDA is HIGH,
is generated, altering all devices on the bus that a device ad-
dress is being written to the bus.
The 7-bit device address is written to the bus, most significant
bit (MSB) first, followed by the R/W bit. R/W = 0 indicates the
master is writing to the slave device, R/W = 1 indicates the
master wants to read data from the slave device. The
LM48822 is a WRITE-ONLY device and will not respond the
R/W = 1. The data is latched in on the rising edge of the clock.
Each address bit must be stable while SDA is HIGH. After the
last address bit is transmitted, the master device releases
SDA, during which time, an acknowledge clock pulse is gen-
erated by the slave device. If the LM48822 receives the
correct address, the device pulls the SDA line low, generating
and acknowledge bit (ACK).
Once the master device registers the ACK bit, the 8-bit reg-
ister data word is sent. Each data bit should be stable while
SCL is HIGH. After the 8-bit register data word is sent, the
LM48822 sends another ACK bit. Following the acknowl-
edgement of the register data word, the master issues a
STOP bit, allowing SDA to go high while SDA is high.
FIGURE 2. I2C Timing Diagram
FIGURE 3. Start and Stop Diagram
FIGURE 4. Example I2C Write Cycle
9 www.national.com
TABLE 1. Device Address
B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 (R/W)
Address 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
TABLE 2. I2C Control Registers
Name B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0
TABLE 3. Mode Control Register
Bit Name Value Description
B6 SDL 0 Left channel enabled
1 Left channel disabled
B5 SD_BIAS 0 Bias enabled
1 Bias disabled
B4 CP_ONLY 0 Normal operation
1 Charge-pump only mode. Amplifiers and Bias disabled.
B3 UNUSED 0 Set B3 to 0
B2 MUTE_LEFT 0 Left channel Normal Operation
1 Left channel Mute
0 Right channel enabled
1Right channel disabled. Right channel audio inputs summed
with left channel audio inputs and routed to OUTL
B0 MUTE_RIGHT 0 Right channel Normal Operation
1 Right channel Mute
The LM48822 headphone amplifier feature National’s ground
referenced architecture that eliminates the large DC-blocking
capacitors required at the outputs of traditional headphone
amplifiers. A low-noise inverting charge pump creates a neg-
ative supply (CPVSS) from the positive supply voltage (VDD).
The headphone amplifiers operate from these bipolar sup-
plies, with the amplifier outputs biased about GND, instead of
a nominal DC voltage (typically VDD/2), like traditional ampli-
fiers. Because there is no DC component to the headphone
output signals, the large DC-blocking capacitors (typically
220μF) are not necessary, conserving board space and sys-
tem cost, while improving frequency response.
The LM48822 features a differential input stage, which offers
improved noise rejection compared to a single-ended input
amplifier. Because a differential input amplifier amplifies the
difference between the two input signals, any component
common to both signals is cancelled. An additional benefit of
the differential input structure is the possible elimination of the
DC input blocking capacitors. Since the DC component is
common to both inputs, and thus cancelled by the amplifier,
the LM48822 can be used without input coupling capacitors
when configured with a differential input signal.
In applications where the headphone jack is used as both an
output and input port, signals such as a microphone input can
appear on the headphone amplifier output. Traditional charge
pump headphone amplifiers can clamp or distort the signals
that appear on their output. Without the charge pump active,
generating the negative voltage supply, the internal protection
diodes of the amplifier clamp the incoming signal, distorting
the negative half cycle, see Figure 5. The LM48822 charge
pump only mode eliminates this problem. In charge pump only
mode, the amplifiers are disabled, while the charge pump re-
mains active. The disabled amplifier outputs present a high
impedance (1M) load to the incoming signal. The charge
pump maintains the negative rail, allowing the incoming signal
to swing between VDD and VSS without any interference from
the device.
Set bit B4 (CP_ONLY) of the MODE CONTROL register to 1
for charge pump only mode. Setting CP_ONLY = 1 disables
both the left and right channels, regardless of the status of the
shutdown control bits. Set CP_ONLY = 0 for normal opera-
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FIGURE 5. Back-Driving the LM48822 Outputs
The LM48822 features a ground (common mode) sensing
feature. In noisy applications, or where the headphone jack is
used as a line out to other devices, noise pick up and ground
imbalance can degrade audio quality. The LM48822 COM in-
put senses and corrects any noise at the headphone return,
or any ground imbalance between the headphone return and
device ground, improving audio reproduction. Connect COM
directly to the headphone return terminal of the headphone
jack Figure 6. No additional external components are re-
quired. Connect COM to GND if the common-mode sense
feature is not in use.
FIGURE 6. COM Connection Example
11 www.national.com
Volume Control Table
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 –96
2 0 0 0 0 0 1 –60
3 0 0 0 0 1 0 –57
4 0 0 0 0 1 1 –54
5 0 0 0 1 0 0 –51
6 0 0 0 1 0 1 –48
7 0 0 0 1 1 0 –45
8 0 0 0 1 1 1 –42
9 0 0 1 0 0 0 –39
10 0 0 1 0 0 1 –36
11 0 0 1 0 1 0 –34.5
12 0 0 1 0 1 1 –33
13 0 0 1 1 0 0 –31.5
14 0 0 1 1 0 1 –30
15 0 0 1 1 1 0 –28.5
16 0 0 1 1 1 1 –27
17 0 1 0 0 0 0 –25.5
18 0 1 0 0 0 1 –24
19 0 1 0 0 1 0 –22.5
20 0 1 0 0 1 1 –21
21 0 1 0 1 0 0 –19.5
22 0 1 0 1 0 1 –18
23 0 1 0 1 1 0 –16.5
24 0 1 0 1 1 1 –16
25 0 1 1 0 0 0 –15.5
26 0 1 1 0 0 1 –15
27 0 1 1 0 1 0 –14.5
28 0 1 1 0 1 1 –14
29 0 1 1 1 0 0 –13.5
30 0 1 1 1 0 1 –13
31 0 1 1 1 1 0 –12.5
32 0 1 1 1 1 1 –12
33 1 0 0 0 0 0 –11.5
34 1 0 0 0 0 1 –11
35 1 0 0 0 1 0 –10.5
36 1 0 0 0 1 1 –10
37 1 0 0 1 0 0 –9.5
38 1 0 0 1 0 1 –9
39 1 0 0 1 1 0 –8.5
40 1 0 0 1 1 1 –8
41 1 0 1 0 0 0 –7.5
42 1 0 1 0 0 1 –7
43 1 0 1 0 1 0 –6.5
44 1 0 1 0 1 1 –6
45 1 0 1 1 0 0 –5.5
46 1 0 1 1 0 1 –5
47 1 0 1 1 1 0 –4.5
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48 1 0 1 1 1 1 –4
49 1 1 0 0 0 0 –3.5
50 1 1 0 0 0 1 –3
51 1 1 0 0 1 0 –2.5
52 1 1 0 0 1 1 –2
53 1 1 0 1 0 0 –1.5
54 1 1 0 1 0 1 –1
55 1 1 0 1 1 0 –0.5
56 1 1 0 1 1 1 0
57 1 1 1 0 0 0 0.5
58 1 1 1 0 0 1 1
59 1 1 1 0 1 0 1.5
60 1 1 1 0 1 1 2
61 1 1 1 1 0 0 2.5
62 1 1 1 1 0 1 3
63 1 1 1 1 1 0 3.5
64 1 1 1 1 1 1 4
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The LM48822 features three shutdown controls. Bits B6
(SDL) and B1 (SDR) of the MODE CONTROL register control
the left and right channels, respectively. Set the control bits
to 1 to disable the corresponding channel. When SDR = 1 and
SDL = 0, the right channel is disabled, the right and left inputs
are summed and output as a mono signal on the OUTL. When
SDL = 1 and SDR = 0, the left channel is disabled, while only
the right input signal is output on OUTR. Setting both SDL and
SDR = 1 disables both channels, while the charge pump re-
mains active. Bit B6 (SHDN) of the VOLUME CONTROL
register is the global shutdown control for the entire device.
Set SHDN = 1 to disable the entire device; both amplifiers and
charge pump are disabled. Set SHDN = 0 for normal opera-
tion. SHDN = 1 overrides any other shutdown control bit.
Set bits B2 (MUTE_LEFT) and B0 (MUTE_RIGHT) of the
MODE CONTROL register to 1 to mute the respective chan-
nels. Set MUTE_LEFT and MUTE_RIGHT to 0 for normal
The LM48822 BIAS is controlled through the I2C interface. Set
bit B5 (SD_BIAS) of the MODE CONTROL register to 1 to
enable the LM48822 BIAS. BIAS provides the voltage for both
the amplifiers and the charge pump. When enabled, VBIAS will
track VDD for VDD < 3V. Once VDD exceeds 3V, VBIAS remains
fixed at 3V, limiting the output swing of the device the 6VP-P.
Set SD_BIAS = 0 to disable BIAS. Disabling BIAS allows the
amplifier and charge pump to track VDD, increasing output
swing; however, a slight degradation in PSSR will occur. Limit
VDD to 4.2V or less when BIAS is disabled.
Power Supply Bypassing/Filtering
Proper power supply bypassing is critical for low noise per-
formance and high PSRR. Place the supply bypass capaci-
tors as close to the supply pins as possible. Place a 1μF
ceramic capacitors from VDD to GND. Additional bulk capac-
itance may be added as required.
Charge Pump Capacitor Selection
Use low ESR ceramic capacitors (less than 100m) for opti-
mum performance.
Charge Pump Flying Capacitor (C1)
The flying capacitor (C1) affects the load regulation and out-
put impedance of the charge pump. A C1 value that is too low
results in a loss of current drive, leading to a loss of amplifier
headroom. A higher valued C1 improves load regulation and
lowers charge pump output impedance to an extent. Above
2.2μF, the RDS(ON) of the charge pump switches and the ESR
of C1 and C2 dominate the output impedance. A lower value
capacitor can be used in systems with low maximum output
power requirements.
Charge Pump Flying Capacitor (C2)
The value and ESR of the hold capacitor (C2) directly affects
the ripple on CPVSS. Increasing the value of C2 reduces out-
put ripple. Decreasing the ESR of C2 reduces both output
ripple and charge pump output impedance. A lower value ca-
pacitor can be used in systems with low maximum output
power requirements.
Input Capacitor Selection
Input capacitors may be required for some applications, or
when the audio source is single-ended. Input capacitors block
the DC component of the audio signal, eliminating any conflict
between the DC component of the audio source and the bias
voltage of the LM48822. The input capacitors create a high-
pass filter with the input resistors RIN. The -3dB point of the
high pass filter is found using Equation 1 below.
f = 1 / 2πRINCIN (Hz) (1)
Where the value of RIN is given in the Electrical Characteris-
tics Table.
High pass filtering the audio signal helps protect the speakers.
When the LM48822 is using a single-ended source, power
supply noise on the ground is seen as an input signal. Setting
the high-pass filter point above the power supply noise fre-
quencies, 217Hz in a GSM phone, for example, filters out the
noise such that it is not amplified and heard on the output.
Capacitors with a tolerance of 10% or better are recommend-
ed for impedance matching and improved CMRR and PSRR.
The LM48822 is compatible with single-ended sources. Fig-
ure 7 shows the typical single-ended applications circuit.
FIGURE 7. Single-Ended Input Configuration
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Minimize trace impedance of the power, ground and all output
traces for optimum performance. Voltage loss due to trace
resistance between the LM48822 and the load results in de-
creased output power and efficiency. Trace resistance be-
tween the power supply and ground has the same effect as a
poorly regulated supply, increased ripple and reduced peak
output power. Use wide traces for power supply inputs and
amplifier outputs to minimize losses due to trace resistance,
as well as route heat away from the device. Proper grounding
improves audio performance, minimizes crosstalk between
channels and prevents switching noise from interfering with
the audio signal. Use of power and ground planes is recom-
Place all digital components and route digital signal traces as
far as possible from analog components and traces. Do not
run digital and analog traces in parallel on the same PCB lay-
er. If digital and analog signal lines must cross either over or
under each other, ensure that they cross in a perpendicular
15 www.national.com
LM48822TL Demoboard of Materials
TABLE 4. LM48822TL Demoboard Bill of Materials
Designator Quantity Description
C1 1 10µF ±10% 16V 500 Tantalum Capacitor (B Case) AVX
C2 1 F ±10% 16V X5R Ceramic Capacitor (603) Panasonic
C3, C8, C9 3 2.2μF ±10% 10V X5R Ceramic Capacitor (603) Panasonic
C4 — C7 4 F ±10% 16V X7R Ceramic Capacitor (1206) Panasonic
R1, R2 2 5kΩ ±5% 1/10W Thick Film Resistor (603) Vishay
J1 1 Stereo Headphone Jack
J2 1 16-Pin Boardmount Socket 3M 8516-4500JL
JU1 1 3 Pin Header
JU2 1 2 Pin Header
LM4822TL 1 LM48822TL (16-Bump microSMD)
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Demoboard Schematic
FIGURE 8. LM48822 Demoboard Schematic
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Demonstration Board PCB Layout
FIGURE 9. Solder Mask
FIGURE 10. Top Silkscreen
FIGURE 11. Top Layer
FIGURE 12. Layer 2 (GND)
FIGURE 13. Layer 3 (VDD)
FIGURE 14. Bottom Layer
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