&RQILJXUDWLRQ0DQXDO(GLWLRQ VLPRGULYH PDVWHUGULYHV 6,02'5,9(0$67(5'5,9(60& )76\QFKURQRXV0RWRUV Table 1-1: Preface Table 1-2: Motor Description 1 Table 1-3: SIMODRIVE 611, SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES MC Electrical Connections 2 Table 1-4: Technical Data and Characteristics 1FT6 synchronous motors 3 Table 1-5: Motor Components (Options) 4 Table 1-6: Planetary Gearbox Configuration Manual 5 Table 1-7: Dimension Drawings 6 Table 1-8: Appendix Table 1-9: Table 1-10: (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition A Safety information/instructions This manual contains information which you should carefully observe to ensure your own personal safety and to prevent material damage. The notices referring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by a safety alert symbol, notices referring to property damage only, have no safety alert symbol. The warnings appear in decreasing order of risk as given below. Danger indicates that death or severe personal injury will result if proper precautions are not taken. Warning indicates that death or severe personal injury may result if proper precautions are not taken. Caution with a warning triangle indicates that minor personal injury can result if proper precautions are not taken. Caution without a warning triangle means that material damage can occur if the appropriate precautions are not taken. Notice indicates that an unwanted result or situation can result if the appropriate advice is not taken into account. If several hazards of different degrees occur, the hazard with the highest degree must always be given priority. If a warning note with a warning triangle warns of personal injury, the same warning note can also contain a warning of material damage. Qualified personnel The associated device/system may only be set up and operated using this documentation. Commissioning and operation of a device/system may only be performed by qualified personnel. Qualified persons are defined as persons who are authorized to commission, to ground, and to tag circuits, equipment, and systems in accordance with established safety practices and standards. Correct usage Please note the following: Warning The device may be used only for the applications described in the catalog and in the technical description, and only in combination with the equipment, components and devices of other manufacturers where recommended or permitted by Siemens. Correct transport, storage, installation and assembly, as well as careful operation and maintenance, are required to ensure that the product operates safely and without faults. Registered trademarks All designations with the trademark symbol (R) are registered trademarks of Siemens AG. Other designations in this documentation may be trademarks whose use by third parties for their own purposes can violate the rights of the owner. Disclaimer of liability We have checked the contents of this manual for agreement with the hardware and software described. Since deviations cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot guarantee full agreement. The information given in this publication is reviewed at regular intervals and any corrections that might be necessary are made in the subsequent editions. Siemens AG Automation and Drives Postfach 48 48 90437 NUREMBERG GERMANY Document Order No. 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 10/2005 Edition Copyright (c) Siemens AG 2003 - 2005. Subject to change without prior notice Preface Table -1: Information on the documentation Information on the documentation This document is part of the Technical Customer Documentation which has been developed for SIMODRIVE and SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES MC (Motion Control). All of the documents are available individually. The documentation list, which includes all Advertising Brochures, Catalogs, Overviews, Short Descriptions, Operating Instructions and Technical Descriptions with Order No., ordering address and price can be obtained from your local Siemens office. This document does not purport to cover all details or variations in equipment, nor to provide for every possible contingency to be met in connection with installation, operation or maintenance. We would also like to point out that the contents of this document are neither part of nor modify any prior or existing agreement, commitment or contractual relationship. The sales contract contains the entire obligations of Siemens. The warranty contained in the contract between the parties is the sole warranty of Siemens. Any statements contained herein neither create new warranties nor modify the existing warranty. Table -2: Structure of the documentation Structure of the documentation for 1FK and 1FT motors Table 1: Configuration Manual, individual sections Title Order number (MLFB) Language Synchronous Motors, General Section for SIMODRIVE 611, SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES MC 6SN1197-0AD07-0BP German Synchronous Motors, 1FK7 Motor Section for SIMODRIVE 611 and MASTERDRIVES MC 6SN1197-0AD06-0BP German Synchronous Motors, 1FK6 Motor Section for SIMODRIVE 611 and MASTERDRIVES MC 6SN1197-0AD05-0BP German Synchronous Motors, 1FK6 Motor Section for SIMODRIVE 611 and MASTERDRIVES MC 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP German Synchronous Motors, 1FT5 Motor Section for SIMODRIVE 611 6SN1197-0AD01-0BP German 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 v Preface Table -1: Technical Support_normal Technical support If you have any questions, please contact the following Hotline: Tel.: +49 (0) 180 5050-222 Fax: +49 (0) 180 5050-223 Internet: http://www.siemens.com/automation/support-request Please send any questions about the documentation (e.g. suggestions for improvement, corrections) to the following fax number or email address: Fax: +49 (0) 9131 98-63315 Fax form: Refer to the correction sheet at the end of the document E-mail: motioncontrol.docu@siemens.com Information on the products Up-to-date information about our products can be found on the Internet at the following address: http://www.siemens.com/motioncontrol Table -2: Danger and warning information Danger and warning information Danger Start-up/commissioning is absolutely prohibited until it has been completely ensured that the machine, in which the components described here are to be installed, is in full compliance with the specifications of Directive 98/37/EC. Only appropriately qualified personnel may commission SIMODRIVE and SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES drive units and the motors. This personnel must carefully observe the technical customer documentation associated with this product and be knowledgeable about and carefully observe the danger and warning information. Operational electrical equipment and motors have parts and components which are at hazardous voltage levels. When the machine or system is operated, hazardous axis movements can occur. All of the work carried out on the electrical machine or system must be carried out with it in a no-voltage condition. SIMODRIVE and SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES drive units have been designed to be connected to line supplies grounded through a low-ohmic connection (TN line supplies). For additional information please refer to the appropriate documentation for the drive converter systems. vi 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Preface Warning The successful and safe operation of this equipment and motors is dependent on professional transport, storage, installation and mounting as well as careful operator control, service and maintenance. For special versions of the drive units and motors, information and data in the catalogs and quotations additionally apply. In addition to the danger and warning information/instructions in the technical customer documentation supplied, the applicable domestic, local and plant-specific regulations and requirements must be carefully taken into account. Caution The motors can have surface temperatures of over +100 C. This is the reason that temperature-sensitive components, e.g. cables or electronic components may neither be in contact nor be attached to the motor. When connecting up cables, please observe that they - are not damaged - are not subject to tensile stress - cannot be touched by rotating components. Caution Motors should be connected up according to the circuit diagram provided. They must not be connected directly to the three-phase supply because this will damage them. SIMODRIVE and SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES drive units with AC motors are subject, as part of the type test, to a voltage test corresponding to EN 50178. According to EN 60204-1, Section 19.4, while electrical equipment of industrial machines are being subject to a voltage test, all of the SIMODRIVE and SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES drive unit connections must be disconnected/withdrawn in order to avoid damaging the SIMODRIVE and SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES drive units. Note SIMODRIVE and SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES drive units with motors fulfill, when operational and in dry equipment rooms, the Low-Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC. SIMODRIVE and SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES drive units with motors fulfill, in the configurations specified in the associated EC Declaration of Conformity, EMC Directive 89/336/EEC. 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 vii Preface Table -3: ESDS instructions ESDS instructions Caution An electrostatic-sensitive device (ESDS) is an individual component, integrated circuit, or module that can be damaged by electrostatic fields or discharges. ESDS regulations for handling boards and equipment: When handling components, make sure that personnel, workplaces, and packaging are well earthed! Personnel in ESD zones with conductive floors may only touch electronic components if they are - grounded through an ESDS bracelet and - wearing ESDS shoes or ESDS shoe grounding strips. Electronic boards should only be touched if absolutely necessary. Electronic boards must not come into contact with plastics or items of clothing containing synthetic fibers. Electronic boards may only be placed on conductive surfaces (table with ESDS surface, conductive ESDS foam rubber, ESDS packing bag, ESDS transport containers). Electronic boards may not be brought close to data terminals, monitors or television sets. (minimum clearance > 10 cm). Measurements may only be carried out on electronic boards and modules if - the measuring instrument is grounded (e.g. via a protective conductor) or - before making measurements with a potential-free measuring device, the measuring head is briefly discharged (e.g. by touching an unpainted blank piece of metal on the control cabinet). Standards, regulations The appropriate standards, regulations are directly assigned to the functional requirements. viii 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Contents 1 2 3 4 Motor Description .................................................................................................................................. 1-1 1.1 Features ................................................................................................................................... 1-1 1.2 Technical features .................................................................................................................... 1-3 1.3 Order designation ..................................................................................................................... 1-5 1.4 Technical data .......................................................................................................................... 1-8 1.5 Armature short-circuit braking ................................................................................................ 1-15 1.6 1.6.1 1.6.2 1.6.3 Cooling ................................................................................................................................... 1-22 Cooling methods ..................................................................................................................... 1-22 Forced ventilation ................................................................................................................... 1-22 Water cooling .......................................................................................................................... 1-24 Electrical Connections .......................................................................................................................... 2-1 2.1 Connection assignment, connector .......................................................................................... 2-1 2.2 Connection through a terminal box........................................................................................... 2-2 Technical Data and Characteristics ..................................................................................................... 3-1 3.1 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4 Speed-torque diagrams ............................................................................................................ 3-1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 3-1 1FT6 series, natural cooling ..................................................................................................... 3-2 1FT6 series, force ventilated .................................................................................................. 3-62 1FT6 series, water cooled ...................................................................................................... 3-94 3.2 Cantilever force diagrams..................................................................................................... 3-128 3.3 Axial forces ........................................................................................................................... 3-133 Motor Components (Options) ............................................................................................................... 4-1 4.1 Output coupling ........................................................................................................................ 4-1 4.2 Holding brake (option) .............................................................................................................. 4-3 4.3 Thermal motor protection ......................................................................................................... 4-4 4.4 4.4.1 4.4.2 4.4.3 4.4.4 Encoder .................................................................................................................................... 4-6 Encoder overview ..................................................................................................................... 4-6 Incremental encoder ................................................................................................................. 4-7 Resolver ................................................................................................................................... 4-9 Absolute encoder .................................................................................................................... 4-11 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 ix Contents 5 6 A Planetary Gearbox ................................................................................................................................. 5-1 5.1 5.1.1 5.1.2 5.1.3 5.1.4 5.1.5 Selecting/dimension gearboxes and important quantities ........................................................ 5-1 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 5-1 Dimensioning for S3 duty for natural cooling ............................................................................ 5-1 Dimensioning for S1 duty for naturally cooled systems ............................................................ 5-2 Starting characteristics ............................................................................................................. 5-3 Rating plate data ...................................................................................................................... 5-4 5.2 5.2.1 Series SP+................................................................................................................................ 5-5 Features ................................................................................................................................... 5-5 Dimension Drawings ............................................................................................................................. 6-1 6.1 Naturally cooled 1FT6 motors................................................................................................... 6-2 6.2 Force ventilated 1FT6 motors................................................................................................. 6-11 6.3 Water-cooled 1FT6 motors ..................................................................................................... 6-17 6.4 Cooling water connections for shaft height 60 to 100............................................................. 6-24 6.5 6.5.1 6.5.2 1FT6 motors with planetary gearbox series SP+.................................................................... 6-25 Dimension drawings 1FT6 with planetary gearbox SP+, single-stage ................................... 6-25 Dimension drawings 1FT6 with planetary gearbox SP+, 2-stage ........................................... 6-27 Appendix .................................................................................................................................................A-1 A.1 References ............................................................................................................................... A-1 Index..................................................................................................................................................Index-1 x 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 1 Motor Description 1.1 Features Table 1-1: Overview_TITEL_UNTERDRUCKEN Overview 1FT6 motors are permanently excited synchronous motors with compact dimensions. 1FT6 motors with integrated encoders can be operated using the SIMODRIVE 611 digital/universal HR and SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES MC converter system. The fully digital control system of the SIMODRIVE611 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES MC converter and the encoder technology of the 1FT6 motors fulfill the highest demands in terms of dynamic performance, speed setting range, and rotational and positioning accuracy. Depending on the cooling type, 1FT6 motors can be selected with natural cooling, forced cooling and also with water cooling. For natural cooling, the power loss is dissipated through the surface of the motor while for forced cooling a mounted fan dissipates the power loss. Maximum power ratings as well as high degree of protection can be achieved using water cooling. Fig. 1-1 Table 1-2: 1FT6 motors Benefits_TITEL_UNTERDRUCKEN 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 1-1 Motor Description Features Benefits Table 1-3: * Optimum surface quality of the workpiece due to high rotational accuracy (sinusoidal current injection) * Short non-productive idle times due to high dynamic performance * Power and signal connections for use in very dirty environments * Can absorb high cantilever forces * High thermal reserves for continuous and overload conditions * High, brief overload capability (250 ms) * Extremely high efficiency * Extremely good drive dynamic response due to the lower rotor moments of inertia * Low torque ripple 1 % (average value) * High degree of protection Applications_TITEL_UNTERDRUCKEN Application 1-2 * High-performance machine tools * Machines with high demands placed on the dynamic response, precision and flexibility e.g. packaging machines, high-bay racking vehicles, conveyor systems, handling equipment and printing machines. 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Motor Description Technical features 1.2 Technical features Table 1-1 Features of the standard design Technical features Version Motor type Permanent-magnet synchronous motor Type of construction (acc. to EN60034-7; IEC 60034-7) IM B5 (IM V1, IM V3) for SH 28 to 132 IM B35 (IM V15, IM V36) for 132 to 160 Degree of protection 4) (acc. to EN60034-5; IEC 60034-5) IP64; core types IP65 Cooling (acc. to EN60034-6; IEC 60034-6) Naturally cooling 2) Forced ventilation 2) 3) Water cooling Thermal motor protection (acc. to EN 60034-11; IEC 60034-11) KTY84 temperature sensor in the stator winding Shaft end (acc. to DIN 748-3; IEC 60072-1) Cylindrical; without keyway and without key; tolerance field k6 Radial eccentricity, concentricity and axial eccentricity (acc. to DIN 42955; IEC 60072-1) Tolerance N (normal) Vibration severity (acc. to EN 60034-14, IEC 60034-14) Grade N (normal) Max. sound pressure level (acc. to DIN EN ISO 1680) + 3 dB SH 28 to 48: approx. 55 dB(A) SH 63 to 100: approx. 70 dB(A) SH 132 to 160 (naturally cooled or water-cooled): approx. 70 dB(A) SH 132 to 160 (force-ventilated): approx. 74 dB(A) The specified values apply to all shaft heights up to speed nN. Bearings Roller bearings with permanent grease lubrication (lubrication over the bearing lifetime) Bearing lifetime: 20000 h SH 36, 48: Locating bearings on the NDE SH 28, 63 to 160: Locating bearing on the DE Winding insulation (acc. to EN 60034-1; IEC 60034-1) Temperature class F for a winding temperature rise of T = 100 K at an ambient temperature of 40 C (+104F). Installation altitude (acc. to EN and IEC 60034-1) = 1000 m above sea level, otherwise power de-rating factor 2) 2000 m factor 0.94 2500 m factor 0.9 Magnet material Rare-earth magnet material Electrical connection The power is connected either through a terminal box or connector. Encoder signals through connectors. Speed encoder, integrated Optical encoders: * Incremental encoders sin/cos 1Vpp (I-2048) * Absolute encoder EnDat (A-2048 and A-512) 1) * Resolver, 2-pole/multi-pole 4) For more detailed information, refer to the Chapter "Encoders". Rating plate A second rating plate is provided for all motors 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 1-3 Motor Description Technical features Table 1-1 Features of the standard design Technical features Version Options * Type of construction (acc. to EN60034-7; IEC 60034-7) IM B14 for SH 63 to SH 100 * Degree of protection (acc. to EN 60034-5; IEC 60034-5) IP65, IP67 5), IP68 5) Notes: Shaft height 28 only available in degree of protection IP64 or IP67. Motors with forced ventilation are only available in degree of protection IP64 and IP65 (fan IP54). Motors with IP67 and IP68 have a sealing air connection. 5) * Shaft end (acc. to EN and IEC 60034-14) Cylindrical; with keyway and key; tolerance field k6; half key balancing * Radial eccentricity, concentricity and axial eccentricity (acc. to DIN 42955; IEC 60072-1) Tolerance R (reduced) * Vibration severity (acc. to EN 60034-14, IEC 60034-14) Grade R (reduced) * Build-in/mounted components Mounted planetary gear for SH 28 to 132 (geared motors only available with vibration severity grade N) * Cable outlet for terminal boxes, outlet direction can be selected in steps of 90 1) When using an absolute encoder and natural cooling or forced ventilation, the rated torque is reduced by 10 % (refer to "Selection and ordering data") 2) Power de-rating for temperatures > 40 C and/or installation altitudes > 1000 m, refer to the Configuration Manual "General Section for Synchronous Motors" 3) Forced ventilation cannot be used in the presence of flammable, corrosive, electrically conductive or explosive dust. 4) The max. operating frequency of 432 Hz must be observed with SIMODRIVE 611 universal (encoder frequency = speed x pole pair number / 60). 5) For motors with degree of protection IP67 and IP68, since 01/2001, an M5 inner thread is provided in the cover on the NDE. This allows compressed air to be connected. The pressure in the motor should be within the range from 0.05 to 0.1 bar. The compressed air must be dry and clean. For instance, the DA300 compressed air service unit from the Heidenhain company can be used. For 1FT6 motors without optical encoders, it is sufficient to have a pre-filter that filters out any foreign bodies above 3 m. For 1FT6 motors with optical encoder, in addition to the pre-filter element, a fine filter is required that filters out foreign bodies above 0.01 m. 1-4 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Motor Description Order designation 1.3 Order designation Order designation (standard types), SH 28 to SH 132 (natural cooling, forced ventilation and water cooling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ynchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 1-5 Motor Description Order designation 1) Only for SH 63, 80, 100 2) Not for motors with forced ventilation 3) For 1FT6062, only in conjunction with the water connection either at the side or below. 4) Water connection, on the right-hand side (code -ZQ20) or on the left-hand side (-ZQ21) or at the bottom (-ZQ22). 5) If code -ZQ2 is not specified, then the motor is supplied with the water connection at the top. 6) Not available for 1FT602 Order designation (core types) ) 7 . . - $ . - . . . (OHFWULF PRWRU 6\QFKURQRXVPRWRU $&VHUYRPRWRU 6HULHV )UDPHVL]H /HQJWK &RGLQJFRUHW\SH 5DWHGVSHHG & USP ) USP + USP . USP &RQQHFWRURXWOHWGLUHFWLRQ WUDQVYHUVHULJKW QRWIRU6+ WUDQVYHUVHOHIW QRWIRU6+ D[LDO1'( D[LDO'( (QFRGHUV\VWHP * ZLWKRXWKROGLQJEUDNH + ZLWKKROGLQJEUDNH 1-6 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Motor Description Order designation Order designation for SH 132 water cooling and SH 160 forced ventilation and water cooling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pecified degree of protection is valid for water cooling; for air cooling, restrictions apply as a result of the mounted fan IP54 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 1-7 Motor Description Technical data 1.4 Technical data Core types have a gray background. 100 K values are specified in the table. Technical data 1FT6, rated speed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ynchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Motor Description Technical data 1) With absolute encoder (due to the max. encoder temperature) 2) Power connector and terminal box mutually exclude each other 3) Motor with terminal box, max. cross-section that can be connected, refer to Table "Connections for terminal boxes" 4) The shock hazard protection of the power cables depends on the size of the selected power module (refer to the Configuration Manual, Drive Converters) 5) Motor with terminal box, power and signal cables, refer to Catalog, Chapter "MOTION-CONNECT connection system" 6) 6FX8002 = MOTION-CONNECT 800; 6FX5002 = MOTION-CONNECT 500 7) Cables are supplied by the meter; length code, refer to the Configuration Manual "General Section for Synchronous Motors" 8) For 1FT613 motors, the maximum current and rated current of the drive converter must be observed. 1FT616 motors can only be operated together with SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES MC drive converters. 9) Cable entry 2 x M32 x 1.5 10) Cable entry 2 x M40 x 1.5 11) Cable entry 2 x M50 x 1.5 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 1-9 Motor Description Technical data Technical data 1FT6, rated speed 2000 RPM Q1 >USP@ 0 01 01 >1P@ >1P@ > 1P@ 0RWRUW\SH )7 , ,1 >$@ >$@ &URVV &RQQHF VHFWLRQ WRU VL]H >PP@ &DEOHW\SH ); 7HUPLQDO ER[ 1DWXUDOFRROLQJ $& 7 [ 6 --- $& 7 [ 6 --- $& 7 [ 6 --- $& 7 [ 6 --- 1 $& 7 [ 6 --- $& 7 [ 6 --- $& 7 1 [ 6 --- $&7 [ 6 JN $&7 [ 4 6 JN $& 7 [ 6 JN $& 7 [ 6 JN $& 7 [ 6 JN 1 $& 7 [ 6 0 JN )RUFHGYHQWLODWLRQ 6&7 [ 6 JN 6&7 [ 6 JN 1 6&7 [ 6 0 JN 1 6& [ 6 JN 6& [ '6 JN :DWHUFRROLQJ :& [ 6 JN 1 1 1 :& [ 6 JN &RUHW\SH 1XPEHURISROHV ZLWKRXWEUDNHFDEOH ZLWKRYHUDOOVKLHOG ZLWKRYHUDOOVKLHOG ZLWKEUDNHFDEOH /HQJWKV H[DPSOHV &DEOHVDUHQRWLQFOXGHGZLWKWKHPRWRUV WKH\PXVWEHVHSDUDWHO\RUGHUHG 1-10 & ' P P P P P $) %A %F %J &F 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Motor Description Technical data Technical data 1FT6, rated speed 2500 RPM Q1 >USP@ 0 >1P@ 01 01 >1P@ >1P@ 0RWRUW\SH ,1 >$@ , >$@ )7 &RQQHFWRU - &URVVVHFWLRQ VL]H >PP @ &DEOHW\SH 7HUPLQDO ER[ ); )RUFHGYHQWLODWLRQ 6' 7 :' :' :' --- --- --- JN --- --- --- JN --- --- --- JN --- --- --- JN --- --- --- JN --- --- --- JN :DWHUFRROLQJ :' :' 1XPEHURISROHV &DEOHVDUHQRWLQFOXGHGZLWKWKHPRWRUV WKH\PXVWEHVHSDUDWHO\RUGHUHG 1) With absolute encoder (due to the max. encoder temperature) 2) Power connector and terminal box mutually exclude each other 3) Motor with terminal box, max. cross-section that can be connected, refer to Table "Connections for terminal boxes" 4) The shock hazard protection of the power cables depends on the size of the selected power module (refer to the Configuration Manual, Drive Converters) 5) Motor with terminal box, power and signal cables, refer to Catalog, Chapter "MOTION-CONNECT connection system" 6) 6FX8002 = MOTION-CONNECT 800; 6FX5002 = MOTION-CONNECT 500 7) Cables are supplied by the meter; length code, refer to the Configuration Manual "General Section for Synchronous Motors" 8) For 1FT613 motors, the maximum current and rated current of the drive converter must be observed. 1FT616 motors can only be operated together with SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES MC drive converters. 9) Cable entry 2 x M32 x 1.5 10) Cable entry 2 x M40 x 1.5 11) Cable entry 2 x M50 x 1.5 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 1-11 Motor Description Technical data Technical data 1FT6, rated speed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ynchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Motor Description Technical data Technical data 1FT6, rated speed 4500 RPM Q1 >USP@ 0 01 01 >1P @ >1P @ >1P @ 0RWRUW\SH )7 , ,1 >$@ >$@ - &URVVVHFWLRQ &RQQHFWRU VL]H >PP @ &DEOHW\SH 7HUPLQDO ER[ ); 1DWXUDOFRROLQJ $+ [ 6 --- 6+ [ 6 --- 6+ [ 6 --- $+ [ 6 --- 6+ [ 6 --- 6+ [ 6 --- 6+ [ 6 --- $+ [ 6 JN 6+ [ 6 --- )RUFHGYHQWLODWLRQ 6+ [ 6 --- 6+ [ 6 JN :DWHUFRROLQJ :+ [ 6 --- :+ [ 6 --- :+ [ 6 --- :+ [ 6 --- &RUHW\SH 1XPEHURISROHV ZLWKRXWEUDNHFDEOHZLWKRYHUDOOVKLHOG ZLWKEUDNHFDEOH ZLWKRYHUDOOVKLHOG /HQJWKV H[DPSOHV &DEOHVDUHQRWLQFOXGHGZLWKWKHPRWRUVWKH\PXVW EHVHSDUDWHO\RUGHUHG & ' P $) P % $ P % ) P % P & ) 1) With absolute encoder (due to the max. encoder temperature) 2) Power connector and terminal box mutually exclude each other 3) Motor with terminal box, max. cross-section that can be connected, refer to Table "Connections for terminal boxes" 4) The shock hazard protection of the power cables depends on the size of the selected power module (refer to the Configuration Manual, Drive Converters) 5) Motor with terminal box, power and signal cables, refer to Catalog, Chapter "MOTION-CONNECT connection system" 6) 6FX8002 = MOTION-CONNECT 800; 6FX5002 = MOTION-CONNECT 500 7) Cables are supplied by the meter; length code, refer to the Configuration Manual "General Section for Synchronous Motors" 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 1-13 Motor Description Technical data Technical data 1FT6, rated speed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ynchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Motor Description Armature short-circuit braking 1) With absolute encoder (due to the max. encoder temperature) 2) Power connector and terminal box mutually exclude each other 3) Motor with terminal box, max. cross-section that can be connected, refer to Table "Connections for terminal boxes" 4) The shock hazard protection of the power cables depends on the size of the selected power module (refer to the Configuration Manual, Drive Converters) 5) Motor with terminal box, power and signal cables, refer to Catalog, Chapter "MOTION-CONNECT connection system" 6) 6FX8002 = MOTION-CONNECT 800; 6FX5002 = MOTION-CONNECT 500 7) 1.5 Cables are supplied by the meter; length code, refer to the Configuration Manual "General Section for Synchronous Motors" Armature short-circuit braking Definition as described in the Configuration Manual "General Section for Synchronous Motors". Dimensioning the braking resistors for optimum short-circuit braking The correct dimensioning ensures an optimum braking time. The braking torques which are obtained are also listed in the tables. Data apply for braking from the rated speed and moment of inertia Jexternal = Jmot. If the motor brakes from another speed, then the braking time cannot be linearly reduced. However, longer braking times cannot occur if the speed at the start of braking is less than the rated speed. The data in the following table is calculated for rated values according to the data sheet. The variance during production as well as iron saturation have not been taken into account here. Higher currents and torques can occur than those calculated as a result of the saturation. The ratings of the resistors must match the particular I2t load capability, refer to the Configuration Manual "General Section for Synchronous Motors". 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 1-15 Motor Description Armature short-circuit braking Natural cooling Table 1-2 Resistor braking for the 1FT6 series, shaft heights 28 to 48, natural cooling Motor type Average braking torque Mbr rms [Nm] Braking resistor external Ropt [] without external braking resistor with external braking resistor Max. braking torque Mbr max [Nm] RMS braking current Ibr rms [A] without external braking resistor with external braking resistor SH 28, SH 36, SH 48, naturally cooled 1FT6021-6AK7 - 1.1 - 1.6 6.8 - 1FT6024-6AK7 - 2.7 - 3.7 8.3 - 1FT6031-4AK7 4.4 2.1 2.3 2.8 6.9 6.4 1FT6034-4AK7 3.7 3.6 4.4 5.5 13 12 1FT6041-4AF7 0.31 6.7 6.8 8.4 10 10 1FT6041-4AK7 2.6 5.8 6.8 8.4 18 17 1FT6044-4AF7 2.0 13 14 17 18 17 1FT6044-4AK7 1.8 10 14 17 37 33 Table 1-3 Resistor braking for the 1FT6 series, shaft heights 63 to 80, naturally cooled Motor type Braking resistor external Ropt [] Average braking torque Mbr rms [Nm] without external braking resistor with external braking resistor Max. braking torque Mbr max [Nm] RMS braking current Ibr rms [A] without external braking resistor with external braking resistor SH 63 naturally cooled 1FT6061-6AC7 9.2 3.2 3.6 4.5 4.0 3.7 1FT6061-6AF7 9.4 2.7 3.6 4.5 5.7 5.2 1FT6061-6AH7 7.3 2.2 3.6 4.5 8.7 7.8 1FT6061-6AK7 7.1 1.8 3.6 4.5 10 9.3 1FT6062-6AC7 7.7 4.7 5.7 7.0 5.9 5.4 1FT6062-6AF7 6.4 4.0 5.7 7.0 9.0 8.1 1FT6062-6AH7 5.5 3.2 5.7 7.0 13 11 1FT6062-6AK7 4.4 2.6 5.7 7.0 17 15 1FT6064-6AC7 5.9 6.8 9.1 11 9.3 8.5 1FT6064-6AF7 5.0 5.5 9.1 11 14 12 1FT6064-6AH7 3.6 4.4 9.1 11 20 18 1FT6064-6AK7 2.9 3.6 9.1 11 27 24 1-16 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Motor Description Armature short-circuit braking Table 1-3 Resistor braking for the 1FT6 series, shaft heights 63 to 80, naturally cooled Motor type Braking resistor external Ropt [] Average braking torque Mbr rms [Nm] without external braking resistor with external braking resistor Max. braking torque Mbr max [Nm] RMS braking current Ibr rms [A] without external braking resistor with external braking resistor SH 80 naturally cooled 1FT6081-8AC7 6.5 5.1 6.9 8.6 7.8 7.1 1FT6081-8AF7 5.1 4.1 6.9 8.6 12 11 1FT6081-8AH7 3.7 3.2 6.9 8.6 18 16 1FT6081-8AK7 3.4 2.4 6.9 8.6 21 19 1FT6082-8AC7 4.2 6.0 11 13 13 11 1FT6082-8AF7 3.2 5.8 11 13 19 17 1FT6082-8AH7 2.4 3.9 11 13 27 24 1FT6082-8AK7 2.2 3.8 11 13 35 31 1FT6084-8AC7 3.5 11 18 22 19 17 1FT6084-8AF7 2.6 8.2 18 22 28 25 1FT6084-8AH7 1.7 6.8 18 22 44 39 1FT6084-8AK7 1.7 4.7 18 22 49 44 1FT6086-8AC7 2.7 15 27 34 26 23 1FT6086-8AF7 2.1 12 27 34 38 34 1FT6086-8AH7 1.6 10 27 34 57 51 Table 1-4 Resistor braking for the 1FT6 series, shaft heights 100 to 132, naturally cooled Motor type Braking resistor external Ropt [] Average braking torque Mbr rms [Nm] without external braking resistor with external braking resistor Max. braking torque Mbr max [Nm] RMS braking current Ibr rms [A] without external braking resistor with external braking resistor SH 100 naturally cooled 1FT6102-8AB7 3.9 13 24 30 18 16 1FT6102-8AC7 2.8 11 24 30 25 23 1FT6102-8AF7 2.3 8.1 24 30 35 31 1FT6102-8AH7 1.7 6.5 24 30 51 46 1FT6105-8AB7 2.2 21 43 54 33 29 1FT6105-8AC7 1.7 17 43 54 44 39 1FT6105-8AF7 1.2 13 43 54 65 58 1FT6108-8AB7 1.4 32 71 88 53 47 1FT6108-8AC7 1.2 26 71 88 68 61 1FT6108-8AF7 0.9 21 71 88 99 89 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 1-17 Motor Description Armature short-circuit braking Table 1-4 Resistor braking for the 1FT6 series, shaft heights 100 to 132, naturally cooled Motor type Braking resistor external Ropt [] Average braking torque Mbr rms [Nm] without external braking resistor with external braking resistor Max. braking torque Mbr max [Nm] RMS braking current Ibr rms [A] without external braking resistor with external braking resistor SH 132 naturally cooled 1FT6132-6AB7 1.0 1) 37 83 105 56 50 1FT6132-6AC7 1.2 1) 32 83 105 75 67 1FT6132-6AF7 0.8 1) 23 83 105 110 100 1FT6134-6AB7 1.2 1) 47 110 140 72 65 1FT6134-6AC7 0.9 1) 40 110 140 99 89 1FT6136-6AB7 0.9 1) 55 130 170 91 82 1FT6136-6AC7 0.8 1) 45 130 170 115 105 1) When utilized to M0 (100 K), a braking resistor must be used in order to prevent partial de-magnetization. When utilized to M0 (60 K), the additional braking resistor is not required. Forced ventilation Table 1-5 Resistor braking for the 1FT6 series, force-ventilated Motor type Braking resistor external Ropt [] Average braking torque Mbr rms [Nm] without external braking resistor with external braking resistor Max. braking torque Mbr max [Nm] RMS braking current Ibr rms [A] without external braking resistor with external braking resistor SH 80, force ventilated 1FT6084-8SF7 2.3 8.1 18 22 29 26 1FT6084-8SH7 1.7 6.8 18 22 44 39 1FT6084-8SK7 1.4 4.7 18 22 54 48 1FT6086-8SF7 1.6 11 27 34 42 38 1FT6086-8SH7 1.1 7.5 27 34 61 55 1FT6086-8SK7 1.1 6.6 27 34 74 66 1FT6105-8SB7 2.0 21 44 55 35 31 1FT6105-8SC7 1.5 17 44 55 47 42 1FT6105-8SF7 1.2 13 44 55 65 58 SH 100, force ventilated 1-18 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Motor Description Armature short-circuit braking Table 1-5 Resistor braking for the 1FT6 series, force-ventilated Motor type Braking resistor external Ropt [] Average braking torque Mbr rms [Nm] without external braking resistor with external braking resistor Max. braking torque Mbr max [Nm] RMS braking current Ibr rms [A] without external braking resistor with external braking resistor 1FT6105-8SH7 0.9 10 44 55 96 86 1FT6108-8SB7 1.2 33 71 88 58 52 1FT6108-8SC7 0.9 27 71 88 77 69 1FT6108-8SF7 0.6 20 71 88 115 103 1FT6132-6SB7 1.2 36 1) 83 105 63 57 1FT6132-6SC7 1.0 30 1) 83 105 83 74 1FT6132-6SF7 0.7 23 1) 83 105 120 110 1FT6134-6SB7 0.9 49 1) 110 140 81 73 1FT6134-6SC7 0.8 40 1) 110 140 105 95 1FT6134-6SF7 0.6 30 1) 110 140 150 140 1FT6136-6SB7 0.8 54 1) 130 170 99 88 1FT6136-6SC7 0.6 43 1) 130 170 130 120 1FT6136-6SF7 0.5 33 1) 130 170 190 170 1FT6163-8SB7 0.3 2) - 380 490 - 270 1FT6163-8SD7 0.25 2) - 380 490 - 390 1FT6168-8SB7 0.27 2) - 530 680 - 340 SH 132, force ventilated SH 160, force ventilated 1) When utilized acc. to M0 (100 K), a series braking resistor must be used in order to prevent partial de-magnetization. When utilized according to M0 (60 K), the additional braking resistor is not required. 2) In order to prevent that the motors are de-magnetized, when short-circuit braking from the rated speed, the above specified supplementary resistors must be connected in series. 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 1-19 Motor Description Armature short-circuit braking Water cooling Table 1-6 Resistor braking for the 1FT6 series, water cooling Motor type Braking resistor external Ropt [] Average braking torque Mbr rms [Nm] without external braking resistor with external braking resistor Max. braking torque Mbr max [Nm] RMS braking current Ibr rms [A] without external braking resistor Max. braking torque Mbr max [Nm] SH 60, water cooling 1FT6062-6WF7 6.4 4.0 5.7 7.0 9 8.1 1FT6062-6WH7 5.5 3.2 5.7 7.0 13 11 1FT6062-6WK7 4.4 2.6 5.7 7.0 17 15 1FT6064-6WF7 5.0 5.5 9.1 11 14 12 1FT6064-6WH7 3.6 4.4 9.1 11 20 18 1FT6064-6WK7 2.9 3.6 9.1 11 27 24 SH 80, water cooling 1FT6084-8WF7 2.3 8.1 18 22 29 26 1FT6084-8WH7 1.6 6.5 18 22 44 40 1FT6084-8WK7 1.4 4.7 18 22 54 48 1FT6086-8WF7 1.6 11 27 34 42 38 1FT6086-8WH7 1.1 7.5 27 34 61 55 1FT6086-8WK7 1.1 6.6 27 34 74 66 0.8 17 44 55 65 58 SH 100, water cooling 1FT6105- WC7 1FT6105- WF7 0.6 14 44 55 96 86 1FT6108- WB7 1.2 33 71 88 58 52 1FT6108- WC7 0.9 27 71 88 77 69 1FT6108- WF7 0.6 21 71 88 115 103 1FT6132-6WB7 0.9 40 1) 85 105 72 65 1FT6132-6WD7 0.7 27 1) 85 105 115 100 1FT6134-6WB7 0.7 47 1) 110 140 92 82 1FT6134-6WD7 0.5 33 1) 110 140 150 140 1FT6136-6WB7 0.6 56 1) 130 170 115 100 1FT6136-6WD7 0.35 40 1) 130 170 200 180 1FT6138-6WB7 0.42 69 1) 170 220 150 140 1FT6138-6WD7 0.32 50 1) 170 220 240 210 0.3 2) - 380 490 - 270 SH 132, water cooling SH 160, water cooling 1FT6163-8WB7 1-20 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Motor Description Armature short-circuit braking Table 1-6 Resistor braking for the 1FT6 series, water cooling Motor type Braking resistor external Ropt [] Average braking torque Mbr rms [Nm] without external braking resistor with external braking resistor Max. braking torque Mbr max [Nm] RMS braking current Ibr rms [A] without external braking resistor Max. braking torque Mbr max [Nm] 1FT6163-8WD7 0.25 2) - 380 490 - 390 1FT6168-8WB7 0.27 2) - 530 680 - 340 1) When utilized acc. to M0 (100 K), a series braking resistor must be used in order to prevent partial de-magnetization. When utilized according to M0 (60 K), the additional braking resistor is not required. 2) It is absolutely prohibited to short-circuit the winding when using smaller supplementary resistors than those specified. When braking from the rated speed, the resistors listed prevent partial de-magnetization of the rotor. 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 1-21 Motor Description Cooling 1.6 Cooling 1.6.1 Cooling methods The different cooling methods are defined in the Configuration Manual "General Section for Synchronous Motors". 1.6.2 Forced ventilation Degree of protection IP54 (acc. to EN 60529). Degrees of protection IP67 and IP68 are not possible. The hot discharged air may not be drawn in again. Caution Forced ventilation cannot be used in the presence of flammable, corrosive, electrically conductive or explosive dust. Forced ventilation, SH 80 and SH 100 Air flow direction from NDE to DE. If the air flow direction is reversed, this reduces the torque yield by approx. 20 %. Mechanical changes to the motor with respect to naturally cooled versions: * The power connector is about 12 mm higher. * A sheet metal envelope is located over the motor frame from the non-drive end side. The axial fan is mounted in this sheet metal envelope. There is a cut-out in the sheet metal envelope at the connector positions. This means that the motor is only partially cooled by the air flow (three-sided ventilation). * The motor dimensions can be taken from the dimension drawings. Connection: Connector, Size 1, Order No.: 6FX2003-0CA10 Pre-fabricated connecting cable: Order No.: 6FX5002-5CA01-0 Supply voltage: 1-ph. 230/260 V AC, 50/60 Hz Maximum current: 0.3 A Connector assignment for fan connections SH 80 and SH 100: 5 4 1-22 1 6 L1 2 N 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Motor Description Cooling Forced ventilation, SH 132 Air flow direction from DE to NDE. The air is blow through the enclosure corners of the extruded profile using a mounted radial fan. Connection: via terminal box Supply voltage: 3-ph. 400/480 V AC, 50/60 Hz Maximum current: 0.4 A Forced ventilation, SH 160 Air flow direction from DE to NDE. The air is blow through the enclosure corners of the extruded profile using a mounted radial fan. Connection: via terminal box Supply voltage: 3-ph. 400/480 V AC, 50/60 Hz Maximum current: 0.8 A Minimum clearance between parts and components mounted by the customer and the air discharge opening The following minimum clearance must be maintained between parts and components mounted by the customer and the air discharge opening: Table 1-7 Minimum clearance to parts and components mounted by the customer Shaft height [mm] Minimum clearance [mm] 80 20 100 30 132 60 160 80 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 1-23 Motor Description Cooling 1.6.3 Water cooling The power loss generated by the motor is dissipated using a water cooling system. The machinery construction company must connect up a cooling system (e.g. heat exchanger). The rated motor torques, specified in the motor data sheets, apply for water-cooled operation and a water intake temperature of < 30 C. Notice If the motor is operated without water cooling, then the rated motor torque is reduced as a function of the heat losses which can be dissipated by convection and radiation. In this case, the data for naturally cooled operation apply. Note It is not possible to retrofit a motor for water cooling. The cooling medium must be pre-cleaned and filtered in order to prevent the cooling circuit from becoming blocked. The maximum permissible particle size after filtering is 100 m. Cooling circuit Notice If current is flowing through the motor, then the cooling circuit must be activated. Table 1-8 Technical data for the cooling circuit Motor type Water flow rate [l] Max. permissible pressure [bar] Flow rate [l/min] 1FT6062 0.2 2.5 5 1FT6064 0.26 2.5 5 1FT6084 0.5 2.5 5 1FT6086 0.6 2.5 5 1FT6105 1.1 2.5 5 1FT6108 1.5 2.5 5 1FT6132 2.1 6.0 8 1FT6134 2.4 6.0 8 1FT6136 2.7 6.0 8 1FT6138 3.1 6.0 8 1FT6163 4.7 6.0 10 1FT6168 5.7 6.0 10 Pressure drop, intake/return: < 0.1 bar 1-24 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Motor Description Cooling Materials used in the cooling circuits The anti-corrosion additives used should be harmonized with the cooling system manufacturer - i.e. the materials of the motor cooler and the materials of the fittings and cooling medium hoses listed in Table. Table 1-9 Materials used in the motor cooling circuit Motor type Bearing end shield Enclosure Sealing agent Connecting plate 1FT606 1FT608 1FT610 Aluminum Aluminum Type Terostat Stainless steel Gray cast iron Aluminum Type Terostat --- 1FT613 1FT616 Cooling medium and anti-corrosion protection Notice It is not permissible that ice forms in the cooling circuit, neither during transport, nor in operation or during storage. The checking and change intervals for the cooling medium should be harmonized with the companies supplying the anti-corrosion agent and the cooling system. We recommend that an anti-corrosion agent is added to water as cooling-medium (e.g. Antifrogen N from the Hoechst Company or Tyfocor from Tyforop Chemie GmbH, refer to the Table below). Observe the specifications of the anti-corrosion agent manufacturer regarding the ratio of water to anti-corrosion agent. For Tyfocor, the ratio of 75 % water and 25 % anti-corrosion agent should not be exceeded. When using another cooling medium (e.g. oil, cooling-lubricating medium), de-rating may be required in order that the thermal motor limit is not exceeded. The de-rating can be determined using the following data: Specific density: [kg/m3] Specific thermal capacitance: cp [J/(kg K)] Intake temperature: tv [C] Flow quantity: v [l/min] The enquiry must be sent to the manufacturer's plant (Hotline). The motor power still does not have to be reduced for oil-water mixtures with less than 10 %. Note Different anti-corrosion agents should not be mixed. 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 1-25 Motor Description Cooling Table 1-10 Manufacturers of chemical additives Company Address Telephone/URL Tyforop Chemie GmbH Hellbrookstr. 5a, D-22305 Hamburg URL: www.tyfo.de Joh.A. Beckiser Wassertechnik GmbH Bergstr. 17 D-40699 Erkrath Tel.: 02104 / 40075 CINCINNATI CIMCOOL Cincinnati Milacron b. v./ Cimcool Division Postfach 98 NL-3031 AB Vlaardingen Tel.: 003110 / 4600660 Fuchs Petrolub AG Friesenheimer Strasse 17 D-68169 Mannheim Tel.: 0621 / 3802-0 URL: www.fuchs-oil.com Hebro Chemie GmbH Rostocker Strae D-41199 Monchengladbach Tel.: 02166 / 6009-0 URL: www.hebro-chemie.de Fa. Hoechst Refer to the Internet address URL: www.hoechst.com Houghton Lubricor GmbH Werkstrasse 26 D-52076 Aachen Tel.: 02408 / 14060 Schilling-Chemie GmbH u. Produktions KG Steinbeistr. 20 D-71691 Freiberg Tel.: 07141 / 7030 Note These recommendations involve third-party products which we know to be basically suitable. It goes without saying that equivalent products from other manufacturers may be used. Our recommendations should be considered as such. We cannot accept any liability for the quality and properties/features of third-party products. Cooling-medium intake temperature The intake temperatures should be selected so that no moisture condensation forms on the surface of the motor: Tcool = Tambient -2 C The motors are designed for operation up to a cooling medium temperature of +30 C, but still maintaining all of the specified motor data. The continuous torque changes for other intake temperatures. 1-26 Cooling-medium intake temperature = 30C 35C 40C 45C De-rating factor 1.0 0.97 0.95 0.92 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Motor Description Cooling Cooling powers to be dissipated The values specified in the table refer to a cooling medium temperature of 30 C and maximum speed in S1 duty. Table 1-11 Cooling powers to be dissipated Motor type To be dissipated cooling power [W] 1FT6062-6WF7 600 1FT6062-6WH7 650 1FT6062-6WK7 700 1FT6064-6WF7 800 1FT6064-6WH7 850 1FT6064-6WK7 900 1FT6084-8WF7 1500 1FT6084-8WH7 1900 1FT6084-8WK7 2200 1FT6086-8WF7 1800 1FT6086-8WH7 2000 1FT6086-8WK7 2400 1FT6105-8WC7 2000 1FT6105-8WF7 2100 1FT6108-8WB7 1900 1FT6108-8WC7 2100 1FT6108-8WF7 2300 1FT6132-6WB7 2600 1FT6132-6WD7 2700 1FT6134-6WB7 2700 1FT6134-6WD7 3100 1FT6136-6WB7 3300 1FT6136-6WD7 3600 1FT6138-6WB7 3600 1FT6138-6WD7 4000 1FT6163-8WB7 4500 1FT6163-8WD7 6000 1FT6168-8WB7 7500 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 1-27 Motor Description Cooling Cooling system A cooling system (i.e. heat exchanger) must be used in order to guarantee a cooling medium intake temperature of +30 C. It is possible to operate several motors from a single cooling system. The cooling system is not included in the scope of supply. The cooling power is calculated from the sum of the power losses of the connected motors. The power of the pump and the distribution to different cooling circuits should be engineered corresponding to the specified flow and the pressure losses of the individual cooling circuits. If one pump is used with distribution to several cooling circuits, then it may be necessary to use a flow controller. Table 1-12 Addresses of cooling system manufacturers Name/address Tel./Fax: Hyfra Industriekuhlanlagen Tel.: +49 (0) 26 87 - 898 0 Industriestrasse, 56593 Krunkel Fax: +49 (0) 26 87 - 898 25 BKW Kalte-Warme-Versorgungstechnik Tel.: +49 (0) 70 22 - 50 03 0 Benzstrasse 2, 72649 Wolfschlungen Fax: +49 (0) 70 22 - 50 03 30 KKT Kraus Industriekuhlung GmbH Tel.: +49 (0) 911 - 95333 - 40 Muhllach 131, 90552 Rothenbach Fax: +49 (0) 911 - 95333 - 33 KKW Kulmbacher Klimagerate-Werk GmbH Tel.: +49 (0) 9221 - 709 555 RIEDEL Kaltetechnik Division Fax: +49 (0) 9221 - 709 549 Internet address / E-mail info@bkw-kuema.de glitschach@kkt-kraus.com info@riedel-kkw.de Am Goldenen Feld 18, 95326 Kulmbach Helmut Schimpke Industriekuhlanlagen Tel.: +49 (0) 2129 - 943 80 Ginsterweg 25-27, 42781 Haan Fax: +49 (0) 2129 - 99 Pfannenberg, Tel.: +49 (0) 40 - 73412 127 www.pfannenberg.de Werner-Witt-Strae 121035 Hamburg, Germany Fax: +49 (0) 40 - 73412 101 werner.hille@pfannenberg.com 1-28 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 2 Electrical Connections 2.1 Connection assignment, connector Warning The motors are not designed to be connected directly to the line supply. Connection assignment, power connectors, signal connectors and temperature sensors at the motor 3RZHUFRQQHFWLRQ89: &RQQHFWRUVL]H &RQQHFWRUVL]H %' 5 4 %' 8 6 1 2 9 %' : 9 *1<( : - %' + 8 *1<( %UDNHFRQQHFWLRQ%'%' RQO\ZKHQRUGHUHG Fig. 2-1 Connection assignment: Power, brake 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 2-1 Electrical Connections Connection through a terminal box 2.2 Connection through a terminal box * The terminal assignment in the terminal box must be implemented according to the diagram. * The protective conductor must be connected. * Cable lugs acc. to DIN 46234 must be used. * Connect up an optional brake (refer to the diagram). Notice Motors with a rated power of more than 100 kW must be grounded using the additional M12 grounding stud provided at the NDE bearing endshield. %' %' %' %' Fig. 2-2 Terminal assignment in the terminal boxes Table 2-1 Description of the diagram No. 2-2 Description No. Description 1 M5 connecting studs 5 M10 grounding studs 2 M10 connecting studs 6 M4 connecting studs 3 M4 grounding stud 4 M6 grounding stud BD1+ / BD2- Brake connection 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Electrical Connections Connection through a terminal box Table 2-2 Connections for the terminal box Cable entry Max. outer cable diameter 3) [mm] RMS current per terminal [A]1) No. of main terminals Max. cross-section per terminal gk130 1 x Pg29 / 1 x Pg9 30 36 3 x M4 gk230 1 x Pg29 / 1 x Pg9 30 66 gk420 1 x Pg36 37 gk630 2 x M32 x 1.5 gk630 gk630 Terminal box type Ground connection Tightening torque [Nm] Brake connection 2) 1 x 6 mm2 M4 0.8 - 1.2 1.5 mm2 3 x M5 1 x 16 mm2 M4 0.8 - 1.2 1.5 mm2 104 4 x M10 1 x 35 mm2 M6 2.7 - 4 1.5 mm2 25 112 3 x M10 2 x 16 mm2 M10 9 - 13 --- 2 x M40 x 1.5 32 176 3 x M10 2 x 35 mm2 M10 9 - 13 --- 2 x M50 x 1.5 41 209 3 x M10 2 x 50 mm2 M10 9 - 13 --- 1) Data according to DIN EN 60204-1 (routing type C, ambient temperature 40 C) 2) BD1+/BD2- (terminal strip, only for versions with brake) 3) Dependent on the seal used 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 2-3 Electrical Connections Connection through a terminal box Routing cables in a wet/moist environment Notice For motors in wet/moist environments, cables should be routed as shown in the following diagram. SHUPLWWHG SIEMENS SIEMENS SIEMENS SIEMENS SIEMENS 2-4 SIEMENS Fig. 2-3 QRWSHUPLWWHG Routing cables in a wet/moist environment 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Technical Data and Characteristics 3.1 Speed-torque diagrams 3.1.1 Introduction 3 Note Refer to the Configuration Manual "General Section for Synchronous Motors" for a description of how the voltage limiting characteristics are shifted. The specified thermal S3 limit characteristics are referred to T = 100 K for - 1 min cycle duration for SH 28 - 10 min cycle duration for SH 36, 48, 63, 80, 100, 132, 160 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 3-1 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams 3.1.2 1FT6 series, natural cooling Table 3-1 1FT6021 natural cooling 1FT6021 Technical data Code Units -6AK71 Rated speed nN rpm 6000 Number of poles 2p Rated torque (100 K) MN(100 K) Nm 0.3 Rated current (100K) IN A 1.1 Stall torque (60K) M0(60 K) Nm 0.33 Stall torque (100K) M0(100 K) Nm 0.40 Stall current (60K) I0(60 K) A 1.0 Stall current (100K) I0(100 K) A 1.25 Moment of inertia (with brake) Jmot 10-4 kgm2 0.28 Moment of inertia (without brake) Jmot 10-4 0.21 Optimum speed nopt rpm 6000 Optimum power Popt kW 0.19 Max. permissible speed (mech.) nmax rpm 12000 Maximum torque Mmax Nm 1.5 Maximum current Imax A 5 Torque constant kT Nm/A 0.32 Voltage constant kE V/1000 rpm 20.5 Winding resistance at 20 C Rph Ohm 7.2 Rotating field inductance LD mH 4 Electrical time constant Tel ms 0.56 Shaft torsional stiffness ct Nm/rad 3000 Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 4.4 Thermal time constant Tth min 15 Weight with brake m kg 1.4 Weight without brake m kg 1.2 Engineering data 6 kgm2 Optimum operating point Limiting data Physical constants 3-2 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams )7$. /LPLWFKDUDFWHULVWLFVDEDQGFOLHRXWVLGH PD[SHUPLVVLEOHVSHHGUDQJH 0>1P@ 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-1 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6021-6AK71 [a] MASTERDRIVES MC, VDC link = 540 V (DC), VMot = 340 Vrms [b] SIMODRIVE 611 (UE), VDC link = 540 V (DC) and MASTERDRIVES MC (AFE), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 380 Vrms [c] SIMODRIVE 611 (ER), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 425 Vrms 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 3-3 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams Table 3-2 1FT6024 natural cooling 1FT6024 Technical data Code Units -6AK71 Rated speed nN rpm 6000 Number of poles 2p Rated torque (100 K) MN(100 K) Nm 0.5 Rated current (100K) IN A 0.9 Stall torque (60K) M0(60 K) Nm 0.66 Stall torque (100K) M0(100 K) Nm 0.8 Stall current (60K) I0(60 K) A 1.0 Stall current (100K) I0(100 K) A 1.25 Moment of inertia (with brake) Jmot 10-4 kgm2 0.41 Moment of inertia (without brake) Jmot 10-4 0.34 Optimum speed nopt rpm 6000 Optimum power Popt kW 0.31 Max. permissible speed (mech.) nmax rpm 12000 Maximum torque Mmax Nm 3.15 Maximum current Imax A 5 Torque constant kT Nm/A 0.63 Voltage constant kE V/1000 rpm 41 Winding resistance at 20 C Rph Ohm 10.9 Rotating field inductance LD mH 7 Electrical time constant Tel ms 0.64 Shaft torsional stiffness ct Nm/rad 3000 Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 2.8 Thermal time constant Tth min 15 Weight with brake m kg 2.3 Weight without brake m kg 2.1 Engineering data 6 kgm2 Optimum operating point Limiting data Physical constants 3-4 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams )7$. D E F 0>1P@ 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-2 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6024-6AK71 [a] MASTERDRIVES MC, VDC link = 540 V (DC), VMot = 340 Vrms [b] SIMODRIVE 611 (UE), VDC link = 540 V (DC) and MASTERDRIVES MC (AFE), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 380 Vrms [c] SIMODRIVE 611 (ER), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 425 Vrms 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 3-5 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams Table 3-3 1FT6031 natural cooling 1FT6031 Technical data Code Units -4AK71 Rated speed nN rpm 6000 Number of poles 2p Rated torque (100 K) MN(100 K) Nm 0.75 Rated current (100K) IN A 1.2 Stall torque (60K) M0(60 K) Nm 0.83 Stall torque (100K) M0(100 K) Nm 1.0 Stall current (60K) I0(60 K) A 1.1 Stall current (100K) I0(100 K) A 1.4 Moment of inertia (with brake) Jmot 10-4 kgm2 0.77 Moment of inertia (without brake) Jmot 10-4 0.65 Optimum speed nopt rpm 6000 Optimum power Popt kW 0.47 Max. permissible speed (mech.) nmax rpm 9700 Maximum torque Mmax Nm 4 Maximum current Imax A 5.8 Torque constant kT Nm/A 0.72 Voltage constant kE V/1000 rpm 47 Winding resistance at 20 C Rph Ohm 6.9 Rotating field inductance LD mH 18 Electrical time constant Tel ms 2.6 Shaft torsional stiffness ct Nm/rad 7500 Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 2.6 Thermal time constant Tth min 20 Weight with brake m kg 3.5 Weight without brake m kg 3.1 Engineering data 4 kgm2 Optimum operating point Limiting data Physical constants 3-6 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams )7$. D E F 0>1P@ 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Fig. 3-3 Q>USP@ Speed-torque diagram 1FT6031-4AK71 [a] MASTERDRIVES MC, VDC link = 540 V (DC), VMot = 340 Vrms [b] SIMODRIVE 611 (UE), VDC link = 540 V (DC) and MASTERDRIVES MC (AFE), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 380 Vrms [c] SIMODRIVE 611 (ER), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 425 Vrms 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 3-7 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams Table 3-4 1FT6034 natural cooling 1FT6034 Technical data Code Units -4AK71 Rated speed nN rpm 6000 Number of poles 2p Rated torque (100 K) MN(100 K) Nm 1.4 Rated current (100K) IN A 2.1 Stall torque (60K) M0(60 K) Nm 1.65 Stall torque (100K) M0(100 K) Nm 2 Stall current (60K) I0(60 K) A 2.1 Stall current (100K) I0(100 K) A 2.6 Moment of inertia (with brake) Jmot 10-4 kgm2 1.22 Moment of inertia (without brake) Jmot 10-4 1.1 Optimum speed nopt rpm 6000 Optimum power Popt kW 0.88 Max. permissible speed (mech.) nmax rpm 9700 Maximum torque Mmax Nm 7.7 Maximum current Imax A 10.5 Torque constant kT Nm/A 0.75 Voltage constant kE V/1000 rpm 49 Winding resistance at 20 C Rph Ohm 2.6 Rotating field inductance LD mH 10 Electrical time constant Tel ms 3.8 Shaft torsional stiffness ct Nm/rad 7500 Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 1.5 Thermal time constant Tth min 20 Weight with brake m kg 4.8 Weight without brake m kg 4.4 Engineering data 4 kgm2 Optimum operating point Limiting data Physical constants 3-8 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams )7$. D E F 0>1P@ 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-4 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6034 [a] MASTERDRIVES MC, VDC link = 540 V (DC), VMot = 340 Vrms [b] SIMODRIVE 611 (UE), VDC link = 540 V (DC) and MASTERDRIVES MC (AFE), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 380 Vrms [c] SIMODRIVE 611 (ER), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 425 Vrms 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 3-9 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams Table 3-5 1FT6041 natural cooling 1FT6041 Technical data Code Units -4AF71 -4AK71 Rated speed nN rpm 3000 6000 Number of poles 2p 4 4 Rated torque (100 K) MN(100 K) Nm 2.15 1.7 Rated current (100K) IN A 1.7 2.4 Stall torque (60K) M0(60 K) Nm 2.15 2.15 Stall torque (100K) M0(100 K) Nm 2.6 2.6 Stall current (60K) I0(60 K) A 1.5 2.5 Stall current (100K) I0(100 K) A 1.9 3.0 Moment of inertia (with brake) Jmot 10-4 kgm2 3.98 3.98 Moment of inertia (without brake) Jmot 10-4 2.9 2.9 Optimum speed nopt rpm 3000 6000 Optimum power Popt kW 0.68 1.07 Max. permissible speed (mech.) nmax rpm 7700 7700 Maximum torque Mmax Nm 10 10 Maximum current Imax A 7.7 12.8 Torque constant kT Nm/A 1.38 0.83 Voltage constant kE V/1000 rpm 90 54 Winding resistance at 20 C Rph Ohm 6.6 2.37 Rotating field inductance LD mH 22 8 Electrical time constant Tel ms 3.3 3.4 Shaft torsional stiffness ct Nm/rad 14000 14000 Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 3 3 Thermal time constant Tth min 30 30 Weight with brake m kg 7.8 7.8 Weight without brake m kg 6.6 6.6 Engineering data kgm2 Optimum operating point Limiting data Physical constants 3-10 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams )7$) 0>1P@ E D F 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-5 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6041-4AF71 )7$. 0>1P@ D E F 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-6 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6041-4AK71 [a] MASTERDRIVES MC, VDC link = 540 V (DC), VMot = 340 Vrms [b] SIMODRIVE 611 (UE), VDC link = 540 V (DC) and MASTERDRIVES MC (AFE), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 380 Vrms [c] SIMODRIVE 611 (ER), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 425 Vrms 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 3-11 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams Table 3-6 1FT6044 natural cooling 1FT6044 Technical data Code Units rpm -4AF7 -4AK7 Engineering data 3000 6000 4 4 Nm 4.3 3.0 IN A 2.9 4.1 Stall torque (60K) M0(60 K) Nm 4.2 4.2 Stall torque (100K) M0(100 K) Nm 5.0 5.0 Stall current (60K) I0(60 K) A 2.4 4.8 Stall current (100K) I0(100 K) A 3.0 5.9 Moment of inertia (with brake) Jmot 10-4 kgm2 6.18 6.18 Moment of inertia (without brake) Jmot 10-4 kgm2 5.1 5.1 Optimum speed nopt rpm 3000 6000 Optimum power Popt kW 1.35 1.88 Max. permissible speed (mech.) nmax rpm 7700 7700 Maximum torque Mmax Nm 18 18 Maximum current Imax A 11 22 Torque constant kT Nm/A 1.68 0.85 Voltage constant kE V/1000 rpm 109 55 Winding resistance at 20 C Rph Ohm 3.05 0.78 Rotating field inductance LD mH 16 4.1 Electrical time constant Tel ms 5.2 5.3 Shaft torsional stiffness ct Nm/rad 11000 11000 Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 1.7 1.7 Thermal time constant Tth min 40 40 Weight with brake m kg 9.5 9.5 Weight without brake m kg 8.3 8.3 Rated speed nN Number of poles 2p Rated torque (100 K) MN(100 K) Rated current (100K) Optimum operating point Limiting data Physical constants 3-12 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams )7$) D E F 0>1P@ 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-7 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6044-AF71 )7$. D E F 0>1P@ 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-8 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6044-4AK71 [a] MASTERDRIVES MC, VDC link = 540 V (DC), VMot = 340 Vrms [b] SIMODRIVE 611 (UE), VDC link = 540 V (DC) and MASTERDRIVES MC (AFE), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 380 Vrms [c] SIMODRIVE 611 (ER), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 425 Vrms 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 3-13 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams Table 3-7 1FT6061 natural cooling 1FT6061 Technical data Code Units Rated speed nN rpm Number of poles 2p Rated torque (100 K) MN(100 K) Rated current (100K) -6AC7 -6AF7 Engineering data 2000 3000 6 6 Nm 3.7 3.5 IN A 1.9 2.6 Stall torque (60K) M0(60 K) Nm 3.3 3.3 Stall torque (100K) M0(100 K) Nm 4.0 4.0 Stall current (60K) I0(60 K) A 1.6 2.2 Stall current (100K) I0(100 K) A 1.9 2.7 Moment of inertia (with brake) Jmot 10-4 kgm2 9.3 9.3 Moment of inertia (without brake) Jmot 10-4 kgm2 6 6 Optimum speed nopt rpm 2000 3000 Optimum power Popt kW 0.77 1.1 Max. permissible speed (mech.) nmax rpm 9100 9100 Maximum torque Mmax Nm 16 16 Maximum current Imax A 10 14 Torque constant kT Nm/A 2.07 1.48 Voltage constant kE V/1000 rpm 132 94 Winding resistance at 20 C Rph Ohm 9.3 4.71 Rotating field inductance LD mH 59 30 Electrical time constant Tel ms 6.3 6.4 Shaft torsional stiffness ct Nm/rad 34000 34000 Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 3.9 3.9 Thermal time constant Tth min 27 27 Weight with brake m kg 9.5 9.5 Weight without brake m kg 8 8 Optimum operating point Limiting data Physical constants 3-14 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams )7$& D E F 0>1P@ 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-9 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6061-6AC7 )7$) D E F 0>1P@ 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-10 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6061-6AF7 [a] MASTERDRIVES MC, VDC link = 540 V (DC), VMot = 340 Vrms [b] SIMODRIVE 611 (UE), VDC link = 540 V (DC) and MASTERDRIVES MC (AFE), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 380 Vrms [c] SIMODRIVE 611 (ER), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 425 Vrms 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 3-15 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams Table 3-8 1FT6061 natural cooling 1FT6061 Technical data Code Units -6AH7 -6AK7 rpm 4500 6000 6 6 Engineering data Rated speed nN Number of poles 2p Rated torque (100 K) MN(100 K) Nm 2.9 2.1 Rated current (100K) IN A 3.4 3.1 Stall torque (60K) M0(60 K) Nm 3.3 3.3 Stall torque (100K) M0(100 K) Nm 4 4 Stall current (60K) I0(60 K) A 3.3 4 Stall current (100K) I0(100 K) A 4 5 Moment of inertia (with brake) Jmot 10-4 kgm2 9.3 9.3 Moment of inertia (without brake) Jmot 10-4 kgm2 6 6 Optimum speed nopt rpm 4500 6000 Optimum power Popt kW 1.37 1.38 Max. permissible speed (mech.) nmax rpm 9100 9100 Maximum torque Mmax Nm 16 16 Maximum current Imax A 21 26 Torque constant kT Nm/A 0.99 0.80 Voltage constant kE V/1000 rpm 63 51 Winding resistance at 20 C Rph Ohm 2.1 1.42 Rotating field inductance LD mH 13.3 9 Electrical time constant Tel ms 6.3 6.3 Shaft torsional stiffness ct Nm/rad 34000 34000 Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 3.9 4.0 Thermal time constant Tth min 27 27 Weight with brake m kg 9.5 9.5 Weight without brake m kg 8 8 Optimum operating point Limiting data Physical constants 3-16 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams )7$+ D E F 0>1P@ 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-11 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6061-6AH7 )7$. D E F 0>1P@ 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-12 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6061-6AK7 [a] MASTERDRIVES MC, VDC link = 540 V (DC), VMot = 340 Vrms [b] SIMODRIVE 611 (UE), VDC link = 540 V (DC) and MASTERDRIVES MC (AFE), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 380 Vrms [c] SIMODRIVE 611 (ER), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 425 Vrms 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 3-17 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams Table 3-9 1FT6062 natural cooling 1FT6062 Technical data Code Units -6AC7 -6AF7 Rated speed nN rpm 2000 3000 Number of poles 2p 6 6 Rated torque (100 K) MN(100 K) Nm 5.2 4.7 Rated current (100K) IN A 2.6 3.4 Stall torque (60K) M0(60 K) Nm 5 5 Stall torque (100K) M0(100 K) Nm 6 6 Stall current (60K) I0(60 K) A 2.2 3.3 Stall current (100K) I0(100 K) A 2.7 4.1 Moment of inertia (with brake) Jmot 10-4 kgm2 11.8 11.8 Moment of inertia (without brake) Jmot 10-4 kgm2 8.5 8.5 Optimum speed nopt rpm 2000 3000 Optimum power Popt kW 1.09 1.48 Max. permissible speed (mech.) nmax rpm 9100 9100 Maximum torque Mmax Nm 24 24 Maximum current Imax A 15 22 Torque constant kT Nm/A 2.22 1.48 Voltage constant kE V/1000 rpm 141 94 Winding resistance at 20 C Rph Ohm 5.8 2.57 Rotating field inductance LD mH 43 19 Electrical time constant Tel ms 7.4 7.4 Shaft torsional stiffness ct Nm/rad 32000 32000 Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 3.0 3.0 Thermal time constant Tth min 30 30 Weight with brake m kg 11 11 Weight without brake m kg 9.5 9.5 Engineering data Optimum operating point Limiting data Physical constants 3-18 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams )7$& D E F 0>1P@ 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-13 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6062-6AC7 )7$) D E F 0>1P@ 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-14 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6062-6AF7 [a] MASTERDRIVES MC, VDC link = 540 V (DC), VMot = 340 Vrms [b] SIMODRIVE 611 (UE), VDC link = 540 V (DC) and MASTERDRIVES MC (AFE), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 380 Vrms [c] SIMODRIVE 611 (ER), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 425 Vrms 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 3-19 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams Table 3-10 1FT6062 natural cooling 1FT6062 Technical data Code Units -6AH7 -6AK7 rpm 4500 6000 6 6 Engineering data Rated speed nN Number of poles 2p Rated torque (100 K) MN(100 K) Nm 3.6 2.1 Rated current (100K) IN A 3.9 3.2 Stall torque (60K) M0(60 K) Nm 5 5 Stall torque (100K) M0(100 K) Nm 6 6 Stall current (60K) I0(60 K) A 4.7 6.2 Stall current (100K) I0(100 K) A 5.7 7.6 Moment of inertia (with brake) Jmot 10-4 kgm2 11.8 11.8 Moment of inertia (without brake) Jmot 10-4 kgm2 8.5 8.5 Optimum speed nopt rpm 4500 4500 Optimum power Popt kW 1.70 1.70 Max. permissible speed (mech.) nmax rpm 9100 9100 Maximum torque Mmax Nm 24 24 Maximum current Imax A 31 41 Torque constant kT Nm/A 1.05 0.79 Voltage constant kE V/1000 rpm 67 50 Winding resistance at 20 C Rph Ohm 1.31 0.74 Rotating field inductance LD mH 9.7 5.5 Electrical time constant Tel ms 7.4 7.4 Shaft torsional stiffness ct Nm/rad 32000 32000 Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 3.0 3.0 Thermal time constant Tth min 30 30 Weight with brake m kg 11 11 Weight without brake m kg 9.5 9.5 Optimum operating point Limiting data Physical constants 3-20 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams )7$+ D E F 0>1P@ 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-15 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6062-6AH7 )7$. D E F 0>1P@ 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-16 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6062-6AK7 [a] MASTERDRIVES MC, VDC link = 540 V (DC), VMot = 340 Vrms [b] SIMODRIVE 611 (UE), VDC link = 540 V (DC) and MASTERDRIVES MC (AFE), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 380 Vrms [c] SIMODRIVE 611 (ER), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 425 Vrms 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 3-21 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams Table 3-11 1FT6064 natural cooling 1FT6064 Technical data Code Units -6AC7 -6AF7 Rated speed nN rpm 2000 3000 Number of poles 2p 6 6 Rated torque (100 K) MN(100 K) Nm 8.0 7.0 Rated current (100K) IN A 3.8 4.9 Stall torque (60K) M0(60 K) Nm 7.9 7.9 Stall torque (100K) M0(100 K) Nm 9.5 9.5 Stall current (60K) I0(60 K) A 3.4 4.9 Stall current (100K) I0(100 K) A 4.2 6.1 Moment of inertia (with brake) Jmot 10-4 kgm2 16.3 16.3 Moment of inertia (without brake) Jmot 10-4 kgm2 13 13 Optimum speed nopt rpm 2000 3000 Optimum power Popt kW 1.68 2.20 Max. permissible speed (mech.) nmax rpm 9100 9100 Maximum torque Mmax Nm 38 38 Maximum current Imax A 23 33 Torque constant kT Nm/A 2.26 1.57 Voltage constant kE V/1000 rpm 144 100 Winding resistance at 20 C Rph Ohm 2.93 1.40 Rotating field inductance LD mH 28 13.5 Electrical time constant Tel ms 9.6 9.6 Shaft torsional stiffness ct Nm/rad 27000 27000 Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 2.2 2.2 Thermal time constant Tth min 35 35 Weight with brake m kg 13 13 Weight without brake m kg 12.5 12.5 Engineering data Optimum operating point Limiting data Physical constants 3-22 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams )7$& D E F 0>1P@ 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-17 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6064-6AC7 )7$) D E F 0>1P@ 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-18 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6064-6AF7 [a] MASTERDRIVES MC, VDC link = 540 V (DC), VMot = 340 Vrms [b] SIMODRIVE 611 (UE), VDC link = 540 V (DC) and MASTERDRIVES MC (AFE), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 380 Vrms [c] SIMODRIVE 611 (ER), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 425 Vrms 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 3-23 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams Table 3-12 1FT6064 natural cooling 1FT6064 Technical data Code Units -6AH7 -6AK7 Rated speed nN rpm 4500 6000 Number of poles 2p 6 6 Rated torque (100 K) MN(100 K) Nm 4.8 2.1 Rated current (100K) IN A 5.5 3.5 Stall torque (60K) M0(60 K) Nm 7.9 7.9 Stall torque (100K) M0(100 K) Nm 9.5 9.5 Stall current (60K) I0(60 K) A 7.3 9.8 Stall current (100K) I0(100 K) A 9.0 12.0 Moment of inertia (with brake) Jmot 10-4 16.3 16.3 Moment of inertia (without brake) Jmot 10-4 kgm2 13 13 Optimum speed nopt rpm 4500 4500 Optimum power Popt kW 2.26 2.26 Max. permissible speed (mech.) nmax rpm 9100 9100 Maximum torque Mmax Nm 38 38 Maximum current Imax A 49 66 Torque constant kT Nm/A 1.05 0.79 Voltage constant kE V/1000 rpm 67 50 Winding resistance at 20 C Rph Ohm 0.63 0.35 Rotating field inductance LD mH 6 3.4 Electrical time constant Tel ms 9.5 9.7 Shaft torsional stiffness ct Nm/rad 27000 27000 Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 2.2 2.2 Thermal time constant Tth min 30 30 Weight with brake m kg 13 13 Weight without brake m kg 12.5 12.5 Engineering data kgm2 Optimum operating point Limiting data Physical constants 3-24 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams )7$+ D E F 0>1P@ 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-19 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6064-6AH7 )7$. D E F 0>1P@ 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-20 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6064-6AK7 [a] MASTERDRIVES MC, VDC link = 540 V (DC), VMot = 340 Vrms [b] SIMODRIVE 611 (UE), VDC link = 540 V (DC) and MASTERDRIVES MC (AFE), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 380 Vrms [c] SIMODRIVE 611 (ER), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 425 Vrms 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 3-25 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams Table 3-13 1FT6081 natural cooling 1FT6081 Technical data Code Units -8AC7 -8AF7 Rated speed nN rpm 2000 3000 Number of poles 2p 8 8 Rated torque (100 K) MN(100 K) Nm 7.5 6.9 Rated current (100K) IN A 4.1 5.6 Stall torque (60K) M0(60 K) Nm 6.6 6.6 Stall torque (100K) M0(100 K) Nm 8.0 8.0 Stall current (60K) I0(60 K) A 3.1 4.7 Stall current (100K) I0(100 K) A 3.9 5.8 Moment of inertia (with brake) Jmot 10-4 24.8 24.8 Moment of inertia (without brake) Jmot 10-4 kgm2 21 21 Optimum speed nopt rpm 2000 3000 Optimum power Popt kW 1.57 2.17 Max. permissible speed (mech.) nmax rpm 7900 7900 Maximum torque Mmax Nm 26 26 Maximum current Imax A 16.5 24.5 Torque constant kT Nm/A 2.07 1.38 Voltage constant kE V/1000 rpm 132 88 Winding resistance at 20 C Rph Ohm 3.08 1.37 Rotating field inductance LD mH 23 10.3 Electrical time constant Tel ms 7.5 7.5 Shaft torsional stiffness ct Nm/rad 100000 100000 Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 4.5 4.5 Thermal time constant Tth min 25 25 Weight with brake m kg 14 14 Weight without brake m kg 12.5 12.5 Engineering data kgm2 Optimum operating point Limiting data Physical constants 3-26 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams )7$& D E F 0>1P@ 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-21 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6081-8AC7 )7$) D E F 0>1P@ 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-22 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6081-8AF7 [a] MASTERDRIVES MC, VDC link = 540 V (DC), VMot = 340 Vrms [b] SIMODRIVE 611 (UE), VDC link = 540 V (DC) and MASTERDRIVES MC (AFE), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 380 Vrms [c] SIMODRIVE 611 (ER), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 425 Vrms 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 3-27 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams Table 3-14 1FT6081 natural cooling 1FT6081 Technical data Code Units -8AH7 -8AK7 Rated speed nN rpm 4500 6000 Number of poles 2p 8 8 Rated torque (100 K) MN(100 K) Nm 5.8 4.6 Rated current (100K) IN A 7.3 7.7 Stall torque (60K) M0(60 K) Nm 6.6 6.6 Stall torque (100K) M0(100 K) Nm 8.0 8.0 Stall current (60K) I0(60 K) A 7.0 8.9 Stall current (100K) I0(100 K) A 8.6 11.1 Moment of inertia (with brake) Jmot 10-4 24.8 24.8 Moment of inertia (without brake) Jmot 10-4 kgm2 21 21 Optimum speed nopt rpm 4500 6000 Optimum power Popt kW 2.73 2.89 Max. permissible speed (mech.) nmax rpm 7900 7900 Maximum torque Mmax Nm 26 26 Maximum current Imax A 37 46 Torque constant kT Nm/A 0.93 0.72 Voltage constant kE V/1000 rpm 59 46 Winding resistance at 20 C Rph Ohm 0.61 0.38 Rotating field inductance LD mH 4.6 3 Electrical time constant Tel ms 7.5 7.9 Shaft torsional stiffness ct Nm/rad 100000 100000 Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 4.4 4.6 Thermal time constant Tth min 25 25 Weight with brake m kg 14 14 Weight without brake m kg 12.5 12.5 Engineering data kgm2 Optimum operating point Limiting data Physical constants 3-28 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams )7$+ D E F 0>1P@ 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-23 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6081-8AH7 )7$. D E F 0>1P@ 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-24 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6081-8AH7 [a] MASTERDRIVES MC, VDC link = 540 V (DC), VMot = 340 Vrms [b] SIMODRIVE 611 (UE), VDC link = 540 V (DC) and MASTERDRIVES MC (AFE), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 380 Vrms [c] SIMODRIVE 611 (ER), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 425 Vrms 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 3-29 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams Table 3-15 1FT6082 natural cooling 1FT6082 Technical data Code Units -8AC7 -AF7 Rated speed nN rpm 2000 3000 Number of poles 2p 8 8 Rated torque (100 K) MN(100 K) Nm 11.4 10.3 Rated current (100K) IN A 6.6 8.7 Stall torque (60K) M0(60 K) Nm 10.8 10.8 Stall torque (100K) M0(100 K) Nm 13 13 Stall current (60K) I0(60 K) A 5.4 7.8 Stall current (100K) I0(100 K) A 6.6 9.6 Moment of inertia (with brake) Jmot 10-4 33.8 33.8 Moment of inertia (without brake) Jmot 10-4 kgm2 30 30 Optimum speed nopt rpm 2000 3000 Optimum power Popt kW 2.39 3.24 Max. permissible speed (mech.) nmax rpm 7900 7900 Maximum torque Mmax Nm 42 42 Maximum current Imax A 28 41 Torque constant kT Nm/A 1.96 1.35 Voltage constant kE V/1000 rpm 125 86 Winding resistance at 20 C Rph Ohm 1.48 0.69 Rotating field inductance LD mH 13.6 6.2 Electrical time constant Tel ms 9.2 9.0 Shaft torsional stiffness ct Nm/rad 90000 90000 Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 3.5 3.4 Thermal time constant Tth min 30 30 Weight with brake m kg 16.5 16.5 Weight without brake m kg 15 15 Engineering data kgm2 Optimum operating point Limiting data Physical constants 3-30 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams )7$& D E F 0>1P@ 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-25 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6082-8AC7 )7$) D E F 0>1P@ 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-26 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6082-8AF7 [a] MASTERDRIVES MC, VDC link = 540 V (DC), VMot = 340 Vrms [b] SIMODRIVE 611 (UE), VDC link = 540 V (DC) and MASTERDRIVES MC (AFE), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 380 Vrms [c] SIMODRIVE 611 (ER), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 425 Vrms 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 3-31 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams Table 3-16 1FT6082 natural cooling 1FT6082 Technical data Code Units -8AH7 -8AK7 Rated speed nN rpm 4500 6000 Number of poles 2p 8 8 Rated torque (100 K) MN(100 K) Nm 8.5 5.5 Rated current (100K) IN A 11 9.1 Stall torque (60K) M0(60 K) Nm 10.8 10.8 Stall torque (100K) M0(100 K) Nm 13.0 13.0 Stall current (60K) I0(60 K) A 12.0 14.0 Stall current (100K) I0(100 K) A 14.8 17.3 Moment of inertia (with brake) Jmot 10-4 33.8 33.8 Moment of inertia (without brake) Jmot 10-4 kgm2 30 30 Optimum speed nopt rpm 4500 4500 Optimum power Popt kW 4.01 4.01 Max. permissible speed (mech.) nmax rpm 7900 7900 Maximum torque Mmax Nm 42 42 Maximum current Imax A 60 73 Torque constant kT Nm/A 0.88 0.75 Voltage constant kE V/1000 rpm 56 48 Winding resistance at 20 C Rph Ohm 0.30 0.21 Rotating field inductance LD mH 2.9 1.9 Electrical time constant Tel ms 9.7 9.0 Shaft torsional stiffness ct Nm/rad 90000 90000 Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 3.5 3.4 Thermal time constant Tth min 30 30 Weight with brake m kg 16.5 16.5 Weight without brake m kg 15 15 Engineering data kgm2 Optimum operating point Limiting data Physical constants 3-32 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams )7$+ D E F 0>1P@ 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-27 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6082-8AH7 )7$. D E F 0>1P@ 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-28 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6082-8AK7 [a] MASTERDRIVES MC, VDC link = 540 V (DC), VMot = 340 Vrms [b] SIMODRIVE 611 (UE), VDC link = 540 V (DC) and MASTERDRIVES MC (AFE), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 380 Vrms [c] SIMODRIVE 611 (ER), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 425 Vrms 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 3-33 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams Table 3-17 1FT6084 natural cooling 1FT6084 Technical data Code Units -8AC7 -AF7 Rated speed nN rpm 2000 3000 Number of poles 2p 4 4 Rated torque (100 K) MN(100 K) Nm 16.9 14.7 Rated current (100K) IN A 8.3 11 Stall torque (60K) M0(60 K) Nm 16.6 16.6 Stall torque (100K) M0(100 K) Nm 20 20 Stall current (60K) I0(60 K) A 7.2 10.7 Stall current (100K) I0(100 K) A 8.8 13.2 Moment of inertia (with brake) Jmot 10-4 61.1 61.1 Moment of inertia (without brake) Jmot 10-4 kgm2 48 48 Optimum speed nopt rpm 2000 3000 Optimum power Popt kW 3.54 4.62 Max. permissible speed (mech.) nmax rpm 7900 7900 Maximum torque Mmax Nm 65 65 Maximum current Imax A 38 56 Torque constant kT Nm/A 2.26 1.52 Voltage constant kE V/1000 rpm 144 97 Winding resistance at 20 C Rph Ohm 0.91 0.41 Rotating field inductance LD mH 10.4 4.8 Electrical time constant Tel ms 11.4 11.7 Shaft torsional stiffness ct Nm/rad 76000 76000 Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 2.6 2.6 Thermal time constant Tth min 35 35 Weight with brake m kg 24 24 Weight without brake m kg 20.5 20.5 Engineering data kgm2 Optimum operating point Limiting data Physical constants 3-34 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams )7$& D E F 0>1P@ 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-29 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6084-8AC7 )7$) D E F 0>1P@ 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-30 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6084-AF7 [a] MASTERDRIVES MC, VDC link = 540 V (DC), VMot = 340 Vrms [b] SIMODRIVE 611 (UE), VDC link = 540 V (DC) and MASTERDRIVES MC (AFE), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 380 Vrms [c] SIMODRIVE 611 (ER), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 425 Vrms 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 3-35 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams Table 3-18 1FT6084 natural cooling 1FT6084 Technical data Code Units -AH7 -AK7 Rated speed nN rpm 4500 6000 Number of poles 2p 8 8 Rated torque (100 K) MN(100 K) Nm 10.5 6.5 Rated current (100K) IN A 12.5 9.2 Stall torque (60K) M0(60 K) Nm 16.6 16.6 Stall torque (100K) M0(100 K) Nm 20 20 Stall current (60K) I0(60 K) A 16.2 19.5 Stall current (100K) I0(100 K) A 19.8 24.1 Moment of inertia (with brake) Jmot 10-4 61.1 61.1 Moment of inertia (without brake) Jmot 10-4 kgm2 48 48 Optimum speed nopt rpm 4000 4000 Optimum power Popt kW 5.03 5.03 Max. permissible speed (mech.) nmax rpm 7900 7900 Maximum torque Mmax Nm 65 65 Maximum current Imax A 86 100 Torque constant kT Nm/A 1.01 0.83 Voltage constant kE V/1000 rpm 64 53 Winding resistance at 20 C Rph Ohm 0.18 0.12 Rotating field inductance LD mH 2 1.5 Electrical time constant Tel ms 11.1 12.5 Shaft torsional stiffness ct Nm/rad 76000 76000 Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 2.5 2.5 Thermal time constant Tth min 35 35 Weight with brake m kg 24 24 Weight without brake m kg 20.5 20.5 Engineering data kgm2 Optimum operating point Limiting data Physical constants 3-36 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams )7$+ D E F 0>1P@ 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-31 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6084-AH7 )7$. D E F 0>1P@ 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-32 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6084-AK7 [a] MASTERDRIVES MC, VDC link = 540 V (DC), VMot = 340 Vrms [b] SIMODRIVE 611 (UE), VDC link = 540 V (DC) and MASTERDRIVES MC (AFE), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 380 Vrms [c] SIMODRIVE 611 (ER), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 425 Vrms 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 3-37 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams Table 3-19 1FT6086 natural cooling 1FT6086 Technical data Code Units -8AC7 Rated speed nN rpm 2000 Number of poles 2p Rated torque (100 K) MN(100 K) Nm 22.5 Rated current (100K) IN A 10.9 Stall torque (60K) M0(60 K) Nm 22.4 Stall torque (100K) M0(100 K) Nm 27 Stall current (60K) I0(60 K) A 9.2 Stall current (100K) I0(100 K) A Moment of inertia (with brake) Moment of inertia (without brake) Engineering data 8 11.3 Jmot 10-4 kgm2 79.6 Jmot 10-4 kgm2 66.5 Optimum speed nopt rpm 2000 Optimum power Popt kW 4.71 Max. permissible speed (mech.) nmax rpm 7900 Maximum torque Mmax Nm 90 Maximum current Imax A 48 Torque constant kT Nm/A 2.39 Voltage constant kE V/1000 rpm 152 Winding resistance at 20 C Rph Ohm 0.65 Rotating field inductance LD mH 8 Electrical time constant Tel ms 12.3 Shaft torsional stiffness ct Nm/rad 65000 Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 2.3 Thermal time constant Tth min 45 Weight with brake m kg 29 Weight without brake m kg 25.5 Optimum operating point Limiting data Physical constants 3-38 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams )7$& D E F 0>1P@ 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-33 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6086-8AC7 [a] MASTERDRIVES MC, VDC link = 540 V (DC), VMot = 340 Vrms [b] SIMODRIVE 611 (UE), VDC link = 540 V (DC) and MASTERDRIVES MC (AFE), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 380 Vrms [c] SIMODRIVE 611 (ER), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 425 Vrms 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 3-39 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams Table 3-20 1FT6086 natural cooling 1FT6086 Technical data Code Units -AF7 -AH7 Rated speed nN rpm 3000 4500 Number of poles 2p 8 8 Rated torque (100 K) MN(100 K) Nm 18.5 12 Rated current (100K) IN A 13 12.6 Stall torque (60K) M0(60 K) Nm 22.4 22.4 Stall torque (100K) M0(100 K) Nm 27 27 Stall current (60K) I0(60 K) A 13.3 18.9 Stall current (100K) I0(100 K) A Moment of inertia (with brake) Moment of inertia (without brake) Engineering data 16.4 23.3 Jmot 10-4 kgm2 79.6 79.6 Jmot 10-4 kgm2 66.5 66.5 Optimum speed nopt rpm 3000 3500 Optimum power Popt kW 5.81 6 Max. permissible speed (mech.) nmax rpm 7900 7900 Maximum torque Mmax Nm 90 90 Maximum current Imax A 71 102 Torque constant kT Nm/A 1.65 1.16 Voltage constant kE V/1000 rpm 105 74 Winding resistance at 20 C Rph Ohm 0.31 0.15 Rotating field inductance LD mH 3.8 1.8 Electrical time constant Tel ms 12.3 12 Shaft torsional stiffness ct Nm/rad 65000 65000 Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 2.3 2.2 Thermal time constant Tth min 45 45 Weight with brake m kg 29 29 Weight without brake m kg 25.5 25.5 Optimum operating point Limiting data Physical constants 3-40 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams )7$) D E F 0>1P@ 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-34 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6086-AF7 )7$+ D E F 0>1P@ 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-35 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6086-AH7 [a] MASTERDRIVES MC, VDC link = 540 V (DC), VMot = 340 Vrms [b] SIMODRIVE 611 (UE), VDC link = 540 V (DC) and MASTERDRIVES MC (AFE), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 380 Vrms [c] SIMODRIVE 611 (ER), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 425 Vrms Table 3-21: 1FT6 series, natural cooling 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 3-41 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams Table 3-22 1FT6102 natural cooling 1FT6102 Technical data Code Units -8AB7 -AC7 Rated speed nN rpm 1500 2000 Number of poles 2p 8 8 Rated torque (100 K) MN(100 K) Nm 24.5 23 Rated current (100K) IN A 8.4 11 Stall torque (60K) M0(60 K) Nm 22.4 22.4 Stall torque (100K) M0(100 K) Nm 27 27 Stall current (60K) I0(60 K) A 7.0 9.8 Stall current (100K) I0(100 K) A 8.7 12.1 Moment of inertia (with brake) Jmot 10-4 130 130 Moment of inertia (without brake) Jmot 10-4 kgm2 99 99 Optimum speed nopt rpm 1500 2000 Optimum power Popt kW 3.85 4.82 Max. permissible speed (mech.) nmax rpm 5600 5600 Maximum torque Mmax Nm 80 80 Maximum current Imax A 42 59 Torque constant kT Nm/A 3.11 2.23 Voltage constant kE V/1000 rpm 198 142 Winding resistance at 20 C Rph Ohm 0.82 0.42 Rotating field inductance LD mH 15.1 7.7 Electrical time constant Tel ms 18 18 Shaft torsional stiffness ct Nm/rad 137000 137000 Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 2.5 2.5 Thermal time constant Tth min 40 40 Weight with brake m kg 32 32 Weight without brake m kg 27.5 27.5 Engineering data kgm2 Optimum operating point Limiting data Physical constants 3-42 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams )7$% D E F 0>1P@ 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-36 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6102-8AB7 )7$& D E F 0>1P@ 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-37 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6102-8AC7 [a] MASTERDRIVES MC, VDC link = 540 V (DC), VMot = 340 Vrms [b] SIMODRIVE 611 (UE), VDC link = 540 V (DC) and MASTERDRIVES MC (AFE), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 380 Vrms [c] SIMODRIVE 611 (ER), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 425 Vrms 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 3-43 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams Table 3-23 1FT6102 natural cooling 1FT6102 Technical data Code Units -8AF7 -8AH7 Rated speed nN rpm 3000 4500 Number of poles 2p 8 8 Rated torque (100 K) MN(100 K) Nm 19.5 12 Rated current (100K) IN A 13.2 12 Stall torque (60K) M0(60 K) Nm 22.4 22.4 Stall torque (100K) M0(100 K) Nm 27 27 Stall current (60K) I0(60 K) A 13.7 19.7 Stall current (100K) I0(100 K) A 16.9 24.1 Moment of inertia (with brake) Jmot 10-4 130 130 Moment of inertia (without brake) Jmot 10-4 kgm2 99 99 Optimum speed nopt rpm 3000 3500 Optimum power Popt kW 6.13 6.3 Max. permissible speed (mech.) nmax rpm 5600 5600 Maximum torque Mmax Nm 80 80 Maximum current Imax A 82 118 Torque constant kT Nm/A 1.60 1.12 Voltage constant kE V/1000 rpm 102 71 Winding resistance at 20 C Rph Ohm 0.22 0.11 Rotating field inductance LD mH 4 1.9 Electrical time constant Tel ms 18 17 Shaft torsional stiffness ct Nm/rad 137000 137000 Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 2.6 2.6 Thermal time constant Tth min 40 40 Weight with brake m kg 32 32 Weight without brake m kg 27.5 27.5 Engineering data kgm2 Optimum operating point Limiting data Physical constants 3-44 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams )7$) D E F 0>1P@ 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-38 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6102-8AF7 )7$+ D E F 0>1P@ 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-39 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6102-8AH7 [a] MASTERDRIVES MC, VDC link = 540 V (DC), VMot = 340 Vrms [b] SIMODRIVE 611 (UE), VDC link = 540 V (DC) and MASTERDRIVES MC (AFE), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 380 Vrms [c] SIMODRIVE 611 (ER), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 425 Vrms 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 3-45 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams Table 3-24 1FT6105 natural cooling 1FT6105 Technical data Code Units -8AB7 -8AC7 Rated speed nN rpm 1500 2000 Number of poles 2p 8 8 Rated torque (100 K) MN(100 K) Nm 41 38 Rated current (100K) IN A 14.5 17.6 Stall torque (60K) M0(60 K) Nm 42 42 Stall torque (100K) M0(100 K) Nm 50 50 Stall current (60K) I0(60 K) A 13.1 17.6 Stall current (100K) I0(100 K) A Moment of inertia (with brake) Moment of inertia (without brake) Engineering data 16 21.4 Jmot 10-4 kgm2 199 199 Jmot 10-4 kgm2 168 168 Optimum speed nopt rpm 1500 2000 Optimum power Popt kW 6.44 7.96 Max. permissible speed (mech.) nmax rpm 5600 5600 Maximum torque Mmax Nm 140 140 Maximum current Imax A 77 103 Torque constant kT Nm/A 3.13 2.34 Voltage constant kE V/1000 rpm 199 149 Winding resistance at 20 C Rph Ohm 0.39 0.22 Rotating field inductance LD mH 8.4 4.7 Electrical time constant Tel ms 22 21 Shaft torsional stiffness ct Nm/rad 113000 113000 Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 2.0 2.0 Thermal time constant Tth min 45 45 Weight with brake m kg 44 44 Weight without brake m kg 39.5 39.5 Optimum operating point Limiting data Physical constants 3-46 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams )7$% D E F 0>1P@ 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-40 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6105-8AB7 )7$& D E F 0>1P@ 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-41 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6105-8AC7 [a] MASTERDRIVES MC, VDC link = 540 V (DC), VMot = 340 Vrms [b] SIMODRIVE 611 (UE), VDC link = 540 V (DC) and MASTERDRIVES MC (AFE), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 380 Vrms [c] SIMODRIVE 611 (ER), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 425 Vrms 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 3-47 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams Table 3-25 1FT6105 natural cooling 1FT6105 Technical data Code Units -8AF7 Rated speed nN rpm 3000 Number of poles 2p Rated torque (100 K) MN(100 K) Nm 31 Rated current (100K) IN A 22.5 Stall torque (60K) M0(60 K) Nm 42 Stall torque (100K) M0(100 K) Nm 50 Stall current (60K) I0(60 K) A 26 Stall current (100K) I0(100 K) A Moment of inertia (with brake) Moment of inertia (without brake) Engineering data 8 32 Jmot 10-4 kgm2 199 Jmot 10-4 kgm2 168 Optimum speed nopt rpm 3000 Optimum power Popt kW 9.74 Max. permissible speed (mech.) nmax rpm 5600 Maximum torque Mmax Nm 140 Maximum current Imax A 155 Torque constant kT Nm/A 1.56 Voltage constant kE V/1000 rpm 99 Winding resistance at 20 C Rph Ohm 0.098 Rotating field inductance LD mH 2.1 Electrical time constant Tel ms 21 Shaft torsional stiffness ct Nm/rad 113000 Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 2.0 Thermal time constant Tth min 45 Weight with brake m kg 44 Weight without brake m kg 39.5 Optimum operating point Limiting data Physical constants 3-48 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams )7$) D E F 0>1P@ 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-42 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6105-8AF7 [a] MASTERDRIVES MC, VDC link = 540 V (DC), VMot = 340 Vrms [b] SIMODRIVE 611 (UE), VDC link = 540 V (DC) and MASTERDRIVES MC (AFE), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 380 Vrms [c] SIMODRIVE 611 (ER), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 425 Vrms 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 3-49 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams Table 3-26 1FT6108 natural cooling 1FT6108 Technical data Code Units -8AB7 -8AC7 Rated speed nN rpm 1500 2000 Number of poles 2p 8 8 Rated torque (100 K) MN(100 K) Nm 61 55 Rated current (100K) IN A 20.5 24.5 Stall torque (60K) M0(60 K) Nm 58 58 Stall torque (100K) M0(100 K) Nm 70 70 Stall current (60K) I0(60 K) A 18.1 23.5 Stall current (100K) I0(100 K) A 22.3 29 Moment of inertia (with brake) Jmot 10-4 kgm2 291 291 Moment of inertia (without brake) Jmot 10-4 260 260 Optimum speed nopt rpm 1500 2000 Optimum power Popt kW 9.58 11.5 Max. permissible speed (mech.) nmax rpm 5600 5600 Maximum torque Mmax Nm 220 220 Maximum current Imax A 107 139 Torque constant kT Nm/A 3.14 2.42 Voltage constant kE V/1000 rpm 200 154 Winding resistance at 20 C Rph Ohm 0.22 0.13 Rotating field inductance LD mH 5.2 3.1 Electrical time constant Tel ms 24 24 Shaft torsional stiffness ct Nm/rad 92000 92000 Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 1.7 1.7 Thermal time constant Tth min 55 55 Weight with brake m kg 60 60 Weight without brake m kg 55.5 55.5 Engineering data kgm2 Optimum operating point Limiting data Physical constants 3-50 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams )7$% D E F 0>1P@ 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-43 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6108-8AB7 )7$& D E F 0>1P@ 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-44 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6108-8AC7 [a] MASTERDRIVES MC, VDC link = 540 V (DC), VMot = 340 Vrms [b] SIMODRIVE 611 (UE), VDC link = 540 V (DC) and MASTERDRIVES MC (AFE), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 380 Vrms [c] SIMODRIVE 611 (ER), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 425 Vrms 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 3-51 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams Table 3-27 1FT6108 natural cooling 1FT6108 Technical data Code Units -8AF7 Rated speed nN rpm 3000 Number of poles 2p Rated torque (100 K) MN(100 K) Nm 37 Rated current (100K) IN A 25 Stall torque (60K) M0(60 K) Nm 58 Stall torque (100K) M0(100 K) Nm 70 Stall current (60K) I0(60 K) A 33 Stall current (100K) I0(100 K) A Moment of inertia (with brake) Moment of inertia (without brake) Engineering data 8 41 Jmot 10-4 kgm2 291 Jmot 10-4 kgm2 260 Optimum speed nopt rpm 2500 Optimum power Popt kW 12.0 Max. permissible speed (mech.) nmax rpm 5600 Maximum torque Mmax Nm 220 Maximum current Imax A 198 Torque constant kT Nm/A 1.70 Voltage constant kE V/1000 rpm 108 Winding resistance at 20 C Rph Ohm 0.065 Rotating field inductance LD mH 1.5 Electrical time constant Tel ms 23 Shaft torsional stiffness ct Nm/rad 92000 Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 1.8 Thermal time constant Tth min 55 Weight with brake m kg 60 Weight without brake m kg 55.5 Optimum operating point Limiting data Physical constants 3-52 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams )7$) D E F 0>1P@ 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-45 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6108-8AF7 [a] MASTERDRIVES MC, VDC link = 540 V (DC), VMot = 340 Vrms [b] SIMODRIVE 611 (UE), VDC link = 540 V (DC) and MASTERDRIVES MC (AFE), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 380 Vrms [c] SIMODRIVE 611 (ER), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 425 Vrms 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 3-53 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams Table 3-28 1FT6132 natural cooling 1FT6132 Technical data Code Units -6AB71 -6AC71 Rated speed nN rpm 1500 2000 Number of poles 2p 6 6 Rated torque (100 K) MN(100 K) Nm 62 55 Rated current (100K) IN A 19 23 Stall torque (60K) M0(60 K) Nm 62 62 Stall torque (100K) M0(100 K) Nm 75 75 Stall current (60K) I0(60 K) A 17.4 23.1 Stall current (100K) I0(100 K) A Moment of inertia (with brake) Moment of inertia (without brake) Engineering data 21.6 29 Jmot 10-4 kgm2 508 508 Jmot 10-4 kgm2 430 430 Optimum speed nopt rpm 1500 2000 Optimum power Popt kW 9.74 11.5 Max. permissible speed (mech.) nmax rpm 3600 3600 Maximum torque Mmax Nm 248 248 Maximum current Imax A 96 128 Torque constant kT Nm/A 3.48 2.61 Voltage constant kE V/1000 rpm 224 168 Winding resistance at 20 C Rph Ohm 0.23 0.13 Rotating field inductance LD mH 7.4 4.15 Electrical time constant Tel ms 37 36 Shaft torsional stiffness ct Nm/rad 258000 258000 Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 2.4 2.5 Thermal time constant Tth min 65 65 Weight with brake m kg 95 95 Weight without brake m kg 85 85 Optimum operating point Limiting data Physical constants 3-54 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams )7$% D E F 0>1P@ 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-46 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6132-6AB71 )7$& D E F 0>1P@ 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-47 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6132-6AC71 [a] MASTERDRIVES MC, VDC link = 540 V (DC), VMot = 340 Vrms [b] SIMODRIVE 611 (UE), VDC link = 540 V (DC) and MASTERDRIVES MC (AFE), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 380 Vrms [c] SIMODRIVE 611 (ER), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 425 Vrms 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 3-55 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams Table 3-29 1FT6132 natural cooling 1FT6132 Technical data Code Units -6AF71 Rated speed nN rpm 3000 Number of poles 2p Rated torque (100 K) MN(100 K) Nm 36 Rated current (100K) IN A 23 Stall torque (60K) M0(60 K) Nm 62 Stall torque (100K) M0(100 K) Nm 75 Stall current (60K) I0(60 K) A 35 Stall current (100K) I0(100 K) A Moment of inertia (with brake) Moment of inertia (without brake) Engineering data 6 43 Jmot 10-4 kgm2 508 Jmot 10-4 kgm2 430 Optimum speed nopt rpm 2500 Optimum power Popt kW 12.0 Max. permissible speed (mech.) nmax rpm 3600 Maximum torque Mmax Nm 248 Maximum current Imax A 192 Torque constant kT Nm/A 1.74 Voltage constant kE V/1000 rpm 112 Winding resistance at 20 C Rph Ohm 0.057 Rotating field inductance LD mH 1.85 Electrical time constant Tel ms 37 Shaft torsional stiffness ct Nm/rad 258000 Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 2.4 Thermal time constant Tth min 65 Weight with brake m kg 95 Weight without brake m kg 85 Optimum operating point Limiting data Physical constants 3-56 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams )7$) D E F 0>1P@ 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-48 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6132-6AF71 [a] MASTERDRIVES MC, VDC link = 540 V (DC), VMot = 340 Vrms [b] SIMODRIVE 611 (UE), VDC link = 540 V (DC) and MASTERDRIVES MC (AFE), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 380 Vrms [c] SIMODRIVE 611 (ER), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 425 Vrms 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 3-57 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams Table 3-30 1FT6134 natural cooling 1FT6134 Technical data Code Units -6AB71 -6AC71 Rated speed nN rpm 1500 2000 Number of poles 2p 6 6 Rated torque (100 K) MN(100 K) Nm 75 65 Rated current (100K) IN A 24 27 Stall torque (60K) M0(60 K) Nm 79 79 Stall torque (100K) M0(100 K) Nm 95 95 Stall current (60K) I0(60 K) A 21.7 30 Stall current (100K) I0(100 K) A Moment of inertia (with brake) Moment of inertia (without brake) Engineering data 27 36 Jmot 10-4 kgm2 625 625 Jmot 10-4 kgm2 547 547 Optimum speed nopt rpm 1500 2000 Optimum power Popt kW 11.8 13.6 Max. permissible speed (mech.) nmax rpm 3600 3600 Maximum torque Mmax Nm 316 316 Maximum current Imax A 125 170 Torque constant kT Nm/A 3.54 2.61 Voltage constant kE V/1000 rpm 228 168 Winding resistance at 20 C Rph Ohm 0.17 0.094 Rotating field inductance LD mH 5.8 3.1 Electrical time constant Tel ms 34 33 Shaft torsional stiffness ct Nm/rad 234000 234000 Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 2.2 2.3 Thermal time constant Tth min 70 70 Weight with brake m kg 110 110 Weight without brake m kg 100 100 Optimum operating point Limiting data Physical constants 3-58 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams )7$% D E F 0>1P@ 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-49 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6134-6AB71 )7$& D E F 0>1P@ 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-50 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6134-6AC71 [a] MASTERDRIVES MC, VDC link = 540 V (DC), VMot = 340 Vrms [b] SIMODRIVE 611 (UE), VDC link = 540 V (DC) and MASTERDRIVES MC (AFE), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 380 Vrms [c] SIMODRIVE 611 (ER), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 425 Vrms 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 3-59 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams Table 3-31 1FT6136 natural cooling 1FT6136 Technical data Code Units -6AB71 -6AC7 Rated speed nN rpm 1500 2000 Number of poles 2p 6 6 Rated torque (100 K) MN(100 K) Nm 88 74 Rated current (100K) IN A 27 30 Stall torque (60K) M0(60 K) Nm 95 95 Stall torque (100K) M0(100 K) Nm 115 115 Stall current (60K) I0(60 K) A 27 34 Stall current (100K) I0(100 K) A Moment of inertia (with brake) Moment of inertia (without brake) Engineering data 34 42 Jmot 10-4 kgm2 742 742 Jmot 10-4 kgm2 664 664 Optimum speed nopt rpm 1500 2000 Optimum power Popt kW 13.8 15.5 Max. permissible speed (mech.) nmax rpm 3600 3600 Maximum torque Mmax Nm 380 380 Maximum current Imax A 146 183 Torque constant kT Nm/A 3.40 2.72 Voltage constant kE V/1000 rpm 219 175 Winding resistance at 20 C Rph Ohm 0.12 0.075 Rotating field inductance LD mH 4.9 3.1 Electrical time constant Tel ms 41 41 Shaft torsional stiffness ct Nm/rad 214000 214000 Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 2.1 2.0 Thermal time constant Tth min 75 75 Weight with brake m kg 125 125 Weight without brake m kg 117 117 Optimum operating point Limiting data Physical constants 3-60 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams )7$% D E F 0>1P@ 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-51 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6136-6AB71 )7$& D E F 0>1P@ 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-52 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6136-6AC7 [a] MASTERDRIVES MC, VDC link = 540 V (DC), VMot = 340 Vrms [b] SIMODRIVE 611 (UE), VDC link = 540 V (DC) and MASTERDRIVES MC (AFE), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 380 Vrms [c] SIMODRIVE 611 (ER), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 425 Vrms 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 3-61 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams 3.1.3 1FT6 series, force ventilated Table 3-32 1FT6084 force ventilated 1FT6084 Technical data Code Units -8SF7 Rated speed nN rpm 3000 Number of poles 2p Rated torque (100 K) MN(100 K) Nm 22.0 Rated current (100K) IN A 17.0 Stall torque (60K) M0(60 K) Nm 21.6 Stall torque (100K) M0(100 K) Nm 26.0 Stall current (60K) I0(60 K) A 14.8 Stall current (100K) I0(100 K) A 18.2 Moment of inertia (with brake) Jmot 10-4 kgm2 61.1 Moment of inertia (without brake) Jmot 10-4 48.0 Optimum speed nopt rpm 3000 Optimum power Popt kW 6.91 Max. permissible speed (mech.) nmax rpm 7900 Maximum torque Mmax Nm 65 Maximum current Imax A 59 Torque constant kT Nm/A 1.43 Voltage constant kE V/1000 rpm 91 Winding resistance at 20 C Rph Ohm 0.37 Rotating field inductance LD mH 4.3 Electrical time constant Tel ms 11.6 Shaft torsional stiffness ct Nm/rad 76000 Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 2.6 Thermal time constant Tth min 15 Weight with brake m kg 28.5 Weight without brake m kg 25.0 Engineering data 8 kgm2 Optimum operating point Limiting data Physical constants 3-62 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams )76) D E F 0>1P@ 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-53 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6084-8SF7 [a] MASTERDRIVES MC, VDC link = 540 V (DC), Vmot = 340 Vrms [b] SIMODRIVE 611 (UE), VDC link = 540 V (DC) and MASTERDRIVES MC (AFE), VDC link = 600 V (DC), Vmot = 380 Vrms [c] SIMODRIVE 611(ER), VDC link = 600 V (DC), Vmot = 425 Vrms 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 3-63 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams Table 3-33 1FT6084 force ventilated 1FT6084 Technical data Code Units -8SH7 -8SK7 Rated speed nN rpm 4500 6000 Number of poles 2p 8 8 Rated torque (100 K) MN(100 K) Nm 20.0 17.0 Rated current (100K) IN A 24.5 25.5 Stall torque (60K) M0(60 K) Nm 21.6 21.6 Stall torque (100K) M0(100 K) Nm 26.0 26.0 Stall current (60K) I0(60 K) A 21.0 29.0 Stall current (100K) I0(100 K) A Moment of inertia (with brake) Moment of inertia (without brake) Engineering data 26.0 35.0 Jmot 10-4 kgm2 61.1 61.1 Jmot 10-4 kgm2 48.0 48.0 Optimum speed nopt rpm 4500 6000 Optimum power Popt kW 9.42 10.68 Max. permissible speed (mech.) nmax rpm 7900 7900 Maximum torque Mmax Nm 65 65 Maximum current Imax A 86 112 Torque constant kT Nm/A 1.01 0.74 Voltage constant kE V/1000 rpm 64 47 Winding resistance at 20 C Rph Ohm 0.18 0.1 Rotating field inductance LD mH 2.0 1.2 Electrical time constant Tel ms 11.1 12.0 Shaft torsional stiffness ct Nm/rad 76000 76000 Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 2.5 2.6 Thermal time constant Tth min 15 15 Weight with brake m kg 28.5 28.5 Weight without brake m kg 25.0 25.0 Optimum operating point Limiting data Physical constants 3-64 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams )76+ D 0>1P@ E F 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-54 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6084-8SH7 )76. D 0>1P@ 6 6 6 . 6 . E F 6 Q>USP@ Fig. 3-55 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6084-8SK7 [a] MASTERDRIVES MC, VDC link = 540 V (DC), Vmot = 340 Vrms [b] SIMODRIVE 611 (UE), VDC link = 540 V (DC) and MASTERDRIVES MC (AFE), VDC link = 600 V (DC), Vmot = 380 Vrms [c] SIMODRIVE 611(ER), VDC link = 600 V (DC), Vmot = 425 Vrms 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 3-65 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams Table 3-34 1FT6086 force ventilated 1FT6086 Technical data Code Units -8SF7 Rated speed nN rpm 3000 Number of poles 2p Rated torque (100 K) MN(100 K) Nm 31.0 Rated current (100K) IN A 24.5 Stall torque (60K) M0(60 K) Nm 29.0 Stall torque (100K) M0(100 K) Nm 35.0 Stall current (60K) I0(60 K) A 20.3 Stall current (100K) I0(100 K) A 25.0 Moment of inertia (with brake) Jmot 10-4 kgm2 79.6 Moment of inertia (without brake) Jmot 10-4 66.5 Optimum speed nopt rpm 3000 Optimum power Popt kW 9.74 Max. permissible speed (mech.) nmax rpm 7900 Maximum torque Mmax Nm 90 Maximum current Imax A 80 Torque constant kT Nm/A 1.40 Voltage constant kE V/1000 rpm 89 Winding resistance at 20 C Rph Ohm 0.23 Rotating field inductance LD mH 2.9 Electrical time constant Tel ms 12.6 Shaft torsional stiffness ct Nm/rad 65000 Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 2.3 Thermal time constant Tth min 15 Weight with brake m kg 33.5 Weight without brake m kg 30.0 Engineering data 8 kgm2 Optimum operating point Limiting data Physical constants 3-66 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams )76) D E F 0>1P@ 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-56 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6086-8SF7 [a] MASTERDRIVES MC, VDC link = 540 V (DC), Vmot = 340 Vrms [b] SIMODRIVE 611 (UE), VDC link = 540 V (DC) and MASTERDRIVES MC (AFE), VDC link = 600 V (DC), Vmot = 380 Vrms [c] SIMODRIVE 611(ER), VDC link = 600 V (DC), Vmot = 425 Vrms 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 3-67 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams Table 3-35 1FT6086 force ventilated 1FT6086 Technical data Code Units -8SH7 -8SK7 Rated speed nN rpm 4500 6000 Number of poles 2p 8 8 Rated torque (100 K) MN(100 K) Nm 27.0 22.0 Rated current (100K) IN A 32.0 29.0 Stall torque (60K) M0(60 K) Nm 29.0 29.0 Stall torque (100K) M0(100 K) Nm 35.0 35.0 Stall current (60K) I0(60 K) A 31.0 35.0 Stall current (100K) I0(100 K) A Moment of inertia (with brake) Moment of inertia (without brake) Engineering data 38.0 44.0 Jmot 10-4 kgm2 79.6 79.6 Jmot 10-4 kgm2 66.5 66.5 Optimum speed nopt rpm 4500 5800 Optimum power Popt kW 12.7 14.0 Max. permissible speed (mech.) nmax rpm 7900 7900 Maximum torque Mmax Nm 90 90 Maximum current Imax A 122 141 Torque constant kT Nm/A 0.91 0.80 Voltage constant kE V/1000 rpm 58 51 Winding resistance at 20 C Rph Ohm 0.096 0.072 Rotating field inductance LD mH 1.3 0.95 Electrical time constant Tel ms 13.5 13.2 Shaft torsional stiffness ct Nm/rad 65000 65000 Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 2.3 2.2 Thermal time constant Tth min 15 15 Weight with brake m kg 33.5 33.5 Weight without brake m kg 30.0 30.0 Optimum operating point Limiting data Physical constants 3-68 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams )76+ D E F 0>1P@ 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-57 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6086-8SH7 )76+ D E F 0>1P@ 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-58 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6086-8SK7 [a] MASTERDRIVES MC, VDC link = 540 V (DC), Vmot = 340 Vrms [b] SIMODRIVE 611 (UE), VDC link = 540 V (DC) and MASTERDRIVES MC (AFE), VDC link = 600 V (DC), Vmot = 380 Vrms [c] SIMODRIVE 611(ER), VDC link = 600 V (DC), Vmot = 425 Vrms 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 3-69 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams Table 3-36 1FT6105 force ventilated 1FT6105 Technical data Code Units -8SB7 -8SC7 Rated speed nN rpm 1500 2000 Number of poles 2p 8 8 Rated torque (100 K) MN(100 K) Nm 59.0 56.0 Rated current (100K) IN A 21.7 28.0 Stall torque (60K) M0(60 K) Nm 54.0 54.0 Stall torque (100K) M0(100 K) Nm 65.0 65.0 Stall current (60K) I0(60 K) A 17.8 24.2 Stall current (100K) I0(100 K) A Moment of inertia (with brake) Moment of inertia (without brake) Engineering data 21.9 30.0 Jmot 10-4 kgm2 199 199 Jmot 10-4 kgm2 168 168 Optimum speed nopt rpm 1500 2000 Optimum power Popt kW 9.27 11.73 Max. permissible speed (mech.) nmax rpm 5600 5600 Maximum torque Mmax Nm 140 140 Maximum current Imax A 81 110 Torque constant kT Nm/A 2.97 2.18 Voltage constant kE V/1000 rpm 189 139 Winding resistance at 20 C Rph Ohm 0.35 0.19 Rotating field inductance LD mH 7.5 4.1 Electrical time constant Tel ms 21.0 22.0 Shaft torsional stiffness ct Nm/rad 113000 113000 Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 2.0 2.0 Thermal time constant Tth min 20 20 Weight with brake m kg 50 50 Weight without brake m kg 45.5 45.5 Optimum operating point Limiting data Physical constants 3-70 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams )76% D 0>1P@ E F 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-59 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6105-8SB7 )76& D 0>1P@ E F 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Fig. 3-60 Q>USP@ Speed-torque diagram 1FT6105-8SC7 [a] MASTERDRIVES MC, VDC link = 540 V (DC), Vmot = 340 Vrms [b] SIMODRIVE 611 (UE), VDC link = 540 V (DC) and MASTERDRIVES MC (AFE), VDC link = 600 V (DC), Vmot = 380 Vrms [c] SIMODRIVE 611(ER), VDC link = 600 V (DC), Vmot = 425 Vrms 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 3-71 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams Table 3-37 1FT6105 force ventilated 1FT6105 Technical data Code Units -8SF7 -8SH7 Rated speed nN rpm 3000 4500 Number of poles 2p 8 8 Rated torque (100 K) MN(100 K) Nm 50.0 40.0 Rated current (100K) IN A 35.0 41.0 Stall torque (60K) M0(60 K) Nm 54.0 54.0 Stall torque (100K) M0(100 K) Nm 65.0 65.0 Stall current (60K) I0(60 K) A 34.0 48.0 Stall current (100K) I0(100 K) A Moment of inertia (with brake) Moment of inertia (without brake) Engineering data 42.0 59.0 Jmot 10-4 kgm2 199 199 Jmot 10-4 kgm2 168 168 Optimum speed nopt rpm 3000 4500 Optimum power Popt kW 15.7 18.8 Max. permissible speed (mech.) nmax rpm 5600 5600 Maximum torque Mmax Nm 140 140 Maximum current Imax A 155 221 Torque constant kT Nm/A 1.56 1.10 Voltage constant kE V/1000 rpm 99 70 Winding resistance at 20 C Rph Ohm 0.098 0.048 Rotating field inductance LD mH 2.1 1.0 Electrical time constant Tel ms 21.0 21.0 Shaft torsional stiffness ct Nm/rad 113000 113000 Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 2.0 2.0 Thermal time constant Tth min 20 20 Weight with brake m kg 50 50 Weight without brake m kg 45.5 45.5 Optimum operating point Limiting data Physical constants 3-72 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams )76) D 0>1P@ E F 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Fig. 3-61 Q>USP@ Speed-torque diagram 1FT6105-8SF7 )76+ D 0>1P@ E F 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Fig. 3-62 Q>USP@ Speed-torque diagram 1FT6105-8SH7 [a] MASTERDRIVES MC, VDC link = 540 V (DC), Vmot = 340 Vrms [b] SIMODRIVE 611 (UE), VDC link = 540 V (DC) and MASTERDRIVES MC (AFE), VDC link = 600 V (DC), Vmot = 380 Vrms [c] SIMODRIVE 611(ER), VDC link = 600 V (DC), Vmot = 425 Vrms 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 3-73 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams Table 3-38 1FT6108 force ventilated 1FT6108 Technical data Code Units -8SB7 -8SC7 Rated speed nN rpm 1500 2000 Number of poles 2p 8 8 Rated torque (100 K) MN(100 K) Nm 83 80 Rated current (100K) IN A 31 40 Stall torque (60K) M0(60 K) Nm 75 75 Stall torque (100K) M0(100 K) Nm 90 90 Stall current (60K) I0(60 K) A 25 34 Stall current (100K) I0(100 K) A Moment of inertia (with brake) Moment of inertia (without brake) Engineering data 31 41 Jmot 10-4 kgm2 291 291 Jmot 10-4 kgm2 260 260 Optimum speed nopt rpm 1500 2000 Optimum power Popt kW 13.0 16.8 Max. permissible speed (mech.) nmax rpm 5600 5600 Maximum torque Mmax Nm 220 220 Maximum current Imax A 116 154 Torque constant kT Nm/A 2.91 2.18 Voltage constant kE V/1000 rpm 185 139 Winding resistance at 20 C Rph Ohm 0.19 0.11 Rotating field inductance LD mH 4.4 2.5 Electrical time constant Tel ms 23.0 23.0 Shaft torsional stiffness ct Nm/rad 92000 92000 Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 1.8 1.8 Thermal time constant Tth min 20 20 Weight with brake m kg 66 66 Weight without brake m kg 61.5 61.5 Optimum operating point Limiting data Physical constants 3-74 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams )76% 0>1P@ 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Fig. 3-63 Q>USP@ Speed-torque diagram 1FT6108-8SB7 )76& D E F 0>1P@ 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-64 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6108-8SC7 [a] MASTERDRIVES MC, VDC link = 540 V (DC), Vmot = 340 Vrms [b] SIMODRIVE 611 (UE), VDC link = 540 V (DC) and MASTERDRIVES MC (AFE), VDC link = 600 V (DC), Vmot = 380 Vrms [c] SIMODRIVE 611(ER), VDC link = 600 V (DC), Vmot = 425 Vrms 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 3-75 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams Table 3-39 1FT6108 force ventilated 1FT6108 Technical data Code Units -8SF7 Rated speed nN rpm 3000 Number of poles 2p Rated torque (100 K) MN(100 K) Nm 70 Rated current (100K) IN A 53 Stall torque (60K) M0(60 K) Nm 75 Stall torque (100K) M0(100 K) Nm 90 Stall current (60K) I0(60 K) A 51 Stall current (100K) I0(100 K) A Moment of inertia (with brake) Moment of inertia (without brake) Engineering data 8 62 Jmot 10-4 kgm2 291 Jmot 10-4 kgm2 260 Optimum speed nopt rpm 3000 Optimum power Popt kW 22.0 Max. permissible speed (mech.) nmax rpm 5600 Maximum torque Mmax Nm 220 Maximum current Imax A 231 Torque constant kT Nm/A 1.45 Voltage constant kE V/1000 rpm 92 Winding resistance at 20 C Rph Ohm 0.048 Rotating field inductance LD mH 1.1 Electrical time constant Tel ms 23.0 Shaft torsional stiffness ct Nm/rad 92000 Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 1.8 Thermal time constant Tth min 20 Weight with brake m kg 66 Weight without brake m kg 61.5 Optimum operating point Limiting data Physical constants 3-76 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams )76) D E F 6 0>1P@ 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-65 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6108-8SF7 [a] MASTERDRIVES MC, VDC link = 540 V (DC), Vmot = 340 Vrms [b] SIMODRIVE 611 (UE), VDC link = 540 V (DC) and MASTERDRIVES MC (AFE), VDC link = 600 V (DC), Vmot = 380 Vrms [c] SIMODRIVE 611(ER), VDC link = 600 V (DC), Vmot = 425 Vrms 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 3-77 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams Table 3-40 1FT6132 force ventilated 1FT6132 Technical data Code Units -6SB71 -6SC71 Rated speed nN rpm 1500 2000 Number of poles 2p 6 6 Rated torque (100 K) MN(100 K) Nm 102 98 Rated current (100K) IN A 36 46 Stall torque (60K) M0(60 K) Nm 91 91 Stall torque (100K) M0(100 K) Nm 110 110 Stall current (60K) I0(60 K) A 29 38 Stall current (100K) I0(100 K) A Moment of inertia (with brake) Moment of inertia (without brake) Engineering data 36 47 Jmot 10-4 kgm2 508 508 Jmot 10-4 kgm2 430 430 Optimum speed nopt rpm 1500 2000 Optimum power Popt kW 16.0 20.5 Max. permissible speed (mech.) nmax rpm 3600 3600 Maximum torque Mmax Nm 248 248 Maximum current Imax A 108 144 Torque constant kT Nm/A 3.05 2.32 Voltage constant kE V/1000 rpm 196 149 Winding resistance at 20 C Rph Ohm 0.17 0.10 Rotating field inductance LD mH 6.4 3.7 Electrical time constant Tel ms 38 37 Shaft torsional stiffness ct Nm/rad 258000 258000 Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 2.4 2.4 Thermal time constant Tth min 25 25 Weight with brake m kg 101 101 Weight without brake m kg 91 91 Optimum operating point Limiting data Physical constants 3-78 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams )76% D E F 6 0>1P@ 6 6 6 . 6 . Fig. 3-66 Q>USP@ Speed-torque diagram 1FT6132-6SB71 )76& a b c 0>1P@ 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Fig. 3-67 Q>USP@ Speed-torque diagram 1FT6132-6SC71 [a] MASTERDRIVES MC, VDC link = 540 V (DC), Vmot = 340 Vrms [b] SIMODRIVE 611 (UE), VDC link = 540 V (DC) and MASTERDRIVES MC (AFE), VDC link = 600 V (DC), Vmot = 380 Vrms [c] SIMODRIVE 611(ER), VDC link = 600 V (DC), Vmot = 425 Vrms 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 3-79 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams Table 3-41 1FT6132 force ventilated 1FT6132 Technical data Code Units -6SF71 Rated speed nN rpm 3000 Number of poles 2p Rated torque (100 K) MN(100 K) Nm 90 Rated current (100K) IN A 62 Stall torque (60K) M0(60 K) Nm 91 Stall torque (100K) M0(100 K) Nm 110 Stall current (60K) I0(60 K) A 55 Stall current (100K) I0(100 K) A Moment of inertia (with brake) Moment of inertia (without brake) Engineering data 6 69 Jmot 10-4 kgm2 508 Jmot 10-4 kgm2 430 Optimum speed nopt rpm 3000 Optimum power Popt kW 28.3 Max. permissible speed (mech.) nmax rpm 3600 Maximum torque Mmax Nm 248 Maximum current Imax A 209 Torque constant kT Nm/A 1.6 Voltage constant kE V/1000 rpm 103 Winding resistance at 20 C Rph Ohm 0.048 Rotating field inductance LD mH 1.8 Electrical time constant Tel ms 37 Shaft torsional stiffness ct Nm/rad 258000 Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 2.4 Thermal time constant Tth min 25 Weight with brake m kg 101 Weight without brake m kg 91 Optimum operating point Limiting data Physical constants 3-80 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams )76) D E F 6 6 0>1P@ 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-68 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6132-6SF71 [a] MASTERDRIVES MC, VDC link = 540 V (DC), Vmot = 340 Vrms [b] SIMODRIVE 611 (UE), VDC link = 540 V (DC) and MASTERDRIVES MC (AFE), VDC link = 600 V (DC), Vmot = 380 Vrms [c] SIMODRIVE 611(ER), VDC link = 600 V (DC), Vmot = 425 Vrms Table 3-42: 1FT6 series, force ventilated 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 3-81 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams Table 3-43 1FT6134 force ventilated 1FT6134 Technical data Code Units -6SB71 -6SC71 Rated speed nN rpm 1500 2000 Number of poles 2p 6 6 Rated torque (100 K) MN(100 K) Nm 130 125 Rated current (100K) IN A 45 57 Stall torque (60K) M0(60 K) Nm 116 116 Stall torque (100K) M0(100 K) Nm 140 140 Stall current (60K) I0(60 K) A 36 47 Stall current (100K) I0(100 K) A Moment of inertia (with brake) Moment of inertia (without brake) Engineering data 44 58 Jmot 10-4 kgm2 625 625 Jmot 10-4 kgm2 547 547 Optimum speed nopt rpm 1500 2000 Optimum power Popt kW 20.4 26.2 Max. permissible speed (mech.) nmax rpm 3600 3600 Maximum torque Mmax Nm 316 316 Maximum current Imax A 140 182 Torque constant kT Nm/A 3.17 2.43 Voltage constant kE V/1000 rpm 204 156 Winding resistance at 20 C Rph Ohm 0.14 0.081 Rotating field inductance LD mH 4.6 2.7 Electrical time constant Tel ms 33 33 Shaft torsional stiffness ct Nm/rad 234000 234000 Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 2.3 2.3 Thermal time constant Tth min 25 25 Weight with brake m kg 116 116 Weight without brake m kg 106 106 Optimum operating point Limiting data Physical constants 3-82 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams )76% D E F 0>1P@ 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Fig. 3-69 Q>USP@ Speed-torque diagram 1FT6134-6SB71 )76& D F 6 0>1P@ E 6 6 6 . 6 . Fig. 3-70 Q>USP@ Speed-torque diagram 1FT6134-6SC71 [a] MASTERDRIVES MC, VDC link = 540 V (DC), VMot = 340 Vrms [b] SIMODRIVE 611 (UE), VDC link = 540 V (DC) and MASTERDRIVES MC (AFE), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 380 Vrms [c] SIMODRIVE 611 (ER), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 425 Vrms 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 3-83 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams Table 3-44 1FT6134 force ventilated 1FT6134 Technical data Code Units -6SF71 Rated speed nN rpm 3000 Number of poles 2p Rated torque (100 K) MN(100 K) Nm 110 Rated current (100K) IN A 72 Stall torque (60K) M0(60 K) Nm 116 Stall torque (100K) M0(100 K) Nm 140 Stall current (60K) I0(60 K) A 67 Stall current (100K) I0(100 K) A Moment of inertia (with brake) Moment of inertia (without brake) Engineering data 6 83 Jmot 10-4 kgm2 625 Jmot 10-4 kgm2 547 Optimum speed nopt rpm 3000 Optimum power Popt kW 35 Max. permissible speed (mech.) nmax rpm 3600 Maximum torque Mmax Nm 316 Maximum current Imax A 264 Torque constant kT Nm/A 1.68 Voltage constant kE V/1000 rpm 108 Winding resistance at 20 C Rph Ohm 0.039 Rotating field inductance LD mH 1.3 Electrical time constant Tel ms 33 Shaft torsional stiffness ct Nm/rad 234000 Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 2.3 Thermal time constant Tth min 25 Weight with brake m kg 116 Weight without brake m kg 106 Optimum operating point Limiting data Physical constants 3-84 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams )76) D E F 0>1P@ 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-71 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6134-6SF71 [a] MASTERDRIVES MC, VDC link = 540 V (DC), VMot = 340 Vrms [b] SIMODRIVE 611 (UE), VDC link = 540 V (DC) and MASTERDRIVES MC (AFE), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 380 Vrms [c] SIMODRIVE 611 (ER), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 425 Vrms 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 3-85 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams Table 3-45 1FT6136 force ventilated 1FT6136 Technical data Code Units -6SB71 -6SC71 Rated speed nN rpm 1500 2000 Number of poles 2p 6 6 Rated torque (100 K) MN(100 K) Nm 160 155 Rated current (100K) IN A 55 72 Stall torque (60K) M0(60 K) Nm 145 145 Stall torque (100K) M0(100 K) Nm 175 175 Stall current (60K) I0(60 K) A 45 62 Stall current (100K) I0(100 K) A Moment of inertia (with brake) Moment of inertia (without brake) Engineering data 55 77 Jmot 10-4 kgm2 742 742 Jmot 10-4 kgm2 664 664 Optimum speed nopt rpm 1500 2000 Optimum power Popt kW 25 32 Max. permissible speed (mech.) nmax rpm 3600 3600 Maximum torque Mmax Nm 380 380 Maximum current Imax A 156 219 Torque constant kT Nm/A 3.17 2.27 Voltage constant kE V/1000 rpm 204 146 Winding resistance at 20 C Rph Ohm 0.1 0.052 Rotating field inductance LD mH 4.3 2.2 Electrical time constant Tel ms 43 42 Shaft torsional stiffness ct Nm/rad 214000 214000 Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 2.0 2.0 Thermal time constant Tth min 25 25 Weight with brake m kg 131 131 Weight without brake m kg 123 123 Optimum operating point Limiting data Physical constants 3-86 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams )76% a 0>1P@ b c 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Fig. 3-72 Q>USP@ Speed-torque diagram 1FT6136-6SB71 )76& D 0>1P@ E F 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Fig. 3-73 Q>USP@ Speed-torque diagram 1FT6136-6SC71 [a] MASTERDRIVES MC, VDC link = 540 V (DC), VMot = 340 Vrms [b] SIMODRIVE 611 (UE), VDC link = 540 V (DC) and MASTERDRIVES MC (AFE), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 380 Vrms [c] SIMODRIVE 611 (ER), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 425 Vrms 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 3-87 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams Table 3-46 1FT6136 force ventilated 1FT6136 Technical data Code Units -6SF71 Rated speed nN rpm 3000 Number of poles 2p Rated torque (100 K) MN(100 K) Nm 145 Rated current (100K) IN A 104 Stall torque (60K) M0(60 K) Nm 145 Stall torque (100K) M0(100 K) Nm 175 Stall current (60K) I0(60 K) A 89 Stall current (100K) I0(100 K) A Moment of inertia (with brake) Moment of inertia (without brake) Engineering data 6 110 Jmot 10-4 kgm2 742 Jmot 10-4 kgm2 664 Optimum speed nopt rpm 3000 Optimum power Popt kW 46 Max. permissible speed (mech.) nmax rpm 3600 Maximum torque Mmax Nm 380 Maximum current Imax A 313 Torque constant kT Nm/A 1.59 Voltage constant kE V/1000 rpm 102 Winding resistance at 20 C Rph Ohm 0.025 Rotating field inductance LD mH 0.96 Electrical time constant Tel ms 44 Shaft torsional stiffness ct Nm/rad 214000 Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 2.0 Thermal time constant Tth min 25 Weight with brake m kg 131 Weight without brake m kg 123 Optimum operating point Limiting data Physical constants 3-88 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams )76) D E F 6 0>1P@ 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-74 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6136-6SF71 [a] MASTERDRIVES MC, VDC link = 540 V (DC), VMot = 340 Vrms [b] SIMODRIVE 611 (UE), VDC link = 540 V (DC) and MASTERDRIVES MC (AFE), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 380 Vrms [c] SIMODRIVE 611 (ER), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 425 Vrms 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 3-89 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams Table 3-47 1FT6163 force ventilated 1FT6163 1) Technical data Code Units -8SB7 -8SD7 Rated speed nN rpm 1500 Number of poles 2p 8 2500 2) 8 Rated torque (100 K) MN(100 K) Nm 385 340 2) Rated current (100K) IN A 136 185 2) Stall torque (60K) M0(60 K) Nm 360 360 Stall torque (100K) M0(100 K) Nm 425 425 Stall current (60K) I0(60 K) A 124 186 Stall current (100K) I0(100 K) A 151 226 Moment of inertia (with brake) Jmot 10-4 -- -- Moment of inertia (without brake) Jmot 10-4 kgm2 2300 2300 Optimum speed nopt rpm 1500 2500 2) Optimum power Popt kW 60.5 89.0 2) Max. permissible speed (mech.) nmax rpm 3100 3100 Maximum torque Mmax Nm 900 Maximum current Imax A 372 558 Torque constant kT Nm/A 2.81 1.88 Voltage constant kE V/1000 rpm 186 124 Winding resistance at 20 C Rph Ohm 0.026 0.012 Rotating field inductance LD mH 0.81 0.36 Electrical time constant Tel ms 31 30 Shaft torsional stiffness ct Nm/rad 472100 472100 Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 2.3 2.3 Thermal time constant Tth min 25 25 Weight with brake m kg -- -- Weight without brake m kg 170 170 Engineering data kgm2 Optimum operating point Limiting data 1) 900 2) Physical constants 1) Only valid for MASTERDRIVES MC 2) Only valid for MASTERDRIVES MC (AFE) 3-90 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams Fig. 3-75 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6163-8SB7 Fig. 3-76 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6163-8SD7 [a] MASTERDRIVES MC, VDC link = 540 V (DC), VMot = 340 Vrms [b] MASTERDRIVES MC (AFE), VDC link = 600 V (DC), Vmot = 380 Vrms 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 3-91 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams Table 3-48 1FT6168 force ventilated 1FT6168 1) Technical data Code Units -8SB7 Rated speed nN rpm 1500 Number of poles 2p Rated torque (100 K) MN(100 K) Nm 540 Rated current (100K) IN A 174 Stall torque (60K) M0(60 K) Nm 510 Stall torque (100K) M0(100 K) Nm 600 Stall current (60K) I0(60 K) A 165 Stall current (100K) I0(100 K) A 194 Moment of inertia (with brake) Jmot 10-4 kgm2 -- Moment of inertia (without brake) Jmot 10-4 3100 Optimum speed nopt rpm 1500 Optimum power Popt kW 85 Max. permissible speed (mech.) nmax rpm 3100 Maximum torque Mmax Nm 1200 Maximum current Imax A 479 Torque constant kT Nm/A 3.09 Voltage constant kE V/1000 rpm 203 Winding resistance at 20 C Rph Ohm 0.02 Rotating field inductance LD mH 0.69 Electrical time constant Tel ms 35 Shaft torsional stiffness ct Nm/rad 432000 Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 1.9 Thermal time constant Tth min 25 Weight with brake m kg -- Weight without brake m kg 210 Engineering data 8 kgm2 Optimum operating point Limiting data Physical constants 1) 3-92 Only valid for MASTERDRIVES MC (AFE) 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams )76% D E 6 6 0>1P@ 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-77 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6168-8SB7 [a] MASTERDRIVES MC, VDC link = 540 V (DC), VMot = 340 Vrms [b] MASTERDRIVES MC (AFE), VDC link = 600 V (DC), Vmot = 380 Vrms 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 3-93 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams 3.1.4 1FT6 series, water cooled Table 3-49 1FT6062, water cooled 1FT6062 Technical data Code Units -6WF7 Rated speed nN rpm 3000 Number of poles 2p Rated torque (100 K) MN(100 K) Nm 10.1 Rated current (100K) IN A 6.9 Stall torque (60K) M0(60 K) Nm 8.5 Stall torque (100K) M0(100 K) Nm 10.2 Stall current (60K) I0(60 K) A 5.6 Stall current (100K) I0(100 K) A 6.9 Moment of inertia (with brake) Jmot 10-4 kgm2 11.8 Moment of inertia (without brake) Jmot 10-4 8.5 Optimum speed nopt rpm 3000 Optimum power Popt kW 3.19 Max. permissible speed (mech.) nmax rpm 9100 Maximum torque Mmax Nm 24 Maximum current Imax A 22 Torque constant kT Nm/A 1.48 Voltage constant kE V/1000 rpm 94 Winding resistance at 20 C Rph Ohm 2.57 Rotating field inductance LD mH 19 Electrical time constant Tel ms 7.4 Shaft torsional stiffness ct Nm/rad 32000 Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 3.0 Thermal time constant Tth min 1.5 Weight with brake m kg 11 Weight without brake m kg 9.5 Engineering data 6 kgm2 Optimum operating point Limiting data Physical constants 3-94 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams )7:) D E F 0>1P@ 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-78 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6062-6WF7 [a] MASTERDRIVES MC, VDC link = 540 V (DC), VMot = 340 Vrms [b] SIMODRIVE 611 (UE), VDC link = 540 V (DC) and MASTERDRIVES MC (AFE), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 380 Vrms [c] SIMODRIVE 611 (ER), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 425 Vrms 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 3-95 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams Table 3-50 1FT6062, water cooled 1FT6062 Technical data Code Units -6WH7 -6WK7 Rated speed nN rpm 4500 6000 Number of poles 2p 6 6 Rated torque (100 K) MN(100 K) Nm 10 9.8 Rated current (100K) IN A 9.6 12.7 Stall torque (60K) M0(60 K) Nm 8.5 8.5 Stall torque (100K) M0(100 K) Nm 10.2 10.2 Stall current (60K) I0(60 K) A 7.9 10.6 Stall current (100K) I0(100 K) A 9.7 12.9 Moment of inertia (with brake) Jmot 10-4 kgm2 11.8 11.8 Moment of inertia (without brake) Jmot 10-4 8.5 8.5 Optimum speed nopt rpm 4500 6000 Optimum power Popt kW 4.71 6.16 Max. permissible speed (mech.) nmax rpm 9100 9100 Maximum torque Mmax Nm 24 24 Maximum current Imax A 31 41 Torque constant kT Nm/A 1.05 0.79 Voltage constant kE V/1000 rpm 67 50 Winding resistance at 20 C Rph Ohm 1.31 0.74 Rotating field inductance LD mH 9.7 5.5 Electrical time constant Tel ms 7.4 7.4 Shaft torsional stiffness ct Nm/rad 32000 32000 Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 3.0 3.0 Thermal time constant Tth min 1.5 1.5 Weight with brake m kg 11 11 Weight without brake m kg 9.5 9.5 Engineering data kgm2 Optimum operating point Limiting data Physical constants 3-96 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams )7:+ D F E 0>1P@ 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-79 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6062-6WH7 )7:. D E F 0>1P@ 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-80 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6062-6WK7 [a] MASTERDRIVES MC, VDC link = 540 V (DC), VMot = 340 Vrms [b] SIMODRIVE 611 (UE), VDC link = 540 V (DC) and MASTERDRIVES MC (AFE), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 380 Vrms [c] SIMODRIVE 611 (ER), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 425 Vrms 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 3-97 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams Table 3-51 1FT6064, water cooled 1FT6064 Technical data Code Units -6WF7 Rated speed nN rpm 3000 Number of poles 2p Rated torque (100 K) MN(100 K) Nm 16.1 Rated current (100K) IN A 10.3 Stall torque (60K) M0(60 K) Nm 13.4 Stall torque (100K) M0(100 K) Nm 16.2 Stall current (60K) I0(60 K) A 8.4 Stall current (100K) I0(100 K) A Moment of inertia (with brake) Jmot 10-4 Moment of inertia (without brake) Jmot 10-4 kgm2 13 Optimum speed nopt rpm 3000 Optimum power Popt kW 5.06 Max. permissible speed (mech.) nmax rpm 9100 Maximum torque Mmax Nm 38 Maximum current Imax A 33 Torque constant kT Nm/A 1.57 Voltage constant kE V/1000 rpm 100 Winding resistance at 20 C Rph Ohm 1.40 Rotating field inductance LD mH 13.5 Electrical time constant Tel ms 9.6 Shaft torsional stiffness ct Nm/rad 27000 Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 2.2 Thermal time constant Tth min 1.5 Weight with brake m kg 13 Weight without brake m kg 12.5 Engineering data 6 10.3 kgm2 16.3 Optimum operating point Limiting data Physical constants 3-98 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams )7:) D E F 6 0>1P@ 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-81 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6064-6WF7 [a] MASTERDRIVES MC, VDC link = 540 V (DC), VMot = 340 Vrms [b] SIMODRIVE 611 (UE), VDC link = 540 V (DC) and MASTERDRIVES MC (AFE), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 380 Vrms [c] SIMODRIVE 611 (ER), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 425 Vrms 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 3-99 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams Table 3-52 1FT6064, water cooled 1FT6064 Technical data Code Units -6WH7 -6WK7 Rated speed nN rpm 4500 6000 Number of poles 2p 6 6 Rated torque (100 K) MN(100 K) Nm 16 15.8 Rated current (100K) IN A 15.2 20 Stall torque (60K) M0(60 K) Nm 13.4 13.4 Stall torque (100K) M0(100 K) Nm 16.2 16.2 Stall current (60K) I0(60 K) A 12.5 16.7 Stall current (100K) I0(100 K) A 15.4 20.5 Moment of inertia (with brake) Jmot 10-4 16.3 16.3 Moment of inertia (without brake) Jmot 10-4 kgm2 13 13 Optimum speed nopt rpm 4500 6000 Optimum power Popt kW 7.54 9.93 Max. permissible speed (mech.) nmax rpm 9100 9100 Maximum torque Mmax Nm 38 38 Maximum current Imax A 49 66 Torque constant kT Nm/A 1.05 0.79 Voltage constant kE V/1000 rpm 67 50 Winding resistance at 20 C Rph Ohm 0.63 0.35 Rotating field inductance LD mH 6 3.4 Electrical time constant Tel ms 9.5 9.7 Shaft torsional stiffness ct Nm/rad 27000 27000 Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 2.2 2.2 Thermal time constant Tth min 1.5 1.5 Weight with brake m kg 13 13 Weight without brake m kg 12.5 12.5 Engineering data kgm2 Optimum operating point Limiting data Physical constants 3-100 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams )7:+ E D F 0>1P@ 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-82 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6064-6WH7 )7:. E D F 0>1P@ 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-83 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6064-6WK7 [a] MASTERDRIVES MC, VDC link = 540 V (DC), VMot = 340 Vrms [b] SIMODRIVE 611 (UE), VDC link = 540 V (DC) and MASTERDRIVES MC (AFE), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 380 Vrms [c] SIMODRIVE 611 (ER), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 425 Vrms 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 3-101 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams Table 3-53 1FT6084, water cooled 1FT6084 Technical data Code Units -8WF7 Rated speed nN rpm 3000 Number of poles 2p Rated torque (100 K) MN(100 K) Nm 35 Rated current (100K) IN A 27 Stall torque (60K) M0(60 K) Nm 29 Stall torque (100K) M0(100 K) Nm 35 Stall current (60K) I0(60 K) A 19.9 Stall current (100K) I0(100 K) A Moment of inertia (with brake) Jmot 10-4 Moment of inertia (without brake) Jmot 10-4 kgm2 48 Optimum speed nopt rpm 3000 Optimum power Popt kW 11.0 Max. permissible speed (mech.) nmax rpm 7900 Maximum torque Mmax Nm 65 Maximum current Imax A 59 Torque constant kT Nm/A 1.43 Voltage constant kE V/1000 rpm 91 Winding resistance at 20 C Rph Ohm 0.37 Rotating field inductance LD mH 4.3 Electrical time constant Tel ms 11.6 Shaft torsional stiffness ct Nm/rad 76000 Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 2.6 Thermal time constant Tth min 1.5 Weight with brake m kg 24.5 Weight without brake m kg 21 Engineering data 8 24.5 kgm2 61.1 Optimum operating point Limiting data Physical constants 3-102 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams )7:) D E F 6 6 6 0>1P@ 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-84 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6084-8WF7 [a] MASTERDRIVES MC, VDC link = 540 V (DC), VMot = 340 Vrms [b] SIMODRIVE 611 (UE), VDC link = 540 V (DC) and MASTERDRIVES MC (AFE), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 380 Vrms [c] SIMODRIVE 611 (ER), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 425 Vrms 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 3-103 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams Table 3-54 1FT6084, water cooled 1FT6084 Technical data Code Units -8WH7 -8WK7 Rated speed nN rpm 4500 6000 Number of poles 2p 8 8 Rated torque (100 K) MN(100 K) Nm 35 34 Rated current (100K) IN A 39 51 Stall torque (60K) M0(60 K) Nm 29 29 Stall torque (100K) M0(100 K) Nm 35 35 Stall current (60K) I0(60 K) A 30 38 Stall current (100K) I0(100 K) A 37 47 Moment of inertia (with brake) Jmot 10-4 61.5 61.5 Moment of inertia (without brake) Jmot 10-4 kgm2 48 48 Optimum speed nopt rpm 4500 6000 Optimum power Popt kW 16.5 21.4 Max. permissible speed (mech.) nmax rpm 7900 7900 Maximum torque Mmax Nm 65 65 Maximum current Imax A 90 112 Torque constant kT Nm/A 0.96 0.74 Voltage constant kE V/1000 rpm 61 47 Winding resistance at 20 C Rph Ohm 0.17 0.1 Rotating field inductance LD mH 1.9 1.2 Electrical time constant Tel ms 11.2 12.0 Shaft torsional stiffness ct Nm/rad 76000 76000 Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 2.7 2.6 Thermal time constant Tth min 1.5 1.5 Weight with brake m kg 24 24 Weight without brake m kg 21 21 Engineering data kgm2 Optimum operating point Limiting data Physical constants 3-104 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams )7:+ a 0>1P@ c b 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-85 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6084-8WH71 )7:. D E F 0>1P@ 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-86 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6084-8WK71 [a] MASTERDRIVES MC, VDC link = 540 V (DC), VMot = 340 Vrms [b] SIMODRIVE 611 (UE), VDC link = 540 V (DC) and MASTERDRIVES MC (AFE), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 380 Vrms [c] SIMODRIVE 611 (ER), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 425 Vrms 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 3-105 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams Table 3-55 1FT6086, water cooled 1FT6086 Technical data Code Units -8WF7 Rated speed nN rpm 3000 Number of poles 2p Rated torque (100 K) MN(100 K) Nm 46 Rated current (100K) IN A 37 Stall torque (60K) M0(60 K) Nm 39 Stall torque (100K) M0(100 K) Nm 47 Stall current (60K) I0(60 K) A 27 Stall current (100K) I0(100 K) A Moment of inertia (with brake) Moment of inertia (without brake) Engineering data 8 34 Jmot 10-4 kgm2 79.6 Jmot 10-4 kgm2 66.5 Optimum speed nopt rpm 3000 Optimum power Popt kW 14.5 Max. permissible speed (mech.) nmax rpm 7900 Maximum torque Mmax Nm 90 Maximum current Imax A 80 Torque constant kT Nm/A 1.4 Voltage constant kE V/1000 rpm 89 Winding resistance at 20 C Rph Ohm 0.23 Rotating field inductance LD mH 2.9 Electrical time constant Tel ms 12.6 Shaft torsional stiffness ct Nm/rad 65000 Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 2.3 Thermal time constant Tth min 1.5 Weight with brake m kg 29.5 Weight without brake m kg 26 Optimum operating point Limiting data Physical constants 3-106 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams )7:) E D F 6 0>1P@ 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-87 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6086-8WF7 [a] MASTERDRIVES MC, VDC link = 540 V (DC), VMot = 340 Vrms [b] SIMODRIVE 611 (UE), VDC link = 540 V (DC) and MASTERDRIVES MC (AFE), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 380 Vrms [c] SIMODRIVE 611 (ER), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 425 Vrms 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 3-107 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams Table 3-56 1FT6086, water cooled 1FT6086 Technical data Code Units -8WH7 -8WK7 Rated speed nN rpm 4500 6000 Number of poles 2p 8 8 Rated torque (100 K) MN(100 K) Nm 45 44 Rated current (100K) IN A 53 58 Stall torque (60K) M0(60 K) Nm 39 39 Stall torque (100K) M0(100 K) Nm 47 47 Stall current (60K) I0(60 K) A 42 48 Stall current (100K) I0(100 K) A Moment of inertia (with brake) Moment of inertia (without brake) Engineering data 52 59 Jmot 10-4 kgm2 79.6 79.6 Jmot 10-4 kgm2 66.5 66.5 Optimum speed nopt rpm 4500 6000 Optimum power Popt kW 21.2 27.6 Max. permissible speed (mech.) nmax rpm 7900 7900 Maximum torque Mmax Nm 90 90 Maximum current Imax A 122 141 Torque constant kT Nm/A 0.91 0.80 Voltage constant kE V/1000 rpm 58 51 Winding resistance at 20 C Rph Ohm 0.096 0.072 Rotating field inductance LD mH 1.3 0.95 Electrical time constant Tel ms 13.5 13.2 Shaft torsional stiffness ct Nm/rad 65000 65000 Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 2.3 2.2 Thermal time constant Tth min 1.5 1.5 Weight with brake m kg 29.5 29.5 Weight without brake m kg 26 26 Optimum operating point Limiting data Physical constants 3-108 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams )7:+ E D F 0>1P@ 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-88 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6086-8WH7 )7:. D E F 0>1P@ 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-89 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6086-8WK7 [a] MASTERDRIVES MC, VDC link = 540 V (DC), VMot = 340 Vrms [b] SIMODRIVE 611 (UE), VDC link = 540 V (DC) and MASTERDRIVES MC (AFE), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 380 Vrms [c] SIMODRIVE 611 (ER), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 425 Vrms 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 3-109 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams Table 3-57 1FT6105, water cooled 1FT6105 Technical data Code Units -8WC7 -8WF7 Rated speed nN rpm 2000 3000 Number of poles 2p 8 8 Rated torque (100 K) MN(100 K) Nm 82 78 Rated current (100K) IN A 60 82 Stall torque (60K) M0(60 K) Nm 70 70 Stall torque (100K) M0(100 K) Nm 85 85 Stall current (60K) I0(60 K) A 47 67 Stall current (100K) I0(100 K) A Moment of inertia (with brake) Moment of inertia (without brake) Engineering data 58 83 Jmot 10-4 kgm2 199 199 Jmot 10-4 kgm2 168 168 Optimum speed nopt rpm 2000 3000 Optimum power Popt kW 17.2 24.5 Max. permissible speed (mech.) nmax rpm 5600 5600 Maximum torque Mmax Nm 140 140 Maximum current Imax A 155 221 Torque constant kT Nm/A 1.45 1.02 Voltage constant kE V/1000 rpm 99 70 Winding resistance at 20 C Rph Ohm 0.098 0.048 Rotating field inductance LD mH 2.1 1.0 Electrical time constant Tel ms 21 21 Shaft torsional stiffness ct Nm/rad 113000 113000 Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 2.3 2.3 Thermal time constant Tth min 1.5 1.5 Weight with brake m kg 50 50 Weight without brake m kg 45.5 45.5 Optimum operating point Limiting data Physical constants 3-110 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams )7:& D 6 . 6 . 0>1P@ 6 6 6 E F Q>USP@ Fig. 3-90 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6105-8WC7 )7:) D E 0>1P@ F 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-91 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6105-8WF7 [a] MASTERDRIVES MC, VDC link = 540 V (DC), VMot = 340 Vrms [b] SIMODRIVE 611 (UE), VDC link = 540 V (DC) and MASTERDRIVES MC (AFE), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 380 Vrms [c] SIMODRIVE 611 (ER), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 425 Vrms 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 3-111 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams Table 3-58 1FT6108, water cooled 1FT6108 Technical data Code Units -8WB7 -8WC7 Rated speed nN rpm 1500 2000 Number of poles 2p 8 8 Rated torque (100 K) MN(100 K) Nm 116 115 Rated current (100K) IN A 43 57 Stall torque (60K) M0(60 K) Nm 98 98 Stall torque (100K) M0(100 K) Nm 119 119 Stall current (60K) I0(60 K) A 35 46 Stall current (100K) I0(100 K) A Moment of inertia (with brake) Moment of inertia (without brake) Engineering data 43 57 Jmot 10-4 kgm2 291 291 Jmot 10-4 kgm2 260 260 Optimum speed nopt rpm 1500 2000 Optimum power Popt kW 18.2 24.1 Max. permissible speed (mech.) nmax rpm 5600 5600 Maximum torque Mmax Nm 220 220 Maximum current Imax A 116 154 Torque constant kT Nm/A 2.76 2.07 Voltage constant kE V/1000 rpm 185 139 Winding resistance at 20 C Rph Ohm 0.19 0.11 Rotating field inductance LD mH 4.4 2.5 Electrical time constant Tel ms 23 23 Shaft torsional stiffness ct Nm/rad 92000 92000 Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 1.9 2.0 Thermal time constant Tth min 1.5 1.5 Weight with brake m kg 66 66 Weight without brake m kg 61.5 61.5 Optimum operating point Limiting data Physical constants 3-112 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams )7:% D 0>1P@ E F 6 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-92 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6108-8WB7 )7:& D 0>1P@ 6 6 6 6 . 6 . E F Q>USP@ Fig. 3-93 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6108-8WC7 [a] MASTERDRIVES MC, VDC link = 540 V (DC), VMot = 340 Vrms [b] SIMODRIVE 611 (UE), VDC link = 540 V (DC) and MASTERDRIVES MC (AFE), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 380 Vrms [c] SIMODRIVE 611 (ER), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 425 Vrms Table 3-59: 1FT6 series, water cooled 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 3-113 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams Table 3-60 1FT6108, water cooled 1FT6108 Technical data Code Units -8WF7 Rated speed nN rpm 3000 Number of poles 2p Rated torque (100 K) MN(100 K) Nm 109 Rated current (100K) IN A 81 Stall torque (60K) M0(60 K) Nm 98 Stall torque (100K) M0(100 K) Nm 119 Stall current (60K) I0(60 K) A 70 Stall current (100K) I0(100 K) A Moment of inertia (with brake) Moment of inertia (without brake) Engineering data 8 86 Jmot 10-4 kgm2 291 Jmot 10-4 kgm2 260 Optimum speed nopt rpm 3000 Optimum power Popt kW 34 Max. permissible speed (mech.) nmax rpm 5600 Maximum torque Mmax Nm 220 Maximum current Imax A 231 Torque constant kT Nm/A 1.38 Voltage constant kE V/1000 rpm 92 Winding resistance at 20 C Rph Ohm 0.048 Rotating field inductance LD mH 1.1 Electrical time constant Tel ms 23 Shaft torsional stiffness ct Nm/rad 92000 Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 2.0 Thermal time constant Tth min 1.5 Weight with brake m kg 66 Weight without brake m kg 61.5 Optimum operating point Limiting data Physical constants 3-114 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams )7:) D E F 6 6 0>1P@ 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-94 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6108-8WF7 [a] MASTERDRIVES MC, VDC link = 540 V (DC), VMot = 340 Vrms [b] SIMODRIVE 611 (UE), VDC link = 540 V (DC) and MASTERDRIVES MC (AFE), VDC link = 600V (DC), Vmot = 380 Vrms [c] SIMODRIVE 611 (ER), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 425 Vrms 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 3-115 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams Table 3-61 1FT6132, water cooled 1FT6132 Technical data Code Units -6WB7 -6WD7 Rated speed nN rpm Number of poles 2p 1500 1) 6 2500 1) 6 Rated torque (100 K) MN(100 K) Nm 150 1) 135 1) Rated current (100K) IN A 58 1) 82 1) Stall torque (60K) M0(60 K) Nm 120 120 Stall torque (100K) M0(100 K) Nm 155 155 Stall current (60K) I0(60 K) A 45 71 Stall current (100K) I0(100 K) A 58 92 Moment of inertia (with brake) Jmot 10-4 -- -- Moment of inertia (without brake) Jmot 10-4 kgm2 430 430 Optimum speed nopt rpm 1500 2500 Optimum power Popt kW 23.6 35.3 Max. permissible speed (mech.) nmax rpm 3600 3600 Maximum torque Mmax Nm 250 250 Maximum current Imax A 125 197 2) Torque constant kT Nm/A 2.67 1.68 Voltage constant kE V/1000 rpm 177 112 Winding resistance at 20 C Rph Ohm 0.15 0.057 Rotating field inductance LD mH 4.5 1.8 Electrical time constant Tel ms 30 32 Shaft torsional stiffness ct Nm/rad 262300 262300 Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 2.7 2.6 Thermal time constant Tth min 6 6 Weight with brake m kg -- -- Weight without brake m kg 90 90 Engineering data kgm2 Optimum operating point Limiting data Physical constants 1) Rated point only valid for MASTERDRIVES MC (AFE) or SIMODRIVE 611 2) Observe the maximum drive converter current 3-116 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams )7:% 0>1P@ D 6 6 6 F E 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-95 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6132-6WB7 )7:' 0>1P@ D 6 6 6 E F 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-96 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6132-6WD7 [a] MASTERDRIVES MC, VDC link = 540 V (DC), VMot = 340 Vrms [b] SIMODRIVE 611 (UE), VDC link = 540 V (DC) and MASTERDRIVES MC (AFE), VDC link = 600V (DC), Vmot = 380 Vrms [c] SIMODRIVE 611 (ER), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 425 Vrms 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 3-117 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams Table 3-62 1FT6134, water cooled 1FT6134 Technical data Code Units -6WB7 -6WD7 Rated speed nN rpm Number of poles 2p 1500 1) 6 2500 1) 6 Rated torque (100 K) MN(100 K) Nm 185 1) 185 1) Rated current (100K) IN A 67 1) 115 1) Stall torque (60K) M0(60 K) Nm 155 155 Stall torque (100K) M0(100 K) Nm 200 200 Stall current (60K) I0(60 K) A 57 95 Stall current (100K) I0(100 K) A 73 122 Moment of inertia (with brake) Jmot 10-4 -- -- Moment of inertia (without brake) Jmot 10-4 kgm2 547 547 Optimum speed nopt rpm 1500 2500 Optimum power Popt kW 29 48.4 Max. permissible speed (mech.) nmax rpm 3600 3600 Maximum torque Mmax Nm 320 320 Maximum current Imax A 158 263 2) Torque constant kT Nm/A 2.74 1.64 Voltage constant kE V/1000 rpm 180 108 Winding resistance at 20 C Rph Ohm 0.105 0.038 Rotating field inductance LD mH 3.6 1.3 Electrical time constant Tel ms 34 34 Shaft torsional stiffness ct Nm/rad 237500 237500 Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 2.3 2.3 Thermal time constant Tth min 6 6 Weight with brake m kg -- -- Weight without brake m kg 103 103 Engineering data kgm2 Optimum operating point Limiting data Physical constants 1) Rated point only valid for MASTERDRIVES MC (AFE) or SIMODRIVE 611 2) Observe the maximum drive converter current 3-118 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams )7:% D 0>1P@ 6 6 6 6 . E F 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-97 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6134-6WB7 )7:' 0>1P@ D 6 6 6 E 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-98 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6134-6WD7 [a] MASTERDRIVES MC, VDC link = 540 V (DC), VMot = 340 Vrms [b] SIMODRIVE 611 (UE), VDC link = 540 V (DC) and MASTERDRIVES MC (AFE), VDC link = 600V (DC), Vmot = 380 Vrms [c] SIMODRIVE 611 (ER), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 425 Vrms 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 3-119 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams Table 3-63 1FT6136, water cooled 1FT6136 Technical data Code Units -6WB7 -6WD7 Rated speed nN rpm 1500 2500 Number of poles 2p 6 6 Rated torque (100 K) MN(100 K) Nm 230 220 Rated current (100K) IN A 90 149 1) Stall torque (60K) M0(60 K) Nm 200 200 Stall torque (100K) M0(100 K) Nm 240 240 Stall current (60K) I0(60 K) A 75 129 Stall current (100K) I0(100 K) A 92 158 Moment of inertia (with brake) Jmot 10-4 kgm2 -- -- Moment of inertia (without brake) Jmot 10-4 664 664 Optimum speed nopt rpm 1500 2500 Optimum power Popt kW 36.1 57.6 Max. permissible speed (mech.) nmax rpm 3600 3600 Maximum torque Mmax Nm 390 390 Maximum current Imax A 198 339 Torque constant kT Nm/A 2.61 1.52 Voltage constant kE V/1000 rpm 176 103 Winding resistance at 20 C Rph Ohm 0.077 0.026 Rotating field inductance LD mH 2.8 0.95 Electrical time constant Tel ms 36 37 Shaft torsional stiffness ct Nm/rad 217000 217000 Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 2.3 2.2 Thermal time constant Tth min 6 6 Engineering data kgm2 Optimum operating point Limiting data Physical constants Weight with brake m kg -- -- Weight without brake m kg 120 120 1) 3-120 Rated point only valid for MASTERDRIVES MC 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams )7:% 0>1P@ 6 6 6 6 . D E F 6 . Fig. 3-99 Q>USP@ Speed-torque diagram 1FT6136-6WB7 )7:' 0>1P@ 6 6 6 6 . 6 . D E F Q>USP@ Fig. 3-100 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6136-6WD7 [a] MASTERDRIVES MC, VDC link = 540 V (DC), VMot = 340 Vrms [b] SIMODRIVE 611 (UE), VDC link = 540 V (DC) and MASTERDRIVES MC (AFE), VDC link = 600V (DC), Vmot = 380 Vrms [c] SIMODRIVE 611 (ER), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 425 Vrms 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 3-121 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams Table 3-64 1FT6138, water cooled 1FT6138 Technical data Code Units -6WB7 -6WD7 Rated speed nN rpm 1500 Number of poles 2p 6 2500 1) 6 Rated torque (100 K) MN(100 K) Nm 290 275 1) Rated current (100K) IN A 112 162 1) 2) Stall torque (60K) M0(60 K) Nm 232 232 Stall torque (100K) M0(100 K) Nm 300 300 Stall current (60K) I0(60 K) A 87 129 Stall current (100K) I0(100 K) A 112 167 Moment of inertia (with brake) Jmot 10-4 -- -- Moment of inertia (without brake) Jmot 10-4 kgm2 845 845 Optimum speed nopt rpm 1500 2500 1) Optimum power Popt kW 45.5 72 1) Max. permissible speed (mech.) nmax rpm 3600 3600 Maximum torque Mmax Nm 500 500 Maximum current Imax A 263 2) 395 2) Torque constant kT Nm/A 2.68 1.80 Voltage constant kE V/1000 rpm 168 112 Winding resistance at 20 C Rph Ohm 0.052 0.023 Rotating field inductance LD mH 2 0.87 Electrical time constant Tel ms 38 38 Shaft torsional stiffness ct Nm/rad 192000 192000 Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 1.8 1.8 Thermal time constant Tth min 6 6 Weight with brake m kg -- -- Weight without brake m kg 137 137 Engineering data kgm2 Optimum operating point Limiting data Physical constants 1) Rated point only valid for MASTERDRIVES MC 2) Observe the maximum and rated current of the drive converter 3-122 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams )7:% 0>1P@ D 6 6 E 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-101 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6138-6WB7 )7:' 0>1P@ D 6 6 E 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-102 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6138-6WD7 [a] MASTERDRIVES MC, VDC link = 540 V (DC), VMot = 340 Vrms [b] MASTERDRIVES MC (AFE), VDC link = 600 V (DC), Vmot = 380 Vrms [c] SIMODRIVE 611 (ER), VDC link = 600 V (DC), VMot = 425 Vrms 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 3-123 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams Table 3-65 1FT6163, water cooled 1FT6163 Technical data Code Units -8WB7 -8WD7 Rated speed nN rpm 1500 Number of poles 2p 8 2500 1) 8 Rated torque (100 K) MN(100 K) Nm 450 1) 450 1) Rated current (100K) IN A 160 240 1) Stall torque (60K) M0(60 K) Nm 430 430 Stall torque (100K) M0(100 K) Nm 450 450 Stall current (60K) I0(60 K) A 150 224 Stall current (100K) I0(100 K) A 160 240 Moment of inertia (with brake) Jmot 10-4 -- -- Moment of inertia (without brake) Jmot 10-4 kgm2 2300 2300 Optimum speed nopt rpm 1500 2500 1) Optimum power Popt kW 71 118 1) Max. permissible speed (mech.) nmax rpm 3100 3100 Maximum torque Mmax Nm 900 900 Maximum current Imax A 372 558 Torque constant kT Nm/A 2.81 1.88 Voltage constant kE V/1000 rpm 186 124 Winding resistance at 20 C Rph Ohm 0.026 0.012 Rotating field inductance LD mH 0.81 0.36 Electrical time constant Tel ms 31 30 Shaft torsional stiffness ct Nm/rad 472000 472000 Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 2.3 2.4 Thermal time constant Tth min 8 8 Weight with brake m kg -- -- Weight without brake m kg 170 170 Engineering data kgm2 Optimum operating point Limiting data Physical constants 1) 3-124 Rated point only valid for MASTERDRIVES MC (AFE) 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams )7:% 0>1P@ D 6 E 6 6 6 . 6 . Fig. 3-103 Q>USP@ Speed-torque diagram 1FT6163-8WB7 )7:' 0>1P@ D 6 E 6 6 6 . 6 . Q>USP@ Fig. 3-104 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6163-8WD7 [a] MASTERDRIVES MC, VDC link = 540 V (DC), VMot = 340 Vrms [b] MASTERDRIVES MC (AFE), VDC link = 600 V (DC), Vmot = 380 Vrms 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 3-125 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams Table 3-66 1FT6168, water cooled 1FT6168 Technical data Code Units -8WB7 Rated speed nN rpm Number of poles 2p 1500 1) 8 Rated torque (100 K) MN(100 K) Nm 690 1) Rated current (100K) IN A 221 1) Stall torque (60K) M0(60 K) Nm 600 Stall torque (100K) M0(100 K) Nm 700 Stall current (60K) I0(60 K) A 193 Stall current (100K) I0(100 K) A Moment of inertia (with brake) Jmot 10-4 Moment of inertia (without brake) Jmot 10-4 kgm2 3100 Optimum speed nopt rpm 1500 1) Optimum power Popt kW 108 1) Max. permissible speed (mech.) nmax rpm 3100 Maximum torque Mmax Nm 1200 Maximum current Imax A 479 Torque constant kT Nm/A 3.11 Voltage constant kE V/1000 rpm 203 Winding resistance at 20 C Rph Ohm 0.02 Rotating field inductance LD mH 0.69 Electrical time constant Tel ms 35 Shaft torsional stiffness ct Nm/rad 432000 Mechanical time constant Tmech ms 1.9 Thermal time constant Tth min 8 Weight with brake m kg -- Weight without brake m kg 210 Engineering data 225 kgm2 -- Optimum operating point Limiting data Physical constants 1) 3-126 Rated point only valid for MASTERDRIVES MC (AFE) 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Technical Data and Characteristics Speed-torque diagrams 1FT6168-8WB7 1400 100K 1200 a b S3 - 25% 1000 S3 - 40% M [Nm] S3 - 60 % 800 S1 (100K) S1 (60K) 600 400 200 0 0 Fig. 3-105 200 400 600 800 1000 n [rpm] 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 Speed-torque diagram 1FT6168-8WB7 [a] MASTERDRIVES MC, VDC link = 540 V (DC), VMot = 340 Vrms [b] MASTERDRIVES MC (AFE), VDC link = 600 V (DC), Vmot = 380 Vrms 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 3-127 Technical Data and Characteristics Cantilever force diagrams 3.2 Cantilever force diagrams Cantilever force stressing Point of application of cantilever forces FQ at the shaft end * for average operating speeds * for a nominal bearing lifetime of 20,000 h )4 [ O Fig. 3-106 Force application point at the drive shaft end Dimension x: Distance between the point of application of force FQ and the shaft shoulder in mm. Dimension l: Length of the shaft end in mm. Calculating the belt pre-tension force FR FR = FQper FR [N] = 2 * M0 * c / dR Table 3-67 Explanation of the formula abbreviations Formula abbreviations Units Description FR N Belt pre-tension M0 Nm Motor stall torque c --- Pre-tensioning factor; the pre-tensioning factor is an empirical value from the belt manufacturer. It can be assumed as follows: for toothed belts: c = 1.5 to 2.2 for flat belts c = 2.2 to 3.0 dR m Effective diameter of the belt pulley When using other configurations, the actual forces generated from the torque being transferred must be taken into account. 3-128 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Technical Data and Characteristics Cantilever force diagrams Cantilever force 1FT6021, 1FT6024 )4$6>1@ Q USP Q USP Q USP Q Q Q Q Q Fig. 3-107 USP USP USP USP USP [>PP@ Cantilever force FQ at a distance x from the shaft shoulder for a steady-state bearing lifetime of 20,000 h Cantilever force 1FT6031, 1FT6034 )4$6>1@ Q USP Q USP Q USP Q USP Q USP Q USP Q USP Fig. 3-108 [>PP@ Cantilever force FQ at a distance x from the shaft shoulder for a nominal bearing lifetime of 20,000 h 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 3-129 Technical Data and Characteristics Cantilever force diagrams Cantilever force 1FT6041, 1FT6044 )4$6>1@ Q USP Q USP Q USP Q USP Q USP Q USP Q USP Fig. 3-109 [>PP@ Cantilever force FQ at a distance x from the shaft shoulder for a nominal bearing lifetime of 20,000 h Cantilever force 1FT6061, 1FT6062, 1FT6064 )4$6>1@ Q USP Q USP Q USP Q USP Q USP Q USP Q USP Fig. 3-110 3-130 [>PP@ Cantilever force FQ at a distance x from the shaft shoulder for a nominal bearing lifetime of 20,000 h 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Technical Data and Characteristics Cantilever force diagrams Cantilever force 1FT6081, 1FT6082, 1FT6084, 1FT6086 )4$6>1@ Q USP Q USP Q USP Q USP Q USP Q USP Q USP Fig. 3-111 [>PP@ Cantilever force FQ at a distance x from the shaft shoulder for a nominal bearing lifetime of 20,000 h Cantilever force 1FT6102, 1FT6105, 1FT6108 )4$6>1@ Q USP Q USP Q USP Q USP Q USP Q USP [>PP@ Fig. 3-112 Cantilever force FQ at a distance x from the shaft shoulder for a nominal bearing lifetime of 20,000 h 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 3-131 Technical Data and Characteristics Cantilever force diagrams Cantilever force 1FT6132, 1FT6134, 1FT6136, 1FT6138 )4$6>1@ Q USP Q USP Q USP Q USP Fig. 3-113 [>PP@ Cantilever force FQ at a distance x from the shaft shoulder for a nominal bearing lifetime of 20,000 h Cantilever force 1FT6163, 1FT6168 )4$6>1@ Q USP Q USP Q USP Q USP Fig. 3-114 3-132 [>PP@ Cantilever force FQ at a distance x from the shaft shoulder for a nominal bearing lifetime of 20,000 h 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Technical Data and Characteristics Axial forces 3.3 Axial forces Axial force stressing Warning Motors with integrated holding brake cannot be subject to axial forces! When using, for example, helical toothed wheels as drive element, in addition to the radial force, there is also an axial force on the motor bearings. For axial forces, the spring-loading of the bearings can be overcome so that the rotor moves corresponding to the axial bearing play present (up to 0.2 mm). The permissible axial force can be approximately calculated using the following formula: FA = 0.35 * FQ 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 3-133 Technical Data and Characteristics Axial forces 3-134 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Motor Components (Options) 4.1 4 Output coupling The KTR company offers the pinion wheels of its Rotex GS couplings with various shore hardnesses. The values specified in Table correspond to pinion wheels recommended by KTR with a Shore hardness of 98 or 95 Sh A GS. They must be optimally harmonized with the mounted mechanical system. A coupling preselection is provided in Table. Please contact the coupling manufacturer for detailed design information. Ordering address, refer to the Configuration Manual "General Section" or Internet www.ktr.com. 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 4-1 Motor Components (Options) Output coupling Table 4-1 Assignment of the output couplings to the motors Shaft height of the 1FT6 motor 98 Sh A GS dw [mm] 1) Rotex GS Size TKN [Nm] 2) TKmax [Nm] 3) 1FT602 9 9 5 10 2,6 1FT603 14 14 12,5 25 8,1 1FT6041 19 19 17 34 32 1FT6044 19 24 60 120 39 1FT606x-6A 24 24 60 120 43 1FT6062-6W 24 24 60 120 43 TR [Nm] 4) 1FT6064-6W 24 28 60 120 91 1FT608x-8A 32 28 160 320 102 1FT608x-8S 32 28 160 320 102 1FT6084-8W 32 28 160 320 102 1FT6086-8W 32 38 325 650 113 1FT6102..5 38 38 325 650 122 1FT6108 38 42 450 900 -- 1FT613x-6A 48 42 450 900 -- 1FT613x-6S 48 42 450 900 -- 1FT6132..4-6W 48 48 525 1050 -- 1FT6136..8-6W 48 55 685 1370 -- 1FT6163 55 65 940 5) 1880 5) -- 1FT6168 55 75 1920 5) 3840 5) -- 1) dw = diameter, motor shaft end 2) TKN = rated coupling torque 3) TKmax = maximum coupling torque 4) TR = friction-locked torque (torque that can be transmitted using a clamping hub at dw) 5) Values for 95 Sh A GS Warning The accelerating torque may not exceed the friction-locked torque of the coupling! Notice We cannot accept any liability for the quality and properties/features of third-party products. 4-2 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Motor Components (Options) Holding brake (option) 4.2 Holding brake (option) For a description of the function, refer to the Configuration Manual "General Section for Synchronous Motors". Note Motors with or without holding brake cannot be subsequently retrofitted. Motors with holding brake are longer by the mounted space required (refer to the dimension drawing). Table 4-2 Technical data of the holding brakes used for 1FT6 motors Motor type Brake type Holding torque M4 1) DC current Opening time with varistor Closing time with varistor Highest switching energy [Nm] [A] [ms] [ms] [J] 1FT602 EBD 0.11 B 1 0.3 20 10 9 1FT603 EBD 0.15 B 2 0.4 30 15 27 1FT604 EBD 0.4 BA 5 0.8 50 20 125 1FT606 EBD 1.5 B 15 0.8 130 30 320 1FT6081 EBD 1.2 B 15 0.8 150 35 750 1FT6082 EBD 1.2 B 15 0.8 150 35 750 1FT6084 EBD 3.5 BN 28 0.9 180 35 1600 1FT6086 EBD 3.5 BN 28 0.9 180 35 1600 EBD 4 B 70 1.4 220 50 2100 EBD 8 B 140 1.7 300 90 9800 1FT610 1FT613 2) 1) Standardized acc. to VDE 0580 with varistor circuit 2) Not for water cooling Holding torque M4 The holding torque M4 is the minimum brake torque in steady-state operation (when the motor is at a standstill). For motors with forced ventilation or water cooling, the brake holding torque can be less than the motor stall torque. Caution For several motor versions (air cooling and water cooling) the brake holding torque is less than the rated motor torque. 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 4-3 Motor Components (Options) Thermal motor protection 4.3 Thermal motor protection A temperature-dependent resistor is integrated as temperature sensor to monitor the motor temperature. Table 4-3 Features and technical data Type KTY 84 Resistance when cold (20C) Approx. 580 Ohm Resistance when hot (100C) Approx. 1000 Ohm Connection Via signal cable The resistance of the KTY 84 thermistor changes proportionally to the winding temperature change. The temperature signal is sensed and evaluated in the drive converter whose closed-loop control takes into account the temperature characteristic of the motor resistances. When a fault occurs, an appropriate message is output at the drive converter. When the motor temperature increases, a message "Alarm motor overtemperature" is output; this must be externally evaluated. If this signal is not observed, the drive converter shuts down with the appropriate fault message when the motor limiting temperature or the shutdown temperature is exceeded. Warning If the user carries out an additional high-voltage test, then the ends of the temperature sensor cables must be short-circuited before the test is carried out! If the test voltage is connected to a temperature sensor terminal, then it will be destroyed. The polarity must be carefully observed. The temperature sensor is designed so that the DIN/EN requirement for "protective separation" is fulfilled. Caution The integrated temperature sensor protects the synchronous against an overload condition Shaft height 28 to 48 to 2 * I0 60 K and speed <> 0 from shaft height 63 up to 4 * I0 60K and speed <> 0 For load applications that are critical from a thermal perspective - e.g. overload when the motor is stationary or an overload of Mmax longer than 4 s, adequate protection is no longer available. 4-4 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Motor Components (Options) Thermal motor protection R [k @ I ' P$ Fig. 4-1 X [ r&@ Resistance characteristic of the KTY 84 as a function of the temperature 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 4-5 Motor Components (Options) Encoder 4.4 Encoder 4.4.1 Encoder overview The encoder is selected with the appropriate letters in the motor Order No. (MLFB) at the 14th position. Table 4-4 Overview of the encoders used Incremental encoders Motor types sin/cos 1 Vpp (for low shaft heights) Incremental encoders Absolute encoder Absolute encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp EnDat EnDat (I-2048) (A-2048) (A-512) Resolver 2-pole or multi-pole (I-2048) Order No. (MLFB) 14th position A 1FT6 02 X A E H S, T X X 1FT6 03 X X X 1FT6 04 X X X 1FT6 06 X X X 1FT6 08 X X X 1FT6 10 X X X 1FT6 13 X X X 1FT6 16 X X X Notice When the encoder is replaced, the position of the encoder system with respect to the motor EMF must be adjusted. Only qualified personnel may replace an encoder. 4-6 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Motor Components (Options) Encoder 4.4.2 Incremental encoder Function: * Angular measuring system for commutation * Speed actual value sensing * Indirect incremental measuring system for the position control loop * One zero pulse (reference mark) per revolution Table 4-5 Technical data, sin/cos 1Vpp incremental encoder Incremental encoders Incremental encoders Features sin/cos 1 Vpp (I-2048) sin/cos 1 Vpp (low shaft height) (I-2048) Operating voltage 5V 5% 5V 5% Current consumption max. 150 mA max. 150 mA Resolution, incremental 2048 2048 Incremental signals 1 Vpp 1 Vpp Angular error 40" 80" C-D track (rotor position) Available Available 8>9@ $ % 5 rHO rPHFK rbHO rHOsrHO 8>9@ & ' 5 rHO Fig. 4-2 rPHFK Signal sequence and assignment for a positive direction of rotation 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 4-7 Motor Components (Options) Encoder Connection assignment for 17-pin flange-mounted socket with pin contacts Table 4-6 Connection assignment, 17-pin flange-mounted socket PIN No. Signal 1 A+ 2 A- 3 R+ 4 D- 5 C+ 6 C- 7 M encoder 8 +1R1 3 4 13 14 2 1 9 -1R2 10 P encoder 11 B+ 12 B- 13 R- 14 D+ 15 0 V sense 16 5 V sense 17 not connected 5 6 12 17 15 7 16 11 8 10 9 When viewing the plug-in side (pins) Lines Table 4-7 6FX Prefabricated cable 002 - 2CA31 - 0 . .. . . Length 5 MOTIONCONNECT(R)500 Max. cable length for SIMODRIVE 611: 50 m Max. cable length for MASTERDRIVES MC: 100 m 8 MOTIONCONNECT(R)800 Max. cable length for SIMODRIVE 611: 50 m Max. cable length for MASTERDRIVES MC: 100 m For other technical data and length code, refer to Catalog, Chapter "MOTION-CONNECT connection system" 4-8 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Motor Components (Options) Encoder 4.4.3 Resolver Notice The max. operating frequency of 432 Hz must be observed with SIMODRIVE 611 universal. Encoder frequency = speed x pole pair number of the resolver/60 Function: Table 4-8 * Speed actual value sensing * Rotor position encoder for inverter control * Indirect incremental measuring system for the position control loop Technical data, resolvers Features Resolver Excitation voltage 5 V (rms) up to 13 V (rms) Excitation frequency 4 kHz to 10 kHz Current consumption <80 mA (rms) Angular accuracy (bandwidth) 2-pole <14' multi-pole <4' Pole number (the pole number is the same as the motor pole number) 2, 4, 6 or 8 Ratio 0.5 8Sinusoidal track D DUFWDQ 8Sinusoidal track 8Cosinusoidal track 8Cosinusoidal track Fig. 4-3 Resolver output signals 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 4-9 Motor Components (Options) Encoder Connection assignment for 12-pin flange-mounted socket with pin contacts Table 4-9 Connection assignment, 12-pin flange-mounted socket PIN No. Signal 1 SIN 2 *SIN 3 Inner shield 4 Inner shield 5 Inner shield 6 Not connected 7 -Vpp 8 +1R1 9 -1R2 10 +Vpp 11 COS 12 *COS 1 2 8 9 7 12 10 11 3 6 4 5 When viewing the plug-in side (pins) Lines Table 4-10 6FX Prefabricated cable 002 - 2CF02 - 0 . .. . . Length 5 MOTION-CONNECT(R)500 Max. cable length for SIMODRIVE 611: 50 m Max. cable length for MASTERDRIVES MC: 150 m 8 MOTION-CONNECT(R)800 Max. cable length for SIMODRIVE 611: 50 m Max. cable length for MASTERDRIVES MC: 150 m For other technical data and length code, refer to Catalog, Chapter "MOTION-CONNECT connection system" 4-10 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Motor Components (Options) Encoder 4.4.4 Absolute encoder Function: Table 4-11 * Angular measuring system to impress current * Speed actual value sensing * Absolute measuring system for the position control loop Technical data, absolute encoder Absolute encoder Absolute encoder EnDat (A-2048) EnDat (A-512) Operating voltage 5V 5% 5V 5% Current consumption max. 300 mA max. 200 mA Resolution, incremental (periods per revolution) 2048 512 Resolution, absolute (coded revolutions) 4096 4096 Features Incremental signals 1 Vpp 1 Vpp Serial absolute position interface EnDat EnDat Angular error 40" 80" Note As a result of the reduced maximum operating temperature of absolute encoders with respect to incremental encoders, the thermally permissible rated motor torque is reduced by 10%. Q W W W W &ORFN Q 'DWD Q Q 06% /6% W &ORFNN+]0+] Fig. 4-4 Output signals, absolute encoders 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 4-11 Motor Components (Options) Encoder Connection assignment for 17-pin flange-mounted socket with pin contacts Table 4-12 Connection assignment, 17-pin flange-mounted socket PIN No. Signal 1 A+ 2 A- 3 +data 4 Not connected 5 +clock 6 Not connected 7 M encoder 8 +1R1 9 -1R2 10 P encoder 11 B+ 12 B- 3 4 13 14 2 1 5 6 12 17 15 7 16 11 8 10 9 13 -data 14 -clock 15 0 V sense 16 5 V sense 17 Not connected When viewing the plug-in side (pins) Lines Table 4-13 6FX Prefabricated cable 002 - 2EQ10 - 0 . .. . . Length 5 MOTION-CONNECT(R)500 Max. cable length for SIMODRIVE 611: 50 m Max. cable length for MASTERDRIVES MC: 100 m 8 MOTION-CONNECT(R)800 Max. cable length for SIMODRIVE 611: 50 m Max. cable length for MASTERDRIVES MC: 100 m For other technical data and length code, refer to Catalog, Chapter "MOTION-CONNECT connection system" 4-12 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 5 Planetary Gearbox 5.1 Selecting/dimension gearboxes and important quantities 5.1.1 Overview 5.1.2 * If the gearbox oil is in contact with the motor flange, then a minimum IP67 degree of protection must be selected. * Technical data should be taken from the Catalogs of the gearbox manufacturers. * The following influencing parameters should be taken into consideration: - Accelerating torque, continuous torque, number of cycles, cycle type, permissible input speed, mounting position, torsional play, torsional stiffness, radial and axial forces. - Worm gearboxes are only conditionally suitable for reversing operation for servo applications Dimensioning for S3 duty for natural cooling When dimensioning, you can use the motor characteristic without reduction. Please note the permissible maximum torque and the permissible gearbox input speed. Mmot = Mout / (i * G) The motor and gearbox are assigned as follows: Mmax, gear = M0 (100K) * i * f Mmax, gear Max. permissible torque output M0 (100K) Motor stall torque I Gear ratio f Supplementary factor f = f1 * f2 f1 = 2 for motor accelerating torque f2 = 1 for = 1000 gearbox switching cycles f2 > 1 for > 1000 switching cycles (refer to the Gearbox Catalog) 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 5-1 Planetary Gearbox Selecting/dimension gearboxes and important quantities Notice Switching cycles can also be superimposed vibration! The supplementary factor (f2) is then not sufficient when dimensioning the gearbox and gearboxes may fail. The complete system should be optimized so that the higher-level vibration is minimized. *HDUER[ 6\QFKURQRXVPRWRU L Q$ QPRW Fig. 5-1 QPRW Q$ Dimensioning the gearbox The load torque and the required traversing velocity define the gearbox drive-out torque, the drive-out speed and therefore the drive-out power. The required drive power is calculated from this: Pout [W] = Pmot * G = (/30) * Mmot [Nm] * nmot [RPM] * G 5.1.3 Dimensioning for S1 duty for naturally cooled systems The gearbox itself generates heat due to friction and acts as a thermal barrier preventing heat from being dissipated through the motor flange. This is the reason that the torque must be reduced for S1 duty. The required motor torque is calculated as follows: MPRW = 5-2 ( MRXW + M 9 )2 - M92 i* * ZLWK M9 = a * b * nPRW (160 * )* k 72 RSK MV Calculated "torque loss" a /3 for 1FT6/1FK b 0.5 weighting factor for gearbox losses (without dimensions) nmot Motor speed [RPM] kT Torque constant [Nm/A] Rph. Motor phase resistance when warm [] = 1.4 Rph. (list) Mout Gearbox drive-out torque [Nm] i Gearbox ratio (i>1) G Gearbox efficiency Pmot Motor power [W] Pout Gearbox drive-out power [W] Mmot Motor torque [Nm] motors supplied with sinusoidal current 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Planetary Gearbox Selecting/dimension gearboxes and important quantities 5.1.4 Starting characteristics When commissioning, an increased current drain can be expected due to the lubricating behavior (inadequate distribution of grease or oil) and due to the running-in behavior of the shaft sealing rings. 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 5-3 Planetary Gearbox Selecting/dimension gearboxes and important quantities 5.1.5 Rating plate data 6,(0(16 a 0RWRU).$)68= 1R<) 7 =- QPD[ USP , PD[ $ Q1 USP Q USP 8 L1 9 ,3 0 1 1P 6 7K&O ) 5HVROYHUS %5$.(9'&: 51 1 RLOW\SH[[[[[[[[[[[[ JHDUER[W\SH6360) 0 1P 01 1P , $ , 1 $ UDWLR, >@ PRXQWLQJSRVLWLRQDQ\ TXDQWLW\RIRLO[[[O PNJ (1 & 86 Fig. 5-2 0DGHLQ*HUPDQ\ Rating plate data (example: 1FK7; 1FT6 is similar) 1) Motor type: AC servo motor 15) Degree of protection 2) Ident. No., production number 16) Rated speed n1N [RPM] of the motor Gearbox drive 3) Continuous stall torque M0 [Nm] 17) Holding brake data 4) Rated torque MN [Nm] 18) Gearbox oil designation ***) 5) Temperature Class 19) Designation, quantity of gearbox oil ***) 6) Designation, encoder type 20) Geared motor weight m [kg] 7) Designation, gearbox type 21) Barcode 8) Designation, gearbox ratio; [exact ratio] 22) Geared motor version 9) Designation, geared motor mounting position 23) Encoder version 10) Standards and regulations 24) Rated torque output, gearbox output M2N [Nm] (duty type) *) 11) Stall current I0 [A] 25) Output speed n2 [RPM] Gearbox output **) 12) Rated motor current IN [A] 26) Max. current Imax [A] 13) Induced voltage VIN [V] 27) Order options 14) Maximum speed n1max [RPM] of the motor (gearbox drive) 28) SIEMENS motor type/designation *) M2N = (M1N) **) ***) Only for gearbox types SP 210 and SP 240 and helical/angled gearboxes n 1 < n PD[ n 1 > n PD[ 5-4 n 1 i n PD[ n = i n = 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Planetary Gearbox Series SP+ 5.2 Series SP+ 5.2.1 Features Overview 1FT6 motors can be combined with planetary gearboxes to form compact coaxial drive units. The gearboxes are flanged directly to the drive end of the motors. When selecting the gearboxes, ensure that the permissible speed of the gearbox is not exceeded by the maximum speed of the motor. In the case of high operating frequencies, an allowance of f 2 must be taken into account. The frictional losses of the gearbox must always be taken into account in planning. The gearboxes are only available in non-balanced design. Benefits * High efficiency: > 97% single-stage > 94% 2-stage * Minimum torsional backlash:<= 4 arcmin single-stage <= 6 arcmin 2-stage * Power transmission from the central sun wheel to planetary wheels. * No shaft deflections in the planetary wheel set due to the symmetrical force distribution. * Very low moment of inertia and hence short acceleration times of the motors. * Output shaft bearings dimensioned for high cantilever and axial loads with preloaded tapered-roller bearings. * The gearboxes are connected to the motor shaft via an integrated clamping hub. A plain motor shaft end is necessary for this purpose. Radial eccentricity tolerance N to DIN 42955 and vibration severity grade N to EN 60034-14 are sufficient. The motor flange is adapted via adapter plates. * Output shaft of gearbox exactly coaxial with the motor. * The gearboxes are sealed (seal between the gearbox and motor) and filled with oil at the factory. They are lubricated for life and sealed. Gearboxes of frame sizes SP060S to SP180S are suitable for all mounting positions. * For gearboxes, sizes SP210 and SP240 the quantity of oil in the gearbox depends on the mounting position. The mounting position has to be specified when ordering. * Gearbox degree of protection IP65 (IP64 for frame sizes SP210 and SP240). * Small dimensions. * Low weight. 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 5-5 Planetary Gearbox Series SP+ Integration 1FT602 and 1FT613 naturally-cooled motors can be supplied ex factory (SIEMENS) complete with flange-mounted planetary gearbox. The gearboxes assigned to the individual motors and gear ratios i available for these motor/ gearbox combinations are listed in the selection table. When making a selection, the maximum permissible input speed of the gearbox must be observed (this is the same as the maximum motor speed). The motor/gearbox combinations listed in the selection tables are mainly intended for cyclic operation S3- 60 % (ON time = 60 % and = 20 min). Reduced maximum motor speeds and output torques apply for use in S1 continuous duty (ON time > 60 % or > 20 min). The gearbox temperature may not exceed +90 C and the maximum permissible input speed is limited from a time perspective. Generally, planetary gearboxes can be used for ambient temperatures of between 0 and 40 C. Temperatures down to -15 C can be handled when special measures are applied (mechanical design measures, appropriate selection of lubricants etc.). 1FT6 synchronous motors should be selected as follows: 5-6 * With plain motor shaft end * Radial eccentricity tolerance N * Vibration severity grade N * IP65 degree of protection (for 1FT602: IP64) 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Planetary Gearbox Series SP+ Selection and ordering data, single-stage planetary gearbox, series SP+ Motor Natural cooling Planetary gearbox 1-stage Type Type Torsional backlash Available gearbox ratio i = Gear unit 4 weight approx. 5 7 10 arcmin kg 1FT6021 1FT6024 SP 060S-MF1 = 4 1.9 1FT6031 1FT6034 1FT6034 SP 075S-MF1 = 4 3.9 1FT6041 1FT6044 - - - - - - Max. perm. motorspeed S3-60% Max. perm. output torque S3-60% Max. perm. radial outputshaft load 3) Max. perm. axial outputshaft load 3) nG1 MG2 Fr Fa (n1) (T2B) (F2Rmax) (F2Amax) rpm Nm N 10-4 kgm2 6000 40 (32 for i = 10) 2700 2400 6000 110 (90 for i = 10) 4000 3350 - 1FT6061 1FT6062 1FT6064 SP 100S-MF1 = 3 7.7 4500 300 (225 for i = 10) 6300 5650 1FT6081 1FT6082 1FT6084 1FT6086 SP 140S-MF1 = 3 17.2 4000 600 (480 for i = 10) 9450 9870 1FT6086 SP 180S-MF1 = 3 - - - 3500 14150 1100 (880 for i = 10) 14700 - - - - - - 2500 1900 (1520 for i = 10) 18000 22500 - - - - - - 2200 2720 27000 27800 J02 J22 J03 J23 J05 J25 J09 J29 34 1FT6102 1FT6105 1FT6108 1FT6105 1FT6 108 SP 210-MF1 2) = 4 53 1FT6132 1FT6134 1FT6136 1FT6134 1FT6136 SP 240-MF1 2) = 4 80 Order codes * Gearbox shaft with key * Gearbox shaft without key Ordering data 1FT6 ...-. A . 7 1-.. 7 1-Z J7 7 G H - - - - - Order No. of the motor with identifier "-Z" and order code for mounting the planetary gearbox assigned to the motor Prerequisite when mounting planetary gearboxes: Plain motor shaft end/radial eccentricity tolerance N and vibration severity grade N/IP65 degree of protection 1) 1) IP64 degree of protection with 1FT602.: 1FT602.-6AK71-.. 7 0 -Z G H J.. 2) For these versions, the quantity of oil in the gearbox depends on the mounting position. In the case of a vertical mounting position, the 12th position in the Order No. should be "9" and a further order code also has to be specified: 1FT6...-.A.79-.. 7 1-Z J.. + M1 7 H mounting position IM V1 G G mounting position IM V3 H 3) Referred to the center of the drive shaft. 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 5-7 Planetary Gearbox Series SP+ Technical data, single-stage planetary gearbox, SP+ series Planetary gearbox with 1FT6 motor, natural cooling Single-stage Type SP 060S-MF1 SP 075S-MF1 SP 100S-MF1 SP 140S-MF1 SP 180S-MF1 SP 210-MF1 SP 240-MF1 Gear ratio Motor speed Output torque Gearbox moments of inertia (referred to the drive) Continuous duty S1 1) 1FT602. 1FT603. 1FT604. 1FT606. 1FT608. 1FT610. 1FT613. nN1 MN2 (T2N) J1 J1 J1 J1 J1 J1 J1 rpm Nm kgcm2 kgcm2 kgcm2 kgcm2 kgcm2 kgcm2 kgcm2 4 3300 26 0.16 0.24 - - - - - 5 3300 26 0.13 0.22 - - - - - 7 4000 26 0.11 0.19 - - - - - 10 4000 17 0.10 0.18 - - - - - 4 2900 75 - 0.69 0.94 - - - - 5 2900 75 - 0.58 0.83 - - - - 7 3100 75 - 0.48 0.73 - - - - 10 3100 52 - 0.42 0.67 - - - - 4 2500 180 - - - 3.65 - - - 5 2500 175 - - - 2.99 - - - 7 2800 170 - - - 2.81 - - - 10 2800 120 - - - 2.58 - - - 4 2100 360 - - - - 14.26 - - 5 2100 360 - - - - 13.06 - - 7 2600 360 - - - - 11.97 - - 10 2600 220 - - - - 11.39 - - 4 1500 750 - - - - 45.08 45.08 - 5 1500 750 - - - - 36.37 36.37 - 7 2300 750 - - - - 28.57 28.57 - 10 2300 750 - - - - 24.40 24.40 - 4 1200 1000 - - - - - 75.80 75.80 5 1200 1000 - - - - - 63.50 63.50 7 1700 1000 - - - - - 52.90 52.90 10 1700 1000 - - - - - 47.10 4 1000 1700 - - - - - - 146.30 5 1000 1700 - - - - - - 119.90 7 1500 1700 - - - - - - 96.40 10 1500 1700 - - - - - - 83.10 47.10 1) The limit values in the table apply for S1 continuous duty (ON time > 60% or > 20 min) for a maximum gearbox temperature of +90 C (194 F). 5-8 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Planetary Gearbox Series SP+ Selection and ordering data, 2-stage planetary gearbox, series SP+ Motor Natural cooling Planetary gearbox 2-stage Type Type Torsional back- Available gearbox ratio i = Gear unit 16 weight approx. 20 28 40 50 arcmin kg 1FT6021 SP 060S-MF2 = 6 1FT6024 2 - - - - - - 1FT6031 1FT6034 - - - 1FT6041 - - - - - - 1FT6041 1FT6044 - - - - 1FT6061 1FT6062 1FT6064 - - - 1FT6024 SP 075S-MF2 = 6 1FT6034 SP 100S-MF2 = 5 3.6 7.9 1FT6044 SP 140S-MF2 = 5 - - - - - - 1FT6061 1FT6062 1FT6064 - - - - - - - - - 1FT6081 1FT6082 1FT6084 - - - - 17 1FT6064 SP 180S-MF2 = 5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1FT6102 1FT6105 1FT6108 - - - - - - - 1FT6132 1FT6134 1FT6136 - - - - - - - - - - - J13 J33 J15 J35 J16 J36 J17 J37 1FT6082 SP 210-MF2 2) = 6 50 1FT6105 1FT6084 SP 240-MF2 2) = 6 1FT6086 70 Order codes * Gearbox shaft with key * Gearbox shaft without key Ordering data 1FT6 ...-. A. 7 1-.. 7 1-Z J7 7 G H J12 J32 nG1 MG2 Fr Fa (n1) (T2B) (F2Rmax) (F2Amax) rpm Nm N N 6000 40 2700 2400 6000 110 4000 3350 4500 300 6300 5650 4000 600 9450 9870 4000 1100 14700 14150 3500 1900 18000 22500 3500 3400 27000 27800 - - - - - - 1FT6102 Max. perm. axial outputshaft load 3) - - 36.4 1FT6081 1FT6082 1FT6084 1FT6086 Max. perm. radial outputshaft load 3) - - Max. perm. output torque S3-60% - 1FT6031 Max. perm. motorspeed S3-60% - - - - Order No. of the motor with identifier "-Z" and order code for mounting the planetary gearbox assigned to the motor Prerequisite when mounting planetary gearboxes: Plain motor shaft end/radial eccentricity tolerance N and vibration severity grade N/IP65 degree of protection 1) 1) IP64 degree of protection with 1FT602.: 1FT602.-6AK71-.. 7 0 -Z G H J.. 2) For these versions, the quantity of oil in the gearbox depends on the mounting position. In the case of a vertical mounting position, the 12th position in the Order No. should be "9" and a further order code also has to be specified: 1FT6...-.A.79-.. 7 1-Z J.. + M1 7 H mounting position IM V1 G G mounting position IM V3 H 3) Referred to the center of the drive shaft. 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 5-9 Planetary Gearbox Series SP+ Technical data, 2-stage planetary gearbox, SP+ series Planetary gearbox with 1FT6 motor, natural cooling 2-stage Type Gear ratio Motor speed Output torque Gearbox moments of inertia (referred to the drive) Continuous duty S1 1) 1FT602. 1FT603. 1FT604. 1FT606. 1FT608. 1FT610. 1FT613. nN1 MN2 (T2N) J1 J1 J1 J1 J1 J1 J1 Nm kgcm2 kgcm2 kgcm2 kgcm2 kgcm2 kgcm2 kgcm2 rpm SP 060S-MF2 SP 075S-MF2 SP 100S-MF2 SP 140S-MF2 SP 180S-MF2 SP 210-MF2 SP 240-MF2 16 4400 26 0.08 0.18 - - - - - 20 4400 26 0.07 0.17 - - - - - 28 4400 26 0.06 0.16 - - - - - 40 4400 26 0.06 0.16 - - - - - 50 4800 26 0.06 0.16 - - - - - 16 3500 75 0.17 0.25 0.68 - - - - 20 3500 75 0.14 0.22 0.65 - - - - 28 3500 75 0.11 0.19 0.62 - - - - 40 3500 75 0.10 0.18 0.61 - - - - 50 3800 75 0.10 0.18 0.61 - - - - 16 3100 180 - 0.72 0.96 2.60 - - - 20 3100 180 - 0.60 0.84 2.48 - - - 28 3100 180 - 0.49 0.73 2.36 - - - 40 3100 180 - 0.43 0.67 2.31 - - - 50 3500 175 - 0.43 0.66 2.30 - - - 16 2900 360 - - 2.79 3.61 9.60 - - 20 2900 360 - - 2.26 3.08 9.07 - - 28 2900 360 - - 1.84 2.66 8.65 - - 40 2900 360 - - 1.58 2.39 8.39 - - 50 3200 360 - - 1.57 2.38 8.37 - - 16 2700 750 - - - 10.24 15.83 14.36 - 20 2700 750 - - - 8.48 14.08 12.06 - 28 2700 750 - - - 6.90 12.49 11.02 - 40 2700 750 - - - 6.06 11.65 10.17 - 50 2900 750 - - - 5.98 11.58 10.10 - 16 2100 1000 - - - - 36.30 37.40 - 20 2100 1000 - - - - 34.50 35.60 - 28 2100 1000 - - - - 32.30 33.40 - 40 2300 1000 - - - - 23.10 24.30 - 50 2300 1000 - - - - 21.90 23.00 - 16 1900 1700 - - - - 47.30 48.40 53.00 20 1900 1700 - - - - 43.10 44.20 48.80 28 1900 1700 - - - - 37.50 38.60 43.20 40 2100 1700 - - - - 32.40 33.60 38.10 50 2100 1700 - - - - 29.50 30.60 35.10 1) The limit values in the table apply for S1 continuous duty (ON time > 60% or > 20 min) for a maximum gearbox temperature of +90 C (194 F). 5-10 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Dimension Drawings Table 6-1: 6 Introduction Note Using a configuration interface that is very easy to understand, CAD CREATOR allows you to quickly find motor-specific - dimension drawings - 2D/3D CAD data and supports you when generating plant/system documentation regarding project-specific information and parts lists. Internet: www.siemens.com/cad-creator Note Siemens AG reserves the right to change the dimensions of the motors as part of mechanical design improvements without prior notice. This means that dimensions drawings can go outof-date. Up-to-date dimension drawings can be requested at no charge from your local SIEMENS sales department. 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 6-1 F E D C 14.5 2 transverse - right plug direction: 3 2 transverse - left 3 axial - NDE deviation acc. to DIN 6885 sheet 1 10.2 4 12 20 0.5 2.5 20 0.5 centre hole DIN 332 DR M8 17-pole plug for optical encoder 12-pole plug for resolver version with featherkey port for sealing air M5 only at IP67/68 14.5 3 A 1 14 6-2 O 40 j6 Fig. 6-1 O 9 k6 9.8 32 5 4 axial - DE DIN 42955 replacement for: date name/respons. 19.08.03 MG/MJ 11.08.04 Fu/Re Mueller Kiener 30.11.99 Siemens AG dept.: A&D MC EWN KT2 repons.: name: DESIGN date: Sigraph not toleranced with brake dimensions 1 mm 900.31021.01 information Revision c index CM 500730 kg 1.4 2.3 weight Correct. mom. of inertia 29.03.00 Ki/Tsch b a flange and shaft tolerances acc. to 1.2 2.1 without brake 36 6 shaft height mm 28 type 28 1FT6021 71 1FT6024 k= without brake / k1= with brake 4 32 without 55 mm 218 258 O 63 0.3 56 k1 with brake 1 510.30976.01 self cooling / IMB5 1FT602. Dimension sheet scale: k without brake mm 193 233 45 7 8 k6 O c plug version 40 j6 9 Fit tol. 5. 8 1 1 E D C B A total sheets sheet No. -0.005 +0.011 +0.001 +0.010 Tol. 6.1 60 6-pole plug size 1 for power and brake Dimension Drawings Naturally cooled 1FT6 motors Naturally cooled 1FT6 motors 1FT602 naturally cooled with connector, Size 1 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 F E D C B O 60 j6 1 transverse - right plug direction: 8 32 2 transverse - left Z 6-pole plug size 1 for power and brake 30 0.5 3 -0.1 30 0.5 DIN 332 DR M5 centre hole O 14 k6 A 2 4 3 axial - NDE SIEMENS 14.5 14.5 a 4 axial - DE port for sealing air M5 only at IP67/68 DIN 42955 information Draw. correct Revision replacement for: index f g tolerances acc. to 6 92 45 1 kg Sigraph k 180 220 1.06.93 Baumeister DESIGN Siemens AG dept.:A&D MC EWN K-T respons.: Mueller Ste/JM date: Fu/Re name: name/respons. 02.02.04 11.08.04 3.5 4.8 with brake weight without brake 3.1 4.4 not toleranced dimensions 1mm date 7 4 without a 29 29 k 220 260 72 encoder k1 mm 240 280 22 510.37506.01 with/without brake IMB5 self cooling with plug size 1 Dimension sheet 1FT603. scale: resolver k1 mm 200 240 deviation acc. to DIN 6885 sheet 1 16 version with featherkey mm shaft height flange and shaft type 36 1FT6031 Z 36 5 1FT6034 17-pole plug for optical encoder 12-pole plug for resolver k= without brake / k1 = with brake 3 40 8 Fig. 6-2 5 1 8 a 69 69 O 75 g 0.3 60 j6 14 k6 Fit tol. O 5. 5 total sheets sheetNo. -0.007 +0.012 +0.001 +0.012 Tol. 1 1 E D C B A Dimension Drawings Naturally cooled 1FT6 motors 1FT603 naturally cooled with connector, Size 1 6-3 F E D C B centre hole DIN 332 DR M6 1 transverse - right plug direction: Z 10 2 2 3 24 3 32 4 a 4 axial - DE port for sealing air M5 only at IP67/68 flange and shaft O 7 45 kg 7.8 9.5 replacement for: name/respons. date index information 12.08.04 d Revision MG/MJ 2.06.93 Baumeister Siemens AG respons.: Mueller Fu/Re dept.: A&D MC EWN K-T date: name: k 185 235 Wd/Ke So/Se DESIGN Sigraph with brake weight without brake 6.6 8.3 not toleranced dimensions 1mm 19.08.03 1 0.3 0 96 21.5 without a 26 26 k 228 278 encoder k1 mm 263 self cooling with plug size 1 510.37507.01 with/without brake IMB5 32 313 4 Dimension sheet 1FT604. scale: resolver k1 mm 220 270 deviation acc. to DIN 6885 sheet 1 c CM 500730 10 7 version with featherkey 0 12 6 a Connect. diag. corr. 02.06.99 b Dim. correct. 29.09.99 DIN 42955 tolerances acc. to shaft height mm 48 type 48 Z 1FT6041 5 1FT6044 17-pole plug for optical encoder 12-pole plug for resolver / k1 = with brake axial - NDE SIEMENS 24 k= without brake 33 transverse - left 40 0.5 3 -0.1 40 0.5 6-pole plug size 1 for power and brake O 80 j6 A O 19 k6 6-4 10 Fig. 6-3 6 1 8 a 69 69 d 80 j6 19 k6 Fit tol. 1 1 E D C B A total sheets sheet No. -0.009 +0.010 +0.002 +0.015 Tol. Dimension Drawings Naturally cooled 1FT6 motors 1FT604 naturally cooled with connector, Size 1 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 F E D C B 1 transverse - right plug direction: 50 0.5 50 0.5 10 3.5 -0.1 2 transverse - left Z 6-pole plug size 1 for power and brake O 110 j6 centre hole DIN 332 DR M8 O 24 k6 A 2 44 3 30 SIEMENS 30 k= without brake axial - NDE 3 18 Fig. 6-4 4 32 4 axial - DE Z kg MG/MJ 12.08.04 date d Revision index replacement for: respons.: name: date: Sigraph 45 27 Mueller name/respons. k1 mm 303 253 228 1 7 Siemens AG k k1 mm 333 283 258 encoder 303 253 228 without a 26 26 26 5 a 56 56 56 116 510.37508.01 with/without brake IMB5 (IMB14) self cooling with plug size 1 Dimension sheet 1FT606. scale: resolver Baumeister 1.06.93 DESIGN k 273 223 198 Fu/Re dept.: A&D MC EWN K-T Fu/Re 19.08.03 c CM 500730 Wd/Ke not toleranced dimensions 1mm 13.0 11.0 9.5 with brake weight without brake 12.5 9.5 8.0 b Tightening torque, add. 17.01.00 information 6 14 version with featherkey M . g ax in 24 m r fix = fo A IM 9 8 M que 4: d tor lt 1 B stu bo Nm o 6 deviation acc. to DIN 6885 sheet 1 IM : B5 a Connect. diag. correct.02.06.99 DIN 42955 tolerances acc. to flange and shaft mm type shaft height 63 63 63 1FT6064 1FT6062 1FT6061 port for sealing air M5 only at IP67/68 17-pole plug for optical encoder 12-pole plug for resolver / k1 = with brake a 5 8 1 8 40 -0.009 +0.013 +0.002 +0.015 Tol. d 1 1 E D C B A total sheets sheet No. O 13 0 0.3 110 j6 24 k6 Fit tol. Dimension Drawings Naturally cooled 1FT6 motors 1FT606 naturally cooled with connector, Size 1 6-5 F E D C B centre hole DIN332 DR M12 58 0.5 1 transverse - right plug direction: 3.5 58 0,5 12 38 2 transverse - left Z 6-pole plug size 1.5 for power and brake O 32 k6 A O 130 j6 2 50 4 108 3 axial - NDE SIEMENS 45 32 5 4 axial - DE DIN 42955 tolerances acc. to flange and shaft type 11 0 1 e : Mtorqu 4 1 d lt o 19 date: date name/respons. Fu/MJ name: index replacement for: kg Baumeister 14.06.93 DESIGN Sigraph weight with brake 29.0 24.0 16.5 14.0 Siemens AG Fu/Re respons.: Reimann Wk/Re dept.: A&D MC EWN K-T 12.08.04 27.04.05 23.04.04 25.5 20.5 15.0 12.5 without brake not toleranced dimensions 1mm shaft height mm 80 80 80 80 f Revision g CM: 501586 information 45 0. 5 155 7 35 k1 392 342 273 248 5 45 510.37509.01 with/without brake IMB5 (IMB14) self cooling with plug size 1.5 45 5 0. Dimension sheet 1FT608. scale: without resolver/encoder k 346 296 246 221 mm version with featherkey 4 6 deviation acc. to DIN 6885 sheet 1 M B stu bo Nm . g ax in 42 m r fix = fo A IM B 1FT6086 1FT6084 1FT6082 1FT6081 Z IM 5: e Connect. data correct. port for sealing air M5 only at IP67/68 17-pole plug for optical encoder 12-pole plug for resolver k= without brake / k1 = with brake 3 32 6-6 22.5 Fig. 6-5 10 1 8 1 1 E D C B A total sheets sheet No. -0.011 +0.014 +0.002 +0.018 Tol. 0 .3 g 65 O1 130 j6 32 k6 Fit tol. Dimension Drawings Naturally cooled 1FT6 motors 1FT608 naturally cooled with connector, Size 1.5 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 F E D C B transverse - right plug direction: 1 13 80 0.5 2 48 17 2 3 plug size 1.5 109 32 50 3 4 33 73 4 axial - DE port for sealing air M5 only at IP67/68 17-pole plug for optical encoder 12-pole plug for resolver axial - NDE 155 SIEMENS 45 k = without brake / k1 = with brake transverse - left Z 6-pole plug size 1.5 or 3 for power and brake centre hole DIN 332 DR M12 O 180 j6 A O 38 k6 80 0.5 4 -0.1 22.5 Fig. 6-6 7 24 0 45 27.5 39.5 55.5 kg not toleranced dimensions 1mm 32.0 44.0 60.0 03.05.05 date h CM: 501275 index Wk/DGB Fu/Re name/respons. 12.08.04 replacement for: 5 k 295 370 470 mm k1 341 416 516 Siemens AG dept.:A&D MC EWN K-T Grosse-Benne Baumeister without version 70 0 .5 rated speed - plug assignment size 3 -1 >3000 >2000 15 min <=6000 <=3000 size 1.5 180 j6 38 k6 with brake O2 510.37510.01 with/without brake IMB5 (IMB14) self cooling with plug size 1.5 / 3 Dimension sheet 1FT610. scale: 8 Fit tol. h version without brake <=2000 5 0. 192 45 resolver/encoder 15.06.93 DESIGN Sigraph with brake weight without brake g Revision information 41 0. 5 40 7 deviation acc. to DIN 6885 sheet 1 f Correction: Intermed. plate below the connect. date: name: Size 1.5 removed, sealing air port added Update draw. . 11.05.04 Fu/MJ respons.: DIN 42955 tolerances acc. to shaft height mm 100 100 1FT6105 1FT6102 100 1FT6108 type e = 6 version with featherkey MA m r fix fo 14 o 12 : M que B5 14: d tor lt IM B stu bo Nm IM ax. ing 0 flange and shaft Z plug size 3 5 10 1 total sheets sheet No. -0.013 +0.012 +0.002 +0.018 Tol. 1 1 E D C B A Dimension Drawings Naturally cooled 1FT6 motors 1FT610 naturally cooled with connector, Size 1.5 6-7 F E D C B centre hole DIN 332 DR M12 transverse - right 1 Z 13 80 0.5 80 0.5 4 48 17 2 transverse - left terminal box for power and brake plug direction: O 180 j6 A O 38 k6 Pg9 4 109 3 axial - NDE SIEMENS 155 45 33 27 Z 5 I 4 axial - DE air M5 only at IP67/68 port for sealing shaft height information replacement for: index g Dim. added h CM 500730 i Revision date 10.08.00 20.08.03 11.08.04 6 45 0. 5 192 (gk230) 122 (gk130) 110 40 7 55.5 39.5 27.5 kg weight date: name/respons. mm k1 516 416 341 02.02.1990 Siemens AG without 180 j6 38 k6 5 -1 gk130 510.36203.01 self cooling with terminal box with/without brake IMB5 (IMB14) i terminal box assignment gk230 >3000 - rated speed min 70 0.5 <=2000 <=3000 <=6000 21 5 version with brake Dimension sheet 1FT610. scale: resolver/encoder k 470 370 295 Fu/Zi name: Moltner MG/JM respons.: Mueller Fu/Re dept.:A&D MC EWN K-T Fu/Re DESIGN Sigraph with brake 60 44 32 8 Fit tol. 1 1 E D C B A total sheets sheet No. -0.013 +0.012 +0.002 +0.018 Tol. version without brake deviation acc. to DIN 6885 sheet 1 41 version with featherkey without brake f Tightening torque, add. 17.01.00 DIN 42955 tolerances acc. to 0 24 not toleranced dimensions 1mm mm 100 100 100 flange and shaft type 1FT6108 1FT6105 1FT6102 M ax in 70 m r fix = fo A B 4: to t IM B1 stud bol Nm M . g 14 o 2 e 1 5: M rqu 12-pole plug for resolver 17-pole plug for optical encoder k = without brake / k1 = with brake Pg29 (gk230) 117 (gk130) 105 3 (gk130) 59 2 (gk230) 64 22.5 6-8 32 Fig. 6-7 10 1 Dimension Drawings Naturally cooled 1FT6 motors 1FT610 naturally cooled with terminal box 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 F E D C B centre hole DIN 332 DR M16 18 82 0.5 82 0.5 23 5 1 transverse - right plug direction: 2 transverse - left Z 3 / 33 50 245 k= without brake 62 133 4 67 32 2 35 5 Z 4 axial - DE flange and shaft information shaft height mm 132 132 132 27.11.03 date 45 0. 5 350 260 7 name/respons. MG/MJ Fu/Re kg date: Sigraph Siemens AG dept.:A&D MC EWN K-T respons.: Doelz 16.06.93 Baumeister DESIGN 125 110 95 mm k1 573 523 473 without resolver/encoder k 523 473 423 18 6 8 4 sheet No. total sheets 510.37511.01 size 3 natural air cooling with plug f plug -0.029 0 +0.002 +0.018 Tol. >1500 >2000 >2000 rated speed rpm <=1500 <=2000 <=2000 70 R2 250 h6 48 k6 Fit tol. size 1.5 Dimension sheet 1FT613.-6A scale: with brake weight without brake 117 100 85 O 51.5 version with featherkey Fu/Re name: Gtz/Do not toleranced dimensions 1mm type 6 deviation acc. to DIN 6885 sheet 1 0.5 0 Revision 12.08.04 Connector assignment correct. 08.12.00 CM 500730 20.08.03 changed replacement for: index d f c e DIN 42955 tolerances acc. to 30 76 1FT6136 1FT6134 1FT6132 O plug size 3 17-pole plug for optical encoder 12-pole plug for resolver k1 = with brake plug size 1.5 3 132 2 6-pole plug size 1.5 or 3 for power and brake O 48 k6 A O 250 h6 Fig. 6-8 14 1 1 1 E D C B A Dimension Drawings Naturally cooled 1FT6 motors 1FT613 naturally cooled with connector, Size 1.5/3 6-9 F E D C B transverse - right cable entry: 1 18 82 0.5 5 82 0.5 23 2 245 Pg 9 132 3 axial - NDE k= without brake / 62 transverse - left Z terminal box gk230 for power and brake centre hole DIN 332 DR M16 O 48 k6 A O 250 h6 3 64 2 34 6-10 46 133 28 35 4 axial - DE k1 = with brake 21 117 4 2 132 type replacement for: information Revision Changeover to Eng. DIN 42955 date Gtz/Do Fu/Re name/respons. 12.08.04 27.11.03 kg 45 Sigraph 0. 5 A&D MC EWN K-T Siemens AG dept.: 423 473 523 mm 473 523 573 without 6 260 510.36722.01 8 250 h6 48 k6 Fit tol. 4 70 g R2 natural air cooling with terminal box 1FT613.-6A Dimension sheet scale: 35 51.5 350 7 k k1 resolver/encoder 14.10.91 DESIGN name: Faber resspons.: Doelz date: 95 110 127 with brake weight without brake 85 100 117 not toleranced dimensions 1mm shaft height mm 132 132 1FT6134 1FT6132 .5 0 version with featherkey O 0 30 122 deviation acc. to DIN 6885 sheet 1 1FT6136 Z flange and shaft index g f 6 17-pole plug for optical encoder 12-pole plug for resolver 5 tolerances acc. to Pg 29 14 Fig. 6-9 O 18 1 1 1 total sheets E D C B A sheet No. -0.029 0 +0.002 +0.018 Tol. Dimension Drawings Naturally cooled 1FT6 motors 1FT613 naturally cooled with terminal box 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 F E D C B 58 0.5 3.5 58 0.5 12 38 O 130 j6 1 transverse - right plug direction: plug size 1.5 2 140 3 344 45 3 axial - NDE 45 4 32 137 43 5 Z 3 air entry 150 4 axial - DE flange and shaft 11 0 1 ue : Mtorq 14tud bolt Nm o m r fo information 65 O1 kg name/respons. 28.5 33.5 45 35 0. 5 19 4 185 25.03.93 Balling mm 447 497 Siemens AG dept.: A&D MC EWN K-T without k1 size 1.5 8 min -1 130 j6 32 k6 Fit tol. 510.37430.01 with/without brake IMB5 (IMB14) g 1 E D C B A total sheet 1 sheet No.. -0.011 +0.014 +0.002 +0.018 Tol. size 3 forced ventilated with plug size 1.5/3 - >3000 plug assignment rated speed <=6000 45 5 0. <=3000 5 45 155 Dimension sheet 1FT608. scale: resolver/encoder k 401 451 respons.: Grosse-Benne name: date: DESIGN Sigraph with brake weight without brake 25.0 30.0 not toleranced dimensions 1mm date 3 0. version with featherkey M A B s IM ax. fixing = 42 B 5: 7 deviation acc. to DIN 6885 sheet 1 IM 6 plug size 3 03.03.05 MSt/DGB CM 500730 18.08.03 MG/MJ Length dimension k and k1 corrected 24.03.04 Fu/Se Revision 11.08.04 Fu/Re CM 501275 replacement for: index f d e g DIN 42955 tolerances acc. to height shaft mm 80 1FT6084 type e 80 1FT6086 17-pole plug for optical encoder 12-pole plug for resolver 213 plug for fan port k = without brake / k1 = with brake transverse - left Z 6-pole plug size 1.5 or 3 for power and brake O 32 k6 A centre hole DIN 332 DR M12 2 10 6.2 175 Fig. 6-10 93 1 Dimension Drawings Force ventilated 1FT6 motors Force ventilated 1FT6 motors 1FT608 force ventilated with connector, Size 1.5/3 6-11 F E D C B A 1 48 17 O 180 j6 1 transverse - right plug direction: Z 2 plug size 1.5 3 45 3 axial - NDE 45 4 90 32 42 168 4 axial - DE Z Revision CM: 501275 f g replacement for: 45.5 61.5 date kg 45 24 0. 5 0 7 Fu/Re 50.0 66.0 41 name: date: mm MG/MJ Sigraph Balling 25.03.93 DESIGN Siemens AG respons.: k1 -1 > 2000 plug assignment rated speed size 1.5 size 3 min 8 O 21 510.37431.01 g total sheets sheet No. 0.5 5 version with brake forced ventilated with plug size 1.5/3 with/without brake IMB5 (IMB14) -0.013 +0.012 +0.002 +0.018 Tol. version without brake 180 j6 38 k6 Fit tol. 70 5 0. > 1500 5 192 45 Dimension sheet 1FT610. scale: 1500 <= 2000 without 519 619 resolver/encoder k 473 573 Grosse-Benne Fu/Re dept.:A&D MC EWN K-T Wk/DGB Ke/MJ 221 40 version with featherkey with brake weight name/respons. 11.08.04 04.05.058 19.08.03 CM 500730 information MA not toleranced dimensions 1mm Tightening torque, add. 17.01.00 Table changed 12.05.03 index 14 fo without brake e c o 111 deviation acc. to DIN 6885 sheet 1 d DIN 42955 tolerances acc. to flange and shaft shaft height mm 100 type e 100 1FT6105 2 : B5 6 212 12 u e M torq : t 4 IM B1 stud bol Nm IM ax. ixing 70 m rf = plug size 3 air entry 5 1FT6108 17-pole plug for optical encoder 12-pole plug for resolver 212 136 plug for fan port 411 k= without brake / k1 = with brake transverse - left 6-pole plug size 1.5 and 3 for power and brake 13 80 0.5 80 0.5 4 2 157 6-12 O 38 k6 Fig. 6-11 10 centre hole DIN 332 DR M12 1 1 E D C B A Dimension Drawings Force ventilated 1FT6 motors 1FT610 force ventilated with connector, Size 1.5/3 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 F E D C B 48 17 O 180 j6 1 transverse - right plug direction: Z 2 transverse - left terminal box for power and brake 13 80 0.5 80 0.5 4 centre hole DIN332 DR M12 Pg 29 (gk230) 117 (gk130) 105 411 4 Pg 9 45 45 3 axial - NDE 4 axial - DE 5 flange and shaft 45.5 61.5 14 12ue : Morq MA m rf fo = 0 45 24 0. 5 221 40 41 12.08.04 Fu/Re 19.08.03 date f CM 500730 MG/MJ name/respons. mm k1 519 619 1.12.93 DESIGN Sigraph Siemens AG dept.:A&D MC EWN K-T without rated speed -1 gk 230 2000 2000, 3000 0.5 version with brake 21 5 min forced ventilated with terminal box with/without brake IMB5 (IMB14) 510.37602.01 -0.013 +0.012 +0.002 +0.018 Tol. g total sheets sheet No. version without brake 180 j6 38 k6 terminal box assignment gk 130 1500 8 Fit tol. 70 Dimension sheet 1FT610. scale: resolver/encoder k 473 573 name: Baumeister respons.: Mueller date: weight with brake 50.0 66.0 5 1500 192 (gk230) 122 (gk130) 110 version with featherkey kg without brake index information replacemant for: o 7 deviation acc. to DIN 6885 sheet 1 d Dimensions gk - in add. 17.02.00 So/Se e Correction 2000 rpm - for gk230. 12.04.02 Fu/Se g Revision DIN 42955 6 : B5 4 t lt m IM B1. studg bo 0 N IM ax ixin 7 not toleranced dimensions 1mm shaft height mm 100 1FT6105 2 100 type Z air entry 1FT6108 90 43 tolerances acc. to 136 plug for fan port 212 12-pole plug for resolver 17-pole plug for optical encoder k= without brake / k1 = with brake (gk230) 71 (gk130) 66 A O 38 k6 3 212 2 111 Fig. 6-12 10 1 1 1 E D C B A Dimension Drawings Force ventilated 1FT6 motors 1FT610 force ventilated with terminal box 6-13 F E D C B centre hole DIN 332 DR M16 2 1 transverse - right plug direction 62 2 transverse - left Z Pg 11 for seperately driven fan connection 380 V 3 ~ 50/60 Hz 18 82 0.5 5 82 0.5 23 6-pole plug size 3 for power and brake O 250 h6 A O 48 k6 6-14 air inlet 3 132 76 3 k= without brake / 245 Fig. 6-13 133 35 67 air outlet 120 5 4 axial - DE 0. 5 Baumeister 17.06.93 d Revision information replacement for: index date name/respons. 12.08.04 Fu/Re Gtz/Do 350 mm 591 641 691 51.5 260 A&D MC EWN K-T without 6 O 18 70 510.37516.01 8 5 d 0. 250 h6 48 k6 Fit tol. 00 O3 seperate ventilation with plug Dimension sheet 1FT613.-6S scale: k k1 resolver/encoder 541 591 641 Siemens AG dept.: respons.: Doelz date: name: Sc b Connect. correct. in diag 02.06.99 Wd/Ke 31.01.96 DESIGN Sigraph weight with brake kg without brake 101 116 131 c Changeover to Eng + CM 501017 27.11.03 a CM. 24 2 4287 DIN 42955 mm shaft height 91 not toleranced dimensions 1mm type 132 106 132 1FT6132 123 132 1FT6134 tolerances acc. to 45 7 version with featherkey R 24 Z 6 deviation acc. to DIN 6885 sheet 1 252 1FT6136 flange and shaft 17-pole plug for optical encoder 12-pole plug for resolver k1 = with brake 4 14 1 E D C B A 1 1 total sheets: sheet No.: -0.029 0 +0.002 +0.018 Tol. Dimension Drawings Force ventilated 1FT6 motors 1FT613 force ventilated with connector 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 F E D C B 33 79.5 1 The reproduction, transmission or use of this document or its contents is not permitted without express written authority in writing Offenders will be liable for damages. All rights including rights created by patent grant or registration of a utility model or design, are reserved Pg 36 50/60 Hz O 48 k6 2 59 32 162 (133) 3 terminal box gk420 for power and brake 380 V 3~ 5 18 23 47 air inlet Pg 29 Pg 9 transverse - right cable entry: 4 34 5 6 46 21 117 5 axial - NDE axial - DE 51.5 flange and shaft Changeover to Eng. 27.11.03 Revision g h replacement for: information CM. 24 2 4287 f date Mo Fu/Re Gtz/Do Sc kg 0.5 Faber 14.10.91 DESIGN Sigraph 70 541 591 mm 260 122 591 641 691 350 A&D MC EWN K-T without rpm O 1 E D C B A 1 total sheets.: sheet No.: gk420 >1500 >1500 h terminal box 510.26724.01 -0.029 0 +0.002 +0.018 Tol. =>1500 18 250 h6 48 k6 Fit tol. seperate ventilation with terminal box 1FT613.-6S 8 rated speed <=1500 <=1500 gk230 35 Dimension sheet scale: k k1 resolver/encoder Siemens AG dept.: respons.: Doelz name: date: 101 116 131 6 641 0.5 0 45 30 with brake weight without brake name/respons. 11.08.04 05.02.96 Dim. k and k1 correct.9.2.94 e DIN 42955 shaft height not toleranced dimensions 1mm type 91 mm 106 132 123 132 1FT6132 132 1FT6134 1FT6136 tolerances acc. to index O 7 version with featherkey 120 air outlet deviation acc. to DIN 6885 sheet 1 k1 = with brake 62 35 133 17-pole plug for optical encoder 12-pole plug for Resolver terminal box gk230 for power and brake k= without brake / transverse - left 17-pole plug for optical encoder 12-pole plug for resolver Pg 9 82 0.5 82 0.5 4 28 3 centre hole DIN 332 DR M16 O 250 h6 Pg 11 for seperately driven fan connection 252 26 64 245 Fig. 6-14 132 2 4 54 R2 14 A 1 Dimension Drawings Force ventilated 1FT6 motors 1FT613 force ventilated with terminal box 6-15 Dimension Drawings Force ventilated 1FT6 motors Fig. 6-15 6-16 1FT616 force ventilated with terminal box 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 F E D C B centre hole DIN 332 DR M8 transverse - right 1 50 0.5 50 0.5 10 3.5 -0.1 Z 2 88 68 3 water connection 30 SIEMENS 30 axial - NDE 3 4 40 b 4 axial - DE port for sealing air M5 only at IP67/68 17-pole plug for optical encoder 12-pole plug for resolver k1 = with/without brake 40 water connections (for possible ) look at 510.30350.01 35 transverse - left 6-pole plug size 1 plug direction: O 110 j6 A O 24 k6 2 18 41 90 Fig. 6-16 mm type information Revision CM 500730 replacement for: index b a DIN 42955 o 8 :M 9 e qu 6 2 14 6 45 1 27 version with featherkey = 116 kg date Fu 25.01.00 DESIGN Sigraph k1 253 303 Siemens AG dept.:A&D MC EWN K-T respons.: Mueller Fu/Re name: MG/JM date: name/respons. 12.08.04 20.08.03 not toleranced dimensions 1mm 11.0 13.0 with brake weight without brake 9.5 12.5 without b 75 75 k1 283 333 5 a mm 56 56 40 encoder 90 510.37508.50 with/without brake IMB5 (IMB14) water cooling with plug size 1 Dimension sheet 1FT606. scale: resolver a mm 26 26 64 water connection G3/8 7 deviation acc. to DIN 6885 sheet 1 Z MA m r fix fo 4 tor t B1 stud bol Nm IM ax. ing 4 B IM 5: 900.31157.01 tolerances acc. to flange and shaft 63 1FT6062 shaft height 63 1FT6064 a 5 8 8 105 105 b -0.009 +0.013 +0.002 +0.015 Tol. b total sheets sheet No. O 13 0 0.3 10 110 j6 24 k6 Fit tol. 1 1 E D C B A 6.3 10 1 Dimension Drawings Water-cooled 1FT6 motors Water-cooled 1FT6 motors 1FT606 water-cooled with connector, Size 1 6-17 F E D C B 1 transverse - right plug direction: Z for power and brake 6-pole plug size 1.5 or 3 58 0.5 3.5 58 0.5 centre hole DIN332 DR M12 O 32 k6 38 2 ) 3 SIEMENS 45 4 32 4 35 o f mm type 5 M 12.08.04 date h Revision index replacement for: name/respons. Fu/Re MG/MJ Ki/Se Fu/Re 27.10.98 20.08.03 19 4 24.5 29.5 45 Sigraph Muller k 296 346 mm 45 0.5 k1 342 392 Siemens AG dept.:A&D MC EWN K-T 84 110 >4500 -1 size 3 plug assignment size 1.5 rated speed water cooling with plug size 1.5/3 510.37509.50 with/without brake IMB5 (IMB14) 8 h 130 j6 32 k6 Fit tol. >3000 min <=4500 <=3000 155 Dimension sheet 1FT608. scale: without resolver/encoder 13.11.97 DESIGN respons.: Mueller name: date: 7 water connection G3/8 water connection G3/8 with brake weight not toleranced dimensions 1mm g CM 500730 information kg without brake 21.0 26.0 f Tightening torque, add. 17.01.00 e Status DIN 42955 tolerances acc. to flange and shaft 80 1FT6084 shaft height 80 1FT6086 A 6 11 0 1 que : M tor 4 IM B1 stud bolt Nm IM ax. xing 42 m r fi = o : B5 deviation acc. to DIN 6885 sheet 1 axial - DE port for sealing air M5 only at IP67/68 Z plug size 3 5 version with featherkey 76 17-pole plug for optical encoder 12-pole plug for resolver axial - NDE 3 108 plug size 1.5 k= without brake / k1 = with brake 40 transverse - left 12 84 64 ( water connection 22.5 A O 130 j6 for possible water connections look at 510.30350.01 62 110 2 32 6-18 10 Fig. 6-17 0.3 10 1 1 E D C B A total sheets sheet No. -0.011 +0.014 +0.002 +0.018 Tol. 16 5 10 1 Dimension Drawings Water-cooled 1FT6 motors 1FT608 water-cooled with connector, Size 1.5/3 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 F E D C B centre hole DIN 332 DR M12 ( 1 transverse - right 40 2 ) 3 plug size 1.5 45 3 axial - NDE 155 SIEMENS 32 109 27 4 33 73 Z 4 axial - DE 5 plug size 3 100 information Correction Revision CM: 501275 CM 500730 replacement for: index h i k g DIN 42955 tolerances acc. to flange and shaft M A 45 0.5 40 84 7 kg MG/MJ date name/respons. 09.12.03 Fu/MJ 12.08.04 Fu/Re 04.05.05 Wk/DGB 20.08.03 50.0 66.0 mm Muller 13.11.97 DESIGN Siemens AG dept.:A&D MC EWN K-T respons.: Grosse-Benne name: date: k 370 470 k1 416 516 without 5 180 j6 38 k6 -0.013 +0.012 +0.002 +0.018 Tol. min -1 <=3000 <=2000 70 plug assigment 510.37510.50 with/without brake IMB5 (IMB14) water cooling with plug size 1.5/3 k version with brake 215 0.5 rated speed size 1.5 size 3 - 5 0. 8 Fit tol. 1 1 E D C B A total sheets sheet No. version without brake 10 Dimension sheet 1FT610. scale: resolver/encoder Sigraph with brake weight without brake 45.5 61.5 deviation acc. to DIN 6885 sheet 1 41 45 192 110 version with featherkey 0 24 not toleranced dimensions 1mm shaft height mm 100 1FT6105 type f 6 water connection G3/8 water connection G3/8 14 2 o 1 : M ue B5 4: torq M t I B1 stud bol Nm IM ax. xing 70 m r fi = o 1FT6108 17-pole plug for optical encoder 12-pole plug for resolver k = without brake / k1 = with brake transverse - left port for sealing air M5 only at IP67/68 Z 48 17 96 76 110 for possible water connections look at 510.30350.01 6-pole plug size 1.5 or 3 for power and brake 13 80 0.5 4 -0.1 80 plug direction: O 180 j6 A O 38 k6 water connection 62 22.5 2 10 Fig. 6-18 10 1 Dimension Drawings Water-cooled 1FT6 motors 1FT610 water-cooled with connector, Size 1.5/3 6-19 F E D C B O 180 j6 1 transverse - right plug direction: 4 48 17 96 76 Z terminal box for power and brake 13 80 0.5 2 40 ) Pg29 19 23 117 4 95 Pg9 3 45 155 SIEMENS 122 33 4 axial - NDE o 14 Z 100 1FT6105 information Update draw. CM 500730 CM 501101 Revision replacement for: index a b c d tolerances acc. to flange and shaft shaft height DIN 42955 ud 0 kg 50.0 66.0 192 110 41 name/respons. 15.09.2000 DESIGN Siemens AG dept.:A&D MC EWN K-T name: Voll respons.: Mueller date: mm k1 416 516 5 without 180 j6 38 k6 70 -1 <=2000 min terminal box .5 5 0 <=2000 21 510.36203.50 with/without brake IMB5 (IMB14) water cooling with terminal box d version with brake rated speed gk230 - - 8 Fit tol. total sheets Sheet No. -0.013 +0.012 +0.002 +0.018 Tol. version without brake 10 Dimension sheet 1FT610. scale: resolver/encoder k 370 470 Sigraph with brake weight without brake 45.5 61.5 07.05.01 Fu/Re 20.08.03 MG/JM 12.01.04 Ste/JM 11.08.04 Fu/Re date 0.5 version with featherkey 45 40 84 water connection G3/8 7 deviation acc. to DIN 6885 sheet 1 24 not toleranced dimensions 1mm mm 100 1FT6108 type 12 M M : 14 6 water connection G3/8 ue rq to t B st bol Nm IM ax. xing 70 m r fi = fo A : B5 IM 5 17-pole plug for optical encoder 12-pole plug for resolver k = without brake / k1 = with brake transverse - left port for sealing air M5 only at IP67/68 centre hole DIN 332 DR M12 80 0.5 ( 3 110 22.5 A O 38 k6 water connection 29 for possible water connections look at 510.30350.01 65 2 10 6-20 32 Fig. 6-19 10 1 1 1 E D C B A Dimension Drawings Water-cooled 1FT6 motors 1FT610 water-cooled with terminal box, rated speed = 2000 RPM 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 F E D C B centre hole DIN 332 DR M12 O 180 j6 1 transverse - right plug direction: 2 13 80 0.5 80 0.5 17-pole plug for optical encoder 12-pole plug for resolver terminal box for power and brake O 38 k6 3 27 Pg36 ) 162 4 95 Pg 9 32 3 155 SIEMENS 33 96 4 axial - NDE only at IP67/68 port for sealing air M5 Z k = without brake / k1 = with brake transverse - left 48 4 17 40 96 76 37 for possible water connections look at 510.30350.01 80 110 A ( 22.5 5: flange and shaft type 1FT6105 1FT6108 Z information Update draw. CM 501101 Revision DIN 42955 replacement for: index = 7 50.0 66.0 with brake name/respons. 07.05.01 Fu/Re 09.01.04 Ste/JM 12.08.04 Fu/Re 192 110 41 Voll k 370 470 mm k1 416 516 Siemens AG dept.:A&D MC EWN K-T without 10 8 180 j6 38 k6 Fit tol. 5 min terminal box gk420 rated speed -1 3000 510.36203.51 with/without brake IMB5 (IMB14) water cooling with terminal box 70 .5 5 0 3000 21 c version with brake total sheets sheetNo. -0.013 +0.012 +0.002 +0.018 Tol. version without brake Dimension sheet 1FT610. scale: resolver/encoder 05.09.2000 respons.: Mueller name: Sigraph DESIGN not toleranced dimensions 1mm date: kg without brake 45.5 61.5 weight date 5 0. version with featherkey 45 40 84 water connection G3/8 7 deviation acc. to DIN 6885 sheet 1 0 24 mm 100 100 A shaft height M m r fix fo tolerances acc. to a b c o 6 water connection G3/8 14 2 1 M que B 14: d tor lt IM B stu bo Nm IM ax. ing 0 5 96 water connection 10 2 27 Fig. 6-20 10 1 1 1 E D C B A Dimension Drawings Water-cooled 1FT6 motors 1FT610 water-cooled with terminal box, rated speed = 3000 RPM 6-21 Dimension Drawings Water-cooled 1FT6 motors Fig. 6-21 6-22 1FT613 water-cooled with terminal box 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Dimension Drawings Water-cooled 1FT6 motors Fig. 6-22 1FT616 water-cooled with terminal box 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 6-23 Fig. 6-23 6-24 3 4 e Completely revised Fu/Re date: (left side) 02.09.2004 Q21 Sigraph (opposite side) Q22 6 scale without Q22 7 (opposite side) 8 sheet No. C B A F 2 30.08.2004 Memo Correction Index d 12.08.2004 Correction c Date Fu 25.01.2002 Fu/Re Siemens AG Fu/Re A&D MC EWN K-T Fu/Re respons.: Reimann MG/MJ name: Cont./Chkd. 06.08.2004 Completely revised b 10.10.2002 Options expanded a DESIGN 510.30350.01 1FT6. e e Overview of the possible directions of the water connections total sheets1 1 E 1 (right side) (left side) Q21 5 E Q20 options Q20, Q21 or Q22 instead. for 1FT6062. Please select one of the connection from top side is not possible 4 D = Water connection 1FT608./610. 1FT6062 (right side) Q20 Plug direction drive end and water 3 D C 1FT606. 2 6.4 B A 1 Dimension Drawings Cooling water connections for shaft height 60 to 100 Cooling water connections for shaft height 60 to 100 1FT6 cooling water connections for shaft height 60 to 100 Cooling water connections for shaft heights132 and 160, refer to the appropriate motor dim. drawing. 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Dimension Drawings 1FT6 motors with planetary gearbox series SP+ 6.5 1FT6 motors with planetary gearbox series SP+ 6.5.1 Dimension drawings 1FT6 with planetary gearbox SP+, single-stage For motors Dimensions in mm (inches) Resolver Shaft Type height F4 Planetary gearbox Type D1 D2 D3 D4 L5 L6 L7 without brake C L8 with brake C Incremental encoders sin/ cos 1 Vpp/absolute encoders without with brake brake C C 1FT6 with SP+ planetary gearbox, single-stage, IM B5 type, natural cooling, with connector, without/with brake 1FT6021 1FT6024 36 1FT6031 1FT6034 1FT6034 48 1FT6041 1FT6044 63 1FT6061 1FT6062 1FT6064 80 1FT6081 1FT6082 1FT6084 1FT6086 1FT6086 62 (2.44) 62 (2.44) 62 (2.44) 62 (2.44) 76 (2.99) 76 (2.99) 76 (2.99) 101 (3.98) 101 (3.98) 101 (3.98) 141 (5.56) 141 (5.56) 141 (5.56) 141 (5.56) 182 (7.17) SP060S-MF1 SP060S-MF1 SP060S-MF1 SP060S-MF1 SP075S-MF1 SP075S-MF1 SP075S-MF1 SP100S-MF1 SP100S-MF1 SP100S-MF1 SP140S-MF1 SP140S-MF1 SP140S-MF1 SP140S-MF1 SP180S-MF1 60 (2.36) 60 (2.36) 60 (2.36) 60 (2.36) 70 (2.76) 70 (2.76) 70 (2.76) 90 (3.55) 90 (3.55) 90 (3.55) 130 (5.12) 130 (5.12) 130 (5.12) 130 (5.12) 160 (6.30) 1FT602. 1FT603. 1FT604. 1FT606. 1FT608. 16 (0.63) 16 (0.63) 16 (0.63) 16 (0.63) 22 (0.87) 22 (0.87) 22 (0.87) 32 (1.26) 32 (1.26) 32 (1.26) 40 (1.58) 40 (1.58) 40 (1.58) 40 (1.58) 55 (2.17) 5.5 (0.22) 5.5 (0.22) 5.5 (0.22) 5.5 (0.22) 6.6 (0.26) 6.6 (0.26) 6.6 (0.26) 9 (0.35) 9 (0.35) 9 (0.35) 11 (0.43) 11 (0.43) 11 (0.43) 11 (0.43) 13.5 (0.53) 68 (2.68) 68 (2.68) 68 (2.68) 68 (2.68) 85 (3.35) 85 (3.35) 85 (3.35) 120 (4.73) 120 (4.73) 120 (4.73) 165 (6.50) 165 (6.50) 165 (6.50) 165 (6.50) 215 (8.47) 138 (5.44) 138 (5.44) 142 (5.59) 142 (5.59) 164 (6.46) 168 (6.62) 168 (6.62) 217 (8.55) 217 (8.55) 217 (8.55) 283 (11.15) 283 (11.15) 283 (11.15) 283 (11.15) 310 (12.21) 28 (1.10) 28 (1.10) 28 (1.10) 28 (1.10) 36 (1.42) 36 (1.42) 36 (1.42) 58 (2.29) 58 (2.29) 58 (2.29) 82 (3.23) 82 (3.23) 82 (3.23) 82 (3.23) 82 (3.23) 20 (0.79) 20 (0.79) 20 (0.79) 20 (0.79) 20 (0.79) 20 (0.79) 20 (0.79) 30 (1.18) 30 (1.18) 30 (1.18) 30 (1.18) 30 (1.18) 30 (1.18) 30 (1.18) 30 (1.18) 6 (0.24) 6 0.24) 6 (0.24) 6 (0.24) 7 (0.28) 7 (0.28) 7 (0.28) 10 (0.39) 10 (0.39) 10 (0.39) 12 (0.47) 12 (0.47) 12 (0.47) 12 (0.47) 15 (0.59) 283 (11.15) 323 (12.73) 274 (10.80) 314 (12.37) 328 (12.92) 297 (11.70) 347 (13.67) 327 (12.88) 352 (13.87) 402 (15.84) 392 (15.44) 417 (16.43) 467 (18.40) 517 (20.37) 544 (21.43) 308 (12.14) 348 (13.71) 294 (11.58) 334 (13.16) 348 (13.71) 332 (13.08) 382 (15.05) 357 (14.07) 382 (15.05) 432 (17.02) 419 (16.51) 444 (17.49) 513 (20.21) 563 (22.18) 590 (23.25) 283 (11.15) 323 (12.73) 314 (12.37) 354 (13.95) 368 (14.50) 340 (13.40) 390 (15.37) 357 (14.07) 382 (15.05) 432 (17.02) 392 (15.44) 417 (16.43) 467 (18.40) 517 (20.37) 544 (21.43) 308 (12.14) 348 (13.71) 334 (13.16) 374 (14.74) 388 (15.29) 375 (14.78) 425 (16.75) 387 (15.25) 412 (16.23) 462 (18.20) 419 (16.51) 444 (17.49) 513 (20.21) 563 (22.18) 590 (23.25) L5 F4 L7 D4 O D1 O D2 L6 L8 K 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 G_DA65_XX_00242 28 D3 6-25 Dimension Drawings 1FT6 motors with planetary gearbox series SP+ For motor Dimensions in mm (inches) Resolver Shaft Type height F4 Planetary gearbox Type D1 D2 D3 D4 L5 L6 L7 L8 without brake C with brake C Incremental encoders sin/ cos 1 Vpp/absolute encoders without with brake brake C C 1FT6 with SP+ planetary gearbox, single-stage, IM B5 type, natural cooling, with connector, without/with brake 1FT6102 1FT6105 1FT6105 1FT6108 1FT6108 132 1FT6132 1FT6134 1FT6134 1FT6136 1FT6136 182 (7.17) 182 (7.17) 212 (8.35) 182 (7.17) 212 (8.35) 212 (8.35) 212 (8.35) 242 (9.53) 212 (8.35) 242 (9.53) SP180S-MF1 SP180S-MF1 SP210-MF1 SP180S-MF1 SP210-MF1 SP210-MF1 SP210-MF1 SP240- MF1 SP210-MF1 SP240- MF1 160 (6.30) 160 (6.30) 180 (7.09) 160 (6.30) 180 (7.09) 180 (7.09) 180 (7.09) 200 (7.88) 180 (7.09) 200 (7.88) 1FT610. 1FT613. 55 (2.17) 55 (2.17) 75 (2.96) 55 (2.17) 75 (2.96) 75 (2.96) 75 (2.96) 85 (3.35) 75 (2.96) 85 (3.35) 13.5 (0.53) 13.5 (0.53) 17 (0.67) 13.5 (0.53) 17 (0.67) 17 (0.67) 17 (0.67) 17 (0.67) 17 (0.67) 17 (0.67) 215 (8.47) 215 (8.47) 250 (9.85) 215 (8.47) 250 (9.85) 250 (9.85) 250 (9.85) 290 (11.43) 250 (9.85) 290 (11.43) 310 (12.21) 310 (12.21) 350 (13.79) 310 (12.21) 350 (13.79) 350 (13.79) 350 (13.79) 436 (17.18) 350 (13.79) 436 (17.18) 30 (1.18) 30 (1.18) 38 (1.50) 30 (1.18) 38 (1.50) 38 (1.50) 38 (1.50) 40 (1.58) 38 (1.50) 40 (1.58) 15 (0.59) 15 (0.59) 17 (0.67) 15 (0.59) 17 (0.67) 17 (0.67) 17 (0.67) 20 (0.79) 17 (0.67) 20 (0.79) 493 (19.42) 568 (22.38) 577 (22.73) 668 (26.32) 677 (26.67) 630 (24.82) 680 (26.79) 739 (29.12) 730 (28.76) 789 (31.09) 539 (21.24) 614 (24.19) 623 (24.55) 714 (28.13) 723 (28.49) 680 (26.79) 730 (28.76) 789 (31.09) 780 (30.73) 839 (33.06) 493 (19.42) 568 (22.38) 577 (22.73) 668 (26.32) 677 (26.67) 630 (24.82) 680 (26.79) 739 (29.12) 730 (28.76) 789 (31.09) 539 (21.24) 614 (24.19) 623 (24.55) 714 (28.13) 723 (28.49) 680 (26.79) 730 (28.76) 789 (31.09) 780 (30.73) 839 (33.06) L5 F4 L7 D4 O D1 O D2 L6 L8 K 6-26 82 (3.23) 82 (3.23) 105 (4.14) 82 (3.23) 105 (4.14) 105 (4.14) 105 (4.14) 130 (5.12) 105 (4.14) 130 (5.12) G_DA65_XX_00242 100 D3 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Dimension Drawings 1FT6 motors with planetary gearbox series SP+ 6.5.2 Dimension drawings 1FT6 with planetary gearbox SP+, 2-stage For motor Dimensions in mm (inches) Resolver Shaft Type height F4 Planetary gearboxes Type D1 D2 D3 D4 L5 L6 L7 L8 without brake C with brake C Incremental encoders sin/ cos 1 Vpp/absolute encoders without with brake brake C C 1FT6 with SP+ planetary gearbox, 2-stage, IM B5 type, natural cooling, with connector, without/with brake 1FT6061 1FT6061 1FT6061 1FT6062 1FT6062 1FT6064 1FT6064 1FT6064 80 1FT6081 1FT6081 1FT6081 1FT6082 1FT6082 1FT6082 1FT6084 1FT6084 1FT6084 1FT6086 1FT6086 101 (3.98) 141 (5.56) 182 (7.17) 101 (3.98) 141 (5.56) 101 (3.98) 141 (5.56) 182 (7.17) 141 (5.56) 182 (7.17) 212 (8.35) 141 (5.56) 182 (7.17) 212 (8.35) 141 (5.56) 182 (7.17) 242 (9.53) 141 (5.56) 182 (7.17) SP100S - MF2 90 (3.55) SP140S - MF2 130 (5.12) SP180S - MF2 160 (6.30) SP100S - MF2 90 (3.55) SP140S - MF2 130 (5.12) SP100S - MF2 90 (3.55) SP140S - MF2 130 (5.12) SP180S - MF2 160 (6.30) SP140S - MF2 130 (5.12) SP180S - MF2 160 (6.30) SP210 - MF2 180 (7.09) SP140S - MF2 130 (5.12) SP180S - MF2 160 (6.30) SP210 - MF2 180 (7.09) SP140S - MF2 130 (5.12) SP180S - MF2 160 (6.30) SP240 - MF2 200 (7.88) SP140S - MF2 130 (5.12) SP180S - MF2 160 (6.30) 32 (1.26) 40 (1.58) 55 (2.17) 32 (1.26) 40 (1.58) 32 (1.26) 40 (1.58) 55 (2.17) 40 (1.58) 55 (2.17) 75 (2.96) 40 (1.58) 55 (2.17) 75 (2.96) 40 (1.58) 55 (2.17) 85 (3.35) 40 (1.58) 55 (2.17) 9 (0.35) 11 (0.43) 13.5 (0.53) 9 (0.35) 11 (0.43) 9 (0.35) 11 (0.43) 13.5 (0.53) 11 (0.43) 13.5 (0.53) 17 (0.67) 11 (0.43) 13.5 (0.53) 17 (0.67) 11 (0.43) 13.5 (0.53) 17 (0.67) 11 (0.43) 13.5 (0.53) 1FT606. 1FT608. 120 (4.73) 165 (6.50) 215 (8.47) 120 (4.73) 165 (6.50) 120 (4.73) 165 (6.50) 215 (8.47) 165 (6.50) 215 (8.47) 250 (9.85) 165 (6.50) 215 (8.47) 250 (9.85) 165 (6.50) 215 (8.47) 290 (11.43) 165 (6.50) 215 (8.47) 252 (9.93) 305 (12.02) 346 (13.63) 252 (9.93) 305 (12.02) 252 (9.93) 305 (12.02) 346 (13.63) 332 (13.08) 355 (13.99) 397 (15.64) 332 (13.08) 355 (13.99) 397 (15.64) 332 (13,08) 355 (13.99) 454 (17.89) 332 (13.08) 355 (13.99) 58 (2.29) 82 (3.23) 82 (3.23) 58 (2.29) 82 (3.23) 58 (2.29) 82 (3.23) 82 (3.23) 82 (3.23) 82 (3.23) 105 (4.14) 82 (3.23) 82 (3.23) 105 (4.14) 82 (3.23) 82 (3.23) 130 (5.12) 82 (3.23) 82 (3.23) 30 (1.18) 30 (1.18) 30 (1.18) 30 (1.18) 30 (1.18) 30 (1.18) 30 (1.18) 30 (1.18) 30 (1.18) 30 (1.18) 38 (1.50) 30 (1.18) 30 (1.18) 38 (1.50) 30 (1.18) 30 (1.18) 40 (1.58) 30 (1.18) 30 (1.18) 10 (0.39) 12 (0.47) 15 (0.59) 10 (0.39) 12 (0.47) 10 (0.39) 12 (0.47) 15 (0.59) 12 (0.47) 15 (0.59) 17 (0.67) 12 (0.47) 15 (0.59) 17 (0.67) 12 (0.47) 15 (0.59) 20 (0.79) 12 (0.47) 15 (0.59) 362 (14.26) 391 (15.41) 432 (17.02) 387 (15.25) 416 (16.39) 437 (17.22) 466 (18.36) 507 (19.98) 441 (17.38) 464 (18.28) 475 (18.72) 466 (18.36) 489 (19.27) 500 (19.70) 516 (20.33) 539 (21.24) 580 (22.85) 566 (22.30) 589 (23.21) 392 (15.44) 421 (16.59) 462 (18.20) 417 (16.43) 446 (17.57) 467 (18.40) 496 (19.54) 537 (21.16) 468 (18.44) 491 (19.35) 502 (19.78) 493 (19.42) 516 (20.33) 527 (20.76) 562 (22.14) 585 (23.05) 626 (24.66) 612 (24.11) 635 (25.02) 392 (15.44) 421 (16.59) 462 (18.20) 417 (16.43) 446 (17.57) 467 (18.40) 496 (19.54) 537 (21.16) 441 (17.38) 464 (18.28) 475 (18.72) 466 (18.36) 489 (19.27) 500 (19.70) 516 (20.33) 539 (21.24) 580 (22.85) 566 (22.30) 589 (23.21) 422 (16.63) 451 (17.77) 492 (19.38) 447 (17.61) 476 (18.75) 497 (19.58) 526 (20.72) 567 (22.34) 468 (18.44) 491 (19.35) 502 (19.78) 493 (19.42) 516 (20.33) 527 (20.76) 562 (22.14) 585 (23.05) 626 (24.66) 612 (24.11) 635 (25.02) L5 F4 L7 D4 O D1 O D2 L6 L8 K 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 G_DA65_XX_00242 63 D3 6-27 Dimension Drawings 1FT6 motors with planetary gearbox series SP+ For motor Dimensions in mm (inches) Resolver Shaft Type height F4 Planetary gearboxes Type D1 D2 D3 D4 L5 L6 L7 L8 without brake C with brake C Incremental encoders sin/ cos 1 Vpp/absolute encoders without with brake brake C C 1FT6 with SP+ planetary gearbox, 2-stage, IM B5 type, natural cooling, with connector, without/with brake 1FT6102 1FT6102 1FT6105 1FT6105 1FT6108 132 1FT6132 1FT6134 1FT6136 182 (7.17) 242 (9.53) 212 (8.35) 242 (9.53) 242 (9.53) 212 (8.35) 242 (9.53) 242 (9.53) 160 (6.30) 200 (7.88) 180 (7.09) 200 (7.88) 200 (7.88) 180 (7.09) 200 (7.88) 200 (7.88) SP180S-MF2 SP240-MF2 SP210-MF2 SP240-MF2 SP240-MF2 SP210-MF2 SP240-MF2 SP240-MF2 1FT610. 1FT613. 55 (2.17) 85 (3.35) 75 (2.96) 85 (3.35) 85 (3.35) 75 (2.96) 85 (3.35) 85 (3.35) 13.5 (0.53) 17 (0.67) 17 (0.67) 17 (0.67) 17 (0.67) 17 (0.67) 17 (0.67) 17 (0.67) 215 (8.47) 290 (11.43) 250 (9.85) 290 (11.43) 290 (11.43) 250 (9.85) 290 (11.43) 290 (11.43) 355 (13.99) 454 (17.89) 397 (15.64) 454 (17.89) 454 (17.89) 397 (15.64) 454 (17.89) 454 (17.89) 82 (3.23) 130 (5.12) 105 (4.14) 130 (5.12) 130 (5.12) 105 (4.14) 130 (5.12) 130 (5.12) 15 (0.59) 20 (0.79) 17 (0.67) 20 (0.79) 20 (0.79) 170 (6.70) 20 (0.79) 20 (0.79) 538 (21.20) 579 (22.81) 624 (24.59) 654 (25.77) 754 (29.71) 677 (26.67) 757 (29.83) 807 (31.80) 584 (23.01) 625 (24.63) 670 (26.40) 700 (27.58) 800 (31.52) 727 (28.64) 807 (31.80) 857 (33.77) 538 (21.20) 579 (22.81) 624 (24.59) 654 (25.77) 754 (29.71) 677 (26.67) 757 (29.83) 807 (31.80) 584 (23.01) 625 (24.63) 670 (26.40) 700 (27.58) 800 (31.52) 727 (28.64) 807 (31.80) 857 (33.77) L5 F4 L7 D4 O D1 O D2 L6 L8 K 6-28 30 (1.18) 40 (1.58) 38 (1.50) 40 (1.58) 40 (1.58) 38 (1.50) 40 (1.58) 40 (1.58) G_DA65_XX_00242 100 D3 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 A Appendix A.1 References An overview of publications that is updated monthly is provided in a number of languages in the Internet at: <http://www.siemens.com/motioncontrol> through "Support", "Technical Documentation", "Documentation Overview" General Documentation /D 21.2/ SINAMICS S120 Catalog SINAMICS S120 Servo Control Drive System /NC 61/ SINUMERIK and SIMODRIVE Catalog Automation Systems for Machine Tools /DA65.3/ SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Catalog Synchronous and Induction Motors for SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Electronic Documentation /CD1/ DOC ON CD The SINUMERIK System (includes all SINUMERIK 840D/810D and SIMODRIVE 611D) /CD2/ DOC ON CD The SINAMICS System 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 A-1 Appendix References Manufacturer/Service Documentation /PJAL/ Configuration Manual, Synchronous Motors SIMODRIVE 611, SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES MC Synchronous Motors General Section /PFK7S/ Configuration Manual, Synchronous Motors SINAMICS S120 1FK7 Synchronous Motors /PFT6S/ Configuration Manual, Synchronous Motors SINAMICS S120 1FT6 Synchronous Motors /APH7S/ Configuration Manual, Asynchronous Motors SINAMICS S120 Servo Control/Vector Control Induction Motors 1PH7 /PMH2/ Configuration Manual, Hollow-Shaft Measuring System SINAMICS S120, SIMODRIVE 611, SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES, SIMAG H2 Hollow-Shaft Measuring System /PFK7/ Configuration Manual, Synchronous Motors SIMODRIVE 611, SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES 1FK7 Synchronous Motors /PFT6/ Configuration Manual, Synchronous Motors SIMODRIVE 611, SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES 1FT6 Synchronous Motors /PFK6/ Configuration Manual, Synchronous Motors SIMODRIVE 611, SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES 1FK6 Synchronous Motors /PFS6/ Configuration Manual, Synchronous Motors SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES 1FS6 Synchronous Motors, Explosion-Protected /PFU/ Configuration Manual, Synchronous Motors SINAMICS S120, SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES, MICROMASTER SIEMOSYN Synchronous Motors 1FU8 /ASAL/ Configuration Manual, Asynchronous Motors SIMODRIVE 611, SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Induction Motors General Section A-2 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Appendix References /APH2/ Configuration Manual, Asynchronous Motors SIMODRIVE 611 1PH2 Induction Motors /APH4/ Configuration Manual, Asynchronous Motors SIMODRIVE 611 1PH4 Induction Motors /APH7/ Configuration Manual, Asynchronous Motors SIMODRIVE 611 1PH7 Induction Motors /PPM/ Configuration Manual, Hollow-Shaft Motors SIMODRIVE 611 Hollow-Shaft Motors for Main Spindle Drives 1PM6 and 1PM4 /PJFE/ Configuration Manual, Synchronous Build-in Motors SIMODRIVE 611 Synchronous Motors for Main Spindle Drives 1FE1 Synchronous Build-in Motors /PJTM/ Configuration Manual, Build-in Torque Motors SIMODRIVE 611 Build-in Torque Motors 1FW6 /PJLM/ Configuration Manual, Linear Motors SIMODRIVE 611 Linear Motors 1FN1 and 1FN3 /PMS/ Configuration Manual, ECO Motor Spindle SIMODRIVE 611 ECO Motor Spindle 2SP1 /APL6/ Configuration Manual, Asynchronous Motors SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Induction Motors 1PL6 /APH7M/ Configuration Manual, Asynchronous Motors SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES VC/MC Induction Motors 1PH7 /PKTM/ Configuration Manual, Complete Torque Motors SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Complete Torque Motors 1FW3 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 A-3 Appendix References A-4 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Index H Holding brake 4-3 Hotline vi A Absolute encoder 4-11 Additive 1-26 Applications 1-2 Armature short-circuit braking 1-15 Axial force stressing 3-133 I Incremental encoders 4-7, 4-12 O B Braking resistors 1-15 Options 1-3 Order designation Core types 1-6 Standard types 1-5 Output coupling 4-1 C Cantilever force diagrams 3-128 Cantilever force stressing 3-128 Characteristics 3-1 Cooling 1-22 Cooling medium 1-25 Cooling powers to be dissipated 1-27 R D S Danger and warning information vi Design features 1-3 Dimension drawings 6-1 E Speed-torque diagrams Force ventilated 3-62 Natural cooling 3-2 Water cooling 3-94 Standard engineering 1-1 Supplements 1-3 Encoders 4-6, 4-7 ESDS instructions viii T F Features 1-1 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Resistor braking 1-15 Force ventilated 1-18 Naturally cooled 1-16 Water cooling 1-20 Technical data nN 2000 RPM 1-10 nN 2500 RPM 1-11 nN 3000 RPM 1-12 nN 4500 RPM 1-13 nN 6000 RPM 1-14 Technical design 1-3 Technical features 1-3 Index-1 Index Technical support vi Temperature sensor, KTY 84 4-4 Thermal motor protection 4-4 Index-2 1FT6 Synchronous Motors Configuration Manual, (PFT6), 10.2005 Edition, 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Suggestions To SIEMENS AG Corrections For publication/manual: A&D MC BMS Postfach 3180 1 FT6 Synchronous Motors for 91050 ERLANGEN, GERMANY SIMODRIVE 611 and Phone.: +49 (0) 180 5050-222 (Service Support) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES MC Fax: +49 (0) 9131 98-63315 (Documentation) E-mail: motioncontrol.docu@siemens.com Manufacturer/Service Documentation From Configuration Manual Name Company/Dept. Order No.: 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 10.2005 Edition Street: Should you come across any printing errors Zip code: Town: when reading this publication, please notify us Telephone: / on this sheet. Suggestions for improvement are Fax: / also welcome. Suggestions and/or corrections 6LHPHQV$* $XWRPDWLRQ 'ULYHV 0RWLRQ&RQWURO6\VWHPV 3RVWIDFK(5/$1*(1 *(50$1< ZZZVLHPHQVFRPPRWLRQFRQWURO (c) Siemens AG, 2004-2005. Subject to change without prior notice Order No.: 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP1 Printed in Germany