USER'S MANUAL FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block Foreword * This manual contains text, diagrams and explanations which will guide the reader in the correct installation and operation of the FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block. It should be read and understood befre attempting to install or use the unit. * Further infomation can be found in the hardware manual for connecting main unit, FX Series Programming Manual and manual of DeviceNet master units. * If in doubt at any stage of the installation of FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block always consult a professional electrical engineer who is qualified and trained to the local and national standards which apply to the installation site. * If in doubt about the operation or use of FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block please consult the nearest Mitsubisi Electric distributor. * This manual is subject to change without notice. FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block Manual number : JY992D86301 User's Manual Manual revision : A Date : April 2000 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block ii FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block Guidelines for the Safety of the User and Protection of the FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block. This manual provides information for the use of the FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block. The manual has been written to be used by trained and competent personnel. The definition of such a person or persons is as follows: a) Any engineer who is responsible for the planning, design and construction of automatic equipment using the product associated with this manual, should be of a competent nature, trained and qualified to the local and national standards required to fulfill that role. These engineers should be fully aware of all aspects of safety with regards to automated equipment. b) Any commissioning or service engineer must be of a competent nature, trained and qualified to the local and national standards required to fulfill that job. These engineers should also be trained in the use and maintenance of the completed product. This includes being completely familiar with all associated documentation for said product. All maintenance should be carried out in accordance with established safety practices. c) All operators of the completed equipment should be trained to use that product in a safe and coordinated manner in compliance to established safety practices. The operators should also be familiar with documentation which is connected with the actual operation of the completed equipment. Note : The term `completed equipment' refers to a third party constructed device which contains or uses the product associated with this manual. iii FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block Note's on the Symbols Used in this Manual At various times through out this manual certain symbols will be used to highlight points of information which are intended to ensure the users personal safety and protect the integrity of equipment. Whenever any of the following symbols are encountered its associated note must be read and understood. Each of the symbols used will now be listed with a brief description of its meaning. Hardware Warnings 1) Indicates that the identified danger WILL cause physical and property damage. 2) Indicates that the identified danger could POSSIBLY cause physical and property damage. 3) Indicates a point of further interest or further explanation. Software Warnings 4) Indicates special care must be taken when using this element of software. 5) Indicates a special point which the user of the associate software element should be aware. 6) Indicates a point of interest or further explanation. iv FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block * Under no circumstances will Mitsubishi Electric be liable responsible for any consequential damage that may arise as a result of the installation or use of this equipment. * All examples and diagrams shown in this manual are intended only as an aid to understanding the text, not to guarantee operation. Mitsubishi Electric will accept no responsibility for actual use of the product based on these illustrative examples. * Owing to the very great variety in possible application of this equipment, you must satisfy yourself as to its suitability for your specific application. v FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block vi FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block Table of Contents Guideline ............................................................................................. iii 1. Introduction............................................................................................1-1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Features of the 64DNET...................................................................................... 1-1 External Dimensions and Each Part Name ......................................................... 1-2 System Configuration .......................................................................................... 1-4 Applicable PLC .................................................................................................... 1-5 2. Wiring and Mounting .............................................................................2-1 2.1 Mounting .............................................................................................................. 2-1 2.1.1 Arrangements ............................................................................................................ 2-1 2.1.2 Mounting.................................................................................................................... 2-2 2.2 Wiring .................................................................................................................. 2-3 2.2.1 Caution ...................................................................................................................... 2-3 2.2.2 Wiring ........................................................................................................................ 2-4 2.2.3 Terminating Resistor ................................................................................................. 2-4 3. Specifications ........................................................................................3-1 3.1 General Specifications......................................................................................... 3-1 3.2 Power Supply Specifications ............................................................................... 3-1 3.3 Performance Specifications ................................................................................. 3-2 vii FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block 4. Allocation of Buffer Memories (BFMs)...................................................4-1 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 4.17 4.18 4.19 4.20 4.21 Buffer Memories (BFM) Lists ............................................................................... 4-2 DeviceNet LINK Enable <BFM #0> (Read/Write)................................................ 4-8 Module Status about Connection <BFM #1> (Read Only) .................................. 4-9 Module Status about DeviceNet <BFM #2> (Read Only) .................................. 4-10 Number of DeviceNet UCMM Connections <BFM #3> (Read/Write) ................ 4-11 DeviceNet Bus-off Counter <BFM #4> (Read/Write)......................................... 4-11 Number of DeviceNet Retries <BFM #5> (Read/Write)..................................... 4-12 FROM/TO WDT Setting <BFM #6> (Read/Write).............................................. 4-13 Mode Control Flags <BFM #7> (Read/Write) .................................................... 4-14 UCMM Client Connection Setting <BFM #8 ~ #11> (Read/Write)..................... 4-15 UCMM Client Sending Trigger <BFM #12 ~ #15> (Read/Write) ....................... 4-16 UCMM Client Receiving Status <BFM #16 ~ #19> (Read Only) ....................... 4-17 UCMM Server Receiving Status <BFM #20 ~ #23> (Read Only)...................... 4-18 Error Status <BFM #26 ~ #29> (Read Only) ..................................................... 4-19 Module ID Code <BFM #30> (Read Only) ........................................................ 4-19 UCMM Client WDT switch <BFM #32 ~ #35> (Read/Write).............................. 4-20 UCMM Client Connection Status <BFM #36 ~ #39> (Read Only)..................... 4-21 UCMM Client Communication Status <BFM #40 ~ #43> (Read Only).............. 4-22 UCMM Server Communication Status <BFM #44 ~ #47> (Read Only) ............ 4-23 Baud Rate <BFM #48> (Read Only) ................................................................. 4-24 Master/Slave Communication Data Area <BFM #100 ~ #133>......................... 4-24 4.21.1 Send Data/Receive Data Area <BFM #100 ~ #131> (Read/Write) ......................... 4-25 4.21.2 Number of Link Points <BFM #132> (Read/Write) .................................................. 4-26 4.21.3 MAC ID <BFM #133> (Read Only).......................................................................... 4-26 viii FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block 4.22 UCMM Client Communication Data Area <BFM #10000 ~ #16336> ................ 4-27 4.22.1 4.22.2 4.22.3 4.22.4 4.22.5 4.22.6 4.22.7 Send Data/Receive Data Area <BFM #100*1 ~ #131*1> (Read/Write)....... 4-27 Length of Assembly Data <BFM #132*1> (Read/Write) .................................... 4-29 Length of Sending Common Service Data <BFM #133*1> (Read/Write).......... 4-29 Length of Receiving Data <BFM #134*1> (Read Only)..................................... 4-30 Group Selection <BFM #135*1> (Read/Write) .................................................. 4-30 Class ID and Instance ID <BFM #136*1>.......................................................... 4-31 Attribute ID and Service Code <BFM #137*1> .................................................. 4-32 4.23 UCMM Server Communication Data Area <BFM #20000 ~ #26336>............... 4-33 4.23.1 4.23.2 4.23.3 4.23.4 4.23.5 4.23.6 4.23.7 Send/Receive Data Area <BFM #200*1 ~ #231*1> (Read/Write) ............... 4-33 Length of Assembly Data <BFM #232*1> (Read/Write) .................................... 4-35 Length of Sending Common Service Data <BFM #233*1> (Read/Write).......... 4-35 Length of Receiving Data <BFM #234*1> (Read Only)..................................... 4-36 Group Select <BFM #235*1> (Read Only) ........................................................ 4-36 Class ID and Instance ID <BFM #236*1> (Read only) ...................................... 4-37 Attribute ID and Service Code <BFM #237*1> (Read only) .............................. 4-37 5. DIP Switch Setting.................................................................................5-1 5.1 Setting DIP Switch ............................................................................................... 5-1 5.1.1 Mode Setting (DIP Switch: SW0, SW1)..................................................................... 5-1 5.1.2 Baud Rate Setting (DIP Switch: DR0, DR1) .............................................................. 5-2 5.1.3 MAC ID Setting (DIP Switches: NA0 ~ NA5)............................................................. 5-3 6. Client/Sever Communication by UCMM Connection.............................6-1 6.1 Information of UCMM Connection by 64DNET.................................................... 6-1 6.2 How to Use Peer to Peer Communication ........................................................... 6-2 ix FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block 7. Example Program..................................................................................7-1 7.1 System Configuration .......................................................................................... 7-1 7.2 Operation ............................................................................................................. 7-2 7.3 Example Program ................................................................................................ 7-3 7.3.1 7.3.2 7.3.3 7.3.4 Initial Setting .............................................................................................................. 7-4 Checking Error Status ............................................................................................... 7-8 Input Data and Output Data for Master/Slave I/O Connection .................................. 7-9 Input Data and Output Data for UCMM Connection ................................................ 7-10 8. Diagnostics............................................................................................8-1 8.1 Preliminary Checks.............................................................................................. 8-1 8.2 LED Check .......................................................................................................... 8-2 8.3 Error Code ........................................................................................................... 8-5 8.3.1 64DNET Error Code (BFM #7 Bit 1 is ON) ................................................................ 8-5 8.3.2 DeviceNet Error Code (BFM #7 Bit 1 is OFF) ......................................................... 8-18 Appendix A EDS (Electric Data Sheet)........................................................................ A-1 x FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block Appendix B Class ID, Instance ID, Attribute ID and Service Code .............................. B-1 B-1: B-2: B-3: B-4: B-5: B-6: Identity (0x01)......................................................................................................B-1 Message Router (0x02) .......................................................................................B-2 DeviceNet (0x03) .................................................................................................B-3 Assembly (0x04)..................................................................................................B-5 Connection (0x05) ...............................................................................................B-6 Acknowledge Handler Object (2B Hex) .............................................................B-12 Appendix C List of Further Information Manual ........................................................... C-1 xi FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block xii FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block 1. Introduction 1.1 Features of the 64DNET Introduction 1 The FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block (hereafter called "64DNET") can be used to connect FX0N and FX2N series programmable controller to a DeviceNet network (hereafter called "DeviceNet"). The 64DNET is a slave (Group 2) on DeviceNet. * The 64DNET passed the conformance test with A-14 for DeviceNet. (The 64DNET conforms to the DeviceNet specifications Volume 1 release 2.0 and Volume 2 release 2.0.) * The 64DNET can communicate to the master by the Master/Slave communication (using the Master/Slave I/O connection), and can communicate to other node of supporting the UCMM connection by Client/Server communication (using the UCMM connection). * Communication Data Length; - The Master/Slave communication will both send and receive 64 bytes of data to/from the master. - The Client/Sever communication will both send and receive 64 bytes of data to/from each node. * The communication method for I/O connection supports "polling", "cyclic" and "change of state". * The MAC ID and baud rate is adjusted by DIP switches. See chapter 5. * The communication between the connected main unit and the internal buffer memory of the 64DNET is handled by FROM/TO instructions. DeviceNet is a registered trademark of the Open DeviceNet Vendor Association, Inc. 1-1 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block External Dimensions and Each Part Name Dimensions: mm (inches) MASS (Weight):Approx. 0.2 kg (0.44 lbs) Accessory: Special block No. label Figure 1.1: External Dimensions 87(3.43") 4(0.16") k) b) 80(3.15") j) FX2N-64DENT c) e) FG f) 90(3.54") 1.2 Introduction 1 SW1 SW0 DR1 DR0 NA5 NA4 NA3 NA2 NA1 NA0 POWER a) l) FX2N-64DNET c) g) FROM/TO c) d) 9(0.35") b) 94(3.70") MS NS 4(0.16") 43(1.69") h) i) Remove top cover a) Groove for mounting DIN rail (DIN46277) <DIN rail width: 35mm (1.38")> b) Direct mounting hole (2-4.5 (0.18")) 1-2 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block Introduction 1 c) Connector for connecting DeviceNet communication cable Figure 1.2: Connector layout V + (R e d) C A N _H (W hite) S hie ld (dra in w ire) C A N _L (B lue) V - (B lack ) d) Hook for mounting DIN rail e) Extension cable f) POWER LED: g) FROM/TO LED h) MS LED (Module Status LED) i) NS LED (Network Status LED) j) DIP switch for setting the MAC ID, baud rate and operation mode. See chapter 5. k) FG Terminal (screw terminal: M3 (0.12")) l) Connector for connecting extension cable 1-3 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block 1.3 Introduction 1 System Configuration Figure 1.3: System Configuration N e tw ork pow er su pply unit (24 V D C ) M a ster station F X 0N , F X 2N S lave F X 2N 64D N E T S lave S lave : D rop line : T runk line : T erm inatin g resistor F X 0N , F X 2N , F X 2N C F X 2N 64D N E T : P o w er ta p : T ap 1-4 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block 1.4 Introduction 1 Applicable PLC Table 1.1: Agreement PLC Programmable Controllers FX0N series FX2N series Description All products 1-5 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block Introduction 1 MEMO 1-6 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block 2. Wiring and Mounting 2.1 Mounting 2.1.1 Arrangements Wiring and Mounting 2 The 64DNET connects on the right side of connected main unit or extension unit/block (including special function blocks). For further information of mounting arrangements, refer to the hardware manual of the connected main unit. 2-1 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block 2.1.2 Wiring and Mounting 2 Mounting The mounting method of the 64DNET can be DIN rail mounting or direct wall mounting. 1) DIN rail mounting * Align the upper side of the DIN rail mounting groove of the 64DNET with a DIN rail*1 (), and push it on the DIN rail(). See Figure 2.1. * When removing the 64DNET from the DIN rail, the hook for DIN rail is pulled (), and the 64DNET is removed (). See Figure 2.1. Figure 2.1: Attach to DIN Rail and Remove from DIN Rail *1 Uses DIN 46277 <35mm (1.38")> 2) Direct mounting to back walls The 64DNET can be mounted with the M4 screw by using the direct mounting hole. However, an interval space between each unit of 1 ~ 2 mm is necessary. 2-2 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block 2.2 Wiring 2.2.1 Caution Wiring and Mounting 2 1) Do not lay signal cable near to high voltage power cable or house them in the same trunking duct. Effects of noise or surge induction may occur. Keep signal cables a safe distance of more than 100 mm (3.94") from these power cables. 2) The terminal screws of the 64DNET are M3 (0.12"), therefore the crimp style terminal (see drawing) suitable for use with these screws should be fitted to the cable for wiring. Figure 2.2: Crimp Terminals 6.2 mm (0.24" ) or less For M3 (0.12") For M3 (0.12") 6.2 mm (0.24") or less 3) The terminal tightening torque is 0.5 ~ 0.8 Nm. Tighten securely to avoid malfunction. 4) Cut off all phases of power source before installation or performing wiring work in order to avoid electric shock or damage of product. 5) Replace the provided terminal cover before supplying power and operating the unit after installation or wiring work in order to avoid electric shock. 2-3 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block 2.2.2 Wiring and Mounting 2 Wiring Connects Each color code of DeviceNet communication cable to same color part in DeviceNet connector. Figure 2.3: Wiring G roundin g resistor 100 or less (C la ss D ) D e viceN e t con necto r V + (R e d) FG F X 2N , F X 2N C , F X 0N S eries P L C F X 2N 64D N E T C A N _H (W hite ) S hie ld (dra in w ire) C A N _L (B lue) V - (B lack ) D e viceN e t com m unication cable 2.2.3 Terminating Resistor The units at each end of the DeviceNet must have a terminating resistor. However, the 64DNET does not have a terminating resistance built-in. 2-4 Specifications 3 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block 3. Specifications 3.1 General Specifications Table 3.1: General Specifications Items 3.2 Description General specifications excluding Dielectric Withstand Voltage Same as those of the main unit Dielectric Withstand Voltage 500 V AC > 1 min, tested between DC power line in the DeviceNet connector and ground Complies with EN50325 (conformance tested with A-14) Power Supply Specifications Table 3.2: Power Supply Specifications Items Description Power Supply For Communication 50 mA at 24 V DC supplied from V+, V- terminals Internal Power Supply 120 mA at 5 V DC supplied via extension cable 3-1 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block Performance Specifications Table 3.3: Performance Specifications Items Specifications Node Type G2 server Station Numbers 0 ~ 63 Transmission Cable Shielded twisted-pair cable conformed with DeviceNet specifications MAC ID 0 ~ 63 Supported Baud Rates 125 kbps, 250 kbps, 500 kbps Maximum Cable Length See Note 1. Communication Data 3.3 Specifications 3 Explicit Connection Number of 1 (Group 2) Predefined Connection Master/Slave Connection Set Transmis2,000 ms (ACK time-out) sion Time-out Number of Connection UCMM Client/ Server Connec- Communication tion Data Length 63/63 (Group 1, 3) <recommend group 3> Sending: Maximum 64 bytes /1 connection Receiving: Maximum 64 bytes/1 connection 3-2 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block Specifications 3 Table 3.3: Performance Specifications Communication Data Items I/O Connection Specifications Supported Communication Type Polling, Cyclic, Change of State Communication Data Length Sending: Maximum 64 bytes (Fragmentation is allowed.) Receiving: Maximum 64 bytes (Fragmentation is allowed.) Applicable PLC FX2N Series, FX0N Series Communication with PLC FROM/TO instruction Number of Occupied I/O Points 8 points taken from the programmable controller extension bus (can be either input or output) Module ID Code K 7090 LED Indicators POWER LED Lit when 5 V DC power supplied from main unit or extension unit. FROM/TO LED Lit when 64DNET is accessed from main unit. MS LED See Note 2. NS LED See Note 3. 3-3 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block Specifications 3 Note 1; Maximum Cable Length Table 3.4: Maximum Cable Length Drop Line Using Baud Rate Trunk Line Maximum Cable Length 125 kbps Thick cable length + 5 x thin cable length 500 m (1,640') 250 kbps Thick cable length + 2.5 x thin cable length 250 m (820') 500 kbps Thick cable length + thin cable length 100 m (328') Maximum Length Maximum Total Length 156 m (512') 6 m (20') 78 m (23') 39 m (128') Note 2; MS LED Status (Module Status LED) Table 3.5: MS LED Status (Module Status LED) MS LED Status 64DNET Status Description Not lit Power OFF The power supply is insufficient. Lit Green Normal Operation The 64DNET is in normally operation mode. Flashing Green at 0.5 s intervals Stand-by The 64DNET is in stand-by status or setting error. Flashing Red at 0.5 s intervals Minor Fault A recoverable error has occurred. Lit Red Unrecoverable Fault An unrecoverable error has occurred. Please contact a service representative. Flashing Green and Red at 0.5 s Self Test intervals The 64DNET is in self testing mode. 3-4 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block Specifications 3 Note 3; NS LED Network Status Table 3.6: NS LED Status (Network Status LED) MS LED Status 64DNET Status Description Not lit Not On-line The 64DNET is not on-line. * The power supply voltage is abnormal. * Dup_MAC_ID test is not finished. Lit Green Link OK The 64DNET is on-line and has established the connection. Flashing Green at 0.5 s intervals On-line Status The 64DNET is on-line but has not the established the Without Connection connection. Flashing Red at 0.5 s intervals Communication Time-out The 64DNET I/O connection is in time-out status. Lit Red Critical link Failure Communication is not possible. Flashing Green and Red Communication at 0.25 s intervals Fault The 64DNET is the Communication Faulted for detecting the Network Accessing Error. After this module will receive the Identify Communication Faulted Request. Note: When the power supply is turned on, MS LED and NS LED quickly flashes green, then red, and are turned off. This operation is normal. 3-5 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block Specifications 3 MEMO 3-6 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block 4. Allocation of Buffer Memories (BFMs) 4 Allocation of Buffer Memories (BFMs) Caution; 1) Do not access the buffer memory of "Not used" (BFM #24, #25, #31, #50 ~ #99, #134 ~ #999, #137*1 ~ #199*1, #16337 ~ #1999, #237*1 ~ #299*1) by the FROM/TO instruction. There is a possibility to cause abnormal operation of the 64DNET if accessing these buffer memories. *1 has a value of 0 ~ 63. 2) Do not write to (access by TO instruction) the buffer memory of "Read only" (BFM #1, #2, #30, #16 ~ #23, #26, #27, #30, #36 ~ #49, #133) in the programmable controller. It is not possible to operate the 64DNET by writing to (accessing by TO instruction) these buffer memories. Note: The sending data and receiving data buffers have the same buffer memory addresses (BFM #100 ~ #1031, #100*1 ~ #131*1, #200*1 ~ #231*1) for use with FROM and TO instructions. This means it is not possible to check the buffer memory data using a FROM instruction because this instruction only reads receive buffer data. *1 has a value of 0 ~ 63. 4-1 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block 4.1 Allocation of Buffer Memories (BFMs) 4 Buffer Memories (BFM) Lists Table 4.1: BFM Lists Description BFM #No. FROM Instruction (Read) TO Instruction (Write) Default Value BFM #0 DeviceNet LINK enable BFM #1 Module status about connection BFM #2 Module status about DeviceNet BFM #3 Number of DeviceNet UCMM connections BFM #4 DeviceNet bus-off counter K0 BFM #5 Number of DeviceNet retries K2 BFM #6 FROM/TO WDT (watchdog timer) setting K20 BFM #7 Module control flag BFM #8 ~ 11 UCMM client connection status BFM #12 ~ 15 UCMM client sending trigger BFM #16 ~ 19 UCMM client receiving status BFM #20 ~ 23 UCMM server receiving status BFM #24,25 Not used FROM/TO Instruction (Read/Write) Read /Write K0 Read Only K0808 Read /Write K0 Read Only 4-2 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block Allocation of Buffer Memories (BFMs) 4 Table 4.1: BFM Lists Description BFM #No. FROM Instruction (Read) TO Instruction (Write) Default Value BFM #26 Error flag BFM #27 Error code BFM #28 Error flag latch BFM #29 Error code latch BFM #30 Module ID code BFM #31 Not used BFM #32 ~ 35 UCMM client WDT switch BFM #36 ~ 39 UCMM client connection status BFM #40 ~ 43 UCMM client communication status BFM #44 ~ 47 UCMM server communication status BFM #48 Baud rate K500 BFM #49 DIP switch status H 3F0 BFM #50 ~ 99 Not used BFM #100 ~ 131 Master/Slave receive data BFM #132 Number of link points for DeviceNet BFM #133 DeviceNet MAC ID BFM #134 ~ 999 Not used FROM/TO Instruction (Read/Write) Read Only K0 Read/Write K7090 Read only Read/Write Master/Slave send data K0 Read only K0 Read/Write H0404 K0 Read only 4-3 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block Allocation of Buffer Memories (BFMs) 4 Table 4.1: BFM Lists Description BFM #No. FROM Instruction (Read) TO Instruction (Write) Receive data BFM #10032 Length of assembly data BFM #10033 BFM #10034 BFM #10035 BFM #10036 UCMM Client 0 BFM #10000 ~ 10031 BFM #10037 BFM #10038 ~ 10099 Send data Group select K3 DeviceNet class ID and instance ID DeviceNet attribute ID and service ID BFM #10137 BFM #10138 ~ 10199 Read/Write K0 Read only Read/Write Not used UCMM Client 1 Length of assembly data BFM #10136 H0404 K0 BFM #10132 BFM #10135 K0 Length of received data (assembly or common service data) Receive data BFM #10134 FROM/TO Instruction (Read/Write) Length of sending common service data BFM #10100 ~ 10131 BFM #10133 Default Value Send data K0 H0404 Read/Write Length of sending common service data Length of received data (assembly or common service data) K0 Group selection K3 DeviceNet class ID and instance ID DeviceNet attribute ID and service ID K0 Read only Read/Write Not used 4-4 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block Allocation of Buffer Memories (BFMs) 4 Table 4.1: BFM Lists ... TO Instruction (Write) ... ... FROM Instruction (Read) Receive data BFM #16332 Length of assembly data BFM #16333 BFM #16334 BFM #16335 BFM #16336 UCMM Client 63 BFM #16300 ~ 16331 BFM #16337 BFM #16338 ~ 19999 Send data K0 Group selection K3 DeviceNet class ID and instance ID DeviceNet attribute ID and service ID BFM #20037 UCMM Server 0 Length of assembly data BFM #20036 Read/Write K0 Read only Read/Write Not used BFM #20032 BFM #20035 H0404 Length of received data (assembly or common service data) Receive data BFM #20034 K0 Length of sending common service data BFM #20000 ~ 20031 BFM #20033 FROM/TO Instruction (Read/Write) ... BFM #No. Default Value ... Description Send data K0 H0404 Read/Write Length of sending common service data Length of received data (assembly or common service data) K0 Group selection K3 DeviceNet class ID and instance ID DeviceNet attribute ID and service ID Read only K0 4-5 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block Allocation of Buffer Memories (BFMs) 4 Table 4.1: BFM Lists Description BFM #No. BFM #20132 Length of assembly data ... BFM #20138 ~ 20199 H0404 Length of received data (assembly or common service data) K0 Group selection K3 DeviceNet class ID and instance ID DeviceNet attribute ID and service ID Read/Write Read only K0 Not used ... BFM #20137 Read only ... BFM #20136 K0 Length of sending common service data ... BFM #20135 UCMM Server 1 Receive data BFM #20134 FROM/TO Instruction (Read/Write) Not used BFM #20100 ~ 20131 BFM #20133 TO Instruction (Write) ... BFM #20038 ~ 20099 FROM Instruction (Read) Default Value 4-6 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block Allocation of Buffer Memories (BFMs) 4 Table 4.1: BFM Lists Description BFM #No. FROM Instruction (Read) TO Instruction (Write) Receive data BFM #26332 Length of assembly data BFM #26333 BFM #26334 BFM #26335 BFM #26336 BFM #26337 UCMM Server 63 BFM #26300 ~ 26331 Send data Default Value FROM/TO Instruction (Read/Write) K0 H0404 Read/Write Length of sending common service data Length of received data (assembly or common service data) K0 Group selection K3 DeviceNet class ID and instance ID DeviceNet attribute ID and service ID Read only K0 4-7 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block 4.2 Allocation of Buffer Memories (BFMs) 4 DeviceNet LINK Enable <BFM #0> (Read/Write) This buffer memory is used to enable the 64DNET on DeviceNet. Table 4.2: DeviceNet LINK Enable <BFM #0> Value Description K0 The 64DNET is off-line on DeviceNet. K1 The 64DNET is on-line on DeviceNet. Otherwise Not used 4-8 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block 4.3 Allocation of Buffer Memories (BFMs) 4 Module Status about Connection <BFM #1> (Read Only) This buffer memory is used for checking connection status of the 64DNET. The connection status is allocated as follows. Table 4.3: Module Status about Connection <BFM #1> Bit No. Name Description ON (1) OFF (0) Bit 0 Master/Slave I/O Connection The 64DNET connects to the master station by I/O connection. The 64DNET does not connect to the master station by I/O Connection. Bit 1 Master/Slave Explicit Messaging Connection The 64DNET connects to the master station by Explicit Connection. The 64DNET does not connect to the master station by Explicit Connection. Bit 2 UCMM Connection The 64DNET connects to the other node by the UCMM Connection. The 64DNET does not connect to the other node by the UCMM Connection. Bit 3 ~ 15 Not used 4-9 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block 4.4 Allocation of Buffer Memories (BFMs) 4 Module Status about DeviceNet <BFM #2> (Read Only) This buffer memory is used for checking the DeviceNet link status of the 64DNET. The value of this buffer memory's mean shows bellow table. Table 4.4: Module Status about DeviceNet <BFM #2> Value 64DNET Status MS LED Status Description K0 Power off Not lit The power supply is insufficient. K10 Device Self test Flashing Green and Red at 0.5 s interval The 64DNET is in self-testing status. K30 Device operational (On-line) K31 Device operational (Off-line) K50 Unrecoverable Fault Lit Green Lit Red The 64DNET is on-line in normally operation. The 64DNET is off-line in normally operation. An unrecoverable error has occurred. Please contact a service representative. 4-10 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block 4.5 Allocation of Buffer Memories (BFMs) 4 Number of DeviceNet UCMM Connections <BFM #3> (Read/Write) This buffer memory is used for setting or checking the number of the UCMM Connections on the DeviceNet. The setting Range of client is 00 ~ 40 hex, and the setting range of server is 01 ~ 40 hex. Default value is 0808 hex (client: Max. 8 connection, server: Max. 8 connection) Figure 4.1: Number of DeviceNet UCMM Connections <BFM #3> B F M #3 4.6 U pp er byte Low e r byte C lien t (H ex co de) S erver (H ex co de) DeviceNet Bus-off Counter <BFM #4> (Read/Write) This buffer memory is used for checking the number of times the bus-off has occurred on the DeviceNet. To reset a bus off counter, this buffer memory writes and has permitted only "K0". Default value is "K0". Note: If any increase in this value, 64DNET does not have stable communication on DeviceNet. Please check wiring and settings. 4-11 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block 4.7 Allocation of Buffer Memories (BFMs) 4 Number of DeviceNet Retries <BFM #5> (Read/Write) This buffer memory is used for setting number of DeviceNet retries on the UCMM connection. Default value is K2. This setting range is 0 ~ 255. Note: This process is performed only if the UCMM client WDT switch is ON. For the UCMM client WDT switch information, refer to section 4.16. 4-12 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block 4.8 Allocation of Buffer Memories (BFMs) 4 FROM/TO WDT Setting <BFM #6> (Read/Write) This buffer memory is used for setting the FROM/TO WDT. This WDT is adjusted in 10 ms steps. Default value is 20 (20 x 10 ms = 200 ms). When this value is 0, the watchdog timer is disabled. When all BFMs (BFM #0 ~ #26337) are not accessed by FROM/TO instructions, the watchdog timer begins operating. Caution: 1) Using the Master/Slave communication (Master/Slave connection) If the watchdog timer reaches the set time (BFM #6 x 10 ms), the 64DNET is in WDT time-out status. At this time, the 64DNET will store error codes (BFM #27, #29), set error flags (BFM #26, #28), and all the send data from the slave to the master station is cleared. However, 64DNET does not stop all data exchange to the master station. The 64DNET will send "K0" to the master station. Please the PLC access the BFMs (one or more) each time as in the example program (see section 6.3). 2) Using the Client/Server communication (UCMM connection) In this case, the connection of the UCMM connection follows the UCMM Client WDT switch setting (BFM #32 ~ #35). For UCMM Client WDT switch information, refer to section 4.16. 4-13 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block 4.9 Allocation of Buffer Memories (BFMs) 4 Mode Control Flags <BFM #7> (Read/Write) This buffer memory is used for changing mode of the receiving data flag and contents of error code. For error code, refer to chapter 9. Table 4.5: Mode Control Flags Bit No. Description Name OFF (0) Bit 0 Receiving mode See Note Bit 1 Error code type Upper byte: general error code Lower byte: additional error code Bit 2 ~ 15 Not used ON (1) Upper byte: service type Lower byte: detailed error code Note: When this bit 1 is turned ON, 64DNET does not receive new data from other nodes to which the receiving data flag (the UCMM client receiving status and the UCMM server receiving status) is turned ON. When the reception flag is turned OFF, new reception data can be received. When this bit 1 is turned OFF, 64DNET will receive new data from other node to which the receiving data flag is turned ON. If the PLC does not read data from BFMs of receiving data area, this data will be replaced by new data. 4-14 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block 4.10 Allocation of Buffer Memories (BFMs) 4 UCMM Client Connection Setting <BFM #8 ~ #11> (Read/Write) These buffer memories are used for connecting to the server by the UCMM connection. Turn On MAC ID server bit to connect the 64DNET as a client via the UCMM connection. The allocation of the bits is as shown in the table below. Table 4.6: BFM No. BFM #8 BFM #9 UCMM Client Connection Setting <BFM #8 ~ #11> BIt No. MAC ID Bit 0 BFM No. BIt No. MAC ID 0 Bit 0 32 Bit 1 1 Bit 1 33 Bit 2 2 Bit 2 34 : : : : : : : : Bit 15 15 Bit 15 47 Bit 0 16 Bit 0 18 Bit 1 17 Bit 1 19 Bit 2 18 Bit 2 50 : : : : : : : : Bit 15 31 Bit 15 63 BFM #10 BFM #11 Caution: If the connection is cut while sending or receiving data, the 64DNET will not finish sending/ receiving the interrupted data. the data may not be correct or complete. 4-15 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block 4.11 Allocation of Buffer Memories (BFMs) 4 UCMM Client Sending Trigger <BFM #12 ~ #15> (Read/Write) These buffer memories are used for sending data to the server to which 64DNET is connected by the UCMM connection of the client. When sending data (BFM #100*1 ~ #131*1), the bit which corresponds to the server destination is turned OFF ON. After the data (BFM #100*1 ~ #131*1) is sent, this bit is automatically turned OFF. The allocation of the bits is as shown in the table below. For BFM #100*1 ~ #131*1, refer to section 4.23. Table 4.7: UCMM Client Sending Trigger <BFM #12 ~ #15> BFM No. BFM #12 BFM #13 BIt No. MAC ID Bit 0 BFM No. BIt No. MAC ID 0 Bit 0 32 Bit 1 1 Bit 1 33 Bit 2 2 Bit 2 34 : : : : : : : : Bit 15 15 Bit 15 47 Bit 0 16 Bit 0 18 Bit 1 17 Bit 1 19 Bit 2 18 Bit 2 50 : : : : : : : : Bit 15 31 Bit 15 63 BFM #14 BFM #15 *1 The is entered value of 0 ~ 63. 4-16 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block 4.12 Allocation of Buffer Memories (BFMs) 4 UCMM Client Receiving Status <BFM #16 ~ #19> (Read Only) These buffer memories are used for reading received data from the server to which 64DNET is connected by the UCMM connection of the client. When receiving data from server, the bit which corresponds to the server of the destination is turned OFF ON. After the PLC reads data from BFMs (BFM #100*1 ~ #131*1) in the received data area for the server, this bit automatically is turned OFF. The allocation of the bits is as shown in the table below. For BFM #100*1 ~ #131*1, refer to section 4.23. Table 4.8: UCMM Client Receiving Status <BFM # 16~ #19> BFM No. BFM #16 BFM #17 BIt No. MAC ID Bit 0 BFM No. BIt No. MAC ID 0 Bit 0 32 Bit 1 1 Bit 1 33 Bit 2 2 Bit 2 34 : : : : : : : : Bit 15 15 Bit 15 47 Bit 0 16 Bit 0 18 Bit 1 17 Bit 1 19 Bit 2 18 Bit 2 50 : : : : : : : : Bit 15 31 Bit 15 63 BFM #18 BFM #19 *1 The is entered value of 0 ~ 63. 4-17 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block 4.13 Allocation of Buffer Memories (BFMs) 4 UCMM Server Receiving Status <BFM #20 ~ #23> (Read Only) These buffer memories are used for reading received data from the client to which 64DNET (server) is connected by the UCMM connection. When receiving data from the client, the bit which corresponds to the server is turned OFF ON. After the PLC reads data from BFMs (BFM #200*1 ~ #231*1) in the received data area for the client, this bit automatically is turned OFF. The allocation of the bits is as shown in the table below. For BFM #100*1 ~ #131*1, refer to section 4.24. Table 4.9: UCMM Client Connection Setting BFM No. BFM #20 BFM #21 BIt No. MAC ID Bit 0 BFM No. BIt No. MAC ID 0 Bit 0 32 Bit 1 1 Bit 1 33 Bit 2 2 Bit 2 34 : : : : : : : : Bit 15 15 Bit 15 47 Bit 0 16 Bit 0 18 Bit 1 17 Bit 1 19 Bit 2 18 Bit 2 50 : : : : : : : : Bit 15 31 Bit 15 63 BFM #22 BFM #23 *2 The is entered value of 0 ~ 63. 4-18 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block 4.14 Allocation of Buffer Memories (BFMs) 4 Error Status <BFM #26 ~ #29> (Read Only) These buffer memories are used for checking error status and error codes. If an error occurs, the 64DNET stores "K1" to BFM #26 and #28. At the same time, the 64DNET stores the error code to BFM #27 and #29. However, if the error automatically recovers, BFM #26 and #27 will be cleared by 64DNET. BFM #28 and #29 are not cleared. BFM #28 and #29 can be cleared by the PLC when writing "K0" to these BFMs by the TO instruction. For error codes, refer to chapter 8. Table 4.10: Error Status <BFM #26, #28> BFM No. BFM #26 BFM #28 4.15 Name Present error flag Error flag latch Description K0 K1 Normal operation (BFM #27 is cleared by 64DNET) Occurred Error (error code is stored BFM #27) Normal operation Occurred Error (error code is stored BFM #29) K2 or more Not used Module ID Code <BFM #30> (Read Only) The identification code for a 64DNET is read by using the FROM instruction. The identification code for the 64DNET is "K7090". By reading this identification code, the user may create builtin checking routines to check whether the physical position of 64DNET matches to that software. 4-19 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block 4.16 Allocation of Buffer Memories (BFMs) 4 UCMM Client WDT switch <BFM #32 ~ #35> (Read/Write) These buffer memories are used for setting either to cut off the connection or not cut off the connection, when the time-out occurs in the Explicit Message. If the MAC ID bit is ON, an Explicit error time out does not cut off the connection to the server. The allocation of the bits is as shown in the table below. Table 4.11: UCMM Client WDT Switch <BFM #32 ~ #35> BFM No. BFM #32 BFM #33 BIt No. MAC ID Bit 0 Description BIt No. MAC ID 0 Bit 0 32 Bit 1 1 Bit 1 33 Bit 2 2 Bit 2 34 : : : : Bit 15 47 Bit 0 18 Bit 1 19 Bit 2 50 : : : : Bit 15 63 : : : : Bit 15 15 Bit 0 16 Bit 1 17 Bit 2 18 : : : : Bit 15 31 ON (1) Does not cut off connection for a server when timeout occurs in Explicit Message OFF (0) Cuts off connection for a server when timeout occurs in Explicit Message BFM No. BFM #34 BFM #35 Description ON (1) OFF (0) Does not cut off connection for a server when timeout occurs in Explicit Message Cuts off connection for a server when timeout occurs in Explicit Message 4-20 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block 4.17 Allocation of Buffer Memories (BFMs) 4 UCMM Client Connection Status <BFM #36 ~ #39> (Read Only) These buffer memories are used for checking if the server has server been connected. The bit which corresponds to the MAC ID of the server to which 64DNET has connected previously as a client is turned ON. The allocation of the bits is as shown in the table below. Table 4.12: UCMM Client Connection Status <BFM #36 ~ #39> BFM No. BFM #36 BFM #37 BIt No. MAC ID Bit 0 BFM No. BIt No. MAC ID 0 Bit 0 32 Bit 1 1 Bit 1 33 Bit 2 2 Bit 2 34 : : : : : : : : Bit 15 15 Bit 15 47 Bit 0 16 Bit 0 18 Bit 1 17 Bit 1 19 Bit 2 18 Bit 2 50 : : : : : : : : Bit 15 31 Bit 15 63 BFM #38 BFM #39 4-21 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block 4.18 Allocation of Buffer Memories (BFMs) 4 UCMM Client Communication Status <BFM #40 ~ #43> (Read Only) These buffer memories are used to check the status of correct server communication. The bit which corresponds to the MAC ID of the server to which 64DNET communicates correctly as a client is turned ON. The allocation of the bit is as shown in the table below. Table 4.13: UCMM Client Communication Status <BFM #40 ~ #43> BFM No. BFM #40 BFM #41 BIt No. MAC ID Bit 0 BFM No. BIt No. MAC ID 0 Bit 0 32 Bit 1 1 Bit 1 33 Bit 2 2 Bit 2 34 : : : : : : : : Bit 15 15 Bit 15 47 Bit 0 16 Bit 0 18 Bit 1 17 Bit 1 19 Bit 2 18 Bit 2 50 : : : : : : : : Bit 15 31 Bit 15 63 BFM #42 BFM #43 4-22 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block 4.19 Allocation of Buffer Memories (BFMs) 4 UCMM Server Communication Status <BFM #44 ~ #47> (Read Only) These buffer memories are used for checking the status of client. connection The bit which corresponds to the MAC ID of the client to which 64DNET is connected by client is turned ON. The allocation of the bits is as shown in the table below. Table 4.14: UCMM Server Communication Status <BFM #44 ~ #47> BFM No. BFM #44 BFM #45 BIt No. MAC ID Bit 0 BFM No. BIt No. MAC ID 0 Bit 0 32 Bit 1 1 Bit 1 33 Bit 2 2 Bit 2 34 : : : : : : : : Bit 15 15 Bit 15 47 Bit 0 16 Bit 0 18 Bit 1 17 Bit 1 19 Bit 2 18 Bit 2 50 : : : : : : : : Bit 15 31 Bit 15 63 BFM #46 BFM #47 4-23 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block 4.20 Allocation of Buffer Memories (BFMs) 4 Baud Rate <BFM #48> (Read Only) This buffer memory is used for checking the baud rate. This value is the baud rate. When 64DNET starts, the value set with DIP switches is stored in this buffer memory. For setting the baud rate, refer to subsection 5.1.2. Note: The baud rate cannot be changed by the DIP switches when the 64DNET is ON. Please turn 64DNET off to change the DIP switch positions. 4.21 Master/Slave Communication Data Area <BFM #100 ~ #133> This area is used for I/O connection. 4-24 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block 4.21.1 Allocation of Buffer Memories (BFMs) 4 Send Data/Receive Data Area <BFM #100 ~ #131> (Read/Write) These buffer memories are used to send/receive data to/from the master. Table 4.15: Send Data/Receive Data Area <BFM #100 ~ #131> Description BFM No. Send Data (using TO Instruction) Receive Data (using FROM Instruction) Upper Byte Lower Byte Upper Byte Lower Byte BFM #100 2nd byte 1st byte 2nd byte 1st byte BFM #101 4th byte 3rd byte 4th byte 3rd byte BFM #102 6th byte 5th byte 6th byte 5th byte : : BFM #131 : : 64th byte : : 63th byte 64th byte 63th byte Note: * The sending data and receiving data buffers have the same buffer memory addresses (BFM #100 ~ #131) for use with FROM and TO instructions. This means it is not possible to check the buffer memory data using a FROM instruction because this instruction only reads receive buffer data. * Buffer Memories (BFM #100 ~ #131) are only refreshed for the number of bytes decided by BFM #132. Therefore, when less data is received from the master compared to the previous time, some data remains from the prior message. 4-25 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block 4.21.2 Allocation of Buffer Memories (BFMs) 4 Number of Link Points <BFM #132> (Read/Write) This buffer memory is used for setting number of link points of the I/O connection. The 64DNET can exchange maximum 64 bytes to the master. Default value is H0404 (Hex code). The setting range of the upper and lower bytes is H01 to H40. Figure 4.2: Number of Points <BFM #132> B F M #132 4.21.3 U pp er byte Low e r byte S en d data (H ex co de) R eceive d ata (H ex co de) MAC ID <BFM #133> (Read Only) This buffer memory is used for checking the MAC ID of master and 64DNET I/O connection. The upper byte is the MAC ID of the master. The lower byte is the MAC ID of the 64DNET. The MAC ID of 64DNET is stored to the lower byte during start up. Figure 4.3: MAC ID <BFM #133> B F M #133 U pp er byte Low e r byte M aster (H ex co de) 64D N E T (H ex co de) 4-26 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block 4.22 Allocation of Buffer Memories (BFMs) 4 UCMM Client Communication Data Area <BFM #10000 ~ #16336> This area is used for the UCMM connection when 64DNET is a client. 4.22.1 Send Data/Receive Data Area <BFM #100*1 ~ #131*1> (Read/Write) These buffer memories are used to send/receive data to/from the server. The buffer memory for send/receive data is allocated as in table 4.16. Note: * The send data and receive data buffers have the same buffer memory addresses (BFM #100*1 ~ #131*) for use with FROM and TO instructions. This means it is not possible to check the buffer memory data using a FROM instruction because this instruction only reads receive buffer data. * Buffer Memories (BFM #100*1 ~ #131*) are only refreshed for the number of bytes decided by BFM #132. Therefore, when less data is received from the master compared to the previous time, some data remains from the prior message. *1 has a value of 0 ~ 63. This value is the MAC ID of the server. 4-27 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block Allocation of Buffer Memories (BFMs) 4 Table 4.16: Send Data/Receive Data Area <BFM #100*1 ~ #131*1> Description BFM No. Send Data (using TO Instruction) Receive Data (using FROM Instruction) Upper Byte Lower Byte Upper Byte Lower Byte BFM #100*1 2nd byte 1st byte 2nd byte 1st byte BFM #101*1 4th byte 3rd byte 4th byte 3rd byte BFM #102*1 6th byte 5th byte 6th byte 5th byte : : BFM #131*1 : : 64th byte : : 63th byte 64th byte 63th byte *1 has a value of 0 ~ 63. This value is the MAC ID of the server. 4-28 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block 4.22.2 Allocation of Buffer Memories (BFMs) 4 Length of Assembly Data <BFM #132*1> (Read/Write) These buffer memories are used for setting length of assembly data about the connected to the server. The 64DNET can exchange maximum 64 bytes to the server. Default value is H0404 (Hex code). The setting range of the upper and lower bytes is H01 to H40. Figure 4.4: Length of Assembly Data <BFM #132*1> B F M #132 U pp er byte Low e r byte S en d data (H ex co de) R eceive d ata (H ex co de) *1 has a value of 0 ~ 63. This value is the MAC ID of the server. 4.22.3 Length of Sending Common Service Data <BFM #133*1> (Read/Write) These buffer memories are used for setting length of sending common service data to the server. Default value is K0. *1 has a value of 0 ~ 63. This value is the MAC ID of the server. 4-29 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block 4.22.4 Allocation of Buffer Memories (BFMs) 4 Length of Receiving Data <BFM #134*1> (Read Only) These buffer memories are used for checking the length of data received from the server. This value is given in number of bytes received. *1 has a value of 0 ~ 63. This value is the MAC ID of the server. 4.22.5 Group Selection <BFM #135*1> (Read/Write) These buffer memories are used for setting the connection group. The default value is K3. Table 4.17: Group Setting <BFM #135*1> Setting Value 0 1 2 3 4 or more Reading Value Description Not used 0 Group 1 Not used 3 Group 3 Not used *1 has a value of 0 ~ 63. This value is the MAC ID of the server. 4-30 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block 4.22.6 Allocation of Buffer Memories (BFMs) 4 Class ID and Instance ID <BFM #136*1> These buffer memories are used for setting the Class ID and the Instance ID. For Class ID and Instance ID, refer to Appendix B. Figure 4.5: Class ID and Instance ID <BFM #136*1> B F M #136 U pp er byte Low e r byte C lass ID (H ex co de) Instance ID (H ex co de) *1 has a value of 0 ~ 63. This value is the MAC ID of the server. 4-31 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block 4.22.7 Allocation of Buffer Memories (BFMs) 4 Attribute ID and Service Code <BFM #137*1> These buffer memories are used for setting the Class ID and the Instance ID. For Class ID and Instance ID, refer to Appendix B. Figure 4.6: Attribute ID and Service Code <BFM #137*1> B F M #137 U pp er byte Low e r byte A ttribute ID (H ex co de) S ervice C ode (H ex co de) *1 has a value of 0 ~ 63. This value is the MAC ID of the server. 4-32 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block 4.23 Allocation of Buffer Memories (BFMs) 4 UCMM Server Communication Data Area <BFM #20000 ~ #26336> This area is used for the UCMM connection when 64DNET is a server. 4.23.1 Send/Receive Data Area <BFM #200*1 ~ #231*1> (Read/Write) These buffer memories are used to send/receive data to/from the client. The buffer memory for send/receive data is allocated as in table 4.18. Note: * The send data and receive data buffers have the same buffer memory addresses (BFM #200*1 ~ #231*) for use with FROM and TO instructions. This means it is not possible to check the buffer memory data using a FROM instruction because this instruction only reads receive buffer data. * Buffer Memories (BFM #200*1 ~ #231*) are only refreshed for the number of bytes decided by BFM #232. Therefore, when less data is received from the master compared to the previous time, some data remains from the prior message. *1 has a value of 0 ~ 63. This value is the MAC ID of the client. 4-33 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block Allocation of Buffer Memories (BFMs) 4 Table 4.18: Send data/Receive Data Area <BFM #200*1 ~ #231*1> Description BFM No. Send Data (using TO Instruction) Receive Data (using FROM Instruction) Upper Byte Lower Byte Upper Byte Lower Byte BFM #200*1 2nd byte 1st byte 2nd byte 1st byte BFM #201*1 4th byte 3rd byte 4th byte 3rd byte BFM #202*1 6th byte 5th byte 6th byte 5th byte : : BFM #231*1 : : 64th byte : : 63th byte 64th byte 63th byte *1 has a value of 0 ~ 63. This value is the MAC ID of the client. 4-34 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block 4.23.2 Allocation of Buffer Memories (BFMs) 4 Length of Assembly Data <BFM #232*1> (Read/Write) These buffer memories are used for setting the length of assembly data from the client. The 64DNET can exchange maximum 64 bytes to the client. Default value is H0404 (Hex code). The setting range of the upper and lower bytes is H01 to H40. Figure 4.7: Length of Assembly Data <BFM #232*1> B F M #232 U pp er byte Low e r byte N ot U sed (M u st be 00 he x.) R eceive d ata (H ex co de) *1 has a value of 0 ~ 63. This value is the MAC ID of the client. 4.23.3 Length of Sending Common Service Data <BFM #233*1> (Read/Write) These buffer memories are used for setting the length of the sending common service data to the server. The default value is K0. *1 has a value of 0 ~ 63. This value is the MAC ID of the client 4-35 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block 4.23.4 Allocation of Buffer Memories (BFMs) 4 Length of Receiving Data <BFM #234*1> (Read Only) These buffer memories are used for checking the length of the data received from the client. This value is given in number of bytes received. *1 has a value of 0 ~ 63. This value is the MAC ID of the server. 4.23.5 Group Select <BFM #235*1> (Read Only) These buffer memories are used for checking the connection group. The default value is K3. Table 4.19: Group Setting <BFM #235*1> Value Description 0 Group 1 1, 2 Not used 3 Group 3 4 or more Not used *1 has a value of 0 ~ 63. This value is the MAC ID of the server. 4-36 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block 4.23.6 Allocation of Buffer Memories (BFMs) 4 Class ID and Instance ID <BFM #236*1> (Read only) These buffer memories are used for checking the Class ID and the Instance ID. For Class ID and Instance ID, refer to Appendix B. Figure 4.8: Class ID and Instance ID <BFM #236*1> B F M #236 U pp er byte Low e r byte C lass ID (H ex co de) Instance ID (H ex co de) *1 has a value of 0 ~ 63. This value is the MAC ID of the server. 4.23.7 Attribute ID and Service Code <BFM #237*1> (Read only) These buffer memories are used for checking the Attribute ID and the Service Code. For the Attribute ID and the Service Code, refer to Appendix B. Figure 4.9: Attribute ID and Service Code <BFM #237*1> B F M #237 U pp er byte Low e r byte A ttribute ID (H ex co de) S ervice C ode (H ex co de) *1 has a value of 0 ~ 63. This value is the MAC ID of the server. 4-37 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block Allocation of Buffer Memories (BFMs) 4 MEMO 4-38 DIP Switch Setting 5 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block 5. DIP Switch Setting 5.1 Setting DIP Switch Figure 5.1: Allocation DIP Switch T hese D IP sw itches are O F F . T hese D IP sw itches are O N . ON 0 1 2 3 4 5 NA 5.1.1 0 1 DR 0 1 SW Mode Setting (DIP Switch: SW0, SW1) Operation mode is decided by the DIP switches SW0 and SW1. Default setting: Normal operation mode (SW0 =OFF, SW1 = OFF) Table 5.1: Mode Setting (DIP Switches: SW0, SW1) SW1 SW0 Using Mode OFF OFF Normal operation OFF ON ON OFF ON ON Not used 5-1 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block 5.1.2 DIP Switch Setting 5 Baud Rate Setting (DIP Switch: DR0, DR1) Operation mode is decided by the DIP switches DR0 and DR1. Default setting: 500 kbps (DR0 = OFF, DR1 = ON) Table 5.2: Baud Rate Setting (DIP Switches: DR0, DR1) DR1 DR0 Setting Baud Rate OFF OFF 125 kbps OFF ON 250 kbps ON OFF 500 kbps ON ON Not used 5-2 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block 5.1.3 DIP Switch Setting 5 MAC ID Setting (DIP Switches: NA0 ~ NA5) The MAC ID is decided by the sum total value of the DIP switches NA0 ~ NA5. The MAC ID setting value range is 0 ~ 63. Default setting: 63 (NA0 ~ NA5 are all ON) Table 5.3: DIP Switch Value Value DIP Switch ON NA0 1 NA1 2 NA2 4 NA3 8 NA4 16 NA5 32 OFF 0 Example Setting If the MAC ID of the 64 DNET is set to "30", the DIP switches are as shown below. Figure 5.2: Example Setting of MAC ID 1 2 4 8 16 32 0 1 2 3 4 5 T his valu e is D IP sw itch valu e. ON NA 5-3 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block DIP Switch Setting 5 MEMO 5-4 Client/Sever Communication by UCMM Connection 6 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block 6. Client/Sever Communication by UCMM Connection 6.1 Information of UCMM Connection by 64DNET The UCMM connection is client/server communication. The direction of connection is client to server. The 64DNET can become one client of maximum of 63 nodes and the server of maximum 63 nodes. Moreover, it is possible to connect to the same node by the connection of the client and the server. For supported objects, refer to Appendix B. Note: Supported UCMM Connection by 64DNET When the 64DNET is a client, it can send data or request data from the server. If the 64DNET sends a data request to the server, it will receive data from the server. When the 64DNET is the server, it can receive and request data from client. If the 64DNET receives a request from a client, it will send an answer data to the client. Table 6.1: UCMM Connection Flags and Status Flags Client Connection status Sending trigger flag Receiving status UCMM client WDT switch Communication status Server 6-1 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block 6.2 Client/Sever Communication by UCMM Connection 6 How to Use Peer to Peer Communication When using the peer to peer communication, the connection for each node is shown below. Figure 6.1: Peer to Peer Communication M A C ID 00 : T h is nod e is the m a ster, the clie nt of M A C ID 01 and 02, and the server of M A C ID 0 1 and 02. M A C ID 01 : T h is nod e is the slave, the client of M A C ID 00 and 02, and the server of M A C ID 00 and 0 2. : M a ster/S lave C onnection M A C ID 02 : T h is nod e is the slave, the client of M A C ID 00 and 01, and the server of M A C ID 00 and 0 1. : U C M M C onnection (C lient S erver) Note: * Each node must support the UCMM connection and know the object information (Class ID, Instance ID, Attribute ID and service code) about all nodes. For the object information of 64DNET, refer to Appendix B. * When using UCMM connection, please choose group 3. 6-2 Example Program 7 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block 7. Example Program 7.1 System Configuration Figure 7.1: System Configuration for Example Program N etw ork pow er sup ply unit (24 V D C ) M aster station (M A C ID : 00 ) S lave statio n 1 F X 2N -64 M R -E S /U L S lave statio n 3 F X 2N -64 D N E T (M A C ID : 01) F X 2N -48 M R -E S /U L F X 2N -64 D N E T (M A C ID : 03) S lave statio n 2 F X 2N -32 M R -E S /U L F X 2N -64 D N E T (M A C ID : 02) : D rop line : T runk line : T erm inatin g resistor : P o w er ta p : T ap 7-1 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block 7.2 Example Program 7 Operation This operation is written for Slave Station 1. 1) Master/Slave I/O connection: - Slave station 1 exchanges 64/64 bytes data to the master station (MAC ID 00) by the Master/Slave I/O connection. - Received data from the master station is stored in D150 ~ D181 in slave station 1. - D100 ~ D131 in slave station 1 are sent to the master station. 2) The UCMM connection when slave station 1 (MAC ID 01) is the client: - Slave station 1 exchange 64/64 bytes data to slave station 2 (server, MAC ID 02) by the UCMM connection. - Received data from the server is stored in D500 ~ D531 in slave station 1. - When X000 is turned ON, slave station 1 connects to slave station 2 by the UCMM connection. 3) The UCMM connection when the slave station 1 (MAC ID 01) is the server: - The slave station 1 can receive 64 bytes data from slave station 3 (client, MAC ID 03) by the UCMM connection. - Data received data from slave station 3 is stored in D600 ~ D631 in slave station 1. 7-2 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block 7.3 Example Program 7 Example Program This example program is written about slave station 1. Note: When many FROM/TO instructions are executed in the same scan, the PLC might have a watchdog timer error. In this case, add a watchdog timer reset (FNC07 WDT) instruction with each FROM/TO instruction that sends and receives data. 7-3 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block 7.3.1 Example Program 7 Initial Setting Figure 7.2: Initial Setting Initia l pulse M 80 02 (a) FNC 79 TO K0 K3 H 01 02 K1 FNC 79 TO K0 K4 K0 K1 FNC 79 TO K0 K6 K 10 K1 FNC 79 TO K0 K7 H 00 03 K1 S ets num ber for u sing U C M M connection to a clien t and 2 servers. (up per byte: client, lo w er byte: server) Initia lize s the bus-o ff cou nter. S ets F R O M /T O instructio n w atch dog tim e. S ets the receivin g m ode and the error code type. P lea se se e section 4.9. (a) 7-4 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block Example Program 7 Figure 7.2: Initial Setting (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) FNC 79 TO K0 FNC 79 TO FNC 79 TO K 13 2 H 40 40 K1 K0 K 10 232 H 40 40 K1 K0 K 10 235 K1 K3 S ets num ber of link poin ts fo r M aster/S la ve I/O conn ection to 64 /64 bytes (uppe r byte: se nding d ata, low er byte: receiving data). S ets num ber of link poin ts fo r U C M M co nnectio n of serve r (M A C ID : 02) to 64 /6 4 bytes (uppe r byte: se nding d ata, low er byte: receiving data). S ets sele ction g roup to gro up 3 for this server (M A C ID : 02). (b) 7-5 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block Example Program 7 Figure 7.2: Initial Setting (b) (c) (b) (b) FNC 79 TO K0 K 20 332 H 40 40 K1 FNC 78 FROM K0 K 20 335 D 63 2 K3 S ets num ber of link poin ts fo r U C M M co nnectio n of client (M A C ID : 03) to 64 /6 4 bytes (uppe r byte: se nding d ata, low er byte: receiving data). (c) R ea ds S e lection G ro up, C lass ID , Insta nce ID , A ttribute ID , and S ervice co de fo r client (M A C ID : 03). 7-6 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block Example Program 7 Figure 7.2: Initial Setting (c) (c) R U N m onitor M 8 000 FNC 78 FROM K0 K2 D0 K1 R e ads m odu le sta tus abo ut D e viceN e t. FNC 78 FROM K0 K1 K 1M 0 K1 R e ads m odu le sta tus abo ut co nnection. Y000 M a ster/S lave I/O co nnection fla g Y001 M a ster/S lave E xplicit M e ssag ing co nnection fla g Y002 U C M M connection flag Y003 O n -line flag M0 M1 M2 FNC232 AND= D0 K 30 FNC232 AND= D0 K 31 (0) (d) FNC 79 TO (0) K0 K0 K1 K1 S et on-line flag to O N (d) 7-7 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block 7.3.2 Example Program 7 Checking Error Status Figure 7.3: Checking Error Status (d) (d) R U N m onitor M 80 00 M 20 M 24 (e) FNC 78 FROM K0 K 26 K 1M 20 K1 R ea ds presen t erro r fla g. FNC 78 FROM K0 K 28 K 1M 24 K1 R ea ds error flag latch. FNC 78 FROM K0 K 27 D 20 0 K1 R ea ds presen t erro r co de. FNC 78 FROM K0 K 29 D 20 1 K1 R ea ds error code la tch. (e) 7-8 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block 7.3.3 Example Program 7 Input Data and Output Data for Master/Slave I/O Connection Figure 7.4: Input Data and Output Data for Master/Slave I/O Connection (e) (e) W riting da ta flag X 0 02 Y003 O n -line fla g (f) F N C 1 6 H 12 34 FMOV P D 10 0 K 32 FNC 79 TO K0 K 10 0 D 10 0 K 32 FNC 78 FROM K0 K 10 0 D 15 0 K 32 W rite sen ding d ata (H 1234). W h en 64D N E T is on line, the se nding data is w ritte n to B F M #1 00 ~ #13 1. (f) W h en 64D N E T is on line, the re ceiving data is read from B F M #100 ~ #131 . 7-9 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block 7.3.4 Example Program 7 Input Data and Output Data for UCMM Connection 1) Using client Figure 7.5: UCMM Connection (Client) Initia l plus (f) M 8 002 (f) FNC 79 TO K0 K 32 H 0 004 K1 T urns M A C ID 02 o f U C M M C lient W D T S w itch to O N . M 1 02 W h en M 1 02 is O N , 64D N E T con nects to M A C ID 0 2 on the D e viceN e t. R e quest flag o f co nnecting to M A C ID : 02 on U C M M con nectio n X 0 00 S en d req uest flag for M A C ID : 02 X 0 01 SET W h en M 3 2 is set, 64D E N T sen ds da ta (64 bytes) to M A C ID 02 by U C M M connection. M 32 R U N m onitor M 8 000 (g) FNC 79 TO K0 K8 K4M 100 K4 W rites U C M M C lient co nnection req uest. FNC 78 FROM K0 K8 K4M 200 K4 C h eck s U C M M C lient co nnection sta tus. (g) 7-10 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block Example Program 7 Figure 7.5: UCMM Connection (Client) (g) (g) S en d requ est for M A C ID 02 M 32 M 20 2 UCMM co nnectio n sta tus F N C 1 6 H 56 78 FMOV P M 32 D 40 0 K 32 FNC 79 TO K0 K10200 D400 K 32 W rite sen ding d ata to B F M #102 00 ~ #102 31. FNC 79 TO K0 K10233 K0 K1 T he C o m m on service D ata size set to 0 byte. FNC 79 TO K0 K 10 236 H 0 4 6 6 K1 C lass ID : H 04 Instance ID : H 66 FNC 79 TO K0 K 10 237 H 0 3 1 0 K1 A ttribute ID : H 03 S ervice code: H 10 P LS M 80 00 (h) W rites sending data T he se nding trigger is ON. M 40 2 FNC 79 TO K0 K 12 K4M 400 K1 W rites th e sen ding trigg er to B F M # 12. FNC 78 FROM K0 K 12 K4M 600 K1 C he ck s the status of se nding to the server. (h) 7-11 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block Example Program 7 Figure 7.5: UCMM Connection (Client) (h) (h) C on nectio n flag of M A C ID 02 M 60 2 Y004 S en ding flag to M A C ID 02 M 32 R esets the se nding req uest. M 60 2 RST (k ) (k ) 7-12 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block Example Program 7 2) Using server Figure 7.5: UCMM Connection (Client) (k ) (k ) R U N m onitor M 80 00 FNC 78 FROM K0 K20 K4M 700 K1 RST Z2 C he ck s receiving flag of M A C ID 0 3 R eceiving data flag of M A C ID 03 M 70 3 FNC 78 FROM K0 FNC 23 D IV FNC 232 AND= K1 (0) (m ) (m ) K 20 334 D 32 0 D 32 0 D 32 3 FNC 20 ADD K2 Initia lize the Z 2 device. K1 R ea ds re ceiving data byte len gth. D 32 2 M ak es rece iving data w ord length from byte leng th. If the receiving data b yte leng th is a n odd num be r, receiving d ata w ord length is +1. (0) K1 D 32 2 Z2 (m ) 7-13 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block Example Program 7 Figure 7.6: UCMM Connection (Server) (m ) (m ) (m ) FNC 236 AND<> K1 D 32 3 FNC 78 FROM K0 FNC 12 MOV D 32 2 Z2 K 20 300 D600 K 1Z 2 If the receiving data b yte leng th is a n even num be r, receiving d ata w ord length is the sam e as byte length . R ea ds th e receiving data from B F M #2 0300 ~ #203 31 are a. END 7-14 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block 8. Diagnostics 8.1 Preliminary Checks Diagnostics 8 1) Check "POWER LED". If "POWER LED" is OFF, check the connection of the 64DNET extension cable to PLC, and check whether the 5V DC voltage source capacity is sufficient. 2) Check "MS LED" and "NS LED". If both LEDs are not lit green, check the wiring for the DeviceNet, the module status in BFM #2, the setting of the Master and the error code in BFM #27, #29. For module status, refer to section 4.4. For error code, subsection 7.2.2. For wiring, refer to chapter 2 and manual of the Master. For the setting of the Master, refer to manual of the Master. 3) Check whether 24 V DC voltage source capacity of DeviceNet suffices. Supply current and voltage. 4) Check baud rate. If the baud rate set in 64DENT is not the same as other station, change to matching values. When changing the setting value in 64DNET, please turn the power supply of the PLC OFF to ON. For the baud rate of 64DNET, see BFM #48 in 64DNET. 5) Check the MAC ID of 64DNET. Please do not use the same MAC ID for more than one node on the DeviceNet. 8-1 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block 8.2 Diagnostics 8 LED Check Check the status of the LED's for the 64DNET as follows. 1) POWER LED check Table 8.1: POWER LED Check Status Description The extension cable is properly connected. And 5 V DC is properly supplied from PLC. Lit Otherwise Check the connection of the 64DNET extension cable to the PLC, and check whether the 5V DC voltage source capacity of PLC suffices. 2) FROM/TO LED check Table 8.2: FROM/TO Check Status Description Lit. BFM is accessed by FROM/TO instruction. Otherwise BFM is not accessed by FROM/TO instruction. 8-2 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block Diagnostics 8 3) MS LED check Table 8.3: MS LED (Module Status LED) Check MS LED Status 64DNET Status Description Check whether 24 V DC voltage source has sufficient ampere capacity. Provide sufficient current. Not lit Power OFF Lit Green Normal Operation The 64DNET is in normal operation mode. Flashing Green at 0.5 s intervals Stand-by The 64DNET is in stand-by status. Flashing Red at 0.5 s intervals Minor Fault A recoverable error has occurred. Lit Red Unrecoverable Fault An unrecoverable error has occurred. Please contact a service representative. Flashing Green and Red at Self Test 0.5 s intervals The 64DNET is in self test mode. 8-3 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block Diagnostics 8 4) NS LED Table 8.4: NS LED (Network Status LED) Check MS LED Status 64DNET Status Description Not lit Not On-line The 64DNET is not on-line. * The power supply voltage is incorrect for DeviceNet. * When the value in BFM #0 is K0, 64DNET is off-line. In this case, write K1 to BFM #0. At this time, 64DNET will be on-line. Lit Green Link OK The 64DNET is on-line and has established the connection. Flashing Green at 0.5 s intervals On-line Status Without Connection The 64DNET is on-line but has not the established the connection. Check the setting of the Master, and check setting of the UCMM connection in 64DNET. Flashing Red at 0.5 s intervals Communication Time-out The 64DNET I/O connection is in time-out status. Check the setting of the Master. Lit Red Critical link Failure Communication is not possible. Check wiring, and check the MAC ID of 64DNET to be used by other node. If the same, change the MAC ID of 64DNET or other node. Communication Fault The 64DNET is in the Communication Faulted status for detecting the Network Accessing Error. After this module will receive the Identify Communication Faulted Request. Check error code. For error code, refer to subsection 7.2.2. Flashing Green and Red at 0.25 s intervals 8-4 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block 8.3 Diagnostics 8 Error Code Error code of 64DNET is 64DNET error code and DeviceNet error code. Note: If error code is for the UCMM connection, please check the UCMM client connection status (BFM #36 ~ #39), UCMM client communication status (BFM #40 ~ #43) and UCMM server communication status (BFM #44 ~ #47). The source of the error must be checked in the individual device buffer memories. 8.3.1 64DNET Error Code (BFM #7 Bit 1 is ON) This error code is service type (upper byte) and detailed error code (lower byte). Table 8.5: 64DNET Error Code Service Type (Upper Byte) Detailed error code (Lower Byte) Description Check Points Critical fault connection time-out 01 01 02 03 The first occurrence of a duplicate Change setting the MAC ID of the MAC ID was received. DIP switch with other devices in the network so as not to repeat The second occurrence of previously used numbers. duplicate MAC ID was received. DR1 and DR2 of DIP switch are set to 1 (This setting is the "Not used" position). Set the baud rate correctly. 8-5 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block Diagnostics 8 Table 8.5: 64DNET Error Code Service Type (Upper Byte) 01 Detailed error code (Lower Byte) Description Check Points 04 The receive buffer for the CAN interrupt overflowed. Reduce the number of data of sending and receiving, reduce the communication frequency or lower the baud rate. 05 CAN Controller is in the bus-off state. Check system configuration on the DeviceNet. 06 The Explicit message connection time-out occurred. Allocate the Explicit Message Connection from the Master or the client again. 11 Duplicate MAC ID response message was received. 12 Duplicate MAC ID request was received, the MAC ID is in transmission time-out waiting status. 13 The Polling connection time-out occurred. 14 The COS/Cyclic connection time-out occurred. Change setting the MAC ID of the DIP switch with other devices in the network so as not to repeat previously used numbers. Allocate the Master/Slave I/O Connection from the Master again. 8-6 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block Diagnostics 8 Table 8.5: 64DNET Error Code Service Type (Upper Byte) Detailed error code (Lower Byte) Description Check Points Allocate_Master/Slave_Connection_Set service error (An error with the connection the Allocate request) 02 The Allocate request was received from a different Master. 06 64DNET cannot support Check the settings of the Master connections other than the Explicit message, Polling, and COS/Cyclic in the Allocate request. 07 The Allocate request bit is not properly set. Check the setting of the Master to order the Allocate request. 08 The specified connection has already been allocated. Allocate only once for each connection. 09 The Reserve Bit of allocator MAC ID does not turn OFF. Check packet data for the Allocate request from the Master. 10 Allocation Choice Bit is not specified. Check the setting of Master to order the Allocate request. 02 8-7 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block Diagnostics 8 Table 8.5: 64DNET Error Code Service Type (Upper Byte) 02 Detailed error code (Lower Byte) Description 11 The Ack Suppress Bit is specified but the COS/Cyclic bit is not specified. 12 Tries to establish both COS and Cyclic transmission method for Master/Slave connection. 13 The Polling connection cannot be established because the Instance ID has already been used by the COS/Cyclic connection. Check Points Check the setting of Master to order the Allocate request. Release_Master/Slave_Connection_Set service error (An error with the open connection request) 06 64DNET cannot support Connections other than the connections other than the Explicit Explicit message, Polling, and message, Polling, and COS/Cyclic COS/Cyclic are not supported. in the Allocate request. 07 The connection for the Release request is done is not specified. Specify the connection for the Release request. 08 The specified connection has already been released. Use only one Release request per connection. 03 8-8 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block Diagnostics 8 Table 8.5: 64DNET Error Code Service Type (Upper Byte) Detailed error code (Lower Byte) Description Check Points Get_Attribute_Single service error (An error with the read request of the Master) 04 03 An invalid value for the Instance ID and the Attribute ID of the Get service command was specified. Check the packet data of the Get service request from the Master and correctly specify the Attribute ID value. Set_Attribute_Single error (An error with the write request of the Master) 02 The Set service is not supported by the specified Attribute ID. 03 The Attribute ID is outside the range. 04 The attribute value written in the Set service is outside the range. 05 Do not use the Set service request with the specified Attribute ID. Correctly specify the Attribute ID. Reset service error (An error with the reset request of the Master) 06 01 The state of the connection is contradicted. Do not reset except when in time-out. 02 The parameter of the Reset service is outside the range. Correctly specify parameter. 8-9 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block Diagnostics 8 Table 8.5: 64DNET Error Code Service Type (Upper Byte) Detailed error code (Lower Byte) Description Check Points I/O Polling request receive error 01 07 02 03 Middle or final packet was received before the first packet data. Check the parameter settings of the Master with regard to the Sequence error for receiving the I/ Master/Slave I/O communication, O data. and status of the DeviceNet. Receives more data than the maximum number of I/O byte data. Explicit message reception error 08 01 The message fragment send and Check the system configuration receive are operating concurrently. on the DeviceNet. 02 Middle or final packet was received before the first packet data. 03 Check the parameter setting of the Master and the system The same message fragment was configuration on the DeviceNet. received twice rather than receiving the complete message. 8-10 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block Diagnostics 8 Table 8.5: 64DNET Error Code Service Type (Upper Byte) 08 Detailed error code (Lower Byte) Description 04 Sequence error for receiving a message fragment. 05 Receives message larger than maximum number of message bytes allowed. 06 A message is received before the send message has finished transmission. Check Points Check the parameter setting of the Master and the system configuration on the DeviceNet. Check the system configuration on the DeviceNet. DeviceNet object error 01 An invalid service request for the DeviceNet Object Class was received. 02 An invalid request for the DeviceNet Object Instance was received. A1 03 05 Check the packet data for the Get service request from the Master Instance ID which does not exist in or other node. the DeviceNet Object Instance was specified. An invalid Class ID for the DeviceNet Object Instance was specified. 8-11 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block Diagnostics 8 Table 8.5: 64DNET Error Code Service Type (Upper Byte) Detailed error code (Lower Byte) Description Check Points Connection object error 01 The Connection Object Class was accessed. 02 An invalid Service request for the Connection Object Instance was received. A2 03 Check the packet data for the Get Instance ID which does not exist in service request from the Master. the Connection Object Instance was specified. 04 An invalid Attribute ID for the Connection Object Class was specified. Identity (ID) object error A3 01 The Object Class ID was accessed. 02 An invalid Service request for the Object Instance ID was received. 03 A value which does not exist in the Object Instance ID was specified. Check the packet data for the Get service request from the Master. 8-12 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block Diagnostics 8 Table 8.5: 64DNET Error Code Service Type (Upper Byte) Detailed error code (Lower Byte) Description Check Points Assembly object error 01 A5 02 The Assembly Object Class was accessed. Check the packet data for the Get A value which does not exist in the service request from the Master. Assembly Object Instance ID was specified. Grup2 Only UCMM message error A6 03 The value which does not support Check the packet data for the Get to the Class ID or the Instance ID service request from the Master. for the UCMM message is used. Peer-to-peer message error B0 01 The Service code received through the UCMM connection is not supported. 02 The specified Selection Group for the UCMM connection from client is not supported. 03 The specified value of the Selection Group in the client is invalid. Check the client setting for the UCMM connection with regard to the Service code. Check the client setting for the UCMM connection with regard to the Selection Group. 8-13 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block Diagnostics 8 Table 8.5: 64DNET Error Code Service Type (Upper Byte) Detailed error code (Lower Byte) Description Check Points 04 Check the setting value in the The 64DNET is already connected BFM #3. The 64DNET cannot be to the number of devices specified connected to more devices than in BFM #3. the number in BFM #3. 06 The message ID received by the Open_Explicit_Messaging Connection Request is invalid in the specified message group. 07 The message ID received by the Check the setting of the client, Open_Explicit_Massaging_Conne and configuration of the ction_Request already is used in DeviceNet. the group 1 or group 3. 08 The Instance ID received by the Check the setting of the client Close_Connection_Request is not about Instance ID. supported. 09 There is no response for the Open Check the power supply of the Explicit Messaging Connection. server and the connection. B0 Check the setting of the client with regard to the Source Message ID. 8-14 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block Diagnostics 8 Table 8.5: 64DNET Error Code Service Type (Upper Byte) Detailed error code (Lower Byte) Description Check Points Acknowledge Handler Object service error 01 The Acknowledge Handler Object was accessed. 02 The received Service request does not support on the Acknowledge Handler Object. 03 The specified Instance ID is invalided on the Acknowledge Handler Object. 04 The specified Attribute ID is not supported in the Acknowledge Handler Object. B1 Check the packet data from the Master. 8-15 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block Diagnostics 8 Table 8.5: 64DNET Error Code Service Type (Upper Byte) Detailed error code (Lower Byte) Description Check Points BFM error 01 The server does not have an empty buffer for receiving data. Put the server into the state that data from the client can be received. 02 The UCMM client sending trigger turns ON while data is still being sent to the server. Check the PLC program with regard to BFM #12 ~ #15. Do not turn UCMM Client Sending Trigger for the same server to ON with data sent to the server. 03 The 64DNET enters the Check the PLC program with Connection established request to regard to BFM #8 ~ #11. itself. 04 The 64DNET enters the UCMM client sending trigger to itself. Check the PLC program with regard to BFM #12 ~ #15. FROM/TO WDT error Check the PLC program. The PLC should access the BFMs (one or more) on every scan. B3 05 8-16 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block Diagnostics 8 Table 8.5: 64DNET Error Code Service Type (Upper Byte) Detailed error code (Lower Byte) Description Check Points Hardware error of 64DNET B4 00 EEPROM error Check the program of PLC about that accessing BFM of "Not used", and please contact a service representative. Others 01 The specified service does not support on the UCMM message. 02 The message router object was accessed. 03 The specified Class ID is invalided. 04 The network power supply is not supplied. FF Check the packet data from the Master or the client. Check the connection and the network power supply. Supply current and voltage. 8-17 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block 8.3.2 Diagnostics 8 DeviceNet Error Code (BFM #7 Bit 1 is OFF) This error code is general error code (upper byte) and additional error code (lower byte). Table 8.6: DeviceNet Error Code General Error Code Additional Error Code Description Check Points Resource unavailable 02 01 The Open Request Group Select is incorrect. 02 Invalid allocation/release choice parameter. 04 A necessary resource for Predefined Master/Slave connection set cannot be used. Check the setting of all Masters. Service not supported 08 FF 64DNET does not support this service. Check the specification of client and server for the UCMM connection, and setting of the Master. Invalid attribute value 09 02 Allocation request is incorrect. Check the specification of client and server for the UCMM connection, and setting of the Master FF Set_Attribute_Single service error Check the data for Set_Attribute_Single service. 8-18 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block Diagnostics 8 Table 8.6: DeviceNet Error Code General Error Code Additional Error Code Description Check Points Not enough data 13 FF Not enough data Check the length of send data. The send data is too small. Attribute not supported 14 FF 64DNET does not support this attribute. Check attribute ID in program for 64DNET and the setting of connected client and server. Too much data 15 FF Too much data Check the length of send data. The send data is too large. Object does not exist 16 FF 64DNET does not have this object. Check object (class ID, instance ID, attribute ID and service code) in program for 64DNET, and the setting of connected client and server. Reserved by DeviceNet 0B 02 Allocate/Release request for Poll, COS and Cyclic is incorrect. Check the parameter of Master. 8-19 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block Diagnostics 8 Table 8.6: DeviceNet Error Code General Error Code Additional Error Code Description Check Points Reserved by DeviceNet 01 The MAC ID is incorrect Check wiring. FF Set_Attribute_Single service error or Rest service error (This object does not support Set_Attribute_Single.) Check class ID, instance ID, attribute ID and service code in program for 64DNET, and setting of connected client and server 0C Invalid parameter 20 FF Rest service error Check wiring, and class ID, instance ID, attribute ID and service code of Master 8-20 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block Appendix A Appendix A: EDS (Electric Data Sheet) The EDS (Electric Data Sheet) of 64DNET shows bellow. Figure A-1: EDS of 64DNET $ File Description Section [File] DescText = "FX2N 32 word Input / 32 Word Output Slave Unit"; CreateDate = 01-06-2000; CreateTime = 16:14:50; ModDate = 01-06-2000; ModTime = 16:14:50; Revision = 1.0; A-1 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block Appendix A $ Device Description Section [Device] VendCode = 161; VendName = "Mitsubishi Electric Corporation"; ProdType = 12; ProdTypeStr = "Communication Adapter"; ProdCode = 3; MajRev = 1; MinRev = 1; ProdName = "FX2N-64DNET"; Catalog = "Users' Manual (JY992D86301)"; A-2 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block Appendix A $ I/O Characteristics Section [IO_Info] Default = 0x0001; $ Bit mapped $ Bit 0 = Poll $ Bit 1 = Strobe $ Bit 2 = Change of State $ Bit 3 = Cyclic $ Bit 4-15 = Reserved PollInfo COSInfo CyclicInfo = 0x000D, $ Combine Cyclic,COS I/O with Poll 1, $ Default Input = Input1 1; $ Default Output = Output1 = 0x000D, $ Combine Poll,Cyclic I/O with COS 1, $ Default Input = Input1 1; $ Default Output = Output1 = 0x000D, $ Combine Poll,COS I/O with Cyclic 1, $ Default Input = Input1 1; $ Default Output = Output1 A-3 Appendix A FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block Input1 Output1 = 0x04, $ Size in Bytes 0, $ All bits significant 0x000D, $ Polled , COS or Cyclic Connection "Input Data", $ Name String 6, $ Path size "20 04 24 64 30 03", $ IO Assy Obj Inst 64 Attr 3 ""; $ help string = 0x04, $ Size in Bytes 0, $ All bits significant 0x000D, $ Polled ,COS or Cyclic Connection "Output Data", $ Name String 6, $ Path size "20 04 24 65 30 03", $ IO Assy Obj Inst 65 Attr 3 ""; $ help string A-4 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block Appendix A $ Parameter Class Section $ [ParamClass] $ Parameter Section $ [Params] $ Parameter Enumeration Section $ [EnumPar] $ Parameter Groups Section $ [Groups] $ End A-5 Appendix A FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block MEMO A-6 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block Appendix B Appendix B: Class ID, Instance ID, Attribute ID and Service Code B-1: Identity (0x01) Class Attribute Not support Service Not support Instance (01 Hex) Attribute ID Description GET SET Value 1 Vendor ID 161 2 Device type 12 3 Product code 3 1H Revision 4 Major revison Minor revision 5 Status 1H DeviceNet spesification B-1 Appendix B FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block Service DeviceNet service 0E Get_Attribute_Single 10 Get_Attribute_Signal 4B Reset 4C Get_Attribute_Single Parameter option Vendor-specific additional specifications B-2: Message Router (0x02) Class Attribute Not support Service Not support Instance Attribute Not support Service Not support Vendor-specific additional specifications B-2 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block B-3: Appendix B DeviceNet (0x03) Class Attribute ID 1 Service Description Revision DeviceNet service GET SET Value 02 Parameter option 0E Get_Attribute_Single ID Description 1 MAC ID 0 ~ 63 2 Device type 0: 125kbps 1: 250kbps 2: 500kbps 3 Baud rate 0 4 BOI 0 ~ 255 Instance Attribute GET SET Setting Length Bus-off counter 5 Alloction information DeviceNet specification Master's MAC ID B-3 Appendix B FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block Service DeviceNet service 0E Get_Attribute_Single 10 Get_Attribute_Signal 48 Allocate M/S Connection Set 4C Release M/S Connection Set Parameter option Vendor-specific additional specifications B-4 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block B-4: Appendix B Assembly (0x04) Class Attribute Not support Service Not support Instance (64 Hex: input, 65 Hex output, 66 Hex: UCMM server, 67 Hex: UCMM client) Attribute ID 3 Service Description data DeviceNet service 0E Get_Attribute_Single 10 Set_Attribute_Signal GET SET Value Parameter option Vendor-specific additional specifications B-5 Appendix B FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block B-5: Connection (0x05) Class Attribute Not support Service Not support Maximum active connection 128 Instance (01 Hex, 0A ~ 49 Hex, 64 ~ A3 Hex, 67 Hex: Explicit Message) Section Information Instance Type Explicit Message Production Trigger Change of State/Application Trigger Transport Type Server Transport Class 3 Attribute ID Description Number of maximum Instance GET SET Value 1 State DeviceNet specification 2 Instance type 00 Hex (Explicit Message) 3 Transport class trigger 23 Hex (Client) 83 Hex (server) B-6 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block Appendix B 4 Produceed connection ID DeviceNet specification 5 Consumed connection ID DeviceNet specification 6 Initial comm. Characteristics 21 Hex 7 Produceed connection size FFFF Hex 8 Consumed connection size FFFF Hex 9 Expected packet rate 2500 ms 12 Watchdog time-out Action 1 (Auto delete) 13 Produceed connection path length 0 14 Produceed connection path NULL 15 Consumed connection path length 0 16 Consumed connection path NULL 17 Produce_Inhibit_Time 0 B-7 Appendix B FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block Service DeviceNet service 05 Reset 0E Get_Attribute_Single 10 Set_Attribute_Single Parameter option Instance (02 Hex: I/O POLL) Section Information Instance Type Polled I/O Production Trigger Cyclic Transport Type Server Transport Class 2 Attribute ID Number of maximum Instance 1 Description GET SET Value 1 State DeviceNet specification 2 Instance type 01 Hex (I/O Message) 3 Transport class trigger 82 Hex (server, class 2) 4 Produceed connection ID DeviceNet specification 5 Consumed connection ID DeviceNet specification B-8 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block Service Appendix B 6 Initial comm. Characteristics 7 Produceed connection size BFM setting 8 Consumed connection size BFM setting 9 Expected packet rate 0 ms 12 Watchdog time-out Action 0 (time-out) 13 Produceed connection path length 6 14 Produceed connection path 20 04 24 65 30 03 Hex 15 Consumed connection path length 6 16 Consumed connection path 17 Produce_Inhibit_Time DeviceNet service 0E Reset 10 Get_Attribute_Single 01 Hex 20 04 24 65 30 03 Hex 0 Parameter option Set_Attribute_Single B-9 Appendix B FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block Instance (04 Hex: I/O COS) Section Information Instance Type Polled I/O Production Trigger COS Transport Type Server Transport Class 2 Attribute ID Number of maximum Instance 2 Description GET SET Value 1 State DeviceNet specification 2 Instance type 01 Hex (I/O Message) 3 Transport class trigger 4 Produceed connection ID DeviceNet specification 5 Consumed connection ID DeviceNet specification 6 Initial comm. Characteristics 01 Hex 7 Produceed connection size BFM setting 8 Consumed connection size 0 9 Expected packet rate 0 ms B-10 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block Service Appendix B 12 Watchdog time-out Action 0 (time-out 13 Produceed connection path length 6 14 Produceed connection path 15 Consumed connection path length 16 Consumed connection path 17 Produce_Inhibit_Time DeviceNet service 0E Reset 10 Get_Attribute_Single 20 04 24 65 30 03 Hex No ACK: 0 ACK: 4 No ACK: NULL ACK: 20 2B 24 01 0 Parameter option Set_Attribute_Single Vendor-specific additional specifications B-11 Appendix B FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block B-6: Acknowledge Handler Object (2B Hex) Class Attribute Not support Service Not support Instance (01 Hex) Attribute Service ID Description GET SET Value 1 Acknowledge Timer 16 2 Retry Limit 1 3 COS Producing Connection Instanse DeviceNet service 0E Get_Attribute_Single 10 Get_Attribute_Signal Connection Instance ID Parameter option Vendor-specific additional specifications B-12 FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block Appendix C Appendix C: List of Further Information Manual For further information manual about FX Series, refer to following table. For DeviceNet master unit and other slave units, refer to each unit manual. Table C-1: List of Further Information Manual Manual Name Manual No. Description FX2N Hardware Manual This manual contains hardware explanations of wiring, JY992D66301 installation and specifications for FX2N Series programmable controllers. FX0/FX0N Hardware Manual This manual contains hardware explanations of wiring, JY992D47501 installation and specifications for FX0 and FX0N Series programmable controllers. FX Programming Manual This manual contains instruction explanations for the JY992D48301 FX0, FX0S, FX0N, FX, FX2C, FX2N and FX2NC Series programmable controllers. FX Programming Manual II This manual contains instruction explanations for the JY992D88101 FX1S, FX1N, FX2N and FX2NC Series programmable controllers. C-1 Appendix C FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block MEMO C-2 USER'S MANUAL FX2N-64DNET DeviceNet Interface Block HEAD OFFICE: MITSUBISHI DENKI BLDG MARUNOUCHI TOKYO 100-8310 TELEX: J24532 CABLE MELCO TOKYO HIMEJI WORKS: 840, CHIYODA CHO, HIMEJI, JAPAN JY992D86301A (MEE0004) Effective Apr. 2000 Specification are subuject tochange without notice.