Spec. No. : HT200206
Issued Date : 2001.04.01
Revised Date : 2002. 02.08
Page No. : 1/3
HBD438T HSMC Product Specification
The HBD438T is silison epitaxial-base PNP power transistor in TO-126
plastic package, intented for use in medium power linear and switching
applications. The complementary NPN type is HBD437T.
Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta=25°C)
Symbol Parametor Value Unit
VCBO Collector-Base Voltage (IE=0) -45 V
VCES Collector- Em itter Voltag e (VBE=0) -45 V
VCEO Collector- Emitter Voltage (IB=0) -45 V
VEBO Emitt er-Base Voltage (IC= 0) -5 V
IC Collector Current -4 A
ICM Collector Peak Current (t≤10ms) -7 A
IB Base Current -1 A
Tc=25°C25 W
PD Total Dissipation at Ta=25°C1.3 W
Tstg S torage Temperature -55 to 150 °C
Tj Max. Operating Junction Temperature 150 °C
Thermal Data
Rthj-case Thermal Resistance Junction-case Max. 6 °C/W
Rthj-amb Thermal Resistance Junction-ambient Max. 96 °C/W
Electrical Characteristics (Ta=25°C, unless otherwise specified)
Symbol Parameter Test Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit
ICBO Collector Cut-off Current (IE=0) VCB=-45V - - -100 uA
ICES Collector Cut-off Current
(VBE=0) VCE=-45V - - -100 uA
IEBO Emitter Cut-off Current (IC=0) VEB=-5V -1 mA
*VCEO(sus) Collect or-Emitter Sustaining
Vol t ag e ( IB=0) IC=-100mA -45 - - V
*VCE(sat) Collector-Emitter Saturat ion
Voltage IC=-2A, IB=-0.2A - -0.2 -0.6 V
IC=-10mA,VCE=-5V - -0.58 - V
*VBE Base-Emitt er Voltage IC=-2A, VCE=-1V - - -1.2 V
IC=-10mA, VCE=-5V 30 130 -
IC=-0.5A, VCE=-1V 85 140 -
*hFE DC Curr e nt Gain IC=-2A, VCE=-1V 40 - -
fT Transition Frequency IC=-0.25A, VCE=-1V 3 - - MHz
*Pulse Test: Pulse Width ≤380us, Dut y Cycle≤2%