This material and the Information herein is the property of Fuji Electne Co.Ltd. They shall be neither reproduced, copied. lent, or disclosed in any way whatsoever for the use of any third party,nor used for the manufacturing purposes without the express written consent of Fuji Electric Co., Ltd, Messrs. Rockwell Automation SPECIFICATION Device Name : IGBT Moduie Type Name 7MBR25SA120-01 Spec. No. : MS6M 0547 Date : Jun. - 02 - 2000 Fuji Electric Co.,Ltd. Matsumoto Factory a DATE | NAME | APPROVED Fuji Electric Co,Ltd. DRAWN jan. - 2 - co FZ Uhayarh- : MS6M 0547.4 DWGNO. CHECKED) Tine - 2 -0D |, beter | pe HO04-004-05Revised Records Fuji Electne Co.Ltd. They shall be neither reproduced, copied tent, or disclosed in any way whatsoever for the use of any third partynor used for the manufacturing purposes without This material and the Information herein is the property of the express written consent of Fuji Electric Co.. Ltd. Classi- Applied . Date fication Ind. Content date Drawn Checked Approved Jan.-2- 4o| enactment | issted _ S; btn Fegorbn Revised type miss Fun -\4- "00 Revisiew o& ( Ps/iv) Y Kobayouks (Shire 7p / aa a S 2 a Fuji Electric Co.Ltd. g| MS6M 0547 Ao H04004-067MBR25SA120-01 1. Outline Drawing ( Unit : mm) Fuji Elecine Co.Lid. They shail be neither reproduced. copied lent. or disclosed in any way whatsoever for the use of any Ihird party.nor used for the manufacturing purposes without This material and the information herein is the property of the express written consent of Fuji Electric Co., Ltd. 107,541 4-26 .140.3 95 20.3 2-45.5 40.3 [24.36] {11,43] [11.43 | [11.49 | 3.B1x 4= 15,24 | x re = a ~ m ' Toe 3 69, 60.3 alo! fa]]/ Zot | > f Ls 28) SS] PO ap Tle 93+0.3 O44 = = hOF = tt T 2 3 T 5 Ea 6 _m is [6.9] 9.02] 11.45 |ffnt.43 HL 04.43 9143 11.43 | [12.93 | 42,530. $2.1 40.1 - m s 7 RI) | 2] Or Rls mn} = mt a vr eo; | 2 Sp) 7% = _ I | , +H in [__]shows theoretical dimension. 2. Equivalent circuit { Converter ] { Brake } [ Inverter ] { Thermistor ] 21(P) 22(P1) Oo o + 8 9 a to | fo a 1{R) 2(S) 3(T) o* o ot 19 (Eu) 0 17 (Ey) #0 15 (Ew) oO 7(8) q 4(U) q 5() 6 (9) 14 (Gb) 13 a< 12 Ka 11 (G2) - m0) - - folEn) ws . < 3 a Fuji Electric Co.Ltd. S| MS6M 0547 10 a HO4-004-03This material and the information herein is the property of Fuji Elecinc Co_Lid, They shall be neither reproduced. copied lent, or disclosed in any way whatsoever for the use of any third party.nor used for the manufacturing purposes without the express written consent of Fuji Electric Co. Ltd. 3. Absolute Maximum Ratings (at Tc= 25C unless otherwise specified ) Items Symbols Conditions Maxim Um | Units Ratings Collector-Emitter voltage VCES 1200 V Gate-Emitter voltage VGES +-20 Vv S Ic Continuous} Tc=25C 35 A Tc=80C 25 = |Collector current Icp ims Tc=25C 70 A Tc=80C 50 -Ic 25 A Collector Power Dissipation Pe 1 device 180 WwW Collector-Emitter voltage VCES 1200 Vv Gate-Emitter voltage VGES +-20 Vv Ic Continuous} Tc=25C 25 A % [Collector current Tc=80C 15 co icp ims Tc=25C 50 A Te=80C 30 Collector Power Dissipation Pe 1 device 110 Ww Repetitive peak reverse Voltage(Diode) VRRM 1200 Vv ;, |Repetitive peak reverse Voltage VRRM 1600 V g Average Output Current lo SOFZ/60Hz 25 A e sine wave 5 Surge Current (Non-Repetitive) IFSM Tj=150C,10ms 260 A *t (Non-Repetitive) *t half sine wave 338 As Junction temperature Tj 150 Cc Storage temperature Tstg -40~ +125 Cc Isolation _| between terminal and copper base" Viso AC : 1min. 2500 Vv voltage _|between thermistor and others ? 2500 V Mounting Screw Torque *) 3.5 Nm (*1) All terminals should be connected together when isolation test will be done. (*2) Terminal 8 and 9 should be connected together. Terminal 1 to 7 and 10 to 24 should be connected together and shorted to copper base. (*3) Recommendable Value : 2.5~3.5 Nm (M5) t a Fuji Electric Co.Ltd. DWG.NO. MS6M 0547 0 H04-004-03Fuji Electne Co Lid They shall be neither reproduced. copied tent, or disclosed in any way whatsoever for the use of any third party.nor used for the manufacturing purposes without This material and the Information herein is the property of the express written consent of Fuji Electric Co. Ltd. 4. Electrical characteristics (at Tj= 25C unless otherwise specified) Characteristics Items Symbols Conditions min. typ. Max. | Units Gate-Emitter leakage current IGES |VCE= OV, VGE= +-20 V 200 nA threshold voltage VGE(th) |VCE= 20V,Ic= 25maAl 55 | 7.2 | 85 | V Collector-Emitter VCE(sat) |VGE 15 V, ichip 2.1 Vv saturation voltage Ic = 25 A |terminal 2.2 2.6 5 Input capacitance Cies |VGE OV, VCE 10 V 3000 pF > f= 1 MHz |Turn-on time ton |Vcc= 600 V 0.35 | 1.2 tr Ic = 25 A 0.25 0.6 try |VGE +-15V 0.1 us Turn-off time toff RG= 51 ohm 0.45 1.0 tf 0.08 0.3 Forward on voltage VF IF = 25 A Ichip 2.3 Vv terminal 2.4 3.2 Reverse recovery time trr IF = 25 A 350 ns oan ene Ices |VGE- 0 V, VCE=*1200 V 1.0 | ma Gate-Emitter leakage current IGES [VCE OV, VGE +-20 V 200 nA Collector-Emitter VCE(sat) }VGE 15 V, {chip 2.1 Vv a | Saturation voltage le = 15 A [terminal 2.2 2.6 s Turn-on time ton Vec= 600 V 0.35 1.2 tr Ic = i5A 0.25 0.6 us Turn-off time toff |VGE +-15V 0.45 1.0 tf RG= 82 ohm 0.08 0.3 Reverse current IRRM {VR= 1200 V 1.0 mA {3 Forward on woltage VFM {IF = 25 A |chip 1.1 Vv > terminal 1.2 1.5 S [Reverse current IRRM |VR= 1600 V 1.0 ; mA 5 {Resistance R T = 25C 5000 ohm z T=100C 465 | 495 | 520 2 |B value B |T= 25/50C 3305 | 3375 | 3450 | K 5. Thermal resistance characteristics Charactenstics ltems Symbols Conditions min. typ. Max. | Units Inverter IGBT 0.69 Thermal resistance Rth(j-c) |Inverter FWD 1.30 IC/w {1 device) Brake IGBT 1.14 Converter Diode 0.90 Contact Thermal resistance Rth(c-f) [with Thermal Compound ) 0.05 C/W * This is the value which is defined mounting on the additional cooling fin with thermal compound. Fuji Electric Co.,Ltd. DWG.NO. MS6M 0547 Ac H04-004-03This material and the information herein ts the property of Fuji Electnc Co Lid. They shall be neither reproduced. copied lent, or disclosed in any way whatsoever for the use of any third party,nor used for the manufac turing purposes without the express written consent of Fuji Electric Co.. Ltd. 6. Indication on module Lot No. for Fuji at a1 Co eee UU OL ee \, Lot No.(FOUR DIGITS) SAP No.(FIVE DIGITS) Place of manufucturing(code) va 7. Applicable category This specification is applied to Power Integrated Module named 7MBR25SA120-01 . 8. Storage and transportation notes The module should be stored at a standard temperature of 5 to 35e and humidity of 45 to 75% . Store modules in a place with few temperature changes in order to avoid condensation on the module surface. Avoid exposure to corrosive gases and dust. Avoid excessive external force on the module. Store modules with unprocessed terminals. Do not drop or otherwise shock the modules when transporting. Please connect adequate fuse or protector of circuit between three-phase fine and this product to prevent the equipment from causing secondary destruction. 9. Definitions of switching time ae , L VGE trr = Vee af Ter a iN ait yo Vec 90% 90% 7 / ov Ic 10% 10% 2 VCE 10% . OA Vee tr(i) tr 1 Te tr toff ton JL Fuji Electric Co.Ltd. 6 MS6M 0547-4, DWG.NO. H04-004-03This material and the information herein is the property of Fuji Electne Co.Ltd. They shail be neither reproduced. copied. fent, or disclosed in any way whatsoever for the use of any third party.nor used for the manufacturing purposes without the express written consent of Fuji Electric Co., Ltd. Collector current { Inverter ] vs. Collector~Emitter voltage { Inverter ] Collector current vs. Collector-Emitter voltage Tje 25C typ. Tj= 125C (typ. ) 60 : : 7 typ) ; 60 J ; iP. , L 4 , rr Lod VGE= 204] 180 124 VGE=!20V 1512 50 - 50 : 7 < y ] < r ~ 40 ~ 40 3 2 r 1 y tov | 30 te = 30 c c ov Q My i he a a i L 4 3 3 Ss 20 s 2 3 3 = 6 1 = oT 4 Oo Oo 190 10 av av : 0 i a4 z r z i 0 es 1 i i m 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 Collector - Emitter voltage ycE [V] Collector - Emitter voltage : VCE [V ] { Inverter } [ Inverter J Collector current vs. Collector-Emitter voltage Collector-Emitter voltage vs. Gate-Emitter voltage 0 VGE=15V (typ.) Tj= 25 (typ. ) 7 r t t T 10 + T Oe T : L | : 4 L . : . 4 | J Tj 25 oT f= 125C i q 50 . - i i zs | < | | | ge ] 40 = 1 2 r ' - 5 6 4 wo to q 4 2 2 30 ond b 4 E a [ ef | 2 4 8 a0 | Ee r S| 7 3 : a L .-- Te= 504 4 = NN = r : 4 he + | : . 4 8 Sy : Po Tes 250 10 = [ i Tor 12.84 | a | | i 4 0 see . L . 1 1 pl ea | Fenran fa po 0 I 2 3 4 5 5 10 15 20 25 Collector - Emitter voltage WE ({V] Gate - Emitter voltage VGE [ ] { Inverter J [ Inverter ] Capacitance vs. Collector-Emitter voltage (typ. ) Dynamic Gate charge yr) VOE=OV, f= IMllz, Tiz 25 Vee=600V, Tc=25A, Tj= 25 10000 - - : 1000 S , 7 ' 25 Lo. . 4 F S| oe of. 4 = 800 f- 20 7 5 P| Go > r > 1 ra] naa a Cies S s 4 a w he i. eo a q / > : 600 15 1000 2 % g PSS | | 4 2 fr . ] L o ro PN 1 S400 10; a 3 . f } 4 i e 1 | - 1 3 } [| . 4 be 1 3g ;-- 2 200 2 = jo Coes o s g L Pe | 4 coat & | Cres & r 4 100 0 : : _. 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 ) 50 100 150 200 250 Collector - Emitter voltage WE (C ] Gate charge Qe [E nC j S| a | Fuji Electri : 7 uji Electric Co.Ltd. Z| MS6M 0547 : = 10 a | I H04-004-03Fuji Electac Co.Ltd. They shall be neither reproduced. copied lent, or disclosed in any way whatsoever for the use of any third party.nor used for the manufacturing purposes without This material and the information herein Is the property of the express written consent of Fuji Electric Co. Ltd. [ Inverter ] [ Inverter ] Switching time vs. Collector current (typ.) Switching time vs. Collector current (typ.) Vee=600V, VGF=+ 15V, Re=51Q . Ti= 25C Vec=600V, VGE=+ 15V, Re= 510 . Ti= 125C 1000 ' : ? 10nd * ; 7 7 L q 3 ott: coe mo 4 5 [ bo 4 5 L : po fe 4 500 toft w 500 : he . - e : : = + : vf ed S L vee ol pene 4 5 2 | & | 5 ot aod A | e ot we fT 1 : | a - ton : - ton . : : 8 5 : [| | : L Le q tet wo! cho bd g 07 g , 2 2 te S 3 = ia 100 : 2 foo ] = ft 1 3 r ] 3 r : r 4 > 5 w L d a Po ee 4 50 i 50 i , i 0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40 Collector current : Ie [A] Collector current : Ie [A] { Inverter ] { Inverter ] Switching time vs. Gate resistance (typ.) Switching loss vs. Collector current (typ. ) 5000 Vee=600V, Ic=25A, VGES+ 15V, Tj= 25 7 Vec=600V, VGE=% 15V, Re=510 - r 7 ~~ Eon (125 ) 3 36 > 3 2 : Sf 2} 4 . or 47 1000 F - bof old S : Dope: 8 Eon ( 250) L sees L Led 4 . a L . . 2 i a : 500 : : ao +f i : 4 . t 1 : 5 y ~ | os 63 foff ( 128 ) L . LO ow : Sf : 2 : . . wees : ; : : = r ton g 2 7 - _ Both ( 25% ) - Dt Sh, : ee en Ber (125) & tr : 2 : | ; = 100 $1 [Zoe : 2 [ : : : a 2 . : ' & C ; " re 7 : _ = [ oo Err (2s) 50 1 4 4 pe i 1 i 1 o i 4 k i i 10 ~ 50 100 500 0 10 20 30 40 50 Gate resistance : Rg [Q ] Collector current : Ic [A] { Inverter ] { Inverter ] Switching loss vs. Gate resistance (typ. ) Reverse bias safe operating area 20 Vee=600V, Ic=25A, VGE=+ 15V, Tj= 125 go tVGE=15V, -VGES 15V, Rg= 510 , TiS 125C r 47 r TF of q = 50 = eo tb 5 4 < bi 40 he F is} 2 a oe r 7 210 2 30 g o a ea} a2 F 4 3 r ' be : S 20 a : : Lt . 3 25 - : : = + 4 oo . Eoff 8 E ay P 0 - 10 : ; | : L 4 3 eee 0 i 4 i Jo i it a | i 2 . 0 10 50 100 500 0 200 400 00 800 1000 1200 1400 Gate resistance : Re [ Q ] Collector - Emitter voltage : VCE [V ] So 8 a ae s = Fuji Electric Co.Ltd. S| MS6M 0547 Ya = 10 HO04-004-03This material and the information herein is the property of Fuji Electnc Co.Ltd. They shall be neither reproduced. copied tent, of disclosed in any way whatsoever for the use of any third party.nor used for the manufacturing purposes without the express written consent of Fuji Electric Co.. Ltd. fc /W) Rth(j -c) [ Inverter ] ( Inverter ] Forward current vs Forward m voltage (typ. ) Reverse recovery characteristics (typ ) Yoc=@00V, WEE 15, RSI Q IF [A] Fo rward current { A] IF Fo rward current 8 r r T 300 t T Tisl2se|TJe25C L . ] 50 trr ( 125 ) =e e 4 ow 8 ' 2 : : 100 - - + 40 Ey P trr ( 26T } bere re = : a | 5 ; TT Pg : 30 : r 4 z o i. 4 ke L 4 z3 I 4 RE 20 fd $ Pe pee. 4 . ee oc Oo 8 : i 1 Le RB baer (125%) TP ed QS ew : 7 : : ame i L : 4 Pivew eee : | ler ( sey | | | i : i : 0 . : i 10 1. i . 1 i 0 1 2 3 4 0 i0 20 30 40 Forwardon voltage : We [Vv] . Forward current : IF [A] { Comerter ] Forward current vs forward on voltage (typ ) 6 7 r T T T L 4 Tj= 25C THe 125 60 40 30 20 10 0 i 74 i i i 0.0 O4 0.8 12 1.6 2.0 Forward on valtage : VPM [ ] { Themistor J] Transient thermal resistance Temperature characteristic (typ ) y 4 100 + 4 FrOUnverer] c . ye . Yq - eT Brake] } cee eden di pepe pee 4 a Conv. DipdeF 7 . ee 4 - | ~ GBT UInverer] 7 R [ kQ 3 \ LA g ; 2 1 1 Nt 4 0.01 pis poi ii pie 0.1 0. 001 0.0L ol 1 -60 -40 -20 0) 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 16 180 Pulse width : Pw {sec } Temperature [CT Jj S| 9 A Fuji Electric Co,Ltd. 2 MS6M0547 //, a H04-004-03Fuji Elecinc Ca Lid. They shalt be nether reproduced. copied tent, or disclosed in any way whatsoever for the use of any third party.nor used for the manufacturing purposes without This material and the information herein is the property of the express written consent of Fuji Electric Co., Lid { Brake ] { Brake ] CA] Ie Collector current [Aa] Collector current vs. Collector-Emitter voltage Collector current vs. Collector~Emitter voltage Tj 25 (typ. ) _ Tj= 125 (typ. ) 35 r r T + r r 35 T v v T Y i . L . | oe , 4 L YGE= 209 15 12 30 30 25 ae fo 4 < 25 q e L _ 20 _ 20 -10 L . L a a 15 E15 a 3 L 4 L L s 10 - B 10 . 4 S " 5 5 1 L . i beh... 4 : av 0 i < a I + i. tT 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 Collector - Emitter voltage : VCE {V ] Collector - Emitter voltage : VCE [V] { Brake ] { Brake J Collector current vs. Collector-Emitter voltage Collector-Emitter voltage vs. Gate-Emitter voltage VGE=15 (typ. ) Tj= 25C typ. 35 T 7 r t 7 10 + a (yp. ) ar | [ 4 l Tie ast | Tye st 5 4 30 a L 4 L | = 8 25 8 [ | > a 4 r 4 20 15 _f_ r 1 L [a ree 3:08 4 y | Tc= 154 + Ics 7.54 4 Collector current 1 1 Collector - Emitter voltage r 1 ; d L 4 0 al i 4 2 i 4 0 a os ed eet ft po 0 1 2 3 4 5 5 10 15 20 25 Collector - Emitter voltage : YCE [V ]} Gate - Emitter voltage : VGE [V] { Brake ] { Brake ] Capacitance vs. Collector-Emitter voltage (typ.) Dynamic Gate charge (typ. ) VGE=0V, f= IMllz, Tj= 25C Vec=600V, Ic=15A, Tj= 25C 5000 1000 7 r 25 7 po | 4 = 800 /- 207 + _| > col Cies uw w g sf 1 a 5 1000 : 4 600 16 $ 4 o g a Y g ] sf 1 & 3 5 5 | 3 400 10 = 3s w { a < g 1 1 r 4 wi : | . vn | + Coes 8 S !-~ Q 200 5 8 = 100 [+ = & cS r Cres J & | 4 50 i J 0 1 8 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0 50 100 150 Collector - Emitter voltage : WCE [ ] Gate charge : Qg [ at ] S| a F se s =| 1 0 uji Electric Co.Ltd. 4 MS6M 0547 10 ao HO4-004-03