10 MIPS Flash-based AVR® Core Microcontroller
High Efficiency Compression (4.5 kbps)
Automatic Timestamp
Full Duplex Handsfree Support
Line and Acoustic Echo Cancellation
DTMF Generation and Detection
Call Progress Tone Detection
Caller ID and Alert Tone Detection
Power Management and Monitoring
2 On-chip Voice Codecs for Line and User Sides
Programmable Equalizer and AGC
On-chip 100 mW Audio Amplifier
General Purpose UART
DataFlash™ Controller for Mass Storage and Voice Prompt
LCD Display Controller
K e y board Controller
User-defined I/Os
The Atmel AT75C110 integrated circuite (IC) provides a cost-effective solution for
embed ded or stan dalone message recording applicat ions. It p rovides th e syste m
developer with a comprehensive set of programmable DSP algorithms, thus spanning
the range of applications from simple voice recorder to full-fledged smartphone with
display, handsfree features and answering capabilities.
The chip is built around the AVR microcontroller (MCU) architecture. The application
program resides in an on-chip Flash program memory. During the boot stage, this
memory is p rogrammed throug h th e on-ch ip UART from any software develo pment
platform. The AVR MCU core controls all the on-chip peripherals and supports the
user interface. The main peripheral is the programmable DSP unit.
The DSP unit provides the system with a set of processing facilities widely used in
voice recording and telephone applications. It is controlled by the application software
throug h predefined s ystem reques ts. The DSP unit i s connected di rectly to the l ine
side and acoustic voice c odecs and to the DataFlash mass storage memory. This
structure allows the DSP unit to work as a standalone co-processor, while the applica-
tion software performs other system tasks.
The DSP uni t features an Atm el pr oprietar y voic e comp ressi on algo rithm whi ch leads
to a bit rate as low as 4.5 kb ps. This gi ves a good compromise between me mory
requireme nts and qua lity du ring playbac k. At that sp eed, a seria l 8M bytes DataFl ash
can hold up to 30 minutes of voice messages. This low pincount memory can be glue-
lessly connected to the AT75C110.
Furthermore, the AT75C110 supports advanced telephone features, such as hands-
free o perati on w ith echo ca ncell ation , ton e ha ndli ng ( DTMF, calle r I D, al ert , etc .) an d
correction for low-cost microphones and speakers.
Rev. 1073AS–A–07/98
Te lephone
Ans weri ng
Ad v ance
AT75C110 Block Diagram
Applicatio n Example: Full Duplex Speakerphone with Answering Functions
Codec User-side
I/O Port
DSP Request
Program Flash
Real Time
Mic 1
Mic 2
Power Sense
16 MHz
32768 Hz
50/60 Hz
Clock Source
DSP Unit
AVR Core
Line SLIC AT75C110
Display Keyboard
Functional Description
AVR Microcontroller Core
The AVR MC U core is based on an enhanc ed RISC arc hi-
tect ure that co mbines a ri ch inst ruction s et with 32 gen eral
purpose wor king reg ist ers . A ll 32 regis te rs a re di re ct ly c on-
nected to the Ar it hm etic and Logi c Uni t (A LU), al low ing two
indep ende nt regi st er s to be acce sse d in on e si ngl e in str u c-
tion executed in one cycle. The resulting architecture is
more c ode efficien t while ac hieving th roughputs up to te n
times faster than conventional CISC microcontrollers.
More detailed information on the AVR MCU Core is avail-
able in the Atmel AVR Core Datasheet and the Atmel AVR
Microcontroller Databook.
DSP Unit
The DSP Unit is a programmable functional block which
performs all the voiceband calculations in a configurable
way. Several algorithms can run in paralle l, with few restric-
The DSP Unit is programmed by the application software
run by t he AVR core throu gh com mand m essa ges. A com-
mand message is a set of codes made of one opcode fol-
lowed by zero or more parameters.
When a special event occurs in the da ta processin g (eg
valid D TMF c ode de tected), the DS P Uni t has the ab ility t o
elaborate a status message and to post it to the application
The c omprehens ive comm and and status message set is
fully explained in the detailed datasheet.
Below is an overview of the main available algorithms. If
several algorithms are to be run in parallel, there must be a
separate command message for each of them. If the DSP
Unit receives several incompatible command messages
(e.g. a message requests DTMF detection and another
reques ts DTMF generation ), only the last one will be take n
into account. Command messages with an undefined
opcode are not processed.
Voice Compression
The DSP Unit’s main task is to process in real time voice
compres sion and d ecompress ion. Based o n a prop rietary
algorithm, the speech compression ratio enables up to 30
minutes of voice to be stored in an 8M-bit memory. The
high efficiency of the algorithm allows other tasks required
in a smart phone application to run in parallel.
Message Playback
Controlled by the AVR microcontroller, the playback pro-
cess is handle d by the DS P unit fo r speech decompres-
sion, and by the AVR for memory management, leaving the
AVR free for other control tasks. The application pr ogram-
mer can use these resources to feature a user-friendly
access to messages.
Line Echo Cancellation
The AT75C110 contains a line echo cancellation unit to
eliminate near end echo. This unit is based on an adapta-
tive F IR filter whic h computes the expected echo, and a
subtr actor whi ch remove s it from the tr ansmitted s ignal.
Since the echo characteristics can slowly vary with time, an
adaptativ e al gor ithm contin uous ly up date s th e ec ho mo del .
The line echo canceller is programmable, and is useful dur-
ing tone detection.
A block diagram of the line echo canceller is shown below.
Acoustic Echo Cancellation
The AT75C110 con tains an ac oustic ec ho canc ellation uni t
to eliminate the interaction of the microphone and the
speaker. It is based on an adaptative FIR structure, as
shown in the figure below:
DTMF Generation
The DSP Unit provid es an efficie nt way to genera te sine-
wave tones , or the su m of tw o sinewav e tones . The gene r-
ated sig nal ha s l ow distortion, and the fr eq uenc y res olu tio n
is less th an 1 Her tz . The typi ca l a ppl ic ati on o f ton e ge ner a-
tion is DTMF generation, but custom tones can also be
Line In
Line Out
Adaptative algorithm FIR Other
Adaptative algorithm
The tone generation command message has four parame-
ters: th e frequency co ntrol word for th e first tone, the f re-
quency control word for the second tone, the tone duration,
and tone separation duration.
To improve the DTMF detection by the receiver, the hand-
set and handsfree microphone signals can be disabled dur-
ing tone and tone separation.
DTMF Detect ion
The DTMF codes detector is enabled by a special com-
mand message. This message has several parameters,
includ ing minimum ton e duration a nd frequency a ccuracy
around nominal values.
When a val id cod e is dete cted, the DSP Unit can gener ate
an interrupt to the AVR Core and deliver the detected
All sixteen standard DTMF codes are recognized.
Calling Tone Detection
When a datacom device (e.g. modem or fax machine) dials
a number, it sends a calling tone as soon as the whole
number is comp letely d ialed. Thi s enable s the r eceiver t o
distinguish datacom from voice calls.
The DSP Unit has the ability to detect the standard calling
Call Progress Tone Detection
The AT75C 110 ca n detect cal l progress to nes. This func-
tion is programmable for tone duration, tone separation
duration and some other parameters. When it has detected
a programmable number of tone/tone separation, it can
send an inter rupt to the AVR Cor e to inform the app lica tion
of the call progress.
Alert Tone Detection
The alert tone is a part of the caller ID protocol. W hen the
alert tone detector is enabled, an interrupt is triggered to
the AVR Core to inform the application so ftware that the
caller ID detector can be enab led. The alert to ne detector
can be configured by several parameters, including the
accuracy around the nominal frequencies.
Caller ID Detection
The caller ID protocol is based on a 1200 bps FSK modula-
tion. When the call er ID detector is enabled , it can deliver
the demodulated deserialized data to the appli cation soft-
ware. This software has the responsibility to interpret the
data. Several parameters can control the way demodula-
tion is performed.
Microphone and Speaker Equalization
Two equal iz ing f il ters ar e pl ac ed i n ser i es wi th the a co us tic
side codec. These filters can be used to correct the fre-
quency response of low-cost microphones and speakers.
Other Features
DSP Auxiliaries
The DSP Unit has a number of auxiliary features, such as
AGC for an alo g si gna ls , dig ita l v olu me c ontr ol , or thre shol d
detection for various signals.
Keyboard Controller
The embed ded keyboard contr oller has t he required l ogic
to allow direct connection of a low-cost, 16-key matrix key-
board. Thi s logic include s debou ncing, scan fram es gener-
ation and interrupt generation.
When the AVR Core is interrupted, it just has to read a reg-
ister which holds the code of the pushed key.
LCD Controller
The AT75C110 features an on-chip generic LCD controller.
To allow flexibility regarding the wide range of available
LCD displays, the controll er does not include the analog
drivers. It provides the system with a bus dedicated to dis-
play devic es. This bus is fully configurable and su pports
most of the standard device interfaces.
I/O Port
The primary goal of the four bidirectional I/Os is the phone
line in terfac e co ntrol . In a typic al a nswer ing m achin e appl i-
cation, o ne I/O is connect ed to the rin g detect ( input) and
another c ontrols the hook-up ( output). Howev er, they can
also be used as general purpose I/Os (LED control, hand-
set switch detect, etc.).
Real Time Clock
The real time clock holds the current date and time needed
for the me ssage time stamp. The time bas e can be der ived
from ei ther the on -chip 327 68 Hz os cillator or an exter nal
50 Hz or 60 Hz source.
This s tructure takes advanta ge of th e high, long-ter m fre-
quency ac curacy of the main’s AC supply . Should the AC
supply dis appear, the RTC source c an be switched to the
crystal source.
Clocks Generator
The Clocks Generato r includes a 16 MHz crystal oscillator
as well as all circuitry needed to derive the various system
clocks from this oscillator.
The additional clock logic also has the responsibility of
managing ov er al l p ower c on su mpt ion v ia a set o f pr o gr am-
mable clock dividers. Thus optimization of power consump-
tion with respect to required processing capabilities of the
chip for a given application is assured.
A general purpose UART is included in the AT75C110. It
can be us ed t o enl ar ge the r an ge o f applica tio ns by p r ovi d-
ing an industry standard communication channel.
The main uses of this UART are application code download
from the software development platform, and message
upload to a PC for backup purposes.
The communication parameters are configurable (speed,
parity, etc.)
Power Management
The Power Management unit is built around a supply volt-
age monitoring device. When a power fail is detected, the
unit can be programmed to trigger special events:
An inter rup t generati on. The ap plic ation cod e jumps to a
special routine which handles power outage. The
peripherals are put in power down mode and the
message allocation table is written to insure data
consistency before definitive shutdown.
A switch to low speed clock.
DataFlash Controller
The DataFlash Controller allows a dir ect connection of an
external DataFlash to the AT75C110. There are two infor-
mation flows: a voice flow and a control flow.
The voice flow transports compressed data between the
DSP Unit and the DataFlash. The control flow comes from
the application software which pr ograms the address the
and the data di re ction. This architecture allows the dat a
production/consumption and the memory management
algorithms to be split between the DSP Unit and the appli-
cation software.
Development Tools
The AT75C110 will be provided with the AT75APPLI, an
application development system. It is based on the AVR
ICEPRO-ASIC and the AT75C110 development chip. It is a
real time In-Circuit Emulator for any ASIC based on an
AVR Core. It will allow the application de veloper to write,
run and debug the code written for his specific application.
This system is compatible with all s oftware development
tools provided with AVR based products.
The AT75 system contains the following elements :
BASEPOD with the AT75C110 development chip
Pod Cable
AT75C110 Probe with cable
RS-232 cable
The AT75C110EVAL stand-alone evaluation board allows
an evaluation of the acoustic performance and the tele-
phone capabilities of the AT75C110. In addition to the
AT75C110, the boar d con t ains a micr oph one, a s pe ak er, a
keyboard, an LCD display, a phone line interface and a
cable to a PC.