LM117/LM317A/LM317 General Description The LM117 series of adjustable 3-terminal positive voltage regulators is capable of supplying in excess of 1.5A over a 1.2V to 37V output range. They are exceptionally easy to use and require only two external resistors to set the output voltage. Further, both line and load regulation are better than standard fixed regulators. Also, the LM117 is packaged in standard transistor packages which are easily mounted and handled. In addition to higher performance than fixed regulators, the LM117 series offers full overload protection available only in ICs. included on the chip are current limit, thermal overload protection and safe area protection. All overload protection circuitry remains fully functional even if the adjustment ter- minal is disconnected. Normally, no capacitors are needed unless the device is situated more than 6 inches from the input filter capacitors in which case an input bypass is needed. An optional output capacitor can be added to improve transient response. The adjustment terminal can be bypassed to achieve very high ripple rejection ratios which are difficult to achieve with stan- dard 3-terminal regulators. Besides replacing fixed regulators, the LM117 is useful ina wide variety of other applications. Since the regulator is floating and sees only the input-to-output differential volt- age, supplies of several hundred volts can be regulated as jong as the maximum input to output differential is not ex- ceeded, i.e., avoid short-circuiting the output. Also, it makes an especially simple adjustable switching reg- ulator, a programmable output regulator, or by connecting a fixed resistor between the adjustment pin and output, the LM117 can be used as a precision current regulator. Sup- plies with electronic shutdown can be achieved by clamping AY national Semiconductor May 1996 3-Terminal Adjustable Regulator the adjustment terminal to ground which programs the out- put to 1.2V where most loads draw little current. For applications requiring greater output current, see LM150 series (3A) and LM138 series (5A) data sheets. For the neg- ative complement, see LM137 series data sheet. LM117 Series Packages and Power Capability Rated Design Pave Package Power Load Dissipation | Current K TO-3 20W 1.5A H TO-39 2w 0.5A T TO-220 20W 1.5A E Loc 2w 0.5A $s TO-263 4w 1.5A Features m@ Guaranteed 1% output voltage tolerance (LM317A) mw Guaranteed max. 0.01%/V line regulation (LM317A) w Guaranteed max. 0.3% load regulation (LM147) w Guaranteed 1.5A output current w Adjustable output down to 1.2V 2 Current limit constant with temperature mw P+ Product Enhancement tested m 80 dB ripple rejection @ Output is short-circuit protected Typical Applications 1.2V-25V Adjustable Regulator Digitally Selected Outputs LMtt? Mit? Vin 2 28V Vouttt Vin Vin Your Vout ADJ Al 240 c2t WF TL/H/9063-1 Full output current not available at high input-output voltages "Needed if device is more than 6 inches from filter capacitors. FOptionalimproves transient response. Output capacitors in the range of = 1 pF to 1000 pF of aluminum or tantalum electrolytic are commonly used INPUTS - to provide improved ae impedance and rejection of transients. TLn/9083-2 ttVour = 1.25V (: + =) + lapy(Al2) *Sets maximum Vout 1996 National Semiconductor Corporation -TL/H/9063 / FRD-830M56/Printed in U.S. A. http://wwew.national.com M@ 6501124 0103097 534 Joyeinbay ajqeysnipy jeujwuel- ZEEW1/VZEEW 1/2 FINIAbsolute Maximum Ratings (note 1) If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, Operating Temperature Range M117 ~56C < Ty < +150C please contact the National Semiconductor Sales LM317A 40C < Ty < +126C Office/Distributors for availability and specifications. LM317 OC < Ty < +125C (Note 2) Power Dissipation Internally Limited Preconditioning . Input-Output Voitage Differential + 40V, 0.3V Thermal Limit Burn-in All Devices 100% Storage Temperature 65C to + 150C Lead Temperature Metal Package (Soldering, 10 seconds) 300C Plastic Package (Soldering, 4 seconds) 260C ESD Tolerance (Note 5) 3kV Electrical Characteristics Specifications with standard type face are for Ty = 25C, and those with boldface type apply over full Operating Tempera- ture Range. Unless otherwise specified, Vin Vour = 5V, and lout = 10 mA. (Note 3) Parameter Conditions LM117 (Note 2) Units Min Typ Max Reference Voltage Vv 3V < (Vin Vout) s 40V, 10 mA < lout < Imax P< Paax 1.20 1.25 1.30 v Line Regulation 3V < (Vin Vout) < 40V (Note 4) 0.01 0.02 SIN 0.02 0.05 %IN Load Regulation 10 mA S lout = Imax (Note 4) 0.1 0.3 % 0.3 1 % Thermal Regulation 20 ms Pulse 0.03 0.07 %/W Adjustment Pin Current 50 100 pA Adjustment Pin Current Change 10 mA < !out < Imax 0.2 5 pA 3V < (Vin Vout) < 40V Temperature Stability Tain = Ty < Tyax 1 % Minimum Load Current (Vin Vout) = 40V 3.5 5 mA Current Limit (Vin Vout) < 15V K Package 15 2.2 3.4 A H, K Packages 0.5 0.8 1.8 A (Vin Vout) = 40V K Package 0.3 0.4 A H, K Packages 0.15 0.2 A AMS Output Noise, % of Voyt 10 Hz <f < 10 kHz 0.003 % Ripple Rejection Ratio Vout = 10V, f = 120 Hz, 6s 4B Caps = 0 pF Vout = 10V, f = 120 Hz, Capy = 10 pF 66 80 dB Long-Term Stability Ty = 125C, 1000 hrs 0.3 1 % Thermal Resistance, K Package 2.3 3 C/W Junction-to-Case H Package 12 15 C/W E Package C/W Thermal Resistance, Junction- K Package 35 C/W to-Ambient (No Heat Sink) H Package 140 C/W E Package C/W http://www.national.com 2 70Electrical Characteristics (continued) Specifications with standard type face are for Ty = 25C, and those with boldface type apply over full Operating Tempera- ture Range. Uniess otherwise specified, Vin Vout = 5V, and loyt = 10 mA. (Note 3) Parameter Conditions LMS17A LM317 Units Min Typ Max Min | Typ | Max Reference Voltage 1.238 | 1.250 | 1.262 v 3V < (Vin Vout) < 40V, . . . . 1. . 10 mA < lout < Imax P < Pax 1.225 | 1.250 / 1.270 | 1.20 25) 1.30) V Line Regulation 3V < (Vin ~ Vout) < 40V (Note 4) 0.005 0.01 0.01 | 0.04 | %/V 0.01 | 0.02 0.02 | 0.07 | %/V Load Regulation 10 mA < lout < Imax (Note 4) 0.1 0.5 0.1 0.5 % 0.3 1 0.3 | 1.5 % Thermal Regulation 20 ms Pulse 0.04 0.07 0.04 | 0.07 | %/W Adjustment Pin Current 50 100 50 | 100] pA Adjustment Pin Current Change | 10 mA < lout < Imax le 3 le 5 A 3V < (Vin Vout) < 40V 0.2 0.2 Temperature Stability Tain < Ty Tuax 1 1 % Minimum Load Current (Vin Vout) = 40V 3.5 10 3.5 10 mA Current Limit (Vin Vout) Ss 15V K, T Packages 1.5 2.2 3.4 1.5 | 2.2 | 3.4 A H, P Packages 0.5 08 1.8 05 | 0.8 | 1.8 A (Vin Vout) = 40V K, T Packages 0.16 0.4 0.15 | 0.4 A H, P Packages 0.075 0.2 0.075] 0.2 A RMS Output Noise, % of Vouy | 10 Hz < f < 10 kHz 0.003 0.003 % Ripple Rejection Ratio Vout = 10V,f = 120 Hz, 65 65 dB Capy = 0 pF Vout = 10V, f = 120 Hz, 8 6 8 Capy = 10 pF 66 0 6 0 dB Long-Term Stability Ty = 125C, 1000 hrs 0.3 1 0.3 1 % Thermal Resistance, Junction- | K Package 2.3 3 C/W to-Case H Package 12 15 12 15 | C/W T Package 4 5 4 C/W P Package C/W Thermal Resistance, Junction- | K Package 35 35 C/W to-Ambient (No Heat Sink) H Package 140 140 C/W T Package 50 50 "C/W P Package (Note 6) 50 C/W Note 1: Absolute Maximum Ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. Operating Ratings indicate conditions for which the device is intended to be functional, but do not guarantee spacific performance limits. For guaranteed specifications and test conditions, see the Electrical Characteristics. The guaranteed specifications apply only for the test conditions listed. Note 2: Refer to RETS117H drawing for the LM117H, or the RETS117K for the LM117K military specifications. Note 3: Although power dissipation is intemally limited, these specifications are applicable for maximum power dissipations of 2W for the TO-39 and 20W for tha TO-3 and TO-220. Iyax is 1.54 for the TO-3 and TO-220 packages and 0.5A for the TO-39 package. All limits (i.e., the numbers in the Min, and Max. columns) are guaranteed to National's AOQL (Average Ouigoing Quality Level). Note 4: Regulation is measured at a constant junction temperature, using pulse testing with a low duty cycle. Changes in output voltage due to heating effects are covered under the specifications for thermal regulation. Note 5: Human body model, 100 pF discharged through a 1.5 kQ resistor. Note 6: If the TO-263 package is used, the thermal resistance can be reduced by increasing the PC beard copper area thermally connected to the package: Using 0.5 square inches of capper area. 6), is 50C/W; with 1 square inch of copper area, 8), is 37C/W; and with 1.6 or more square inches of copper area, 65a is 32C/w. M@ 650112e4 0103095 307 http://Awww.national.com02 Load Regulation Typical Performance Characteristics Output Capacitor = 0 wF unless otherwise noted Current Limit 3 Adjustment Current z ' = z a our = _ 3 = s = = -02 & 2 = 8 2 3 -04 = - o- 1 - < a z 5 5 3 2 -05 z 1 5 - 5 = 5 = 18V S 8 E hd Vgut = lav * S 3 H PACKAGE s ue ~18 -S0 -25 @ 25 50 75 100 225 150 0 10 -75 -50-25 0 25 50 75 100 125 160 TEMPERATURE {C} INPUT-OUTPUT DIFFERENTIAL (V) TEMPERATURE [C) Dropout Voltage Temperature Stability Minimum Operating Current a0 1-T 1.260 4s s AVgut = 100 mV 40 = = = < 2 2 as = 25 w@ 1.250 * z= a i 2 ~ = oe = 1548 z lh I z 38 < a louy = 14 3 \ e 25 = 2 2 >| 1240 \ 2 a4 , 5 peo tour = 500 A z N = E a a e a 8 tS S15 $12 2 A logt = 200 mA [= hI = a. s | | | 0s z tour = 20 mA 1.0 1.220 a ~75 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 -75 -50 -25 0 25 S75 100 125 150 0 0 20 1 4 TEMPERATURE (*C) TEMPERATURE (*c) INPUT-OUTPUT DIFFERENTIAL (VI Ripple Rejection Ripple Rejection Ripple Rejection 100 too 00 = 1eF Ipyr = 500 = Vin * 15 = % =e Vour* su z 2 T= 28 2 s a S = i = w a Z 2 Z = 40 = =< rr z Vin-Yout = Fd = ; g lout = 500 mA = = Vour= tev 20 t= 920 He 20 20 pe szene Gee Tr Ise Q o a 6 5 W 15 20 2 30 3 10 100 k 1% 100m IM 0.01 o1 1 w OUTPUT VOLTAGE (V) FREQUENCY (H2) OUTPUT CURRENT (A) Output Impedance Line Transient Response Load Transient Response ant 15 4 E Vin* w F Your = 10 uw 18 WF: gs ? I tour = 800 ma Z= os Sz 1 0; 5 3s =0:Caps" ge, > 8 2 es 52, * WaF: Cagg = Wak = => -o5 | Your? ei Vin = 159 a 58 tour = 50 ma ac 2 " & S -1.0 Fy. - asre Vout = = is Lt! za tye = 50 = = 45 3, = 25C 5 we 10 Ss . 3 52 = 1 SZ os 5 Zs2 a 4 ez 0 = Q FREQUENCY (Hz) TIME (4s) TIME (us) TL/H/9063-4 hitp://www.national.com 4 M! 65031324 0103100 555 aApplication Hints In operation, the LM117 develops a nominal 1.25V refer- ence voltage, Vacr, between the output and adjustment ter- minal. The reference voltage is impressed across program resistor R1 and, since the voltage is constant, a constant current ly then flows through the output set resistor R2, giv- ing an output voltage of R2 Vout = Vrer (: + me) + lapyR2 LMt17 ome Vin = YouT ADJ ri VREF Vout TUH/9063-5 FIGURE 1 Since the 100 A current from the adjustment terminal rep- resents an error term, the LM117 was designed to minimize lapy and make it very constant with line and load changes. To do this, all quiescent operating current is returned to the output establishing a minimum load current requirement. If there is insufficient load on the output, the output will rise. External Capacitors An input bypass capacitor is recommended. A 0.1 pF disc or 1 pF solid tantalum on the input is suitable input bypass- ing for almost all applications. The device is more sensitive to the absence of input bypassing when adjustment or out- put capacitors are used but the above values will eliminate the possibility of problems. The adjustment terminal can be bypassed to ground on the LM117 to improve ripple rejection. This bypass capacitor prevents ripple from being amplified as the output voltage is increased. With a 10 F bypass capacitor 80 dB ripple re- jection is obtainable at any output level. Increases over 10 pF do not appreciably improve the ripple rejection at frequencies above 120 Hz. If the bypass capacitor is used, it is sometimes necessary to include protection diodes to pre- vent the capacitor from discharging through internal low cur- rent paths and damaging the device. In general, the best type of capacitors to use is solid tanta- lum. Solid tantalum capacitors have low impedance even at high frequencies. Depending upon capacitor construction, it takes about 25 yF in aluminum electrolytic to equal 1 pF solid tantalum at high frequencies. Ceramic capacitors are also good at high frequencies; but some types have a large decrease in capacitance at frequencies around 0.5 MHz. For this reason, 0.01 F disc may seem to work better than a 0.1 pF disc as a bypass. Although the LM117 is stable with no output capacitors, like any feedback circuit, certain values of external capacitance can cause excessive ringing. This occurs with values be- tween 500 pF and 5000 pF. A 1 uF solid tantalum (or 25 F aluminum electrolytic) on the output swamps this effect and insures stability. Any increase of the load capacitance larger than 10 pF will merely improve the loop stability and output impedance. Load Regulation The LM117 is capable of providing extremely good ioad reg- ulation but a few precautions are needed to obtain maxi- mum performance. The current set resistor connected be- tween the adjustment terminal and the output terminal (usu- ally 2409) should be tied directly to the output (case) of the regulator rather than near the load. This eliminates line drops from appearing effectively in series with the reference and degrading regulation. For example, a 15V regulator with 0.052 resistance between the regulator and load will have a load regulation due to line resistance of 0.059 x 1,. If the set resistor is connected near the load the effective line resistance will be 0.052. (1 + R2/R1) or in this case, 11.5 times worse. Figure 2 shows the ettect of resistance between the regula- tor and 24002 set resistor. LMt17 Rs Vin=qin = Your Vout ADJ RI 240 RZ TL/H/9063-6 FIGURE 2. Regulator with Line Resistance In Output Lead With the TO-3 package, it is easy to minimize the resistance from the case to the set resistor, by using two separate leads to the case. However, with the TO-5 package, care should be taken to minimize the wire length of the output lead. The ground of R2 can be returned near the ground of the load to provide remote ground sensing and improve load regulation. Protection Diodes When external capacitors are used with any IC regulator it is sometimes necessary to add protection diodes to prevent the capacitors from discharging through low current points into the regulator. Most 10 1 F capacitors have low enough internal series resistance to deliver 20A spikes when short- ed. Although the surge is short, there is enough energy to damage parts of the IC. When an output capacitor is connected to a regulator and the input is shorted, the output capacitor will discharge into the output of the regulator. The discharge current depends on the value of the capacitor, the output voltage of the regu- lator, and the rate of decrease of Viy. In the LM117, this discharge path is through a large junction that is able to sustain 15A surge with no problem. This is not true of other types of positive regulators. For output capacitors of 25 pF or less, there is no need to use diodes. Me 6501124 0103101 695 = http: //www.national.comApplication Hints (continue) The bypass capacitor on the adjustment terminal can dis- charge through a low current junction. Discharge occurs when either the input or output is shorted. Internal to the LM117 is a 502 resistor which limits the peak discharge on wnanez LMsi7 current. No protection is needed for output voltages of 25V or less and 10 uF capacitance. Figure 3 shows an LM117 with protection diodes included for use with outputs greater than 25V and high values of output capacitance. R2 Vout = 1.25V (1 + =) + lapyR2 D1 protects against C1 D2 protects against C2 TL/H/9063-7 FIGURE 3. Regulator with Protection Diodes Schematic Diagram T + IN aR nz as ne gs ne ne 18 Cd Sum az Wr Rte as sav 02 > > 1 4 ov > 67h > 1 os 8 San 5 > Sa $ nz 1% at 7" ne a3 oz 6.3v nas m> - Ah > ad ang =f as ? Ah our w Wi ADs TL/H/9063-8 http://www.national.com M@ 6501124 0103102 72]Typical Applications (Continued) 5V Logic Regulator with Electronic Shutdown" M117 Vin ?V-35V Vin Yout Vout " ADJ Sv *Min. output > 1.2V TL/H/9063-3 Adjustable Regulator with Improved Ripple Rejection Slow Turn-On 15V Regulator LMt1? Your vi 'N 5V 1m4002 TL/H/9063-9 High Stability 10V Regulator LM1t7 M117 tSolid tantalum = Discharges C1 if output is shorted to ground TL/H/9063-10 TL/H/9063-11 High Current Adjustable Regulator 3-LM1595'S IN PARALLEL ] R3 2N2905 500 > R2 RI Sk LMI47 22 Vin =4 Vin Vout Vv, ans oY ouT 1NS802 thea 2: + 3 OTS 10.Ft 4 are? 4 tL - = Solid tantalum TL/H/9063-12 *Minimum load current = 30 mA FOptionalimproves ripple rejection 7 http://www.national.com MB 6501124 0103103 666Typical Applications (continued) 0 to 30V Regulator LM117 Vin Vv, v 350 IW an out Tt ouT AAA v ~ a= S C1 O.1yF v eB Full output current not avail- Power Follower 10V-40V ct rT O.4uF INPUT AAA LM196 Rt 10k ouTPUT *0.6A V; Ln? '" Your ADJ 1N457 R2 able at high input-output volt- 24 ages -10V = FL/H/9063-13 TL/H/9089-14 5A Constant Voitage/Constant Current Regulator M4502 a CURRENT RI 100 pF a2. Cy] Rt LM317k 3 35v Vin = Vout ae OUTPUT ADJ | 1.2-3aV c3 + T +Solid tantalum Lights in constant current mode VOLTAGE ADJUST TL/H/9063-15 http://www.national.com WM! 6501124 01303104 STy mmTypical Applications (continueg) 1.2V-20V Regulator with High Gain Amplifier 1A Current Regulator Minimum Program Current ve tmtty LMi17 | vn Vin gs OT Vour* ua? * Vour AOS q at ADS eur 2 42 Rt R2 al Tr zw 1.2% 24 = q > @ output LOAD Sr /> RI LL 10k = = INPUT AA M185 TL/H/9063~-16 TL/H/9063-17 *Minimum load current ~ 4 mA = ~~ TL/H/9063-18 Low Cost 3A Switching Regulator at 2N3792 Li BOQuH* Ri LM3tTh a2 2 0.25 8V-35V NWO in A jour WA 1,8V TO 32v AAA wv tbe 8 c2 < + e1 +L 0.01uF 7S wiPur ag th ts soukt oe. | ADJUST 464 oT seqet > Wr . Sas S10 1 c 1N3080 300 pF *Solid tantalum TL/H/9063-19 *CoreAmold A-254168-2 60 tums 4A Switching Regulator with Overload Protection Precision Current Limiter 3-LM1B5 IN PARALLEL LMi17 Vi vy, = ee aw, tm gs ny yo R3 500 , 2N2905 NAA *0.82 < Rt < 1202 TL/H/9063-21 R2 Rt 500 LMII7 Ra v 28 r ADA v AAA atl Who our We + es C4 - a5 3 > 108. kee 2 LY our T rotor | Pt Btu +.8V TD 32V q -| |4 RG mAAA v e 37 Lo \- O.22uF + Ds = 1N3880 vote? sas > 2 16 = tSolid tantatum *CoreAmold A-254168-2 60 tums TL/H/3063-20 9 http: //www.national.com MH 65011c4 01303105 430 =Typical Applications (continued Tracking Preregulator RZ 728 BI 240 UM117 ADJ Vin iy Vv Vin Vout Vout IN out aps { LMU? S a3 S 120 C1 + C2 O.1uF tue SSurpur Ra < A> aouust Current Limited Voltage Regulator Voor = 1.250 (1+) + asm TL/H/9063-22 in OUT umn? sa ADJUST < a 120 | l > _ S$ hz ] TRANSFORMERS, 4 > 2k RECTIFIERS, ] AND r I FILTER I z = CAPACITOR I > Ra =2Ay= 102 | r ~+-+ a | s Rg ; 472 TL/H/9063- Short circuit current is approximately a or 120 mA 9063-28 (Compared to LM117s higher current limit) At 50 mA output only 3 volt of drop occurs in Ag and Ag Adjusting Multiple On-Card Regulators with Single Control* Umit? VinwV "in | Vout Vout Yin=aIN YouTb=vVoyrt 3 Vin Yin. Youth=va,7t aos ADJ our 1N ADs out R1 1 420 | R2 tk > *All outputs within +100 mV Minimum load10 mA TL/H/8063-24 http://www.national.com 10 WM 65011c4% 0103106 377 mm:Typical Applications (continued AC Voltage Regulator 50 mA Constant Current Battery Charger L317 LM317 qin Your, 2 AD! Vin Yen = Your] ADJ 120 = V2Ve-p I 240-0 1A = TL/H/9063-27 Ay 00 a0 F\> Adjustable 4A Regulator az Vin uma 120 ! ADJ 02 VIN Vout LM317 ee LM31? TL/H/9083-25 ) LM317 62 12V Battery Charger Von any O47 AA 4 $v To 25v LM317 Rg* a2 VEN eneeeead VIN Vout AD) Sk ne Tr 2n2905 Az 2.4k = Ss vvvV TL/H/9063-26 200 pF *Rgsets output impedance of charger: Zoyt = Rg (1 + =) Use of Rg allows low charging rates with fully charged battery. vv Current Limited 6V Charger TL/H/9063-28 LM317 soa qin Vout ADJ one *Sets peak current (0.6A for 12} **The 1000 pF is recommended to filter out input transients 2N2222 TL/H/9063-29 11 hitp://www.national.com M@ 6501124 0103107 203Connection Diagrams (10-3) Metal Can Package ADJUSTMENT Vin CASE IS OUTPUT TL/H/9063-30 Bottom View Steel Package Order Number LM117K STEEL or LM317K STEEL See NS Package Number K02A Order Number LM117K/883 See NS Package Number K02C (TO-39) Metal Can Package INPUT O-se ADJUSTMENT OUTPUT CASE IS OUTPUT TLAH/9063-31 Bottom View Order Number LM 117H, LM117H/883, LM317AH or LM317H See NS Package Number H03A (TO-220) {TO-263) Surface-Mount Package Plastic Package me TAB IS C) \ OUTPUT pH oureut Vout ty! [aps TL/H/8063-35 Top View TLU/H/9063-36 Side View Top View Order Number LM317S Order Number LM117E/883 See NS Package Number TS3B See NS Package Number E20A Al Vin Vout TL/H/8063-32 Front View Order Number LM317AT or LM317T See NS Package Number T03B http://www.national.com 12 MM 6503124 0103106 14T ma.Physical Dimensions inches (millimeters) unless otherwise noted 0,200 + 0.005 (5.080 6.127) ro 45 0.015 0.010 x ie > (0.387 50.254) 0.350+0,008 0.015 ~ (.6900.203) | 0.063 0.075. 10.381) NX 2.007 0.01 6001. (0.1780.279) fn | (1.600 1.905) MIN TYP { ~ RIVP c Of a 0.022-0.028 { (0.5590.711 0.077 -0.093 ony, GF { we (7-9592.362) woe Ce me St # 0.045 -0.055 GF 4 (1.143 1.397) A DETAIL A ve 0.067 -0.083 l< 0.0450.055 ee (1.143 1.397) Top View Side View TYP 45 x, 0.040 0.010 (1.016 0.254) 3 PLCS Sottom View 0.015 0.003 ee (0.381) ours. max rp 0.022 fb (0.559) x 2.006. MAX TYP (0.182) MIN TYP Dotail A E20A EV OF Order Number LM117E/883 NS Package Number E20A 6350-0370 "| jaasecsaoy OF oss i) 0.185-0.185 7 |(6.007-8.560) 050 (4.191-4.699) (1.270) MAX t oes CONTROLLED 10.639} Lean DIA SEATING nant O50 fa MIN 0.016-0.018 i (Geesoagy) OA TYP 0.200 r igaegy TYP aim 0.029-0.040 (737-1818) . 0.100 A.020-0.034 (2.549) (0.711-0.364) x 4 HRA (REV (TO-39) Metal Can Package Order Number LM117H, LM117H/883, LM317AH or LM317H NS Package Number H03A 13 hitp://www.national.com @@ 6501124 0103109 O4b =Physical Dimensions inches (milimeters) untess otherwise noted (Continued) 0.420-0.500 0.325-0.352 [10.67- 12.70} {8.26-8.94) 0.060-0.070 >e"T [1.52-1.78] 0.980-1.020 [24.89-25.91] 0.151-0.161 2% OTs g4-4.09] - -- R ,0-495-0.510 [12.57-12.95] 0.660-0.670 ) [16.76- 17.02] g ,0:880-0.915 [22.35-23.24] g ,0.760-0.775 _ [19.30-19.69] 1.177-1.197 [29.90-30.40] 0.038-0.043 2X @ 10 97-1.09] r wee 1 0.168-0.178 0.210-0.220 2XxR - 0.025 | 0.116 [5.33-5.59] ! [4.27-4.52] [0.64] MAXI FE Fo og] MAX o| 0.425-0.435 SEATING PLANE "1 KOZA (RE 6) {10.80-11.05] TO-3 Metal Can Package (K) Order Number LM117K STEEL, LM117K STEEL/883, or LM317K STEEL NS Package Number K02A 0.420-0.500 0.285-0.305 [10.67- 12.70] (7.24-7,75] 0.980-1.020 0.060-0.070 0.151-0.161 89-25. = 2x 8 [3.84-4.09] ~ [24.89-25.91] JF (1.52-1.78} - _4 p 0:495-0.510 [12.57-12.98] 0.660-0.670 ) [16.76-17.02] g ,0-880-0.915 (22.35-23.24] | g ,0-760-0.775 J 1 [19.30-19.69] 1.977-1.197 0.120 29.90-30.40 . [ ] 2X B15 95] 0.038-0.043 2X 8 19.97-1.09] } UNCONTROLLED a 0.210-0,220 0.168-0.178 O30, 0.085 [5.33-5.59] INR 4 27 =4.52] [0.76] MAX" [2.16] MAX o| ,0.425-0.435 SEATING PLANE ~~ ko2c (REV 8) (10.80-11.05] TO-3 Metal Can Package (K) Mil-Aero Product Order Number LM117K/883 NS Package Number K02C http://www.national.com 14 MM 6501124 0103110 3ToPhysical Dimensions inches, (mitimeters) (Continued) 0.240-0,260 1), 0.330-0.350 _, [6.10-6.60] |" [8.38-8.89] 0.100-0.120 g0-149-0.153 [2.54-3.05] ~ YY (3.78-3.89] I. _| soot 9.090-0.1 10 0.400 73 o08 _ - _ . _ __[2.28-2.78] 9, ;90-0.210 _ - (10.16 2388] f | | (ess s33 /- 0.048-0. oss | / 0.130-0.160 yp [1.22-1.40} PIN #11D {5.30-4.06] TYP 1.005-1.035 0.027-0.037 _. [25.53-26.29] (0.690.94] 7. 1 +f PAR cesta poset 0.175-0.185 +7 TT { g~g [, 048-0.082 =I \O 0.105 oo oys (2.67 23 [1.22-1.32] SEATING PLANE TAPERED SIDES 1 TO3E (REV L) (TO-220) Outline Drawing Order Number LM317AT or LM317T NS Package Number T03B 15 http://www.national.com M@@ 6503124 0103111 734LIFE SUPPORT POLICY 1. Life support devices or systems are devices or he o : . . 5 Physical Dimensions inches, (millimeters) (Continued) 3 10 43 TYP 0.090-0.110 > [~ {2.29-2.79] "? 7 =- ce [ase jo. 0.575 {6.60-7.11] _e [14.61] 0.085 rp 0.390-0.410 + oF - | [2.16] 9.91-10.41 = 2 } Q 0.028-0,038 yp 0.425 1 tt S&S \ (0.71-0.97] [10.80] ay 0.330-0.350 PIN#1 ID "l [a.38-8.89] 0.030 Ez 0.100 = 0.050 Rf0.76] WAX TYP ia cs [1.27] 4% Le 3 0.015-0.030 sr < t re [9.38-0.76] 0.035 [10.41] roe TWP 0.175-0,183 { [0.89 : @ 445-465] 1 LEAD POSITION OVERLAY c at [SJo.004[0.10) a TAPE - SIDES 1 E caucoan_ [teoe, IT | oO 0.000-0.006 stanp-orF [0.00-0.15] = le 0.490 yay o [12.45] oO 9.565 yay ~~ [14.35] = o 0.250 = [6.35] MIN] _ [ ~ f 0.200 < [5.08] MIN { o = BACK VIEW TS3B (REV C) Order Number LM317S NS Package Number TS3B = = wl NATIONALS PRODUCTS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED FOR USE AS CRITICAL COMPONENTS IN LIFE SUPPORT DEVICES OR SYSTEMS WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE PRESIDENT OF NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION. As used herein: 2. A critical component is any component of a life systems which, (a) are intended for surgical implant into the body, or (b) support or sustain life, and whose failure to perform, when properly used in accordance with instructions for use provided in the labeling, can be reasonably expected to result in a significant injury support device or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life support device or system, or to affect its safety or effectiveness. to the user. Ailington, TX 76017 Tel: 1(800) 272-9959 Fax: 1(800) 737-7018 http://www.national.com Email: Deutsch Tel: English Tel: Frangais Tel: Italiano Tel: National Semiconductor National Semiconductor Corporation Europe 11141 West Bardin Road Fax: +49 (0) 180-530 85 86 europe.support@nsc.com +49 (0) 180-530 85 85 +49 (0) 180-532 78 32 +49 (0) 180-532 93 58 +49 (0) 180-534 16 8D National Semiconductor Hong Kong Ltd. 13th Floor, Straight Block, Ocean Centre, 5 Canton Ad. Tsimshatsui, Kowloon Hong Kong Tal: (852) 2737-1800 Fax: (852) 2736-9960 National Semiconductor Japan Ltd. Tel: 81-043-299-2308 Fac 81-043-299-2408 National doss not assume any responsibility for use of any circuitry described, no circu patent licanses are implied and National reserves the right at any time without notics to change said circuitry and speciiications. M 6501124 0103112 670 [