(R) Surface Mount LED Right Angle Type Package PART NO.* 597-2001-2xx 597-2301-2xx 597-2401-2xx REEL SPROCKET HOLES 3.80 [.149] 2.90 [.114] 597-2x01-2xx CATHODE MARKING COLOR Red Green Yellow 4.20 [.165] 8mm [.315] PITCH 2.40 [.094] FEED DIRECTION 4.20 [.165] 2.80 [.110] CATHODE 2.54 [.100] 1.40 [.055] ANODE 1.10 [.043] Features * Compatible with automatic placement equipment * Compatible with infrared reflow processes .70 [.028] * Packaged on 12mm tape, 13" reels (meets EIA-481-1 standard) 2.85 [.112] * Helps to eliminate mixed technology PC board processing 3.90 [.154] 4.60 [.181] *ORDERING INFORMATION RECOMMENDED SOLDER PAD LAYOUT 597-2x01-2xx packaging option Dimensions in mm[inches] 02 20 pieces on tape 13 13" reel, 2000 pcs/reel Red Green Yellow -2001 -2301 -2401 Power Dissipation (mW) 100 100 100 Forward Current (mA) Derating (mA/C) From 55C 30 .66 30 .66 30 .66 Peak Current (mA) 500 500 500 Operating Temperature (C) -55/+100 -55/+100 -55/+100 Storage Temperature (C) -55/+100 -55/+100 -55/+100 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA=25C) Pulse width = 10 s Soldering Temperature 260C, 10 seconds Solder Adherence per MIL-STD-202E, Method 208C OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS (TA=25C) Red Green Yellow -2001 -2301 -2401 Luminous Intensity (mcd) IF=10mA Min. Typical 4 32 4 32 4 32 Peak Wavelength (nm) Peak Typical 635 565 586 Viewing Angle (2 1/2 ) Typical 120 120 120 Forward Voltage (V) IF=10mA Typical Max. 2 2.6 2 2.6 2 2.6 Reverse Current (A) (VR = 5V) Max 100 100 100 1/ 2 is the off axis angle at which the luminous intensity is half the axial luminous intensity Dialight Corporation * 1501 Route 34 South * Farmingdale, NJ 07727 * TEL: (732) 919-3119 * FAX: (732) 751-5778 *www.dialight.com 1-25 1