DS70657G-page 518 2011-2013 Microchip Technology Inc.
RPINR0 (Peripheral Pin Select Input 0).................... 181
RPINR1 (Peripheral Pin Select Input 1).................... 182
RPINR11 (Peripheral Pin Select Input 11)................ 185
RPINR12 (Peripheral Pin Select Input 12)................ 186
RPINR14 (Peripheral Pin Select Input 14)................ 187
RPINR15 (Peripheral Pin Select Input 15)................ 188
RPINR18 (Peripheral Pin Select Input 18)................ 189
RPINR19 (Peripheral Pin Select Input 19)................ 189
RPINR22 (Peripheral Pin Select Input 22)................ 190
RPINR23 (Peripheral Pin Select Input 23)................ 191
RPINR26 (Peripheral Pin Select Input 26)................ 191
RPINR3 (Peripheral Pin Select Input 3).................... 182
RPINR37 (Peripheral Pin Select Input 37)................ 192
RPINR38 (Peripheral Pin Select Input 38)................ 193
RPINR39 (Peripheral Pin Select Input 39)................ 194
RPINR7 (Peripheral Pin Select Input 7).................... 183
RPINR8 (Peripheral Pin Select Input 8).................... 184
RPOR0 (Peripheral Pin Select Output 0) .................. 195
RPOR1 (Peripheral Pin Select Output 1) .................. 195
RPOR2 (Peripheral Pin Select Output 2) .................. 196
RPOR3 (Peripheral Pin Select Output 3) .................. 196
RPOR4 (Peripheral Pin Select Output 4) .................. 197
RPOR5 (Peripheral Pin Select Output 5) .................. 197
RPOR6 (Peripheral Pin Select Output 6) .................. 198
RPOR7 (Peripheral Pin Select Output 7) .................. 198
RPOR8 (Peripheral Pin Select Output 8) .................. 199
RPOR9 (Peripheral Pin Select Output 9) .................. 199
SEVTCMP (PWMx Primary Special Event
Compare) .......................................................... 231
SPIxCON1 (SPIx Control 1)...................................... 268
SPIxCON2 (SPIx Control 2)...................................... 270
SPIxSTAT (SPIx Status and Control) ....................... 266
SR (CPU STATUS)............................................. 38, 130
T1CON (Timer1 Control)........................................... 203
TRGCONx (PWMx Trigger Control).......................... 237
TRIGx (PWMx Primary Trigger Compare Value) ...... 240
TxCON (Timer2 and Timer4 Control)........................ 208
TyCON (Timer3 and Timer5 Control)........................ 209
UxMODE (UARTx Mode).......................................... 281
UxSTA (UARTx Status and Control)......................... 283
VELxCNT (Velocity Counter) .................................... 257
Resets ............................................................................... 121
Brown-out Reset (BOR) ............................................ 121
Configuration Mismatch Reset (CM).........................121
Illegal Condition Reset (IOPUWR) ............................121
Illegal Opcode ................................................... 121
Security ............................................................. 121
Uninitialized W Register....................................121
Master Clear (MCLR) Pin Reset ............................... 121
Power-on Reset (POR) ............................................. 121
RESET Instruction (SWR)......................................... 121
Resources................................................................. 122
Trap Conflict Reset (TRAPR)....................................121
Watchdog Timer Time-out Reset (WDTO)................ 121
Resources Required for Digital PFC ............................. 30, 32
Revision History ................................................................ 503
Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) ....................................... 263
Software Simulator (MPLAB SIM)..................................... 397
Software Stack Pointer, Frame Pointer
CALL Stack Frame.................................................... 109
Special Features of the CPU............................................. 377
Control Registers...................................................... 266
Helpful Tips............................................................... 265
Resources ................................................................ 265
Temperature and Voltage Specifications
AC..................................................................... 411, 469
Thermal Operating Conditions.......................................... 400
Thermal Packaging Characteristics .................................. 400
Timer1............................................................................... 201
Control Register........................................................ 203
Resources ................................................................ 202
Timer2/3 and Timer4/5 ..................................................... 205
Control Registers...................................................... 208
Resources ................................................................ 207
Timing Diagrams
10-Bit ADC Conversion (CHPS<1:0> = 01, SIMSAM = 0,
ASAM = 0, SSRC<2:0> = 000, SSRCG = 0).... 462
10-Bit ADC Conversion (CHPS<1:0> = 01, SIMSAM = 0,
ASAM = 1, SSRC<2:0> = 111, SSRCG = 0,
SAMC<4:0> = 00010)....................................... 462
12-Bit ADC Conversion (ASAM = 0,
SSRC<2:0> = 000, SSRCG = 0) ...................... 460
BOR and Master Clear Reset ................................... 414
ECAN I/O.................................................................. 452
External Clock........................................................... 412
High-Speed PWMx Fault .......................................... 420
High-Speed PWMx Module ...................................... 420
I/O Characteristics .................................................... 414
I2Cx Bus Data (Master Mode) .................................. 448
I2Cx Bus Data (Slave Mode) .................................... 450
I2Cx Bus Start/Stop Bits (Master Mode)................... 448
I2Cx Bus Start/Stop Bits (Slave Mode)..................... 450
Input Capture x (ICx) ................................................ 418
OCx/PWMx............................................................... 419
Output Compare x (OCx).......................................... 419
QEA/QEB Input ........................................................ 422
QEI Module Index Pulse ........................................... 423
SPI1 Master Mode (Full-Duplex, CKE = 0,
CKP = x, SMP = 1) ........................................... 439
SPI1 Master Mode (Full-Duplex, CKE = 1,
CKP = x, SMP = 1) ........................................... 438
SPI1 Master Mode (Half-Duplex, Transmit Only,
CKE = 0)........................................................... 436
SPI1 Master Mode (Half-Duplex, Transmit Only,
CKE = 1)........................................................... 437
SPI1 Slave Mode (Full-Duplex, CKE = 0,
CKP = 0, SMP = 0) ........................................... 446
SPI1 Slave Mode (Full-Duplex, CKE = 0,
CKP = 1, SMP = 0) ........................................... 444
SPI1 Slave Mode (Full-Duplex, CKE = 1,
CKP = 0, SMP = 0) ........................................... 440
SPI1 Slave Mode (Full-Duplex, CKE = 1,
CKP = 1, SMP = 0) ........................................... 442
SPI2 Master Mode (Full-Duplex, CKE = 0,
CKP = x, SMP = 1) ........................................... 427
SPI2 Master Mode (Full-Duplex, CKE = 1,
CKP = x, SMP = 1) ........................................... 426
SPI2 Master Mode (Half-Duplex, Transmit Only,
CKE = 0)........................................................... 424
SPI2 Master Mode (Half-Duplex, Transmit Only,
CKE = 1)........................................................... 425