1-Wire 4Kb EEPROM
Memory Function Commands
Memory Function Flowchart
(Figure 7) describes
the protocols necessary for accessing the memory of
the DS24B33. The target address registers TA1 and
TA2 are used for both read and write. The communica-
tion between the master and the DS24B33 takes place
either at standard speed (default, OD = 0) or at over-
drive speed (OD = 1). If not explicitly set into the over-
drive mode, the DS24B33 assumes standard speed.
Write Scratchpad [0Fh]
The Write Scratchpad command applies to the data
memory. After issuing the Write Scratchpad command,
the master must first provide the 2-byte target address,
followed by the data to be written to the scratchpad.
The data is written to the scratchpad starting at the byte
offset of T[4:0]. The ES bits E[4:0] are loaded with the
starting byte offset and increment with each subse-
quent byte. Effectively, E[4:0] is the byte offset of the
last full byte written to the scratchpad. Only full bytes
are accepted. If the last byte is incomplete, its content
is ignored and PF is set.
When executing the Write Scratchpad command, the
CRC generator inside the DS24B33 (Figure 13) calcu-
lates a 16-bit CRC of the entire data stream, starting at
the command code and ending at the last data byte as
sent by the master. This CRC is generated using the
CRC-16 polynomial (X16 + X15 + X2 + 1) by first clear-
ing the CRC generator and then shifting in the com-
mand code (0Fh) of the Write Scratchpad command,
the target addresses TA1 and TA2 as supplied by the
master, and all the data bytes. The master can end the
Write Scratchpad command at any time. However, if the
end of the scratchpad is reached (E[4:0] = 11111b),
the master can send 16 read time slots to receive the
CRC generated by the DS24B33.
The DS24B33’s memory address range is 0000h to
01FFh. If the bus master sends a target address higher
than this, the DS24B33’s internal circuitry sets the 7
most significant address bits to zero as they are shifted
into the internal address register. The Read Scratchpad
command reveals the modified target address. The
master identifies such address modifications by com-
paring the target address read back to the target
address transmitted. If the master does not read the
scratchpad, a subsequent Copy Scratchpad command
does not work because the most significant bits of the
target address the master sends do not match the
value that the DS24B33 expects.
Read Scratchpad [AAh]
The Read Scratchpad command allows for verifying the
target address and the integrity of the scratchpad data.
After issuing the command code, the master begins
reading. The first 2 bytes are the target address. The
next byte is the ending offset/data status byte (E/S) fol-
lowed by the scratchpad data beginning at the byte off-
set (T[4:0]). The master should read through the end of
the scratchpad. If the master continues reading beyond
the end of the scratchpad, all data are logic 1s.
Copy Scratchpad [55h]
The Copy Scratchpad command is used to copy data
from the scratchpad to the data memory. After issuing
the Copy Scratchpad command, the master must pro-
vide a 3-byte authorization pattern, which should have
been obtained by an immediately preceding Read
Scratchpad command. This 3-byte pattern must exactly
match the data contained in the three address registers
(TA1, TA2, E/S, in that order). If the pattern matches
and the target address is valid, the AA flag is set and
the copy begins. The data to be copied is determined
by the three address registers. The scratchpad data
from the beginning offset through the ending offset is
copied to memory, starting at the target address.
Anywhere from 1 to 32 bytes can be copied with this
command. The duration of the device’s internal data
transfer is tPROG, during which the voltage on the
1-Wire bus must not fall below VPUPMIN. A pattern of
alternating 0s and 1s are transmitted after the data has
been copied until the master issues a reset pulse.
Note: Because of the memory architecture of the
DS24B33, if a Copy Scratchpad command is interrupted
during the write cycle, two consecutive Copy
Scratchpad commands of the same data to the same
location may be necessary to recover. To verify the suc-
cess of the Copy Scratchpad command, always look for
the alternating 0-to-1 pattern at the end of the Copy
Scratchpad command flow and also read back the EEP-
ROM page that was to be updated. If the alternating
pattern appeared and the EEPROM page data shows
the intended new data, the write access was successful.
No further action is required. In all other cases (alternat-
ing 0-to-1 pattern is not seen or nonmatching EEPROM
page data), repeat the Write Scratchpad, Copy
Scratchpad sequence until successful.