CYStech Electronics Corp.
Spec. No. : C302C2
Issued Date : 2003.12.05
Revised Date :
Page No. : 3/3
RB521S-30C2 CYStek Product Specification
SOD-523 Dimension
*: Typical
Millimeters Millimeters
DIM Min .Max.
DIM Min. Max.
A 0.5 0.7 E 0.7 0.9
bp 0.25 0.35 HE 1.5 1.7
c 0.1 0.2 V 0.15(typ)
D 1.1 1.3
Notes: 1.Maximum lead thickness includes lead finish thickness, and minimum lead thickness is the minimum thickness of base material.
2.If there is any question with packing specification or packing method, please contact your local CYStek sales office.
• Lead: 42 Alloy; solder plating
• Mold Compound: Epoxy resin family, flammability solid burning class: UL94V-0
Important Notice:
• All rights are reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the prior written approval of CYStek.
• CYStek reserves the right to make changes to its products without notice.
• CYStek semiconductor products are not warranted to be suitable for use in Life-Support Applications, or systems.
• CYStek assumes no liability for any consequence of customer product design, infringement of patents, or application assistance.
Marking Code :
2-lead SOD-523 Plastic Package
CYStek Packa
e Code : C2
Style : Pin 1. Cathode 2. Anode
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