Copyright ANPEC Electronics Corp.
Rev. B.1 - May., 2003
The minimum input-output voltage difference (dropout)
determines the lowest usable supply voltage. In bat-
tery-powered systems, this will determine the useful
end-of-life battery voltage. Because the APL5151/2/
3/4 use a p-channel MOSFET pass transistor, the drop-
out voltage is a function of drain-to-source on-resis-
tance (RDS(ON)) multiplied by the load current.
The APL5151/2/3/4 load-transient response graphs in
typical characteristics show the transient response.
A step change in the load current from 1mA to 50mA
at 1us will cause a 60mV transient spike. Larger out-
put capacitor and lower ESR can reduce transient
Application Information
Capacitor Selection and Regulator
The APL5151/2/3/4 use at least a 1uF capacitor on
the input, and this capacitor can be Aluminum, Tanta-
lum or Ceramic capacitor. The input capacitor with
larger value and lower ESR provides better PSRR and
line-transient response. The output capacitor also can
use Aluminum, Tantalum or Ceramic capacitor, and a
minimum value of 1uF and ESR above 0.06Ω is
recommended. The curve of the stable region in typi-
cal characteristics shows the appropriate output ca-
pacitor ESR for different load current stable operation.
A larger output capacitor can reduce noise and im-
prove load-transient response, stability, and PSRR.
Note that some ceramic dielectrics exhibit large ca-
pacitance and ESR variation with temperature. When
using this capacitor, a minimum 2.2uF or more may
be required to ensure the stability at low temperature
operation. Use a bypass capacitor at BP pin for low
output nvise. Increasing the capacitance will slightly
decrease the output noise, but increase the start-up
time. (See Shutdown Exit Delay and Output Noise
vs.Bypass Capacitor graph in the typical
Load-Transient Considerations
Input-Output (Dropout)Voltage
Reverse Current Protection
The APL5151/2/3/4 have an internal reverse protection,
it does not need an external schottky diode to con-
nect the regulator input and output. If the output volt-
age is forced above the input voltage by more than
11mV, the IC will be shutdown and the ground pin
current is below 0.1uA.
Current Limit
The APL5151/2/3/4 have a current limit protection. The
ouptut voltage will drop close to zero volt, when load
current reaches the limit, and then the load current
will be limited at 50mA after output voltage is below 0.
7V. When the load current back to the value where
limiting started, the output voltage and current will re-
turn to normal value. When output is shorted to
ground, the APL5151/2/3/4 will keep short circuit cur-
rent at 150mA .