The LM317L provides an internal reference
voltage of 1.25V between the output and
adjustments terminals. This is used to set a
constant current flow across an external resistor
divider (see fig. 4), giving an output voltage VO of:
VO = VREF (1 + R2/R1) + IADJ R2
The device was designed to minimize the term
IADJ (100µ A ma x) and to maintain it very constant
with line and load changes. Usually, the error term
IADJ × R2 can be neglected. To obtain the previous
requirem ent, all the re gulator quiescent current is
returned to the output terminal, imposing a
minimum load current condition. If the load is
insufficient, the output voltage will rise.
Since the LM317L is a floating regulator and
"sees" only the input-t o-output differential vol tage,
supplies of very high voltage with respect to
gro und can be regulated as long as the maxim um
input-to-output differential is not exceeded.
Furthermore, programmable regulator are easily
obtainable and, by connecting a fixed resistor
between the adjustment and output, the device
can be used as a precision current regulator. In
order to optimize the load regulation, the current
set resistor R1 (see fig. 4) should be tied as close
as possible to the regulator, while the ground
terminal of R2 should be near the ground of the
load to provide remote ground se nsing.
Figur e 6: Basic Adjustable Regulator
Figur e 7: Voltage Reg ulator with Protection Diodes