DS063 (v5.5) June 25, 2007 www.xilinx.com 1
Product Specification
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• High-performance
- 5 ns pin-to-pin logic delays on all pins
CNT to 125 MHz
• Large density range
- 36 to 288 macrocells with 800 to 6,400 usable
• 5V in-system prog rammable
- Endurance of 10,000 program/erase cycles
- Program/erase over full commercial voltage and
temperature range
• Enhanced pin-locking architecture
• Flexible 36V18 Function Block
- 90 product terms drive any or all of 18 macrocells
within Function Block
- Global and product term clocks, output enables,
set and reset signals
- Extensive IEEE Std 1149.1 boundary-scan (JTAG)
- Programmable power reduction mode in each
- Slew rate control on individual outputs
- User programmable ground pin capability
- Extended pattern security features for design
- High-drive 24 mA outputs
- 3.3V or 5V I/O capability
- Advanced CMOS 5V FastFLASH™ technology
- Supports parallel programming of multiple XC9500
Family Overview
The XC9500 CPLD family provides advanced in-system
programming and test capabilities for high performance,
general purpose logic integration. All devices are in-system
programmable for a minimum of 10,000 program/erase
cycles. Ex ten sive IE EE 1149.1 (JTAG) bou ndary-scan s up-
port is also included on all family members.
As shown in Table 1, logic density of the XC9500 devices
ranges from 800 to over 6,400 usable g ates wi th 36 t o 288
regist ers, respec tively. Multi ple package op tions and a sso-
ciated I/O capacity are shown in Table 2. The XC9500 fam-
ily is fully pin-compatible allowing easy design migration
across multiple density options in a given package footprint.
The XC9500 architectural features address the require-
ments of in-system programmability. Enhanced pin-locking
capability avoids costly board rework. An expanded JTAG
instruction set allows version control of programming pat-
terns and in-system debugging. In-system programming
throughout the full device operating range and a minimum
of 10,000 program/erase cycles provide worry-free recon-
figurations and system field upgrades.
Adva nced sys tem featur es includ e output s lew rate control
and user-programmable ground pins to help reduce system
noise. I /Os may be c onfig ured for 3.3V or 5 V opera tion. A ll
outputs provide 24 mA drive.
XC9500 In-System Programmable
CPLD Family
DS063 (v5.5 ) June 25, 2007 00Product Specification
Table 1: XC95 00 Devic e Family
XC9536 XC9572 XC95108 XC95144 XC95216 XC95288
Macrocells 36 72 108 144 216 288
Usable Gates 800 1,600 2,400 3,200 4,800 6,400
Registers 36 72 108 144 216 288
TPD (ns) 5 7.5 7.5 7.5 10 15
TSU (ns) 3.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 6.0 8.0
TCO (ns) 4.0 4.5 4.5 4.5 6.0 8.0
fCNT (MHz)(1) 100 125 125 125 111.1 92.2
fSYSTEM (MHz)(2) 100 83.3 83.3 83.3 66.7 56.6
1. fCNT = Operating frequency for 16-bit counters.
2. fSYSTEM = Internal operating frequency for general purpose system designs spanning multiple FBs.