DS11006 Rev. 12 - 2 1 of 2 BAS40 /-04 /-05 /-06
BAS40/ -04/ -05/ -06
Note: 1. Part mounted on FR-4 board with recommended pad layout, which can be found on our website
at http://www.diodes.com/datasheets/ap02001.pdf.
2. Short duration pulse test used to minimize self-heating effect.
Characteristic Symbol Value Unit
Peak Repetitive Reverse Voltage
Working Peak Reverse Voltage
DC Blocking Voltage
40 V
Forward Continuous Current (Note 1) IFM 200 mA
Power Dissipation (Note 1) Pd350 mW
Forward Surge Current (Note 1) @ t < 1.0s IFSM 600 mA
Thermal Resistance, Junction to Ambient Air (Note 1) RqJA 357 °C/W
Operating Temperature Range Tj-55 to +125 °C
Storage Temperature Range TSTG -65 to +150 °C
Characteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Test Condition
Reverse Breakdown Voltage (Note 2) V(BR)R 40 — — V IR = 10mA
Forward Voltage (Note 2) VF— — 380
1000 mV tp < 300ms, IF = 1.0mA
tp < 300ms, IF = 40mA
Reverse Leakage Current (Note 2) IR— 20 200 nA tp < 300ms, VR = 30V
Total Capacitance CT— 4.0 5.0 pF VR = 0V, f =1.0MHz
Reverse Recovery Time trr ——5.0 ns IF = IR = 10mA to IR = 1.0mA,
RL = 100W
·Case: SOT-23, Molded Plastic
·Case material - UL Flammability Rating
Classification 94V-0
·Moisture sensitivity: Level 1 per J-STD-020A
·Terminals: Solderable per MIL-STD-202,
Method 208
·Polarity: See Diagram Below
·Weight: 0.008 grams (approx.)
·Marking Code: See Diagrams Below & Page 2
·Ordering Information: See Page 2
Mechanical Data
·Low Forward Voltage Drop
·Fast Switching
·PN Junction Guard Ring for Transient and
ESD Protection
Maximum Ratings @ TA = 25°C unless otherwise specified
BAS40 Marking: K43 BAS40-04 Marking: K44 BAS40-05 Marking: K45 BAS40-06 Marking: K46
Electrical Characteristics @ TA = 25°C unless otherwise specified
Dim Min Max
A0.37 0.51
B1.20 1.40
C2.30 2.50
D0.89 1.03
E0.45 0.60
G1.78 2.05
H2.80 3.00
J0.013 0.10
K0.903 1.10
L0.45 0.61
M0.85 0.80
All Dimensions in mm