This laser module contains an Alcatel
SLMQW DFB laser with 25
impedance matching designed for use
in Wavelength Division Multiplexed
(WDM) systems, h ig h power direc t
modulation operations up to
2.5 Gbit/s. The module incorporates a
therm oelectr i c c ooler, p r ecision
thermistor, and optical isolator for
stable operation under all conditions.
Up to 10 mW output power
Low dispersion penalt y
Optimized for direct modulation at
2.5 Gbit/s
Wavelength selection according to
ITU-T G.692
50 GHz spacing available
Internal optical isolator
25 RF impedance matching and
DC bias RF filtering
Industry - standard hermetic 14-pin
butterfly package
InGaAsP Distributed FeedBack
SLMQW (DFB) laser
EDFA - free lon g span STM-16 an d
OC-48 DWDM transmission syst em s
High-speed DWDM Metropolitan
Area Networks
Saturation Laser for WDM EDFA
Optical characteristics
Parameter Conditions Symb. Min Typical Max Units
Threshold current
Ith 15 mA
Output power Twave= 20 to 35 °C PPeak 10 mW
Laser drive current 10 mW I 60 80 mA
Ith not included, see [2]
Emission wavelength
λm See table 1
(Emitted-T a rget) wavelength @Tchip[4] ∆λe - 0.1 + 0.1 nm
Laser chip tem peratur e range for tu nability [4] Tλ 20 35 °C
Side mode suppr ession ratio [2] SMSR 35 dB
Dispersion penalty [2], [3 ] S 1 2 dB
Tracking error
ACC, [P(25°C) – P(70°C)]/
P (25 °C) TR + 10 %
Relative Intensity Noise
100 MHz to 3 GHz @ PPeak RIN -145 dB/Hz
Photodiode dark current V = - 5 V Id 100 nA
Wavelength drift vs Tcase
∆λ/Tc 1 pm/°C
Thermistor resistance RTH 9.7 10.3 k=
Thermistor temperature coeffic ient Rt -3 -5 %/K
TEC current [1] It 1.1 A
TEC voltage [1] Vt 2.2 V
Notes : All limits start of life except It, Vt, Tsubmount = 25 °C, Tcase = 25 °C, Ppeak = 10 mW, monitor bias - 5 V, unless otherwise stated.
[1] Tcase = 65°C, Tsubmount = 25°C, P = 10 mW [2] 2.5 Gbit/s direct modulation, Pmean = 5 mW, 223
-1 PRBS, 15 ± 1 % extinction ratio, NRZ line code
[3] 1800 ps/nm chromatic dispersion, BER = 10-10 [4] Tchip = Tλ. Tλ is chip tem perature required to meet tar get wavelength (see table 1)
Absolute maximum ratings
Parameters Min Max Unit
Operating case temperature - 10 70 °C
Storage temperature - 40 85 °C
Laser forward current 150 mA
Laser reverse voltage 2V
Photodiode forward current 1mA
Photodiode reverse voltage 20 V
Thermistor Voltage 9V
Thermistor Current 250 µA
TEC Voltage 2.8 V
TEC Current 1.4 A
Soldering temper ature (3 sec max) 350 °C
Packing Mounting Torque 0.2 Nm
[1] Human body model Stresses in excess of the absolute maxim um ratings can cause permanent damage to the device. T hese are absolue stress ratings only.
lcatel 1915 LMI
10 mW WDM direct modulation
1.55 µm Laser Module with optical Isolator
Mechanical details
Pin out
Description N° Description
1 Thermistor 8 Case Ground
2 Thermistor 9 Case Ground
3 Laser DC bias (-) 10 Not Connected
4 Photodetector Anode (-) 11 RF common (+)
5 Photodetector Cathode (+) 12 Laser RF input (-)
6 TEC (+) 13 RF common (+)
7 TEC (-) 14 Not Coonected
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
200 nH 10 K
Ordering information
Alcatel 1915 LMI
Nominal power Part number [1]
10 mW 3CN 00347 ##
## defines the wavelength and the connector according to table 1.
ferrule FC/PC
Connector SC/PC
Connector λ
ferrule FC/PC
Connector SC/PC
1527,61 196,25 BJ GJ MJ 1540,16 194,65 CS HS NS
1527,99 196,2 BK GK MK 1540,56 194,60 CT HT NT
1528,38 196,15 BL GL ML 1540,95 194,55 CU HU NU
1528,77 196,10 BM GM MM 1541,35 194,50 CV HV NV
1529,16 196,05 BN GN MN 1541,75 194,45 CW HW NW
1529,55 196 BP GP MP 1542,14 194,40 CX HX NX
1529,94 195,95 BQ GQ MQ 1542,54 194,35 CY HY NY
1530,33 195,90 BR GR MR 1542,94 194,30 CZ HZ NZ
1530,73 195,85 BS GS MS 1543,33 194,25 DA JA PA
1531,12 195,80 BT GT MT 1543,73 194,20 DB JB PB
1531,51 195,75 BU GU MU 1544,13 194,15 DC JC PC
1531,90 195,70 BV GV MV 1544,53 194,10 DD JD PD
1532,29 195,65 BW GW MW 1544,92 194,05 DE JE PE
1532,68 195,60 BX GX MX 1545,32 194 DF JF PF
1533,07 195,55 BY GY MY 1545,72 193,95 DG JG PG
1533,47 195,50 BZ GZ MZ 1546,12 193,90 DH JH PH
1533,86 195,45 CA HA NA 1546,52 193,85 DJ JJ PJ
1534,25 195,40 CB HB NB 1546,92 193,80 DK JK PK
1534,64 195,35 CC HC NC 1547,32 193,75 DL JL PL
1535,04 195,30 CD HD ND 1547,72 193,70 DM JM PM
1535,43 195,25 CE HE NE 1548,12 193,65 DN JN PN
1535,82 195,20 CF HF NF 1548,52 193,60 DP JP PP
1536,22 195,15 CG HG NG 1548,92 193,55 DQ JQ PQ
1536,61 195,10 CH HH NH 1549,32 193,50 DR JR PR
1537,00 195,05 CJ HJ NJ 1549,72 193,45 DS JS PS
1537,40 195 CK HK NK 1550,12 193,40 DT JT PT
1537,79 194,95 CL HL NL 1550,52 193,35 DU JU PU
1538,19 194,90 CM HM NM 1550,92 193,30 DV JV PV
1538,58 194,85 CN HN NN 1551,32 193,25 DW JW PW
1538,98 194,80 CP HP NP 1551,72 193,20 DX JX PX
1539,37 194,75 CQ HQ NQ 1552,20 193,15 DY JY PY
1539,77 194,70 CR HR NR 1552,52 193,10 DZ JZ PZ
ferrule FC/PC
Connector SC/PC
1552,93 193,05 EA KA QA
1553,33 193 EB KB QB
1553,73 192,95 EC KC QC
1554,13 192,90 ED KD QD
1554,54 192,85 EE KE QE
1554,94 192,80 EF KF QF
1555,34 192,75 EG KG QG
1555,75 192,70 EH KH QH
1556,15 192,65 EJ KJ QJ
1556,56 192,60 EK KK QK
1556,96 192,55 EL KL QL
1557,36 192,50 EM KM QM
1557,77 192,45 EN KN QN
1558,17 192,40 EP KP QP
1558,58 192,35 EQ KQ QQ
1558,98 192,30 ER KR QR
1559,39 192,25 ES KS QS
1559,79 192,20 ET KT QT
1560,20 192,15 EU KU QU
1560,61 192,10 EV KV QV
1561,01 192,05 EW KW QW
1561,42 192 EX KX QX
1561,83 191,95 EY KY QY
1562,23 191,90 EZ KZ QZ
1562,64 191,85 FA LA RA
1563,05 191,80 FB LB RB
1563,46 191,75 FC LC RC
1563,86 191,70 FD LD RD
1564,27 191,65 FE LE RE
1564,68 191,60 FF LF RF
1565,09 191,55 FG LG RG
1565,50 191,50 FH LH RH
1565,90 191,45 FJ LJ RJ
1566,31 191,40 FK LK RK
1566,72 191,35 FL LL RL
1567,13 191,30 FM LM RM
Table 1, All wavelengths referenced to vaccum @ Tsubmount.
ITU-T G.652 optical fiber
IEC 68-2 and MIL STD 883 environment
Class 3 B laser product
October 2000
Copyright © 2000
Alcatel Optronics
Customized versions ar e available
for large quantities.
Performance figures contained in
this document must be specifically
confirmed in writing by Alcatel
Optronics before they become
applicable to any particular order or
contract . Alcatel Optronics r eserves
the right to make changes to the
products or i nformation contained
herein without notice.
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