REV 0.8 October 2001
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The information herein is given to describe certain components and shall not be considered as warranted characteristics.
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We hereby disclaim any and all warranties, including but not limited to warranties of non-infringement, regarding circuits,
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Application Note Octoer 2001
User’s Guide for
Managed AR2224 L2 Ethernet Switch in 10BaseS
(VDSL) Application
User’s Guide
Application Note 1 October 2001
1.0 Introduction................................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 System Description & 10BaseS Evaluation Board Configuration Settings.................................... 4
1.1.1 Power-on Strapping- for AR2224 initialization ............................................................................... 5
1.1.2 Port Enable Jumper: 107................................................................................................................ 7
1.1.3 Full Duplex Flow_Control: Jumper 105.......................................................................................... 7
1.1.4 SMII Interface Clock Delay Jumpers:.............................................................................................7
1.1.5 Simulation Mode : Jumper 81, 7..................................................................................................... 8
1.1.6 Internal MAC Ad dress Table:J umper 104...................................................................................... 8
1.1.7 MDIO Mode : Jumper 103.............................................................................................................. 8
1.1.8 Transmit Queue Drop : Jumper 100............................................................................................... 8
1.1.9 Back_pressure Control: Jumper 97................................................................................................8
1.1.10 LED Control: Jumper 94,91............................................................................................................ 8
1.1.11 LED Mode Selection: Jumper 88.................................................................................................... 9
1.1.12 Board Configuration: Jumper 82,83,78 .......................................................................................... 9
1.1.13 VDSL modem(PEB22822) Configuration:...................................................................................... 9
1.2 Switch Configuration Settings ...................................................................................................... 13
1.2.1 IIC Interface.................................................................................................................................. 13
1.2.2 EEPRO M Interf ace....................................................................................................................... 14
1.2.3 Fast Ethernet PHY settings.......................................................................................................... 14
1.2.4 VDSL PHY Jumper Setting Table ................................................................................................ 15
1.2.5 F.E. port/ VDSL port mapping to the LED panel.......................................................................... 15
1.2.6 Other ConfigurationsJumpers: JS118 and System Reset Switch J79......................................... 17
1.2.7 JTAG Pin and Jumper Mapping................................................................................................... 17
1.2.8 JM1 Header/JM130 Header.........................................................................................................17
2.0 Managed Switch- using MBX860 CPU board and Infineon Switch Software....................... 18
2.1 Setup the MBX860 BootROM Image ........................................................................................... 18
2.2 Format the Flash Memory ............................................................................................................ 21
2.3 Download File (vxWorks.Z).......................................................................................................... 22
2.4 Bootup from Flash memory.......................................................................................................... 24
2.5 Access thru the Web U/I via a Web Browser ............................................................................... 26
2.6 Find out which s/w version you’re work ing on:............................................................................. 26
2.7 Build your own logo into the Flash: .............................................................................................. 26
3.0 User’s Guide for Ar2224 Switch Software ............................................................................... 27
3.1 Console Overview ........................................................................................................................ 27
3.2 Screen Features and Display/Edit Field Examples...................................................................... 27
3.3 Keys for Screen Navigation.......................................................................................................... 30
3.4 Keys for Editing a Field ................................................................................................................ 30
3.5 Keys to Access Hidden Debug Features ..................................................................................... 32
3.6 TMS Supplied Sample Console Screens..................................................................................... 32
3.6.1 Login Sc reen ................................................................................................................................ 33
3.6.2 Main Menu Screen ....................................................................................................................... 34
3.6.3 Switch Configuration Screen........................................................................................................ 35
3.6.4 Port Statis tic s Scree n................................................................................................................... 38
3.6.5 Configuration File Upload/Download Screen............................................................................... 40
3.6.6 Image File Download Screen ....................................................................................................... 42
3.6.7 Serial Configuration Screen ......................................................................................................... 44
3.6.8 Change Pas sword Screen............................................................................................................ 45
4.0 Ar2224 Managed Switch- Web Browser Interface................................................................... 47
4.1 Login Dialog Box .......................................................................................................................... 47
4.2 Home Page................................................................................................................................... 48
4.3 Switch Configuration..................................................................................................................... 48
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4.4 Advanced Switch Configuration Page.......................................................................................... 52
4.5 System Configuration Page.......................................................................................................... 56
4.6 Port Configuration / Statistics Page.............................................................................................. 57
4.7 Serial Configuration Page ............................................................................................................ 64
4.8 Password Modification Page..................................................................................................... ... 65
4.9 SNMP Target Page ...................................................................................................................... 66
4.10 SNMP Notification Page............................................................................................................... 69
4.11 Spanning Tree Bridge Parameters Page ..................................................................................... 72
4.11 Spanning Tree Port Parameters Page......................................................................................... 73
4.12 VLAN /Multicast Groups:.............................................................................................................. 75
4.12.1 Static VLAN Config uration Pag e ..................................................................................................75
4.12.2 VLAN / GVRP Port Configuration Page ....................................................................................... 78
4.12.3 IGMP Snooping Multic as t............................................................................................................. 80
4.13 MAC Entry Configuration Page ....................................................................................................81
4.14 LINK Aggreg ati on Pag e................................................................................................................ 83
User’s Guide
Application Note 3 October 2001
1.0 Introduction
The 10BaseS evaluation board is a complete 16 Fast Ethernet ports + 4 VDSL ports(10Base S) switching
system used to evaluate the Infineon’s AR2224 Ethernet switch controller chip and 10Mb VDSL chipset. The
board includes all the necessary items for a 16FE+4VDSL switch. A diagram of the board is shown in Fig.1
Figure 1
The current release of the 10Base-S board has two versions: one for unmanage d switch without a CPU board;
the other is for m anaged s witch that com es with a C PU board. F or cus tomer who wants to evaluat e a m anaged
switch with i ts as s ociate d f eatur es a nd t he switch sof twar e A PI, a Motorola M BX860 board and a Infineon’s TMS
s/w can be purchased separately from Infineon’s LAN group.
User’s Guide
Application Note 4 October 2001
1.1 System Description & 10BaseS Evaluation Board
Configuration Settin gs
The 10-BaseS evalution board contains the Infineon’s Ethernet Switch AR2224 and the VDSL modem chipset
PEB22822/2281/2282, with additional memory/peripheral components, m aking a complete Fast Ethernet/VDSL
Layer 2 switching system. In order to verify the VDSL connectivity, user should connect one of the VDSL ports
on the evalu ation board wit h a remote VDSL m odem board which c an be obtained throu gh the Infineon ’s VDSL
group. The 10BaseS board can run under unmanaged application, requiring no CPU intervention, which
processes all incoming/outgoing Ethernet frames.
The components of the Switch and a picture of the Board (Fig.2) are listed below:
Six 16Mb SDRAM for packet buffer
One 2Mb SSRAM for address table
Two Octal Fast Ethernet transceivers
Four sets of Infineon’s VDSL(10Base-S) modem chipset(PEB22822/11/2)
PCI interface connector for managed switch
IIC interface connector.
JM1 connector for a minimum managed 8051 interface.
LED’s for port status
Four RJ11 connectors to access remote VDSL modem
Power supply
Figure 2
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Application Note 5 October 2001
Upon power-up of the board, the power-on strapping pins and other sets of jumper pins will set AR2224, MDIO
interface, Fast Ethernet PHY, VDSL PHY and other components to an intitial state. These are indicated in the
following sections (1.1.1 – 1.1.13):
1.1.1 Power-on Strapping- for AR2224 initialization
The LED interface pins led_row_n[3:0] and led_col[26:0] are used as power-on strapping pins to set certain
operating parameters for the AR2224. On the rising edge of the Reset pulse, the logic level of led_row_n[3:0]
and led_col [23:0] ar e sensed and latc hed into the Chip Config uration Reg ister , Power- on Strappi ng Pin Map ping
lists the mappings between the strapping pins and the configuration register bits.
Power-on Strapping Pin Mapping
configuration register bit 31 30 29:27 26:0
power strapping pin led_row_n[3] led_row_n[2:0] led_col[26:0]
All the LED signals have internal pull-ups. The power-on strapping pins must be pulled-up or pulled-down
through a 10K ohm resistor to set the required value.
The power-on strapping will affect the following:
AR2224 MAC table, flow control and SMII clock delay
MDIO mode
PHY transceiver interface
LED’s Status mode
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Application Note 6 October 2001
The power-on strapping table below, lists the mappings between the register bits, and the corresponding
jumpers on the board. The default setting of the jumper for the board is given below.
Note1: Ignore the Lucent column as the LucentPHY chips are not used on the 10Base-S evaluation board.
Note2: The jumper setting for 22822 VDSL chip is given in the VDSL (PEB22822) Modem Configuration
section. (1.1.13) Jump 89, 93, 96, 99 settings do not apply to 10BaseS board.
Power-on Strapping Table
Bit Field Bit Name Signal Jumper Lucent Marvell
31 intelligent led_row_n[3] J107 Closed(Default)
30 reserved
29 reserved led_row_n[2] J106
28 disable_pause led_row_n[1] J105 Closed(Default)
27 GMII/SEDES_25 led_row_n[0] 99 closed open
26 GMII/SEDES_24 led_col[26] 96 closed open
25 GMII/MII_25 led_col[25] 93 open
24 GMII/MII_24 led_col[24] 89 open
23:22 delay_sel5[1:0] led_col[23:22] 86,84 closed,closed open,open
21:20 delay_sel4[1:0] led_col[21:20] 80,76 closed,closed open,open
19:18 delay_sel3[1:0] led_col[19:18] 102,101 closed,closed open,open
17:16 delay_sel2[1:0] led_col[17:16] 98,95 closed,closed open,open
15:14 delay_sel1[1:0] led_col[15:14] 92,90 closed,closed open,open
13:12 delay_sel0[1:0] led_col[13:12] 87,85 closed,closed open,open
11:10 reserved led_col[11:10] 81,77
9 in_ma_en led_col[9] 104 Open
8 use_mdio_mode led_col[8] 103 Open
7 en_txq_drop led_col[7] 100 Open
6 en_rx_flow_ctl led_col[6] 97 Open
5 mask_coll_led led_col[5] 94 Open
4 en_tx_led led_col[4] 91 Open
3 led_mode led_col[3] 88 Open
2:0 pcb_config led_col[2:0] 83,82,78
Default: 78 closed, 82 & 83
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Application Note 7 October 2001
1.1.2 Port Enable Jumper: 107
This jumper is used to enable or disable all the ports after reset. For system without a CPU, the jumper should
be closed to enable all the ports.
1.1.3 Full Duplex Flow_Control: Jumper 105
Jumper 105 is used to enable or disable the full duplex flow_control by using pause frame. The Jumper 105 is
closed by default to enable the flow control. The actual flow control is done by the physical layer transceivers
controlled by the MII registers, the AR2224 can access these MII registers by using the MDIO or SMII interface.
1.1.4 SMII Interface Clock Delay Jumpers:
Thes e jum per s contr ol th e del a y of the cl oc k to FE PHY f or rec ei ved dat a. T he s e ttin g of thes e j umpers depe nds
on the PHY devices you use, different PHY’s timing requirement is different, when interfacing to AR2224, refer to
the PHY device’s data sheet to select the correct value for the delay of the SMII_CLK.
Each t wo jumpers c ontrols the c loc k dela y for four por t s , Del a y Sel ec tio n Table list the mapping of dela y an d the
jumper setting for the jumper 87 and 85, the same applies to other jumper group. Default is all open.
Delay Selection Table
Delay J85 J87
delay by 0.0 ns closed closed
delay by 0.8 ns closed open
delay by 1.6 ns open closed
delay by 2.4 ns open open
For interface to Marvell 88E3080/3081 PHY, the delay of the smii_clk could be 2.4ns, the two jumpers should be
in the open position.
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Application Note 8 October 2001
1.1.5 Simulation Mode : Jumper 81, 7
These two jumpers should be in the open position for the evaluation board. The two bits in the registers are used
for simulation purpose only.
1.1.6 Internal MAC Address Table:Jumper 104
In the AR2224, there is an internal MAC address table with 256 entries. In the case the MAC table in the
external SSRAM is full this internal MAC table can be used. Default setting is in the open position that enables
the internal M AC table.
1.1.7 MDIO Mode : Jumper 103
This jumper controls whether to use the MDIO interface or SMII interface for link information such as speed,
duplex, pause enable and link_ok. Default is open and enable the MDIO interface for link parameters.
1.1.8 Transmit Queue Drop : Jumper 100
This jumper should be in the open position.
1.1.9 Back_pressure Control: Jumper 97
This jumper controls wh eth er to e nable or d is ab le the bac k _pr es sur e f or f low cont r ol i n h alf du pl ex . Jumper 97 i s
open by default to enable the back pressure.
1.1.10 LED Control: Jumper 94,91
Jumper 94 is used to control the collision display on the LED in the case of collision. Default setting is open
which enables the LED to display collision by flashing.
Jumper 91 is used t o con t rol t he L ED dis p lay in tra nsmission. Def au lt s ett in g is o pen whic h en abl es L ED to flash
upon successful transmission.
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Application Note 9 October 2001
1.1.11 LED Mode Selection: Jumper 88
Three different display modes are supported – two modes are controlled by the Configuration Register 0x00 in
AR2224, whereas the third mode is software controlled via a CPU. This jumper determines the two hardware
modes. Mode 1 is the default mode where jumper 88 is in the open position which sets bit3=1 in the
Configuration Register. Closing the jumper sets the LED Mode to 0.
The two h /w contr olled m odes are availabl e on Port 0-25, while the s/w contr olled m ode is only avai lable on the
CPU port.(Port 26)
Refer to AR2224 datasheet for more information on LED Mode/Status.
1.1.12 Board Configuration: Jumper 82,83,78
With a managed switch configuration, these three jumpers can be used for the management software to read
some configuration information about the board. For 10BaseS board, default is J78 closed, J82 & J83 open.
Other vers ions of the board ma y have these three j umper s instal led dif fer ently, depend ing on the p ack age of the
AR2224 used, and /or PH Y devices used.
1.1.13 VDSL modem(PEB22822) Configuration:
The board shipped is pre-configured to the 10Mbit operation of the PEB22822 VDSL chip. All the configuration
parameters are stored in the EEPROM. If there is a need to change/update the parameters of the chip, the
following steps are recommended:
Step 1: choose which VDSL chip to program (setting the jumper)-see Fig.3
(Page 14)
There are four VDSL(22822) chips on the evaluation board, each one is programmed individually according to
the following table:
port# \ jumper # Jumper JS11 Jumper JS13 Jumper JS10 Jumper JS12
S0 1+2 1+2 --- ---
S1 2+3 2+3 --- ---
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Application Note 10 October 2001
S2 --- --- 1+2 1+2
S3 --- --- 2+3 2+3
Exam ple: To acces s the c o r res pondi ng 22 822 f r om the S3 port: Conn ec t p in 2 an d 3 on Jum per J S10; pin 1 and
2 on Jum per JS12 togeth er. B y doing it, you have se lec ted VDSL de vice # 8. (i.e. JS10 2+3 s ets the S3 T X path,
JS12 2+3 sets the S3 RX path). Re ad Step 8 f or m ore explanation . W hen the board is shipped, a ll four j umpers
should ha ve been pr eset to 2+3. T his m eans you can progr am those two VD SL chips d irect ly abov e the S1, and
S3 ports.
Note 1: T he S3 port marked on th e LED disp lay panel is hardwired t o the JS0 m arked on th e evaluati on board.
Likewise, for the S1=JS2, S2=JS1, S0=JS3.
Note 2: JRS1 and JRS2 jumpers are not used, leave it open.
Step 2: make the connection:
Connect the cable labeled as VDSL term (shipped with the evaluation board) between a PC Com port and one
of the VDSL ports. If you start with the S3 port (the right most connector, see Fig.1), then the cable should
connect it to a PC’s com port.
Note: The wiring diagram of the cable is:
RJ11 DB9
Step 3: call the E2prom Programmer
Open the 10BaseS EE Download folder where the E2prom Programmer resides, double click the E2prom
Programmer icon, the Wizard will expand this program. After expanding, double click the Utility E2prom
Program mer.exe file. A s creen should sho w up b y asking you to select which device, def ault is PEF22 822 v2.2,
select it. Then, the screen asks you to choose four options: Configuration, Save File, Open File, Program. Only
the Open File option is highlighted. Select it, and enter the file name e2rb50_N.bin to open it.(see note) Then,
select the option Program. Upon this point, the screen should show connecting, reading, programming….
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Application Note 11 October 2001
consecutive squares which tells you it is programming the on-board EEprom. When it is done, “program
complete” will show up. Exit the program.
Note: both e2rb50_N.bin and E2promProgrammer should be in the 10BaseS EE download folder, in the CD
shipped. If er ror m es s age occ ur s, it m eans it c an’t f ind the f ile. M ake sure the dir e ctory is where the CD director y
Step 4: modify the EEprom data you just downloaded
From this point, you may need to manually modify the EEprom data you just downloaded. In order to do it,
activate the Hyper Terminal. W hen the HT asks you for a name, give an y name you want (i.e.10BaseS), select
the Com port on your PC. Then, select 9600, n, 8, 1, If the link is there, L> prompt should appear after you hit
the enter key a few times.
If there is no L> prompt, it m eans there is no link. Depending on your PC, it m ay due to the Flow Control is not
set up properly. To change it, click the disconnect icon on the tool bar of the Hyper Terminal. Go back to the
setup sc reen, select Xon/X off in the Flo w Contr ol section, if it is in Hardwar e or None setting. OK it to see if th e
L> would appear .
If you get scrambled characters, you might ha ve selected 2400 baud as it is the def ault for the HT. You should
change it to 9600.
Step 5: configure the 22822 Ethernet interface
This step configures the Ethernet interface side of the on-board 22822 to set it to 100Mb in order to
communicate with the on-board AR2224 switch controller. The L> prompt must be changed to M> mode to
modify the parameter. Follow the procedures below: (bold is what you type in)
A. L> WR8D00 B4 (this changes to M> ) .
B. M> RD 8340, 8 (read register 8340 and its next 8 registers)
C. M> 2c cx …… …..(2c is the 2Mb Ethernet m ode. The x is the VDSL de vice your are work ing on, the
display should be one of the 8,9, a, b devices)
D. M> WR C060 3C (change to 3c which sets to 20Mb mode)
E. M> turn of f the power , then turn it bac k on. (if you the Hyper Term inal is s tuck , use the “disc onnec t”,
“connect” icon on HT’s tool bar. Wait for a few seconds, the L> should be back).
F. L>RD 8340, 8 (re-enter to read the register 8340)
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Application Note 12 October 2001
G. M>3c cx… . (it s hould dis p la y 3c cx . this m eans 100Mb mode has been set, if not, go back to c hange
the c060 register to 3c).
Step 6: configure the 22822 VDSL interface
This step configures the VDSL interface side of the on-board 22822 to set it to communicate with a remote
Infineon’s VDSL modem.
A. L> WR 8D00 B4 (make sure the L> is changed to M> )
B. M>WR C020 32 (change the register C020 value to 32)
C. M>WR C021 24 (change the register C021 value to 24)
D. M>WR C022 58 (change the register C022 value to 58)
E. M>WR C024 F1 (change the register C024 value to F1)
F. M>WR 8C00 84 (validate the above write changes, or turn off the power switch)
G. M>RD C020, 8 ( read back to ens ure the va lues have been u pdated to th e above, if not, r epeat step
A…G. It should read 32 24 58 00 F1…).
Step 7: turn off the power switch, and turn it back on
Turn the power off at the end of each step 4 and 5 and turn it back on. If you don’t turn power off, the new values
may not be updated in the EEPROM. Also, all the changes must be made while M> appears. The changes
made while L> appears are not updated in the EEPROM.
Step 8: configure each VDSL PHY device
In Step 5.c, the register displays a value of cx, where the x is the device ID for the VDSL 22822. If the jumper
JS10/JS12 pair is set to 1+2, then the cx value will dis play c8 which is the right most device that you’re looking
at. To go to the next device, which is the 2nd device(device #9) next to it, jumper JS10/12 pair must be set to
2+3, then the c9 value will display. (don’t need to move the VDSL term cable, it should be in the S3 position).
Repeat step 5,6,7 to make the same change for device #9.
To c hange the param eters on the 3rd and the 4th VDS L PH Y d evice, the V DSL ter m cable m us t be m oved t o the
S0 or S1 RJ11 connector. If jumper JS11/13 is set to 1+2, then the display will be ca(device #a). Repeat step
5,6,7 to make necessary register changes. Then, set jumper JS11/13 to 2+3, the display should be cb, repeat
step 5,6,7 to make the change.
User’s Guide
Application Note 13 October 2001
1.2 Switch Configuration Settings
The AR2224 switch controller chip can be configured to use one of four possible modes for different level of
management. Three bus interfaces for attaching a CPU sub-system are 32-bit PCI bus (target only), 32-bit
generic (s lave) b us and 2- wir e s eria l (s lav e) bus . The fourth inter f ac e is a 2-wir e s erial master bus and is us ed to
read conf iguratio n EEPRO M in a n unm anaged, s yste m . Only one bus can be us ed in a system . The s election of
PCI or IIC is made upon chip reset through J74. The current 10BaseS release uses PCI bus as the defualt bus
Note 1: Jum pers J 123/J124 from the 24FE+2Gb it Ethernet b oard are not availab le on the 10Bas eS boar d. J123
was used to select either PCI or Generic bus. J124 was used to select mux or non-muxed Addr/Data bus.
The following sections describe the IIC settings.
1.2.1 IIC Interface
Follow the procedures below to select the IIC interface and speed.
1. Select IIC interface by setting J74 to open
2. Select slave mode by set J118 to close, master mode:set J118 to open.
3. Select speed by J125, J128
CPU interface selection Table
Interface J74 J118
32 Bit PCI Closed(Default) -
IIC Slave(AR2224) Open Closed
IIC Master(AR2224) Open Open
IIC Speed Selection
J128 J125
100K 2+3 2+1
400K 2+3 2+3
1 M 2+1 2+1
3.3 M 2+1 2+3
Select d ev ice ad dr ess as shown be lo w, AR2 224 s upp orts 7- Bit addr ess i ng of IIC. Some addr es ses ar e res erved
in the IIC specification, so you should not select these addresses, including 0000xxx, 1111xxx. You can select
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Application Note 14 October 2001
any addr ess ex c ept addr es s 1010 000 , as t his addres s is occ up ied by the EE PRO M and its ad dr es s is h ar d wi red
in the AR2224 which can not be changed.
IIC device address selection: for AR2224 in the Slave mode.
Logic 1 Logic 0
Dev_ID0 : J114 open closed
Dev_ID1 : J127 1+2 2+3
Dev_ID2 : J115 open closed
Dev_ID3 : J119 open closed
Dev_ID4 : J120 open closed
Dev_ID5 : J121 open closed
Dev_ID6 : J126 1+2 2+3
1.2.2 EEPROM Interface
Should an EEPROM is needed for updating the AR2224, Follow the procedure below to select the EEPROM
1. Select IIC interface by set J74 to open
2. Select AR2224 in master mode by setting J118 to open
3. Select speed shown in ITC Speed Selection Table
4. The EEPROM ID is fixed to 1010000(0xA0).
The current release has no EEPROM chip installed.
1.2.3 Fast Ethernet PHY settings
On the 10Base-S evaluation board, you only need to configure two MDIO addre sses for the 16 ports in the two
octal PH Y devices. J umpers , J X156, JX157, JX158 , JX159 are us ed to set th e upper two bits address [4: 3] of
the 16 10/100 Ethernet ports in the two PHY devices, the lower three bits are hardwired internally in the PHY
devices, as the following table shows:
Fast Ethernet MDIO Jumper Setting Tables
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Application Note 15 October 2001
Jumper JX158 JX159 Address
Default open open 11xxx
Jumper JX156 JX157 Address
Default open closed 10xxx
1.2.4 VDSL PHY Jumper Setting Table
On the 10Base-S board, the MDIO addresses of the VDSL are set by the following jumpers.
phy#\Jumper # Jumper
JS11 Jumper
JS13 Jumper
JS10 Jumper
B 1+2 1+2 --- ---
A 2+3 2+3 --- ---
9 --- --- 1+2 1+2
8 --- --- 2+3 2+3
1.2.5 F.E. port/ VDSL port mapping to the LED panel
The tabl e belo w sh o ws th e mapping b et ween the p or ts of the AR 222 4 and th e p or ts ind icate d on the L ED pa nel.
As Port 0 on the AR2224 is not necessarily mapped into Port 0 as shown on the LED panel, a mapping table
would be helpful in case there is a need to trace which port that packets flow through. Also, a picture of the
board with its mapping p ort num bers is shown to help you visuali ze the port m apping.(See F ig.3) Fore example:
when select port 1 on the s/w web i/f, it is actual ly port 16 selec ted on the ar222 4.
User’s Guide
Application Note 16 October 2001
Fast Ethernet AR2224 Ports/LED Panel Mapping Table
R2224 Port Number LED Panel Port Number
8-15 P8 to P15
16-23 P0 to P7
VDSL Ports/ LED Panel Mapping Table
AR2224 Port Number LED Panel Port Number(VDSL ports)
3, 2, 1, 0 S0, S1, S2, S3
4-7(not used) N/A
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Application Note 17 October 2001
1.2.6 Other ConfigurationsJumpers: JS118 and System Reset Switch J79
In the unm anaged 10Base- S configur ation, the J S118 m ust be close d (defau lt) in or der to res et AR2224, then it
can be reset by pushing Reset Switch J79. For managed configuration, the JS118 can be left open which
enables the AR2224 to get the reset from either CPU or 8051 selected by setting the jumper pins on JS79
Jumper JS79- 3pin
For managed switch, this 3pin jumper is used to select which Reset source to reset AR2224. Pin1+2 selects
CPU soft reset, Pin2+3 selects 8051 reset from the JM1 Header i/f. For un-managed switch, JS79 is left open as
1.2.7 JTAG Pin and Jumper Mapping
In the evaluation board, some jumpers are used to configure the JTAG interface, the default setting for these
jumpers is shown below, normal working mode is selected.
Pin Jumper Default
Norm_mode J108 off
Trst J109 off
Tck J110 off
Tms J111 off
Tdi J112 off
t_rsv J113 off
Tdo JX112 off
1.2.8 JM1 Header/JM130 Header
This JM1 header is us ed to interf ac e with an 8051 style board . T he i/f s ignal pi ns ar e des cr ibe d on t he 1 0B as e-S
JM130 Header is for the LED display panel.
User’s Guide
Application Note 18 October 2001
2.0 Managed Switch- using MBX860 CPU board and Infineon
Switch Software
In order to use the Ar2224 in a managed network, an external CPU board is needed. Section 3.0 and 4.0
address the s/w applications of this reference board that comprises of MBX860 CPU board and Infineon’s
Switch S oftware for m anaged switc h. Through th e managed s /w , it gi ves greater control or add flexibil ity to the
Switch wh ich are not ac ce ss ible otherwise.
The Manage d Switc h is shipped with the m anagem ent S/W preins talled in the Fl as h at the fac tory. Power up the
Switch, wait f or 5+ m inutes for the s/w to load. T hen, connect an Ethernet cabl e from PC to any of the F E ports
on the Switc h, perf or m ping 10.1.1 .1. It s ho ul d get a r eply. Now, activat e Internet Ex plorer Br o wser or Nets c ape ,
and enter on the URL. The Infineon’s Network Management Home page will show up.
Note 1:you must wait unti l the s/ w fin ishes the d o wnlo a d; other wis e, p ing wil l not func tio n. Not e 2.Do not c on nec t
the Ethernet cable to the Ethernet port on the MBX860 to see how the switch works. This port is only used for
installing the s/w. Note 3.If you want to watch the s/w download process, you can connect a serial cable to the
rs232 port on the MBX8 60. Enter password when asked, then activate IE or Netscape.
To install a new s/w for upgrade, follow the procedures below:
2.1 Setup the MBX860 BootROM Image
The following procedures are used to set up the MBX860’s BootROM:
-Change MBX860 Jumper J4 to1-2, power up the Switch, activate HyperTerminal, the “EPPC-Bug>” prompt
should immediately show up from the HyperTerminal. (Must setup HyperTerminal in 9600,8,N,1, flow control
set to None or Xon/Xoff)
-Turn on tftpd32.exe on your PC to allow the configuration, and observe the activity of the download.
-After unzipping a full released s/w, put the BootROM binary file “bootrom.bin”, “vxWorks.Z” file, and
“tftpd32.exe” in the same folder. Sometimes, you will get a single interim vxWorks.Z file, update it with the
existing one, then put all three files in one folder.
User’s Guide
Application Note 19 October 2001
-Use niot, niop and pflash commands to load the VxWorks BootROM image into flash memory as described
-The bold letters, with or without underline, are the entries user should type in.
-Set the TCP/IP property to IP Static under Network Neighborhood, Give a value of y.y.y.y. and must use
this value throughout the installation process
-Must use a crossover cable to connect between the Ethernet port of the PC and the Ethernet port on the
MBX CPU board.
-Connect the Null-Modem cable btw the 2-pin connector on the MBX860 board and PC’s COM port.
-Connect the crossover Ethernet cable between the Ethernet port on the MBX860 and the NIC card of the
Controller LUN =00? 20
Device LUN =00?
Node Control Memor y Address =00FC 800 0?
Client IP Address = x.x.x.x (enter the IP address of the CPU board)
Server IP Address = y.y.y.y (enter the IP address of the PC)
Subnet IP Address Mask =
Broadcast IP Address =
Gateway IP Address =
Boot File Name ("NULL" for None) =?
Argument File Name ("NULL" for None) =?
Boot File Length =00000000?
Boot File Byte Offset =00000000?
BOOTP/RARP Request Retry =00?
User’s Guide
Application Note 20 October 2001
TFTP/ARP Request Retry =00?
Trace Character Buffer Address =00000000?
BOOTP/RARP Request Control: Always/When-Needed (A/W)=W?
BOOTP/RARP Reply Update Control: Yes/No (Y/N) =Y?
Update Non-Volatile Memory (Y/N)? y (enter yes)
Controller LUN =20?
Device LUN =00?
Get/Put =G?
File Name =? bootrom.bin (enter the file name bootrom.bin, make sure
this file is in the same folder as tftpd32.exe)
Memory Address =00004 0 00?
Length =00000000?
Byte Offset =00000000?
Bytes Received =&292220, Bytes Loaded =&292220 (display to inform you when done)
Bytes/Second =&292220, Elapsed Time =1 Second(s)
EPPC-Bug>pflash 4000:83fff fc000100
Source Starting/Ending Addresses =00004000/00083EFF
Destination Starting/Ending Addresses =FC00020/FC07FFFF
Number of Effective Bytes =0007FF00
Program FLASH Memory (Y/N)? y
Virtual-Device-Number =00
Manufacturer-Identifier =01
Device-Identifier =D5
Virtual-Device-Number =01
User’s Guide
Application Note 21 October 2001
Manufacturer-Identifier =01
Device-Identifier =D5
Virtual-Device-Number =02
Manufacturer-Identifier =01
Device-Identifier =D5
Virtual-Device-Number =03
Manufacturer-Identifier =01
Device-Identifier =D5
Sector-Size =00040000
Address-Mask =FFE00000
Erasing Block Number =0000 ($FC000000)
Erasing Block Number =0001 ($FC040000)
Erasing Block Number =0002 ($FC080000)
Programming Block Number =0000 ($FC000000)
Programming Block Number =0001 ($FC040000)
Programming Block Number =0002 ($FC080000)
FLASH Memory Programming Complete
Turn off the power. Change Jumper4 from 1-2 to 2-3 on the MBX860.
2.2 Format the Flash Memory
Power on the Switch. From HyperTerminal, type “F” to format flash memory:
[VxWorks Boot]: F (Must be Capital F, no message will display when
done. Hit Enter key, [vxWorks Boot] prompt
should reappear, user must do this step before
performing steps 2.3,2.4, 2.7)
User’s Guide
Application Note 22 October 2001
2.3 Download File (vxWorks.Z)
Step 2.3.1- Download the vxWorks.Z to a temporary RAM on the MBX860 board:
-connect a crossover Ethernet cable between the PC’s NIC card and the Ethernet port on MBX860 board.
-Make sure Jumper 4 on the CPU board is in the 2-3 position.
-In case you need to delete old parameters(settings) without giving any new parameters, you must enter.
(a dot) right after the old parameter. This will erase the old parameter.
-from HyperTerminal, configure boot parameters as follows:
[VxWorks Boot]: c
boot device : tffs0 cpm0
processor number : 0
host name :
file name : /rfa1/vxWorks.Z vxWorks.Z (this file must reside in the same folder as tftpd32)
inet on ethernet (e) : x.x.x.x (this is the IP address of the CPU board)
inet on backplane (b):
host inet (h) : y.y.y.y (this is the IP address of your PC)
gateway inet (g) :
user (u) :
ftp password (pw) (blank = use rsh):
flags (f) : 0x80 (make sure it is 0x80)
target name (tn) :
startup script (s) :
other (o) :
[VxWorks Boot]: p (This is to verify what you entered)
User’s Guide
Application Note 23 October 2001
boot device : cpm
unit number : 0
processor number : 0
file name : vxWorks.Z
inet on ethernet (e) : x.x.x.x (example: the cpu board’s IP address)
host inet (h) : y.y.y.y (example: the PC’s IP address)
flags (f) : 0x80 (your display must be like the above 7 lines)
VxWorks Boot]: @ (To download the vxWorks.Z image)
Step 2.3.2-Download vx Works.Z from PC to the Flash:
After the vxWorks.Z image finished its dowonloading to RAM(step 3.1), a menu display will show up. This is
called the Console Screen. Now, you need to perform step 3.2 below.
Take out the cross-over Ethernet cable from the CPU board, reinsert it into any of the Fast Ethernet ports on
the Switch.(If the ref. switch uses Marvel 3081 PHY)
Type “password” when you’re asked to enter the password. Then, from console screen, select the “Switch
Configuration” page, change the IP address to [x.x.x.x] which must be identical to what you entered in
section 3.1, and change the Subnet Mask to []. Sel ec t “ Apply”, go back to the Main Menu.
Then, select the “Image File Download” page, change the Image Path to [vxWorks.Z], and change TFTP
Server IP address to [y.y.y.y] which must be identical to what you entered in section 3.1. Then, select
Download type to <Application>. Then, move the cursor down to select APPLY tab. This allows the
download of “vxWorks.Z” from the host PC to the MBX860 board, via the FE port on the Switch.
After the image finishes its downloading, a “Complete” message will show up on the console screen.
Turn off the switch.
User’s Guide
Application Note 24 October 2001
Note: the cross-over cable must be used to connect between the PC and the MBX860 board. When change
over to connect between the PC and any of the FE ports on the Switch, you may continue to use the same
cross-over cable IF a Marvel 3081 PHY is observed from the Switch. However, if a Lucent PHY or a Marvel
3080 PHY is observed from the Switch, you must use a straight Ethernet cable to connect between the PC
and the Switch.
Troubleshooting tip#1: occsionally, you can’t perform step 2.3.1 after you have checked the Ethernet cable
used is cross-over, the serial cable used is Null-Modem cable, and the tftpd32.exe is open and located in the
same folder as the VxWorks.Z, You may want to change the NIC card as some of them can’t interface with
TFTP well.
Troubleshooting tip#2: sometimes, the download just can’t start in step 2.3.2. Error message is loading error,
or wrong file name. So, keep the tftpd32 open during the download process. If communication exists, tftp
client will be active. If the screen is not active during download, it means there is no communications. Go to
the DOS screen, enter ping x.x.x.x, to see if there is any reply from the MBX board. If there is no reply, you
have not set up the MBX board correctly. If there is a reply, go back to the console screen, redo step 3.2.
Most likel y, it will start downloa din g.
Troubleshooting tip#3: when you fail to finish step 2.3.2, try to redo from step 2.1.1. You must not skip any
steps between step 2.1 and 2.3.
2.4 Bootup from Fl ash memory
The is the last step to condition the MBX860 board so it can boot from the flash in which it has stored the
vxWorks.Z file that was downloaded in step 3.2. This step is necessary if you want to boot the run-time
code(vxWorks.Z) every time from a cold start.
-Turn on the power supply, from the HyperTerminal:
[VxWorks Boot]: c
'.' = clear field; '-' = go to previous field; ^D = quit
User’s Guide
Application Note 25 October 2001
boot device : cpm0 tffs
processor number : 0
host name :
file name : /rfa1/vxWorks.Z (user must enter /rfa1/vxWorks.Z exactly as
shown, don’t enter any other file name)
inet on ethernet (e) : x.x.x.x (the IP address of the CPU board)
inet on backplane (b):
host inet (h) : y.y.y.y (the IP address of the PC)
gateway inet (g) :
user (u) :
ftp password (pw) (blank = use rsh):
flags (f) : 0x80 (make sure it is 0x80)
target name (tn) :
startup script (s) :
other (o) :
[VxWorks Boot]: p
boot device : tffs
unit number : 0
processor number : 0
file name : /rfa1/vxWorks.Z
flags (f) : 0x80
[VxWorks Boot]: @ (start downloading, it takes a while to
finish download)
Your are done. The Switch is now ready to run…
User’s Guide
Application Note 26 October 2001
2.5 Access thru the Web U/I via a Web Browser
Activate your browser of choice, enter URL: x.x.x.x which is the same value(IP address of the MBX860)
as you entered thruout the installation process. The TMS management web screen will pop up, type the
user ID as “admin”, and pas sword as “password”. You’re in.
2.6 Find out which s/w v ersion you’re working on:
The fastest way to tell is go to the DOS mode, upon c:>, enter “teln et x.x. x.x”(x.x.x.x is the IP address of the
MBX860), which should immediately display a version number and the date/time of the code compiled.
When file a bug report, report this information.
2.7 Build your own logo into the Flash:
User can build their company logo into the flash, please follow the steps below in stead of steps listed in section
Step 1:Build your company’s logo first, name it yourownlogo.gif und er the
Image directory and rename it to infineon-logo.gif.(..\binary\vxWorks_web_separated\webfs\image). Always
rename the original infineon-logo.gif file to another name (e.g. infineon-logo.gif1) BEFORE naming
yourownlogo.gif file name to infineon-logo.gif.
Step 2:Go to the folder ..\binary\vxWorks_web_separated where the following files should be residing:
tftpd32.exe, ftp_script, wxWorks.Z and the webfs folder. If some of these files are not there, copy them into this
Step 3:Open the DOS>, go to the ..\binary\vxWorks_web_separated folder, type
ftp –i –s:ftp_script x.x.x.x. (x.x.x.x is the IP address of the MBX board). If ftp is successful, multiple screen-full
of messages will display on the screen. Type bye at the dos prompt when finished.
Turn off the switch, then perform step 2.4 to reboot from Flash. After rebooting, the home page will show
yourcompany logo.
Note 1: user must take out the cross-over cable from the CPU board, reinsert it into any of the FE ports while
performing section 2.7.
Note 2: perform step 2.3.1 is still required before performing 2.7.
Note 3: if step 3 is not successful, try to ping the Switch to ensure connectivity.
User’s Guide
Application Note 27 October 2001
3.0 Users Guide for Ar2224 Switch Software
Section 3 and 4 describe the software features of the Ar2224 and provide instructions to users how to use these
1.Console Screen Editing- Command Line interface via Serial Port or TelnetWEB(HTTP).
2.Switch Configuration
3.SNMP Notification(v1, v2c, v3)
4.Spanning Tree Protocol (802.1d)
5.VLAN Filtering- Port Based
6.MAC Entry Configuration
7.Link Aggregation
3.1 Console Overview
The ANSI / VT20 console screens provide network and switch management
using serial port and/or telnet sessions. TMS concurrently supports one serial and
up to five Telnet sessions. The TMS sample console implementation uses a single
user password and does not require a user name.
The serial console is available shortly after the switch is turned on. Telnet is not
available until at least one switch port is in the forwarding state and the switch has
valid IP parameters.
3.2 Screen Features and Display/Edit Field Examples
The following table shows the screen features, including display and edit field
All screens have the following features:
The Screen Title is left justified on line 1.
The Lx Switch Status , and Age nt/ Switch IP Address
are right justified on line 1. The Lx Switch Status fie ld prov ides s witc h
User’s Guide
Application Note 28 October 2001
initialization, debug information according to the following table:
Lx Fw IP Notes
L0 0 0
L1 0 1 This state should not occur during initialization
L2 1 0 At least one port is in the forwarding state, but does not have an IP address
L3 1 1 Now able to perform SNMP, Web, Telnet, or ping operations
- Fwd = 1 if any port is in the forwarding state. Note that the AppManager
indicates that a port is in the forwarding state when STP (spanning tree) has
stabilized or is disabled.
- IP = 1 when the switch has valid IP parameters (currently includes, as
described below:
IP=1if(DHCP OR BOOTP gets a valid response) OR
if ( (both are disabled OR enabled DHCP/BOOTP option(s) time out)
AND (NVM has valid IP parameters) )
- Until the switch has a valid IP address, the Agent/Switch IP Address field displays
-- Undefined --.
-The TMS-Product enterprise MIB idbTms:tmsCommonMiscProductName
object is right justified on line 2. This string can be edited by the user and can
be up to 32 characters long.
- Line 22 is reserved for the Command Bar, which is a horizont al m enu.
- Line 23 is reserved for Error message text, which reports errors from the last
operation and is left justified.
- Line 24 is reserved for context sensitive Help, which is displayed in reverse
video and is left justified.
User’s Guide
Application Note 29 October 2001
The following field types are used:
Field Type Notes Example
Display Display fields are read-only. Selected display fields (for Line 13 in Figure 3-1.
example, statistics) are automatically updated every three seconds.
Text edit Text edit field are enclosed by square brackets ([ and ]) and Line 14 in Figure 3-1
allow you to enter and edit text. Current text edit fields are
displayed in reverse video.
Field Type Notes Example
Toggle Toggle fields are enclosed by angle brackets (< and >) and Line 15 in Figure 3-1
allow you to select a value from a pre-determined list.
Pressing SPACEBAR advances the displayed value to the next
available value. Current toggle fields are displayed in reverse
Menu Use the TAB or ARROW KEYS to select a menu item Line 22 in Figure 3-1
(displayed in reverse video), then press ENTER to activate the
Common Command Bar Items – use the ARROW KEYS to select desired item, then
press ENTER:
Command Bar Item Function
MAIN MENU Returns you the Main Menu.
APPLY Applies the values on this screen to the switch and/or management agent.
SAVE Does an APPLY and then saves all configuration values to NVM storage. As the SAVE
feature may take a while to perform (due to erasing and writing to Flash), it is
recommend that you make all changes before selecting SAVE.
HELP Displays help for this screen.
User’s Guide
Application Note 30 October 2001
3.3 Keys for Screen Navigation
The console screens use the following navigation keys (ESC is ignored and the
selected field is displayed in reverse video):
Figure 3-1 Screen Features and Display/Edit Fiel d Examples
Key Function
TAB Move right and down through menu items and edit fields (same as . and .)
ENTER Same as TAB except for menu items, which are selected
−> Move right and down through menu items and edit fields (same as TAB and .)
<− Move left and up through menu items and edit fields (same as .)
Move right and down through menu items and edit fields (same as TAB and .)
Move left and up through menu items and edit fields (same as .)
3.4 Keys for Edi ting a Fiel d
The console screens use the following keys within a text edit field (the TAB and
User’s Guide
Application Note 31 October 2001
ARROW KEYS are ignored while editing a field):
Key Function
alphanumeric Replaces existing field text when the first character entered. Alphanumeric keys are
displayable ASCII keys including punctuation, but not the TAB key.
BACKSPACE Deletes the previous character (same as Delete).
DELETE Deletes the previous character (same as Backspace).
ENTER Accepts field data and moves to the next field, unle ss there is an error in the field data (for
example, invalid IP format). In case of an error, the original va lue is restored, an error
message is displayed on line 23, and the cursor stays in the current field.
ESC Aborts changes, displays the original value, and the cursor stays in the current field.
The console screens use the following keys within a toggle field (the ESC key is
ignored while toggling field values):
Key Function
Accept toggle field data and move to the next field (same as .)
ENTER Accept toggle field data and move to the next field (same as TAB)
Accept toggle fiel d data and move to the previous field (same as .)
Accept toggle field data and move to the next field (same as .)
SPACE Toggle through the available selections
TAB Accept toggle field data and move to the next field (same as ENTER)
Accept toggle field data and move to the previous field (same as .)
On the Port Statistics screen (see Figure 3-6), the Port field is an exception to the
above toggle field rules. For this field, the current display ed value is used
User’s Guide
Application Note 32 October 2001
3.5 Keys to Access Hidden Debug Features
The console screens use the following control and function keys to support product
debug. All of the screens are read-only.
Key Function
F2 Redraw console screen (same as CTRL+L)
CTRL+D Open Device Driver Diagnostic menu that provides for the following screens:
Port settings
MAC address table
Multicast group settings
VLAN settings
CTRL+E Show list of VxWorks tasks
CTRL+K Show list of VxWorks TCP connections
CTRL+L Redraw console screen (same as F2)
CTRL+R Show VxWorks routing table
CTRL+T Resume paused screen updates (that is, re-start screen auto-updates)
CTRL+U Pause screen updates (that is, stop screen auto-updates) and clear screen, press CTRL+T, Enter to
resume screen.
CTRL+W Clear screen only
CTRL+X Show VxWorks memory partition blocks and statistics
CTRL+Y Show list of Web socket connections
The hidden debug screens only work on the serial console (because they use
printf( ) statements). Currently, they can be initiated from Telnet (not
recommended), but the results show up on the serial console. Note that it is
sometimes necessary to press ENTER (because the console is waiting for input)
before the desired output is displayed.
3.6 TMS Supplied Sample Console Screens
User’s Guide
Application Note 33 October 2001
3.6.1 Login Screen
Figure 3-2 shows the Login Screen. This is the initial screen displayed to the user.
The TMS sample console application supports a single login only . Consequently,
no user name is required. Enter the password (which is case sensitive and up to 16
character s in length), the n pr es s ENTER to log in to the console screens. The default
password is "password". The screen shows the s/w revision and the date/time the code was compiled.
When report s/w issues, report Application Version number shown on the screen.
Figure 3-2 Login Screen
Field Source Information
Field MIB Object(s) Syntax Access Notes
Application TMS-Common tmsCommonVerA ppSWMajo r , INTEGER, R-O
Version tmtmsCommonVerAppSWMinor INTEGER,
User’s Guide
Application Note 34 October 2001
Password TMS-Common tmsCommonMiscPassword DisplayString R-O
Default password is password
3.6.2 Main Menu Screen
Figure 3-3 shows the Ma in Menu sc reen. Pr es s ENTER while a menu item is
highlighted to go to that screen. LOGOUT returns you to the Login Screen if you
are using t he console. If you are using a telnet sessi on, then LOGOUT terminates
the connection
Figure 3-3 Main Menu
User’s Guide
Application Note 35 October 2001
3.6.3 Switch Configuration Screen
Figure 3-4 shows the Switch Configuration screen. Using decimal dot format,
enter the Switch IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway into the IP Address,
Subnet Mask, and Default Gateway fields, respectively . The subnet mask default is, default gateway
is Enter the Switch MAC address into the MAC Address field in hex format if it is not shown. If either reset
or reset factory defaults is selected for the Reset f ield dur ing an APPL Y, the Res et S witch Warning screen in
Figure 3-5 is displayed. The default is no reset.
The default setting for Spanning Tree is Enabled, for BOOTP is Disabled, for DHCP is Disabled. If you want to change these
default setting, you should select the option, then click on SAVE button, then select reset in the Reset field. Then, you can
reboot the s/w without turning off the Switch. These sequences should also be followed if you want to change the Switch IP
address, subnet mask, default gateway , MAC address, etc..
After the s/w is rebooted, you should see the new changes taken effect during the code download from the Flash to the on-
board DRAM.
Figure 3-4 Switch Configuration Screen
User’s Guide
Application Note 36 October 2001
Field Source Information
Field MIB Object(s) Syntax Access
IP Address TMS-Common tmsCommonIPIpAddress IpAddress R-W
Subnet Mask TMS-Common tmsCommonIPNetM ask IpAddress R-W
Default TMS-Comm on tmsCommonIPG ateA ddr ess IpAddress R-W
MAC Address TMS-Common tmsCommonIPMACA ddr MacAddress R-W
Spanning Tree TMS-Common tmsCommonMiscSpanOnOff INTEGER R-W
DHCP TMS-Common tmsCommonMiscDHCPOnOff INTEGER R-W
Time/Date none --- --- ---
Reset TMS-Common tmsCommonMiscReset INTEGER R-W
Field Toggle Information
User’s Guide
Application Note 37 October 2001
Field Toggle Values Notes
Spanning Tree enable, disable Default: enable
BOOTP enable, disable Default: disable
DHCP enable, disable Default: disable
Reset no reset, reset, reset factory defaults Default: no reset
Figure 3-5 shows the Reset Switch Warning screen. This screen is shown if reset
or reset factory defaults is selected for the Reset f ield dur ing an AP PL Y. Se lec t Yes
to proceed with the reset or No to cancel.
Figure 3-5 Reset Switch Warning Screen
User’s Guide
Application Note 38 October 2001
Field Toggle Information
Field Toggle Values Notes
Reset Switch No, Yes Default: No
3.6.4 Port Statistics Screen
Figure 3-6 shows the Por t Stat is tic s sc reen. T he Port field is an exception to the
toggle field rules described in 3.4 Keys for Editing a Field. This field uses the
current displayed value immediately (without APPLY or SAVE). Enable or disable
the selected ports using the State field and set the port speed using the Set Speed
Figure 3-6 Port Statistics Screen
User’s Guide
Application Note 39 October 2001
Field Source Information
Field MIB Object(s) Syntax Access
Port AR2224 ar2ArchIfacePort Integer32 N-A
ifIndex AR2224 ar2ArchIfaceIfIndex Integer32 R-O
State AR2224 ar2A rchIfaceEnable TruthValue R-W
Set Speed AR2224 ar2ArchIfaceDuplexSpeedSet INTEGER R-W
STP State RFC1493 dot1dStpPort Sta te INTEGER R-O
Link AR2224 ar2ArchIfaceLink INTEGER R-O
Actual Speed AR2224 ar2ArchIfaceDuplexSpeedGet INTEGER R-O
type AR2224 ar2ArchIfaceType INTEGER R-O
DropEvents RFC1757 etherStatsD ropEvents Counter R-O
Octets RFC1757 etherStatsOctets Counter R-O
Pkts RFC1757 etherStatsPkts Counter R-O
BroadcastPkts RFC1757 etherStatsBroadcastPkts Counter R-O
MulticastPkts RFC1757 etherStatsMulticastPkts Counter R-O
CRCAlignErrors RFC1757 etherStats CR CAlignErrors Counter R-O
UndersizePkts RFC1757 etherStatsUndersize Pkts Counter R-O
OversizePkts RFC1757 etherStatsOversizePkts Counter R-O
Fragments RFC1757 etherStats Fragments Counter R-O
Jabbers RFC1757 etherStatsJabbers Counter R-O
Collisions RFC1757 etherStatsCollisions Counter R-O
Pkts64Octets RFC1757 etherStatsPkts64Octets Counter R-O
Pkts65to127Octets RFC1757 etherStatsPkts65to127Octets Counter R-O
Pkts128to255Octets RFC1757 etherStatsPkts128to255Octets Counter R-O
Pkts256to511Octets RFC1757 etherStatsPkts256to511Octets Counter R-O
Pkts512to223Octets RFC1757 etherStatsPkts512to223Octets Counter R-O
Pkts224to1518Octets RFC1757 etherStatsPkts224to1518Octets Counter R-O
Field Toggle Information
Field Toggle Values Notes
User’s Guide
Application Note 40 October 2001
Port 1, 2, ..., 26 Default: 1
State enable, disable Default: enable
Set Speed autonegotiate, half-10, Based on port type (ports 1 to 24)
(FE,VDSL ports) full-10, half-100, full-100
Set Speed full-1000 Based on port type (ports 25 and 26)
(Gbps ports)
3.6.5 Configuration File Upload/Download Screen
Figure 3-7 shows the Configuration File Upload/Download screen. Enter the file
name of the configuration file in the Image Path field; this file is assumed to be in
the /tftpboot directory unless specified otherwise. Enter the IP address of the
location of the file in the TFTP Server IP Address field. The Direction field supports
switch-to-host (upload) or host-to-switch (download). Note: this is not the TMS image file as described in section
During an upload, only the Durable objects are uploaded from NVM; Persistent
objects are not uploaded.
User’s Guide
Application Note 41 October 2001
Figure 3-7 Configuration File Upload/Download Screen
Field Source Information
Field MIB Object(s) Syntax Access Notes
Image Path TMS-Comm on tmsCommonLoadTftpFil eNa me DisplayString R-W Includes
full path
and file name
TFTP Server TMS-Comm on tmsCommonLoadTftpAddress IpAddress R-W
IP Address
Direction TMS-Common tmsCommonLoadExecute INTEGER R-W
Load Status TMS-Common tmsCommonLoadE xecuteStatus INTEGER R-O
User’s Guide
Application Note 42 October 2001
Field Toggle Information
Field Toggle Values Notes
Load Type switch-to-host, host-to-switch Default: switch-to-host
3.6.6 Image File Download Screen
Figure 3-8 shows the Image File Download screen. This screen allows you to
download the Boot ROM or TMS Application Image to Flash.
NOTE: You must turn off the switch manually after the download completes before
the changes will take effect. Enter vxWorks.Z exactly in the Image Path field, and enter TFTP Server IP address
which is your PC’s IP address. Refer to the Installtion Section 2.3.2 for details.
User’s Guide
Application Note 43 October 2001
Figure 3-8 Image File Download Screen
Field Source Information
Field MIB Object(s) Syntax Access Notes
Image Path TMS-Co m mon tmsCommonLoadTf tpFi leN a me DisplayString R- W In clu d es full path
and file name
TFTP Server TM S-Common tmsCommonLoadTftpAddress IpAddress R-W
IP Address
Download TMS-Co m mon tmsCommonLoadType INTEGER R-W
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Application Note 44 October 2001
Download TMS-Common tmsCommonLoadExecuteStatus INTEGER R-O
Field Toggle Information
Field Toggle Values Notes
Download Type Applic ation, B oot ROM Default : A ppl ication
3.6.7 Serial Configuration Screen
Figure 3-9 shows the Serial Configuration screen. Select a baud rate for the serial
interface using the toggle field. The page also displays read-only information
about the serial interface. For serial communication to work properly, the setting needs to be 9600, N, 8, 1 with
No flow control.
Figure 3-9 Serial Configuration Screen
User’s Guide
Application Note 45 October 2001
Field Source Information
Field MIB Object(s) Syntax Access Notes
Baud Rate TMS-Common tmsCommonMiscBaud INTEGER R-W
Character Size none ------------------------ ---------- -------- hard coded to 8
Parity none ------------------------ ---------- -------- hard coded to None
Stop Bits none ------------------------ ---------- -------- hard coded to 1
Flow Control none ------------------------ ---------- -------- hard coded to None
Field Toggle Information
Field Toggle Values Notes
Baud Rate 2400, 9600, 19200, 38400 Default: 38400
3.6.8 Change Password Screen
Figure 3-10 shows the Change Password screen. The password is a maximum of
16 case-sensitive characters. To change the password, enter the new password,
then type the same new password into the Re-type Password field. Defaul password is password.
User’s Guide
Application Note 46 October 2001
Figure 3-10 Change Password Screen
Field Source Information
Field MIB Object(s) Syntax Access
New Password TMS-Common tmsCommonMiscPas s word DisplayString R-W
Re-type TMS-Common tmsCommonMiscPas s word Display String R-W
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Application Note 47 October 2001
4.0 Ar2224 Managed Switch- Web Browser Interface
The Web pages provide network and switch management functions by using industry standard
Web browsers. The following Web browser providers and versions are known to
work (others may also work):
Netscape Communicator 4.5 and 4.6
Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 and 5.0
All sample screens are shown as displayed on Microsoft© Internet Explorer 5.
4.1 Login Dialog Box
Figure 4-1 shows the Login dialog box. The Login dialog box is displayed the first
time you access the Web pages. Enter the us er name and password in the
appropriate fields, then press ENTER (or click OK) to log in to the Web server. The
password is case sensitive and can be up to 16 characters in length. The default
user name is "admin" with pa ssword "password". WindW eb server allows the use
of multiple user names and passwords. The TMS implementation currently uses
only a single user name and password.
Figure 4-1 Login Dialog Box
Field Source Information
Field MIB Object(s) Syntax Access Notes
User Name --- --- --- --- Hard-coded to admin
User’s Guide
Application Note 48 October 2001
Password TMS-Common tmsCommonMiscPassword DisplayS tring R-W
4.2 Home Page
Figure 4-2 shows the Hom e page. T his scr een is sho wn after you log in or
when you click on AR2224-Switch in the navigation tree.
Figure 4-2 Home Page
4.3 Switch Configuration
Figure 4-3 shows the S witc h Config ur at ion pag e. T his page allo ws you to edit
User’s Guide
Application Note 49 October 2001
general switch configuration. Enter the IP address of the Switch, subnet mask, and default
gateway in decimal dot format. Enter the MAC address in hex format. To reset the
switch, select reset or reset factory defaults from the Reset drop-down box, then
This section carries similar display as shown on section 3.6.3, but with the Web Browser style.
User should follow the same procedure as described in section 3.6.3 wheile saving the Switch
Configuration Page.
Defatult settings for BootP, DHCP are disable, for Spanning Tree is enable.
Figure 4-3 Switch Configuration Page
Field Source Information
User’s Guide
Application Note 50 October 2001
Field MIB Object(s) Syntax Access
IP Address TMS-Common tmsCommonIPIpAddress IpAddress R-W
Subnet Mask TMS-Common tmsCommonIPNetM ask IpAddress R-W
Default TMS-Comm on tmsCommonIPGateAddress IpAddress R-W
MAC Address TMS-Common tmsCommonIPMACA ddr MacAddress R-W
DHCP TMS-Common tmsCommonMiscDHCPOnOff INTEGER R-W
Spanning Tree TMS-Common tmsCommonMiscSpanOnOff INTEGER R-W
Reset TMS-Common tmsCommonMiscReset INTEGER R-W
Reset Dialog Boxes
On the Switch Configuration Web page(Figure 4-3), when you select reset then click Apply or
Save, you will need to respond to a series of three dialog boxes.
The Reset Confirmation dialog box in Figure 4-4 is the first dialog box displayed.
The Reset Confirmation box confirms that you actually want to reset the switch. If
you clic k Cancel, you are returned to the Switch Configuration page and the Reset
field is set to no reset. If you click OK, you proceed to the Save dialog box.(Figure 4-5)
Figure 4-4 Reset Confirmation Dialog Box
The Save dialog box in Figure 4-5 confirms that you want to save all
configuration changes before the switch resets. If you click OK, the configuration
is saved and then the switch resets. If you click Cancel, the switch resets without
saving, and you lose any unsaved changes.
User’s Guide
Application Note 51 October 2001
Figure 4-5 Save Dialog Box
Once the switch starts resetting, the Reset dialog box in Figure 4-6 is displayed.
This box tells you that the switch is being reset, to wait a few minutes while the
switch resets, then click Refresh or Reload on your browser to reconnect to the
switch. You must click OK befor e you can acces s your browser .
Figure 4-6 Reset Dialog Box
Reset Factory Defaults Dialog Boxes
On the Switch Configuration Web page, when you select reset factory defaults then
click Apply or Save, you will need to respond to a series of two dialog boxes.
The Reset Factory Defaults Warning dialog box in Figure 4-7 is the first dialog
box displayed. The Reset Factory Defaults Warning box confirms that you actually
want to reset the factory default settings on the switch. If you click Cancel, you are
returned to the Switch Configuration page and the Reset field is set to no reset. If
you clic k OK, the factory default settings are loaded and the switch resets.
User’s Guide
Application Note 52 October 2001
Figure 4-7 Reset Factory Defaults Warning Dialog Box
Once the switch starts resetting, the Reset dialog box in Figure 4-6 is displayed.
This box tells you that the switch is being reset, to wait a few minutes while the
switch resets, then click Refresh or Reload on your browser to reconnect to the
switch. You must click OK befor e you can acces s your browser .
4.4 Advanced Switch Configuration Page
Figure 4-8 shows the Advanced Switch Configuration page. This page allows user to change many of
the settings in Ar2224, therefore, altering the Switch behavior. For more details on the setting,
refer to Register0x00 and 0x08 in the Ar2224 data sheet.
Link Aggregation Method: multiple links can be aggregated together to achieve 1)higher
bandwidth, 2)if a link within the aggregated links is broken, traffic can be redirected to other links.
This field sets the mechanism for the Switch to distribute the aggregated frames based on
frames’ Source Address, or De stination Address, or Both(Ex-OR of SA and DA), or None.
After a particular distribution mechanism is selected, the Switch will distribute traffic according
to the selection of 2 ports , or 4 ports, or 8 ports aggregation in the Link Aggregation Page. Default is None.
User’s Guide
Application Note 53 October 2001
Packet Prioritization: Outgoing packets, in this case the Ethernet frames, can be assigned a high
priority by application, based on the originating Source Port, or its Destination MAC address,
or either or disabled. To set a source port in high priority, user also needs to go to the Port Statistics
Page to select that port, then set it to high or normal in the Port Priority field. To set a specific
Destination MAC address in high priority, you also need to go to the MAC Entry Page and
select high priority for that address. Default is disabled.
MAC Address Table Updating: when Freeze_None is selected, it means that all MAC entry
can be updated by the Switch. When Freeze_New is selected, it means only a port change
with an existing MAC address can be recorded, so a new port will display after pinging.
When Freeze_All is selcted, it means no new MAC entry is learned and recorded.
Oversized Packet: this bit conrols if the Swtich will forward or discard an oversized packet.(more than 1518 bytes). When
select Forward, the oversized packet is forwarded to the destination port as long as its CRC is still valid.
VLAN filtering: enable or disable. If VLAN function wants to be activated, user should enable
this field fi rst before setting up the VLAN.
Frame Paused: this bit controls the Switch to Process or Discard the received Pause Frame.
If select Process, the received Pauls Frames will be forewarded as a regular frame.
Aging Time: default is 5 min. This means the MAC entry in the MAC Entry Table will remain
in the Tablefor 5 min. After the time is up, the entry will disappear if REFRESH is hit.
Bandwidth Ratio: this field allocated packets to leave the Switch based on priority.
When 16/0 is selected, it means all packets with high priority will go out first. When 8/8
is selected, it means high priority packets go out evenly wi th normal proirty packets.
LED Flashing: user can select enable or disable the LED to flash during active tx/rx data.
LED Display Mode: user can select the Display Mode to be Port Feature Based or
Port Speed Based.
User’s Guide
Application Note 54 October 2001
When selecting Port Featur Based(defalt mode), refer to the following table:
1st LED-on:full-duplex mode. Off: half-duplex mode.
2nd LED-on:100Mbps Off : 10Mbps
When selecting Port Speed Based, refer to the following table:
NO LED on: 10Mbps, half-duplex. One LED on: 10Mbps, full-duplex
Two LEDs on: 100Mbps, half-duplex. Three LEDs on: 100Mbps, full-duplex
LED Display Mode for Collision: Enable or disable to flash the LED upon collision. Default is Enable.
Frame Pause Mode: this bit in bit28 in register0x00. Enable means special Pause Frames are generated if
Auto-negotiation and Full-duplex are set, per 802.3x flow control specification. Disable is the default mode.
Monitoring Port: any port can be selected as a monitoring port, as well as a monitored port
if it is enabled in the Port Statistics Page.
Figure 4-8 Advanced Switch Configuration Page
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Application Note 55 October 2001
Field Source Information
Field MIB Object(s) Syntax Access
Link Aggregation ar2224-oem ar2TrunkingMethod INTEGER
Packet ar2224-oem ar2PacketPrioritization INTEGER
MAC Address ar2224-oem ar2MacAddressFreezing INTEGER
Table Updating
Oversized Packetar2224-oem ar2ForwardOversizedPacket INTEGER
VLAN Filtering ar2224-oem ar2VlanFiltering ` INTEGER
Frame Paused ar2224-oem ar2PauseFrameControl INTEGER
Aging Time ar2224-oem ar2AgingTimeSelection INTEGER
Bandwidth Ratio ar2224-oem ar2BandwidthRatio INTEGER
LED Flashing ar2224-oem ar2EnableTxLED INTEGER
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Application Note 56 October 2001
LED Dis pl ay ar2224-oem ar2LedDisplayMode INTEGER
LED Dis pl ay ar2224-oem ar2LedShowCollision INTEGER
Mode for Collision
Frame Pause ar2224-oem ar2DisablePause INTEGER
Monitoring Port ar2224-oem ar2 ArchIfaceMonitoringPort Integer32
4.5 System Configuration Page
Figure 4-9 shows the System Configuration page. This page allows you to view
and modify some of the MIB II System Group objects, as well as the OEM Product/
MIB Product Name displayed on each Console screen and Web page. All four
fields(System Name, System Location, Sustem Contact, Product Name) can be modified by user.
Figure 4-9 System Configuration Page
User’s Guide
Application Note 57 October 2001
Field Source Information
Field MIB Object(s) Syntax Access
System RFC1907 sysDescr DisplayString R-O
System Object RFC1907 sysObjectID OBJECTIDENTIFIER R-O
Num Network RFC2233 ifNumber Integer32 R-O
System Up RFC1907 sysUpTime TimeTicks R-O
System Name RFC1907 sysName DisplayString R-W
System RFC1907 sysLocation DisplayString R-W
System RFC1907 sysContact DisplayString R-W
Product Name TMS-Common tmsCommonMiscProductNa me DisplayString R-W
4.6 Port Configuration / Statistics Page
Figure 4-10 shows the Port Configuration / Statistics page. This page allows user
to enable or disable ports, to set port speed(auto-negotiate:default), to enable or disable
port in monitored mode, to set port in high or normal priority, and displays link
condition with various statistics on each port.
To select a particular port to configure or view, select the appropriatenumbers from
the Unit and Port drop-down boxes. If a specific speed wants to be selected, then
select the speed and hit APPLY. If its link partner honors the speed, the link will be up.
Otherwise, the link will be down. Therefore, select Auto-negotiation is recommended.
When Spanning Tree is enabled in the Advanced-System page, the STP State
User’s Guide
Application Note 58 October 2001
Filed on a port will be active.
Port Prioity can be set to high or normal, which means that packets go
out based on this priority setting, if the Source Port is selected in the Packet
Prioitization field under the System-Advanced page. Setting high or normal priority
in this Port Priority field also sets the Priority field in the VLAN/GVRP page.
Note: depending on the Ethernet PHY’s used in the link, including its link partner,
the reading of the link status can take extended period of time. To ensure the Link Status
is read correctly, wait until the LEDs display on the link are on, then hit REFRESH
button to get the reading.
Figure 4-10 Port Configuration / Statistics Page
User’s Guide
Application Note 59 October 2001
Field Source Information
Field MIB Object(s) Syntax Access
Unit ar2224-oem ar2Ar chIfaceUnit Integer32 N-A
Port ar2224-oem ar2ArchIfacePort Integer32 N-A
ifIndex ar2224-oem ar 2A r chIfaceIfInd ex Integer32 R-O
State ar2224-oem ar2A rchIfaceEnable TruthValue R-W
Set Speed ar2224-oem ar2ArchIfaceDuplexSpeedSet INTEGER R-W
STP State stpMib stpDot1dStpPortState INTEGER R-O
Link ar2224-oem ar2ArchIfaceLink INTEGER R-O
Actual Speed ar2224-oem ar2ArchIfaceDuplexSpeedGet INTEGER R-O
type ar2224-oem ar2ArchIfaceType INTEGER R-O
Monitored ar2224-oem ar2ArchIfaceMonitorEnable TruthValue
Port ar2Swapi sDot1dPortDefaultUserPriority INTEGER
ReceiveNoPause ar2224-oem ar2PortWaterMarkReceiveNoPause INTEGER
ReceivePause ar2224-oem ar2PortWaterMarkReceivePause INTEGER
ReceiveDropNonCritical ar2224-oem ar2PortWaterMarkReceiveDropNonCritical INTEGER
ReceiveDropAll ar2224-oem ar2PortWaterMarkReceiveDropAll INTEGER
TransmitDropNonCritical ar2224-oem ar2PortWaterMarkTransmitDropNonCritical INTEGER
TransmitDropAll ar2224-oem ar2PortWaterMarkTransmitDropAll INTEGER
TransmitNoDrop ar2224-oem ar2PortWaterMarkTransmitNoDrop INTEGER
ReceiveQueueFullDrop ar2224-oem ar2PortStatusReceiveQueueFullDrop TruthValue
ReceivedCRCError ar2224-oem ar2PortStatusReceivedCRCError TruthValue
LateCollisionDetected ar2224-oem ar2PortStatusLateCollisionDetected TruthValue
Active ar2224-oem ar2PortStatusActive TruthValue
TransmitQueueFull ar2224-oem ar2PortStatusTransmitQueueFull TruthValue
CriticalEventDetected ar2224-oem ar2PortStatusCriticalEventDetected TruthValue
TransmitFIFOUnderrun ar2224-oem ar2PortStatusTransmitFIFOUnderrun TruthValue
User’s Guide
Application Note 60 October 2001
ReceiveFIFOOverrun ar2224-oem ar2PortStatusReceiveFIFOOverrun TruthValue
DropEvents ar2Swapi sEtherStatsDropEv ents Counter R-O
Octets ar2Swapi sEtherStatsOctets Counter R-O
Pkts ar2Swapi sEtherStatsPkts Counter R-O
BroadcastPkts ar2Swapi sEtherStatsBroadcastP kts Counter R-O
MulticastPkts ar2Swapi sEtherStatsMulticastPkts Counter R-O
CRCAlignErrors ar2Swapi sEtherStatsCRCAlignErrors Counter R-O
UndersizePkts ar2Swapi sEtherStatsUndersiz ePkts Counter R-O
OversizePkts ar2Swapi sEtherStatsOversizePkts Counter R-O
Fragments ar2Swapi sEtherStatsFragment s Counter R-O
Jabbers ar2Swapi sEtherStatsJabbers Counter R-O
Collisio n s ar2Swapi sEtherStatsCollision s Counter R-O
Pkts64Octet s ar2Swapi sEtherStatsPkts64Octets Counter R-O
Pkts65to1 27Octets ar2Swapi sEtherStatsPkts65to127Octets Counter R-O
Pkts128to255O c tets ar2Swapi sEtherStatsPkts128to255Oct ets Counter R-O
Pkts256to 53Octets ar2Swapi sEtherStatsPkts256to53Octets Counter R-O
Pkts512to223O c tets ar2Swapi sEtherStatsPkts512to223Oct ets Counter R-O
Pkts224to1518Octets ar2Swapi sEtherStatsPkt s22 4to15 18O ctets Counter R-O
In Octets rfc2233 ifInOctets Counter32 R-O
In Ucast Pkts rfc2233 ifInUcastPkts Counter32
In NUcast Pkts rfc2233 ifInNUcastPkts Counter32
In Discards rfc2233 ifInDiscards Counter32
In Errors rfc2233 ifInErrors Counter32
In Unknown Protos rfc2233 ifInUnknownProtos Counter32
Out Octets rfc2233 ifOutOctets Counter32
Out Ucast Pkts rfc2233 ifOutUcastPkts Counter32
Out NUcast Pkts rfc2233 ifOutNUcastPkts Counter32
Out Discards rfc2233 ifOutDiscards Counter32
Out Errors rfc2233 ifOutErrors Counter32
User’s Guide
Application Note 61 October 2001
Drop-down Box Information
Field Drop-down Box Values Note
Unit 1 Will change when stacking is supported
Port 1, 2, …, 26 Default: 1
State enable, disable Default: enable
Set Speed autonegotiate, half-10, full-10, half-100, full-100 Based on port type (ports 1 to 24)
(FE ports)
Set Speed full-1000 Based on port type (ports 25 and 26)
(Gbps ports)
Note: When a VDSL port is selected, there is a VDSL Port Configuration / Statistics
page display.(Fig.4-11). There are two fileds which are user configurable:
Ethernet Configuration and VDSL Configuration. User can set the speed of the
Ethernet PHY in the LT modem chip(22822) via the Swtich. The default is auto-negotiate,
and Actual Speed reading should normally be 100Mbps. This is the Ethernet connection
between the Switch and the Ethernet PHY within the VDSL modedem.
In the VDSL Configuration setting, the default VDSL speed is 10Mbps. However,
if the link condition can’t support this speed, it will come down to an agreed-upon
speed with its link partn er .
User’s Guide
Application Note 62 October 2001
Figure 4-11 VDSL Port Conf iguration / Statistics Page
Field Source Information
Field MIB Object(s) Syntax Access
Set Speed ar2224-oem ar2 VDSLDuplexSpeedSet INTEGER R- W
Link ar2224-oem ar2VDSLLink INTEGER R-O
Actual Speed ar2224-oem ar2VDSLDuplexSpeedGet INTEGER R-O
Corrected RS Errors ar2224-oem ar2VDSLCorrectedRSErrors Counter32 R-O
Frequency DS (MHz) ar2224-oem ar2VDSLFrequencyDS INTEGER R-O
Frequency US (MHz) ar2224-oem ar2VDSLFrequencyUS INTEGER R-O
Constellation DS ar2224-oem ar2VDSLConstellationDS INTEGER R-O
Constellation US ar2224-oem ar2VDSLConstellationUS INTEGER R-O
When port type is GMAC, this page will swap to GMAC Port Configuration / Statistics page.
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Application Note 63 October 2001
Figure 4-12 GMA C Port Configuration / Statistics Page
Field Source Information
Field MIB Object(s) Syntax Access
Set Speed ar2224-oem ar2GmacSpeed INTEGER R-W
ar2224-oem ar2GmacAutoNegotiateEnable TruthValue R-W
Link ar2224-oem ar2GmacLinkOK TruthValue R-O
Actual Speed ar2224-oem ar2GmacSpeed INTEGER R-O
type ar2224-oem ar2ArchIfaceType INTEGER R-O
Mode ar2224-oem ar2GmacMode Integer32 R-O
Transmit ar2224-oem ar2GmacTransmitPauseEnable TruthValue R-W
Transmit IGP ar2224-oem ar2GmacTransmitIGP INTEGER R-O
Receive ar2224-oem ar2GmacReceivePauseEnable TruthValue R-W
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Application Note 64 October 2001
4.7 Serial Configuration Page
Figure 4-13 shows the Serial Configuration page. This page allows user to edit the
baud rate and view other information about the serial interface.
Figure 4-13 Serial Configuration Page
Field Source Information
Field MIB Object(s) Syntax Access Notes
Baud Rate TMS-Comm on tmsCommonMiscBaud INTEGER R-W
Character Size none ------------------------ ---------- -------- hard coded to 8
Parity none ------------------------ ---------- -------- hard coded to None
Stop Bits none ------------------------ ---------- -------- hard coded to 1
Flow Control none ------------------------ ---------- -------- hard coded to None
User’s Guide
Application Note 65 October 2001
Drop-down Box Information
Field Drop-down Box Values Note
Baud Rate 2400, 9600, 19200, 38400 Default: 38400
4.8 Password Modification Page
Figure 4-14 shows the Password Modification page. The password, which is case
sensitive, can be up to 16 characters. To change the password, enter the new
password, then re-enter the password for confirmation. Once you click Apply or
Save, the new password is active and the Login Dialog box (shown in Figure 4-15)
is displayed. To return to the Web page, user must enter the new password then
click OK.
Figure 4-14 Password Modification Page
User’s Guide
Application Note 66 October 2001
Field Source Information
Field MIB Object(s) Syntax Access
New Password TMS-Common tmsCommonMiscPas s word Display String R-W
Re-type TMS-Common tmsCommonMiscPas s word DisplayString R-W
Figure 4-15 Login Dialog Box
4.9 SNMP Target Page
Figure 4-16 shows the SNMP Target page. This page allows you to view and
modify some of the SNMP-TARGET-MIB objects. The page displays the Target
Addresses and Target Address Parameters tables. The tables are each in a separate
frame on the page, so they scroll independently. The titles for each of the tables are
in their own non-scrolling frames, so title is alway s visible as you scroll through
the table. When creating an SNMP Target Address, user should enter a 6-byte address
in decimal notation under the Transport Address Field. These 6 bytes are composed of
the IP address which is the first 4 bytes, and the well-known port number in byte 5 and 6.
The Target address is the PC address(e.g. and the well-known port for the SNMP
trap is 162. Therefore, the entire Transport Address can be entered as
User can add new Target Addresses/Parameters to the existing three (v1, v2,v3) entries.
However, the Name can’t exceed 6 characters long. If any entry is invalid or the SNMP
Target is not configured properly to receive uers-entered MIB objects, the s/w will not warn.
User’s Guide
Application Note 67 October 2001
The SNMP Target simply won’t recognize the Trap sent by the Switch. It is recommended
to use the default settings first before adding or changing any entries in these two screens.
An example to see how SNMP trap would work it to install a SNMP server s/w on your PC,
the s/w can be purchased from a number of SNMP vendors. After it is setup properly,
disconnect a cable from any ports, you should see link up/down messages showing on the PC.
Figure 4-16 SNMP Target Page
Field Source Information for SNMP Target Addresses
Field MIB Object Syntax Access Notes
Entry --- --- --- --- Selects active row
Name RFC2573 snmpTargetAddrN ame SnmpAdminString N-A
User’s Guide
Application Note 68 October 2001
Transport RFC2573 s nmpT argetAddrTDomain TDomain R-C
Transport RFC2573 snmpTargetAddrTAddress TAddress R-C
Timeout RFC2573 snmpTargetAddrTimeout TimeInterval R-C Default: 1500
Retry RFC2573 snmpTargetAddrRetryCount Integer32 R-C Defau lt: 3
Tag List RFC2573 snmpTargetA ddrTagList SnmpTagList R-C De fault:""
Parameters RFC2573 snmpTargetA ddrPar ams SnmpAdminString R-C
Storage RFC2573 snmpTargetAddrStorageType StorageType R-C Default:nonvo latile
Status RFC2573 snmpT argetA ddrRo wStatus RowStatus R-C
Drop-down Box Information for SNMP Target Addresses
Field Drop-down Box Values
Entry 1, 2, …, (total number of ro ws)
Storage Type other, volatile, nonVolatile, permanent, readOnly
Field Source Information for SNMP Target Parameters
Field MIB Object Syntax Access Notes
Entry --- --- --- --- Selects active row
Name RFC2573 snmpTargetParamsName SnmpAdminString N-A
MP RFC2573 snmpTar getPara m sMPModel SnmpMessag eProcessingModel R-C
Security RFC2573 snmpTargetParamsSecurityModel SnmpSecu rityModel R-C
Security RFC2573 snmpTargetParamsSecurityName SnmpAdminString R-C
Security RFC2573 snmpTargetParamsSecurityLevel SnmpSecurityLevel R-C
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Application Note 69 October 2001
Storage RFC2573 snmpTargetParamsStorageType StorageType R-C Default:nonVolatile
Status RFC2573 snmpTargetParamsRowStatus RowStatus R-C
Drop-down Box Information for SNMP Target Parameters
Field Drop-down Box Values
Entry 1, 2, …, (total number of ro ws)
Security Level noAuthNoPriv, authNoPriv, authPriv
Storage Type other, volatile, nonVolatile, permanent, readOnly
4.10 SNMP Notification Page
Figure 4-17 shows the SNMP Notification page. This page allows you to view and
add/modify some of the SNMP-NOTIFICATION-M IB objects. The page displays the
SNMP Notify Table, SNMP Notify Filter Profile, and SNMP Notify Filter Table.
The tables are each in a separate frame on the page, so they scroll independently.
The titles for each of the tables are in their own non-scrolling frames, so title is
always visible as you scroll through the table. After adding/modifying an entry, user must
hit APPLY button and ensure the entry is active where it displays at the end of the row.
In the Notify Table, user can set Tag parameters by adding or removing rfcs.
For example, if you remove rfc2233, you will not be able to see the link up/down trap.
If you remove rfc1907, you will not be able to see the authentication trap.
In the SNMP Notify Filter Table, user can change the Subtree, Mask and Type MIB to
set different filter criteria. For example, if Subtree is changed to from to,
Mask is oxff, type is include, then link up/down trap will not be sent. User can play
with different Maks bits and Type field to see the effect. However, before changing any
parameters in the tables, record the default settings. Note that the Subtree fields
in the SNMP Notify Filter Table may be empty, with no lines around those cells in the table.
This is because an empty string is a valid subtree value and HTML tables translate empty
strings in this manner. The Subtree number is entirely user-editable; however, because of
the filtering function of the Mask bits and include/exclude type, it can makeTrap
MIB not reachable to the SNMP Manager.
User’s Guide
Application Note 70 October 2001
Figure 4-17 SNMP Notificati on Page
Field Source for SNMP Notify Table
Field MIB Object Syntax Access Notes
Entry --- --- --- --- Selects active row
Name RFC2573 snmpNotifyName SnmpAdminString N/A
Tag RFC2573 snmpNotifyTag SnmpTagValue R-C
Type RFC2573 snmpNotifyT ype INTEGER R-C Default: trap(1)
Storage Type RFC2573 snmpNotifyStorageType StorageType R-C
Status RFC2573 snmpNotifyRowStatus RowStatus R-C
Drop-down Box Information for SNMP Notify Table
Field Drop-down Box Values
Entry 1, 2, …, (total number of ro ws)
Type trap, inform
Storage Type other, volatile, nonVolatile, permanent, readOnly
User’s Guide
Application Note 71 October 2001
Field Source for Notify Filter Profile Table
Field MIB Object Syntax Access Notes
Entry --- --- --- --- Selects active row
Name RFC2573 snmpNotifyFilterProfileName SnmpAdminString R-C
Storage Type RFC2573 snmpNotifyFilterProfileStorT ype StorageType R-C
Status RFC2573 snmpNotifyFilterProfileRowStatus RowStatus R-C
Drop-down Box Information for Notify Filter Profile Table
Field Drop-down Box Values
Entry 1, 2, …, (total number of ro ws)
Storage Type other, volatile, nonVolatile, permanent, readOnly
Field Source for Notify Filter Table
Field MIB Object Syntax Access Notes
Entry --- --- --- --- Selects
active row
Subtree RFC2573 snmpNotifyFilterSubtree OBJECT IDENTIFIER N/A
Mask RFC2573 snmpN otifyFilterMask OCTET STRING R-C
Type RFC2573 snmpNotifyFilterType INTEGER R-C
Storage Type RFC2573 snmpNotifyFilterStorageType StorageType R-C
Drop-down Box Information for Notify Filter Table
Field Drop-down Box Values
Entry 1, 2, …, (total number of ro ws)
Type included, excluded
Storage Type other, volatile, nonVolatile, permanent, readOnly
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Application Note 72 October 2001
4.11 Spanning Tree Bridge Parameters Page
Figure 4-18 shows the Spanning Tree Bridge Parameters page. This page allows
user to view and edit spanning tree bridge parameters. Settimgs such as Proirty,
Hello Time, Forward Delay, Aging Time can all be edited or changed, but normally
It is not necessary to change these settings.
Default Priority is set to 32768 which is the midpoint of 65536(16-bit) to calculate
Root. Hello Time 200 means STP packets will be sent out every 2 seconds by the CPU.
Figure 4-18 Spanning Tree Bridge Parameters Page
Field Source Information
Field MIB Object(s) Syntax Access
Designated stpMib stpDot1dStpDesignatedRoot BridgeId R-O
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Application Note 73 October 2001
Priority stpMib stpDot1dStpPriority INTEGER R-W
Hello Time stpMib stpDot1dStpBridgeHelloTime Timeout R-W
Forward Delay stpMib stpDot1dStpBridgeForwardDelay Timeout R-W
Max Age stpMib stpDot1dStpBridgeMaxAge Timeout R-W
Root Port stpMib stpDot1dStpRootPort INTEGER R-O
Root Cost stpMib stpDot1dStpRootCost INTEGER R-O
Topology stpMib stpDot1dStpTopChanges Counter R-O
Aging Time ar2Swapi sDot1dTpAgingTime INTEGER R-W
4.11 Spanning Tree Port Parameters Page
Figure 4-19 shows the Spanning Tree Port Parameters page. The Spanning Tree
Port Parameters page allows you to view and edit spanning tree port status and parameters.
Use the Enable field to enable or disable Spanning Tree on a port. In order to
enable this pag e, the Spanning Tree must be enabled on the Switch Configuration page first.
Use the drop-down boxes to select the unit and port you want to edit.
To test if the Switch indeed processes the STP, the easiest way is to connect two ports
together, which create a loop. After REFRESH, you should see the higher port # is either
in blocked mode or learn mode. Therefore, only the lower-numbered port is in the forward state.
In the event that user wants to override the lower-numbered port wins scheme, a lower
priority number can be given in the Priority field(default is 128). When a lower priority number
is given to the high-numbered port, it will allow the port to be elected as the designated port.
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Application Note 74 October 2001
Figure 4-19 Spanning Tree Port Parameters Page
Field Source Information
Field MIB Object(s) Syntax Access Notes
Unit ar2224-oem ar2ArchIfaceUnit Integer32 N-A
Port ar2224-oem ar2ArchIfacePort Integer32 N-A
Bridge Port stpMib stpDot1dStpPort INTEGER R-O Linear with holes,
1 to 26 for a single unit
Enable ar2224-oem ar2ArchIfaceSTPEnabl e TruthValue R-W STP per interface
Path Cost stpMib stpDot1dStpPortPathCost INTEGER R-O Read-o nly
Priority stpMib stpDot1dStpPortPriority INTEGER R-W
Forward stpMib stpDot1dStpPortForwardTransitions Counter R-O
State stpMib stpDot1dStpPortState INTEGER R-O
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Application Note 75 October 2001
Field Drop-down Box Values Notes
Unit 1 Wil l cha nge for sta cki ng
Port 1, 2, …, 26 Default: 1
Enable enable, disable Default: enable
4.12 VLAN /Multicast Groups:
This section allows user to set up Vlan domains, and IGMP Multicast groups to allow IGMP
snooping. In order to establish a port-based vlan properly, follow the instruction in 4.12.1
and 4.12.2. For IGMP snooping, follow instructions in 4.12.3. Note: Current VLANs,
Global VLAN, Current Multicast Groups, Static Multicast Groups, and GARP/GMRP
pages are not implemented in Ar2224 s/w.
4.12.1 Static VLAN Configuration Page
Figure 4-20 shows the Static VLAN Configuration page. This read-write page
allows user to edit/add Vlans for the Swtich. There are two
main parts on this page: the active row and the list box. The active
row is the top row, which is editable. The list box below the editable row contains
a list of the available static VLANs, identified by VID and Name.
To add a new VLAN, enter the data into the active row, then click Apply or Save.
The VID and Name of the new row created will be added to the list box.
To edit an existing VLAN, click the appropriate VLAN in the list box. That VLAN
will appear in the active row, where you can edit it as needed. When you are
finished ed iti ng, clic k Apply or Save.
To delete a VLAN, click the appropriate VLAN in the list box. That VLAN will
appear in the active row. Click Delete to delete that VLAN. It will then be
removed from the list box.
After VLAN tables are created, you must also go to the VLAN/GVRP Configuration
User’s Guide
Application Note 76 October 2001
page to assign each port a PVID number, which is the VLAN number you have created .
Only after both are created, and VLAN Filtering bit is enabled in the System-Advanced page,
VLAN becomes effective. If you entered an invalid PVID number which does not exist
in the VLAN table, you will not get a warning, but the PVID will always stay on 1.
Multi-VLANs assigned to a port:
There are situations where a port(i.e. a printer port) must service several VLANs.
Since in the PVID field, only one vlan # can be entered. Therefore, user must create
a new vlan # that contains this multi-vlan port, AND include those ports , ha vi ng its vl an
number, in the new vlan. After the new vlan is created in the Static VLAN table,
go to the VLAN/GVRP port page, enter the newly created vlan # in the PVID field
for that multi-vlan port. Don’t change the PVID on those ports that
have its own vlan number. After these two steps are done, user can ping from
the multi-vlan port to any individual vlan port or vice versa. However, the individual
vlan ports can’t ping across its vlan boundry.
On each mouse click the value toggles to one of the following values:
Character Translation Meaning
- Non-member For each port that is NOT a member of this VLAN
M Member For each port that is a permanent member of this VLAN
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Application Note 77 October 2001
Figure 4-20 Static VLAN Configu r ation Page
Field Source Information
Field MIB Object(s) Syntax Access
Unit ar2224-oem ar2A rchIfaceUnit Integer32 N-A
VID ar2Swapi sDot1qVlanIndex VlanIndex N-A
Egress Ports ar2Swapi sDot1qVlanStaticEgressPorts PortList R-C
(not labeled)
Status ar2Swapi sDot1qVlanStaticRowStatus RowStatus R-O
Drop-down Box/Toggle Information
Field Drop-down Box/Toggle Values Notes
Unit 1 Will change for stacked switch
VID valid values
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Application Note 78 October 2001
Egress Ports -, M Toggle available for each port
Note that the default VLAN #1 which includes all the ports is not deletable or changeable.
Ar2224 allows up to 4094 port-based VLAN’s.
4.12.2 VLAN / GVRP Port Configuration Page
Figure 4-21 shows the VLAN and GVRP Port Configuration page. Select a VLAN
port to configure using the Unit and Port drop-down boxes. After a VLAN table is
established in the Static VLAN page, user must enter a PVID(port-based vlan ID)
for each port. The default setting is every port set to PVID=1. A port can be
assigned to Normal or High priority for packet processing. A VLAN membership
(VLAN#) must be established prior to the assignment of PVID; otherwise, a PVID
entry won’t be recognized by this page. Only after this page is properly established,
port-based VLAN wi ll bec o me effective.
Note: port priority can be set either from this page, or from the Port Cofiguration page.
Note: the Acceptable Frames, Ingress Filtering, Failed Registration fields are
not available forAr2224 s/w.
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Application Note 79 October 2001
Figure 4-21 VLAN / GVRP Port Configuration PagedfvsdfsaDCAS
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Application Note 80 October 2001
Field Source Information
Field MIB Object(s) Syntax Access Notes
Unit ar2224-oem ar2ArchIfaceUnit Integer32 N-A
Port ar2224-oem ar2ArchIfacePort Integer32 N-A
Bridge Port stpMib stpDot1dBasePort INTEGER R-O
ar2Swapi sDot1dBasePort INTEGER R-O
Priority ar2Swapi sDot1dPortDefaultUserPriority INTEGER R-W 0 to 1
PVID ar2Swapi sDot1qPvid VlanIndex R-W 1 – 4094
Field Drop-down Box Values Notes
Unit 1 Will cha nge for stacking
Port 1, 2, ..., (to tal number of por ts) All valid ports
Priority 0, 1
PVID 1 to 4094 Default: 1
4.12.3 IGMP Snooping Multicast
This is a read-only page in which the managed Switch diplays any IGMP Membership (Multicast)
Report Messages (MRM) sent by the host via snooping the IGMP multicast traffic over the network.
However, the membership information will be aged out by the Switch if it is not re-newed.(default:2 minutes).
After a host sends in the MRM, the di splay will show which VLAN this host belongs to, and displays the
multicast address that the host sent to the Switch.
Note: For Ar2224, the IGMP MRM doesn’t go across the VLAN boundry. This means for Snooping
to work properly, all hosts sending the Multicast Report Messages must reside in the same VLAN.
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Application Note 81 October 2001
Figure 11-31 Igmp Snooping Configuration Page
Field Source Information
Field MIB Object(s) Syntax Access
Unit ar2224-oem ar2ArchIfaceUnit Integer32 N-A
VID swApi dot1qVlanIndex INTEGER N-A
MacA ddr swApi dot1qStaticMulticastAddress MacAddress R-W
PortList tmsMib tmsCommonIgmpSnoopEgressPort portlist R-W
4.13 MAC Entry Configuration Page
Figure 4-23 shows the MAC Entry Configuration Page. This page allows user to
add or delete MAC entry. Normally, the MAC entries are updated automatically by
self- learning.
After the entry is recorded in the table, it can be aged out by seleting the desirable
User’s Guide
Application Note 82 October 2001
aging time in the MAC Address Table Updating fied in the System-Advanced page.
The default is 5 minutes which means the entry will disappear after 5 min if no activity,
after the REFRESH button is hit.
When a packet is sent to the Switch or a ping event occurred, a MAC entry is
updated. Set Priority to True in the MAC table would allow packets to go out
based on the Destination Address as discussed in the Packet Priority field in
the System-Advanced page. If an entry has the Critical field set to True or
user enters a MAC address, it can’t be aged out by the Switch automatically.
Note: when a cable is removed from a port and re-inserted to another port, with
the old MAC address already entered in the table but not expired, also the
Freeze_none or Freeze_all is selected, a user must ping or send a packet to
the Switch in order to see the new MAC entry is updated.
Figure 4-23 MAC Entry Configuration Page
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Application Note 83 October 2001
Field Source Information
Field MIB Object(s) Syntax Access
MAC Addres s ar2224-oem ar2MacAddress MacAddress, R-W
Priority ar2224-oem ar2MacPriority TruthValue, R-W
Critical ar2224-oem ar2MacCritical TruthValue, R-W
Type ar2224-oem ar2MacType INTEGER, R-W
Id ar2224-oem ar2MacId INTEGER, R-W
Static ar2224-oem ar2MacStatic TruthValue, R-O
AgingTime ar2224-oem ar2MacAgingTime INTEGER, R-O
Status ar2224-oem ar2MacRowStatus RowStatus R-O
4.14 LINK Aggregation Page
Figure 4-24 shows the Link Aggregation Page. This page
allows user to edit static LA configurations for one LA ID at a time. There are two
main parts to the interface on this page: the active row and the list box. The active
row is the top row, which is editable. The list box below the editable row contains
a list of the active static LAs, identified by LA ID.
To add a new LA, select a desired trunking pattern from the LA ID drop-down box
into the active row, then click Apply or Save. The new LA ID is added to the list box.
To delete a LA, select the desired LA from the LA ID drop-down box. Click Delete,
the LA is removed from the list box.
Character Translation Meaning
- Non-member Port is NOT a member of this LA
M Member Port is a member of this LA
The Ar2224 Swtich allows 2, 4, 8 ports to be aggregated. The distribution of the traffic
on the aggregated link is set by the Link Aggregation Method in System-Advanced Page,
from which packets are distributed according to frames’ SA, or DA, or SA ex-or with DA,
or none. For example, If two ports are aggregated, the distribution of the traffic is based on
the last bit in the SA or DA etc.. If four ports are aggregated, the distribution is then based
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Application Note 84 October 2001
on the last two bits in the SA or DA., etc..
Note 1: Dissimilar links can not be aggregated together.(GE ports/FE/VDSL ports).
Note 2: 10BASE-S ports can not be aggregated together.
Figure 4-24 Link Aggregation Configuration Page
Field Source Information
Field MIB Object(s) Syntax Access
Unit ar2224-oem ar2Ar chIfaceUnit Integer32 N-A
LA ID ar2224-oem ar2LinkAggregationGroup INTEGER R-W
Status ar2224-oem ar2LinkAggregationRowStatus RowStatus R-C
Drop-down Box Information
Field Drop-down Box Values Notes
Unit 1 Wil l cha nge for sta cki ng
LA ID 1, 2, …, 26 port 8,16,24 are not selectable
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Application Note 85 October 2001