1999 Feb 10 313
Philips Components Product specification
Power chip resistor
size 2512 PRC221
5%; 2%
Essentially all tests are carried out in accordance with the
schedule of
“IEC publication 60115-8”
, category
55/125/56 (rated temperature range −55 to +125 °C;
damp heat, long term, 56 days). The testing also covers
the requirements specified by EIA and EIAJ.
The tests are carried out in accordance with
IEC publication 60068,
“Recommended basic climatic and
mechanical robustness testing procedure for electronic
and under standard atmospheric conditions
in accordance with
“IEC 60068-1”
, subclause 5.3.
Unless otherwise specified the following values apply:
Temperature: 15 °Cto35°C
Relative humidity: 45% to 75%
Air pressure: 86 kPa to 106 kPa
(860 mbar to 1060 mbar).
In Table 4 the tests and requirements are listed with
reference to the relevant clauses of
“IEC publications 60115-8 and 60068”
; a short
description of the test procedure is also given. In some
instances deviations from the IEC recommendations were
necessary for our method of specifying.
All soldering tests are performed with mildly activated flux.
Table 4 Test procedures and requirements
Tests in accordance with the schedule of IEC publication 60115-8
4.4.1 visual
examination no holes; clean surface;
no visible damage
4.17 20 (Ta) solderability unmounted chips completely immersed for
2±0.5 s in a solder bath at 235 ±2°Cgood tinning (≥95% covered);
no visible damage
4.18 20 (Tb) resistance to
soldering heat unmounted chips; 10 ±1s;260±5°C no visible damage
∆R/R max.: ±(0.5% + 0.05 Ω)
4.13 short time
overload room temperature; dissipation 6.25 ×Pn;
5 s (voltage not more than 2 ×Vmax)∆R/R max.: ±(1% + 0.05 Ω)
4.33 bending resistors mounted on a 90 mm glass
epoxy resin PCB (FR4), bending: 2 mm no visible damage
∆R/R max.: ±(1% + 0.05 Ω)
4.19 14 (Na) rapid change of
temperature 30 minutes at LCT and
30 minutes at UCT; 5 cycles no visible damage
∆R/R max.: ±(0.5% + 0.05 Ω) insulation
resistance 250 V (DC) after 1 minute Rins min.: 10000 MΩ
4.24.2 3 (Ca) damp heat
(steady state) 56 days; 40 ±2°C; 93 +2/−3% RH;
loaded with 0.01 Pn
no visible damage
∆R/R max.: ±(3% + 0.05 Ω)
4.25.1 endurance 1000 +48/−0 hours; 70 ±2°C;
nominal dissipation;
1.5 hours on, 0.5 hour off
no visible damage
∆R/R max.: ±(3% + 0.05 Ω) temperature
coefficient at 20/LCT/20 °C and 20/UCT/20 °C:
1Ω≤R<4.99 Ω∆R/R max.: ±300 ×10−6/K
5.1 Ω≤R<9.76 Ω∆R/R max.: ±200 ×10−6/K
10 Ω≤R<1MΩ∆R/R max.: ±100 ×10−6/K
1MΩ≤R<10 MΩ∆R/R max.: ±200 ×10−6/K