Philips Components Product specification Power chip resistor size 2512 FEATURES * Reduced size of final equipment PRC221 5%; 2% QUICK REFERENCE DATA DESCRIPTION VALUE * Low assembly costs Resistance range * Higher component and equipment reliability. 1 to10 M; jumper E24 series Resistance tolerance 5%; 2% Temperature coefficient: APPLICATIONS 1 R < 4.99 300 x 10-6/K * Power supplies 5.1 R < 9.76 200 x 10-6/K * Printers 10 R < 1 M 100 x 10-6/K * Computers 1 M R < 10 M 200 x 10-6/K * Battery chargers Absolute maximum dissipation at Tamb = 70 C 1 W * Automotive Maximum permissible voltage 250 V (DC or RMS) * Converters Climatic category (IEC 60068) 55/125/56 * CD-ROM. Operating temperature range -55 C to +125 C Basic specification IEC 60115-8 DESCRIPTION The resistors are constructed on a high grade ceramic body (aluminium oxide). Internal metal electrodes are added at each end and connected by a resistive paste which is applied to the top surface of the substrate. The composition of the paste is adjusted to give the approximate resistance required and the value is trimmed to within tolerance, by laser cutting of this resistive layer. The resistive layer is covered with a protective coating and printed with the resistance value. Finally, the two external end terminations are added. To guarantee optimum solderability the outer layer consists of a lead-tin alloy. 1999 Feb 10 309 Philips Components Product specification Power chip resistor size 2512 PRC221 5%; 2% ORDERING INFORMATION Table 1 Ordering code indicating resistor type and packaging ORDERING CODE 2322 762 ..... TYPE TOL. (%) SERIES BLISTER TAPE ON REEL 4000 units PRC221 5 2 E24 - - 60... 80... Jumper PRC221 Ordering code (12NC) * The resistors have a 12-digit ordering code starting with 2322 762; see Table 1. * The subsequent 2 digits indicates the resistor type and packaging * The remaining digits indicate the resistance value: - The first 2 digits indicate the resistance value. - The last digit indicates the resistance decade in accordance with Table 2. 1999 Feb 10 Table 2 90000 Last digit of 12NC RESISTANCE DECADE LAST DIGIT 1 to 9.1 8 10 to 91 9 100 to 910 1 1 to 9.1 k 2 10 to 91 k 3 100 to 910 k 4 1 to 9.1 M 5 10 M 6 310 ORDERING EXAMPLE The ordering code of a PRC221 resistor, value 47 with 5% tolerance, supplied on blister tape of 4 000 units per reel is: 2322 762 60479. Philips Components Product specification Power chip resistor size 2512 PRC221 5%; 2% FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION DERATING Product characterization The power that the resistor can dissipate depends on the operating temperature; see Fig.1. Standard values of nominal resistance are taken from the E24 series for resistors with a tolerance of 5% and 2%. The values of the E24 series are in accordance with "IEC publication 60063". CCB413 handbook, halfpage Pmax (%Prated) 100 Limiting values TYPE 50 LIMITING LIMITING VOLTAGE(1) POWER (V) (W) PRC221 250 1 0 -55 Note 1. The maximum voltage that may be continuously applied to the resistor element, see "IEC publication 60115-8". 1999 Feb 10 Fig.1 0 50 70 100 125 Tamb (C) Maximum dissipation (Pmax) in percentage of rated power as a function of the ambient temperature (Tamb). 311 Philips Components Product specification Power chip resistor size 2512 MECHANICAL DATA PRC221 5%; 2% Outlines Mass per 100 units TYPE PRC221 MASS (g) protective coat 4.25 resistor layer Marking inner electrode Each resistor is marked with the nominal resistance value. T end termination ceramic substrate 4-DIGIT MARKING tb For values up to 910 the R is used as a decimal point. For values of 1 k or greater the first 3 digits apply to the resistance value and the fourth indicates the number of zeros to follow. protective coat tt 8202 W Example MARKING marking RESISTANCE 12R0 12 8202 82 k CCB286 L PACKAGE MARKING The packaging is also marked and includes resistance value, tolerance, catalogue number, quantity, production period, batch number and source code. For dimensions see Table 3. Fig.2 Outlines. Table 3 TYPE PRC221 1999 Feb 10 Chip resistor type and relevant physical dimensions; see Fig.2 L (mm) W (mm) T (mm) tt (mm) tb (mm) 6.4 0.2 3.1 0.2 0.55 0.10 0.65 0.25 1.3 0.25 312 Philips Components Product specification Power chip resistor size 2512 PRC221 5%; 2% Unless otherwise specified the following values apply: TESTS AND REQUIREMENTS Temperature: 15 C to 35 C Essentially all tests are carried out in accordance with the schedule of "IEC publication 60115-8", category 55/125/56 (rated temperature range -55 to +125 C; damp heat, long term, 56 days). The testing also covers the requirements specified by EIA and EIAJ. The tests are carried out in accordance with IEC publication 60068, "Recommended basic climatic and mechanical robustness testing procedure for electronic components" and under standard atmospheric conditions in accordance with "IEC 60068-1", subclause 5.3. Relative humidity: 45% to 75% Air pressure: 86 kPa to 106 kPa (860 mbar to 1060 mbar). In Table 4 the tests and requirements are listed with reference to the relevant clauses of "IEC publications 60115-8 and 60068" ; a short description of the test procedure is also given. In some instances deviations from the IEC recommendations were necessary for our method of specifying. All soldering tests are performed with mildly activated flux. Table 4 Test procedures and requirements IEC 60115-8 CLAUSE IEC 60068-2 TEST METHOD TEST PROCEDURE REQUIREMENTS Tests in accordance with the schedule of IEC publication 60115-8 4.4.1 visual examination no holes; clean surface; no visible damage 4.17 20 (Ta) solderability unmounted chips completely immersed for good tinning (95% covered); 2 0.5 s in a solder bath at 235 2 C no visible damage 4.18 20 (Tb) resistance to soldering heat unmounted chips; 10 1 s; 260 5 C 4.13 short time overload room temperature; dissipation 6.25 x Pn; 5 s (voltage not more than 2 x Vmax) R/R max.: (1% + 0.05 ) 4.33 bending resistors mounted on a 90 mm glass epoxy resin PCB (FR4), bending: 2 mm no visible damage rapid change of temperature 30 minutes at LCT and 30 minutes at UCT; 5 cycles no visible damage insulation resistance 250 V (DC) after 1 minute Rins min.: 10000 M damp heat (steady state) 56 days; 40 2 C; 93 +2/-3% RH; loaded with 0.01 Pn no visible damage endurance 1000 +48/-0 hours; 70 2 C; nominal dissipation; 1.5 hours on, 0.5 hour off no visible damage 4.19 14 (Na) 4.24.2 4.25.1 1999 Feb 10 3 (Ca) temperature coefficient no visible damage R/R max.: (0.5% + 0.05 ) R/R max.: (1% + 0.05 ) R/R max.: (0.5% + 0.05 ) R/R max.: (3% + 0.05 ) R/R max.: (3% + 0.05 ) at 20/LCT/20 C and 20/UCT/20 C: 1 R < 4.99 R/R max.: 300 x 10-6/K 5.1 R < 9.76 R/R max.: 200 x 10-6/K 10 R < 1 M R/R max.: 100 x 10-6/K 1 M R < 10 M R/R max.: 200 x 10-6/K 313 Philips Components Product specification Power chip resistor size 2512 IEC 60115-8 CLAUSE IEC 60068-2 TEST METHOD TEST PRC221 5%; 2% PROCEDURE REQUIREMENTS Other tests in accordance with IEC 60115 clauses and IEC 60068 test method 4.17 20 (Ta) solderability (after ageing) 8 hours steam or 16 hours at 155 C; good tinning (95% covered); unmounted chips completely immersed for no visible damage 2 0.5 s in a solder bath at 235 2 C leaching unmounted chips 60 1 s; 260 5 C good tinning; no leaching resistance to damp heat (steady state) 56 days; 40 2 C; 93 +2/-3% RH; loaded with 1 W or Vmax; 1.5 hours on, 0.5 hour off no visible damage Other applicable tests (JIS) C 5202 7.5 1999 Feb 10 314 R/R max.: (2% + 0.05 )