Oven controlled crystal oscillator (OCXO) with voltage control on a
FR4 base with a metal lid.
Model IQOV-162-3
Model Issue number 2
Frequency Parameters
Frequency 20.0MHz
Frequency Tolerance @ 25°C ±500.00ppb
Frequency Stability ±20.00ppb
Operating Temperature Range -40.00 to 85.00°C
Ageing ±5ppb max per day, ±500ppb max
per year
Supply Voltage Variation (measurement referenced to frequency
observed with TA=25°C, Vs varied from 3.13V to 3.47V, VC =1.65V
and load=15pF): ±10ppb max
Ageing: Vs, VC, TA constant measurement referenced to frequency
observed with TA=25°C, Vs= 3.3V, VC=1.65V and after 30 days of
Load Variation (5% load change measurement referenced to
frequency observed with TA=25°C, Vs=3.3V, VC =1.65V and
load=15pF): ±10ppb max
Short Term Stability - Allan Variance (temperature stability, no
EMI\EMC or other interference,test after power for 1hr ref. to 25°C;
1s, using PN9000 equipment): 0.1ppb max / 1sec
Frequency Tolerance (measurement referenced to frequency
observed with TA=25°C, Vs=3.3V, VC=1.65V and after 15 minutes of
operation, within 30 days after ex-works): ±500ppb
Frequency Stability: TA varied from -40°C to 85°C, measurement
referenced to frequency observed with fref=(fmax+fmin )/2, Vs=3.3V,
VC=1.65V, load=15pF, temperature variable speed less than 2°C per
Electrical Parameters
Supply Voltage
Supply Voltage Tolerance ±5%
Current Draw:
Warm up: 560mA max
Steady state (@ 25°C): 250mA max
Warm-Up Time (@ 25°C, F<±100ppb of final frequency): 5mins max
Frequency Adjustment
Pulling ±3ppm to ±8ppm
Control Voltage Details 1.65V ±1.65V
Linearity: ±10% max
Slope: Positive
Input Impedance: 100kΩ min
Output Details
Output Compatability HCMOS
Output Load 15pF
Rise and Fall time 8ns max
Duty Cycle 45/55%
Output Low (@ Vs=3.3V, load=15pF): 0.4V max
Output High (@ Vs=3.3V, load=15pF): 2.4V min