MF30 . Am p he al ol M F30 3.0 Power wafer, Micro Fit, 2 row, R/A, Dip, w/pegs 1 @- MF30 Series Type The body of wafer: Wafer: Wafer: No. of Positions 3.0mm Pitch S= SMT H= Horizontal Bo Ay Blank 02~24 D= Dip V= Vertical = wiVieta! Vip Housing: _ : P= wi/Pags Blank H= Housing Housing: Housing: on. ii orContact M=Male D= Housing ne F " F= Female Terminal: = Tin plate OPA Terminal: Blank M= Male F= Female MF30-DHP1 Circuit: Dimension Circuit Dimension Ircuits A B C ircuits A B Cc Last Circuit 2 6.7 _ 2.9 14 24.7 | 18.0 | 16.6 4 9.7 3.0 2.9 16 27.7 | 21.0 [| 19.6 6 12.7 6.0 2.9 18 30.7 | 24.0 | 22.6 8 15.7 9.0 7.6 20 | 33.7 | 27.0 | 25.6 10 18:7. |.12.0 | 10.6 22 | 36.7 | 30.0 | 28.6 12 21.7| 15.0 | 13.6 24 | 39.7 | 33.0 | 31.6 Circuit 1 Circuit 2 Board Lock 950 6.86 a\ | Qo oO} <| ) 0 fe] LO O 0.64+0.01 w Hi 2 B+0.10 } 1.50 3 _| 3,0+0.05 1.50 _ 3,00 _ ~| -pO6O Pd o- & dpO & PP 6_o p- & 6P 1d eg, Circuit 1 oH Oo a _| [2,150.05 2Pin 4Pin 6Pin PCB Layout General Specification Materials and Finish: Electrical: - Environment : Contact Resistance: 10 millionms max. at 1A DC Insulator: Glass-reinforce thermoplastic, UL 94V-0, Nylon 46, Color Black. Contact: Brass, Tin plated. Insulation Resistance: 1000 MQ min, at 500 V/DC. Dielectric Withstanding Voltage: 1500 V AC/RMS 60Hz for one minute. Current Rating: 5A AC, DC Voltage Rating: 250V AC/RMS 60Hz, DC Operating Temperature: -25 degree C to +105 degree CMF30 . MF30 Series Type The body of wafer: Wafer: 3.0mm Pitch S= SMT H= Horizontal E= wiEar tab D= Dip V= Vertical Sanam __H= Housing Housing: Housing. or Contact M= Male D= Housing BBRBSESE: } F= Female Terminal: Terminal: Blank M= Male F= Female MF30-DVP1 Last Circuit Circuit 1 Circuit 2 B+0.10 ] 3:00+0.05. _ 3.00+0.05 a oe ay iD. ay 1. hy YW NV WwW YY WwW ty We its. WV at fi iy. at 4 NY 0.94+0.05 ~~ Ly NY @1.02+0.05 = Circuit A q Am p a tS al oO l M F30 3.0 Power wafer, Micro Fit, 2 row, ST, Dip, w/pegs 1 [E@- Wafer: No. of Positions Blank 02~24 Housing: Blank Terminal: T= Tin plated Dimension Dimension B 0.94 Environment : Operating Temperature: -25 degree C to +105 degree C PCB Layout General Specification Materials and Finish : Electrical : Contact Resistance: 10 mO max. at Insulator: Glass-reinforce 1A DC ; thermoplastic, UL 94V-0, Nylon 46, Insulation Resistance: 1000 MQ min, Color Black. at 500 V/DC. Contact : Brass, Tin plated. Dielectric Withstanding Voltage : 1500 V AC/RMS 60Hz for one minute. Current Rating : 5A AC, DC Voltage Rating : 250V AC/RMS 60Hz, DCyVon p a tS n ol M F30 3.0 Power housing,Micro fit, 2 row, for Female contact. MF30 . 1 E@- MF30 Series Type The body of wafer: Wafer: Wafer: No. of Positions 3.0mm Pitch S= SMT H= Horizontal E= wiEar tab Blank 02~24 D= Dip V= Vertical Bo etal Clp Housing: . . = wirags H= Housing Housing: Housing: Blank orContact M=Male D= Housing alee 4 eM F= Female Terminal: = Tin plate as Terminal: Blank M= Male F= Female i : Oi ; Poles Imension PCS/BAG Poles mension PCS/BAG MF30-HFD1 A B A B 02 | | 3.85 | 1,000 14 |18.00] 21.85] 1,000 04 | 3.00 | 6.85 | 1,000 16 |21.00| 24.85] 1,000 06 | 6,00 |'9.85)). 1,000 18 |24.00| 27.85] 1,000 08 |9.00)|12.85| 1,000 20 |27.00| 30.85] 500 10... |12.00] 15.85| 1,000 22 |30.00| 33.85] 500 12 |15.00/18.85| 1,000 24 133.00] 36.85] 500 /"e 10 0-71 7 = _ p71 oO uoe - ada Vie nS 8640.24 K 3.0040.1 Circuit /S 2Pin A+t0.20 3.000. 1 14.00 4Pin General Specification Materials and Finish : Insulator: Glass-reinforce thermoplastic, UL 94V-0, Nylon 66, Color Black. Electrical (after assembled with MF30-HF1T-Xx): Contact Resistance: 10 mQ max. at 1A DC Insulation Resistance: 1000 MQ min, at 500 V/DC. Dielectric Withstanding Voltage : 1500 V AC/RMS 60Hz for one minute. Current Rating : 5A AC, DC Voltage Rating : 250V AC/RMS 60Hz, DC Environment: Operating Temperature: -25 degree C to +105 degree CAmphenol Blizxt Micro fit, Female, tin plated. MF30 . MF30 Series Type The body of wafer: Wafer: 3.0mm Pitch S= SMT H= Horizontal E= wiEar tab D= Dip V= Vertical ce wiMetal Clip H= Housing Housing: Housing. or Contact M= Male D= Housing F= Female Terminal: eee Terminal: Blank aes M= Male a F= Female MF30-HF1T 6.35 J g | a | & (| a ao) q T/ ) s A A i Co BY Fi B Co B CT) 3 o c| ff IC 2.20 \ f | w+ D| ID [| 1.12+0.10 2.60 2.20 Part No. M MF30-HF1T | 0.59 wl 3 9 8 MF30-HFIT-A | 0.54 = oy N ni M+0.03 A-A B-B Terminal contact for 3.0 Power housing, 1 [E@- Wafer: Blank Housing: Blank Terminal: T= Tin plated No. of Positions 02~24 0.20+0.05 0.85 2.05 ILI 3.50 11.00+0.25 6.70 | | 1.50 3 12 ID D-D General Specification Materials and Finish : Contact : Phosphor Bronze Finish: Tin plated Application Wires: AWG# 20~24 Electrical (after assembled with MF30-HFD1-XX): Contact Resistance: 10 mQ max. at 1A DC Insulation Resistance: 1000 MQ min, at 500 V/DC. Dielectric Withstanding Voltage : 1500 V AC/RMS 60Hz for one minute. Current Rating : 5A AC, DC Voltage Rating : 250V AC/RMS 60Hz, DC Environment : Operating Temperature: -25 degree C to +85 degree CyVon p a tS al ol M F30 3.0 Power housing,Micro fit, 2 row, for Male contact. MF30 . MF30 Series Type The body of wafer: Wafer: 3.0mm Pitch S= SMT H= Horizontal E= wiEar tab D= Dip V= Vertical oo wnretal Clip H= Housing Housing: Housing. or Contact M= Male D= Housing F= Female Terminal: Terminal: Blank M= Male F= Female MF30-HMD1 1 E@- Wafer: Blank Housing: Blank Terminal: T= Tin plated No. of Positions 02~24 L lL L L Cyt yt ey Oy gg ey ey ey ue re Ls 7 a 7 tl 7 al ~ Ll af ~ ae ae te bd Cyt yt ey gd eg ey ey oe he Oe General Specification Materials and Finish : Insulator: Glass-reinforce thermoplastic, UL 94V-0, Nylon 66, Color Black. Electrical (after assembled with MF30-HM1T-XX): Contact Resistance: 10 mQ max. at 1A DC Insulation Resistance: 1000 MQ min, at 500 V/DC. Dielectric Withstanding Voltage : 1500 V AC/RMS 60Hz for one minute. Current Rating : 5A AC, DC Voltage Rating : 250V AC/RMS 60Hz, DC Environment: Operating Temperature: -25 degree C to +105 degree CAmphenol Biizw Micro fit, Male, Tin plated. MF30 . Teminal contact for 3.0 power housing, 1 [E@- MF30 Series Type The body of wafer: Wafer: Wafer: No. of Positions 3.0mm Pitch S= SMT H= Horizontal E= w/Ear tab Blank 02~24 D= Dip V= Vertical Sanam Housing: H= Housing Housing: Ho using. Blank ; or Contact M= Male D= Housing ermina : F= Female Terminal: T= Tin plated Terminal: Blank M= Male F= Female MF30-HM1T 6.55 o os . } i C_$ 1\@ 2, 5 a | | Ps a | i N ol dH | 2.15 a 0.70 N = : gl NI 1 i if | 240+0.3 - S 5 rT ? / BN Le wR co} ) ny y vw oS Alo NIN N a | | 2.50 2.10 _. 0.64+0.1 " 1.24 g ol | | 0.64+0.1 A-A B-B C-C D-D General Specification Materials and Finish : Contact : Phosphor Bronze Finish: Tin plated Application Wires: AWG# 20~24 Electrical after assembled with MF30-HMD1-Xx): Contact Resistance: 20 mQ max. at 1A DC Insulation Resistance: 1000 MQ min, at 500 V/DC. Dielectric Withstanding Voltage : 1500 V AC/RMS 60Hz for one minute. Current Rating : 5A AC, DC Voltage Rating : 250V AC/RMS 60Hz, DC Environment : Operating Temperature: -25 degree C to +85 degree CpVan p a iS a oO I M F30 Micro Power wafer, 3.0pitch, R/A, SMT, w/Clips MF30 1 Ea- MF30 Series Type The body of wafer: Wafer: Wafer: No. of Positions 3.0mm Pitch S= SMT H= Horizontal E= war tab Blank 02~24 D= Dip V= Vertical Co etal lp Housing: H= Housing Housing: wags Blank Housing: Terminal: or Contact M= Male D= Housing T= Tin plated eeypeeses: Re F= Female Terminal: = (In plate Terminal: Blank M= Male F= Female MF30-SHC1 Cireuit Dimension ircuit Dimension IFCUITS A B Ircuits A B 2 6.7 = 14 | 24.7 | 18.0 4 9.7 | 3.0 16 | 27.7 | 21.0 a 6 12.7 | 6.0 18 | 30.7 | 24.0 2 8 15.7 | 9.0 20 | 33.7 | 27.0 A 10. | 18.7 | 12.0 | 22 | 36.7 | 30.0 12>| 21.7 [ 15.0 | 24 | 39.7 | 33.0 A+0.50 Circuit 2 B+0.20 ["_ Last Circuit | j --00#0.05 Circuit. 1 q rN +_, ms y __ Seen d [Vl lei | | _ CyI0.1 3 J 1.35 3 _ 2 J 1 6.00 ) = | 4 nj Metal board lock 2-92.41 _ 2 Circuit 1 +0.0 PCB Layout General Specification Materials and Finish : Insulator: Glass-reinforce thermoplastic, UL 94V-0, Nylon 46, Color Black. Contact : Brass, Tin plated. Electrical after assembled with MF30-HM1T-XX): Contact Resistance: 10 mQ max. at 1A DC Insulation Resistance: 1000 MQ min, at 500 V/DC. Dielectric Withstanding Voltage : 1500 V AC/RMS 60Hz for one minute. Current Rating : 5A AC, DC Voltage Rating : 250V AC/RMS 60Hz, DC Environment: Operating Temperature: -25 degree C to +105 degree CVon p h s n @) l M F30 3.0 Power wafer,Micro fit, 2 row, R/A, SMT, w/Tabs MF30 1 Ea- MF30 Series Type The body of wafer: Wafer: Wafer: No. of Positions 3.0mm Pitch S= SMT H= Horizontal E= wiEar tab Blank 02~24 D= Dip V= Vertical Bo etal Clp Housing: seeeen H= Housing Housing: Housing. Blank _ ousing: Terminal: or Contact M= Male D= Housing T= Tin plated vaaeee Terminal: Blank M= Male F= Female MF30-SHE1 Circuit Dimension}... it Dimension Ircuits A B GIrCuits A B 2 6.7 14 24.7 18.0 4 9.7 3.0 16 27.7 | 21.0 6 12.7 6.0 18 30.7 | 24.0 & 5 re 8 15.7 9.0 20 33.7 | 27.0 | 10 18.7 12.0 22 36.7 | 30.0 A 12 21.7 15.0 24 39.7 353.0 A+0.30 B+0.20 9 Last Circuit 3.00+0.05 T \ - m | t A ee WE EerN : | Pe alele lea] L Circuit 2 \ Fixed Tabs i Circuit 1 | bi70 +--3.00+0.05 1.270.05 Le f p Y RSS ~ BS Ty TSy ESS} | saton 1.7040.10 BSY -1 1.56: cS} BSS SN i5.6+ 1 Ao ircuit 1 i 3431 PCB Layout General Specification Materials and Finish : Insulator: Glass-reinforce thermoplastic, UL 94V-0, Nylon 46, Color Black. Contact : Brass, Tin plated. Electrical : Contact Resistance: 10 mQ max. at 1A DC Insulation Resistance: 1000 MQ min, at 500 V/DC. Dielectric Withstanding Voltage : 1500 V AC/RMS 60Hz for one minute. Current Rating : 5A AC, DC Voltage Rating : 250V AC/RMS 60Hz, DC Environment: Operating Temperature: -25 degree C to +105 degree CMF30 . Am p al rs a] Oo | M F30 3.0 Power wafer,Micro fit, 2 row, R/A, SMT, w/Pegs 1 @- MF30 Series Type The body of wafer: Wafer: Wafer: No. of Positions 3.0mm Pitch S= SMT H= Horizontal E= wiEar tab Blank 02~24 D= Dip V= Vertical C= w/Metal Clip Housing: H=H : . P= w/Pags Blank = Housing Housing: Housing: _ or Contact M= Male D= Housing ne ; F= Female Terminal: = Hh plate Terminal: Blank Dimension M= Male Circuits F= Female A B c 2 6.7 ~~ 2.9 MF30-SHP1 0.64+0,01 4 9.7 3.0 2.9 6 12.7 6.0 2.9 8 15.7 9.0 7.6 10 18.7 12.0 10.6 12 21.7 15.0 13.6 Oo 14 24.7 18.0 16.6 a 16 27.7 | 21.0 | 19.6 A 18 30.7 24.0 22.6 20 33.7 27.0 25.6 Dim.A+0.30 22 36.7 350.0 | 28.6 Dim.B+0.20 gq 24 39.7 33.0 | 31.6 | __3.00+0.05, = Last Circuit; q td ie eae 3 RA = ie) H l ht [Olo.1] 3 al ql circuit 1 og 4 1.35. a circuit 2 d 6.00 MI 4.60 Plastic board lock circuit 1 .0+0.05 N PCB Layout Pin tae PW in Pin General Specification Materials and Finish : Insulator: Glass-reinforce thermoplastic, UL 94V-0, Nylon 46, Color Black. Contact : Brass, Tin plated. Electrical : Contact Resistance: 10 mQ max. at 1A DC Insulation Resistance: 1000 MQ min, at 500 V/DC. Dielectric Withstanding Voltage : 1500 V AC/RMS 60Hz for one minute. Current Rating : 5A AC, DC Voltage Rating : 250V AC/RMS 60Hz, DC Environment : Operating Temperature: -25 degree C to +105 degree CAm p h s n re) M F30 3.0 MF series, Vertical SMT, w/Clip, 2 row MF30 - MF30 Series Type The body of wafer: Wafer: 3.0mm Pitch S= SMT H= Horizontal E= wiEar tab D= Dip V= Vertical C wiMetal Clip H= Housing Housing: Housing. f or Contact M= Male D= Housing (Beapeess, F= Female Terminal: s Terminal: Blank M= Male F= Female MF30-SVC1 A+0.30 Last Circuit 3.00+0.0: LAO {| Circuit 1 Circuit, 2 2.16 B+0.10 9.90 3.10 00+0. p 1.27+0.05 2.5440.05 fy A 33 4 4 mM mw | a 3.43+0.05 sy , MA WF y dw YL 2.16+0.05 A \. 2-02.41 40.05 nw Ww 4d yw Circuit 1 PCB Layout 0.50 1 Ea- Wafer: Blank Housing: Blank Terminal: T= Tin plated No. of Positions 02~24 Dimension Dimension A 6.86 General Specification Materials and Finish : Insulator: Glass-reinforce thermoplastic, UL 94V-0, Nylon 46, Color Black. Contact : Brass, Tin plated. Electrical : Contact Resistance: 10 mQ max. at 1A DC Insulation Resistance: 1000 MQ min, at 500 V/DC. Dielectric Withstanding Voltage : 1500 V AC/RMS 60Hz for one minute. Current Rating : 5A AC, DC Voltage Rating : 250V AC/RMS 60Hz, DC Environment: Operating Temperature: -25 degree C to +105 degree CAm p h s n re) M F30 3.0 Power wafer, Micro fit, SMT ST, w/tab, 2 row MF30 - 1 Ea- MF30 Series Type The body of wafer: Wafer: Wafer: No. of Positions 3.0mm Pitch S= SMT H= Horizontal E= wiEar tab Blank 02~24 D= Dip V= Vertical Bo etal Cp Housing: H= Housing Housing: cousin Blank Housing: Terminal: or Contact M= Male D= Housing T= Tin plated F= Female Terminal: = Tin plate Terminal: Blank M= Male F= Female MF30-SVE1 _ Dimension |... Dimension Circuits A B Circuits A B Last_Circuit 2 6.7oia | 14 | 24.7 | 18.0 4 97 | 3.0 [ 16 | 27.7 | 21.0 6 12.7 | 6.0 [| 18 | 30.7 | 24.0 1S] = 8 | 15.7 [ 9.0 | 20 | 33.7 | 27.0 tes) 10 | 18.7 | 12.0 [| 22 | 36.7 | 30.0 5 12 | 21.7 | 15.0 [ 24 | 39.7 | 33.0 $ | Circuit 1 , | 0,640.01 Circuit 2 0.50 6.86 | 1.40 5 1 4 alles oR ga BIL 0.1 I B+0.10 19 | 3.00+0.05 , 1.27+0,05 3 : || , yn 7 on a nO 4 aM mw a __- Q Yaa BA LHe 3.43 Circuit 1 _I 5.61+0.05 PCB Layout General Specification Materials and Finish : Electrical: Environment : Contact Resistance: 10 mQ max. at 1A DC Insulator: Glass-reinforce thermoplastic, UL 94V-0, Nylon 46, Color Black. Contact : Brass, Tin plated. Insulation Resistance: 1000 MQ min, at 500 V/DC. Dielectric Withstanding Voltage : 1500 V AC/RMS 60Hz for one minute. Current Rating : 5A AC, DC Voltage Rating : 250V AC/RMS 60Hz, DC Operating Temperature: -25 degree C to +105 degree C