Detailed Description of Hardware
The MAX16803 EV kit demonstrates a high-output-cur-
rent LED driver with accurate current control based on
the MAX16803 current regulator. This EV kit is capable
of supplying regulated output currents of up to 350mA
and can run at supply voltages between 6.5V and 40V.
If the supply voltage is above the LED operating volt-
age by more than 7.5V, then the maximum output cur-
rent should be limited to prevent the device from
entering into thermal shutdown due to excessive power
The MAX16803 EV kit features PWM dimming to control
the LED brightness by varying the duty cycle of the
PWM input signal. Users can select between three lev-
els of output LED currents by setting jumper J3 (see
Table 1 for jumper settings). The MAX16803 EV kit also
includes a connection for the 5V-regulated output and
access to the on-board current-sense resistor.
Output Current Setting
The output current can be set to 150mA, 250mA, or
350mA by adjusting the position of jumper J3 (see
Table 1 for jumper settings). The current-sense resistor
is accessible through the RSNS connector. The output
current can be adjusted by removing R2 or R3, open-
ing all the pins of J3, and then connecting a resistor
across RSNS with a value calculated using the follow-
ing equation:
where RSNS is the external current-sense resistor and
IOUT is the desired output current.
PWM Dimming
The PWM dimming is for controlling the LED brightness
by adjusting the duty cycle of the PWM input signal
connected to the PWM_IN input. A HIGH at PWM_IN
input turns on the output current and a LOW turns off
the output current. Connect a signal with peak ampli-
tude between 5V and 40V and with frequency between
100Hz and 2kHz and vary the duty cycle to adjust the
LED brightness. LED brightness increases when duty
cycle increases and vice versa. Duty cycle can be as
low as 10% even at a PWM frequency of 2kHz.
Power Dissipation
Thermal shutdown turns the device off if power dissipa-
tion in the IC causes the junction temperature to reach
+155°C (typ). An external resistor can be added at the
input to the device or in series with LED to reduce the
power dissipation in the IC. The resistor’s power rating
should be higher than I2R. (I is the input current or LED
current, and R is the value of the added resistor.)
Use the following equation to calculate the maximum
LED current that can be drawn from the device without
causing a thermal shutdown:
where 2.666W is the maximum power dissipation
capacity of the device when mounted on a board as
per JEDEC specifications with ambient temperature
below +70°C. VIN is the input supply voltage and VLED
is the operating voltage of the LED.
5V-Regulated Output
The +5V regulator can be used to power other compo-
nents from the V5 connector. The 5V output can supply
up to 4mA of current and is not disabled during PWM off.
Jumper Selection
Three-pin jumper J1 controls the EN pin of the
MAX16803 and can enable or disable the device.
Three-pin jumper J2 can select between three different
output current settings. Two-pin jumper J3 controls the
PWM input of the device. Close J3 to disable PWM dim-
ming. Table 1 lists the jumper options.