TBW Series Tantalum Fused Capacitor TBW Fused Tantalum Capacitors offer protection from possible damaging short circuit failure modes. This is accomplished with an internal fuse using thin film technology that is in series with the capacitor. See the photograph on the right. The AVX fused tantalum offers lower ESR limits than competitive fused tantalum capacitors, and is available with Weibull and surge testing per MIL PRF 55365. Anode, fuse and leadframe assembly CASE DIMENSIONS: millimeters (inches) Case Code Length (L) Width (W) Height (H) Term. Width (W1) Term. Length (A) S min D 7.300.30 (0.2870.012) 4.300.30 (0.1690.012) 2.800.30 (0.1100.012) 2.40 0.10 (0.0940.004) 1.30 0.30 (0.0510.012) 3.80 (0.150) HOW TO ORDER TBW D 476 * 015 C S B 0^ ++ Type Case Size Capacitor Code pF code: 1st two digits represent significant figures, 3rd digit represents multiplier (number of zeros to follow) Capacitance Tolerance M = 20% K = 10% Voltage Code 015 = 15Vdc 035 = 35Vdc 050 = 50Vdc ESR Range C = Std ESR Packaging B = Bulk R = 7" T&R S = 13" T&R W = Waffle Qualification/ Reliability S = Cots+ B = 0.1%/ 1000 Hrs. D = DSCC Dwg 04053 Termination Finish 08 = Tin/Lead 00 = Solder Fused Surge Test Option 00 = None 23 = 10 cycles, +25C 24 = 10 cycles, -55C & +85C TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Technical Data: Capacitance Range: Capacitance Tolerance: Rated Voltage (VR) Category Voltage (VC) Surge Voltage (VS) Surge Voltage (VS) Temperature Range: Unless otherwise specified, all technical data relate to an ambient temperature of 25C 4.7F to 47F 10%; 20% 15 35 50 10 23 33 20 46 65 13 28 40 -55C to +125C +85C: +125C: +85C: +125C: CAPACITANCE AND RATED VOLTAGE, VR (VOLTAGE CODE) RANGE (LETTER DENOTES CASE SIZE) Capacitance F 3.3 4.7 6.8 10 15 22 33 47 68 Voltage Rating DC (VR ) to 85C Code 335 475 685 106 156 226 336 476 686 15V 35V 50V D D D RATINGS & PART NUMBER REFERENCE Part Number DSCC Part Number TBWD476*015C SB0^++ 04053 - 053 TBWD156*035C SB0^++ 04053 - 086 TBWD475*050C SB0^++ 04053 - 097 Case Size Cap (nom) (F) DC rated voltage (85C) (volts) ESR (max) 100 kHz +25C (ohms) D D D 47 15 4.7 15 35 50 0.75 0.75 0.75 DC Leakage (max) Dissipation Factor (max) +25C (A) +85C (A) +125C (A) +25C (%) +85/125C (%) -55C (%) 7.6 5.3 2.4 76.0 53.0 24.0 152.0 106.0 28.8 6 6 6 9 9 9 10 9 9