PART NUMBER: 332MPW400K GENERAL PURPOSE FILM Parts are RoHS compliant Date code when parts became RoHS: 14 FEATURES Axial lead, self healing metallized polypropylene ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Capacitance: 0.0033 uF Dissipation Factor: 0.001 Max at 1000 Hz and 25C Temperature Coefficient: -200 PPM/C: -100 PPM/C, 100 PPM/PC Ripple Current: - at - and 0 ESR: 53.588 Ohms at 1 kHz and 20C Self Inductance: 1 Nanchenries maximum per mm of body length and lead length dvdt: 15 Vis Terminal to Terminal Dielectric strength: 1.6 times the rated DC voltage when applied between the terminals for 2 seconds Insulation Resistance (Terminal to Terminal): 30000 Megohms MINIMUM after Valts DC is applied for seconds at Reliability: 3 failures/billion component hours 3 FIT Load Life: 2000 hours at 65C with 125% of rated voltage Capacitance Change: =3% of initially measured value D.F. Change: 125% of maximum specified value LR. Change: >50% of minimum specified value PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS Diameter (D): 6.5 mm, MAX mm Length (L): 14.5 mm, MAX mm Lead Finish: Matte Tin Tolerance: -10 % . +10 % Temperature Range: -55C to +105C Above 65C the rated (DC/AC) voltage must be derated at per 1.25%0C WVDC: 400 Volts DC SVDC: N/A Volts DC VAC: 220 Volts AC Terminal to case Dielectric strength: 2 times the rated DC voltage when applied between the terminals for 2~5 seconds Insulation resistance (Terminal to Case): N/A Megohms MINIMUM after Volts DC is applied for seconds at Lead Spacing (5): mm, +/- mm Lead Diameter (d): 0.6 mm, +/-0.05 mm Lead Length (LL): 35mm, +/- MIN mm > ic D be te ee a J i ILLINOIS CAPACITOR, INC. S757 W. Touhy Ave. Lincolnwood, LG0712 (847}675-1760 FAX (247}673-2050 llinois Capacitor (HK) Ltd., Tel 85227930931, Fax: 85227930731, 2009 illinois Capacitor